Prepare mosquito repellent at home. Overview of purchased funds. How to relieve itching and swelling from a mosquito bite with home remedies

Helpful Hints 03.02.2018
Helpful Hints

Of course, the most effective way to avoid a bite is to promptly slap the insect, but this is not always possible. Yes, and through a dream it is very difficult to determine the landing site of a mosquito. Consider folk ways that will help avoid the attack of these malicious bloodsuckers by preventing their concentration in a single room.

Eight effective ways to keep mosquitoes at bay

Neem oil

If any of our readers have been wondering how to get rid of mosquitoes in the most effective natural way, neem oil should be your go-to. This substance does not destroy, but repels insects, acting as a very effective repellent. Official studies say that mixing neem oil with coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio is a great way to keep bloodsuckers at bay.

The drug gives the skin a special smell that prevents insects from flying closer than 5 meters. The tool has the following properties:

  • antibacterial,
  • antifungal,
  • antiviral,
  • antiprotozoal.

In order for the drug to have a longer effect, a mixture of coconut and neem oils in equal parts, after thorough mixing, should be rubbed on the exposed parts of your body before going to bed. This will protect against bites for at least eight hours.

Eucalyptus and lemon oil

It is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control as an effective insect repellant in indoor environments. A mixture of lemon and eucalyptus oil is extremely effective in repelling mosquitoes naturally.

The beneficial effect of drugs is based on the content in them of the active component cineole, which has both antiseptic and insect repellent properties when applied to the skin.

To use this mixture for external treatment of exposed skin, you need to mix lemon and eucalyptus oil in equal proportions.


This readily available ingredient may be the answer to the question of how to repel not only mosquitoes, but also other flying and crawling insects in your living space. Derived from the extract of the tree, this compound has been documented as the longest lasting repellant of any natural product against flying bloodsuckers, inhibiting their activity.

However, this substance has one significant drawback - a rather specific smell, which may not be very successful for a home. Some people do not tolerate camphor at all, and its residual aroma lingers on things for a long time. It is not recommended to sleep where a container with camphor is open, a poisoning effect is possible in the form of:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • dizziness.

This substance is useful to use on the veranda and other open spaces where people spend their time in the evenings and want to get rid of annoying insects.


According to some studies, tulasi, ( close relative our basil) is extremely useful as a mosquito larvae killer, which helps to significantly reduce the concentration of adults in the area adjacent to the house.
In addition, in accordance with the teachings of Ayurveda, the usual planting of a tulsi bush near the window will ensure the complete absence of these insects even on the approach. The plant has properties that will not only help get rid of mosquitoes inside the house, but also prevent them from flying into the living space.


This product acts as an effective natural remedy to not only repel but also kill mosquitoes. No wonder, apparently, garlic has been considered since ancient times a good remedy against bloodsuckers of various kinds.
The plant also has a specific smell, which for many may be disgusting, but the action of the product against mosquitoes, as well as against viruses, is definitely beneficial.

To use the plant, you can chop a few cloves of garlic and leave in a bowl on the windowsill in front of open window, and use the liquid tincture for spraying around the apartment. With this approach, no other mosquito repellents will notneeded within at least 12 hours. The owners will not be disturbed by mosquitoes or viruses.

Tea tree oil

If you want to use this drug as a repellant, you can either rub a little on exposed skin or add a few drops to a vaporizer. Thus, the aroma of tea tree oil will saturate the air and disperse insects at a distance of several tens of meters from the house.


If the aroma of mint relaxes and does not cause negative reactions from the body, then this drug is for you. Peppermint oil and extract were found to be as effective as any other natural indoor mosquito repellant and completely safe for humans, according to a study published in the journal Bioresources Technology.

You can buy ready-made mint oil at a pharmacy or use the leaves of the plant, plucked with your own hands. To enhance the repellent effect, you can use a vaporizer to help the fragrance fill the room faster, getting rid of mosquitoes throughout the apartment. By the way, many oral hygiene products include mint extract. Therefore, by dissolving a little mint toothpaste in water and spraying the room, you can achieve a four-hour effect.

