What do you need for shawarma ingredients. How to cook shawarma at home. Step-by-step recipes for homemade shawarma with chicken in pita bread with a photo. Shawarma in pita bread with pork.

Recipes 09.09.2018

Everyone knows this dish from oriental cuisine.. There are several varieties of shawarma - meat with vegetables in pita or meat with vegetables in thin pita bread. It is believed that the real shawarma, a traditional Turkish dish, is deep-fried lamb mixed with salads, wrapped in pita. But outside Eastern countries lamb is not so often used as food, so for shawarma you can take meat of other varieties - chicken, pork, veal, turkey, beef. It all depends on your personal preferences.

An additional advantage of steamers is the cooking time - thanks to high temperature we can cook food faster. A very useful device can be a multicooker. Often, along with the instructions, we will receive a booklet with rules. Trust me, anyone can handle cooking porridge for breakfast or cooking chicken in such a device.

You don't have to be a chef and watch all episodes of Master Boss . Let's stop being slaves to junk food. Beautiful, incremental changes improve our condition and well-being. Joint cooking will have a positive effect on family relationships and help us enjoy life longer.

Filling for shawarma
In addition to the main ingredient - meat - they put tomatoes, onions, pickles, cabbage, lettuce, mushrooms in shawarma. Again, it all depends on personal preference.

Some connoisseurs of shawarma do not recognize any fillers other than meat and sauce.

It is important that different spices are used in this dish - this will add an oriental touch and make the taste more pronounced.
As a sauce, which is also added to the filling, you can use sour cream, cheese (hard or creamy), mayonnaise, garlic or sour cream sauce, ketchup, mustard.

Recipe for a delicious breakfast for athletes. Cinnamon Jelly with Raisins, Almonds and Banana: Ingredients. Half Polish, half Lebanese. Unite these two worlds by looking for "in between" new inspirations, as well as those culinary ones. Samar Hanafer: It happened quite naturally and quite early - as a child I liked to spend time in the kitchen, both with my parents and with my grandparents. They cooked for us for hours together.

What spices to add?

Thanks to this, I managed to avoid school canteens and corporate canteens. You are conducting seminars on Lebanese cuisine in Poland. You teach us how to prepare the perfect hummus and fight the terrible habit of adding baking soda to humus. It's worth remembering that the kitchen doesn't like the label path. Have no mercy. To prepare good food, we must know the cuisine and its ingredients. And when it comes to hummus - first of all, the chickpeas are poured into the water and soaked, we leave for the night. Then rinse and boil in salted water.

It is good to add a lot of greens to the filling to taste - dill, cilantro, basil, parsley, green onions.

If you want to cook shawarma at home, then it depends on you how complex or simple the filling will be, how many components it will have and what its taste will be.

A few cooking secrets

Other important element is also water cooked after chickpeas - this is the essence of hummus, as well as good ingredients: lemon juice, spices and garlic cloves. We blend everything in a blender and we have the best hummus in the world! Tell me frankly: can the Poles die at all? Of course yes! There are those who understand that hummus is a pasta that, as one of the meshes, is an accompaniment to dinner, not a main course. They know that topped hummus is not hummus, but chickpea pate.

They don't add soda to the cooking and give the original, delicious version of hummus in great detail. Tell us about Lebanese cuisine. What are the most commonly used ingredients? Cucumbers, tomatoes, meats to the world's best sweets and the kingdom of spices. We're moving into the Middle East for a while. What is the menu of the average Lebanese resident? What can we expect for breakfast, lunch and dinner in Beirut or Tripoli? Everything is changing. Both Polish and Arabic dishes in the city and the countryside look different and mainly depend on the time and wealth of the wallet.

Pay attention to the pita or pita that you plan to use for shawarma.

They must be fresh. Dried pita bread is in no way suitable for preparing this dish, because it cannot be rolled up without cracks. It is also difficult to put the filling in a stale pita, as it will crumble and look unpresentable.

Sauce for classic shawarma

But in Lebanon, the cuisine is very respectful and cultivates tradition. The Lebanese people want to pop into the bakery in the morning for a manouche or a croissant with an appetizer, always accompanied by fresh vegetables, herbs, olives and labney. Late meals depend on many factors: we can eat in the city, for example, delicious falafel, grilled meat or shawarma, and there will be stuffed vegetables, koftas or other traditional Lebanese delicacies on the table on the table.

Can you recommend 5 favorite Samar Hanaref dishes? It's a difficult choice! Before Arabic cuisine gained popularity, the above dishes were at home in our homes - both in Poland and at Grandma and Maiden in Lebanon. Never, but never, go for canned chickpeas - there is no flavor or nutritional value.

In order for your shawarma to turn out juicy and soft, we recommend pre-marinating the meat. Lemon juice, kefir, olive oil- any simple marinade will make even the toughest meat tender.

