Pork escalope in the oven how much to cook. Pork escalope in sour cream and garlic sauce in the oven: a recipe with step by step photos

Tourism and rest 27.02.2021
Tourism and rest

To prepare an escalope, carefully consider the choice of meat. The meat must be fresh, because. even from a defrosted piece, not an escalope is prepared, but an ordinary fried tenderloin.

The secret of the taste of a real escalope is that it is necessary to cut the meat across the fibers, which will ensure its softness and juiciness.

Keep in mind that the thickness of a piece of meat should not exceed 1 cm. It is this thickness that will provide it with a juicy and rich taste. The standard shape for an escalope is a circle, but you can choose any option for cutting meat.

In order to prevent the meat juice from flying around the kitchen, before repelling the escalopes, cover them with cling film or a plastic bag.

- 500 pork (pulp);
- 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- salt, ground black pepper (to your taste)

How to cook pork escalope:

    At the very beginning, it is necessary to properly prepare the meat, from which all films and tendons should be cut. Cut the pork across the grain into equal pieces about 1 cm thick.

    Using a special hammer, beat the meat well on both sides so that it becomes soft. Salt and pepper the pork on both sides, but remember that a lot of salt and spices are not required, because. they can spoil the taste of the future escalope.

    If you want to cook a real escalope, then make small cuts around its circumference. It is these cuts that will help the escalope not to shrink, but to remain even.

    You will need a non-stick frying pan, which you need to put on the stove and heat up, and then add a little vegetable oil. Put the cooked pork in a hot frying pan and fry on both sides until a crispy crust forms. Brown color. As a rule, escalopes are fried in a pan in the amount of one or two, otherwise the meat will release a lot of juice, which will ensure that the pork stew is cooked, and not the escalope.

    In the process of preparing escalopes, the roasting time plays a very important role. As a result, the escalope should turn out juicy, soft. When you cut a real escalope, it should release brown juice. In order for the meat to turn out just like that, it must be fried on one side for 4-5 minutes until white-gray, and on the other for only 4 minutes.

    Keep in mind that the preparation of the escalope does not end there. Transfer the meat to a plate, and pour a small amount of boiled water into the pan and bring it to a boil.

    In the meat sauce formed in the pan, it is necessary to shift the meat and fry over low heat for 5 minutes. Transfer the finished escalopes to plates and serve hot with a side dish of vegetables, herbs or cereals.

    Cooking roast pork with chickpeas!

Escalope is a round and even piece of meat that is cooked without breading. There are a huge number of recipes. Pork can be cooked in a variety of ways. But all the dishes have one thing in common - a great taste that cannot be confused with anything.

Pork Escalope - General Cooking Principles

For the preparation of the escalope, the best pieces of pork carcass are selected. It is best to take a tenderloin, this is according to the classical rules. But you can take part from the neck or from the loin. The meat is cut into pieces 1.5 cm thick, sometimes lightly beaten off, but not in all recipes. Escalope can be marinated, seasoned with a variety of spices, but you can’t bread in flour, semolina breadcrumbs. Otherwise, it will be a completely different dish.

You can cook escalopes on the grill, in the oven, on the stove. Very often they are supplemented with various other products: vegetables, cheese, mushrooms and all kinds of sauces. There are also a huge number of serving options, it all depends on the chosen recipe.

Grilled Pork Escalope in Tomato Mustard Marinade

Recipe for classic grilled pork escalopes cooked with mustard tomato sauce. The meat is very tender, juicy, fried to a beautiful crust. You can cook it on coals or on an electric grill.


800 g pork;

3 tablespoons of oil;

2 spoons of tomato ketchup;

15 arrows of garlic;

1 spoon of honey;

1 spoon of mustard.


1. Wash the pork, dry it, cut into pieces up to 1.5 cm.

2. Mix honey and tomato ketchup, you can use a paste. Add a spoonful of mustard and chopped garlic cloves. Salt and rub everything thoroughly together. Fill the mixture with vegetable oil.

3. Lubricate the escalopes with the prepared sauce, transfer to a bowl. If the mixture remains, then simply spread on top of the pieces.

4. Cover the dish, you can simply stretch the film. Leave warm for at least 2 hours. Can be kept in the refrigerator for 6 hours or overnight.

