Pain Secrets. We study pain points on the human body

Health 16.10.2019

Since ancient times, people have been interested in sleep and have tried to find “sleepy points” on the human body. It was very important for doctors and healers to know how to put a person to sleep, for example, tormented by insomnia, and such knowledge helped warriors to immobilize the enemy.

Operations such as amputation of limbs were carried out even by primitive people, and they needed all manipulations to be as painless as possible.

One of the methods of sedation was squeezing the vessels of the neck, which was first tried by the Syrians and Egyptians. Ether anesthesia was first tried in the 19th century before jaw surgery.

How to put a person to sleep with your hands?

AT different situations it may be necessary to search for sleep points and their location on the human body. Sometimes this skill is necessary for a person and in Everyday life. For example, in order to calm a person who is in the stage of intoxication.

Even in ancient times, people knew that when you press certain points on the human body, he could fall unconscious. One of these points is located on the shoulder a little closer to the neck, pressing it leads to loss of consciousness. The same thing happens when you press on the carotid artery. And it can be used as a way to put a drunk person to sleep.

How to fall asleep quickly?

Many people who suffer from insomnia wonder where the sleep point might be. Each person has several of them on the body.

By clicking on them, you can relax as much as possible, which will make it possible to get rid of the signs of insomnia:

  • A point that is one centimeter away from the outer corner of the eye. In order to put a person to sleep as quickly as possible, it should be massaged with the index and middle fingers;
  • The area between the eyebrows. To activate it, you need to press it several times with your index finger;
  • A point at the width of a finger from the nostrils is massaged in a circular motion;
  • In order for relaxation to come as quickly as possible, you need to press on the points above the eyeballs with two fists, then lower your eyelids and try to “see” your own legs with your inner gaze.

Advice! When pressing on various points on the body, you need to be extremely careful, since the reaction of each individual human body can be simply unpredictable.

How to quickly influence and lull a drunk person? After all, in this state, anyone can behave unpredictably and inadequately. To do this, it will be enough to buy sleeping pills in a pharmacy. Today, there are many tools that produce a similar effect.

When using sleeping pills, it is important to be as careful as possible. Indeed, among them there are those, when taking which it is unacceptable to deviate from the dosage indicated in the annotation.

Quite often, cases of euthanizing a person for the purpose of robbery are common. For this, clonidine is used, which is also mixed into alcoholic beverages. But after such a mixture, a person feels very bad, so it is not recommended to use it to lull a drunk.

Alcohol and medications capable of producing unpredictable effects. Alcohol can, in an hour, affect the effect of the drug, provoke respiratory arrest, which can even be fatal.

hypnosis theory

Hypnosis is an effective method to quickly put a person to sleep. People who master hypnosis are able to influence others, inspire them to perform certain actions (including putting them to sleep) and even thoughts, and also engage in self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis is mentioned in many religious books and is closely connected with the history of human development. It is impossible to determine the exact period of occurrence of hypnosis.

It is likely that it began to develop in the era of the existence of primitive people, when rites and ritual actions played a very important role in the life of tribes, where shamans were their heads.

Today you can learn how to instantly put a person to sleep using hypnosis. as it has become incredibly popular and widespread.

Moreover, it can be used both for good purposes, and for subordinating the will and mind of the masses of people. So, with the help of hypnosis, you can safely heal the demoniac and obsessed, including influencing a person who is in a strong alcoholic intoxication.

Hypnotic sleep is one of the types of sleep that a hypnotist can cause, while maintaining full contact with the person-object of influence. That is why the effect on human consciousness is strong enough.

A master who has the ability to hypnotize knows exactly how to put a person to sleep for an hour. Also, with the help of hypnosis, you can calm a person who is in psycho-emotional arousal. Most often, such emotions serve as a signal that opportunities may not coincide with needs.

Medical preparations for influencing human consciousness

Despite the fact that today a large number of drugs are known that can be used to lull a person instantly, they should only be used by qualified specialists in special dosages. If dosages are not observed, the effect can be fatal.

One of these potent drugs is chloroform, which, in terms of its narcotic effect, is 3-4 times stronger than ether and the same number of times more toxic. This drug is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor. His fumes are not annoying respiratory tract, but the liquid has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes and skin.

The subject of our conversation is old and primitive, like a method of destroying snowmen. To put it figuratively, we're talking about fixing a problem in the form of a single individual by damaging the latter with minimal physical cost on your part. Phew! In a more understandable language, we will help you quickly and without straining to force a person who is physically superior to you to abandon the idea of ​​suppressing you.

