Moisturizing hair mask from products. Simple but effective moisturizing masks for dry hair at home

Design and interior 17.08.2020
Design and interior

Moisturizing hair masks can solve many problems associated with hair shafts. Such products differ from nourishing and restoring ones in their component composition: they contain substances that help retain moisture inside the curls. To have luxurious-looking strands, you need to carry out regular care with masks, following the rules for use, and alternate means. Significantly save time and money if you prepare the compositions for application yourself. The procedure does not require certain skills, and the result is possible no worse than from professional cosmetics.

Moisturizing your hair is an important part of hair care.

Rules for the use of masks for moisturizing

Rules for the use of moisturizing hair masks
Parameter What to do

To avoid detecting an allergic reaction on the head epidermis, you should:

  1. Prepare the mixture.
  2. Apply a small amount to the area behind the auricle or on the inside of the forearm.
  3. Wait at least fifteen minutes.
  4. If redness, itching and other manifestations of immunity do not appear, the procedure is indicated.
Type matching

The remedy and formulation must be chosen based on the type of hair and the problem that needs to be solved.

To determine the typical variety, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of shampooing and the condition of the strands:

  • dandruff, peeling, split ends, you have to wash after two or three days -;
  • the ends are overdried, the head gets dirty quickly - combined;
  • pollution occurs during the day -;
  • healthy appearance, no section, pollution after two days - normal.
Change of composition, frequency of procedures

The same remedy to achieve the desired effect must be used for at least four weeks, but no longer than eight. In order not to cause addiction and loss of effect, the mask must be changed.

  • one - for the purpose of prevention on dry strands;
  • regularly once a month - care for any type of curls;
  • two is treatment.

Exceeding will lead to loss of effect and deterioration of the condition.

Cooking The components are mixed immediately before use, there should be no lumps in the mixture
Storage of leftovers Unused leftovers should not be stored and used later: homemade products do not contain preservatives, so they can spoil
Component shelf life and quality All ingredients must be of natural origin and fresh. Do not use expired products
Mix requirements Masks should be preheated to forty degrees Celsius, but not higher than fifty. Oils must first be melted. The mixture should have a homogeneous texture without lumps
Application and removal procedure

Procedure for preparing hair strands:

  1. Wash with shampoo.
  2. Remove excess moisture with a towel.
  3. Rub into the dermis of the head, massaging, distribute the product over wet strands (if the dermis of the head is not overdried, apply only to the hair shafts).
  4. Cover first with a hat or plastic bag, then with a towel (can be warm or soaked in warm water - then you need to change it periodically).
  5. Withstand the time specified in the recipe or instructions.
  6. Remove with warm water and shampoo. It is highly undesirable to use hot water - this will nullify the whole result.
  7. Dry without using hair dryers.
holding time It is necessary to keep with strict observance of the terms specified in the recipe or instructions for use. Keeping a homemade mask for less than forty minutes will not give an effect, some formulations are forbidden to be kept for a long time (with any essential oil for a maximum of three hours).

Some recipes have different curing times and application guidelines that should be taken into account.

Preparing and applying hair masks

Recipes for the best moisturizing masks at home

Homemade moisturizing products differ from nourishing and regenerating ones in their component composition. These masks are prepared from the ingredients listed in the table:

Ingredients in homemade moisturizing hair masks
Product group Examples Action

curdled milk

Prevent split ends
Vegetable oils

sea ​​buckthorn



Saturate the scalp with vitamins, fatty acids, phospholipid components, waxes.

Create effective protection against harmful factors

Restorative elements

Chicken eggs

Thanks to the proteins, amino acids, vitamins contained in the composition, they restore the water balance of the hair shaft.
Plants Arnica Thanks to the proteins, oils, mineral components contained in the composition, it improves the structure of the hair

No remedy will give the desired result, regardless of the recipe, if the rules for use given in the text above are not taken into account when using it.

Below are ways to prepare masks at home for different types of hair shafts. The quantities must be selected depending on the density and length of the strands.

Moisturizing for dry hair

  • milk / one hundred milliliters;
  • banana / 1 piece;
  • honey / 2 tablespoons.

Cooking: Mash the banana pulp with a fork, pour in the milk, add honey, beat the mass with a blender.

Result: Moisturizing, nutrition, smoothness, shine.

Moisturizing for oily hair

This type is characterized by rapid contamination, so washing must be carried out daily. Home Remedies:

  • eliminate excessively produced fat;
  • regulate the activity of the glands.

To solve these two problems, mixtures include substances containing:

  • alcohols;
  • acids.

For a combined type of hair, such products should be used only on the head epidermis, and preheated base oils (olive, almond, burdock) should be applied to the ends.

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • kiwi / two or three medium-sized fruits;
  • nine percent apple cider vinegar / two or three drops.

It is preferable to choose a harder fruit - in such a concentration of fruit acids is higher.

Cooking: With a kiwi, cut the skin with a knife, chop with a fine grater, if the condition allows, mash with a fork. Add apple cider vinegar to the resulting mass, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Result: To regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, a monthly course of four to eight procedures is required. The tool has an additional nutritional effect.

For hair strengthening and growth

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • rye bread pulp / one hundred and fifty grams;
  • beer / four hundred milliliters.

Cooking: Combine the pulp with beer, set aside for forty minutes, mash with a fork until smooth.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for thirty five minutes. Remove with warm water, shampoo, after washing, rinse with a solution of lemon juice (2 tablespoons per liter of water) or infusion of nettle (dark strands), chamomile (light curls).

Result: To strengthen the structure and enhance growth, use the remedy for a monthly course. The mask has a nourishing effect, promotes shine, volume.

