Gas station plan. What does the franchisee get?

Tourism and rest 24.09.2019
Tourism and rest

Considering that the cost of fossil fuels tends to only increase, many businessmen are thinking about whether it is profitable to open a gas filling station, because every year there are more and more cars that use gas equipment. However, traditional fuels are now in no less demand. Therefore, a completely logical question may arise: "How to open a gas station?"

Relevance of the problem

On the this moment in the world (and Russia is no exception), large and small businesses are developing at a fairly rapid pace. For an entrepreneur, the most demanded and popular areas are the following: agriculture, trade and the service sector.

The last one is the most relevant. If we talk about how to open a gas station, it is worth noting that this can be a particularly profitable venture. This type of business is becoming more and more popular, as almost everyone has their own vehicle: motorcycles, cars or trucks, etc.

Fuel is a fairly valuable energy source and an indispensable component for the functioning of transport, because all cars run on gasoline and diesel fuel. The first is a valuable product of oil refining, which is why it is constantly in demand. Therefore, if you are considering how to open a gas station, then you should know that this business can become very profitable. It's worth considering how to do it from scratch.

Location selection and required documents

The first thing you need to organize a business in this area, as in any other, is to register with the IFTS as individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the second case, you will need more time and money, but this will give you the opportunity to make transactions with individuals and legal entities.

In the first case, we can talk about the possibility of making transactions exclusively with individuals. During the registration process, you will be required to pay government fees. After that, it will be necessary to collect certain documents, namely, to take a license from the Ministry of Fuel for the storage of oil and fuel, obtain from local authorities authorities permit the lease of land, and conclude a lease agreement.

If we talk about how to open a gas station, then it should be noted the importance of placing it correctly. It would be best to organize gas stations in an area where there is no competition. The first thing to do is to take a look at the area.

It is advisable to build a gas station on the outskirts of the city, or at the exit from it, since there are usually not so many of them in such places. Speaking about how to open a gas station, it should be noted the importance of developing a list of services provided, namely: the sale of various brands of gasoline, gas and diesel fuel.

Acquisition of necessary equipment and provision of additional services

In the event that you are wondering how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the purchase will be included in the cost necessary equipment, namely: fuel dispensers, control systems, showcases, fire-fighting stands, cash registers, bar counters, shelves, kitchen appliances and more. All this equipment is quite expensive.

However, it is not enough just to buy it, it is important to place everything correctly and rationally. Speaking about how to build a gas station, it should be noted that you can not only sell fuel, but also organize a store nearby where spare parts and tools will be sold. The opening of a cafe can be very promising, as passing drivers will have the opportunity to eat and relax.


Understanding how much it costs to open a gas station, it should be noted that the business plan provides for the next step, which is to set up fuel supplies. To do this, you need to find a good supplier. This is not a problem in a big city, as there are many companies supplying gasoline, gas and diesel fuel.

Fuel from famous brands, for example, Lukoil, is most valued. This is where franchising comes into play. And then the question arises, how much does it cost to open a Lukoil gas station? Franchising assumes that the future businessman enters into an agreement on the right to use the brand.

Usually it costs about 25-30 thousand rubles a year. However, this is a useful investment, because this way you can attract many customers. Most drivers prefer to buy gasoline exclusively from well-known companies. So you can increase the demand for the products offered, and hence your income.


If you are thinking about how to open a gas station, you should understand that this will require recruiting a staff. We can recommend hiring people with at least some experience in this area. How many people do you need to organize a full-fledged activity?

To work, you will need two tankers, sellers, security guards, as well as a leader. All of them must be certified in this profession. The number of employees is directly dependent on the size of the gas station, as well as on the number of cars for which it is designed. Usually eight, but there may be other options.

When the staff is recruited, the fuel price will need to be set. It is worth noting that well-known brands like Lukoil will be in demand the most. LUKOIL is enough big company, whose activity is the sale of oil and oil products.