Let's start with the fact that, although we will give below the ways in which you can quickly disable human body You will still need to make some efforts though. Let's take for granted the fact that your opponent is a person who is physically more developed / armed / not alone in his desire to inflict physical violence on you (underline as necessary). Taking into account the difference in the physical preparation of readers, we will present the options for influencing the opponent in ascending order of the muscular work required to achieve the desired effect. Simply put, if you already know how to fight at the very least, press Page Down 3 times; if very good and mean, then immediately 7.


The most vulnerable area of ​​most living beings is the eyes. Man is no exception. One of better ways to plunge him into an abyss of suffering, abundantly washed with tears - to strike at the eyes. However, the wrong execution of this martial pas can lead to the failure of the entire enterprise, on the one hand, and to the loss of your opponent's eye, on the other. Agree, neither is your goal. The best option for striking is diagonally from the bottom up, with the palm facing you. In this scenario, the upper integuments of the eyeball and eyelids are guaranteed to suffer, but the eyes will not receive serious injuries.

Also, your target may be the nose of the enemy. A direct hit on a person in this respiratory organ will in any case lead to a short-term shock. However, if you strike from the bottom up with the base of the palm, aiming at a point directly under the bridge of the nose, this shock will be much stronger. Our nose is designed in such a way that depreciation occurs in a plane parallel to the ground, and it is extremely sensitive to impacts perpendicular to the ground. Do not disregard the headbutt in the nose, which is popular in cinema. If a trained person strikes the enemy in the bridge of the nose with the receptacle of his thoughts, this will lead to profuse bleeding, a possible nose fracture, and in some cases - to a knockout. However, we recommend that you inflict such a blow only if your hands are occupied with some important artifacts, and snow-white slippers with Vladimir lace are on your feet, which you do not want to dirty about this scoundrel under any pretext. That is, it’s better to forget about him, unless, of course, your goal is a self-knockout, which will allow you to erase the shameful moments of your defeat from your memory. As an attentive reader, you have already noticed that the phrase "from the bottom up" is repeated twice already. And this is no coincidence. The vast majority of strikes designed to instantly hit a person are delivered precisely along this vector, since it allows you to strike unnoticed and with enough force to achieve your misanthropic goal. That is why we are afraid of children and petite women.

When we talked about the vulnerable parts of the human body, you certainly immediately thought about it. Groin area and the testicles in it have always been the target of blows, precisely because of their paradoxical sensitivity to meeting other people's shoes. Oddly enough, one of the most important organs is the only one that neither bones nor muscles protect. Due to the need for special storage conditions, the gonads of men are forced to be in a vulnerable position. An exact kick with a toe in the cherished area will give you undeniable advantage in the ongoing discussion. In principle, this way of eliminating a person is the simplest and most effective. Its only drawback is the ethical side. We are of the opinion that resorting to this secret weapon is worth it only in extreme cases, when you are really in danger.


Continuing our bloodthirsty story, let's move on to the next cluster of areas of the human body (we have long wanted to write the word "cluster"). Impact on these organs will require you to have a higher level physical training and general dexterity in this matter. Remembering all the people you have seen, you will undoubtedly notice that in addition to the nose and eyes, which we have already written about, ears grow on the head of any self-respecting person, which can also be a target for your crushing blows. A correct, accurate and strong blow to two ears at the same time can lead to rupture of the eardrums, bleeding in the cavity of the ear, throat and nose, and loss of consciousness.

In his book "Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World" J. Gilby talks about the Soviet wrestler Slimansky, who for a long time was an employee of the state security agencies, but after the Hungarian events of 1956 he emigrated to the United States. This person describes a blow to the ears with the palms folded in a boat, while all fingers are pressed tightly together. As a result of such a blow, a person is injured in the middle ear and disoriented in space. Similar strikes during World War II were also studied by the creator of the famous combat dagger, William Ewart Fairburn. It was considered the height of skill to sneak up on the sentry from behind and hit him on the ears, causing damage and stunning. Returning from the legends of superintelligence to harsh reality, we can say that a blow to the ear, even one, in any case, will give a person a lot of sensations. We must try to strike in such a way that the palm falls on the auricle. In this situation, even if you fail to stun the enemy or incapacitate him, the severe pain from the bruised ear cartilage and the blow to the sensitive area itself will give you two paths for the development of events: finishing off the opponent by all means known to you, or hastily disappearing from the scene . To maintain your optimism, option number three, when the two-meter-high aggressor looks at you in bewilderment, scratching your ear, and proceeds to your phased destruction, is not considered.

