Why dream of pickles for a woman. Dream Interpretation why pickles dream

Career and finance 16.10.2019
Career and finance

The article on the topic: "dream book why pickles dream" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Most of the dream book believes that pickles seen in a dream are a negative sign. If in a dream you ate them, then in reality you should be prepared for tears and all sorts of troubles. But, of course, this is far from the only explanation for why this is a dream. Much depends on the plot.

To eat

Seeing pickles in a dream - to tears and poverty. In the near future, failure will contribute to you in all current affairs, and you will not be able to cope with it.

The universal dream book believes that there are pickles in a dream, which means to argue with the “black” streak in life. Just don't despair. Remember that all trials are not in vain and someday they will definitely end.

There is a given dish in a dream and feel that it does not taste good to you - to disappointment in a loved one. The female dream book predicts strong emotional experiences associated with this, which will not be easy to cope with.

A description of why one dreams of eating pickles is also given by Shereminskaya. Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya believes that to see in night dreams how you eat crispy cucumbers is to spiritual anguish. If you ate a lot and at the same time felt salt on your tongue, then sadness will be very strong and long enough.

If you dreamed that you ate spoiled canned vegetables - expect trouble. You can't avoid it, you just have to wait.

located in the bank

To dream that pickles are in a jar - to complete control over the situation. The dream promises that you will be able to take control of a rather difficult life situation and deal with circumstances. Especially if you dream of strong and fresh vegetables.

If you dreamed that in addition to cucumbers there were also tomatoes in the bank, then friends will help you solve problems. At the first request, they will lend their shoulder and provide all kinds of support. If the tomatoes that dreamed in a dream were curled or spoiled, then you should not count on outside support. She won't.

An explanation of why these green vegetables dream in a closed glass container is also given by Aesop. The dream plot promises negative life changes. But, you can easily cope with them if you connect all your perseverance.

Various interpretations

If you dreamed that you cut pickles into small pieces, then in reality you will have to solve many small, but very pressing problems. Don't let these complexities go by themselves. They will not disappear on their own, and the situation can only seriously worsen.

The universal dream book suggests that cutting previously pickled cucumbers in a dream is a promotion. The boss will appreciate all your efforts and appoint you to the position that you have been dreaming of for a very long time.

Miller's dream book believes that cucumbers in a barrel warn of possible dangers. Take on a new business with caution, or better put it off altogether for a more favorable time.

She ate salted cucumbers from a bucket in a dream.

And I had cut them into quarters in a large plate, they looked beautiful and appetizing. And I wanted them so much, in addition to these, the woman offered me a jar. And there really are problems.

She salted and treated herself in a dream, they said delicious, what is this for? She did not eat.

My boyfriend fed me them, but I spit them out because they were not tasty.

Most interpreters see problems and troubles in this symbol. The dreamer should prepare for a series of life's adversities, strengthen his spirit. However, the subtleties of interpretation will depend on the development of the plot of the dream. Pickles remind women of the inevitable pregnancy, in which there is a certain symbolism. Why dream of pickled cucumbers?

General interpretation

Pickles can be seen under various circumstances:

  • they can be on the table or in the bank;
  • cucumbers can be seen / eaten / cut / bought;
  • you can see the preparation of pickles for the winter.

Seeing pickles in a jar is a warning about the danger on the way in transport. It is better to give up the trip to avoid troubles. Sometimes a dream portends an empty business trip without a result.

Carry pickles - get ready for unpleasant moments in life. Soon, unexpected events will fall upon you that will make you very worried.

Eating pickles in a dream - tears of resentment and disappointment await you. Also, eating cucumbers in a dream can portend new acquaintances that will bring a lot of problems. To feed a person with cucumbers is to suffer an unfair insult from him.

Pickle cucumbers - you will have to repay debts and endure a lack of funds. If you don't owe anyone, beware of cheating. Also, this plot may portend an annoying quarrel with relatives. For business people, the plot portends a meeting with dishonest partners: do not trust suspicious people.