5. Prepare electric grill or charcoal grill.

6. Remove the pieces of meat, shake off the garlic greens. The marinade does not need to be wiped. We lay out the pieces so that there is a little space between them, and the sides are also fried.

7. Cooking escalopes to a beautiful crust. Serve with vegetables, herbs.

Pork escalope with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

The recipe is very elegant and festive pork escalopes. Tomatoes need fresh, but dense, not soft and not sour. Cheese is only hard.


0.6 kg of meat;

1 onion;

2 tomatoes;

5 spoons of sour cream;

100 g of cheese;

Salt, pepper, dry herbs;

1 spoon of oil.


1. A dish is being prepared on a baking sheet. It is better to cover it with a rug or just grease it with oil.

2. We cut the meat in layers by a centimeter. Then we take a hammer. We beat off the pork escalopes on both sides. Not much needed, up to a thickness of 0.5 cm and doubling the area.

3. Combine salt, pepper, dry herbs and rub the pieces on both sides. Transfer to the previously prepared baking sheet.

4. Lightly coat with mayonnaise or sour cream, just a little bit to add juiciness to the meat.

5. We clean the onion, cut it into very thin half rings. We lay out a few pieces for each escalope.

6. Thinly slice dense tomatoes. Scatter over the meat. If the escalopes are large or the tomatoes are small, you can put 2 or 3 tomatoes on each.

7. Tomatoes, like pork, are also coated on top with a small amount of sour cream or mayonnaise. Salt is not needed.

8. We bake the dish for half an hour at 200 degrees.

9. We rub the cheese.

10. We take out a baking sheet with escalopes from the oven. We put a little grated cheese on each to give the dish a beautiful crust and an elegant look.

11. We return the baking sheet back. We bake pork for another quarter of an hour. The temperature does not need to be changed.

Pork escalope with mushrooms in a pan

The recipe for a delicious dish of escalopes with mushrooms, for which you do not even need to turn on the oven. Everything is prepared very simply and quickly. These products make 3 full servings. The dish can be served with a side dish of rice, potatoes, or on its own with herbs and vegetables.


3 pieces of meat 150 g each;

300 g of champignons;

2 cloves of garlic;

150 g sour cream;

2 onions;

40 ml soy sauce;

40 ml of oil;

Greens, pepper and other spices.


1. Pour oil into the pan. We warm up.

2. Lightly beat off the escalopes with a hammer, put them in a pan and fry together for 3-4 minutes on each side. You don't need to cover. Take out into a bowl.

3. While the pork was fried, it was necessary to cut the peeled onion heads into half rings. Put it in a frying pan and start frying.

4. We cut the champignons, but in no case finely. Can be quartered, small mushroom halves. We send to the onion, bring to half-cooked.

5. We return the escalopes to the pan.

6. Combine sour cream with soy sauce and garlic, add 100 ml of water. Season the sauce with spices and pour over the mushrooms and pork.

7. Cover the pan with a lid, simmer the dish over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

8. At the end, sprinkle with chopped dill or other herbs.

Pork escalope on pickled onions

The recipe for a very simple and delicious pork escalope, which is cooked in the oven. You need a lot of onions for the dish, but this will not spoil it.


700 g pork tenderloin;

500 g of onion;

150 g of vinegar;

1 spoon of ketchup;

3 tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp spices for pork;

2 tablespoons of oil.


1. Combine sour cream with ketchup, add seasonings for meat, salt and crushed garlic and grind the sauce well until smooth.

2. Cut the meat into round escalopes, no more than one centimeter thick. We lightly beat off the washers, but just a little bit, we try not to greatly increase their area.

3. Rub the meat with sauce. Set aside for half an hour.

4. Cut the onion into half rings. Pour with table vinegar, mixed in half with clean water. We grind with our hands and also leave for half an hour, like meat.

5. Turn on the oven at 190. Lubricate the mold with two tablespoons of oil.

6. We take out the onion from the marinade, put it in a mold, this will be a pillow for the escalopes. Lay the meat on top. Pour the juices from the bottom of the bowl in which the pork was marinated.