Continuing the study of the human head, you suddenly find out that the thickness of the skull is different in all its parts. On average, it is 5 millimeters, and in the most protected place, in the frontal part - up to a centimeter. In the temples, the bone has a thickness of only 1-2 millimeters. Also under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. As you already understood, this area is extremely vulnerable to strikes. If something happens in life that you decide to knock out the enemy with a blow to the temple, you need to do it wisely, if you don’t want to hear the phrase “exceeding necessary measures self-defense" and "sushi crackers". The smart thing to do in this situation is to strike with the palm of your hand, not with the bones of your fist. You should not be zealous with the base of the palm: this option can also be fatal, because even if you fail to knock out a person, the palm will lie in such a way that the blow will spread to the eye, and this is already a double blow. Combo!

Truly, the head is a unique collection of points to which you can direct your rage, denouncing it in the form of merciless fists. When it already seemed to you that you know everything about the forceful impact on the human skull, we extract another trump card from our sleeve - the jaw. lower. No, I don't. Hitting your opponent's jaw will require sharpness, accuracy, correct trajectory and a clenched fist. With the right combination of all factors, you will get a knockout. That is, the opponent will get a knockout, and you will get an incredibly increased self-confidence. Your punch doesn't have to be super strong. The knockout comes not so much from the force of the blow, but from its speed and sharpness. The brain, which is in the cranium in the liquid, is very sensitive to touching the walls of the skull. A blow to the jaw, delivered from the bottom up straight or diagonally to the vertical axis, will cause the head to make a sharp jerk. The brain, obeying the laws of physics, will hit the walls of the cranium, which will cause its partial short-term shutdown, that is, a knockout. It is highly undesirable to carry out a direct blow to the jaw, since a person has teeth. It would seem that this fact does not apply to the subject of our conversation, but your opinion will change at the moment when you, having missed the jaw, hit your teeth with your fist. Injuries to the hand received in such a situation are very dangerous, because, being in the places of the fold, they heal for an extremely long time. Periosteum damage is also possible. Such injuries are often accompanied by inflammation, infections that tend to get into the bone, suppuration, gangrene, amputation, apocalypse ... In general, do not hit people in the teeth. And the bottom-up vector, as you already know, has undeniable advantages.

So that you do not stare with frank bloodthirstiness at the heads of all the citizens around you, let's turn your attention to your feet. Kicks to the legs, although they do not knock out the enemy, may well make him reconsider his attitude towards you, or at least shock the enemy, giving time for reflection and further actions. Some craftsmen advise to ruthlessly stomp the opponent's toes, bringing him into a state of indescribable pain shock. The undoubted advantage of this option is that in case of failure, you can refer to the original national dances and defile somewhere far away with an elegant paso doble. If you want to inflict a more or less effective blow on your opponent, you just need to remember the last time you played football. You are required to make the simplest "football" kick with the toe of your boot into the shin of the ill-wisher. The blow should be applied to the inside of the leg, where the bone is located, not protected by the muscle. To achieve this condition, it is enough to beat with the right foot on the right, and with the left, respectively, on the left limb of the adversary. The requirements for such a strike are accuracy, strength and preferably hard shoes. The nerve endings in the periosteum will immediately convey your positive mental impulse to the owner of the lower leg. An unpleasant surprise for you can be athletes with a stuffed shin (although a strong blow will pierce even such a trained leg) and people who do not feel their legs. Hit those fingers in the eyes! Or just leave - they still won't catch up with you.

It is impossible to lose sight of such an object for kicks as knee-joint. Of course, there is a risk of causing serious injury to a person. However, if the villain is not hit, there is a risk of injury to himself. The blow is completely identical to the previous one, the difference is only in the purpose of the blow and the effectiveness. It takes much less effort to hurt a person in the knee. Knee-joint, being one of the most complex joints of the human body, will respond even to a medium-strength blow inflicted by the toe of the boot under the kneecap.

Advanced user

Having examined the head and legs for vulnerable points, you involuntarily wonder what to do if you think that poking a person with your fingers in the eyes is undignified, kicking in the legs is somehow girlish, and pounding in the groin is generally unacceptable. It is at this moment that an inconspicuous torso at first glance will appear before your eyes! This receptacle of the respiratory, digestive and circulatory organs cannot but arouse your interest as a bloodthirsty nature. However, the internal organs are perfectly protected by bones and muscles. Although, as you understand, if everything was so hopeless, we would not even write about it. In the course of experiments and modeling of life situations, we found several points on the human body that you could well influence to resolve disagreements with anyone.

For some, the phrase "hit in the liver" is associated exclusively with holidays, fatty foods, alcohol and other options for having a good time. But for you, a street fighter, the liver is primarily the target for a blow that delivers unbearable suffering to the victim, and for you - the primal joy of an alpha male, overthrowing an opponent. This organ performs a number of important functions in the body: removing harmful substances from the blood, converting various substances into energy (glucose), hematopoiesis, and so on. The liver is located on the right side abdominal cavity and is protected only by a muscular frame, and in someone - by fat. A blow to the liver results in a sharp, severe pain, an inability to straighten up and often move the limbs. Simply put, having received it in the liver, a person immediately assumes the fetal position and stays in this state for several minutes. To defeat this organ, you will need the simplest knowledge of anatomy and a more or less developed force of impact. If you have a habit of punching through concrete blocks, be careful. Rupture of the liver leads to serious consequences, and in some cases to immediate death.

