Independent examination of the signature. Handwriting expertise. Graphological examination of handwriting and signature

Auto 12.02.2018

Handwriting examination is one of the numerous list of examinations carried out in forensic practice. It is needed in order to verify the authenticity of the signature put under a particular document, as well as to determine the author of the handwritten note.

Conducting a handwriting examination is a necessity to establish a falsified entry, which is made in imitation of someone else's handwriting.

History of appearance

Human handwriting has been studied since ancient times. The study of the laws of writing began in Ancient Rome. Forensic handwriting examination was carried out in the 5th-6th centuries in the Byzantine courts. It was under Emperor Justinian.

Handwriting expertise in Russia is first mentioned in court records dating back to the 15th century. However, its reliability was extremely low. This fact can be associated with high bias and insufficient competence of experts. An adequate methodology for conducting this study was proposed only four centuries later. Its author was the French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon, who served in the prefecture of Paris.

A hundred years later, experts armed themselves with various technical means. Modern devices have brought handwriting authentication research to a fundamental level. new level. To date, this expertise is in the list of the most reliable. Its reliability approaches 99%. Conducted handwriting examination allows to identify with high reliability:
- the psychological and physical condition of the writer;
- prescription of the signature and its authorship;
- number of copies of the manuscript, etc.

Purpose of handwriting expertise: object of study

For the examination, it is necessary to provide materials such as:
- voluminous manuscripts in the form of letters and diaries;
- short notes in the form of drawings, numbers, symbols, signatures.

Subject of study

Each person develops a relatively stable system of movements performed by him, which is reflected in his manuscripts. This is the individual handwriting of each of us, which, if necessary, is the subject of research.

A person does not learn to write immediately. The process of obtaining this skill is quite long and requires constant training. Separate individual signs of handwriting appear in students of grades 3-4. However, rather stable signs of writing are formed somewhat later. This happens in the 5th or 6th grade. It is during this period that a person brings to automatism that system of motor skills that are due to the work of the central nervous system his body.

Handwriting expertise distinguishes between:
- skills of a technical nature, characterizing the landing of a person when writing, the angle of the paper, as well as holding a pen or other writing medium;
- skills of a graphic type, indicating the individual reproduction of written characters, as well as their combination;
- skills related to writing, able to show literacy in sentence and text construction, as well as richness vocabulary person.

The whole set of graphic and technical skills that find their reflection in manuscripts and characterize handwriting. Of course, there are many different objective and subjective factors that can cause it to change. However, the dynamic stereotype of movements developed over a long period of time remains generally unchanged. This means that the forensic handwriting examination will give the correct answer even if the author attempts to deliberately distort the text or signature.

Research stages

Forensic handwriting examination is carried out in several stages. First of all, the received materials are subjected to a preliminary study. Next, a separate analysis of the received samples and documents is carried out. Only then does a comparative study and evaluation of their results become possible.

preliminary study

At the first stage, the specialist checks whether the resolution on handwriting examination is correctly drawn up, and also evaluates the availability of all the materials listed in it. In case of finding any errors and inaccuracies, all documents are returned to the sender.

The task of the expert at the preliminary stage also includes familiarization with the decision of the investigator in terms of understanding the questions posed to him. This makes it possible to establish the boundaries and objectives of the study. If the decision to conduct a handwriting examination contains questions that are beyond the competence of a specialist, then he must refuse to complete the task. It also happens that to carry out the study, the help of specialists in the field of printing, physics, chemistry, etc. is needed. In such cases, the examination should be comprehensive.

The resolution on the appointment of a handwriting examination must contain unambiguously formulated questions. Otherwise, the task must be specified. To do this, the expert must make a clarifying request to the investigator.
The last stage of the preliminary stage is the preparation of a plan for further work.

Separate study

After drawing up a work plan, a detailed study of the document is carried out. The essence of this stage lies in the separate study of the individual features of the handwriting sample of the disputed manuscript and their comparison with the text displayed by the suspect.