For colored hair

On dyed hair shafts, do not use products containing:

  • herbal infusions;
  • oils;
  • kefir and other dairy products.

These ingredients can give an additional shade (first two) or partially wash off the paint (third, fourth points).

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • chicken egg / one piece;
  • cognac / one hundred milliliters.

Cooking: Separate the yolk from the chicken egg, add to the cognac, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for twenty to thirty minutes.

Result: Shine, shade enhancement, nutrition, hydration. You can read about masks for colored hair by going to this address:.

For bleached hair

  • ripe banana/half;
  • avocado / half;
  • chicken egg / 1 piece.

Cooking: Remove the peel from the banana, mash the pulp with a fork. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, chop the pulp. Separate the yolk from the chicken egg, add the pulp of two fruits, mix.


Result: Nutrition, hydration.

For hair ends

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • freshly squeezed carrot juice / two tablespoons;
  • base oil (almond, olive, burdock) / two tablespoons.

Cooking: Wash the carrots, remove the peel with a knife, chop, squeeze the juice. Take the indicated amount, add the oil heated with a water bath, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the ends, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold thirty minutes - one hour.

Result: Regeneration, hydration, smoothness, shine.

Split hair care

For split ends

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • colorless henna/one pack;
  • boiling water / by consistency;
  • tocopherol acetate solution / tablespoon;
  • retinol acetate / tablespoon;
  • almond oil / two tablespoons.

Cooking: Place the henna in a non-metal bowl, pour boiling water over it. Select the amount of liquid according to the density of the mixture: you should get a slurry approximately like homemade sour cream. Set aside for fifteen minutes, then pour in the oil heated to forty degrees, mix, add vitamins, mix.

Application: Apply the resulting slurry to the ends of the hair shafts, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Keep two to three hours. Should be used weekly for two months.

It is possible to store residues in a hermetically sealed container made of dark glass at low temperatures.

Result: Shine, strengthening, radiance, eliminating split ends, moisturizing.

For curly hair

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • sour cream / two tablespoons;
  • castor oil / two tablespoons.

Cooking: Heat the oils with a water bath to forty degrees, add sour cream, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for thirty minutes.

Result: Hydration, nutrition.

For curly hair

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil / fifty milliliters;
  • vegetable oil / ten milliliters.

Cooking: Heat up the oils and mix.

Application: Apply to clean strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Keep one hour.


For fine hair

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • burdock for dry type strands, jojoba for oily / four tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs / two pieces;
  • geranium ether / no more than five drops.

Cooking: Separate the yolk from the egg, add oil heated to forty degrees with a water bath, for a fatty type, drop ether, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for thirty to forty minutes.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of brittleness, nutrition.

For damaged hair

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • chicken egg / two pieces;
  • vegetable oil / one tablespoon;
  • flower honey / two tablespoons;
  • vodka / one tablespoon.

Cooking: Separate the yolk from the egg, add the oil heated with a water bath to forty degrees, add vodka, add honey, beat with a blender.

Application: Apply to clean strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for thirty to forty minutes.

Result: Moisturizing, regeneration, shine.

Nourishing & Hydrating Mask

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • kefir / one hundred milliliters;
  • liquid honey / one tablespoon;
  • olive oil / one tablespoon.

Cooking: Combine kefir with honey and heated olive oil, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for forty minutes.

Result: Moisturizing, eliminating brittleness, dryness, protection from the influence of harmful factors.

Moisturizing overnight mask

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • coconut oil / two tablespoons;
  • essential oil of ylang-ylang / three drops.

Cooking: Place oil in a water bath, heat, add essential oil, mix.

Application: Apply to clean strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Keep ten to twelve hours.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of brittleness, sections, dandruff, nutrition.

Aloe for hair

from aloe

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • sour cream / one hundred twenty-five milliliters;
  • coconut oil / 1 tablespoon;
  • freshly squeezed aloe juice / 1 tablespoon;
  • chicken egg / one piece.

Cooking: Separate the yolk from the chicken egg, combine with melted butter using a water bath, mix, add juice, sour cream, mix until smooth.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold thirty minutes - one hour.

Result: Moisturizing, eliminating dandruff, enhancing growth, strengthening. You can read more about aloe hair mask.

from yeast

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • yeast / ten grams;
  • mustard powder / 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar / 1 tea boat;
  • honey / thirty grams;
  • drinking or boiled water / sixty milliliters;
  • kefir / what grams.

Cooking: Add sugar to the yeast, warm water, stir until dissolved, set aside in a dark place for fifteen minutes. Mark kefir, honey, mustard, combine, mix, add fermented yeast, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Keep one hour. Remove with warm water, shampoo, after washing, rinse with a solution of lemon juice (2 tablespoons per liter of water) or infusion of nettle (dark strands), chamomile (light curls).

Result: To strengthen the structure and enhance growth, use the remedy for a monthly course. The mask has a nourishing, tonic effect.

from mustard

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • mustard powder / 1 tablespoon;
  • cream / 1 tablespoon;
  • aloe juice / 1 tablespoon;
  • cognac / 1 tablespoon.

Cooking: Separate the yolk from the egg, add cream, juice, mustard powder, cognac, mix thoroughly.

Aloe juice can be purchased at the pharmacy chain or by cutting the leaves of a plant that is older than three years. Previously, the leaves should be stored in a dark, cool place for at least twelve hours for the synthesis of useful compounds.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for twenty minutes.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of fragility, sections, nutrition, growth enhancement.

With kefir

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • kefir / four hundred milliliters;
  • chicken egg / one piece;
  • vegetable oil / two tablespoons.