If it is possible to plant several bushes of this plant outside the window, you will not find the best option for a long-term effect.


Not only does this plant smell divine, but it's also the best option to keep pesky mosquitoes at bay. In addition, the lavender smell has a very beneficial effect against clothing and food moths.

Against mosquitoes at night, you can rub a few drops of lavender oil on exposed skin or drip on a vaporizer. In addition to a good deterrent effect, a sound sleep in a fragrant room will be ensured.

So, we have proposed folk, quite effective and safe (in the absence of individual intolerance in the form of allergies) natural mosquito repellents. Our readers can only choose the one that will be most convenient for him. Good luck fighting mosquitoes!

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We often puzzle over how to get rid of mosquitoes, buy the newest, most fashionable and expensive repellents, spend money, use chemicals, and the answer is much simpler and lies on the surface itself. You want to know? Read on about reliable means of protection against mosquitoes.


They are very sensitive to smells, both attractive and repulsive. Therefore, it is enough just to use one of the old, kind, reliable and long-established grandmother's mosquito repellents, and the hated insects themselves will not want to "land" on you and visit your house.

Spices - fragrant mosquito repellent

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It has been verified that mosquitoes do not like the aroma of spices such as cloves, anise, cinnamon, basil. If you like these spices, then grind a few pieces of spices in a mortar and you will get a two-in-one remedy: mosquito repellent and aromatherapy session. You can also brew spices by pouring boiling water over them and insisting for several minutes. Then treat curtains, clothes and just exposed skin.

Clove and citrus against mosquitoes

Home remedy for mosquitoes © Depositphotos

Cloves act against bloodsuckers in another combination. An excellent indoor mosquito repellent is a lemon cut in half and stuffed with clove buds. And what a flavor!


Smoke protection against mosquitoes

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Have you noticed that mosquitoes don't like smoke? Yes, they do not like tobacco smoke, and therefore it is also a good mosquito repellent. Also, sitting in the woods by the fire, throw a few pine or Christmas tree cones into the fire - mosquitoes will fly away unhappy.

Living protection against vampires - plants

Mosquito repellent. Citronella © Depositphotos

Plant elderberry, valerian, rosemary, calendula, citronella, lemon balm or simple tomatoes under the window of your house. They say that the branches and leaves of these plants are also not to the taste of mosquitoes, but their appearance will please the eye.

How to get rid of mosquitoes with oils

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Even if you run out of fumigator fluid, do not rush to buy a replacement unit. Instead, use an essential oil of your choice: eucalyptus, cedarwood, tea tree, neem tree, valerian, and even plain camphor. The oil heated over the fire with its fragrant fumes will scare away all mosquitoes. Or you can just lubricate the exposed areas of the body with oil.

Mosquitoes don't like flowers

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"Loves - does not love - loves - does not love!" Persian chamomile or feverfew literally gets on the nerves of mosquitoes. Dry the flowers, stems and leaves of such a chamomile and spread a few bouquets around the house - mosquitoes will leave your home.

How to get rid of mosquitoes with wormwood

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A decoction of the roots of wormwood, applied to the skin, and the wormwood itself, left in a bouquet on the windowsill or at the entrance, is an excellent protection against mosquitoes and other annoying insects.

AT summer months mosquitoes can cause a lot of trouble.

There are many different effective means to control these insects, but many are afraid to use them due to the widespread belief that they are harmful to health. In addition, there is information about side effects some of the components included in their composition.

There are safer methods and means to deal with annoying insects. Among them are various essential oils that repel mosquitoes, as well as some types of plants and flowers.

7 creative life hacks that will help you get rid of annoying bloodsuckers without using unsafe sprays, sticks, creams and other mosquito repellents.