It is very important, if you want to get the same taste of shawarma, to fry the meat correctly. Best to use cast iron pan, you can cast iron pan-grill.
Before frying, the meat is blotted with a dry towel from excess marinade and moisture. Fry it almost without oil in a heated frying pan, stirring constantly until golden brown. Already ready meal, put in a pita or rolled into a pita roll, it is recommended to lightly fry in a dry frying pan on both sides.

Water from cooking chickpeas cook long and slowly gently in salted water, mix it until it is completely cool. This water from the preparation of chickpeas owes the taste, softness and creamy hummus. In Arabic cuisine, nothing is wasted and there is no room for business. Just be sure to pour it in gradually so that the hummus doesn't become too runny.

Extras Good hummus is good ingredients - perfectly creamy sesame paste, high quality olive oil and lemon juice. In Lebanon, it replaces it with salt, pepper and, of course, the national Lebanese spice, which is a mixture of seven spices that consists of: allspice, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, allspice seeds, ginger, nutmeg. It can also replace ground cumin and coriander and add a clove of garlic to gently tighten up the flavor.

Preparation of filling sauces:

The most delicious is shawarma with garlic and spicy sauce.

It is very easy to prepare them. For garlic sauce, you need to mix sour cream with garlic, green onions and pickles. And for a hot sauce, mix natural tomato paste with cilantro, olive oil, lemon juice and adjika.
Grind all the ingredients for sauces in a blender until smooth and put in the finished filling in the amount you like.

It all depends on the taste and short-term fantasies of our taste. Who's who's chicken peas on their first hummus today? It's interesting to have stories from your youth, from the first years of maturity - during long trips, crazy expeditions, sightseeing half the world - when behind us were the first twenty young years, and in front of him a couple of twenties that you will need to live more responsibly, rising towards stabilization, assuming families. And although today the world seems smaller and more "accessible", it's nice to tell children such stories and remember old photographs and souvenirs from distant places.

If you want to make a more traditional dish, then use two of these sauces for the filling at once. Or put the sauce that you personally like best.

We roll shawarma from pita bread.

In order for the shawarma to be similar in appearance to the purchased one and so that meat and vegetable juice, it is important to learn how to fold it correctly.

Vegetable shawarma

In my "young twenties" I got a little better United Arab Emirates where we worked to open a hotel in one of the largest hotel chains. They spoke quickly, energetically, cheerfully, gesturing and rather relaxed. One of them saw beautiful pins, the other - bracelets.

Everyone had elegant handbags and branded handbags. It was dark in Dubai early in the morning, just after the 17th, it was already gray. It was still quite tiring, hot, but everything was glowing with neon lights and night lights. We enjoyed driving to Al Mutina Street, not far from our accommodation. On our way back we stopped by a fresh juice bar where the owner's father sat and smoked for hours on the water pipe.

Lavash sheet is best unfolded on the table and lightly sprinkled with water.
We retreat a few centimeters from the edge and generously grease the pita bread with one or two sauces. We put the vegetable filling, put the meat on top, pour over the sauce. Then we cover everything with a short part of the pita bread, then with the side parts, and at the very end we roll the roll with the help of the long part of the pita bread.

Sometimes we exchanged polite words with him, drank tiny, strong and fierce sweet Arabic tea and returned late in the evening. Homogenized, pasteurized or fresh milk can be used to make yogurt. best milk- 5, "Cold Milk" or "Country".

Place the jar of acidified milk on top of the yogurt base and cover with a lid or thicker cloth. Then turn on the device and set the time to 6 hours. After 6 hours, put all the jars in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours - then keep the yogurt in the refrigerator at all times. Yogurt after preparation is good for consumption for about 1 week.

Recipe for homemade shawarma in pita bread.

In the filling of this shawarma, you can add sweet to taste bell pepper, tomatoes, lettuce leaves, grated cheese.


Thin lavash-1 PC.

Chicken fillet - 1 breast.

Pickled cucumber -1 pc.

Red onion -1 pc.

cilantro to taste

Lemon juice -1 tbsp. l.

Water -3 tbsp. l.

If you don't have yogurt: warm, acidified yogurt with bacterial milk culture in liter jar, wrap, carefully wrap the blanket and foil and set aside for 6-7 hours in a warm place. After this time, put the yogurt jars in the refrigerator to stop the freezing process of the bacteria culture.

A few words about meat for shawarma

Homemade yogurt mixed with fruit to produce fruit yogurt. You will need: bowl, strainer, cheesecloth, thick rubber band or cord. Mix the yogurt thoroughly with the salt and place in a double-glazed filter bowl. Tie the cheesecloth with a rubber band or string and place it over the bowl in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to drain completely. If the yogurt was loose this could be up to 48 hours. When the yogurt is well compressed, remove it from the cheesecloth and form into tiny balls.

