Beauty recipes and little secrets of youth. Secrets of youth and beauty of ancient beauties Secrets of youth of beauty and health

the beauty 26.08.2020
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Years go by, youth and beauty go with them, but how you want to look young, beautiful. Every woman has beauty secrets, and there are those that are passed down from generation to generation.

Today we will try to consider unique recipes for youth and beauty.

An old recipe for restoring hair color

Thanks to this old recipe, you can get rid of gray hair, and with diligent use, the hair will return to its original color without resorting to chemical dyes. Masks for hair density and growth

We need:

  • 0.5 l vodka
  • 6 pods of red hot pepper


1. Wash red hot pepper and place whole in glass jar and then fill it with vodka.

2. Put the jar in a dark place for 3 weeks, at room temperature.

3. Rub 1 tsp into the scalp twice a week. ready tincture, the day before shampooing.

Beauty Secrets: Apple Face Mask

This mask will make you always look attractive and it is suitable for all skin types.

We need:

  • 1/2 apple
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp ascorbic acid
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil


1. We interrupt all the ingredients in a mixer.

2. Apply the mask on the face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Beauty Secrets: Purifying Banana Masks

Cleansing masks are suitable for both dry and oily skin. See more face masks here.

The composition of the mask for dry skin

1st option

We need:

  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tsp milk


1. Cut half a banana into pieces and mash it.

2. Mix banana with milk and apply on face for 20 minutes.

3. Remove with a cotton swab dipped in milk or warm water.

4. Apply the mask daily or every other day, at least 20 times.

2nd option

We need:

  • 1 tbsp banana gruel
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tsp sour cream
  • 1 tsp honey


1. Mix all ingredients and apply on face for 15-20 minutes.

2. Wash off the mask with warm water.

For oily skin, for both options, add a few drops of lemon juice to the banana gruel.

Hand masks

1st option

We need:

  • cosmetic baby oil
  • lemon juice


1. Mix the oil with a few drops of lemon juice.

2. Lubricate hands every evening, put on cotton gloves and leave for 20-25 minutes.

3. After removing the gloves, dry your hands with a dry cloth.

2nd option

We need:

  • 1.5 tubes of baby cream
  • 1 00 ml vitamin A (1 bottle)
  • 100 ml vitamin E (1 bottle)


1. Mix all ingredients and mix thoroughly.

2. Lubricate your hands before going to bed.

3. Store in the refrigerator.

it universal recipe, it can also be used to lubricate the heels, when cracks appear.

Beauty secrets: recipes for cleansing and rejuvenating the body

These recipes contribute to weight loss and rejuvenation of the body.


We need:

  • 250 g dried apricots
  • 250 g figs
  • 100 g sena (grass or granules)
  • 4 tbsp. boiling water


1. Dried apricots and figs are passed through a meat grinder or blender. Pour boiling water over and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

2. Pour boiling water over hay and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and add to dried apricots and figs.

3. Drink every morning on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp.

Body rejuvenation

1st option

We need:

  • 2 tbsp bran
  • 1 st. boiling water
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 50 g nuts (handful)
  • 1 apple
  • 50 g dried apricots (a handful)


1. Pour boiling water over the bran, add honey, nuts, grated apple and dried apricots and mix thoroughly.

2. Take morning and evening before meals.

2nd option

We need:

  • 2 tbsp oatmeal
  • 100 g boiling water
  • 1 apple
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 4 dried apricots
  • 4 prunes
  • 10 raisins
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 10 walnuts


1. Pour oatmeal with boiling water overnight.

2. In the morning, grate an apple and lemon juice into cereal.

3. Dried apricots and prunes, pre-steam, cut and add to cereal. We also put honey and nuts here. Mix everything and serve for breakfast.

Teeth Whitening Recipe

The procedure contributes to the whiteness and radiance of the teeth.