1. Blooming garden

Lemongrass, citronella and lavender will help get rid of mosquitoes. By planting these fragrant plants in your garden or placing them on the balcony of your house, you can scare away annoying insects.

2. Diffuser

Start the fight against mosquitoes by placing a diffuser at home or in the country - a device for spraying aromatic oil in the air, which turns essential oil into microparticles, keeping them suspended in the air for several hours. Such a device will not only destroy bacteria, fungi and freshen the air, but also drive away annoying mosquitoes. It is recommended to use lemongrass essential oil, which is an effective mosquito repellent.

3. Take a bath

Instead of applying mosquito creams and sprays to your skin, take a bath with a few drops of citronella oil, which not only repels mosquitoes, but also rejuvenates, tightens the skin, and also relieves fatigue. In addition, citronella is considered a good antiseptic and is recommended for skin inflammations.

4. Start a fire

The aroma of sage actively repels mosquitoes. If you add sage to the fire, it will scare away mosquitoes and other insects.

5. Water bag

Plastic bags with water, hung in the room, will drive away not only mosquitoes, but also flies. The secret of this unusual way who came from Latin America, in that, flying past bags of water, insects see the space of the room distorted due to the reflection of water. This repels insects, and they leave the room.

6. Laundry fragrances

7. Eat more garlic

Garlic is also effective in fighting mosquitoes. They will be scared away not only by the garlic smell from the mouth, but also by the substances that make up its composition, which are released along with a person’s sweat. It is not necessary to eat garlic dishes at all, as an alternative, you can use garlic tablets, which will get rid of bad breath, but at the same time will repel mosquitoes, as well as ticks.

8, Soybean oil

Soybean oil is effective on its own and repellents based on it are in no way inferior to DEET. Soybean oil can be diluted with lavender, citronella, or catnip to enhance the "anti-mosquito" effect. Kind of 2 in 1.

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At home, you can prepare various solutions, creams, pyrotechnic devices against blood-sucking insects based on spices, plant parts, essential oils. It has been noticed that mosquitoes and midges have a negative attitude towards certain odors, and this is used to create protection against insects. Funds can be divided into two groups, these are used on the streets and used indoors.

Folk recipes for mosquitoes for the street

Many mosquito repellent recipes can be made from what you have at home. It's about about spices and essential oils, they need a little, and skin protection is provided for several hours.

When going to the forest, to the river, to the mountains, it is imperative to wear clothes made of thin but dense fabric. There is an opinion that mosquitoes do not like yellow and therefore you can choose a yellow outfit.

If possible, it is always necessary to rinse on the road, as the smell of sweat for insects is also attractive.

Folk recipes for mosquitoes for the home

Folk remedies for mosquitoes for use in a residential building are practically no different from those used in open space. Only recipes against insects need to be slightly adapted in order for our body to respond normally to them. Most often at home, essential oils are used to limit the entry of insects into rooms. Oil of lavender, eucalyptus, anise, cloves can be dripped onto curtains, applied to the head of the bed. It is even better to use an aroma lamp to create a sustainable smell. A few drops of oil with a smell that is pleasant for you and repels mosquitoes is placed in a bowl and a candle is lit - the smell quickly spreads throughout the apartment. In the summer, it is necessary to use the aroma lamp several times a day, lighting it for 20-30 minutes.

Reliable protection for the house from insects is mosquito nets on windows and doors. Near the entrance to the house, you can also hang sprigs of elderberry, juniper, wormwood. To prevent insects from flying into the house, these plants must be constantly replaced with fresh ones.

Folk self-prepared mosquito repellents can be safely used for the longest time. Many people choose these recipes because of their cost-effectiveness.

Order the extermination of insects in Moscow and the region

All types of protection against mosquitoes are divided into such methods and methods:

  1. Ecological ways.
  2. physical ways.
  3. biological methods.
  4. folk methods.
  5. Chemical methods.
  6. Technical methods.
  7. Methods using ultrasound.