If you are wondering how much it costs to open a gas station, then it should be noted that in order to establish a business, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions: rationally locate the gas station and equip it, do not overcharge, and also provide a high level of service quality. It is also necessary to think about the fact that all personnel must comply with fire safety requirements, because gasoline is a liquid that is quite flammable.

Gas station: business plan

Not everyone can open a gas station. This business is quite expensive. On average, Lukoil needs about 6 million rubles to organize refueling. It takes a lot of money to rent a piece of land. It will take 100-1500 thousand rubles.

The purchase of equipment for gas stations is also associated with quite significant costs, and here we are talking about a million rubles or more. In addition to everything, the construction of gas stations will require about two million rubles. Approximately the same amount will be required for payments to staff wages. These calculations are relevant for any city, regardless of size.

However, you should not immediately be afraid of such large expenses, because the income from the activities of the gas station will be considerable, approximately 20-30 thousand rubles a day. A cafe and a car parts store can be additional sources of income. For a month, revenue may well reach the amount of 600 thousand rubles.

An important component of the fuel business is building relationships with suppliers. It will be most beneficial to develop relations with large oil companies that have not only a tank farm, but also the rest of the infrastructure. This is the only way to guarantee high fuel quality.


Even if you are interested in how to open a gas station, then you should know that such a business requires special precautions. A modern fuel station should more closely resemble a serious banking institution than a minimarket.

By all means, windows and doors should be armored, and the cashier and his equipment should not be visible at all. Under no circumstances may a cashier open the door to working time and get out of your seat. The obligatory equipment that the gas station should be equipped with is an alarm button.


An important part of a business plan filling station opening is the compliance of work standards with existing this moment legal requirements. A lot of inspection organizations will constantly monitor your activities. You must always be ready and not be afraid of any checks.

Most often, gas stations are visited by representatives of the trade inspectorate, oil inspectorate, fire and tax services. The station must be built accordingly, and also be interested in compliance with all existing rules. This is very relevant if the business owner intends to stay in this market for a long time.

Sales norms

On average, gas stations sell about 3-5 cubic meters of gasoline per day. If you constantly take care of the quality of the goods, then this figure may be slightly overestimated. If you are interested in how to organize electric filling stations, then it is worth noting that it is better to combine them with traditional filling stations.

Professional tricks

In this business, there are a number of tricks that at first glance seem small, but they are very expensive. It is known that gasoline can expand in volume from high temperatures. Therefore, you must definitely monitor the temperature that the substance has when poured into a fuel truck.

During the acceptance of gasoline, the receptionist may stick the measuring tape too far into the storage container. From this, the liquid will splash, which will lead to the formation of a wave. The result of this will be the fact that the ejected liquid will refuse to be unaccounted for.

All of the above about how to open a gas station can lead to the conclusion that this activity is quite expensive and difficult. This business has a significant advantage - a gas station can be built in just a few weeks.

And the payback of such an enterprise is quite fast, while the profit is very high. In the business plan, the most important place is given to the correct location of the gas station. It should be a territory without competitors in the city center or at the exit from it. The construction of a gas station will require the purchase of expensive equipment.

For business success importance has the right choice of staff. They must have a suitable education as well as certificates. In order for the business to start working, you will need to collect a complete list of the necessary documentation.

Otherwise, we are talking about illegal business. If you have initial capital, you have certain organizational skills, as well as a desire to increase your own wealth, then the construction of a gas station will be an excellent direction worth investing.

Activity in this business is growing noticeably every day. There are gas stations at almost every corner. Today, there are about 1.5 thousand of them in the Moscow region alone. Naturally, the owners of the gas stations are different.

Now several major players stand out: LUKOIL, YUKOS, Rosneft, Slavneft, Sibneft, TNK, Tatneft. However, this market is currently undergoing active restructuring.

