What perks to download for excelsior. Heavy assault tank A33 Excelsior (UK)

Recipes 11.08.2019


Tier 5 British premium heavy tank. There are tanks that do not represent anything special in terms of parameters. Yes, there is armor, but many have it. Good mobility for a heavyweight - does he need it? The gun does not penetrate, only on gold. Why do you need such a prem that does not farm? And here you are sitting, reflecting on these performance characteristics. And then you accidentally press "To battle". Ride. Hm. Rolled again. And then he came to his senses for a hundred fights, with three notches on the barrel, with a bunch of awards. Yes, the tank still doesn't farm, but that's not the point. It is important to enjoy the game and with it Excelsior does great.

History reference

After the difficult African campaign, when Rommel drove the British through the desert with his tanks, tank policy changed dramatically. It became clear that the concept of cruising and infantry tanks outlived itself and needed something fundamentally new. The General Staff issued an application that he needed a project of some kind of MBT, which could combine the average characteristics of both directions. The idea is ahead of its time, but let's see how it was implemented.

To create such a tank, it was decided to use the chassis that had just been put into service. This was the beginning of the end of the project. In 1942, Rolls-Royce presented two projects for a new tank: one with applied armor, and the second with reinforced armor and improved suspension. However, these half-measures did not satisfy the military. At the same time, English Electric presented a project A33 Excelsior, which passed the approval. By 1943, two prototypes had been built.

But then the life of the project did not work out. It all started with sea trials. The tank reached a decent maximum speed on the highway - about 39 km / h. However, this suffered a power reserve, which was only 160 km. Chassis improvements began - it was strengthened, additionally armored. But all this took too long, the war was already over. In addition, they have already managed to correct its main shortcomings, installed powerful guns and the customer decided to have a bird in his hand than a crane in the sky. This series has been discontinued.

Later, based on developments, English Electric, together with Rolls-Royce, developed a fifty-two-ton heavy tank. A37, however, his fate remained in the design documentation.

Game characteristics

In "magnificent" became good tank front line, involved both in breaking through the front and in developing it. Consider the characteristics of this machine in the context of the game:


Armor is our main advantage. But only in front - the forehead of the tower and the hull is 114 mm. Not so much, the same gold pierces at once, but not everyone guesses to use it against this tank. At the same time, he has practically no front vulnerabilities, the same gun mantlet covers the entire turret, which is very convenient for hull-down positions. The rear is slightly worse protected: the rear of the tower is 92 mm, and the hull is 108 mm. Everything is square, but at the right angles it gives ricochets from large calibers.

The saddest thing is the sides of the hull. Only 32 mm ... There is also a screen that brings the total to 50 mm, but at the fifth level this is not a problem for anyone. At least it protects against close explosions of a landmine and cumulatives, and okay. The roof, like all tanks, is thin and it is not recommended to catch suitcases in it. We have quite decent lives for this class - 670 hit points, it is quite possible to enter the exchange with the same . The low landing of the hull saves from shelling at a distance.


The weapon of a premium vehicle is always the same. 75mm Gun Mk. V- not the best thing that could happen to you. Armor penetration with a base projectile of 91 mm, worse only for . It only saves that not everyone at the level has higher protection and there is gold, which already gives a more decent 144 mm of breakdown. You have to fork out if you want to play decently. 110 HP damage is pretty standard for this caliber. UVN in front is good (minus nine degrees), aft is worse (minus four degrees), and on board it is absolutely wonderful (minus 13 degrees).

True, the cons do not end there. The flight speed of an armor-piercing projectile is 619 m / s. It's very, very slow, you can practically follow its steep flight path with your eyes. A little more and it will be possible to throw a projectile over obstacles, like a howitzer. In remote shootouts, this is not an option at all. This is facilitated by poor accuracy - 0.42, long aiming for such a small gun - 2.3 seconds, as well as the lack of stabilization. Total - rotten for clinches. Ammunition of 64 shells allows you to at least shoot as much as you want per battle.