During a separate study, the expert identifies the identification features present in the objects under study. From the whole mass, the specialist must identify the essential ones and determine the percentage of their stability.

Handwriting examination of a signature or text begins with an analysis of general features. It includes identifying the degree of elaboration of the writing movements that were used to compile the disputed manuscript. These results are compared with handwriting samples of the tested person. Moreover, if the expert already at this stage sees obvious differences in the degree of development, then he can consider his study completed. If necessary, a study of particular signs of writing a text is carried out. They find their expression in combinations of letters, as well as in the display of their elements.

comparative study

At this stage, the expert compares the handwriting used in the disputed manuscript and the sample handed over by the investigator. At the same time, specialists are required to:
- find matching features between two visually different handwritings;
- detect differences in similar outward signs samples;
- compare existing objects, taking into account the impact on the writing person, changing circumstances, etc.

Conducting a comparative study should be objective and complete. Just paying attention to differences and similarities in handwriting is not enough. The expert must identify all the available signs. Only their totality will make it possible to come to the most correct conclusion about the absence or presence of identity.

Evaluation of results

The response to a petition for a handwriting examination is a very important step for a specialist. The quality of all previously done work will largely depend on it. Evaluation of the results of the study of objects is a complex act of understanding the qualitative and quantitative certainty of differing and coinciding features. Conclusions about the absence or presence of identity of handwriting samples should be made by a specialist on the basis of the results obtained by him. The results of such work will be further evaluated by the investigator and the court in combination with many other evidence that was collected in a particular case.

Use of technical means

Modern forensic handwriting examination is carried out using various instruments. So, at the stage of comparative and separate analyzes, a stereoscopic microscope helps a specialist. For accurate results, use:
- computer programs;
- large-scale surveys;
- television installations.

All these technical devices make it possible to identify traces of strokes, slow movements, and also contribute to the study of various graphic features of human writing. To determine the pressure, the Densitron system has been created and is successfully operating.

In cases where handwriting examination is carried out on small graphic material, modern computer technologies are used. These are situations where brief records (including digital ones), signatures, etc. are being investigated. Computer technologies expand the amount of information. This happens due to the smallest quantitative characteristics of writing a text that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Measuring and statistical methods

If necessary, mathematical science comes to the aid of experts. It offers criminalists the use of specially developed measuring and statistical methods. One of them is the analysis of variance method. The application of this technique allows you to determine the belonging of the same letters written in different style, to the same handwriting.

Expert opinion

Upon completion of the work on the identification of the handwriting, a document is drawn up, to which certain requirements are imposed. The conclusion of the expert without fail contains specific substantiated conclusions and gives full and detailed answers to the questions posed by the investigator. At the same time, it should be written intelligibly, clearly, clearly and using uniform and correct terminology. It should be borne in mind that the expert opinion should not contain a legal qualification of the acts committed, such as intent, forgery, etc.

The work done can be accepted only if its conclusions are based on scientific observations and provisions, and also follow from those data that are sufficient for a conclusion.

Independent Research

Handwriting examination is carried out not only in the framework of the trial. It can be initiated by the client to protect their rights. In addition, organizations or citizens have the right to make an application to the court for an examination in a non-state institution. Such actions require the preservation of a certain order. So, the court must receive data on the professional level of the expert.

A specialized organization must confirm that it will conduct a handwriting examination. The average cost of such services is:
- for the study of one signature - about 12,000 rubles;
- for the examination of two signatures - 16,000 rubles;
- handwritten text identification - 15,000 rubles. for one sheet.

What is an independent handwriting examination and how much does it cost? What questions does the expert consider during the examination? What determines the price of a handwriting examination based on a copy of a document?

Hello, dear readers business magazine "HeaterBober"! Anna Medvedeva is with you.

AT new article Let's talk about the examination of handwriting. handwritten documents have great importance in many lawsuits. Therefore, if you had to deal with the examination of handwriting, it would be nice to know the nuances of this procedure.

So, let's begin.