Cooking: Separate the yolk from the egg, add the oil heated with a water bath to forty degrees, pour in the kefir, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for thirty to forty minutes.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of brittleness, nutrition.

with egg

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • chicken egg / two pieces;
  • sour cream / one hundred milliliters

Cooking: Add chicken eggs to slightly warmed sour cream, mix.

Application: Apply to dirty, dry strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Keep one hour.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of brittleness, nutrition.

Do you moisturize your hair?

Oh yeahNot

Moisturizing hair masks with oils

Oils in homemade products help moisturize, with regular use they create a protective film that can withstand the action of external factors that have a detrimental effect on the structure of the hair shafts. In a simple version, the desired effect can be achieved by using base oils:

  • almond;
  • burdock;
  • olive, etc.

Before use, the substance should be heated by placing in a water bath, not higher than forty degrees Celsius. Distribute the heated oil over clean strands and leave for a long time, possibly all night. If a we are talking about oils as components of masks, before adding to the mixture, it is worth heating in the same way.

It is highly undesirable to perform heating to temperatures above fifty degrees.

With coconut oil

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • chicken egg / two pieces;
  • kefir / one hundred milliliters;
  • coconut oil / one tablespoon.

Cooking: Separate the yolk from the egg, add kefir, heated coconut oil, mix.

Application: Apply to dirty, dry strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Keep one hour.

Result: Moisturizing, structure regeneration, nutrition, strengthening, protective effect.

With burdock oil

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • burdock oil / forty milliliters;
  • castor oil / forty milliliters / twenty milliliters;
  • honey / twenty grams;
  • glycerin / five milliliters.

Cooking: Mix the oils, add honey, the indicated amount of glycerin, mix, place in a water bath, heat.

Application: Apply to dry strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for forty minutes - one hour.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of section, nutrition.

Oils for moisturizing hair

With olive oil

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • olive oil / two tablespoons;
  • retinol acetate/ampoule;
  • vitamin F / ampoule.

Cooking: Heat the oil by placing it in a water bath, add vitamins.

Application: Apply to dirty, dry strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for forty minutes.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of brittleness, nutrition.

With castor oil

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • chicken egg / one piece;
  • olive oil / tablespoon;
  • castor oil / one tablespoon;
  • retinol acetate / one ampoule;
  • tocopherol acetate / one ampoule.

Cooking: Heat the oils by placing them in a water bath. Separate the yolk from the protein, add a mixture of oils, vitamins, mix.

Application: Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for thirty minutes.

Result: Moisturizing, elimination of brittleness, nutrition.

With avocado and olive oils

It is necessary to prepare in advance / will require:

  • olive oil / tablespoon;
  • avocado oil / two tablespoons;
  • egg yolk / one piece;
  • rosemary essential oil / five drops.

Cooking: Combine the oils, place in a water bath, heat, add the yolk, rosemary ether, mix.

Application: Apply to dry strands. Rub the resulting slurry into the head epidermis for five to seven minutes, spread it over the strands with a comb, put on a plastic cap, cover with a terry towel on top. Preheat the towel with an iron or soak in warm water (optional). Hold for thirty to forty minutes.

Result: Hydration, structure restoration, nutrition.

Rating of professional moisturizing masks

Highly effective products developed by laboratories, with the right selection, can work wonders in a shorter time, making damaged strands look healthy. If homemade mixtures need to be applied for at least a month to see the result, professional cosmetics can do it faster.

It is known that it is impossible to restore the structure of a damaged hair shaft. All available methods and means can only smooth the scales, giving a visible smoothness, but over time, the effect disappears: the collagen of the means has a larger molecule than a human one. For this reason, care procedures should be carried out regularly, using the rule for selecting masks depending on the type of hair:

  • colored, clarified - nutritious;
  • curly, dry - moisturizing action with keratin in the composition;
  • fatty - containing green clay.

The effect of funds intended for professional use:

  • restoring - regeneration of damage;
  • smoothing the cuticle;
  • sealing;
  • nutrition with vitamin, mineral, antioxidant compounds;
  • growth activation;
  • strengthening of the bulbs.

Such masks are distinguished by a complex effect. The best means on the market are shown in the table:

Rating of professional masks with a moisturizing effect
Name Release form, volume Cost in rubles Differences Recommendations, according to reviews, %
Matrix Biolage Hydrasourc Plastic box, 150 ml 1000 Country of origin - USA, designed for deep moisturizing, does not contain harmful additives 100
Brelil Numero Oat Extract Cream Mask Plastic box, 1000 ml 1100 Contains oat extract, has a nourishing, regenerating effect 90
Olive Fruit Oil Deeply Repairative Hair Pak, Kiehl's Nourishing Hair Mask Plastic box 250 ml 2800 Has a pronounced moisturizing effect, contains olive oil and avocado oil 90
Kaaral - Purify Hydra Deep Nourish Mask Intense Hydration Plastic box 500 ml 800 Has no restrictions on use, depending on the type of hair strands, nourishes, regenerates, eliminates cross-section 85
Botanicals Fresh Care, L'Oréal Paris “Hydrating Essence” Plastic box 200 ml 700 Natural Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Lavender Essential Oil 75

The beauty of hair lies not only in its color and length, but also in healthy shine, elastic elasticity, obedience in styling. It is important that split ends, broken hairs do not spoil the hairstyle and the overall impression of the image. A moisturizing hair mask, included in regular home care, will definitely help in the fight against the effects of withering numerous colors or natural factors.

The lipid layer, which is located under the outer layer of keratin scales, is responsible for the elasticity and shine of the hair. Its damage leads to the fact that the scales open, moisture is rapidly lost from the hair shaft.