The human body can also respond very expressively to a blow to solar plexus- a nerve node located in the very center of the human body and controlling the muscular diaphragm of the lungs and the muscles of most abdominal organs. When struck at this point, a spasm of the diaphragm occurs, which almost deprives a person of the ability to breathe. There are also short-term disturbances in the work of the heart, which cannot but affect the general well-being of your opponent. As with the liver punch, you will need to invest in this punch in order to achieve the desired result.

Of course, there are many more ways to disable the human body. We decided that if we give you a little more information on this topic, then in the next issue we will have to write an article-guide for those who want to protect themselves from an aggressive madman who attacks people with enviable obstinacy, pokes his fingers in their eyes, hits them in the ears , kicks on the knees and rolls around the crotch.

It remains only to say that the main factor that can interfere with you is your own civilized consciousness, which will resist for a long time your decision to end the conflict in such a primitive, but in an efficient way like a fight.

The human body is an amazing apparatus, since ancient times we have studied our body in the hope of discovering all the secrets of our body. Years of study have made us understand that our body, although it looks perfect, also has a lot of flaws.

We used to call them pain points. Pain points are vulnerable places on the body, a blow to which causes acute pain in a person. They are called dots because of the method of pinpointing weak spots.

How to determine the strength of the impact

The modern method for determining the force of impact on a painful point is determined by five levels:

    1. The first the level of this weak blow, which does not cause serious damage to the attacker, but serves only as a distraction for retaliation to the opponent's attacks.
    2. Second has a slightly stronger effect in a fight compared to the first.
    3. Third same - these are attacks that can lead to stunning the enemy or numbness of the affected limbs. Such techniques will allow you to neutralize the enemy for a short period of time.
  1. Impact on points fourth level can have serious consequences, blows often lead to injury or loss of consciousness, sometimes the result of interaction with points is paralysis.
  2. blows fifth levels are extremely dangerous for the opponent's health, techniques can be fatal.

Now you should pay attention to the fact that all pain points of the body can be divided into conditional groups - points of the head, torso and legs.

Head pain points

The first points we will look at are the points of the head. These include: eyes, nose, ears, temples, lips and chin.


The eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, any blow to them will cause pain. To damage the eyes, a simple “fork” technique is suitable. However, there is a possibility that your fingers can intercept and twist, be on the lookout.

Even a mild direct blow to the nose almost guarantees bleeding and severe discomfort. For a more effective impact result, it is recommended to use a “catchy” blow with the knuckles on the convex part of the nose to the side. Such a blow guarantees a painful shock to the opponent.


In this place, blows have the most serious consequences, since the skull is most vulnerable in this area, traumatic nerves and arteries are dangerously close to the surface of the skin. Majority various types strikes can lead to lethal outcome or severe head injury.

Upper lip

She is one of the most vulnerable parts of the head. A powerful blow at an angle of 20-30 can cause brain injury, and the usual burning pain in the area of ​​application.


attacks back side hands provide optimal effect, when using fisticuffs, damage to the hand is possible.


Vulnerable point - a depression at the bottom point, you should use the poke method with your fingers. The attack causes breathing difficulties and spasm in the lungs.

Adam's apple

Most attack options in this place are fatal. It is recommended to use tearing grips.

An attack with the back of the hand knocks out the opponent.

Torso pain points

Solar plexus

The blow should be delivered with a fist. Such a blow causes burning pain, which causes a person to bend or kneel.

Attention: too strong a blow to the solar plexus can lead to death!


In the armpit, the large one passes close to the skin, so any blow there causes severe pain, temporarily paralyzing the enemy.

Belly, groin and kidneys

A punch to the stomach forces the opponent to bend, which will allow additional blows to the back or neck, a kick toe is no less effective.

The groin is one of the most convenient points for a strike. A kick, fist, palm, knee immobilizes the opponent.

Hits on the kidneys can cause nervous shock and death without proper medical treatment. help, blows should be applied with the edge of the palm, as well as with the knee.

false edge

A blow to this rib can be applied from both sides of the body, but a stronger effect is manifested by a blow to the right side of the opponent. You should hit with your elbow, knee or edge of the palm.

Pain points of the legs


Blows to the knee, its lateral part and to the patella should be applied with the edge of the boot. This technique immobilizes the enemy, damaging the ligaments and the knee joint.