1. What is a handwriting examination and by whom is it carried out?

Criminalistics is characterized by diversity, complexity and special specificity of areas of expert activity. The study of handwriting - one of the ways to identify a person - is included in this list. This procedure is quite complicated and requires a highly qualified expert.

- this is the view forensic research who is appointed in civil or criminal proceedings when questions arise regarding handwritten documents.

Main purpose handwriting examination is to establish the author of a handwritten document. But besides this, in the course of the study, it is possible to determine the age and gender of the author, the prescription of the text, as well as the circumstances under which the text was written. For example, the impact narcotic substances, stress, affect, etc.

Since the result of the examination of handwriting is one of the evidence in litigation, then a judge, investigator or interrogator can appoint it. However, the legislation also allows those cases when the initiator is an individual.

Independent handwriting expertise just as legal as the government. But in order to carry it out, the organization must have a license for this type of activity and a staff of specialists with appropriate qualifications.

Handwriting examination is carried out when:

  • the document under study (original or, in extreme cases, a high-quality copy);
  • handwriting sample.

A handwriting examination of a copy of a document (photocopy or photograph) is carried out if the original is lost or one of the parties refuses to provide it. This may also be the case when the document is in legal proceedings and it is not possible to withdraw it for examination.

In the review article "" read about the details of this process.

2. When Handwriting Expertise May Be Needed – An Overview of Key Situations

We have already mentioned that handwriting examination is most often carried out when additional evidence is needed for the court. Now let's take a closer look at the most common situations.

Case 1: Corporate Fraud

In such cases, the examination of signatures on various corporate documents is more often carried out. Signatures are forged on the minutes of general meetings and decisions of the sole participant, powers of attorney, orders, etc.

According to these papers, the person who forged the signature or text is determined. Also, facts of changes in the content of a document or text, ways of their execution, etc. are revealed.

Situation 2. Fraud in divorce proceedings

In a divorce, property is divided former spouses sometimes they resort to forging documents. This is done with a well-known goal - not to divide, but to keep completely any of the movable or immovable property (house, apartment, car, land, etc.).

An example of this type of fraud is the falsification of IOUs, loan agreements, purchase and sale agreements, etc.

Situation 3. Inheritance disputes

Wills with forged signatures are not uncommon. This is especially common when the direct heirs of the deceased person become victims of fraudsters.

The main difficulty in conducting an examination in this case is that only old records that were ever made by the deceased (if any exist at all) can be provided for examination.

Case 4. Fraud in contracts

Signature forgery is found on a wide variety of contracts - loans, mortgages, guarantees, etc. Anyone can suffer from this, from an ordinary pensioner for whom a service agreement was signed to legal entity who allegedly received the goods and did not pay for it.

Situation 5. Economic crimes

In the arbitration process, a forensic handwriting examination is often assigned. The parties provide contracts, agreements, business records, bills of exchange, minutes of meetings, etc.

Signatures and short notes become the object of examination in this case. The procedure is appointed when the authenticity of the documents on the basis of which fictitious transactions or financial transactions were made is doubtful.

Situation 6. Anonymous letters

If you receive handwritten, anonymous threatening letters, handwriting analysis will reveal some information about the author. For example, one person wrote a letter or several, a man or a woman, his approximate age, etc.

If there is a suspect, then the anonymous letter can be compared with a sample of his letter. Even if the handwriting was deliberately changed, the examination will reveal this.

3. How much does handwriting expertise cost?

When a handwriting examination is carried out, the price is determined primarily depending on the complexity of the work.

Types of handwriting expertise, their characteristics, degree of complexity and economy:

Type of expertise Characteristic The level of complexity and economy of the method
1 calligraphic Used to authenticate signatures. The simplest and cheapest.
2 Electro factor The need for it arises if a copy is provided for examination, and not the original. Then the text is deciphered first, and then the authenticity is determined. Complicated and costly.
3 Judicial It is carried out on the basis of the legislative apparatus on the initiative law enforcement. It can be both simple and complex. Economical.

The price for the first object of study is usually set much higher than for subsequent ones. Many companies provide discounts, depending on the number of documents to be examined.