A dream in which a wife fed her husband pickles portends a possible separation. The man has a mistress on the side, whose plans include getting someone else's husband at any cost.

If you dream of salted cucumbers before the wedding, the marriage will be fragile: scandalous situations are possible that will lead to a break in the relationship of the married couple.

Buy pickles - to possible losses, and sell - to profit.

Positive interpretation

In what situations can pickles portend positive events? For example, in case of illness: a sick person will soon recover.

A dream also acquires a positive interpretation for single people: soon you will meet your soul mate. Loneliness will be in the past.

For women, eating pickles predicts an early pregnancy if she did not eat cucumbers on the eve of sleep. However, for unmarried women, this dream promises material losses up to poverty. For girls, this dream threatens separation from their beloved boyfriend.

The missing pickle warns of an insurmountable obstacle on the road of life. Be extremely vigilant, try not to allow such a situation in your life. For married women, this plot portends a possible divorce.

Cooking a dish with pickles - your work will be appreciated, and your culinary skills too.

Interpretation of dream books

  • Freud sees in the elongated shape of the cucumber the symbol of the penis. If a fresh elastic cucumber means a good potency in men, then a salty one means its decrease. For women, this dream prophesies dissatisfaction in sexual contact with a partner.
  • Culinary dream book prophesies an unexpected arrival of guests, which will become burdensome for the hosts: they will settle for a long time. The dreamer will suffer significant losses from this visit.
  • Worldly dream book warns not to plan trips in the near future - they will be unsuccessful. Cut cucumbers for salad - for a fun gathering with friends or relatives. Buy pickles - to ordeal. Under these conditions, the dreamer will not be able to cope with the circumstances alone and will be forced to ask for the help of friends.
  • Dream Interpretation of Felomen believes that the dreamer should change his character and drastically change the direction of life. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve your goals.
  • Small Velesov the dream book warns of an imminent conflict situation in the family, perhaps the family will be ruined. Be patient with loved ones, do not incite conflict situation to the point of fire.

If the dreamer ate pickles the day before, this dream is a reflection of his daily thoughts on this matter. If cucumbers are seen for no reason, the subconscious gives a signal about a decrease in vitality. You should take care of strengthening the immune system, pay attention to your health.

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Dream Interpretation why pickles dream

Dream interpretation pickled cucumbers

As a rule, seeing canned cucumbers in a dream is a negative sign. Such a vision promises a difficult financial situation, troubles, tears, troubles. But in order to find out exactly what pickles are dreaming of, it is necessary to study the dream book, and preferably not one, but several of the most popular ones.

Dreaming of conservation for the winter

Dreaming of blanks for the winter

In general, if you dream of preserving cucumbers, then luck will turn away from you. As a result, you will experience material need and mental suffering.

The most popular interpretations of dream books

Fresh cucumbers bring only joy and happiness, but salted ones carry a completely opposite omen.

Universal dream book

Eat a pickled cucumber, pickle it - you have a black stripe in front of you. You need to be patient and just wait it out. None of your actions will be able to avert trouble from you.

But, according to the dream book, these tests are destined for you from above. Only by overcoming them, you can develop further and find happiness.

Women's dream book

Eating pickles and feeling that they disgust you is your close person will greatly disappoint you. The sediment from the incident will remain for a long time, you will experience real mental suffering.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Eat a delicacy in a dream

It is a dream that you are eating pickles - you will be overcome by longing. If they are pickled, then you will just feel a little sad. Salted vegetables - longing will be very strong, even depression is possible.

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

Cucumber in a dream symbolizes the male genital organ. If a man dreams of a pickled cucumber, then his masculine strength falls. For a woman, such a dream promises dissatisfaction in relationships with a partner.

Cucumbers in a jar

Why dream of pickles in a jar? You are in complete control of the situation. The dream also predicts that you will soon have a turning point. Whether you can handle it will depend on the condition of the canned fruit. If they are solid, beautiful in appearance, then you will pass the test with dignity and become even stronger.