And in the oil business, after all, there are still vacancies. And if you want to enter this market, then you need to immediately choose your path. You can do everything yourself. Build a personal gas station and run a business completely autonomously. But you can also organize a company under the trademark of a well-known oil company, entering into a franchise relationship with it.

1 We calculate the cost of building a gas station

First, you will need to rent land. Then acquire special licenses for the storage of oil, gas and products of their processing. Licenses are issued by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. There is a small fee for paperwork at the ministry.

But for the right to build a gas station on a specific site, you will have to fork out, so to speak. For example, land in the Moscow region, with the registration of all required documents will cost $ 100 thousand. You can also apply to some company that will do all the red tape with the documents for you.

Naturally, you will need to purchase special equipment. The cheapest minimum set of 2 speakers and a computer costs $40 thousand. But for refueling, after all, you need at least 4 speakers. Typically, businessmen spend $100,000 to $200,000 on equipment. Access roads, a building for an operator, and gasoline tanks cost at least $50,000. And this is if you decide to do without a store, a car wash and a car repair shop. In principle, for the first time they are not required. In general, the gas station costs $500,000. This includes all permits, land, and other expenses.

2 Franchising

Many gasoline sellers believe that the advantageous location of the gas station and its technical equipment do not guarantee sustainable profits. Therefore, franchising is becoming popular today. A small gas station owner, using the brand of one of the well-known oil companies, increases his sales. As the experience of the Smolensk region has shown, only the transition under the wing of LUKOIL doubles the sale of gasoline at an ordinary private gas station. The franchise agreement costs the owner only $700 per year.

When choosing a patron company, do not forget to find out if there is an oil depot or oil refinery that belongs to it near you. There may simply be interruptions in the supply of high-quality fuel. After all, it is difficult and costly to transport gasoline from afar. The capacity of the most common ZIL fuel truck is 12 cubic meters. m, and more powerful machines are able to carry up to 40 cubic meters. m.

Remember that, having concluded a franchise agreement with you, the company after a while will require detailed compliance with its corporate identity. For example, LUKOIL has issued a whole brochure with recommendations for gas stations cooperating with it. It says what size and color the signs should be, and what uniforms staff should wear, and at what height the flags should be hung, and even how to arrange the trash cans. So, you will have to completely rebuild the gas station in accordance with a certain standard. Alteration can be very expensive - up to $ 150 thousand. Therefore, in order not to waste money, it is better to think over this issue at the very beginning.

3 Gasoline

Important element gasoline business is a close relationship with an oil depot or an oil refinery. You can agree on favorable wholesale prices, and the most convenient mode of acceptance of goods. However, it is most profitable to establish relations with a large oil company, which has both its own tank farm and the rest of the infrastructure. In addition, it guarantees the quality of gasoline.

To better navigate wholesale selling prices for fuel, it is useful to use the Internet. The most complete and up-to-date information is available on the website Daily information costs about $50. There is also a free way - an Internet exchange for the sale and purchase of petroleum products ( True, analytical information about market trends is still provided for money. Sale prices include all indirect taxes: excise duty, value added tax (VAT), tax on the sale of fuels and lubricants (NDF).

But remember that this is not always the case. The Tax Code allows excise duty to be levied both from refineries and oil depots, and from gas stations. Therefore, when buying gasoline, pay attention to what is specifically included in the selling price of fuel. After all, depending on this, the price gap can be significant. The excise tax in Russia for A-76(80) gasoline is 2,190 rubles/t, for A-92 and A-95 - 3,000 rubles/t, for diesel fuel - 890 rubles/t.

4 Security

Many say that the gasoline business is criminal. However, the level of its criminalization is not higher than throughout the country. And yet, the doors and windows of the gas station should be made armored, and the cashier with his equipment should not be visible. Also, he does not have the right to open the door and go outside during working hours.