The blow should be applied with the outer edge of the boot, keeping it perpendicular to the ankle. Kicking with the toe of the boot is extremely ineffective and it is recommended not to use it.


In the shin area, the bone is the least thin and, accordingly, poorly protected. The impact with the outer edge of the foot at the level of 1/3 of the height of the lower leg from below is most effective.


The most vulnerable and fragile bones are located in the foot. Blows to these bones easily lead to their destruction. Basically, these are strikes with the heel or foot from top to bottom. It is recommended to carry out when the enemy is behind you.

Strikes on pain points are often used in special combat techniques. Special combat techniques are aimed at ensuring a person's safety in situations where his life is threatened by a mortal threat.

Not a single special combat technique is aimed at the deliberate killing of a person, but only to disarm (immobilize) the enemy.

Watch the training video in which a self-defense specialist talks about working with pain points:

First of all, understand that half a year of attending a sambo section or martial arts does not guarantee you victory in a duel when attacked by a night robber. It is unlikely that a criminal who has decided to enter an unsafe trade has less experience in fights than you.

Feeling like Bruce Lee, you only hurt yourself by blunting your guard, if you like, even fear that is healthy for such situations, and as a result you do not use the only opportunity that allows you to “make legs”. In order to confidently resist the criminal, half a year of martial arts is not enough. Yes, perhaps even a year is not enough.

If you have already decided in self-defense to master the secrets of the arts hand-to-hand combat, do not strive to work out all the known techniques, for which, naturally, there will not be enough time or energy. As a result, you will know a lot and at the same time nothing. For a night fight, five or six blows are quite enough, but brought to automatism. This is something that every person can do. Preference should be given to the simplest and at the same time the most traumatic techniques. You can read about them in special literature, which today is in abundance on every book counter.

Indeed, it should be noted that theoretical study self-defense techniques during an attack have not yet saved anyone. When attacked, during a real fight without combat experience a person almost always gets lost and completely forgets where and how to hit. Hand-to-hand combat techniques only justify themselves when they have been repeated a thousand times during training. Then the fighter, during the attack and during the battle, acts in accordance not with the mind, but with the developed conditioned reflex.

So, if you want to be able to protect yourself not imaginatively, but for real, build from old clothes a fake pear stuffed with rags of your alleged enemy, in extreme cases, draw his figure on the wall, mark three or four most vulnerable points and beat them with your hands and feet every day. Only in this case, in case of an unexpected attack, will you be able to resist. Most of all, training on dummies is necessary to develop the habit of hitting a living person. Where we don’t know how to hit hard, because we know how painful it is. Well, we are not able to cut the throat with the edge of the palm of our hand, drive the cartilages of the nose into the brain and gouge out the eyes with our fingers.

Our whole being resists such blows, and therefore, at the very last moment, our hand weakens and our outstretched fingers freeze in front of open eyes enemy. It is possible to overcome this psychological barrier only by adopting the methods of teaching the techniques of hand-to-hand combat of special forces, that is, beating dummies every day and poking fingers into the eyes drawn on paper inclined towards a pear. Preferably drawn very realistically in order to gradually get used to not soften the force of the blow. Then, even if you are afraid to cripple a person, you will still hit with full force, the way your hand is used to.

Available pain points on the human body.

I will indicate the pain points most accessible to a non-specialist, which, if successfully obtained, can cool the ardor of the attacking enemy for some time. Phalanges of the toes, on which, during an attack, it is very convenient to hit from above with the heel of a shoe, and even more painfully - with a hairpin of a woman's shoe. Shin, a sharp blow to which the toe or heel of a hard boot is extremely sensitive. Groin. Such a blow can neutralize the man who attacked you for more than a minute. The pain from such a blow can incapacitate even the most experienced fighter. It's only in the movies after hitting the given area the enemy's leg, the hero, smiling charmingly, continues the fight.

A normal man will sit quietly on the ground for at least five minutes. And, by the way, his hands will be busy supporting the injured organ. It is a sin not to take advantage of the moment and not to “finish off” the villain with a blow to an open face. What, cruel? Then substitute your organs and your face. But only then do not complain that the enemy, not appreciating your nobility, did not hold back his blows during the attack. In war as in war. And a night attack on an initially weaker passer-by is even worse than war. At least it is carried out according to certain rules.

Solar plexus. This punch is good, but it requires certain boxing skills, which, theoretically, from reading this advice a hundred times, are not developed. Throat- the most vulnerable part of the human body. But in order to hit him, it is desirable to make the enemy lift his head. Take a look at the roof of the nearest building, roll your eyes, let out an exclamation of surprise, maybe your opponent will fall for the trick and look up, for which he will raise his chin. Hit the opened Adam's apple with your fist or the edge of your palm. A hard blow to the throat can be fatal.