We need:

  • regular toothpaste
  • baking soda
  • a few drops of lemon juice


1. Add to toothpaste baking soda and lemon juice.

2. Brush your teeth with this mixture once every two weeks.

Tip: after brushing your teeth in the morning, rinse your mouth with 1 tbsp. infusion of mint with 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Herbal steam bath recipe for facial skin

For dry skin

We need:

  • 1 tbsp lemon balm
  • 1 tbsp lavender
  • 1 tbsp klendula or coltsfoot
  • 1 tbsp dill
  • 1 tbsp chamomile


1. Place the grass in a wide bowl, pour water and put on fire.

2. After boiling water, remove from heat, cover and leave for 1 minute.

3. Tilt your head over the broth at a distance of 20 cm.

4. Perform the procedure for 15 minutes.

5. Then rinse your face with cool water and apply a herbal mask for 15 minutes.

For oily skin

We need:

  • 1 tbsp rosemary
  • 1 tbsp chamomile
  • 1 tbsp peppermint
  • 1 tbsp sage
  • 1 tbsp linden flowers
  • 1 tbsp oak bark
  • 1 tbsp birch leaves


1. Do the whole procedure in the same way as for dry skin.

Important: Before using the steam bath, the head must be wrapped in a towel, with the face open.


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Secrets of youth knowledgeable people kept mostly in secret, but we do not live in ancient times and many recipes and secrets are becoming available.

Secrets of youth, recipes:

Who among us does not dream of youth, health, beauty, even if you are 50 or more? This is a natural human desire.

I also know the secrets of youth and beauty and will share them with you.

Veselka mushrooms:

Not only rejuvenates the body, treats many diseases up to tumor-like changes in the body.

Rejuvenation Recipe:

  • Pour dry veselka 4 grams with 200 grams of vodka, you can use cognac.
  • We insist 2 weeks, you definitely need a cold place.
  • We drink a teaspoon three times / day, bring to a tablespoon in the morning and evening.
  • Suitable for use by men and women.
  • Treatment is carried out three times a year with interruptions.

In addition to rejuvenation, the tincture will help reduce the risk of cancer, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functions of the heart and blood vessels.

Contrast baths:

To maintain the skin of the body in good shape, you need to take a contrast shower.

  • When we use hot water, the pores open, the vessels expand, and the removal of toxins from the body begins.
  • The transition from hot to cold water affects our nerve endings, the skin pores begin to actively narrow.
  • There is a powerful cleansing of our cells due to the ongoing gymnastics of blood vessels.
  • The skin becomes smooth, elastic, rejuvenated.

Such procedures are very useful for women.

Washing with sour milk:

Gives a wonderful rejuvenating, whitening effect on the skin. Combine this recipe with washing at night with homemade bread kvass, a healthy complexion is guaranteed to you.

Herbs for scalp rejuvenation, hair growth:

  1. Take chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, mix everything.
  2. Pour one tablespoon with olive oil heated to boiling water, insist for a week in a cool, dark place.
  3. Apply to the roots of our hair in a heated form, keep for half an hour. Hair will become silky and shiny.

Astragalus herb of life (royal herb):

very rich chemical composition herbs:

  • Huge iron content.
  • The presence of calcium.
  • magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Silicon, manganese.

Medicinal preparations containing astragalus:

  • Preparations normalize the metabolism in our body, the work of all systems is adjusted, and rejuvenation occurs.

Honey, herbal infusion:

  1. We take 30 grams of dry astragalus grass, simmer on low heat for half an hour, mix the resulting broth with 500 grams of fresh cow's milk, if there is goat's milk.
  2. Add two cups of honey to the mixture, simmer for another 15 minutes, stirring.
  3. Remove from heat, insist half an hour. Drink the elixir at least three times/week.

No plant contains as many beneficial combinations of substances that are found in astragalus.

It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, treats rheumatism, chronic heart failure.

Whole grains:

When used, they reduce the risk of developing many chronic diseases.

Do not forget that grain products are high in calories and carbohydrates.

When using them, be sure to add physical activity.

From the secrets of youth - lemons:

  1. The use of lemons brings the human body into balance.
  2. Very cleansing, removes mucus from the body.
  3. Purifies, refreshes our blood.
  4. It relieves nervous tension in all organs.
  5. You need to add juice to water, if possible tea.

Garlic with milk - the secret of youth:

Garlic juice added to milk can increase strength even for a sick person.

  • For cooking, you need to chop the garlic, add 4 parts of milk and 16 parts of water to it.
  • Heat the mixture, as a result, the water should evaporate, the garlic juice will turn into milk.

The resulting milk is a medicinal drink. With regular use, the heart muscle becomes strong, the body rejuvenates.

Secrets of youth and beauty:

It's a paradox, we remember our health, youth, when we begin to rapidly lose all this.