7. Bake the meat in the oven for 35-40 minutes. Serve escalopes with onions.

Grilled Pork Escalope in Honey Soy Marinade

Another amazing marinade for escalopes on the grill or in the oven. The meat turns out tender, juicy, ruddy. If the soy sauce is lightly salted, then you can add a little salt.


1 kg of meat;

100 ml soy sauce;

1 spoon of honey;

4 cloves of garlic;

0.5 tsp black pepper;

A pinch of red pepper;

1 sprig of rosemary.


1. Prepare the pork according to all the rules, cut and set aside.

2. Mix soy sauce with honey. If it is not fresh and has already been candied (or just thick), then it must be melted before that, you can in the microwave.

3. Add black and red pepper to the marinade. Put in sliced ​​garlic cloves. We mix.

4. A sprig of rosemary can not be crushed. Just rub it with your hands, put it on the bottom of the bowl.

5. Lubricate the meat with sauce, lay on top of the rosemary. We cover. Marinate in the refrigerator overnight or keep at room temperature for a couple of hours.

6. We take out the escalopes, transfer them to the grill, bring the pork to readiness.

Roasted pork escalope in a pan

The easiest recipe for escalope in a pan with a minimum set of spices. This is real taste. fried meat!


4 pieces of loin, 1.5 cm thick;

3 tablespoons of oil;

Black pepper, salt.


1. Beat the meat with a hammer to a thickness of 1 cm.

2. Rub the pieces with black pepper and salt, the amount at your discretion.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan almost to a haze. Laying out escalopes.

4. Fry 2 minutes on one side.

5. Turn over, fry for another 2 minutes on the other side.

6. Now you need to reduce the fire and fry at an average level again on each side for 3 minutes.

Pork escalope with pineapple and cheese

Canned pineapple and hard cheese are used for this amazing dish. But if there is a fresh tropical fruit, then you can take it, it will affect the taste of the dish, it will be even more interesting.


6-7 escalopes;

2 spoons of mayonnaise;

2 cloves of garlic;

3-4 pineapple rings;

150 g of cheese;

2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

Oil for the form.


1. We slightly beat off the escalopes to a thickness of 7-8 mm.

2. Mix soy sauce with mayonnaise, black pepper and crushed garlic. Lubricate the pieces of pork and transfer to a form, greased with oil.

3. Cut the pineapple rings into small cubes. We distribute it among all escalopes, lay it out in one layer.

4. Put the baking sheet in the oven, bake the meat at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

5. Coarsely grate the cheese. Spread over pineapples.

6. Increase the temperature to 200 degrees, bake for another 10-15 minutes until a beautiful crust appears on top.

If you cover the pork with a bag when beating the escalopes, more juice will remain in it, the meat will turn out more tender, and splashes will not spread through the kitchen.

To fry pork until golden brown, you need to put the escalopes in well-heated oil and do not let the juices stand out.

An ideal addition to escalope is garlic sauce, and it can be sour cream, tomato, mayonnaise or very light, prepared on the basis of natural yogurt.

Escalopes should be served immediately after preparation. If the meat is reheated, it will become tough, dry and tasteless.

The most delicious escalopes come from fresh meat that has not been frozen. If the tenderloin has already been frozen, it must be thawed gradually at low temperatures on the refrigerator shelf.

Chops, steak, schnitzel - that's not all that can be cooked from meat, pork escalope cooked in the oven or in a pan is also incredibly tasty. But how does this dish differ from all other culinary delights of this kind? An escalope should be understood as even and relatively equal in size pieces of meat that are slightly beaten off. Important point- breading for the preparation of this yummy is not used. Nevertheless, it turns out very nutritious and tasty, despite all the simplicity. It is also worth remembering that there are many recipes. So there is always room for culinary experimentation.

Pure classic - pork escalope

A real good pork escalope is obtained from the tenderloin. It is optimal to take the kidney part. Then the meat dish will turn out to be truly juicy and tasty.

Cooking time -40 minutes.

The number of servings is 2.


To cook this yummy, which goes well with a variety of side dishes, you should use a very simple and fairly affordable set of products:

  • pork tenderloin - 400 g;
  • lemon - 1 slice;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and ground pepper.

Cooking method

Make your own pork escalope classic recipe with a photo is not as difficult as it may seem to beginners in the kitchen. In fact, this is one of the simplest meat dishes, which is almost impossible to spoil.