A very painful blow with a tightly clenched fist in base of the nose or into the carrier. But such blows must be well placed. Punch in temple capable of instantly incapacitating the enemy. A strong blow is to kill. back of the head, or rather, the upper part of the neck. A hard blow with a fist or the edge of the palm to the base of the skull can not only immobilize, but kill your opponent. Eyes- most vulnerable spot. They are not protected by muscles or skin. They are open to traumatic impact. An accurate lunge can blind an opponent for hours, while a strong one can blind an opponent for life. The beat should be spread with the middle and index fingers, thumb or middle knuckles.

A sharp blow with the edge of the palm from the bottom up in upper lip causes severe pain and loss of consciousness, since there is a dense network of nerve endings at the base of the nasal cartilage. A strong blow from both sides with folded hands on the ears causes the attacker to lose consciousness. I must say that the eyes, lips and ears are very sensitive to force during an attack. Something to remember during close combat, when it is impossible to strike from afar. For example, when trying or strangling, when the enemy came close or wrapped his arms around his victim.

In this case, only the eyes, lips, and ears are potentially reachable. They should be hit. Eyes with fingers. On the lips - with a fist or grab them with your fingers and jerk down with all possible strength. The same can be done with the ears. But it is even better to push some sharp object into the ear - a hairpin pulled out of the hair, a fountain pen, a key, etc. A damaged eardrum will cool the ardor of the most ferocious bandit. But the easiest and most effective way is to use not fingers, but teeth, especially since, unlike hands, they are likely to be free. So you should cling to them in all the same lips, ears and nose. And so to cling to that at least bite off. As a powerful shock weapon, you can use your own head.

For example, if the enemy grabbed you from behind during an attack. Hitting the back of your head on the bridge of your nose is a very serious blow. Of course, if you have the courage to hit with all your might. In the same way, you can hit the opponent standing in front with your head. In the criminal environment, they are very fond of such, stealthily blows. And that means they will suit you. Feel free to use improvised means. Pull out the penknife. Hit in the face with sharp keys. Umbrella point. The cutting edges of a bottle broken on the asphalt, which you hold by the neck. Cauterize an enemy's skin with a burning cigarette. Or poke in the eyes with the tip of a fountain pen. Women can successfully use a hairpin as a weapon. Feel what the name is? Barrette. Well, then use it for its intended purpose!

But! Whatever methods of defense and attack you possess, whatever weapons you prepare for battle, you should not show your skill ahead of time. If the enemy knows what to expect from you, combat skills lose their significance. No threats (I have four dans in my asset and a grenade in my pocket!), no warning attacks and defensive defensive postures. On the contrary, pretend to be clumsy, relax the enemy with demonstratively stupid actions, convince him of your incapacity, let him open up and quickly, without pre-training, that is, without swings, fighting stances, inflict a “deadly” blow.

Just don't look where you're going to strike. Do not warn him of your intentions if you do not want to run into a counterattack. Look elsewhere. And don't be silent! Shout "Hurrah!", "I'll kill you!", "Police!" or something more articulate, but no less formidable! First, someone can hear you and call the police. Secondly, screaming is a means of psychological attack. Unless, of course, he has the tone of a threat, and not a request for mercy. Thirdly, your cry “turns on” you, sets you up for battle and victory. Confident in his own strength.

It is not for nothing that most street fights begin with insults and screams that warm up the fighters. And it is not for nothing that in martial arts, the reception is accompanied by screams. Well, you scream too. It's even easier to die that way. Than in deathly silence for you. If you managed to "drop" your opponent to the ground, don't wait for him to get up - go for finishing moves. I understand that such advice has little to do with the code of officer honor and the unwritten rules of yard children's fights, where they don't beat a lying person. And you will have to. And it is lying down. Until he got up and laid you on the vacant place on the pavement.

Finishing off a defeated opponent during an attack is one of the first rules of street fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Do not let the bandit who attacked you get up. Kick him in the most vulnerable points - in the face, stomach, groin. Hit until he stops trying to get up. Beat, even if you have not touched a single person in your entire life. Then the more hit. In a similar situation, as in a battle - either you or you. I only conjure you - hit with full force, because if he gets up, you will no longer be able to count on pity. You will be killed already. Bandits don't like passion when they get hurt.

One or two with the maximum application of impact forces - and a quick retreat or finishing off an enemy who has not come to his senses. The middle, that is, the expectation when he comes to his senses, is equal to defeat. Beat. Without fear of hurting your opponent. Remember that the Criminal Code gives you the right to self-defense. Up to the killing of the attacking side when attacking you. There is a case when a farmer killed three racketeers who came to receive “tribute” from him from a double-barreled shotgun and was released in peace. Remember that under the law, the attacker will be found guilty even if he suffers more than the victim. Even if it's crippled.