Every gas station must have a panic button. According to the agreement, a police brigade will urgently arrive at the gas station if something happens. The cost of the contract on the highway is 1000 rubles per month, in the city 7000 rubles. There must also be security. Salaries of security guards range from 3000 rubles. up to $3 thousand

5 Frames

the main problem for gas stations it is frames. Especially if the station is located far from a large settlement. Qualified personnel are hard to find. A gas station employee must, at a minimum, be proficient in working on a personal computer. However, often people who come to get a job have never really sat at a computer. According to the rules, each employee of the gas station must have a special certificate confirming his vocational training. Therefore, you have to either outbid specialists, or teach. However, there are special courses for this. Their cost is about 2000 rubles. from a person. Moreover, everyone is required to complete them: drivers, cashiers, tankers.

6 Control

The quality of the work of gas stations is controlled by many inspection organizations. You must always be ready for this. For example, representatives of the oil inspectorate often quite unexpectedly visit gas stations.

There are also other inspectors: the trade inspectorate, the tax service, firefighters.

7 Sales norms

In the provinces, gas stations usually sell an average of 3-5 cubic meters. m of petrol per day. However, these figures can be increased. Today, when there is no need to talk about the shortage of gasoline, it is quality that enters the struggle for the client. For example, the experience of the Smolensk branch of LUKOIL showed that it is possible to sell 10-15 cubic meters. m of gasoline per day and even more.

The turnover and profitability of gas stations also largely depend on the location of the station. If you work on a franchise basis, then the company under whose flag the fuel is sold also plays an important role. Great importance has the quality of the roads on which the gas station stands. If there are solid pits and bumps around the gas station, it is unlikely that people will go there for gasoline.

In order to attract customers, gas station owners are starting to build gas stations-complexes where you can buy gasoline, wash and repair a car, eat at the same time and even spend the night. The pioneers in this business were the filling stations of British Petroleum. Near some of their gas stations are McDonald's restaurants.

Now almost everyone wants to do this.

According to the materials of the magazine "Director-info"


Types of filling stations

Petrol stations are divided into two types: container-type stations (KAZS), as well as at gas stations with underground and outdoor tanks for fuel storage.

Note that CAFS are used mainly for temporary use. The operation of such stations, as part of the retail sale of fuel and lubricants, for certain objective reasons, is considered inappropriate, since they are subject to very strict safety requirements from the regulatory authorities, as a result of which the costs of preparing the required documentation and installing equipment increase significantly.

How to register a gas station

An important factor for the further successful promotion of the chosen direction is the choice of the taxation system. In the designated industry, almost all organizations use common system requiring work with VAT (value added tax). Fuel suppliers are extremely reluctant to enter into contracts with enterprises that operate without VAT.

It is worth considering that large suppliers and corporate clients prefer to deal with "LLC" (limited liability company). This form of management economic activity allows a more in-depth approach to solving certain legal and financial matters arising in the process of mutual cooperation between enterprises.

Licensing of filling stations canceled.

Selection of land

Special attention should be given to the choice of land for the construction of gas stations, as the choice of location is the main criterion for the success of future activities. The ideal condition for placing a gas station is the presence of:

  • road junction,
  • federal roads with heavy traffic,
  • car parks,
  • as well as, if possible, the maximum proximity of the object to settlements.

A good indicator would be the location of the gas station in the territory where there are no "promoted" gas stations. Of course, getting a site that meets all of the above requirements is very rare, but at least one of these conditions must be present.

Tip: To determine suitability as a use for the placement of a road service facility (road service facility), it is required to carry out independent expertise. This largely depends further fate your undertaking

The size of the plot is determined taking into account the gas station project you have chosen. But do not forget that for the uninterrupted operation of the gas station, you must have convenient entrances. The marking of such entrances and the organization of traffic at gas stations is coordinated with the traffic police and road services.

Before choosing a project, an analysis of the location of the filling station should be carried out, the results of which determine the required number and equipment of the fuel dispenser (fuel dispenser), which will equip the filling station.

