How to clean a cast iron pan. How to clean the frying pan from soot at home

Helpful Hints 06.03.2018
Helpful Hints

Soot, soot and rust are common problems faced by housewives in the kitchen. Even for the most scrupulous and accurate housewives, the pan will sooner or later become overgrown with a thick layer of soot or become covered with an unpleasant coating. It is not easy to clean it, but nothing is impossible. This is done both with the use of chemicals and following folk wisdom.

Most often, old cast-iron pans are subject to fouling with a “coat” of old fat and burning. Often, having received an inheritance from your grandmother, you puzzle over how to wash the pan from soot so that it does not spoil appearance kitchens. The burn is formed on the outside of the dish, because with constant washing, more attention is paid to its inside. Cookware with a ceramic or Teflon coating is not prone to the formation of a thick black coating. Their use is more convenient.

How burn is formed

Before entering the fight, you need to know everything about your opponent. Nagar is a caked-on fat that appears over and over again on the outside of kitchen utensils. After each cooking, droplets of fat that have fallen on the walls of the dish burn, eating into its surface. Scale is formed, which cannot be washed off with an ordinary sponge. Outside, this cinder is loose, but inside it has a dense fossilized structure. The sooner you notice that the dishes are getting dirtier and dirtier, the easier it will be to clean the compressed caked on fat.

Cast iron

A cast iron skillet is a "kitchen classic" that every kitchen should invariably have. Cast iron, more than other materials, is subject to the formation of many years of burnt deposits on it. If you take care of the dishes and do not start her appearance, then she is ready to serve you for decades.

Unlike delicate modern materials, cast iron is not afraid of “hard” cleaning with metal brushes and sponges. In especially neglected cases, you can give the dishes to your husband so that he cleans it from the outside with a special attachment for the grinder.

After such cleaning, the pan must be calcined. To do this, sand is poured into it and put on a small fire for 1 hour. Can be removed all plastic elements and heat the dishes in the oven.

To wash inner part dishes, completely fill it with table salt and pour vinegar. Let her stand for about half an hour. Then put the pan on a slow fire, and after boiling, add 100 g of soda. Five minutes of boiling is enough for the bottom and walls to become as good as new. When carrying out this procedure, open all the windows in the house and do not breathe vinegar fumes.

Boiling in a solution of silicate glue, laundry soap, and soda helps to remove burns.

You will need shavings of a whole bar of brown laundry soap, 100 g of soda and silicate glue. Add all of the above ingredients to a bowl of boiling water. Be sure to open the windows, turn on the hood, because glue fumes are harmful to human health. Place a frying pan in a basin with a boiling solution, removing the handle from it if it is made of plastic or wood. To easily clean the soot, the dishes should boil for about 2-3 hours.

Aluminum and stainless steel

These materials are in second place among those from which the dishes are made. Stainless steel is whimsical to use, because food quickly burns to such a coating, scratches and scuffs are visible on it. You can clean stainless steel from burns using the following substances:

  • Salt. Pour a glass of salt on the bottom of a wet dish, let it brew. It breaks down particles of fat that covers the walls and bottom.
  • Soda. Soda, like salt, shows decent results in washing dishes. It is an excellent sorbent. After a couple of hours of infusion, the soot will begin to quickly come off the walls and bottom, like old peeling paint.
  • Vinegar and citric acid. 50 g vinegar and 2 tsp. acids must be dissolved with water, and the resulting mixture boiled in a bowl for 30 minutes in a ventilated apartment.

The listed methods help to wash the carbon layer only inside, and the outer side of the bottom and walls must be washed with a sponge with a soft abrasive using dishwashing detergent. Aluminum cookware should not be washed with acid, because it will leave dark spots and an unpleasant white coating.


Teflon dishes should not be boiled, scrubbed with brushes and powders. It was originally made of a material that is not subject to the formation of plaque and soot. However, even such dishes can be spoiled (turn on the stove and forget the pan with heated food on it). There is only one option to save her - pour boiling water over the dishes. Drop a little detergent into the water and let it brew for at least 40 minutes. After this time, the burnt food will soften, and it will not be difficult to scrape it off.

Wash such products only with soft sponges. It is absolutely forbidden to use powders or gels containing powder. To save your non-stick pan from soot, make sure to clean it after every use.