Have you ever asked yourself, when - be it a question, why, having so many doctors, pharmacies filled with all kinds of medicines, we are getting sick more and more, rapidly aging?

An increasing number of people are suffering from cancer, heart disease - vascular system, nervous pathologies.

Genetically we have 120-140 years, why don't we live so long? We pass on all our sores to our children, it's scary.

It is clear that it is impossible to completely hide in a corner and live there, but can we strive for nutrition, for example, without various additives and dyes?

Of course we can, we need willpower and the realization that we are not immortal.

Diseases, when we lack elementary vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, etc. in normal proportions.

Immunity fails, the body begins to work in emergency mode until the limit comes.

I hope no one will argue that diseases begin with a lack of iodine in the body. What consequences this may lead to is better for you not to know.

Another example, lack of vitamin C, selenium, beta-carotene, vitamin E leads sooner or later to the development of cancer. Deficiency in 80% of the population, think about it.

No need to look for a miracle of recipes for youth, longevity, you need to follow the elementary rules of life:

  • Less stress, if there is nothing in life without it, defend yourself, yoga will help you, more.
  • Ecology is not the main evil in our life, the chemistry of which we use daily does more harm than we imagine.
  • Food should be simple, unprocessed. It is better to buy cabbage and make a salad yourself than to buy incomprehensible compositions in the store, called abstruse names.
  • We all know perfectly well that the body must be clean, there will never be sores.
  • To do this, you need to eat small portions so that everything is assimilated and completely eliminated. Which of us follows this?
  • Food for the night? Almost everyone eats, regardless of the laws of purification, assimilation of food. What health are we waiting for?
  • Movement and more movement. Blood should move through the vessels, and not stand and clot. We all know about this, right? All. They do very little.
  • Everything starts small, here is ours, alcohol, TV and computer all night long. Swollen faces in the morning, we run to work, we are late, there is again stress and so on in a circle for years.
  • Stop, comprehend, put things in order in your life, recipes with the secrets of youth will help you to the health that you have preserved.

Be healthy!

Watch the video on how not to grow old at any age, the secrets of youth:

Fri, 15/06/2018 - 16:14

Trying to preserve youth and blooming appearance, many women resort to salon products, which not only cost a lot of money, but also are not always effective. In fact, you can look good without injections and surgical interventions. First you need to clean the food and exercise. Well, what then? Of course, no one cancels proper care behind your face and much more, which the main beauties of Russia and Hollywood will tell about.

Irina Allegrova, 66 years old

Singer Irina Allegrova is already over 60, but you can’t say that right away, right?

The artist admits that she actively monitors herself and her diet - she only eats vegetables, fruits and seafood. She is sure that meat does not contribute to rejuvenation at all. But the main principle of the star is no stress and more positive emotions! The use of high-quality cosmetics and cosmetic procedures also do not hurt. Allegrova is sure that shining, rested eyes and a cheerful smile are much more important than suspenders and silicone. The singer considers massage an important point in personal care - 2-3 times a week. “It is massage that helps me maintain the elasticity of the body,” the artist admits. By the way, from sports, Irina Allegrova, like Meryl Streep, prefers the pool. The pop singer considers the sauna to be an equally important attribute of her beauty life, where she regularly spends her free time. Remember the “no stress” rule? So, the sauna is a great method for relaxation!

Laima Vaikule, 64 years old

Always smiling and cheerful, Laima Vaikule only gets prettier with age! The artist claims that she appearance is the result of discipline. The star has a clearly scheduled life, in which there is a place for creativity, and for a healthy lifestyle, and for proper nutrition.

Vaikule admits that the main secret of her harmony and beauty is starvation. She is sure that thanks to this, the body gets rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, and diseases recede. The singer does not drink, does not smoke and tries to exercise regularly and, of course, get enough sleep. “They say that until the age of 30 we live on loan from our own body, and we have it for the rest of the century. At a time when peers were actively spending internal resources, I saved my strength, ”says Laima. We take note!

Meryl Streep, 68

Meryl Streep has never been a classic beauty, but this did not stop the actress from becoming the idol of millions. Today, the Oscar-winning star is well over 60, but can you tell? Amazing, like glowing skin, a disarming smile, incredible energy - and this despite the fact that Meryl is an ardent opponent of plastic surgery and anti-aging injections. How does she do it?