But our speed is atypical for the class of heavy tanks. With a maximum weight of 44 tons, the engine Rolls-Royce Meteor produces 600 hp, which allows you to accelerate to 39 km / h. Not bad, for a heavy tank, but it is still not recommended to shove uphill. Excelsior caterpillars turn at 32 degrees/sec, the tower spins a little faster - 36 degrees/sec. It is possible to spin this tank, but it is not always possible if a competent tanker is behind the levers.

Discovery and communication

radio station W.S. No. 19 special gives a communication range of 570 meters - a good indicator for a heavy, allied artillery will be delighted. But everything is sad with the review - 350 meters. You will have to move in a mass of more big-eyed allies, or quickly reduce the distance between yourself and the enemy. Due to the high silhouette, stealth can only be dreamed of, so it’s better not to even spend money on camouflage.

Pumping and equipment

Excelsior- a premium tank that comes as standard. We will cover the details of pumping the crew, the purchase of special equipment and consumables.

The crew consists of five people for a full set, which is very useful for pumping crews from other tanks. First, “Repair” for everyone, then we reset the commander and set the “Sixth Sense”. At the second level, we definitely get “Repair” for the officer, because standing on the caterpillar for a long time is not comme il faut, and for the gunner we choose “Sniper”. To the driver "Cleanliness and order" to reduce the likelihood of fire and detonation. To the radio operator, as always, "Radio interception." Loading the "Non-contact ammunition rack", for the same reasons as the driver. The third level of perk - all " The Brotherhood of War».

As for special equipment, we choose the option for close-range firefights: “Reinforced aiming drives”, “Medium-caliber rammer” and “Improved ventilation”. After pumping up the crew, take off the ventilation and put on the "Heavy anti-fragmentation lining", which will help a lot with artillery. You can choose your own setup for your individual playing style. There is also advanced special equipment, but it is available only for bonds. If you have them, I recommend splurge on Wear Resistant Aim Drives, which gives 12.5 percent aiming speed, which will greatly improve your shooting performance on the move.

There is also a “Place for pre-battle instructions” slot (for equipment and crew) for bonds. They are earned only in Ranked Battles, so only working tanks, most often rolled out of the hangar, should be filled with instructions. For Excelsior it is best to take modifiers: “Optical calibration” (+2.5% to view), “Sight adjustment” (+2.5% to aiming speed) and “Spread shells” (improves the Non-contact ammo rack skill).

We place the following consumables: "Automatic fire extinguisher", "Large first aid kit" (+15% to protection against injuries), "Large repair kit" (+10% to repair speed). The engine burns often, but not always it gets hit. Therefore, you can take a chance and take “Tea Pudding” instead of a fire extinguisher, which will improve the performance of the crew. But this is exclusively for those who do not expose their stern to anyone.

Excelsior- light heavy assault tank, created to push through the enemy’s front and build on success by covering ST.

Your speed is quite enough to keep up with light and medium tanks to the first showdown on the front line. Very funny to follow the enemy. Which is trying to break through your frontal armor from its farts. But do not get carried away by shooting any riff-raff, as she can go to gold out of fear and will be very unpleasant. Do not lean forward too much so as not to get into the sights of more serious comrades in the face of tank destroyers and self-propelled guns.

Roll back to lane two, get in a good spot for a hull down, or just rhombus off rock and wall to cover your frail side. For a while, try to catch potential damage on yourself until your real heavyweights come up and start to crush the front. Here you can show off your dynamics and sharply go into the flank and rear of the defending group. Even if they turn on you, they can do little with your frontal armor. Don't make it easy for them - get close and clinch!

In general, remember that your tank is not designed for long and accurate firefights. His element is the circulation of a close massacre, where he can poke all sorts of clumsy strands into the stern with his "hole punch". To do this, he has enough maneuverability to use his body back and forth, making it difficult to aim the NLD. At the same time, he has enough UVN to push sub-calibers into the most forbidden places, even almost point-blank. The main thing is not to expose the sides and be in front of the enemy.