  1. First of all, cut a piece of pork into two equal-sized parts (each about 200 g in weight).

  1. How to beat off the blanks with a kitchen hammer.

On a note! As a result, the finished pieces of meat should not be thicker than 5-6 mm.

  1. Peel the garlic. Send the teeth into the mortar. Squeeze lemon juice on them. Pour in spices. Add salt. Thoroughly grind everything.

  1. Lubricate the layers of pork with the resulting marinade and set aside for half an hour so that the meat is well saturated with all these smells and juices.

  1. Heat up a frying pan with a small amount of refined vegetable oil. Put the escalopes in it and fry for 4-6 minutes on each side.

On a note! To make the meat very appetizing, it is recommended to use a grill pan.

Everything! You can cook such a dish for different side dishes: pasta, potatoes, boiled rice, beans. But the most useful option is the combination of pork with vegetables.

Recipe for the oven: escalopes with tomatoes and cheese

Pork escalope cooked in the oven with fresh tomatoes and cheese is incredibly tasty. In preparation, this recipe does not involve performing any complex manipulations. Everything is so simple and clear that even an inexperienced hostess can handle it.

Cooking time -1 hour 10 minutes.

The number of servings is 7.


What do we need to prepare before we start cooking? Full list very simple:

  • pork pulp - 600 g;
  • mayonnaise - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • cheese - 160 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • dried herbs - 1/4 tsp;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • ground pepper - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

If you follow the recipe step by step with a photo, then it will not be difficult for you to cook a lean pork escalope. And the result will pleasantly surprise you!

  1. First, thoroughly rinse the meat in running water. Dry it well. Cut the pulp into small portions. The optimal thickness should not exceed 5 mm.

  1. Put the meat preparations in a new plastic bag. You can put them on a cutting board and cover with cling film. Next, you need to beat the meat well. But it is the film or polyethylene that helps prevent violations of the fiber structure, and then the meat turns out to be especially soft and tender. Salt. Rub in seasonings and ground pepper. Grease a baking sheet or refractory baking dish with vegetable oil. Send meat pieces to the prepared container.

  1. Clean the onion. Cut it into halves or quarters of rings. Distribute slices over meat. Cooking or pickling onions is not required first.

  1. Lubricate products with mayonnaise. Wash and dry tomatoes. Cut them into slices or circles depending on the size. Post on top. Salt a little. Sprinkle with dried herbs.

Note! Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream - it will turn out less calorie. If desired, dried herbs can be replaced with fresh ones. But in this case, do not forget to thoroughly rinse it first and dry it properly.

  1. Lubricate the blanks with mayonnaise mixed with chopped garlic. Grate the cheese on a medium grater (only choose those varieties of the product that melt well under the influence of high temperatures).

  1. Send the escalopes with cheese and tomatoes to the oven for 40 minutes. The dish must be cooked at 180 degrees.

Ready! In this form, pork is simply delicious. Its taste is truly fantastic: fresh tomatoes give the meat a pleasant sourness, and melted cheese with garlic completes this culinary composition!

Cooking with onions

The ideal solution for an everyday meat dish would be an escalope made from pork with onions. The vegetable perfectly sets off the brutal taste of the tenderloin. Guaranteed - this dish will appeal to men who appreciate the true taste without any frills.

Cooking time -30 minutes.

The number of servings is 2.


To get a hearty and appetizing meal, we need the following:

  • loin pork - 2 pieces weighing about 200 g;
  • ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers - 0.5 tsp;
  • turnip - 1 medium-sized head;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • refined sunflower or olive oil.

Cooking method

What are the features of cooking pork escalope with onions? In fact, there are no difficulties or special secrets here. Everything is very simple!

  1. First, prepare all the necessary products.

  1. Meat, if it comes in one piece, cut into portions. Rinse them a little. Dry with paper towels. As it should be beaten off from both sides with a kitchen hammer. Salt. Sprinkle with seasoning.

  1. Take a frying pan, preferably with a non-stick coating. Put on medium fire. Send a mixture of vegetable and butter. To warm. Send the pieces of pork to the oil mixture. Fry on both sides until appetizing browned.