It is difficult to burn a ceramic pan, but this sometimes happens. The smooth coating resembles Teflon in structure. Food does not stick to such a surface during cooking. However, it is very whimsical in use. The appearance of small scratches will lead to frequent burning of food.

Due to the fragility of such dishes, cleaning methods with salt, soda or boiling are not suitable. You can get rid of strong deposits on ceramic dishes only with the help of special means, gently dissolving fat.

Frying pans of any degree of contamination can be saved at home. If a folk methods could not help you, you can use special detergents. Great for oven cleaner. It quickly dissolves even old fat.

Nagar is a combination of oxides and fatty acids, which are formed under the influence elevated temperature on any metal surface. Fat deposits and burnt food are most often found on the dishes that we use for stewing and frying foods more often than others. Basically, pans fall under this description, in which we cook something daily using animal fat or vegetable oil.

Over time, on their surface appears black nasty patch. The inside and outside of the dishes suffer from this. After some time, this black layer becomes denser, and it becomes almost impossible to deal with it.

A small amount of soot

It will be much better if you wash the pan immediately after you have cooked food on it. To do this, you need to drop dishwashing detergent on a sponge and lightly sweep over the entire surface of the pan. After that, rinse with plenty of water. The same procedure is carried out on the outside of the pan.

There are several ways to wash old soot. To clean the pan from the inside, you can

  1. Pour out a bag of citric acid and fill to the top with water. Put the pan with the contents on the stove and wait for it to boil. Turn off the stove and let the water cool completely. Basically, a small contamination under the action of acid during boiling comes off the walls. When the water has cooled, pour it out and rinse the dishes well.
  2. The same procedure can be done with dish detergent or baking powder, as well as baking soda.
  3. Cut a sour fresh apple and cut the flesh with a knife until the juice comes out. Rub this half from the inside of the dishes and let it brew for a while. Rinse off the apple juice with a soft sponge. This method only works on newly appeared soot.

How to clean a Teflon pan from soot and large contaminants

There are times when soot is outdated and there is a lot of it on the surface. In this case, you will have to work a little. Remember that you should never rub the non-stick surface with cleaning products that can damage it. Use these cleaning methods:

How to clean a Teflon surface with a lot of grease

To clean a non-stick pan on both sides, there are such ways:

  1. To clean the pan on both sides, pour about 3 liters of water into a deep saucepan and dissolve 100 grams of stationery glue and bar of soap economic. After that, place a dirty frying pan in this mixture and heat for two hours. Cool the pan and wash it well with a sponge and clean water.
  2. Dilute 200 grams of baking soda, 50 grams of stationery glue and 150 grams of dishwashing detergent in 3 liters of water. Place a frying pan in this mixture for 48 hours. After the time has elapsed, wash the dishes in hot water.
  3. Pour water into a large container and add 2 bottles of liquid glass and one pack of soda to it. Place a frying pan in the resulting mixture and boil it for 90 minutes. Then rub the surface on both sides with a dish sponge containing detergent and rinse well with water.
  4. Pour 5 liters of water into a deep container and add 2.5 packs of baking soda and 2.5 bars of laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. Place a frying pan in this mixture and boil for 2 hours. Then rinse with detergent and water.
  5. Pour 5 liters of water into a deep container. Add a bottle of glue and 1/2 pack of baking soda to it. Dip the pan in this mixture for 24 hours, and then wipe with detergent and water.
  6. You can purchase gels (Domestos, Sanita, Antinagar) and apply them for 60 minutes on the outside of the dishes. Then rinse with a sponge and clean water.
  7. Sprays will also help you cope with strong soot. sprinkle Spray Kitto, Fairy Power or Mr. Muscle (for the kitchen) bottom outside, wait a few minutes, and then rinse with warm running water.
  8. Foam can also dissolve carbon deposits in a few minutes. Amway Dish Drops foaming agent will cope well with external pollution. Using the instructions for this tool, dilute it with water and beat well into a foam. Apply the resulting foam to the outer surface of the pan and leave for 15 minutes. Using a sponge and water, wash off the remaining plaque.
  9. And liquid products such as Shumanit or Milam also remove dirt well from the outside. It is necessary to clean kitchen utensils with these products only with the use of household rubber gloves. Apply the liquid product to the soiled surface, evenly spreading it with a sponge, and let it stand for 15 minutes. Rinse well afterwards with plenty of water.