She dreams that there are not only cucumbers in the jar, but also tomatoes - in the decision difficult situation friends will help. True, if the tomatoes looked far from presentable, then your friends may leave you halfway, then you will need to fight on your own.

Seeing jars of conservation in a dream - if you want to achieve your goal, you need to gather your strength and endurance into a fist.

Dreaming about cooking

In a dream, you can not only eat crispy salted fruits, but also cook them. As a rule, such dreams are visited by the beautiful half of humanity - hostesses. What do they promise you in the future:

Making blanks in a dream

  • She dreams of rolling cucumbers or tomatoes for the winter - you will worry about your financial situation.
  • Strongly salt conservation - to tears.
  • Close conservation in a dream, cucumbers or tomatoes - it's time to pay off old debts. Dream Interpretation believes that it is in your interests to quickly get rid of creditors.

Other interpretations

Engaging in slicing pickles - to increase the career ladder. Your leadership will finally notice your diligence.

There are pickles - to trouble in the family. You will experience real torment, worry about this.

Seeing how pickles grow right in the garden is a difficult period in life. You will need a complete mobilization of your mental and physical strength in order to achieve at least the minimum result.

To dream about how you distribute pickles or tomatoes to people - you are on the right path of spiritual development. You get rid of old, “canned” problems, resentments, negative thoughts. Keep moving in this direction and further, and you will see that life is beautiful.

There is an interpretation when a pregnant woman is allowed to see or eat pickles in a dream. This is a warning. You need to prepare for the fact that childbirth will not be the easiest. Although, if you went to bed with a dream of eating something salty, then this is just a reflection of your desires.

Do not forget: dreams only carry information about what may happen soon, it is in your hands to change your future in better side.

Why dream of pickled cucumbers?

Pickles are often associated with pregnancy, perhaps after the dream in which they were seen, you should also expect replenishment in the family, let's try to figure it out. To get the most accurate information, consider all the little things and emotional stress.

Why dream of pickled cucumbers?

Pickled cucumbers are an unfavorable sign that warns of an increased risk of any disappointments. In one of the dream books there is information that such cucumbers promise tears and significant material losses. For a person who is ill, such a dream portends a quick recovery. If a lonely person sees a dream about pickles, then soon he should expect a change in his personal life for the better. In a dream, you are preparing some kind of dish with pickles, which means that in the future your culinary skills will be appreciated.

The dream in which you see a jar of pickles is a kind of warning about possible dangers while traveling or during any other movement. If you see a dream in which you are carrying pickles somewhere, then in real life you should prepare for serious troubles. Eating pickles in a dream is a sign of possible resentment and tears. A dream in which you buy pickles is a warning about an increased risk of losses. If you sell them to someone, then the dream, on the contrary, promises profit.

To dream of cooking pickles means that in real life you will need to repay debts, which will significantly affect your financial situation. Another such dream can serve as a warning about a possible deception. The dream interpretation recommends at this time to be as careful as possible when concluding any transactions and when signing documents.

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Why dream of pickled cucumbers

For more than one century, people have been trying to answer questions related to their lives with the help of dreams. But many puzzle themselves, "on what day do dreams come true." To present a clear picture on this occasion, the accumulated experience of leading astrologers and psychologists will help. It is customary to interpret dreams, depending on the position of the moon in the sky. So, with a waning moon, a bad dream will not bring trouble, but on the contrary, it will cleanse life and lead to good. With the growing moon, the probability of prophetic dreams is high. And full moon dreams indicate the moments of real life, where we show the greatest emotionality.

There are dozens of dream books interpreting the meanings of certain dreams. If, for example, a person dreamed of pickles, most well-known interpreters consider such a dream not entirely favorable. In general, any salty food warns the dreamer about the risk of any illness and disappointment.

Interpretation of sleep - why do pickles dream according to Z. Freud

In the interpreter of the outstanding Austrian psychologist Z. Freud, the cucumber acts as a symbol of the penis, the plucking of which speaks of the sleeping person's craving for self-satisfaction. Pickled cucumber, in turn, shows men a reduced potency, since it is no longer so mature and resilient, and women a dissatisfaction with a partner.