  1. Clean the onion. Cut into feathers. Put on meat. Fry until done.

On a note! To slicing out onion quickly caramelized, it is worth sprinkling it directly in the pan with a pinch of granulated sugar and the same amount of salt.

Enjoy your meal! This dish is very self-sufficient. It can be served just like that, without any additions, or simply with chopped herbs. But if you prefer to eat densely and high-calorie, a wonderful addition will be mashed potatoes or boiled buckwheat. You can make just a fresh vegetable salad. It will turn out less calorie, but very nutritious and healthy!

Video recipes

As you may have noticed, there are a great many ways to prepare a juicy and tasty pork escalope. It is not surprising to get confused in these gastronomic secrets. To avoid mistakes, you should use the video tips:

Escalope is a round and even piece of meat that is cooked without breading. There are a huge number of recipes. Pork can be cooked in a variety of ways. But all the dishes have one thing in common - a great taste that cannot be confused with anything.

Pork Escalope - General Cooking Principles

For the preparation of the escalope, the best pieces of pork carcass are selected. It is best to take a tenderloin, this is according to the classical rules. But you can take part from the neck or from the loin. The meat is cut into pieces 1.5 cm thick, sometimes lightly beaten off, but not in all recipes. Escalope can be marinated, seasoned with a variety of spices, but you can’t bread in flour, semolina breadcrumbs. Otherwise, it will be a completely different dish.

You can cook escalopes on the grill, in the oven, on the stove. Very often they are supplemented with various other products: vegetables, cheese, mushrooms and all kinds of sauces. There are also a huge number of serving options, it all depends on the chosen recipe.

Grilled Pork Escalope in Tomato Mustard Marinade

Recipe for classic grilled pork escalopes cooked with mustard tomato sauce. The meat is very tender, juicy, fried to a beautiful crust. You can cook it on coals or on an electric grill.

2 spoons of tomato ketchup;

15 arrows of garlic;

1 spoon of mustard.

1. Wash the pork, dry it, cut into pieces up to 1.5 cm.

2. Mix honey and tomato ketchup, you can use a paste. Add a spoonful of mustard and chopped garlic cloves. Salt and rub everything thoroughly together. Fill the mixture with vegetable oil.

3. Lubricate the escalopes with the prepared sauce, transfer to a bowl. If the mixture remains, then simply spread on top of the pieces.

4. Cover the dish, you can simply stretch the film. Leave warm for at least 2 hours. Can be kept in the refrigerator for 6 hours or overnight.

5. Prepare electric grill or charcoal grill.

6. Remove the pieces of meat, shake off the garlic greens. The marinade does not need to be wiped. We lay out the pieces so that there is a little space between them, and the sides are also fried.

7. Cooking escalopes to a beautiful crust. Serve with vegetables, herbs.

Pork escalope with tomatoes and cheese in the oven

The recipe is very elegant and festive pork escalopes. Tomatoes need fresh, but dense, not soft and not sour. Cheese is only hard.

5 spoons of sour cream;

Salt, pepper, dry herbs;

1. A dish is being prepared on a baking sheet. It is better to cover it with a rug or just grease it with oil.

2. We cut the meat in layers by a centimeter. Then we take a hammer. We beat off the pork escalopes on both sides. Not much needed, up to a thickness of 0.5 cm and doubling the area.

3. Combine salt, pepper, dry herbs and rub the pieces on both sides. Transfer to the previously prepared baking sheet.

4. Lightly coat with mayonnaise or sour cream, just a little bit to add juiciness to the meat.

5. We clean the onion, cut it into very thin half rings. We lay out a few pieces for each escalope.

6. Thinly slice dense tomatoes. Scatter over the meat. If the escalopes are large or the tomatoes are small, you can put 2 or 3 tomatoes on each.

7. Tomatoes, like pork, are also coated on top with a small amount of sour cream or mayonnaise. Salt is not needed.

8. We bake the dish for half an hour at 200 degrees.

10. We take out a baking sheet with escalopes from the oven. We put a little grated cheese on each to give the dish a beautiful crust and an elegant look.

11. We return the baking sheet back. We bake pork for another quarter of an hour. The temperature does not need to be changed.