Olive oil -1 tbsp. l.

Curry -1 tsp

Salt, pepper to taste.

garlic and spicy sauces- taste.

Cooking method:

We prepare a marinade from lemon juice, water, salt, pepper and olive oil.
Thinly sliced ​​into small pieces chicken fillet and mix with marinade. We leave for 15 minutes.
Cut red onion into rings, thin slices - pickle, chop cilantro.
Heat a frying pan with a minimum of oil and fry the fillet well. It should remain juicy inside.
We spread sauces on the pita bread, put the onion, pickled cucumber, put the finished meat on top. Pour the meat with sauces, sprinkle with herbs.
Roll the pita tightly and fry on both sides in a dry frying pan.

Shawarma in lavash with pork

You can put them on a plate and refrigerate for 3 hours to dry out some more. And then start imagining - pour olive oil or flavored oil into jars and put balls in it. The images above are 3 flavors. Olive oil with a tiny piece of garlic balls wrapped in a mixture of dried spices.

Olive oil balls ballasted in peppers. Season with a little salt, pepper, curry, bell pepper, chili flakes and thyme. Put some olive oil in and toss the chicken pieces with all the spices so they can even season. Allow marinating for 1 hour. . We're preparing the rest of the ingredients.

We spread the finished shawarma on a serving plate. One end of the shawarma can be smeared with your favorite sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

The East gave European cuisine a lot of dishes that are very popular to this day. One of these gifts was shawarma - a recipe that arose from the technology of cooking the oldest dish - kebab. Thin pita bread with a fragrant filling of meat, vegetables and spicy sauce has become the king in the fast food industry and has not lost its position for decades.

Cut the onion into thin slices and rub in some salt and vinegar to soften and cut. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and dip the chicken until it is well pried and slightly crispy. In a larger frying pan or fry, apply about half a liter of sunflower oil and heat well. The amount of oil is above eastern, you need to put oil to cover the potatoes. Both potatoes and chicken are drained into towels with absorbent paper towels. Lubricate the sauce, put some potatoes, a few pieces of meat, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, hot peppers, another tablespoon of ketchup and ketchup.

  • Cabbage is cut into salad and rubbed with a teaspoon of salt to soften.
  • Then mix in chopped dill, vinegar and a little olive oil.
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes and chili peppers are cut into thin slices.
  • Mix with yogurt and garlic.
  • Potatoes are cut into thin slices for frying.
  • This will take about 20 minutes.
  • Lay potatoes thin and fry until brown.
  • Each stick is heated in turn in the microwave for 20 seconds.
  • You don't give it too much because it dries.
Arabic cuisine includes elements of Mediterranean and African cuisines.

How to make shawarma at home?

This traditional Turkish dish is stuffed with well-done lamb and shredded cabbage. The European version uses beef, pork, chicken. The meat is complemented by chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, pickled onions and lettuce, and mayonnaise and ketchup sauces are the most common dressing. The cooking technology is simple:

Homemade shawarma with mushrooms, meat and cheese

In connection with the colonization, there are similarities with the Greek and Turkish style. The result - all influences were successfully combined. Arabic cuisine has been greatly enriched over time, so every area where Arabs live has similar preparations, but due to the different amounts used, the flavor of the food is different. It is considered one of the healthiest; in the proportion of 80%, based on vegetables.

Ingredients not available in Arabic cuisine: rice, served either as a main course or as a topping; Tabbouleh - lettuce; Salad dressing for salads; Goat, sheep or lamb; Wheat - used for bread, salads and other preparations; Spices present in all preparations; beans.

  • fried pieces of meat and chopped vegetables are laid out in layers on pita bread smeared with sauce;
  • roll up into a roll.

To appearance the products met the standards and did not miss the juices of the filling, you should remember how to wrap the shawarma.

  1. Unroll the pita bread on a flat surface.
  2. Step back a few centimeters from the edge and grease the surface with sauce. Lay out the filling, stepping back from the edge.

3. Close it with a short piece of pita bread.

4. Wrap the sides.

5. At the very end, roll the roll with the long part of the pita bread.

Shawarma with chicken

Everyone knows about the advantages of chicken meat and the variety of dishes from it. The oriental appetizer, the main component of which is this product, was no exception. The reason for the choice is simple - unleavened meat takes on the taste of neighboring ingredients, cooks quickly and is affordable. Half an hour - and before you breakfast of three servings.


  • fillet - 450 g;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 3 pcs.;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • pita bread - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 120 g;
  • garlic clove - 2 pcs.;
  • a handful of dill;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • a pinch of black pepper.