To prevent the formation of soot use the following tips:

How to clean a cast iron skillet

To clean this cookware from carbon deposits, you can use these methods:

If your frying pan is still new, then it is best to prevent the formation of contaminants on it. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. When you first start using cast iron cookware, heat sunflower oil in it. After that, without using detergents just wash it off clean water. Only after this procedure, you can start cooking.
  2. Cast iron should only be washed by hand. Do not wash it in the dishwasher.
  3. While the cast iron is still hot after cooking, wash it immediately. Don't let it cool down.
  4. Do not use metal brushes to clean cast iron surfaces. Simply rinse it in water and dry with a disposable towel.

Cleaning the ceramic surface

To clean this type of pan, you the following methods are useful:

Attention, only TODAY!

Many housewives are faced with a problem when, due to constant use, kitchen utensils lose their original appearance. This is due to the appearance of soot on the inner and outer walls of the dishes. And most of all I'm interested in how to clean the frying pan from soot at home.

Many do not like this development of events, because no one wants to part with their favorite kitchen assistants. Cleanliness in the kitchen also plays an important role in this matter, since well-groomed dishes are the calling card of any culinary specialist. This article will come in handy for housewives who want to put their frying pans in order.

Nagar - a combination of old fat and soot. Under influence high temperature this tandem releases carcinogens that are harmful to human health. With further use of such dishes, the food cooked in it slowly destroys the health of family members.

The results of numerous studies have shown that chronic fat, combined with soot and soot, is a springboard for the development oncological diseases. Their impact on the body is represented by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and slow intoxication. Therefore, the problem should not be left unattended.

Proper cleaning of the pan from soot involves the competent choice of cleaning agent, taking into account the material from which the product is made. For cooking, housewives use cast iron, aluminum, ceramic and Teflon utensils. Each of these types requires a corresponding cleaning method. The use of an unsuitable product is fraught with damage to the working surface of the product.

Safety and Precautions

Before moving on to consider effective ways to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits at home, let's talk about safety measures. It is often impossible to remove dirt without the help of a cleaning agent. And the composition of the products of the chemical industry includes substances that are not useful for the body. Therefore, when performing the work of cleaning the pan, adhere to the following rules.

  1. Wash dishes with rubber gloves. A variety of models are sold, differing in size, rubber thickness and the presence of an inner fabric layer.
  2. When using purchased chemicals, do not forget about a respirator. If it is not available, use a multi-layer bandage made of fabric. Remember, aggressive substances in cleaning products affect not only dishes, but also your respiratory organs.
  3. During the procedure using chemistry, undesirable impurities will definitely appear in the air. Therefore, it is recommended to clean dishes in a ventilated area.
  4. If there are children or pets in the house, make sure that they do not visit the kitchen during the procedure.

Purchased chemistry against soot

The chemical industry does not stand still, so housewives have access to a wide range of products aimed at combating soot and old fat. Such products are very effective and help to quickly remove plaque.

For many years of using household chemicals to combat soot, housewives, through trial and experiment, have identified means that provide best result. We are talking about the cleaning compounds "Mr. Muscle", "Shumanit", "AmWay", "Frosch", "Helper" and "Oxyday".

The products listed provide the best results when the instructions on the package are followed. The principle of operation is painfully simple: the solution is applied to the surface of the pan, waited for several hours, and then removed with a kitchen sponge.

Despite the high efficiency, household chemicals have several serious drawbacks. These products are toxic and a potential health hazard, and work on cleaning the pan should be done with rubber gloves in a room with windows open.

The disadvantages of purchased chemicals are well known to housewives, so many prefer folk remedies that, with the right approach, provide a similar result, but are safer. They will be discussed further.

Folk remedies against soot

A good frying pan is an indispensable thing that, with proper care and careful handling, lasts for more than one year and pleases the family with wonderful dishes. And since soot appears on the surface during cooking, housewives have come up with many ways to safely clean the pan. Consider popular methods. For convenience, we divide the pans into categories depending on the material of manufacture.

Frying pan with non-stick coating

Cleaning a non-stick pan requires the utmost care. One wrong move and damage appears on the surface, as a result of which the dishes become unusable.