Consider how the natural ingredients of home care masks work:

  • cosmetic oils. Restore the required amount of unsaturated fatty acids that hold water inside the hair.
  • Vitamins. Stimulate the formation of new cells, due to which hair grows and strengthens.
  • Chicken eggs. Lecithin in the composition of the yolk enhances intercellular bonds, vitamin B4 accelerates the removal of toxins that the hair tends to actively accumulate.
  • Fruit. Useful acids in the composition of the pulp and juice of fruits have a beneficial effect on the hair shaft, tightly laying the scales of the keratin coating.
  • Honey. Compensates for the lack of minerals necessary for the active work of the hair follicle.
  • Dairy products. Milk proteins in their composition strengthen the hair shaft, normalize the microflora on the surface of the skin.
  • Gelatin. Collagen and protein are substances that create not only a protective film on the surface of the hair, but also fill the voids inside, give the hair an elastic volume.
  • Glycerol. Trihydric alcohol retains water molecules, moisturizing hair well, has a positive effect on regenerative processes, helps deep penetration nutrients.


For moisturizing hair different type use masks whose active ingredients solve problems in the following areas: exhaustion, brittleness, dullness, disobedience. Home care is good because the procedures can be alternated, achieving brilliant results gradually, but for a long time.

Gelatin moisturizing for fine hair

An alternative to salon lamination is useful with regular use and has a cumulative protective and firming effect. The recipe attracts with its availability - only edible gelatin is needed for the mask.

The composition is prepared in advance, 2 tbsp. l. gelatin pour 4 tbsp. l. warm water. Leave to swell, then bring the mass to homogeneity in a water bath. After cooling a little, the mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair, covered with a film and a towel. Wash off after 40-60 minutes, without shampoo. Course - 5-6 sessions per month.

Honey-glycerin composition for depleted hair

This nourishing mask is equally good for the hair shaft and its root bulb. Simultaneous moisturizing and saturation with microelements heals the hair, stimulates the growth of new hair.

For cooking, mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of pharmacy glycerin. The volume is chosen, focusing on the length of the hair. The composition is rubbed into the hair roots, applied along the entire length. Covered with polyethylene, incubated for 40 minutes. Wash off with a moisturizing shampoo. Treatment is carried out twice a week, the course is at least 8-10 sessions.

Kefir for oily hair

An affordable and cheap product for moisturizing hair, the roots of which quickly become oily, and the ends are dry and brittle. An elastic film is formed on the surface of the hair, which protects against moisture loss.

Warm kefir is applied in the amount necessary to completely impregnate the hair. The head is wrapped with parchment paper, insulated with a towel. After removing it after half an hour, apply kefir to the scalp and rub the composition with your fingers for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off hot, but not scalding without detergents. The procedure is carried out every 5 days for a month.

Oil mask for dry hair

The natural composition provides not only elasticity and shine to the hair, but also nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, regulates the sebaceous glands. The volume of the mixture is prepared such that it is enough for the entire length of the hair.

The ingredients are chosen from your favorite cosmetic oils. Suitable coconut, jojoba, almond, grape seed. Combine 1 part of each, adding medicinal oils: sea buckthorn, burdock, castor, argan, black cumin. The mask can contain up to 9 ingredients.

Rub the mixture, preheated in a water bath, first into the roots, then spread over the entire length. Cover the head with a film and be sure to put on a warming cap or towel. The effect of the mask is at least an hour. The course is a month, 2 times a week.

Biphasic intensive mask

A super moisturizing mask will tidy up brittle hair, start the regeneration mechanism at the cellular level and enhance hair growth. At the first stage, a mixture of equal parts of aloe juice and onion gruel is rubbed into the roots.

After half an hour, a mass prepared from 2 tbsp is applied to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. l. fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. liquid heated honey, 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil. The head is wrapped with a film and a warm towel for another 40 minutes. Wash off with a mild shampoo. Repeat the procedure every week for a month and a half.

Egg and yogurt for chemically dried hair

Numerous stains severely damage the surface of the hair. The hair is especially hard to tolerate bleaching. Natural ingredients will help restore elasticity and shine.

The mask is prepared by whipping a mixture of eggs and natural yogurt until foamy. air mass applied with a brush on the strands, covered with polyethylene on top. Wash off without shampoo after 30-40 minutes. The mask is used in courses of 8-10 procedures every 5 days.

Instant Shine Mask

The recipe will help someone who wants to instantly give attractiveness to dry curls that have lost their healthy appearance. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure, so the express mask is especially effective before an important event or celebration.

The mixture for the mask is prepared as follows: in 2 tbsp. l. olive oil interfere gradually with 1 tsp. glycerin and table apple cider vinegar. Then beat the egg and add to the mass. The composition is carefully smeared with strands along the entire length. Cover the head with a film and insulate with a cap for 40 minutes. Rinse hair with cool water with a moisturizing shampoo, rinse with an acidic solution with the addition of lemon juice.

Vitamins for severely damaged hair

For this mask, ampoules for injection of vitamins B1, B12, B6 are purchased at the pharmacy. Their contents are added immediately before use in shampoos, balms.

To prepare the mask, beat the egg with a whisk, gradually pouring in 1 tsp. cosmetic oils: sea buckthorn, castor, almond. Lastly, vitamins are added, the mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair, the head is covered with a film and a warming cap. The procedure lasts at least one and a half hours. Wash off with a mild shampoo. The treatment consists of 10 sessions, 2 times a week.

For shiny curls

Curly hair that has lost its elasticity due to the use of flat irons and a hair dryer will be brought back to life by treatments using vitamins A and E. They are purchased in the form of capsules or in the form of a liquid oil solution.

Oils are mixed in equal parts: castor and burdock. Then add the juice of half a lemon, egg yolk and 2 tbsp. l. liquid warm honey. Mix vitamins from 3 to 5 drops just before application. The mask works for half an hour, the head is covered with polyethylene and insulated with a towel. Wash off with warm water and moisturizing shampoo. The procedure is done before each hair wash for three weeks for a lasting result.