Pork escalope with mushrooms in a pan

The recipe for a delicious dish of escalopes with mushrooms, for which you do not even need to turn on the oven. Everything is prepared very simply and quickly. These products make 3 full servings. The dish can be served with a side dish of rice, potatoes, or on its own with herbs and vegetables.

3 pieces of meat 150 g each;

300 g of champignons;

2 cloves of garlic;

40 ml soy sauce;

Greens, pepper and other spices.

1. Pour oil into the pan. We warm up.

2. Lightly beat off the escalopes with a hammer, put them in a pan and fry together for 3-4 minutes on each side. You don't need to cover. Take out into a bowl.

3. While the pork was fried, it was necessary to cut the peeled onion heads into half rings. Put it in a frying pan and start frying.

4. We cut the champignons, but in no case finely. Can be quartered, small mushroom halves. We send to the onion, bring to half-cooked.

5. We return the escalopes to the pan.

6. Combine sour cream with soy sauce and garlic, add 100 ml of water. Season the sauce with spices and pour over the mushrooms and pork.

7. Cover the pan with a lid, simmer the dish over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

8. At the end, sprinkle with chopped dill or other herbs.

Pork escalope on pickled onions

The recipe for a very simple and delicious pork escalope, which is cooked in the oven. You need a lot of onions for the dish, but this will not spoil it.

700 g pork tenderloin;

1 spoon of ketchup;

3 tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp spices for pork;

1. Combine sour cream with ketchup, add seasonings for meat, salt and crushed garlic and grind the sauce well until smooth.

2. Cut the meat into round escalopes, no more than one centimeter thick. We lightly beat off the washers, but just a little bit, we try not to greatly increase their area.

3. Rub the meat with sauce. Set aside for half an hour.

4. Cut the onion into half rings. Pour table vinegar mixed in half with clean water. We grind with our hands and also leave for half an hour, like meat.

5. Turn on the oven at 190. Lubricate the mold with two tablespoons of oil.

6. We take out the onion from the marinade, put it in a mold, this will be a pillow for the escalopes. Lay the meat on top. Pour the juices from the bottom of the bowl in which the pork was marinated.

7. Bake the meat in the oven for 35-40 minutes. Serve escalopes with onions.

Grilled Pork Escalope in Honey Soy Marinade

Another amazing marinade for escalopes on the grill or in the oven. The meat turns out tender, juicy, ruddy. If the soy sauce is lightly salted, then you can add a little salt.

100 ml soy sauce;

4 cloves of garlic;

0.5 tsp black pepper;

A pinch of red pepper;

1 sprig of rosemary.

1. Prepare the pork according to all the rules, cut and set aside.

2. Mix soy sauce with honey. If it is not fresh and has already been candied (or just thick), then it must be melted before that, you can in the microwave.

3. Add black and red pepper to the marinade. Put in sliced ​​garlic cloves. We mix.

4. A sprig of rosemary can not be crushed. Just rub it with your hands, put it on the bottom of the bowl.

5. Lubricate the meat with sauce, lay on top of the rosemary. We cover. Marinate in the refrigerator overnight or keep at room temperature for a couple of hours.

6. We take out the escalopes, transfer them to the grill, bring the pork to readiness.

Roasted pork escalope in a pan

The easiest recipe for escalope in a pan with a minimum set of spices. This is the real taste of grilled meat!

4 pieces of loin, 1.5 cm thick;

Black pepper, salt.

1. Beat the meat with a hammer to a thickness of 1 cm.

2. Rub the pieces with black pepper and salt, the amount at your discretion.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan almost to a haze. Laying out escalopes.

4. Fry 2 minutes on one side.

5. Turn over, fry for another 2 minutes on the other side.

6. Now you need to reduce the fire and fry at an average level again on each side for 3 minutes.

Pork escalope with pineapple and cheese

Canned pineapple and hard cheese are used for this amazing dish. But if there is a fresh tropical fruit, then you can take it, it will affect the taste of the dish, it will be even more interesting.

2 spoons of mayonnaise;

2 cloves of garlic;

3-4 pineapple rings;

2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

Oil for the form.

1. We slightly beat off the escalopes to a thickness of 7-8 mm.

2. Mix soy sauce with mayonnaise, black pepper and crushed garlic. Lubricate the pieces of pork and transfer to a form, greased with oil.