Regulatory documentation

No less responsible is the preparation of documentation for the registration of the land. Unconditionally, all requirements for the conditions for the location of gas stations, design, construction and organization of the territory of a gas station must be met. Given that at the time of opening your first gas station, you will encounter a number of problems that were previously unknown to you, the solution of these issues should be entrusted to specialists.

To date, there are many organizations that will comprehensively perform all the work, starting with the design documentation of the land plot and ending with the commissioning of the facility with the provision of all necessary certificates, approvals, permits and approvals. It makes no sense to list all the requirements and provisions with the numbers and dates of the documents, since they are accepted at the regional level and may differ significantly from each other.

General list of required requirements:

  1. Requirement for placement to the gas station.
  2. Requirements for the design and construction of a filling station.
  3. Basic requirements for buildings, structures and equipment of gas stations.
  4. Environmental and sanitary-hygienic requirements for the design of filling stations.

Tip: You must clearly understand that failure to comply with even the most insignificant, in your opinion, points will subsequently lead to problems, the solution of which will take a significant part of time, finances and your own nerves. The gas station is an object of increased danger.


There are many on the market various models both domestic and foreign manufacturers. When choosing, you should be guided by the price and quality of the proposed product.

In specialized stores there are almost all components for the maintenance and repair of the fuel dispenser. With this, problems during operation usually do not arise. I will list the minimum set of necessary equipment for equipping a small gas station, taking into account the fact that two types of fuel will be supplied from each fuel dispenser.

  • Tank for storage and release of fuels and lubricants - 4 pcs. volume of 15m 3 each.
  • Reservoir for emergency fuel transfer - 1 pc. 15m 3
  • Tank for storm system, you can use any second-hand - 10m 3
  • Fuel dispenser - 2 pcs. 2 sleeves each.

Control panels, cables and valves are included in the fuel dispenser kit. The cost of all of the above depends on the model and manufacturer you choose.

All gas stations use reliable software that can fully automate the entire cycle of the fuel dispensing process, from dumping the fuel truck into the tank and ending with the submission of a daily report with its preliminary sending to the accounting department. Thus, reducing to zero the possibility of unforeseen situations arising due to circumstances that are commonly called " human factor". Such equipment and software for it is not expensive and can be installed in a matter of hours.


The next issue to consider when opening a gas station is the selection of personnel. Everything is simple here:

  • Gas station manager- 1 person, control over the operation of the gas station, work with operators, absolute knowledge of the program that ensures the operation of the fuel dispenser.
  • Repairer- 1 person his duties include the repair of equipment and premises, if possible, versed in software gas station.
  • Filling station operator- 4 people, fuel supply, control over revenue and its delivery to collectors.

You will also need an electrician, which can be issued under a contract. I do not consider workers directly involved in refueling vehicles on the territory, since at first you can do without them.


On average, it takes from 3 to 6 months to agree on all the documentation required for opening a gas station, and the construction of a gas station takes 6-12 months. The cost of opening a budget gas station is 12 - 15 ml. rubles. The payback period of the project is 3-5 years.

Fleets with a large number of rolling stock have to solve the problem of what fuel, where to refuel equipment and how to save money at the same time. Centralized refueling at ordinary gas stations, even if using fuel cards, is unprofitable: collusion, theft and underfilling this case in the order of things. Everyone understands this, however, most large fleets consider an agreement with fuel networks to be the best solution. “There are a lot of inconsistencies. For example, a train left Central Russia to a remote region, and even at branded filling stations using cards, we observe a stable underfilling, - says Kirill Vodin, Deputy General Director of Vesta Transport Company LLC. “As a result, we even had to change the fuel company because of this, plus organize our own gas station on the territory of the vehicle fleet.”

Is it possible to organize fuel distribution directly on the territory of the enterprise? Until recently, this path was very difficult. In order to build your own gas station on the territory of the car park and own this facility legally, you had to go through many instances, get more than a dozen pages of permits. Only large car factories could afford this.