Moisturize and nourish split ends

An unusual method using honey water will help smooth out the scales of the keratin coating at the end of the hair, preventing further moisture loss. Medicinal herbs will restore elasticity and shine.

For the procedure, a decoction is prepared from dried chamomile, linden, calendula, birch and mint leaves (1 tsp of each type of raw material). In half a glass of cooled filtered liquid, dilute 2 tbsp. l. honey. The ends of braided or collected hair are dipped in a container with honey solution for 10-15 minutes. After the hair is dried naturally, without rinsing. It is better to do this procedure on weekends.

Moisture for oily hair

A peach pulp mask will give a lively shine without weighing down hair prone to oiliness. Fruit acids will smooth the strands, have a positive effect on the work of the sebaceous glands.

Wash the peaches thoroughly, rub a few pieces on a fine grater. The mass is applied to the scalp and hair, wrapped with polyethylene. Wash off after half an hour with warm water. Such treatment is carried out in combination with the use of protective equipment during intense exposure to solar radiation or salty sea wind.

And finally

To increase the effectiveness of procedures for the treatment and prevention of dry curls, certain rules are followed:

  • apply the composition to clean hair, not completely dry after washing;
  • the use of moisturizing balms to fix the result will smooth out the scales on the surface of the hair and clog moisture and nutrients inside;
  • hair drying natural method without a hair dryer will favorably affect their condition.

Glowing clear skin, strong nails and smooth, strong hair are distinctive features well-groomed woman. But just like that, the ideal appearance is not given to anyone, all this is the result of hard work. Some women trust their appearance to cosmetologists from expensive salons, and some women achieve beauty with their own hands through the use of home remedies. Next, we will look at the secrets of hair beauty, talk about how to achieve grooming without leaving the walls of the house.

Benefits of home masks

Hair masks prepared at home from inexpensive ingredients are in many ways superior to expensive preparations. And the benefits aren't just accessibility. According to the reviews of girls who compared the effectiveness of salon preparations and home remedies, the latter win in many respects.

  • All components that make up homemade hair masks are of natural origin.
  • They are endowed with high quality, since the natural composition excludes the presence of synthetic and toxic substances.
  • Masks are safe, they do not cause any formations on the skin, and the condition of the hair does not worsen. But this is only if there is no allergy to a particular product.
  • Mask components are environmentally friendly.
  • High result from the course of cosmetic procedures. Home cosmetic components are available to absolutely everyone and are an excellent alternative to expensive hair masks. The main thing is to be patient and carry out cosmetic procedures without long breaks.

What can hair masks be made from?

Recipes for hair masks at home include available ingredients. They are prepared from food and pharmacological components. So, what can you nourish, moisturize your hair:

  • kefir, milk;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mustard;
  • olive oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • gelatin;
  • vinegar;
  • onion juice;
  • burdock, castor oil;
  • essential oils.

What to consider when applying hair masks

Prepare a hair mask at home according to the recipe chosen the day before, should be immediately before application.

  • If after use a small amount of the composition remains in the container, then the remains, no matter how sorry, must be thrown away. Even after a short storage, the cosmetic mixture loses all its usefulness.
  • Each mask has its own exposure time on the hair. It is not necessary to increase the duration of the procedure. Reducing is also undesirable (unless there are contraindications).
  • The course to improve the condition of the hair should be at least 10 sessions.
  • Each new mask containing untested substances must be tested on a small area of ​​the body (for example, on the arm). If after 10 minutes after application there is no irritation, redness, then the mask has completely passed the test and proved its safety.

Recipes for hair masks at home

Moisturizing masks: application rules

Masks for moisturizing hair at home are considered universal, as they are suitable for any type of hair. So that efforts are not in vain, the procedure must be carried out correctly:

  1. Moisturizing masks show their effect on washed, slightly dried hair at the moment when other varieties are applied to the head immediately before washing. If you do not follow this recommendation, the composition will not work to the extent expected. Therefore, first wash and blot your hair with a towel, leaving it damp.
  2. The second rule of moisturizing masks - the distribution is carried out from the hair follicles to the tips themselves. For even application, you can use a comb.
  3. The head with a moisturizing mask should be wrapped with a towel or a suitable shower cap.
  4. At home, a hair moisturizing mask lasts longer than other types of masks: from half an hour to 1.5 hours.
  5. When the time is up, the mask is removed with water at a comfortable temperature;
  6. For a visible and tangible result, it is advisable to carry out the procedure 1 time in 7 days. The course lasts 10 sessions.

Mask on kefir

This is a one-component hair mask. It perfectly nourishes the hair with moisture, gives life force. The recipe is very simple: take kefir or sour milk, warm it up a little (if necessary) and carefully distribute it along the length of your hair.

This type of mask is one of the most popular, because it is simple in composition and has a quick visible result. The former beauty returns to the faded hair, the hair becomes thicker.

Moisturizing hair mask with aloe

A promising hair remedy at home is an aloe mask. This drug is not just cosmetic, but also medicinal. In addition to the moisturizing effect, the product with aloe juice gives hair density, shine, and it is also a wonderful home mask for split ends.

A useful composition should not include a large number of components, so as not to suppress the work of aloe. The recipe is simple: a couple of tablespoons of plant juice is mixed with an equal amount of unsweetened yogurt. Everything is combined and applied to the hair.

Useful masks with cucumber

Cucumber is full of liquid, so what, if not this vegetable, should be used as a moisturizing component of a cosmetic product?