Be sure to put on your car "Heavy anti-shatter similarity" - this will increase the comfort of the game by a level. I don't know why, but Arta loves to throw suitcases at you. Maybe it’s because in her mind you are a heavy weight that barely crawls, or your square and wide outlines evoke some base impulses in the “press the button” style ... In general, of course, you will rarely get hit if you don’t stand still, but close gaps will periodically concuss and stun the crew, which will drastically affect your combat capability.

After the destruction of the enemy flank, a choice will have to be made, on which the further outcome of the game will depend. You either join a mob of LTs and STs to take the base in a rush and remove the bushdrots from it, or look at the minimap and rush to help your allies who are merging the other direction. It all depends on the situation, and your mobility may be enough for both. But do not tear yourself away from your colleagues, for they are your eyes. Very often, the "magnificent" is shot by unknown creatures from the bushes, and with complete impunity.

What to do if the enemies prevailed over your colleagues and pushed through the flank themselves? Usually, for your vehicle class, this question is not even worth it - in this case, you are among the first to die, trying to stop the avalanche. But if you still survived, then you should not play a positional war game. Turn around and run to spare positions closer to the base. In no case do not move backwards, because you have good armor from the stern. Then you act according to the situation, but you should not squabble over the circle. It is better to roll back a short distance, let the enemy start the capture, and then appear from behind covers and subtly troll for damage.

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An overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the tank. Results


  • Excellent frontal and stern armor
  • Decent dynamics
  • rapid fire gun
  • High burst damage
  • Good margin of safety
  • low silhouette
  • Credited UVN
  • Always on top!


  • Weak side armor
  • Square armor angles
  • Small armor penetration
  • inaccurate gun
  • Long mixing
  • Lack of stabilization
  • Weak review
  • fire hazard

Excelsior- not the best premium tank at the fifth level. It is clearly not worth spending 1500 gold to earn on this unit. Only if you do not have the task of downloading a branch of British heavy tanks. And in this case, there are better candidates. But no one will cope with your blues and fatigue from tanks better than "gorgeous". Adrenaline races, fun face twists, sudden bends - this machine will give you all this and even more. Just don't skimp on gold. Armor and speed - what else does a tanker need, whose hands do not grow from the sirloin?

Good luck in battle!

Hi all! Welcome to the site and today we will touch on an interesting and controversial tank that will find both its fans and its haters. Namely, the Excelsior is a Tier 5 premium heavy tank. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this tank, what should be done on it in battle, and what not.

TTX Excelsior

So, first I will tell you my impression of this vehicle, as I said above, it is ambiguous, because WG positions it as an armored, mobile tank, but in reality this is not at all the case.

No, don’t think, of course he has armor, and the tank allows you to easily change flanks, but in the current realities of randomness, with premium shells for credits and “plasma guns” even at level 5, all this levels out his armor. Naturally, we will withstand a blow from level 4 tanks, and even some level 5 tanks, if we don’t stand still and “rhombus”, but as for a real head-on skirmish with classmates and level 6 (by the way, we have lowered the level of battles, and we only get to 6 levels maximum), in such cases you will be shot with every shot both in the tower and in the hull, without even aiming, due to the lack of rational armor slope angles. As for mobility, it is on the level, if we take into account our class, namely a heavy tank.

The same Churchill 3, also a premium level 5 TT, also with a cropped level of battles, is not capable of changing flank in the heat of battle, or bypassing the enemy. On Excelsior, we can do this everywhere, and surprise our enemies.

Armament Excelsior

This tank has a 75 mm Gun Mk. V, which has a penetration of the main projectile of 91 mm, a sub-caliber projectile of 144 mm and a damage of 110 HP. What does this tell us?

And the fact that we will not always penetrate the forehead, or rather rarely, but we have sub-caliber shells with a penetration of 144 mm, which, of course, allows us to sew classmates and some 6 levels in the forehead, but still this is not enough. For example, in the same Churchill 3, the armor penetration is 110 mm with the main projectile and as much as 180 mm with the sub-caliber, which allows him to not think about problems with penetration at all, and if you load premium shells, you can simply aim at the silhouette of the tank and shoot at the CD, penetrating every shot.