Necessary self-defense when attacked.

But only when attacked. And if it only threatens, and you respond to abuse and demonstration of fists with a crippling blow, then the Criminal Code no longer protects you, but your victim. And you turn from a victim into a criminal. This is the facet of legislation that you need to know about so as not to suddenly end up on prison bunk beds. A citizen has the right to self-defense in the event of an attack only in situations that clearly threaten his life and the lives of his loved ones. In all other cases, he cannot count on the softness of the law.

As well as in cases where not random bricks, stakes, penknives and kitchen knives were used as a weapon of retaliation, but firearms and edged weapons prohibited by law, as well as grenades, grenade launchers, poisonous substances, tanks and artillery of large calibers. What I must warn the reader about. However, when meeting in a dark alley with a group of bandits, I recommend not remembering this law. In order not to weaken the force of impact. Because the law, even in the worst case scenario, can send an unwitting killer to places not so distant only for a decade and a half. And the bandits - to the next world for the rest of their lives.

And now, I will tell you about one more, but this time a tragic case. The French champion in karate, the owner of many belts, medals, etc., sports and combat distinctions, was killed by a juvenile teenage hooligan with an awl in the back. This I mean that you can not consider your skill as a panacea for all possible ills. You can also lose.

In conclusion, I will give a really wise rule of the ancient Eastern fighters: the battle won is the one that did not take place! And in addition, let me remind you of our domestic, perhaps not so sophisticated, but essentially accurate sentence: there is no reception against scrap! So try to win the fight without starting it. By following them, you will be better protected from surprises than even having a black belt in karate.

Based on the materials of the book "School of Survival in the Conditions of the Economic Crisis".
Andrei Ilyichev.

Everyone has pain points, since we are all human, and therefore we are all vulnerable. But finding these very points on our body still does not mean anything, because, firstly, you need to know where they are, secondly, you need to know how to act on the point, and thirdly, you need to choose the moment to strike. On the blog, earlier we talked about some pain points, such as the Adam's apple, groin, solar plexus, but these are far from all parts of our body, by acting on which, you can quickly disable an opponent.

Pain points

Hit on the ears

A blow to the ear with a fist will not give the same effect as a simultaneous blow with palms gathered in a boat on the ears. We put our palms in a boat, and beat on the ears. The effect will correspond to the strength and technique of the blow: shock, damage to the eardrums, or internal bleeding.

A blow to the temple area

In the temporal region there is a bone called the sphenoid, and a blow to this bone, to this part of the skull, can be fatal. The temporal bone, which is a little further away, is much stronger than the sphenoid. It is not difficult to get into the temple area even in the midst of a fight. It can be either a side punch, or. I'm not talking about kicking under certain conditions, and hitting with foreign objects.

Impact on the eyes

Probably everyone knows that the eyes are a pain point, but not everyone knows how to act on this point. In a life-and-death battle, knowledge of the impact on the eyes can help. Firstly, this is an ordinary pressure on the eyes with the thumbs, which is very unpleasant. If you try to hit the eyes with the index and middle fingers when the hand imitates a slingshot, then most likely you can harm yourself, and not the enemy. Yes, the opponent may suffer to a certain extent, but that does not mean that your fingers will remain undamaged. A blow to the eye can be delivered by bending the first and second knuckles of the middle finger while the fist is clenched in this form. That is, we squeeze the fist, but raise the middle finger a little up. This blow was discussed in the article "". You can also hit the eye with the middle, index and ring fingers folded into a bundle. We bend the middle finger so that the pads are in the same plane.

A blow to the nose

A good blow to the nose makes you “think about life”, but you can strike in such a way that a person no longer has to think about life. Of course, it all depends on the strength of the blow, and the average person is unlikely to be able to strike, but nevertheless. A blow from below with the base of the palm (the heel of the palm) can cause the nasal cartilage to enter the brain and "all". Of course, like many other blows, without preparation, he simply will not pass.

A blow to the upper lip

The upper lip, and in particular the connection of the nasal cartilage with the skull, is a rather vulnerable place. In the region of the upper lip, the nerves are close to the surface. The blow must be applied not with a fist, but with the edge of the palm, and as you could already understand, in upper part lips where there is a connection with cartilage. The blow must be applied at an angle, directing the blow upward diagonally. Even a not very strong blow causes pain, and a very strong one can lead to a concussion of the brain.

Chin punch

If we talk about a blow to the chin, then there are two options.

The first option is real, which has been tested by many in their own skin. The physics of a knockout come down to the fact that the chin is a lever for the rapid movement of the head. Due to this, the brain is displaced, hitting the skull, and as a result, a short circuit, which is called a knockout.