Everything changed in 2012, when gas stations were taken out of the control of Rostekhnadzor, which fundamentally changed the possibility of operating all types of gas stations. “Currently, the principle of arrangement and operation of container gas stations is regulated only by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but with one caveat: if the gas station is not located on the territory of a hazardous production facility (Rostekhnadzor is additionally involved here). Only the Ministry of Emergency Situations classifies various types of stations in its main documents NPB 111-98 and the set of rules “Car filling stations. Fire safety requirements” dated July 1, 2014,” says Yuri Kolesnikov, CEO Association "Penzaspetsavtomash" (trademark Benza).

CONTAINER AND MODULAR filling stations

Today on the Russian market there are many products that have different names, but in essence the functions performed are the same. These include container and mobile gas stations, fuel and refueling modules. Modular gas station is a station, the technological system of which is designed for refueling Vehicle only liquid motor fuel and is characterized by an above-ground location of the tank and the spacing of the fuel dispenser (TRK) and the fuel storage container. A container filling station (KAZS) differs from a modular one only in that the fuel dispenser is placed in a fuel storage container.

In fact, from the point of view of compliance with NPB 111-98, it is absolutely unimportant how the products are called, the main thing is that they be made as a single product. “Any design that meets these parameters and has all the necessary certificates for a single factory product should and will be classified by fire inspectors as a container gas station and nothing else,” says Yuri Kolesnikov. - It is only for the customer to choose, according to the factors of further operation, how the gas station should look - sewn into a container or left with an open tank, the norms do not regulate this.

With the withdrawal of gas stations from the register of hazardous production facilities by Rostekhnadzor in 2012, the situation with the installation and operation of gas stations has seriously changed in better side. Now, if a car company installs a gas filling station for its own needs on its territory and the installation does not require capital construction, the owner does not have to obtain any licenses and permits to operate the station. It is only required to comply with fire safety standards for gas stations. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the distance to various categories of objects and prepare a site with an entry and exit zone and install a fence that prevents vehicles from colliding with the gas filling station. Secondly, it is required to make a base for the gas station in the form of a road slab of certain dimensions and install it. Finally, thirdly, appoint those responsible for the implementation of fire prevention measures.

The main requirements for the placement of container refueling are: 25 meters away from buildings and structures and that there is no water supply under the equipment

In addition, it is necessary to carry out special technical requirements. For example, a gas filling station must have its own pump for receiving fuel from a fuel tanker with automatic shutdown when the tank is full (it is forbidden to pump fuel into the gas station using a fuel truck pump). A system for monitoring the interwall space of the tank with a warning about depressurization is required. Technological compartments must be fenced off from the tank with a non-combustible (metal) partition of the first type. If the tank, together with pipelines, is sewn into a container, automatic ventilation with gas sensors is required. All of the above design features are primarily controlled by inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Only State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto" can afford its own traditional filling station

Of the other specific requirements for the technological equipment of modular and container filling stations, we note the need for double-walled fuel storage tanks. At the same time, the total capacity of the containers of the container gas station should not exceed 40 m 3 when it is located on the territory settlements and 60 m 3 - outside settlements.

Highly important point- this is the documentation for the gas station. There should be not only a certificate of conformity or a declaration Customs Union at gas stations, but also a passport with operating instructions. In addition, environmental and sanitary certificates are required. If the gas filling station is installed at a hazardous production facility, other permits may be required.

According to the documents and certificates, this should be exactly a station for distribution, refueling - a single product, and not a tank and other components separately, experts say. Otherwise, this kind of project will be classified as a fuel depot or as a traditional gas station. Then the enterprise is obliged to register these facilities with Rostekhnadzor and obtain a license for hazardous production. The so-called mini-gas stations with a single-wall tank and one fuel dispenser do not solve the issue of the legal operation of the gas station. They can only be used as a mobile mobile tank, where it is necessary to refuel equipment, often changing the location of the gas station. For example, during agricultural or road works.