But Excelsior does not allow you to do this, you need to target the weak zones of enemy tanks, which with an accuracy of 0.42 and an aiming time of 2.3 s is not an easy task. But on the other hand, the gun leans down very well, which allows you to play from the tower, but do not forget that the tower also does not have armor slope angles, and you should not “trade” it because of the hills. Another advantage of this weapon is its high rate of fire, almost 16 rounds per minute. But no matter how many advantages this weapon has, unfortunately everything is blocked by its small penetration.

Booking Excelsior

This tank has armor, but without tilt angles. The armor has one little secret, namely in the stern, there we have an armor plate 108 mm thick, and some kind of firefly, going into your stern, will find that it is not possible to break through you there. So, now the numbers: The forehead of the hull is 114 mm, the stern is 108, and here is the main gap in our armor - these are the sides, 31 mm thick, into which we are pierced even under wild slopes, but there are screens that can protect against land mines and some HEAT rounds. The armor of the forehead of the tower is 114, the sides and rear of the tower are 92 mm each. But do not forget that there are simply no angles of inclination of the armor in the hull and in the turret.

Excelsior equipment

The standard for me and the standard for many heavy tanks

medium-caliber gun rammer, improved ventilation and reinforced aiming drives.

Excelsior crew skills and abilities

Standard and good choice will be:

Commander - Sixth Sense, Repair, Combat Brotherhood.
Gunner - Repair, Smooth turn of the tower Combat Brotherhood.
Driver - Repair, Smooth running, Combat brotherhood.
Radio operator - Repair, Radio interception, Combat brotherhood.
Loader - Repair, Non-contact ammo rack, Combat Brotherhood.

Choice of Excelsior gear

Here is another standard, namely: a small repair kit, a small first aid kit and a hand-held fire extinguisher. I advise you to use premium equipment, which is quite expensive, but can significantly increase the survivability of your vehicle in battle. So feel free to put a large repair kit, a large first aid kit and an automatic fire extinguisher on your tank. You can also put pudding with tea instead of an automatic fire extinguisher.

Tactics and use of Excelsior

I will say right away, take this tank not as heavy, but as medium! And you need to act on it in much the same way as on a medium tank. With its mobility and some kind of armor, you can, with the support of allied tanks, push through one of the flanks, and just as easily and quickly return to defend your own, or go in search of the remaining enemies or artillery.

If a positional firefight is imposed on you, and there is no opportunity to get close to the enemy, an excellent declination of the gun comes to our aid, which will allow us to take a place behind the mound, and looking out with only one tower, calmly get enemies who do not expect this. But ideally, we need to get as close as possible to the enemy, and it’s best to go into his sides or into the stern and shoot him on the CD, and if he “aggresses” on you, and you don’t have support, then you can easily roll back and wait for the allies, or else leave this matter altogether, and go around the enemy on the other side.


As a result, we get a mobile tank, with a semblance of armor that can tank, but in rare cases. A tank that has a mediocre gun, with a good rate of fire, but poor penetration, which makes it "gold dependent", which prevents it from performing its direct function, namely farming credits, because this is a premium tank. But this gun has sufficient one-time damage and good declination angles. And it is natural that Excelsior will find its fans.

Tier 5 premium heavy tank. It differs from the rest of the strands by its not bad dynamics. High rate of fire and good accuracy. But from the shortcomings weak armor sides, pierced even by land mines. Thin gun mask.


The tank does not need pumping because it is premium. By the way, the cost of this work is 1500 gold.

Let's talk about profitability

For a battle (without a premium account) we get 10-20k.

For a battle (with a premium account) we get 26-35 k.