The region and additional costs matter.


The expert bureau operates in Moscow. If you live in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg or Leningrad region, your order will cost slightly less than orders from other regions.

In addition, postage and travel of the expert to the court will be paid separately. Urgent orders are a little more expensive, but there is a discount system for bulk orders.

As you can see, even if the company has a set price tag, it is only possible to unambiguously answer how much a handwriting examination costs, having decided on the type of work. And in each case the price will be individual.

Examination of a copy of a document is often difficult for specialists. Signature characteristics may change when using copiers. Examiners need to determine what type of copying technique was used, whether the sample signature is suitable for a full examination, etc. The cost in such cases depends on the complexity and number of additional studies.

If you have any doubts or questions, please consult a specialist. They will explain all the incomprehensible points to you and help you with good advice.

As an example of a high level of legal service, we recommend Free answers to questions can be obtained online. Or leave a request and get a more detailed consultation for a fee.

To learn how to protect your interests in court with the help of handwriting expertise, we suggest watching a video.

7. Conclusion

Let's summarize.

Handwriting examination is a complex procedure that is used when there are controversial cases with handwritten documents, and is used as evidence in court. Now you know where and how to make an examination of handwriting and how to challenge the results of a poorly performed study.

Dear readers! We hope that the information was useful for you, and we wish you to avoid any lawsuits in any case! We welcome comments and ratings.

How much does a handwriting examination cost and what does its cost depend on? Is it possible to refuse handwriting examination of a signature? How is the price of graphological analysis of handwriting formed?

Hello, Dear friends! Anna Medvedeva is with you, an expert of the HeatherBober business magazine.

Did you know that handwriting can determine gender, character, age, and even the degree of intoxication of a person? Or about the fact that in some countries handwriting examination is a mandatory procedure when applying for a job?

In this article I will talk about these and others. interesting facts associated with the study of human handwriting. You will learn how to conduct a handwriting examination and what types of research exist.

We read to the end - in the final you will find an overview of companies where you can order an independent examination of handwriting on favorable terms for the client.

1. What is handwriting expertise and when is it needed?

Graphology - a science that analyzes handwriting and methods for its study.

A comprehensive study of more than 200 characteristics of handwriting allows you to determine the characteristics of a person's personality and the mental state in which he was when writing the text.

is a forensic study of handwriting and signature, during which the author and his various characteristics are established.

The expert is able to establish gender, age, character traits, temperament and others. distinctive features the person whose handwriting he is studying. It is also possible to find out the conditions in which the text was written - maybe it was in a moving vehicle, or maybe in the cold, when the fingers were frozen and did not move well.

Factor 2. Text length

Usually, several samples of handwriting or signature are required for examination. The research of the first text will be the most expensive, the subsequent ones will be a little cheaper.

But this has its own advantage. As a rule, the more documents submitted for examination, the greater the discount you can get.

Step 4. We agree on the time of the examination

Deadlines are set depending on the tasks and scope of work. Usually it is 5-10 days.

Urgent orders are made much faster, and, as we have already mentioned, are much more expensive. In any case, the time for the examination should be specified in the contract, even if it is carried out in a general manner.

Step 5. We provide the necessary materials

The study is impossible without timely provided materials.

To conduct an examination, a specialist needs:

  • the document to be examined;
  • comparative samples of handwriting.

The number of samples to be provided depends on the tasks assigned to the examination. For example, 5 pages are enough to determine the authenticity of handwriting, for comparative analysis handwriting - 20 pages, and to detect deliberate distortion of handwriting - at least 30 pages.

If the signature is examined, then the examiner will need at least 3 samples.

Step 6. We are waiting for the examination

When everything is formalized and payment has been made, it remains only to wait for the results of the examination. If the expert institution is located in another city, the delivery time of the expert opinion will be added to the time of the study.

It is possible that during the examination it will turn out that there are not enough samples available. Then you will need to provide additional copies.

Step 7. We get an expert opinion

At the end of the whole process, you will receive an expert opinion - a written document in which the expert provides answers to all the questions posed. Please note that the conclusions must be reasoned.