  • Dishwasher . Modern household appliances support a function that easily copes with burnt fat on initial stage. If a we are talking About the non-stick ceramic product, use a liquid cleaner to clean it to avoid scratches. Powder products are not suitable.
  • Digestion . Digestion using a solution consisting of 3 liters of water, 50 grams of soda ash and a glass of detergent helps to cope with soot in such a pan. Dip the pan into a container with a solution, boil over medium heat for half an hour, then wipe the surface with a soft sponge.
  • Coca Cola. This method has proven its effectiveness in practice repeatedly. To remove carbon deposits, pour a little carbonated drink into the pan and boil for half an hour. To remove carbon from the outside, boil the pan in a drink.

Video tips

Regardless of which of the above methods you prefer, the frying pan will return its former attractiveness and cleanliness.

Teflon coated pan

Under the condition of improper use, carbon deposits appear on the surface of the Teflon-coated pan, which eliminates all the benefits. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that mechanical methods are not suitable for cleaning such a product. How to be? There are several solutions.

  1. soaking . The method is suitable for removing slightly compacted soot. Dip the product in a container of hot water and leave overnight. In the morning, without much effort, clean the frying pan from carbon deposits.
  2. food baking powder . Comes to the rescue in the case of chronic pollution. Mix two tablespoons of the powder with a glass of water. Pour the resulting solution into a pan, put on the stove and boil. When the liquid has cooled, remove the carbon deposits with a sponge.
  3. Soda and detergent . To remove old stains, mix a glass of detergent with three tablespoons of soda and dilute with three liters of water. Immerse the pan in the resulting composition and boil for half an hour. When the liquid has cooled, wipe the surface of the pan with a sponge. By the way, chopped laundry soap is a great alternative to detergent.
  4. Lemon acid . Fill a large pot with water, add a sachet citric acid, lower the product and boil for a third of an hour. After the time has elapsed, leave the pan in the solution until the liquid has cooled. Then go over the surface with a foam sponge.

As for the outer part, everything is simpler here, since the surface is less delicate. To eliminate contaminants, purchased chemicals in the form of a gel or cream are ideal.

Old cast iron skillet with heavy soot

The appearance of soot on the surface cast iron pan- inevitability, especially if the dishes are used regularly. Fortunately, it is easiest to clean a kitchen assistant made of this metal. And over the years of operation of such utensils, many cleaning methods have appeared.

  1. Lemon acid . Pour water into the pan, add citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of liquid and boil the dishes in the resulting mixture for at least 15 minutes. Then gently scrape off the carbon deposits or remove with a cleaning sponge.
  2. Activated carbon . Using a pharmacy tool is one of the simplest and most affordable ways. Moisten the surface of the pan and sprinkle with activated charcoal powder obtained by crushing tablets. After an hour, wash with household chemicals.
  3. Vinegar. Mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3, pour the solution into a pan, boil over low heat and boil for 3 hours. During this time, all impurities will easily go away. In order not to be poisoned by vinegar vapors, carry out the procedure in a ventilated area.
  4. Sand. Pour some sand into the pan and place on the stove. Turn on the minimum fire. After 2 hours, pour out the sand, and rinse the product with water. Additional cleaning is not required. Only I advise you to carry out the procedure in the fresh air, since hot sand gives off an unpleasant odor.
  5. Blowtorch . Light the lamp and aim the flame at the pan. After a minute, the soot will fall off by itself. I do not advise cleaning in this way in the house, because jokes with fire are bad.

If you do not disdain more radical methods, use a drill with a metal nozzle. Using quick and light strokes, effortlessly clean the surface. In this way, I advise you to clean in the garage, but not in the kitchen.

aluminum frying pan

Returning the original appearance of an aluminum pan is more difficult than cast iron. This metal is not friendly with aggressive household chemicals and powder cleaners. The problem can only be solved in the following way.

  1. Pour 10 liters of water into a large container, add 500 grams of soda ash, 100 grams of stationery glue and a grated bar of laundry soap. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Dip the pan into the solution and boil for half an hour, then leave it in the liquid until the morning. Finally, rinse with water and dry with a cloth.

To clean an aluminum pan from the outside, abrasives are suitable - a metal brush, salt or sand. If scratches appear on the surface during cleaning, polish the device with baking soda.

Ceramic pan

A ceramic product is demanding to maintain, and the removal of old dirt is time-consuming, so it is recommended to clean it in a timely manner. If a problem occurs, the following tools will help in solving.