The recipe for a cucumber mask is simple: remove the peel from the vegetable and grate the pulp. The resulting slurry (can be in pure form, you can add a tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt) apply to the hair, especially carefully rub into the roots. And then use the rules above.

Home remedy with honey and glycerin

First you need to prepare the components of this mask. Honey, if it is candied, needs to be melted. For this composition, it must have a liquid state and be homogeneous. Glycerin can be bought at a pharmacy.

When preparation is complete, mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. The third element can be any oil plant origin. Rub the prepared mask into the hair, warm with a towel and leave for 40 minutes. Then rinse well with water.

Recipes for nourishing hair masks at home

Nourishing masks fill the hair with a complex of elements that activate their full growth. So that the result from the use is not long in coming, you need to follow the recommendations.

  • For a good and visible result, masks should be used regularly: at least 2-3 days a week.
  • Applying a mask to the hair is carried out immediately before water procedures.
  • The nourishing mask is first rubbed into the scalp, while making circular smooth movements. After the mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  • Wash off with warm water, and then use shampoo.

How to help colored hair

A nourishing mask for colored hair is what chemically damaged strands need. From frequent dyeing, the hair loses its natural strength, becomes dry and brittle. All this is due to the loss of nutrients. Therefore, in order to restore the hair to its former beauty, lost due to the application of coloring agents, a course of nourishing homemade masks for colored hair is carried out. You will need:

  • tincture of chamomile or nettle (can be purchased at the pharmacy market) - 60 ml;
  • grated cucumber.

It is worth clarifying that chamomile tincture is suitable for blond girls, and nettle tincture for brunettes. The remedy is prepared as follows: the tincture of the medicinal herb is brewed for 20 minutes, then filtered. The resulting solution is poured with henna, mixed and cucumber pulp is added. The finished mask is rubbed into the hair, wrapped over with a towel or cap and held for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off and wash your hair. The effectiveness of the mask can be achieved with its regular use.

Help for split ends

Would need:

  • kefir or yogurt - 50 ml;
  • cognac - 10 ml;
  • 3 egg yolks.

All components are mixed until smooth and applied to dry hair. Wrap tightly with a towel and leave overnight. If it is uncomfortable to sleep with a mask on your head, then the procedure can be carried out on weekends and walk with a mask as long as possible.

Oil nourishing mask

The following is required:

  • sea ​​buckthorn extract - 9 ml;
  • olive fruit oil - 1 ml.

After mixing the components, they need to be heated. Then rub with massaging movements into the scalp, and then distribute over the entire length of the hair. Gather your hair into a bun and wrap it with a plastic bag, and on top with a terry towel. Wait 40 minutes and wash off the mask. You will have to rinse with shampoo several times, because the oil may not be washed off the first time.

Nourishing fruit mask

Fruits contain a huge amount of nutrients, so they can be used to make a remedy for normalizing the condition of the hair. To prepare the composition, you will need the pulp of 2 bananas and 50 grams of fat sour cream. Combine everything into a mixture and rub into the hair, distributing a thick layer along the entire length. Remove curls under a towel and wait half an hour. When the time comes, the hair is washed twice with a light foam.

Coconut based product

Coconut hair mask will fill the hair strands with all the beneficial substances. The following components are suitable for its creation: coconut oil - 2 tbsp. l., honey - 1 tsp. Everything is brought to homogeneity and the mixture is heated. After smeared on curls, insulated with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, the coconut hair mask is washed off with water at a comfortable temperature and a suitable soap. The procedure is repeated 4 times a month. The course continues for 10 sessions.

Recovery masks

Weakened, dull, lifeless hair needs restoration. They are damaged from frequent blow-drying, coloring, improper combing.

Recipes for hair masks at home can restore lifeless hair, but you should not expect a quick result. The recovery process can take six months.

For home recipe restorative hair masks use natural substances: fermented milk products, honey, vegetable oils, cognac, yolks and more.

Revitalizing castor oil

A penny pharmacy drug has a tremendous effect on women's hair. Castor hair mask is a remedy tested by many women.

The most popular mask is prepared as follows: burdock and castor oils are mixed in equal proportions, heated and applied to the hair roots. Wrap with a towel and hold for 30 minutes. Wash off afterwards.

Rehabilitation of bleached hair

At home, masks for bleached hair are mixed from many natural ingredients, because such hair is often badly damaged. This is a kind of retribution for acquired beauty. Next, we’ll talk about a couple of proven mask recipes for bleached hair. It's easy to make them at home.

  1. Hair product "3 in 1". A mixture of 3 components is being prepared: honey mass, aloe juice and castor oil. The components are measured in equal amounts and combined. The main part is rubbed into the hair follicles, and the remaining mass is applied to the curls. A bundle is made from the strands, the head is insulated with a special cap or terry cloth. They detect for half an hour, then the composition is washed off.
  2. The second recipe is made from castor oil, mustard and green clay. All ingredients are combined in single parts and applied to curls. They keep such a mask for a short time - only a couple of minutes, since mustard can cause a burn. Then everything is washed off.
  3. Another option is to combine apple pulp, citrus juice and sour milk. The resulting mask rinses the hair, but does not immediately wash it off, but wait 5 minutes, after which you can conscientiously rinse your head with running water.

Hair loss prevention

Anti-fall hair masks are another popular type of therapeutic cosmetics.

Hair loss is a common occurrence and occurs in every 3 women. There can be several reasons for this disease:

  • transferred disease;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • stress;
  • recent childbirth;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • permanent staining.

It is possible to stop hair loss integrated approach: reception vitamin complex, as well as the use of hair masks against hair loss.

Burdock mask from falling out

You will need the following:

  • burdock oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • melted honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour citrus juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.