Automatic distribution of fuel to drivers using smart cards is possible as an option


At the moment, it is possible to set up a fully automated non-operator remote control over the amount of fuel, its unauthorized discharge and automatic distribution to drivers using smart cards or chip keys at the gas filling station. “This is very convenient, since there is no need to receive an operator, and information will be sent online to the office via a wireless channel,” comments Svetlana Bykova, head of the motorcade of Vesta Transport Company LLC. - It is possible to set fuel limits for drivers or for a car for a day, a week or a month. It is also possible to control the exact data: who refueled and when, analyze the remaining fuel in the tanks, see the temperature, density of the fuel, the amount of commercial water, the amount of fuel delivered from the fuel truck to the gas station.”

Filling stations with such systems will make it possible to reduce to zero the theft of fuel by the organization's personnel and the shortage of fuel from unscrupulous suppliers of petroleum products. Automation systems are all approximately the same in terms of functionality, they differ only in various small nuances, equipment manufacturer and cost.

An electric pump with a meter in a closed case is convenient for refueling equipment in the field

If we talk about the complete automation of the supply of transport enterprises with fuel, then we should mention the project developed by the Volgaresurs company. The scheme includes the installation of an automatic mobile fuel filling station (AMTZS) at the enterprise, delivery of fuel by the supplier's transport, fuel quality checks at all stages in an accredited laboratory, maintenance by a single control center, transparent pricing. Drivers who refuel their own trucks are issued fuel cards. They can be both general - impersonal, and nominal. It is noteworthy that fuel cards can be limited in terms of the amount of fuel supplied. The limit is set either by the company providing services for refueling cars, or directly by the customer of the service - the trucking company. There is no access to fuel, except through a limited fuel card. At the same time, the AMTSS can be additionally equipped with a terminal that issues a check attached to waybill. Since the entire system is fully automated, the head of the transport organization or a responsible person from the financial group receives a detailed report on the movement of fuel in a strictly defined form every day. The summary contains information about which car was refueled, how much fuel was dispensed, at what time refueling was made, and so on, up to a photo of the driver who used the fuel card. The accounting department of the auto enterprise compares the data from the report with internal documentation.

The main requirements for the placement of AMTSZ: 25 meters away from buildings and structures, and that no water supply should pass under the equipment. The base must be laid out with slabs, and fenders must be present to ensure safety. To connect electric power, it is necessary to organize a cable supply, designed for a power of at least 10 kW. The time spent by the refueling module on the territory of the customer is regulated solely by the contract for the lease of automatic fuel filling stations and the purchase of fuel. Standard term manufacturing and installation of the station about 2.5 months. Having previously drawn up the terms of reference, the customer has the opportunity to specify all the options he needs. For example, in the presence of a mixed fleet of vehicles, the supplier may offer containers with a different number of sections. By agreement with the customer, the container can be divided into compartments of the required volume. For example, one will store diesel fuel, the other - gasoline.

Can a carrier make money at a gas station installed on its territory? Yes, there is such a possibility. For example, two convoys are based not far from each other. If on the territory of one of them there is an automatic fuel filling station, then the neighbor can refuel his cars there at an attractive price, but at the same time the owner of the automatic gas filling station will have his own profit from the sale of petroleum products. At the same time, not only company cars, but also personal cars of employees can be refueled at a low price, which will make the employer even more attractive.

Under such a scheme, the cost of the carrier for the installation of equipment is close to zero, since he acquires the service of refueling vehicles. At the same time, all operations for maintenance, repair of equipment, cleaning of the tank, and so on, are performed by the service provider. All responsibility for fuel quality also lies with the supplier. All that the transport company pays is the cost of the supplied fuel. At the same time, equipment costs are included in the cost of a liter, and it is cheaper than at network filling stations. The only drawback of this solution is the long-term binding to one fuel company, and this does not suit all carriers.

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