The second option can be called mythical, which describes the effect on the nerve that goes out on the lower jaw. From a direct impact on the nerve, there will be no knockout, the maximum is a temporary numbness of certain areas.

These are not all pain points. Let's continue.

Strike in the Adam's apple

Described in one of the articles. This kind of blow can be fatal due to suffocation, which is provoked by swelling of the larynx. Such a blow can be applied both with a fork of the thumb and forefinger, as well as with the edge of the palm and forearm. Naturally, a blow using shock technology will be more powerful and more dangerous. Just like the rest of the blows, it’s not enough just to talk about it, and even the knowledge of the technique does not mean that you will be able to carry it out in a real fight. As an option - start a fight with this blow, and finish it with it.

A blow to the lower part of the larynx

The point, which is located at the very bottom of the throat, between the upper segments of the clavicles, in the fossa, is also painful. If you hit there, then the opponent starts coughing and this causes an attack of suffocation. A blow to the lower part of the larynx can be carried out with correctly folded fingers. But the main thing here is not to miss, and to have prepared fingers.

Carotid blow

A blow to the carotid artery cannot be fatal if it is fast. With prolonged compression of the carotid artery, death occurs. I would like to note that there are two of them - left and right. The blow must be applied with the edge of the palm a little closer to the vertical line of the ear. You can hit both from the shoulder, palm down, and palm up, depending on the situation.

Hit on the back of the head

A blow to the back of the head, depending on the strength of the blow, can lead to various consequences. It is not necessary to beat very hard for a person to lose consciousness. Even the cuff is sensitive, to say nothing of a serious blow. You can hit with both the edge of the palm and the sides of the fist. As an option, approaching the enemy with a substep, moving slightly to the side, and hitting the side of the fist from the side of the thumb. The strike can be carried out in different ways, depending on the situation.

Let's continue to consider pain points.

Collarbone strike

A strong blow to the collarbone can break the bone. It is possible to strike the collarbone with the edge of the palm, but an elbow strike, which can be delivered by a person who does not know how to beat with his palms, will be more effective.

A blow to the solar plexus

Already figured it out, but let's look at it a little. Such a blow leads to difficult breathing, almost not allowing breathing. The blow is applied with a fist to the area of ​​​​the solar plexus - the angle of branching of the lower ribs. The person bends down or kneels, which indicates his defeat.

A blow to the armpit

A blow to the armpit causes severe pain, since the nerve is close to the surface. You can hit this area in different ways. When counterattacking, you can strike with your fist, or, when the opponent is on the ground, kick in the armpit.

Stab in the stomach

A blow to the stomach will deprive the opponent of strength, and a strong blow can cause internal bleeding. The effectiveness of the strike will depend on the physical fitness of the person, because it is not in vain that we are given the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

Kick in the groin

One of the most effective punches is a kick to the crotch. Pain shock is guaranteed. The blow can be carried out both with the shin and with the knee. It is also possible to strike with the elbow, forearm and edge of the palm. The enemy immediately leaves their formation, and you become the winner.

Kidney kick

Above the kidneys, there is a nerve that leaves the spine and is located close to the top, which leads to pain. And in itself, a blow to the kidneys is quite painful.

False ribs hit

Causes severe pain, up to fractures and so on. Beat with a fist, elbow, knee, foot in shoes.

Blow to the spine

Hitting the spine will not work just like that - for this you need the appropriate conditions. When an opponent is leaning over after a strike, or when he is trying to grab your legs. In this case it will a great opportunity for an elbow strike to the spinal column. In turn, a blow to the upper part of the spine can paralyze the upper limbs, and to the lower part of the lower limbs.

Kick in the knee

A blow from the side of the knee or to the patella is applied with a heavy boot. The enemy is then not capable of full-fledged movements, as tissues are damaged.

Ankle strike

The blow is applied in heavy shoes on the outside of the ankle. You need to hit with the edge of the boot at an angle of about 60 degrees. A blow can cause a fracture.

Foot strike

A powerful blow is applied from above to the foot, which can lead to bone fracture.

pain point behind the ear

Behind the ear, near the junction, at the level of the lobe, there is a painful point that can be used when grabbing.

Nostril grip

Such a grip is quite painful, which can help out in certain situations. You just need to stick two fingers into the opponent's nostrils, and pull up.

Lower lip grip

Also sensitive grip. The index finger and thumb create a crease on the lower lip, and squeeze as much as possible.

Here, probably, are all the pain points that I wanted to talk about, but not all of the existing ones.


Knowledge of the theory does not mean that either capture will be successfully applied in practice. It takes many hours of practice to incorporate certain punches and holds into practice.

This article is for informational purposes only!

The administration does not bear any responsibility for the use of the material!

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