Burdock oil is first heated for a couple, and then combined with other ingredients. The finished mixture is rubbed with light movements into the scalp, and also rubbed along the entire length of the hair. Leave on for half an hour and then wash off. To achieve the expected result, the mask is used 1 time in 10 days. The course lasts 6 months. It is also a mask for hair shine.

Honey mask from falling out

For many years now, honey has undeniably occupied the first position in terms of the effectiveness of its effect on hair. It is full of useful substances and is able to rehabilitate damaged strands, add shine, eliminate cross-section, and also stop hair loss.

Masks are both single-component, that is, based on one honey, and with the addition of other components. Consider the most popular recipes.

  1. You will need 1 small onion, 50 grams of melted honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. The onion is ground on a grater and combined with other ingredients. A thick layer is applied to the strands, covered with a plastic bag and a terry towel. Wait 35 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water and shampoo. An unpleasant onion smell can be neutralized with citrus juice or a weak vinegar concentrate.
  2. The second recipe is a mustard mask. It includes 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil, a couple of yolks and 50 grams of sugar. Having combined all the ingredients, the finished mixture is applied to the curls, wrapped with a towel and held until 30 minutes have elapsed (if it starts to bake strongly, then the exposure time should be reduced). Wash off afterwards. Prepare and use the mask regularly: once a week if the hair is of a normal type, once every 10 days for dry hair, once every 5 days for greasy hair.
  3. Mask with egg, melted honey and gelatin. The same portions of yolks, honey and gelatin are combined and applied to the entire length of the strands. For 20 minutes, the healing mixture is not washed off. Then it is easily removed with warm water and shampoo. The mask is simple but very effective. You can do the procedure using this composition weekly.


Homemade hair masks are a proven tool that gives 100% results, but subject to frequent use. In addition, they are completely safe and do not cause an allergic reaction or other undesirable symptoms. Use these home remedies as often as possible. Only then should a positive result be expected. And the hair will cause envy and admiration of others.

Beautiful healthy shiny curls without split ends are the dream of every woman. It is almost impossible to achieve such an effect with just purchased shampoos and conditioners, no matter what they write on the labels.

The benefits of homemade moisturizing masks

The composition of moisturizing masks

For masks with the effect of moisturizing hair, there are a large number of ingredients:

  • Vegetable oils (castor, sea buckthorn, burdock and olive oils are more often used);
  • Decoctions, infusions, herbal hydrosols;
  • All fermented milk products (yogurt or kefir is better). To reduce the smell, after the procedure, rinse the head with water with a small amount of lemon (lime is also suitable) juice ( citric acid) or vinegar.;
  • Eggs (whole or yolk only)
  • Essential oils;
  • Honey (best used on the scalp slightly warmed);
  • onion juice;
  • Aloe juice;
  • Gelatin and glycerin;
  • Mustard (in a very small amount to strengthen the hair follicles. Be sure to add fermented milk products, yolk, oils, so as not to overdry the scalp).
  • Vitamins in ampoules

These are the products that are most often used to make homemade face masks, but not all. Based on these ingredients, which can be combined with each other for optimal results, you will get wonderful formulations for moisturizing problematic hair.

Basic rules for using moisturizing masks

In order for the home mask to moisturize the hair as much as possible and bring a tangible effect, you need to follow some rules:

  • All products in the mask must be fresh, the expiration date must not be over, and it must be freshly prepared. All products should not cause allergic reactions.;
  • It is necessary to choose in advance the appropriate composition for moisturizing. If the hair is oily, then you do not need to use vegetable oils for the scalp , you can only the tips. For dry, this is irrelevant.;
  • All products for use must be warm, approximately 35-37 degrees Celsius. So they will have their positive effect faster and better. The consistency of the mixture should look like sour cream, not have lumps;
  • Hair must be clean before using a moisturizing composition, unlike home-made mixtures with a different effect, slightly damp. Oily hair should be washed with a shampoo with a neutral composition, dry hair can not be washed, but only combed well with a brush with frequent teeth to remove dust .;
  • The mixture must be applied with a comb or hands, Special attention the last 10 cm of hair. Do not pull them between the palms, trying to rub the composition. This only damages them once again.;
  • After the moisturizing mixture has been applied, the head should be wrapped in cellophane and then with a warm towel. You can use a hair dryer for occasional heating.;
  • You need to keep the mixture prepared on your own on your head longer than ordinary purchased masks: at least 20 minutes, and preferably about an hour. Natural products in the composition begin to act later purchase funds to moisturize hair.;
  1. Cucumber and banana. Mix cucumber juice with the pulp of one banana. Add 2 tbsp. olive oil. Keep the mixture on your hair for 40-50 minutes. Rinse the rest of the composition well with a neutral shampoo and comb well, as the banana is difficult to remove.
  2. Aloe and cognac. Mix aloe pulp with kefir, curdled milk or yogurt in a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part aloe and 2 parts fermented milk product) and add 10 ml of cognac. Apply this liquid mixture to the hair roots and leave for an hour, periodically warming up with a hairdryer.
  3. Burdock and gelatin. 1 tbsp dried burdock root, pour ½ cup of hot water and leave for half an hour, covered with a lid. Apply the mixture and keep it on your head under a warm towel for one hour.
  4. Honey and avocado. Grind half a ripe avocado with a fork until gruel and combine with a tablespoon of good liquid honey. Heat to a warm state and distribute the mixture over all hair to the tips and walk with your head covered with a towel for at least half an hour. Rinse your head well with warm (not hot!) Water.

Most girls and women are well aware that regular moisturizing is required to maintain youthful and beautiful skin. But not everyone knows that hair needs life-giving moisture no less than skin.