  • Medical alcohol . Most effective in the fight against small pollution. Soak a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and wipe the surface of the pan, then rinse with water.
  • Digestion . For complex cleaning, pour water into the pan, add detergent, lower the pan and boil for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with water.

A variety of detergents for ceramic dishes are sold that can easily cope with soot. And although their cost is high, compared to the price of new dishes, these are pennies. According to reviews on the network, they recommend Organics or Frosch.

Sometimes the dishes lose their beauty and luster as a result of long-term use, and sometimes it happens that cleaning is needed due to our carelessness - when the pan is burnt and the bottom is covered with such a burn that cannot be cleaned using conventional methods. Most often, before cleaning a burnt pan, we soak the bottom in soapy water, and then we try to wash it from burning with the help of brushes and hard sponges. Often this simple procedure can be limited. But what if the burnt food cannot be washed by simple soaking and even boiling? Let's figure it out.

  • Before cleaning a burnt pan, try to understand what material it is made of. After all, metals react differently to home-made cleaning products. So, salt is harmful to stainless steel, and acid is harmful to enamelware.

If the pan is burnt, then you can use conventional means to save your favorite dishes at home.

Here are 6 tried and tested pot cleaners.

1. PVA glue + laundry soap (72%)

Suitable for: all kinds of pots.

Recipe: To wash an old pan with the most difficult dirt - multi-layered black soot and fat - you can use this effective Soviet recipe - for 4 liters of boiling water, add 1/3 of laundry soap grated into shavings and 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue, and then boil the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. Adhering black plaque will easily move away.

We also suggest watching a video on how to wash a burnt pan with citric acid.

2. Cleaning with soda

Suitable for: cleaning enamelware and stainless steel.

Contraindicated: aluminum pan may darken.

Recipe: baking soda you can effectively clean the pan inside from burnt food and outside - from soot and fat. If the pollution is not too strong, then you can simply rub it with a hard sponge with soda. If the pollution is serious, then the dishes should be boiled in a deep tank in a solution of water with 1 glass of soda.

Recipe variations: Soda ash will be more effective than food. Also, for very stubborn dirt, you can add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar 9% or ½ laundry soap 72%.

3. Salt cleaning

Suitable for: enamel and aluminum cookware.

Also see our other articles:

Contraindicated: cleaning a stainless steel pan - salt provokes a darkening of the metal, and then its corrosion.

Recipe: burnt in a saucepan is poured with saturated saline and boiled for a little over an hour. If you need to get rid of soot and fat on the outside of the dishes, then you need to boil it in a deep container.

4. Vinegar

Contraindicated: for enamelware.

Recipe: Vinegar is a great home remedy for getting rid of burns. Before you clean the pan, you need to fill it with 9% vinegar and let it stand for 2-3 hours. This is followed by the standard washing procedure.

Variations: You can also boil water in a saucepan with ½ cup of vinegar and half of 72% laundry soap for 30-60 minutes. depending on the degree of pollution.

With its help, as well as with the help of vinegar, you can effectively get rid of not only soot, but also lime deposits.

Suitable for: cleaning stainless steel and aluminum dishes.

Contraindicated: for enamelware.

Recipe: to clean a burnt pan, boil water in it (you don’t need much, the main thing is that the water covers the burn itself), add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of citric acid and boil the resulting solution for 15 minutes. After boiling, the burnt bottom must be cleaned in the usual way.

6. Special fat removal products - Shumanit, Amway, Chister

Suitable for: stainless steel, aluminum and enamel pots.

Recipe: To remove complex and old contaminants, such products as Bugs Shumanit, Oven Cleaner from Amway or Chister are most suitable. To wash a burnt pan, you need to lubricate the burn inside it or external soot and fat with liquid and leave for 10 minutes, then wipe it with a sponge.

  • Shumanit - the most effective, but also the most aggressive, the price is average;
  • Cleaner - a slightly less effective cleaner and very aggressive, but it costs less than the rest;
  • Amway Cleaner is a little less effective and a little more expensive than Shumanit, but less aggressive and odorless.

These products cope very well with complex contaminants, but you need to work with them with gloves - a burn can occur from contact with the liquid on the skin. In addition, Shumanite and Chister have a very strong smell, so cleaning is best done in a ventilated area, and place the dishes in a bag during soaking.

Over time, a thick layer of soot covers the cast iron pan, which is very difficult to remove, especially if it has accumulated over the years. It is impossible to wash a cast-iron pan from a thick layer of burning, the only way to remove it is to clean the kitchen utensils.