Let's disassemble the tank by modules

Gun 75mm Mk. V

The average armor penetration of an armor-piercing projectile is 91 mm, it is quite enough for level 5 to 6 we will merge fireflies. Gold has a penetration of 144 mm, and a land mine has 35 mm.

The gun is not very accurate, but this is made up for by fairly fast aiming.

Due to the low alpha of the gun, the large dispersion during movement and weak armor penetration. You are required to target the enemy's weak zones.

Chassis (chassis) exelsior

32gr/s chassis turning speed. Thanks to the wide tracks, you can use the tactics from the harp, the main thing is to download the repair of the crew.

Rolls-Royce meteor engine

600hp and 20% fire hazard. The engine briskly accelerates our tank to 38km/h. But a small maximum speed prevents us from taking action.

Radio station WS No.19 special

The communication range of 570m is not a bad indicator.

Excelsior Tower

Overview of 350m, it's not bad at all. Also, the view can be increased thanks to special perks or equipment. There is no extra review!

By the way, the forehead armor of the tower is quite small

114mm. You will be punched in the forehead of the tower. Although rare, they will.

Our armor is not strong and our tank is not fast.

So, let's talk about the sore point of this tank - it's armor.

  • At the tank, the ammo rack is located in the forehead, when fighting head-on, the ammunition rack is easily touched and the loader is concussed, almost every battle. In this case, the tank practically does not burn. Our tank has a cardboard roof, so the tank crew will often receive suitcases from artillery. The sides of the tank are a separate conversation, for me they even pierced with land mines and inflicted crits and damage. At the same time, there are screens on the sides !!

tactics in battle

  • It's a big mistake to call this tank heavy. This tank is a cross between TT and ST. And his tactics are not easy. The favorite tactic of many is an active rush - this is when you fly forward and tear opponents, it is not suitable for us. Because half of the tanks of a lower lvl breaks through us with ease.
  • It is quite easy for us to ride in a "herd" or "wolf pack" depending on the team. Our tank of the second front, from this we are more suitable for support. When a stronger ally distracts the enemy, we must deal damage and crits to the enemy that is fighting with our ally. When facing the enemy head-on, often press the turn keys "A" and "D" and try to roll back more often at a slight angle to increase the ricochet of our armor. You don't have to travel alone. It's worth riding with the team.
  • We should occupy positions a little further from the allied TTs in order to divert enemy fire from ourselves. When playing on AP shells, it will be quite tight, especially when meeting with kv-1. When meeting with the kv family, we need to be careful.
  • With kv-1, we should turn the armor, forcing it to ricochet against you and shoot at the wheelhouses in the back of the tank.
  • With kv-2, if he reloaded, then we should not even climb. For us, kv-2 is a serious enemy - 1 splash and you are in the hangar. Wait until he shoots, and then attack.
  • With square-1s and square-85, this meeting may turn out to be sad for you (if you are 1 on 1). It is worth going to these tanks with a team.
  • When meeting with fireflies, we should turn not only the tower, but also turn the hull. To avoid wasting HP.
  • Our second tactic is shooting from cover at medium distances. We will not be able to play "rocker", but until the enemy notices you, you can shoot)
  • For all the time I played on this miracle, I was thrown to 5-6 levels. The most interesting 6 out of 10 fights throws us to 6 levels. What made me suffer quite often at first, then I adapted)

Blackjack and cookies with milk

Choosing equipment for this tank is like playing Russian roulette. Since you do not have the right to make a mistake, I watched how many put camouflage net for this tank. I consider this a stupid mistake, because a tank with such a weapon will never be a sniper.

I put:

gun rammer medium caliber

Improved ventilation Class 3

Reinforced pickup drives

I took with me: (Fire extinguisher, first aid kit, repair kit)


Of the shells, it is worth taking BB and Golda. Without gold it will be hard for you, but with gold you will have a stat. But you will go into minus up to 30k

Therefore like this:


Additional content

Skin for tank Excelsior. (my first job)


Our tank is good only with gold, but with such shells you will go into the red. And with bb for you, this tank will be a creepy cactus. Our tank has a lot of shortcomings. Therefore, this tank was created only for fun, and not for farming.