3. Cut the pineapple rings into small cubes. We distribute it among all escalopes, lay it out in one layer.

4. Put the baking sheet in the oven, bake the meat at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

5. Coarsely grate the cheese. Spread over pineapples.

6. Increase the temperature to 200 degrees, bake for another 10-15 minutes until a beautiful crust appears on top.

If you cover the pork with a bag when beating the escalopes, more juice will remain in it, the meat will turn out more tender, and splashes will not spread through the kitchen.

To fry pork until golden brown, you need to put the escalopes in well-heated oil and do not let the juices stand out.

An ideal addition to escalope is garlic sauce, and it can be sour cream, tomato, mayonnaise or very light, prepared on the basis of natural yogurt.

Escalopes should be served immediately after preparation. If the meat is reheated, it will become tough, dry and tasteless.

The most delicious escalopes come from fresh meat that has not been frozen. If the tenderloin has already been frozen, it should be thawed gradually at low temperatures on the refrigerator shelf.


pork escalope in the oven in foil

The cooking process of this meat dish begins with a very thorough washing of the pork under a strong stream of cold water. After that, the meat is dried and cut into thin pieces, their thickness should not exceed one and a half centimeters. Cut the pork with a very sharp knife. Further, each piece of meat should be carefully beaten off with a kitchen hammer, after salting the pork and slightly peppering it. After that, the meat chops must be fried in hot vegetable oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom, while on each side the escalope should be fried for at least three minutes.

Next, you need to mix hard cheese, previously chopped on the fine side of the grater, breading sugars, finely chopped parsley and vegetable oil. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed, and then add one fresh egg yolk to it. After that, it is necessary to put the fried pork pieces on a sheet of food foil, pour over each chop with the prepared sauce and cover the meat with a second sheet of foil on top. Next, you should send the dish to the oven and bake the pork escalopes for about seventeen minutes at two hundred degrees in the oven.

We will tell you another recipe on how to cook pork escalope in foil in the oven. This dish should be prepared from soft lean meat, preferably cut from the kidney part. These pork escalopes will cook for about fifty minutes, you should have enough of these ingredients for two servings of a meaty, hearty dish.

You will need the following products:

Five hundred grams of pork tenderloin (you need to divide it into two pieces, two hundred and fifty grams each);

Three cloves of young garlic;

One fresh lemon;

A couple of teaspoons of fine salt;

One dessert spoon of ground black pepper;

For baking escalopes - vegetable oil.

For decoration - fresh herbs.

The method of cooking pork escalopes in the oven in foil is as follows:

Take two pieces of pork tenderloin and rinse the meat thoroughly under running water. Next, twist the meat into a napkin or towel so that it dries slightly. If you have one common piece of pork, then cut it into two identical pieces, weighing about two hundred and fifty grams.

Beat each piece of tenderloin well with a kitchen hammer on all sides. In case you did not find a hammer, you can use a heavy frying pan to beat, only then do not forget to wrap the meat with cling film beforehand. The pork escalope should be very thin, its thickness should not exceed six millimeters.

Wash the lemon and squeeze out all the juice from it. Next, peel the garlic and grate it on the fine side of the grater (if you have a special garlic press, use it). Put the mass of garlic in a deep, small bowl, where also add the squeezed lemon juice and fine salt.

Coat the pork escalope with the resulting lemon marinade and let it marinate, it will take about thirty-five minutes.

Preheat the oven so that the temperature in it reaches two hundred degrees. Spread a sheet of food foil on the table, then lay the pickled escalopes on it. Wrap them in foil, then put them on an oven tray and send them to the oven to bake for about fifteen minutes.

After that, the pork escalope in the oven in foil will be ready! Unfold the foil, put the meat on serving plates and decorate ready meal at your discretion.

Pork escalope


Pork escalope recipe in the oven

Hard cheese - 80 gr;

Breadcrumbs - 70 gr;

1 egg yolk;

2 cloves of garlic;

Enjoy your meal!

In order to cook pork escalope, you will need:

- pork (kidney part) - 4 thin pieces of 150 gr;

- 8 tablespoons breadcrumbs;

- 7-8 cloves of garlic;

- spices for meat, salt.

Recipe for pork escalopes.