  1. Before cooking shawarma, prepare the meat.
  2. Divide the fillet into plates, fry in oil and season with spices.
  3. Cut vegetables into slices.
  4. Mix mayonnaise with herbs and chopped garlic.
  5. Lay out pita bread and brush with sauce.
  6. Put the lettuce closer to the edge, tomatoes, cucumbers and chicken on top.
  7. Roll up the roll.
  8. Fry the shawarma in a dry frying pan.

Shawarma with sausage

Show your imagination and bored products from the refrigerator will find new life and diversify the menu. Homemade shawarma is a great way to create an everyday appetizer. Acting on the principle: cut, spread out, roll up, you can build an oriental sandwich without much difficulty, and suddenly arriving guests will appreciate the skill.


  • sausage - 350 g;
  • pita bread - 4 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • carrots in Korean - 130 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 120 g.


  1. Shawarma is a recipe that involves preparing all the components before assembling the dish.
  2. Cut the sausage into wide plates.
  3. Chop the cucumber into strips, and grate the cheese.
  4. Lubricate the laid out pita bread with mayonnaise and lay out all the components in layers, covering the last one with cheese.

Shawarma with pork

Everyone's favorite meat, associated with a juicy kebab or a fatty piece of chop with a potato side dish, has received a new interpretation as the main component of an oriental snack. Shawarma at home is a recipe thanks to which pork with garlic dressing acquires not only new taste properties, but also a convenient form of serving.


  • pork - 300 g;
  • pita bread - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • a handful of dill;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 150 g.


  1. Sweat the pork pieces in a dry frying pan.
  2. Chop the vegetables and make the base of the sauce: combine mayonnaise with garlic mass and herbs.
  3. Put the meat in the garlic shawarma sauce and mix gently.
  4. Put cabbage, meat, vegetables on a sheet of pita bread and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  5. Roll the product into a roll, then bake it in a dry frying pan.

Vegetarian shawarma

Do not give up the oriental dish if you are a fan proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life. It is always possible to create delicious and low-calorie food: just combine your favorite vegetable elements with low-fat cheese, season with spicy spices and the shawarma filling is ready. Salad wrapped in pita bread will be one of the healthy food options.


  • pita bread - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • Adyghe cheese - 250 g;
  • ryazhenka - 120 ml;
  • ketchup - 40 g;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • a pinch of turmeric and coriander.


  1. Mix fermented baked milk, ketchup and spices.
  2. Chop vegetables into thin strips.
  3. Mash the cheese with a fork and hold for a couple of minutes in a greased frying pan.
  4. Lubricate pita bread with dressing and lay out the blanks in layers, alternating with cheese.
  5. Heat the rolled product in a pan.

Shawarma with minced meat

Meat for shawarma is diverse both in varieties and in cutting options. Using an unconventional way of filling with minced meat, you can not only speed up the cooking process, but also get a juicy and nutritious base. This technique helps to combine several types of meat and experiment with spices, thereby improving the taste of the dish.


  • minced meat - 350 g;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • sheet Chinese cabbage- 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • sprigs of parsley - 5 pcs.;
  • pita bread - 2 pcs.;
  • mustard - 60 g;
  • mayonnaise - 60 g
  • vinegar - 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • water - 50 ml.


  1. Cooking shawarma is a quick and easy process, provided that the components are fully prepared, so get busy cutting cabbage and tomato.
  2. Fry minced meat for 10 minutes.
  3. Lubricate pita bread with a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup, put lettuce, minced meat, cabbage, tomato segments, parsley and wrap.

Shawarma in cheese lavash

Delicious shawarma is the main condition for the purchase. It is valued for its special taste, which can be achieved not only with the help of a traditional product - cheese, but also using fragrant cheese pita bread. This option is not only outwardly attractive, but also fully consistent palatability original, which allows you not to use the latter.


  • cheese pita bread - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots in Korean - 80 g;
  • a handful of parsley;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • fillet - 120 g;
  • garlic and tomato sauces- 50 g.


  1. Divide the fried fillet into pieces.
  2. Chop the tomato.
  3. Spread cheese pita bread with sauces.
  4. Shawarma is a recipe that does not require a sequence when assembling a dish, so randomly lay out the components, then roll up.

Shawarma in pita

Shawarma, the recipe of which is decades old, can be served not only traditionally, wrapped in pita bread, but also using pita. This flat, unleavened bread is very popular in Oriental and Mediterranean cuisine and serves as a constant ingredient in creating dishes. Baking dough for bread will take about two hours, so you can use the finished product.


  • pita - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken thighs - 2 pcs.;
  • Beijing cabbage - 150 g;
  • yogurt - 80 ml;
  • clove of garlic;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.


  1. Before you make shawarma in pita, cut it.
  2. Cut the thighs and, cutting into thin plates, fry.
  3. Combine yogurt with minced garlic. Shred the cabbage.
  4. Brush the pita with the yogurt dressing and top with the filling.

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