Meanwhile, our hair is daily exposed to adverse effects that dry it out. How many girls never use a hair dryer? Are you ready to give up the use of ironing or curling irons forever? And all these styling methods contribute to the destruction of the hair structure, especially if you neglect the use of thermal protective agents.

But even if you permanently abandon styling devices, your hair will still lose moisture. In summer, this is facilitated by the hot sun, in winter - the dry air of heated rooms and frost on the street.

Special cosmetics will help to correct the situation. They can be bought ready-made, but many girls prefer to use simple masks to moisturize their hair, prepared from available products at home. The effectiveness of home procedures is quite high, and they are inexpensive.

Who needs homemade masks to moisturize their hair? This tool will help preserve or restore the beauty of curls:

  • if they have been chemically dyed, straightened or permed;
  • if the strands have become dull, have lost their shine and elasticity;
  • if it is not possible to dry the strands naturally and you often have to use a hair dryer;
  • if you neglect the need to wear a hat in the summer;
  • if you visit the pool or swim in the sea;
  • during the cold season.

Probably, many have seen in the shampoo advertisement what the hair looks like under magnification. The structure of the hair resembles a fir cone. In healthy hair, the “scales” fit snugly to the rod, but if there is a lack of moisture, then the scales move away from the base, as a result, the strands look dull, tangled and broken.

Thus, moisturizing hair masks are a strand care product that absolutely everyone needs. Regardless of the color, structure and type of hair. Moisture-free hair looks healthier, more elastic and easier to style.

Procedure Rules

Planning to use at home, masks and other folk recipes to moisturize the strands, you must first get acquainted with the rules for their implementation. They are simple, but if they are not followed, then the effectiveness of the procedures will be reduced.

Read also: Simple and useful hair masks with burdock oil

  • Choosing Recipes hair moisturizing masks Consider your hair type. So, if the strands are fatty, then products containing acid should be included in the compositions - fermented milk products, citrus juice or sour berries, apple cider vinegar. If there is increased dryness of hair, then a prerequisite is the presence of fatty components - vegetable oil, egg yolk. Hair nutrition will provide the presence of components such as aloe juice, honey, infusions of medicinal herbs.
  • It is necessary to prepare the composition immediately before application., it is impossible to store the compositions (unless otherwise specified in the recipe) for more than three hours.
  • Wash your hair before applying and let them dry a little naturally. If the strands are clean and slightly damp, then the active ingredients of moisturizing masks will be absorbed better.
  • You need to apply throughout the hair. In that case, if the strands are combined, that is, too oily at the roots and overdried at the ends, you will have to prepare two types of masks of different composition.
  • A prerequisite for the procedure is warming. You need to wrap your hair with a film (it is convenient to use a plastic shower cap or a regular plastic bag that needs to be cut for ease of use), and then put on something warm on top. You can simply wrap your head with a terry towel heated on a heated towel rail or put on a woolen hat.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the prescription., so, oil masks for restoring overdried strands can be kept up to 8 hours, it is convenient to do them at night. But the compositions, which include drying additives, should not be kept for too long, it will be enough to keep the composition for about an hour.
  • Can be washed off with or without shampoo(depending on the composition), but the water in any case should not be too hot.
  • You need to do procedures regularly. As a preventive measure, it is enough to carry them out once a week. And if the hair has undergone negative impact(for example, coloring), then you need to moisturize them more often, once every three days.

Here are time-tested recipes that will help nourish your hair with moisture and restore its natural beauty.

For dry hair strands

To moisturize and restore dry hair, you should prepare a composition with oils. It is necessary to mix in equal amounts three types of vegetable oils - burdock, olive, castor. The number of ingredients is determined by the length of the hair.

Read also: Blue clay hair masks: rules and methods of preparation

We heat the oils so that the composition becomes warm, and carefully distribute it over the strands. We carry out warming and keep from one to eight hours. Wash off with shampoo.

Universal composition with kefir

A universal kefir hair moisturizing mask is suitable for any type of strands. It perfectly restores, smoothes scales, fills with moisture.

Kefir needs to be warmed up a little (without overheating, since fermented milk products coagulate when heated to 50 degrees and above) and applied to the strands. If the hair is very dry, then you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil (any unrefined) to half a glass of kefir.

Restoring composition

If the strands not only need moisturizing, but are also damaged, a mask for moisturizing hair with honey, aloe and yolk will help solve the problem.

This composition is prepared on the basis of any fermented milk product. You can take curdled milk, yogurt or sour cream. For half a glass of product, add one yolk, beat. Pour melted honey (10 grams) and juice obtained from aloe leaves (20 ml).

If you need emergency help

If a appearance hair is not happy, and today you need to look stunning, a mask for intensive hair moisturizing with gelatin and vitamins will help. You need to purchase oil solutions of vitamins A and E at the pharmacy. In addition, you will need coconut oil.

First of all, let's deal with gelatin. Pour a spoonful of this product with warm water (100 ml) and leave to swell. Then we heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved (it is convenient to do this in the microwave, but you can also on the stove, the main thing is not to let the solution boil). Add a spoonful of melted coconut oil to the solution, and ten drops of each of the vitamins. We apply along the length, trying not to get the composition on the scalp, hold for forty minutes.

Express composition with instant effect

Another version of the mask, which gives instant results, is prepared on the basis of olive oil. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil (long hair may need more) to make it warm. Add a beaten egg, a teaspoon of glycerin and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. We hold the composition for forty minutes.

For strands prone to oiliness

Oily hair needs moisture just as much as dry hair. To maintain the water balance of strands prone to oiliness, it is worth using a tomato mask. You will need two tomatoes. They need to be dipped in boiling water for a minute to make it easier to remove the skin. Grind the fruits in a blender and wipe through a colander or sieve to remove the seeds.

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