Thank you for your attention! Happy New Year)

5 years and 7 months ago Comments: 18

Good day! With you fgxx2, and you are reading an article about the premium heavy tank of the British Tier V line Excelsior.

How much does it cost and what kind of car will we get in return for our money?

This premium heavy tank costs 1500 gold. And after payment, this will appear in our hangar:

The tank looks good in my opinion. But what is in it?


It will be equipped with a 75 mm Soviet Gun Mk. V which does 90-120 damage every 3.5 seconds. The big minus of this gun is weak armor penetration. But after a certain number of battles on this tank, you will learn how to take apart various KV-1s and Churchills head-on, without particularly straining. Armor-piercing sub-caliber shells with a penetration of about 140 mm are often saved.


The hull has 114 mm frontal armor, 31 mm sides, and as much as 108 mm stern! This means that when we are surrounded by not very experienced players, they will try to shoot at the stern, and therefore not always punch through what suits us.
The turret is well armored and has 114 mm in the front, 92 mm on the sides and 92 mm in the rear.

Radio station.

The Excelsior has a good British radio set, Wireless Set No. 19 with a communication range of 570 meters. A similar one was installed in the Soviet premium tank Valentine II.


The Rolls-Royce Meteor engine mounted on the tank produces 600 horsepower with a 20% chance of fire with critical engine damage. The tank weighs 41-43 tons, which means we have about 14 horsepower per ton and top speed at 38-40 km / h, which is very good for a heavy tank. The Excelsior spins in place at a speed of 32 degrees per second, and the tank's turret rotates at a speed of 36 degrees per second. With good armor, the tank has good mobility.

Well, love it new car in the hangar, but the question arose: what to load into it? What is better to take ammunition and what to take from equipment?


A tank can carry 64 shells. Given the insufficient armor penetration of the gun, I advise you to carry about 20 and 44 armor-piercing. With such an ammunition load, you can perfectly destroy enemy vehicles, taking into account the armor of the selected target in advance and competently using sub-caliber shells.


And I advise you to take the usual equipment - a first aid kit, a repair kit and a fire extinguisher. Instead of a fire extinguisher, you can take "Tea Pudding" to get an increase of 10% to all the skills of the entire crew for 1 battle.


But here we played the first fights on it and saved up credits. And we ask ourselves - what equipment can be installed on this tank? We press the button and see what we can install here: “Tool box”, “Heavy anti-fragmentation lining”, “Stereotube” module, “Coated optics”, “Camouflage net”, “Improved ventilation Class 3”, “Reinforced aiming drives” , “Medium caliber gun rammer”, “Wet” ammo rack Class 1”. Of all this variety, I would advise you to install a rammer, reinforced drives and an anti-fragmentation lining or a tool box.


The Excelsior tank has 5 crew members. This is the commander, gunner, driver, radio operator and loader.

The tank can be used as a simulator.

The crew is completely the same as the crews heavy tanks Churchill VII and Black Prince, for the rest of the tanks you need to put a radio operator, and the crew with the Churchill I will have an extra gunner. The crew, depending on the style of play, has combat brotherhood as the first perk. Next, the “Repair” skill is studied for all crew members. Then the “Sixth Sense” skill is learned from the commander, the “Sniper” skill from the gunner, the “King of Off-Road” skill from the driver, the “Inventor” skill from the radio operator, and the “Intuition” from the loader. Next, we learn “Jack of All Trades” from the commander, from the gunner “Smooth Turn of the Turret”, from the driver, the “Virtuoso” skill, from the radio operator “Radio Intercept”, from the loader, the “Non-Contact Ammunition Packing” skill.


In the end for 1500 gold coins we get a universal heavy tank that can only go up to tier V or VI, an accurate fast-firing gun, decent frontal and serious rear armor, good mobility, and good earnings in the form of credits. The disadvantages of this machine are weak sides and weak armor penetration. But the shortcomings are more than offset by the advantages of this excellent machine! That's all, good luck fighting!