Streep admits that since his youth he has been taking care of his skin, never tans and never leaves the house without an SPF cream. But Meryl is indifferent to the gym and intensive training - the actress prefers swimming. The 68-year-old star swims several miles a day! Hollywood star takes aging for granted and appreciates every wrinkle that appears, because it is in them that part of her life, part of herself and her happy past. Meryl is not a fan of surgical methods of rejuvenation, like her peers. “I think people look funny when their faces freeze,” Streep explains. “Spend as much time as possible in nature, eat right and find joy in every little thing.” Maybe we should listen to the recommendations of the great actress?

Christie Brinkley, 64

Who would have thought that this attractive blonde is already 64 years old?! Supermodel of the 90s Christie Brinkley never ceases to amaze everyone with her incredible beauty and inexhaustible youth! Memorize the "star" secrets!

Brinkley's main rule is no diets. Model for a complete and balanced diet. Every morning she starts with a glass of water with lemon, manuka honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. “It helps me energize for the whole day,” admits the beauty. For breakfast, Christie prefers yogurt with berries and goat milk nuts or avocado toast. And if she wants more protein, then the star of the 90s cooks her favorite scrambled eggs with spinach. Then the supermodel starts her daily workout. “I try to do up to 100 push-ups every day,” admits the beauty. She also practices yoga and often goes for a morning run. For lunch, Brinkley usually eats light salad with beans, which complements a cocktail of freshly squeezed juices of kale, lime, orange and avocado, and for dinner - brown rice with lentils, roasted colorful peppers, fennel and sweet potatoes. Do you think that the sweet supermodel bypasses? No matter how! She will never refuse a piece of chocolate. The main thing is that this “sweet drug” should be raw food. "And no meat!" - that's what Christie Brinkley promotes.

Sharon Stone, 60 years old

This famous beauty does not hide her real age and admits: "Over the years, I only get better." Sharon Stone publicly states that she resorted to the most different ways skin rejuvenation - leeches, all kinds of masks, but never went under the knife of a plastic surgeon! Many disagree with the last statement, but Stone is ready to sue anyone who doubts her "naturalness".

The actress believes that naturalness is something that all girls, without exception, should be proud of. And even such an innocent female trick as corrective underwear causes her a sharp condemnation: “Either take care of yourself, or love yourself the way you are!” But Sharon still considers iron discipline her main secret. Stone never goes to bed with makeup on. “Going to bed “in full dress” is unacceptable,” says the star. Sharon is sure that the best thing for the skin is to support it “from the inside.” So, eat right - do not use sugar, sweets, pasta, bread, chips After all, these products accelerate skin aging and contribute to the appearance of extra "folds". But cheese, oatmeal, chicken meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish are regular guests on the celebrity table. Also, the star loves to pamper her skin with creams with a lifting effect, vegetable masks and ice baths. As for makeup, the actress also has her own rules: the less makeup on her face, the better. Powder, which has an insidious property to clog into wrinkles, she prefers a tonal foundation that is a tone lighter than her skin, which she applies only on T- Sharon considers peach blush her favorite beauty product. main advice from the film star: “Love this life! Rejoice every day, smile, fool around, flirt, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, and then another birthday will not spoil your mood and add years!

Demi Moore, 55

A toned body and no wrinkles - it seems that Demi Moore's beauty is timeless. But famous surgeons unanimously declare: “She is not natural!” According to them, Moore has done Botox injections, liposuction, knee lifts, and used facial fillers more than once. The actress herself for a long time stubbornly denied all rumors of plastic surgery and assured fans that hirudotherapy is the only procedure she uses.

The Ghost star regularly purifies the blood with medicinal leeches. However, in one of the interviews, she nevertheless blurted out: “Yes, I injected Botox. At my age, this is quite normal. I want to be beautiful at any age, and so far my reflection in the mirror makes me happy. However, injections of this "miracle drug" are not a panacea for aging, so Moore takes care of his body and promotes healthy lifestyle life. And proper nutrition plays a key role here. The Hollywood star will never refuse an unusual water cocktail with lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Demi carefully monitors the condition of the skin: “My skin is very sensitive, so I only use simple products without fragrances. And I moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! This is the most important lesson that I learned thanks to my mother and now I always tell my daughters about it. If you focus on regular skin care, then you won't need a lot of makeup afterwards." By the way, great advice! Arm it! The better you take care of your skin now, the less "problems" you'll have later. “And put aside the hair dryer, curling iron and iron, if you want to have healthy hair!” - calls us Demi. The actress fundamentally does not do thermal styling. She also never dyes her hair and regularly uses moisturizing care products. This beauty has a lot to learn!