Dream Interpretation Small Velesov

According to the dream book Maly Velesov - pickles dream of tears and poverty.

Why do pickles dream - Ukrainian dream book

According to the Ukrainian dream book, pickles dream of the dreamer's weakness.

The traditional interpretation of sleep

In the traditional interpretation, on the contrary, pickles portend joy in the family and a hospitable table.

English dream book - pickles in a dream

The English dream book also interprets stale (salted) cucumbers in a dream as a symbol of good health, for the sick - recovery, and for single people - the imminent acquisition of a family.

Why else can pickles dream

  • If you dream of pickles in a jar - a dream warns of possible dangers during various movements;
  • If in a dream you cook a dish of pickles - to commendable reviews in culinary success;
  • To resentment and tears, you may dream of eating pickles.
  • Carry pickles - to trouble.
  • Buy pickles - at a loss, sell - at a profit.

In no case should you be upset if the interpretation of sleep is not entirely favorable. A dream is just a prediction, a warning of one of the dreamer's paths in life. And man himself is able to change and choose his own destiny.

Why dream of pickled cucumbers

If in real life you were drawn to salty, then this may indicate that you may be in interesting position. And what the dream promises, in which pickles appeared, you will find out by reading this text to the end.

Dreamed pickles, unlike fresh ones promise trouble, illness and problems. For lovers, such a dream promises disappointment in a relationship. To see such a dream on the eve of the wedding suggests that the upcoming marriage will be short-lived.

See pickled cucumbers in a jar warns that in the near future it is better for the dreamer to abandon travel, since there is a high probability that they will be unsuccessful. In order to avoid trouble, we recommend that you refuse to move as much as possible. public transport, and by private car, it is better to travel on foot. Such a dream may also indicate that you are unwisely managing your life, so reconsider your priorities, do not waste time on useless things. To miss the opportunity provided by fate to change their lives for the better, those who saw pickles in a bag in a dream are also at risk. Be more decisive, and then all your affairs will improve. Dreamed of pickles in wooden barrels mark the end of a dark streak in your life, you will get rid of problems, improve relations with relatives.

Salt cucumbers in a dream warns that soon you will have to pay bills and repay debts, which will have a negative impact on your well-being. Such a dream often promises deception, so be extremely careful, especially in matters relating to finances. Before making a final decision, once again thoroughly weigh the pros and cons.

There is in a dream, pickles promise tears. Often such a dream becomes a harbinger of material difficulties. For a woman, a dream in which she tried a pickled cucumber from a wooden barrel promises an addition to the family, such a dream can also symbolize receiving unexpected news about her family members.

Prepare some dish with the addition of pickles promises compliments to your culinary skills in reality. Trouble promises a dream in which you cut pickles.

Buy in a dream, pickles portend losses, perhaps one of your friends will ask you to borrow a certain amount of money without planning to return it. Selling cucumbers, on the contrary, promises profit.

Dream Interpretation why pickles dream

The majority of dream interpreters believe that the dream in which you saw pickles is a bad sign. You should not think so, since in a dream everything depends on small details, you can dig them with the help of

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud's dream book clearly answers the question - why do pickles dream. True, in his own way. To see in a dream a pickled cucumber or cucumbers for a man is a sign of impotence, a decrease in potency. This vegetable is associated with the male sexual organ. Also, such a dream for a man means that he is passionate about self-satisfaction in bed, for a woman - a weak sexual partner.

English dream book

Judging by the English style of interpretation, to see pickles in a dream is to have good health; sick people who see a vegetable can hope for a speedy recovery. A lonely person will soon find family happiness. Pickled cucumbers stuffed in glass jar- be careful when traveling, moving. Cooking something in a dream using pickles - your culinary skills will be appreciated. If you want to know why you are dreaming, there are pickles - to failure, resentment, tears. Carry in your hands - to minor troubles that you can get around if you don’t say too much, don’t “plunge into” dubious cases, be careful in expressions. Buying pickles - loss, sell - make a profit.