The Excelsior is a Tier 5 premium tank that belongs to the British tech tree. We note right away that the car is very extraordinary, although it enjoys well-deserved interest among the players, it also has a preferential level of battles. Tank cost - 1,500 in-game gold. The amount is not small, so before buying it is important to have a complete understanding of the combat capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of this piece of equipment. The Excelsior guide, which we present to your attention, will help with this.

Excelsior performance characteristics

So, what is the originality of this machine? The Excelsior, the guide for which we offer for your consideration, is positioned by WG as an excellently protected and maneuverable heavy tank. However, the real characteristics are somewhat different from the advertising promises.

In terms of mobility, there are no special complaints about the “British: the car weighs a little more 40 tons, equipped with a 600-horsepower engine. Together, this gives a mass-to-power ratio of approximately 14 "horses" per unit of live weight and allows you to accelerate to 38 km/h. On good ground and from a hill, "Eselsior" can even show 40 km/h. This indicates that the vehicle can quickly change its attack vector, moving around the map to potentially dangerous flanks.

Armor is also present, but according to the players, it saves only from low-level vehicles, provided that it is not charged with gold. The situation is somewhat corrected by the fact that the "British" was awarded preferential level battles, so he fights only with classmates who, by the way, often break through the advertised armor in any projection, simply by shooting at the silhouette.

If we consider the survival rates, then the strength of our hero is 670 units. Radius of view in the basic configuration - 350 meters. The chassis rotates at a speed 32 degrees, so it will be problematic for agile “fireflies” to twist the strand. Stealth coefficient is absent here in principle and is only 8.5% for a stationary car. Therefore, fans of anti-tank games will be disappointed: the tank is guaranteed to glow with every shot.

Let's move on to weapons. Excelsior WoT clearly cannot boast of crushing firepower. Installed on the tank 75mm Cun Mk. V, capable of penetrating armor, no more than 90 mm.

Sub-caliber shells allow you to increase this indicator to more attractive 144 millimeters. One-time damage for both types of projectiles is 110 units. It should be noted that the gun has a good rate of fire (15.7 rounds per minute) and quite comfortable aiming: 2.3 sec.

Our accuracy is relatively good, the barrel drops to the ground by 13 degrees, allowing you to competently play from the terrain. Let's add that the stabilization let us down, so it is almost impossible to conduct effective shooting on the move. Besides, weak values armor penetration does not allow the maximum implementation of the rate of fire, firing at the CD. The Excelsior is a solid tank, like all the British, so in order to earn income, you will have to shoot only with full convergence, be sure to target vulnerable areas.

Equipment on Excelsior

In order for Excelsior to allow you to get the most out of the game, you should not ignore the installation additional equipment. Removable modules will help shade the problematic characteristics of the tank and increase the positive parameters to the maximum values.

Here you can use the standard set of fans of heavy tanks and put the following equipment:

  • Rammer- the rate of fire in battle gives an undeniable advantage.
  • ventilation- a comprehensive increase in all basic characteristics.
  • Stabilizer- increasing the efficiency of firing and reducing the spread of guns on the move.

Alternatively, the stabilization can be replaced with enhanced aiming drives, reducing the aiming time by 10%. Some tankers prefer to install a toolbox, getting a tangible bonus to the repair of damaged modules. In any case, be guided by the personal style of the game.

Crew perks on the Excelsior

"Excelsior" tank is workhorse for 5 crew members. By swinging tankers and learning combat skills in a certain sequence, you can significantly improve the basic characteristics of the vehicle.

We recommend that you first learn the repair skill, after that, profile perks for each crew member. Do not forget about the Combat Brotherhood universal skill, which provides a comprehensive increase in basic parameters. In our view, perks are learned in the following sequence:

Note that in the presented list, it is the “Combat Brotherhood” that will be pumped out the longest, so you can go to little trick. You need to learn any two perks that are pumped out the fastest, for example, repair and disguise. After that, skills are reset, and the freed points are poured into the study of the “Combat Brotherhood”.