Julianne Moore, 57

Julianne Moore is another Hollywood beauty whose real age is only revealed by her passport. The actress promotes proper nutrition. But no strict diets, Moore excluded only three products from her diet: milk, sugar and alcohol.

“Oh sport, you are life!” - one of the life mottos of Julianne Moore. She carefully monitors her figure and selects workouts based on her age. Hollywood star admits that after 40 to keep the body in good physical form it's getting harder. The actress practices yoga and is engaged in strength and aerobic training with a personal trainer. But Julianna does not share the love of the famous namesake for Botox. She believes that each of us should love and accept ourselves as real. And we completely agree with this!

Michelle Pfeiffer, 60

Michelle Pfeiffer claims that she does not strive to "look younger than her years", she chooses another option - "to look great for her years." It seems to us that the actress is a little disingenuous, because it is hard to believe that Pfeiffer is 60! Hollywood surgeons have repeatedly accused Pfeiffer of abuse plastic surgery and "rejuvenating" injections. But the star does not respond to attacks. However, even if the beauty of the actress is the result of the work of surgeons, this is impressive: at 60, she looks very natural. So personally we doubt the "surgical" dependence of this beautiful woman!

Michelle is an ardent opponent of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Bad habits are the "killers" of clean skin, smooth hair, a snow-white smile and a slender, toned body, the actress believes. Perfect skin is Pfeiffer's main treasure. The star simply loves acid peels. Especially for her, experts create individual care programs that include facial massage and moisturizing masks. Daily jogging in the fresh air and a proper, balanced diet also help to stay in the shape of a star.

Halle Berry, 51

Attractive appearance and slim figure- nature has awarded Holly Berry with excellent genetics. It would seem, what can this beauty be worried about? But no matter how! At the age of 19, the actress found out that she had diabetes, and completely abandoned refined sugar, fried foods and bread.

By the way, if you are also thinking about eliminating sugar from your diet, then try sugar substitutes - the Oscar-winning actress taught her children to use them too. Berry is a real workaholic, and it is difficult for her to find time for a full lunch or dinner. But as you understand proper nutrition actress pays Special attention, so he tries to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. And if there is absolutely no time for a snack, the beauty drinks a glass of protein shake. Holly regularly plays sports, while preferring cardio training and strength training. And traditionally - thorough skin care! Every time before applying makeup, she wipes her face with rose water, and in her daily care she emphasizes cleansing the face, using a toner and moisturizing with a cream. And don't forget your sunscreen! - calls the actress.

Italian women are famous for their beauty, but most importantly, they are known for retaining their youth and beauty for years to come. Remember though these beautiful women: Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci, Kdaudia Cardinale, Gina Lollobrigida! They all always looked younger than their years.

What is the secret of the long youth of Italian women? Their secret is the gold of the Mediterranean! This is olive oil. The use of this product in food and as a cosmetic product works wonders.

Olive oil is unique the fact that it contains a large amount of squapen (moisturizing component). For cosmetic procedures, use the first cold-pressed oil that retains beneficial nutrients!

Effectively prevents skin aging
Olive oil contains vitamin E, which neutralizes the effects of free radicals, which cause the skin to fade faster and wrinkles appear.

Strengthens and protects the skin
Vitamins A and D contained in the oil are involved in the renewal of the epidermis, reduce the number of dead skin particles, and carotene protects the skin from UV rays.

Olive oil is also unique in that that you can start your skin care routine with olive oil at any age! For young people, it will help to preserve almost pristine youth for many years. And if you already have wrinkles - do not worry! I think no the best remedy to fight wrinkles than olive oil.

Today we will share with you the method of rejuvenation face, which is used by many Italian women. This technique is based on the use of masks with olive oil.