Russian folk dream book

Pickled cucumbers in a dream are a sign that you need to concentrate, gradually move towards your goal, rethink your past actions, and draw conclusions from mistakes. If you show firmness and prudence, then success will be ensured.

Seeing pickles in a dream, in which cucumbers are present, tomatoes warn that it is necessary to pay off debts. If you miss the time, you will lose the trust and respect of the people who helped you out in difficult times.

There are pickles in a dream - you are respected and honored among friends and relatives. You are considered a kind and sympathetic person, relatives and friends love you, and are always ready to help.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Eat pickled canned cucumbers in a dream and feel that they are tasteless - expect trouble, trouble. Nothing will help to get around the problem, you will have to be patient, wise, pull yourself together and survive what is written by fate.

Crispy pickles in a dream - to lingering longing. The more cucumbers they ate, the longer the period of suffering and depression will last.

There are tasteless pickles - to soon disappointment in a loved one, which will entail melancholy, resentment, mental suffering.

This dream often predicts trouble for you. However, much depends on where and how you saw salted cucumbers in a dream, whether they were elastic or soft, and whether you liked it or not.

If you dreamed about these vegetables in tubs and balloons, then modern dream book writes that they mean your aspirations, life experience or the fruits of some life period, activity or business.

Seeing them elastic and fragrant in a dream is a good sign, unless the products were salty or tasteless. That's what pickles dream of most often different people and in various situations.

Women's dreams

Usually elongated objects, according to Freud's interpretation, mean joy, happiness and hint at the presence of a man in your life.

Therefore, if a lady dreamed of pickles, then she can very soon count on a love date or an active location, although not young man. Elastic cucumbers in a dream usually dream of the fact that everything will be fine in an intimate life.

If you do not approve of premarital relationships, then this dream often predicts a successful or happy marriage, with an attractive and active, strong and healthy man.

Why do girls dream of pickles? Soon a middle-aged man will pay attention to her. It is possible that she will learn in practice what sex is, and will be satisfied with such a relationship.

However, pickling cucumbers in a dream is not the best sign.

With your sharp talk and fear of seeming stupid or innocent, you can push a man away from you. The same dream predicts a woman.

Seeing pickles in a dream or rolling them into jars, as well as salting them yourself, means spicy conversations or the fact that you will condemn familiar young people and men, including your own husband, which will lead to a cooling of relations, since you can and misbehave yourself. Or friends will pass on your words.

Therefore, a dream of pickles warns you against unpleasant conversations, as well as causticity that will not do you any good. Large gherkins mean conversations on sexual topics, as well as a woman's desire for male caresses. The more of them in your dreams, the more likely a new turn in your intimate life.

A girl may have such a dream that she will compare her fans with each other, but will make the final choice against her will.

Size matters

To see pickles in a dream is very small, gherkins - why dream? The dream interpretation writes that soon you will have many reasons for talking and communicating. If you see any dishes with gherkins, for example, salads or pizza, then the dream book writes that such a dream predicts pleasant conversations for you.

However, if you dreamed that they were too salty, expect barbs in your address. Sometimes the appearance of such dreams indicates trouble with your health. After all, many types of gastritis or intestinal diseases, as well as hormonal disruptions are often associated with a change in taste sensations.

Sometimes a dream book interprets dreamed pickles and does to pregnancy. Especially if at this time a woman is actually drawn to salty. The dream book writes that the dreamed cucumbers, even if you didn’t see them, but simply felt the aroma, can themselves predict the onset of pregnancy in a dream.

Seeing them on the table or eating at a party is a conversation. The dream interpretation writes that after such a dream, guests may unexpectedly come to you.

Why does a woman dream of a pickled cucumber big size? Books on the interpretation of dreams indicate that success in love or good news about a loved one will soon await her. Eating it or just seeing it is a good sign.

The date you have planned will be pleasant and will give you a lot of pleasure. Sluggish, watery and even a large cucumber means empty promises and troubles in personal life.