For combat equipment, the choice is small, so we stock up on the usual fire extinguishers, first aid kits and repair kits. We do not recommend taking pudding with tea into battle instead of a fire extinguisher: the probability of an engine fire in a “British” is 20%. Accordingly, every 5 critical damage can provoke a fire.

Booking Excelsior

For its level, Excelsior WoT is well protected. In the frontal projection of the tower and hull, we have confident 114 millimeters armor. However, there are weaknesses here. VLD and NLD that are protected 54 mm armor plates. Let's clarify right away that 114 mm is honest armor. The turret and hull do not have rational angles, so it makes no sense to hope for a reduction.
Booking Scheme -

Hull board - 31 mm, which of course is not a serious obstacle for any opponents. Tanking with such sides will not work even at an acute angle, however, there is protective screens, which will partially absorb damage from HE and HEAT shells. Turret side - 92 mm, which looks a little more solid, but still not serious.

The key trump card of the British is feed. In the tower here 92 mm, and the rear of the hull is protected by a 108 mm armor plate. This is a kind of bonus that will help you survive in the environment. Spinning the tank, the "fireflies" usually aim at the sides and stern, and here an unpleasant surprise awaits them.

How to play Excelsior

The Excelsior is a heavy tank, but it has good mobility and dynamics. Therefore, it can be safely used as a ST - supporting the attack of teammates in any direction. To do this, we have a good potential, backed up by quite comfortable booking. In addition, you can slowly crawl along with other strands to the selected flank and methodically squeeze the enemy from the selected direction. The main thing here is not to get carried away and not to get ahead: lone tanks in a random house survive very rarely.

In positional firefights, you can use excellent DPS and shoot with opponents from behind the mounds, showing only part of the tower. If you are sure that the enemy tank is not your opponent, you can turn into a ST again, get close to the enemy and quickly send him to the hangar, using the gun's rate of fire.

Do not forget that maneuverability, speed and dynamics allow the “British” to return to defend the base or make deep raids behind enemy lines, depriving him of artillery support.

Should I buy Excelsior?

Let's analyze the characteristics of the "Eselsior" tank and add a few words about the tank's ability to farm.

Positive characteristics:

  • Relatively good armor, provided that the tank is not shot with gold.
  • Excellent speed and dynamics, allowing you to make incredible maneuvers.
  • Decent penetration by sub-caliber shells.


  • Weak armor penetration. According to this indicator, the "British" is inferior to many classmates. Considering that the tank is often in the TOP of the list, it is usually expected to perform feats of arms, and it is far from always possible to drag out a battle with such a weapon.
  • Vulnerable roof. Artillery hits are guaranteed to hit with maximum damage, turning a formidable heavy into a cripple.
  • Crete Crete. It is not clear what the British designers were guided by when determining the landing sites for tankers. Crew members are guaranteed to be wounded in every battle.
  • Shooting on the move. Given the speed performance, the tank simply begs to shoot on the move, but no one can guarantee hits.

The disadvantages include the fact that this machine is not well adapted to raise the efficiency. To notice an increase in personal statistics, you need to deal about 1,000 damage per battle. Considering the values ​​of armor penetration and one-time damage, the task is almost impossible for some players.

Let's talk about profitability. Taking Excelsior to earn silver is pointless. It is very difficult to deal damage with armor-piercing shells, so the profitability of such battles will only justify the costs + bring some profit. However, if the state of the game account allows, the car can be purchased just for fun. Having loaded the gold, the "British" literally bends over randomly, while driving the owner into a minus by 5,000-50,000 silver, depending on the accuracy of the shooting and the overall results of the battle.

The only advantage of this premium tank is the upgrade of crews for the British vehicle branch. Therefore, you decide for yourself whether you are ready to spend 1,500 ringing gold coins to get this handsome man in the hangar or not.

excelsior video

How does Excelsior farm? Excelsior for 50 fights

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