Be sure to check the correctness of the conclusion. In addition to the details of the expert institution, the conclusion must contain information about the expert - last name, first name, patronymic and qualifications.

The article "" will give other information on how best to organize an independent study.

4. Professional assistance in carrying out handwriting examination - an overview of the TOP-3 expert companies

Now let's get acquainted with some well-known companies where you can order a handwriting examination.

We offer an overview of the three most reliable and competent organizations.

1) Center for Forensic Expertise and Research "Formula"

A company with many years of experience will qualitatively perform any examination. Thousands of different studies have already been carried out here, and many satisfied customers have left positive reviews on the site. The organization is recommended by the Arbitration Courts.

The center has modern laboratories where research is carried out using laser, ultrasound and computer equipment. Professional and experienced experts from various scientific and technical areas work in a team that forms the basis of the Formula Center.

The company operates throughout the Russian Federation. You can apply directly to the Moscow office, or you can contact employees via the Internet or by phone. The remoteness of the company from the customer does not act as an obstacle in conducting research, but often, on the contrary, contributes to obtaining an objective conclusion.

2) Expert and consulting center "Grafo-Logos"

The Center conducts forensic and pre-trial examinations, technical tests, evaluates the effectiveness of the use of new scientific and methodological developments, and also reviews expert opinions. You will be provided with a free consultation and legal assistance on all issues that you have.

The company encourages the active use of handwriting expertise for the most effective recruitment of employees for the enterprise and solving other issues related to the effective placement of personnel. Based on the results of the study, you will be able to objectively assess the expediency of the work of each employee.

The team "Grafo-Logos" employs real professionals. All experts are highly qualified and have extensive experience. Among the clients of the center you will see large state and non-state institutions.

This is the most powerful alliance of independent research companies and experts in Russia. Applications for expert examinations are submitted here from the Arbitration Courts of approximately 40 regions of the Russian Federation. A large percentage of all research is carried out on behalf of law enforcement and judicial authorities.

Advisory support on any issues related to examinations is provided by employees free of charge. Free of charge, they will help you to draw up a reasoned petition for the appointment of an examination. If necessary, the expert will defend the opinion in court.

The site has a large list of performed examinations, which describes in detail about each type of research. Here you can order an examination in the relevant section. Phone contacts, e-mail or in the Moscow office. For the convenience of customers, there are several payment options for services.

5. Is it possible to refuse to conduct a handwriting examination and what does it threaten?

If the graphological analysis of handwriting is assigned to the accused, then, naturally, he has no choice. Therefore, the question put in the subheading of the section is more relevant for the witness.

However, it is not easy to give a definite answer. Experts say that much depends on the situation. But if the investigator deemed it necessary to conduct a handwriting examination, the witness is obliged to provide handwriting samples.

Samples are required in 3 kinds:

  • free (for example, personal records, i.e. documents not related to a criminal case);
  • shareware (text of arbitrary content, which the witness must provide for the investigation directly in the investigator's office);
  • experimental (document to be examined).

Of course, the witness may refuse to provide free samples. However, the investigator has the right to withdraw them. To do this, a decision is made to seize documents from the workplace, or the investigator receives permission from the court to conduct a search at the place of residence.

If the witness categorically refuses to provide conditionally free samples of his handwriting, he will not be forced. But then only free samples are submitted for examination, on which the expert will make a conclusion.

Also remember that you can file a petition or complaint against any actions of law enforcement officials that you consider unlawful.

The article "" talks about other types of forensic research.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video in which an experienced graphologist tells how to properly make handwriting samples for examination and in which case documents are unsuitable for graphological research.

6. Conclusion

Graphological expertise is a comprehensive study of handwriting and signature. The procedure is carried out both in court and outside judicial order. If necessary, the results can be appealed and an independent expert can be found on their own in order to obtain objective results.

Dear readers! We hope that the information was interesting and useful for you. Please rate and share your thoughts in the comments. And be successful!

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