Mosquitoes are very sensitive to odors. Here is a list of products that these insects do not like so much, and the use of which will help to avoid their appearance:

  1. Peel from tomatoes.
  2. Fresh walnut leaves (exclusively walnut).
  3. Basil (its fresh leaves).
  4. Cherry fruits.
  5. Elderberry (branches).
  6. Anise stars.
  7. Clove fruits.
  8. Valerian.
  9. Eucalyptus (essential oil).
  10. Thyme (fresh leaves).
  11. Lavender.
  12. Cedar oil.
  13. Birch tar.
  14. Geranium.
  15. Feverfew (chamomile).

However, there are some smells that, on the contrary, attract mosquitoes. According to statistics, one in ten people is much tastier to a mosquito than the other nine. One of the first, in importance, smells that attract these insects is the smell of sweat, or rather the lactic acid that it contains.

Mosquitoes are also partial to certain drugs, such as those used for heart disease. Alcohol is another delicacy of bloodsuckers.

Basic mosquito control methods

  1. Clothing in bright and dark colors is extremely attractive to mosquitoes. So it is better to wear white clothes when you are going for a walk.
  2. The use of vitamin B12, in reasonable quantities, clearly repels mosquitoes, or rather the smell of the body, which changes when this product interacts with the human body.
  3. One of the most effective repellent odors is the aroma of vanilla. Diluted vanillin in water and applied to the skin will help to cope with bites perfectly (do not use vanilla sugar, only crystalline vanillin is suitable for this method).
  4. Diluted vegetable oil + shampoo + vinegar (nine percent)- Another recipe for an effective mosquito control method.
  5. Garlic- universal, anti-mosquito remedy. Eliminates the attack of not only mosquitoes, but also ticks. There are several ways to use garlic:
    • Freshly squeezed garlic juice. It will need a little. They need to rub the skin, so that not a single insect will attack, including a mosquito.
    • Tincture of garlic (alcohol). It is necessary to grate, squeeze through a press, or grind a head of garlic into porridge and pour it all with a glass of vodka or alcohol diluted up to forty degrees. Insist a week. Next rub the skin.
    • Fresh garlic (chopped). So that mosquitoes do not bother, in some places you can spread slices of chopped fresh garlic.

One of effective ways mosquito control is the use of essential oils in different ways.

Here are some effective recipes:

  1. Use of an aroma lamp. Add about six drops to hot water essential oil which you like best, then light the candle.
  2. Essential oil spray. You need to buy or find a bottle of some kind of spray at home. Next, we prepare the mixture: ten drops of oil + ten drops of alcohol + one hundred milliliters of water, shake all these components and you can use the resulting liquid.
  3. Candles. If a picnic is planned in nature and there is a possibility of an invasion of mosquitoes, candles can be used. In them (before ignition) it is necessary to add a few drops of essential oil and ignite.
  4. Cream. It is necessary to take any body cream, add a few drops of essential oil to it, stir and smear the skin with the resulting solution.
  5. Napkin with essential oil. If mosquitoes bother you in your house or apartment, you can prepare an insect repellent before going to bed. To do this, wet a napkin or towel, add a few drops of oil and put the cloth near the bed. In this case, restful sleep is guaranteed.

Especially mosquitoes do not like such essential oils that are made from: thyme, citronella, lavender, rosemary, lithea, cloves, geranium, eucalyptus, basil.

Heavy Duty Mosquito Repellent

1. Repellents

There are a fairly large number of such drugs:

  1. Special spray or aerosol. They are quite effective, they last up to three hours on clothes or the body, but they are most effective in the first forty minutes after spraying. Such drugs are quite dangerous, they can cause allergies, so children and pregnant women are not recommended to use.
  2. Body creams. They are less effective, most effective in the first hour after application to the skin. However, they can also be used for small children, there are special lines for the smallest.
  3. Bracelets. They produce special rubber straps that are attached to the hand and prevent mosquitoes from attacking. They are impregnated with essential oils, therefore they are suitable for everyone (children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers).