It is recommended to apply a mask 2 times a week. That is, every week we make 2 masks, constantly alternating the listed masks. There should be a break of 2-3 days between masks. In order for the use of masks to become a habit, you can fix the days of the week. For example, make a mask every Monday and Friday, or Saturday and Wednesday. If you also add olive oil to your daily diet- the effect will be even more noticeable!

So, a complex of masks based on olive oil.
Before applying the mask, you need to cleanse your face. The best way cleansing is also olive oil. Simply apply the oil to a cotton swab and wipe over your face and neck. The oil is great for removing make-up, and just for cleansing the skin of the face.

First week
+ Skin peeling
Mix 2 tablespoons of wheat bran and 2 tablespoons of oil. Mix thoroughly until a paste forms. We apply a mask, do a light peeling massage, with fingertips along the massage lines. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
+ Tone up the skin
Mix thoroughly in a blender 1 tsp. mint (preferably fresh or you can steam dry), 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. olive oil.. Apply to clean skin, except for the eye area and décolleté. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Second week
+ Skin whitening, stain removal
Mix together 2 tablespoons oatmeal (grind the flakes in a coffee grinder), 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon honey, and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly, apply on the skin of the face and décolleté and leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
+ Calm and hydrate the skin
Grated on a fine grater, mix fresh cucumber (not too large) with mashed ripe banana, add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, so that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the paste on your face and neck and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Third week
+ Skin cleansing
Mix cosmetic clay (can be replaced with oatmeal) with olive oil, so that the consistency of very thick sour cream is obtained. Apply to face and décolleté, leave for 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water
+ Lifting mask
Grate a previously peeled small raw potato tuber on a fine grater, mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil previously warmed to 40 degrees. Apply to face and neck. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

After you have done all 6 masks, start all over again next week.

This course can be maintained continuously throughout the year. Or at least from late autumn to early spring, when our skin needs the most protection.

This is a very economical technique - both in terms of budget and time spent. If you find the strength to follow it, you will look at least 10 years younger.

Although aging is a natural biological process, you still want to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible. What tricks women, and even men, do not go to, in order to prevent old age from creeping up ahead of time. Unfortunately, the elixir of eternal youth has not yet been invented, but there are home-made products that have been proven over the years to preserve the beauty and health of the skin. Find out what beauty and youth recipes you can use at home. The article proposes simple but effective means.

Before considering beauty recipes, it is worth noting that the issue of preserving youth must be approached comprehensively. The aging process can be significantly slowed down only when enough attention is paid to one's health and lifestyle.

What you need to do to look and feel young and beautiful for as long as possible:

Over time, the skin becomes drier and thinner, so it is of paramount importance to moisturize and nourish it. Also, due to the fact that toxins and toxins accumulate in the body, you should periodically get rid of them. For this, recipes of youth are used, which can be prepared at home.

Preparing home remedies that preserve beauty and youth: effective recipes

There are many recipes for beauty and youth for external and internal rejuvenation. In the first case in question about a variety of masks, tonics, compresses, etc. In the second - various decoctions, infusions, teas, elixirs. For greater efficiency, it is desirable to use both methods.

Aloe anti-wrinkle mask

Prepare 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, add to it 1 tbsp. l. honey, which must be preheated in a steam bath. This mask should be kept for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water. In general, aloe is effective natural remedy from wrinkles, so you can wipe your face with its juice daily or apply gruel from the pulp of this plant on your face for several minutes 1-2 times a week.

Honey-yolk-oil rejuvenating mask

Only on well-moisturized skin, wrinkles begin to appear much later. We suggest once a week to prepare and apply the following mask. Well beaten egg yolk is ground with 1 tbsp. l. any of the vegetable oils to choose from (almond, peach, apricot, sea buckthorn, olive or castor) and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Keep the mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes.

Rubbing that smoothes the skin and improves complexion

To prepare a decoction used for rubbing and compresses, you need to take chamomile, horsetail, linden, sage in equal parts. For 1 cup of boiling water, use 2 tbsp. l. thoroughly mixed herbal mixture. After half an hour of infusion, the broth is ready. The face is rubbed 2-3 times a day.

Tibetan garlic elixir of youth

To rejuvenate from the inside, you can cook and take a special remedy. To do this, you need to take 10 lemons (without peel) and 10 peeled heads of garlic, which are scrolled in a meat grinder. Add 700 ml of honey to this mixture and mix everything well. Take 10 grams three times a day before meals.

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