It is possible to remove almost any layer of soot from a cast iron pan, but this will not work quickly. The only strong and effective way no, therefore, it is often necessary to use a whole arsenal of means and mechanical effects in combination.

Ways to remove years of soot from a cast iron pan:

  1. Use of special cleaners and detergents, which have a narrow spectrum of action and dissolve a thick and old layer of fat.

    Since cast iron is a fairly strong alloy, in addition to chemical products, mechanical effects can also be performed: cleaning with a metal brush, a hard brush, or even fine-grained sandpaper.

  2. An effective homemade remedy is the following solution: washing powder, a handful of soda ash and complete the ensemble with stationery glue.

    Place the utensils in the composition and boil for 2 hours. The second step is wire brushing. After washing the dishes under running water.

  3. Free cleaning method. Heat a cast iron skillet over an open fire. The heating procedure in time depends on the thickness of the product. When the soot becomes soft, it can be cleaned off with an old knife, for example.

There are a lot of ways to clean this type of cast iron pan. In any case, a double effect is made on the contaminated dishes. Often the procedure must be repeated several times to achieve the optimal result.

How to wash aluminum pans from years of soot?

Over time, carbon deposits, greasy deposits, and sometimes even rust form on the outside and inside of an aluminum pan. At the initial stage of contamination, dishes can be cleaned with soda. Strong soot can be removed with more effective ways.

To wash the aluminum frying pan from soot:

  • External and internal soot can be removed in this way: pour the dishes with dishwashing detergent, which is dissolved in warm water, and leave the utensils in the solution for several hours. Wipe the skillet thoroughly with a coarse cloth.
  • Dissolve soda in water and pour it into a container. Put the pan on the fire and hold it in this position for 1 hour. Then try to wash off the dirt with a sponge.
  • You can remove carbon deposits using an acetic solution, which is preheated directly in the dish itself. He also processes the outer part of the utensils.

You can get rid of soot on an aluminum pan only with the help of chemical or folk remedies, since mechanical influences are prohibited here - the metal is very soft and can be deformed.

Note! If damage is made from the outside with a brush or a ruff, then dirt and soot will definitely accumulate in them.

Getting rid of plaque and soot in this case will be carried out for a sufficiently long time. Often more than one treatment is required.

Cleaning other types of pans at home

It is quite possible to clean the pan from old soot at home. The main thing is to choose a method that matches the material of the pan, so as not to damage the coating and not spoil the surface.

Important! If you choose the wrong method, you can completely ruin the pan, as a result of which there will be a need to purchase a new copy.

What is the best tool to use to remove rust, plaque and soot from the surface of any pan:

Type of utensils Cleaning method
Frying pan with non-stick coating Tefal utensils can be washed from greasy deposits using this method: dissolve soda ash with silicate glue in 5 liters of water.

Lower the container for 1 day, and then wipe off the dirt with a sponge. In the same way, it is very easy to clean a pancake pan.

Ceramic base The ceramic surface can be cleaned with a special product for the microwave or oven.

And it is better to wash marble dishes well after each use.

Dural base The duralumin base is easy to clean by boiling in water, where the dishwashing detergent is dissolved.

Here you can also add soda, preferably calcined.

Stainless steel frying pan Stainless steel utensils should never be cleaned with salt. And in general, you can not use tools that can scratch the surface.

For processing, soda, activated carbon or heating is used.

Teflon cookware Teflon dishes are best washed with special sprays and products that ideally fight carbon deposits and grease stains.

Some of them dissolve a layer of dirt in just 2 minutes.

Cleaning folk remedies

To scrub old frying pan from pollution, often use folk methods and means. Often they do not require huge amounts of money and effort.

Some products have absolutely no effect on certain types of pollution, so stains should be examined first.

Cleaning folk remedies:

  • The bottom of almost any roasting utensil can be scrubbed with vinegar. Pure vinegar or its solution is used depending on the material.
  • Any soot can be cleaned with Coca Cola. Utensils are poured with this drink and settled for several hours.
  • Dark spots are well removed with hydrogen peroxide. The agent is applied to the sponge, which is used for processing.

Particularly active influences include solutions of citric acid and boiling in a soapy solution. A wonderful way can be by heating the container. After that, the pollution is cleaned off.

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