Modern books on interpretation also write that one should not believe beautiful but empty promises. It is possible that a new admirer promises more than he can actually do for you.

Men's dreams

Dream Interpretation of pickles in a jar in a pantry interprets income or expenses. Seeing that there are a lot of them and they are all large means that your savings will be useful to you in any situation.

There are pickles; a dream book for a man interprets competition with others. Sometimes such a dream predicts trouble for you, conversations with juicy details. The dream interpretation writes that large and elastic vegetables dream of joy and that on the personal front you will be all right.

Why dream of pickled cucumbers, sluggish or unpleasant, with a sharp taste? This dream predicts troubles in your personal life, as well as various obstacles and quarrels in the family.

Modern books indicate that you can get sick or a date with a beautiful woman will be spoiled due to an unfortunate misunderstanding or unexpected problems in sex. Small gherkins in a dream predict you a pleasant, friendly conversation in the company of friends. Interpreters say that such a dream usually means problems in your personal life for you, as well as conversations and condemnations.

But often for men, such stories portend worries about male insolvency or illness, as well as humiliation and quarrels.

Snack and vodka

Washing them down with alcoholic beverages is a quarrel. Sometimes the plot means bitterness and trouble that will make the dreamer take up a glass and alcoholic beverages. For those who regularly use them, a dream portends a quick meeting and commemoration.

Eating gherkins along with pizza, sauces, potatoes is a more favorable sign than from a can. This dream portends judgments and conversations with juicy details. Pizza with spicy gherkins and brine can predict joy and a pleasant surprise. But if it is sour or oversalted, beware of diseases of the stomach or digestive system.

Pickled cucumbers are considered a bad sign. Such a dream prophesies misfortunes, tears and deep sadness. For correct interpretation dreaming about pickles, it is necessary to remember all the details of a night dream: who was present in the dream, where the cucumbers came from and what the dreamer did with them.

Eat canned vegetables - be in deep sadness, suffer, live in poverty. However, some of the dreamer's actions with salted vegetables can have a positive meaning.

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretations interpret the dream of pickles in different ways:

  • Universal - to experience a difficult life period, a streak of bad luck and chronic failures. To feel disgust while eating a canned product is to be disappointed in a person from a close circle.
  • Female - to experience a shock, a stressful situation, anxiety, danger.
  • The interpreter of Shereminskaya is to yearn, be in a depressed state, moral oppression. Feel the salt on the tongue - to tears and sad incidents.
  • Aesop's dream book - cardinal changes of a negative nature in personal life and professional activity.
  • Freud's interpreter - sexual dissatisfaction with his partner - for women. Male weakness, lack of sexual desire - for men.
  • Miller's dream book is a warning of danger, a deterioration in the dreamer's health.
  • Small Velesov - material need, poverty, poverty, complete ruin.
  • Ukrainian - to feel unwell, to lose strength, to lose vitality.
  • Family - loss, material losses, large cash waste.
  • Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - succumb to someone else's influence, show weakness for something. Eat with great appetite and in large quantities - be ready for motherhood, an early pregnancy - for a married woman.
  • Spring - family conflicts, dislike for close relative.
  • Autumn - a meeting with an ill-wisher, an unpleasant conversation.
  • Dream Interpretation Hasse - a dream about lightly salted cucumbers predicts a dangerous trip, you should not plan a long-distance trip in the near future.
  • French - pay bills, repay debts, be in a difficult financial situation.

There is a spoiled canned product in a dream - risking your own life in reality, being in great danger.

If a pregnant girl dreams of pickles that are in a jar, this is a harbinger of easy childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby.

Dreamer's actions

Table of the dreamer's actions with canned cucumbers and the meaning of the dream.