2. Fumigators (they are electric and pyrotechnic):

3. Lamp-destroyer of insects

Their only drawback is the high price, which is fully justified. The device emits heat and light, on which insects flock, thanks to a special fan they are sucked into the device, where the insects die. Such a solution to the problem is absolutely not dangerous for humans, it can be used both outdoors and indoors.

4. Ultrasonic shredders

There are several types of them:

  1. The first- This is a stationary insect repeller. It is used in rooms and is effective within a radius of up to fifty meters.
  2. Second- it's pocket. It is less effective, works within a radius of no more than three meters. However, this is quite enough when walking through the forest, or on the street.

Features of fishing with mosquitoes

  1. Ultrasonic mosquito repellers will be perfect, by the way, when fishing, the radius of their effectiveness allows you to save not only one person, but the whole team (up to five people). A pocket keychain can also come in handy, which will perfectly protect the lucky owner.
  2. Tobacco smoke is also an effective means of controlling mosquitoes, however, how long it can be depends on the human body.
  3. Not so long ago, special applications appeared on smartphones and tablets, including which allegedly produces a high-frequency sound that repels insects. However, many argue that this is nothing more than a prank or a joke. Experiments show that this method is absolutely not valid.
  4. folk methods, were and will be the most effective and relevant ways to protect against mosquitoes. Here are some good tips:
    • One of the simplest methods- this is to make a fire, which will serve as protection against insects. It will be more efficient and thicker if you add branches of coniferous trees.
    • The second way is to brew the crust from walnut, and then smear the skin with this decoction.
    • The third way is to dilute crystalline vanillin with body cream, smear the skin with this solution.

Folk remedies for mosquito control

  1. A decoction of wheatgrass root has long been considered one of the most effective methods of fighting mosquitoes.
  2. Feverfew (aka Persian or Caucasian chamomile) is a special powder that is made by grinding the stems, inflorescences and leaves of chamomile. The smell of this product always repels harmful insects.
  3. From tar, baby cream or body cream, as well as with the addition of vanillin, they make an ointment that does an excellent job with mosquitoes.
  4. You can lay out pieces of fresh and chopped garlic in the house, leave drops of valerian, spruce cones - mosquitoes do not accept all this.
  5. The remains of tomatoes will do an excellent job of eliminating mosquitoes, their specific smell will be an excellent weapon against these insects; as well as planted tomato bushes under the windows - this is another excellent method of struggle.
  6. Fresh branches of elderberry, mountain ash and bird cherry act in the same way as tomato leaves.
  7. Essential oils from: cedar, eucalyptus and anise - effective method control of unwanted insects.
  8. Smoke from pine or spruce cones, with the scent of pine needles, is a nightmare for any insect.

What to do if you have already been bitten

  1. A soda-based solution can help get rid of itching. Recipe: dilute half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water. A pale pink potassium permanganate-based mixture is also considered an effective solution.
  2. Kefir and curdled milkexcellent facilities to relieve discomfort. Spread it on reddened places on the skin and the itching will go away in an instant.
  3. A well-known method from childhood - a leaf of plantain, parsley, bird cherry, or mint attach to the bite site, before the procedure, you need to slightly crush the leaves.
  4. "Star"- this is a balm that will help in any trouble, a mosquito bite is no exception. Spread it on the affected area of ​​​​the body and the tooth will pass.
  5. Another recipe is based on essential oil. It is necessary to dilute five drops of any essential oil with twenty-five milliliters of oil (apricot kernel or almond). Smear the bite site with the remedy.

There is a very large number of different effective methods mosquito control. Everyone will find a suitable option for preventing insect bites. Also, do not be upset and panic if you still become a victim of a mosquito bite. It's not scary, because modern and ancient folk methods will provide everyone with effective assistance in healing the wounds received.

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