1. Thin slices of pork, if desired, can be lightly beaten off.

2. Fry the meat in vegetable oil over high heat until a crust forms (1 minute on each side).

3. We make a batter. Break the eggs into a container, rub them with breadcrumbs and salt. Add grated cheese, finely chopped greens, squeezed garlic, spices. We mix everything thoroughly.

4. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. We grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Coat the meat on all sides with batter and place on a baking sheet. We send the escalopes to the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Pork escalope is ready! Enjoy your meal!


Pork escalope in the oven

In fact, escalopes are ordinary fried meat, but there are several features.

In order for fried meat to be called an escalope, it must be round or oval in shape, about the size of a palm and “in pure form”, i.e. without panning.

To cook a pork escalope, we will not have to run around the shops for half a day in search of products, everything is much simpler, we will need the following ingredients:

Pork (approximately 700 - 800 gr);

Hard cheese - 80 gr;

Breadcrumbs - 70 gr;

A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;

1 egg yolk;

2 cloves of garlic;

To taste lettuce leaves and parsley;

Black pepper and salt, add to taste.

Pork escalope is cooked very quickly. For this dish, it is best to use fresh or chilled meat. To begin with, we wash the pork, dry it, and then cut it into even circles, no more than two centimeters thick. And be sure to cut along the fibers. Each piece must be beaten with a wooden mallet. If you come across fat, then you need to make an incision in it. Experienced housewives most often dry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces with a paper towel, salt and pepper them. This makes the meat juicier. At the same time, put the pan on and heat it up. Already prepared pieces are dipped in sizzling vegetable oil. However, don't put too many pieces at once, it's better if you put 2-3 (depending on the size of the pan). Fry quickly until light golden brown. You can grate hard cheese in advance, mix it with breadcrumbs and vegetable oil and chopped garlic. Add the egg yolk to the mixture and mix everything. Lubricate our fried pork pieces with the prepared mixture and spread on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Leave the pork escalope in the oven for 10-15 minutes. During this time, you can cook any side dish you want.

Enjoy your meal!

Escalope is a piece of meat, separated from the bone and fried in a pan without breading. At the same time, the dish is very different from a steak, since it is prepared from lean meat, and it can even be baked in the oven. Therefore, in the oven it is best to do from the loin. This meat is perfect for this recipe and works great when cooked. It should also be borne in mind that this dish involves the use of a minimum amount of seasonings and spices. The main thing in it is the taste of meat. That is why, before baking as an escalope, this point must be considered in the first place.


For cooking you will need:

Pork kopeck - 1 kg;

Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;

Red wine - 100 ml.

Meat preparation

The loin must be thoroughly washed and allowed to drain. After that, the meat is cut into equal pieces the size of a palm and a thickness of one centimeter. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technique. To get a delicious pork in the oven, and not a hard piece of burnt meat, all fat and veins must be cut from the pieces. This must be done even if significant parts of the pork have to be removed. It is better to use them for cooking another dish. After the meat is cut, it must be beaten off. However, this is done differently than with meatballs, since you need to preserve its internal structure. Therefore, all pieces are processed so that 0.5 cm comes out of a centimeter thickness. Some cooks use for this not a simple meat hammer that breaks its structure, but an ordinary glass bottle.

Pan processing

Before in the oven, it must be lightly fried. To do this, pour all the prepared oil into the pan and heat it over high heat. After that, pieces of meat are laid out on it, which are fried for five minutes, without reducing the fire, on one side and five minutes on the other.


When the meat is fried, it should be transferred to a baking dish. There it is salted and peppered. After ten minutes, it should release the juice. We add wine to it and set to bake pork in the oven. In this case, the oven must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees, and the dish should be cooked in it for 20 minutes to get juicy escalopes. However, there are people who do not like such meat. In this case, the process of being in the oven can be increased to 40 minutes, but you need to constantly check the pork so that it does not turn out dry. You can also turn off the stove and leave the meat for twenty minutes so that it reaches the previously set temperature.


Before you need to decide what to serve it with. Since this meat tastes amazing when hot, mashed potatoes and berry sauce are good for it. In fact, it can be a good addition to any dish, but true connoisseurs of such recipes prefer to use it in food without any additions, and use ordinary ketchup as a sauce.

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