Action Significance for a woman Meaning for a man
Cut Get laid off, get fired Achieve success in professional activities
Sell Get a stable source of income Win the lottery, earn a solid fortune
Buy Be in a difficult financial situation to be ruined, to be defeated
Feed Experience love that will bring many tears and disappointment in a loved one Avoid responsibility for what you have done
Salt or marinate Being deceived when making financial transactions Lose a large sum
Cook pickle Receive high marks for your culinary skills Get general recognition
Wash Hiding an inauspicious act from your lover Take part in a questionable event
Throwing away Get a unique opportunity to change your life Make a wise decision, act prudently
Open a jar of pickles Get upset over the little things Quarrel with family members
Give away Hurt your loved ones Feel guilty for a perfect deed, repent
Clean Do useless work Loose your time
Break a jar of cucumbers Do a reckless, thoughtless act Be careless about your duties
Steal Avoid health problems, engage in prevention, strengthen immunity Take care of your health

Dream interpretation pickled cucumbers

As a rule, seeing canned cucumbers in a dream is a negative sign. Such a vision promises a difficult financial situation, troubles, tears, troubles. But in order to find out exactly what pickles are dreaming of, it is necessary to study the dream book, and preferably not one, but several of the most popular ones.

Dreaming of conservation for the winter

In general, if you dream of preserving cucumbers, then luck will turn away from you. As a result, you will experience material need and mental suffering.

The most popular interpretations of dream books

Fresh cucumbers bring only joy and happiness, but salted ones carry a completely opposite omen.

Universal dream book

Eat a pickled cucumber, pickle it - you have a black stripe in front of you. You need to be patient and just wait it out. None of your actions will be able to avert trouble from you.

But, according to the dream book, these tests are destined for you from above. Only by overcoming them, you can develop further and find happiness.

Women's dream book

Eating pickles and feeling that they are disgusting to you - your loved one will greatly disappoint you. The sediment from the incident will remain for a long time, you will experience real mental suffering.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Eat a delicacy in a dream

It is a dream that you are eating pickles - you will be overcome by longing. If they are pickled, then you will just feel a little sad. Salted vegetables - longing will be very strong, even depression is possible.

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

Cucumber in a dream symbolizes the male genital organ. If a man dreams of a pickled cucumber, then his masculine strength falls. For a woman, such a dream promises dissatisfaction in relationships with a partner.

Cucumbers in a jar

Why dream of pickles in a jar? You are in complete control of the situation. The dream also predicts that you will soon have a turning point. Whether you can handle it will depend on the condition of the canned fruit. If they are solid, beautiful in appearance, then you will pass the test with dignity and become even stronger.

She dreams that in the bank there are not only cucumbers, but also tomatoes - friends will help in solving a difficult situation. True, if the tomatoes looked far from presentable, then your friends may leave you halfway, then you will need to fight on your own.

Seeing jars of conservation in a dream - if you want to achieve your goal, you need to gather your strength and endurance into a fist.

Dreaming about cooking

In a dream, you can not only eat crispy salted fruits, but also cook them. As a rule, such dreams are visited by the beautiful half of humanity - hostesses. What do they promise you in the future:

Making blanks in a dream

  • She dreams of rolling cucumbers or tomatoes for the winter - you will worry about your financial situation.
  • Strongly salt conservation - to tears.
  • Close conservation in a dream, cucumbers or tomatoes - it's time to pay off old debts. Dream Interpretation believes that it is in your interests to quickly get rid of creditors.

Other interpretations

Engaging in slicing pickles - to increase the career ladder. Your leadership will finally notice your diligence.

There are pickles - to trouble in the family. You will experience real torment, worry about this.

Seeing how pickles grow right in the garden is a difficult period in life. You will need to fully mobilize your mental and physical strength in order to achieve at least a minimal result.

To dream about how you distribute pickles or tomatoes to people - you are on the right path of spiritual development. You get rid of old, “canned” problems, resentments, negative thoughts. Keep moving in this direction and further, and you will see that life is beautiful.

There is an interpretation when a pregnant woman is allowed to see or eat pickles in a dream. This is a warning. You need to prepare for the fact that childbirth will not be the easiest. Although, if you went to bed with a dream of eating something salty, then this is just a reflection of your desires.

Do not forget: dreams only carry information about what may happen soon, in your hands to change your future for the better.

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