Weak lines on the palm. The meaning of different lines on the hands in palmistry

Interesting 15.10.2019

Always, at any time, people wanted to look into their future, as well as to find out the purpose of their stay on Earth, their Mission. Palmistry is the tool with which people seek to satisfy their curiosity in these matters by studying the lines on the hand.

It is not necessary to delve into this subject in order to discover the secret knowledge written on our palms. It is enough to understand the map of fate and draw the right conclusions that you need to adhere to in life.

We all, from birth, have lines on our hands. Their meaning is determined by palmistry. They do not remain unchanged throughout life, like the person himself, whose habits and character change, in accordance with the environment, upbringing, lessons and trials.

The dominant hand is considered to be the hand with which a person performs responsible work - holds cutlery, writes, takes something. It indicates what the consciousness of this person hides: the main character traits, what has happened or will happen in life, and also tells about the state of his health. This is the outer self.

The other hand is called the passive hand. She points to what the subconscious mind stores: to internal reserves that can be used in life and to the fate of a person. This hand shows the state of health of the clan and family. This is the inner self.

The lines located on the palms that beginner palmists need to know are conditionally divided into main (main) and secondary. You can determine the fate and character along the main lines and correct the information on the secondary ones.

It does not hurt, after that, to consult with someone else who will help you deal with psychological characteristics personality.

The main lines of palmists include:

  1. life line;
  2. hearts;
  3. head or mind;
  4. health;
  5. fate;
  6. Sun.

Secondary ones include:

  1. line of intuition;
  2. wealth;
  3. marriage
  4. children;
  5. Belt of Venus;
  6. The path of voluptuousness;
  7. Ring of Saturn;
  8. Ring of Solomon.

Astrologers associate the palm scheme with the planets. All fingers on the hands have small hills or hills located at their base. Accordingly, the hill of the thumb is called the hill of Venus, the index - the hill of Jupiter, the middle - the hill of Saturn, the ring finger - the hill of Apollo, the little finger - the hill of Mercury.

In addition to them, below the hill of Mercury, there is a hill of Mars (representing the negative), even lower is the hill of the Moon, closer to the wrist is the hill of Neptune.

Main lines of fate

life line

This band on the hand is considered the main one. Yes, otherwise, and it cannot be, since the meaning of life lies in life itself. If you place the palm at eye level, then this line begins between the thumb and forefinger and at the same distance from them, and then goes from top to bottom.

Its length does not in any way indicate the duration of a person's life, and the life strip itself with a bend practically does not change during life.

If the strip is pronounced and deep enough, in the form of an even semicircle, then its owner is a self-confident person, with a large supply of vital energy, good health and an active lifestyle.

If the life line starts higher than in the middle, that is, closer to the index finger, then this indicates ambition and a desire to rule and subjugate others.

If the band is very weak and thin, then the level of vital energy is lowered in a person. This can be expressed in frequent depressive states, melancholy, reduced immunity and poor health.

A thin and short strip, which is abruptly interrupted, speaks of the weakness of a person and an insufficient amount of vital energy. Perhaps a person stops his development - spiritual, physical, intellectual. This is confirmed when the same picture emerges on both palms.

A short, but wide and pronounced stripe indicates that, despite the piling up ailments, the person successfully copes with them.

If the trait closer to the wrist has a branching, then in the second half of life new prospects await him. The absence of a life line is extremely rare among those people who have been looking for themselves, their destiny all their lives.

If at first the line is intermittent and not bright enough, possibly crossed by other lines, this indicates that in youth the person experienced health problems, failures, major troubles and losses. Perhaps he had to fight for his health.

The life line can have its sister - a strip parallel to it. This suggests that its owner is a strong, strong-willed personality.

It happens that the line of life at the end suddenly turns into reverse side, forming a hook. This is considered a very bad sign and predicts death, serious illness and the collapse of social status.

The life line should be divided into 12 parts. Each of the parts will correspond to seven years of life. So you can see in what period what events occurred or will occur. For example, branches from the band up can mean an upsurge and new positive changes, and down - a decline and losses. vitality.

heart line

It is located closest to the fingers. It indicates the emotional side of a person's life, associated, most often, with love and relationships. This also includes relationships between close relatives and friends. This feature originates in the crook of the palm under the little finger, and pumps in at the base of the index finger or middle finger, or between them.

Emotions, throughout life, leave traces in our emotional field. Therefore, the line of the heart is not absolutely even and smooth. These traces appear as small islands, indicating that during this period of life a person was subject to emotional shock.

The line of the heart and its position can be of two types:

  • if it is rounded towards the index or middle finger or passes between the middle and index fingers, then it is called physical;
  • if it is not rounded, but continues straight through the entire palm, then it is called spiritual.

People with a physical line of the heart know how to enjoy life, vividly express their emotions and feelings, never lose heart, despite the fact that their life is striped. That is, it consists not only of positive moments. After another disappointment, they can rebuild themselves in an optimistic way.

People with a spiritual life line are more often secretive, concentrated on their inner experiences and feelings. They are freedom-loving, but at the same time, romantic and sensitive. If they feel injustice towards themselves, they will prefer to suffer in silence than to sort things out.

If the strip is clear and neat, it means that a person has such qualities as nobility, goodwill and generosity.

If the lines of the heart and life are connected by thin but clear segments, this is a sign that in real life a person hides under the mask of a saint, but in fact, a completely different person is hiding behind this mask. This duality does not allow you to find like-minded people and friends in your environment.

When the lines of the heart and head are too far apart, this is a direct indication that a person is trying to find justice in everything. He is demanding of himself and others, conscientious, hardworking. Likes everything to be right.

The strip is short, ending in the middle of the palm, belongs to a person who is too fussy and quick-tempered. He is often dissatisfied with his results and what others are doing, is capable of harsh and not always justified criticism.

In people whose heart line is strictly parallel to the head line, big problems in communication with other people - they are too shy and hide their essence deeply, fearing ridicule and misunderstanding of others. In old age, they are prone to the development of sclerosis.

The strip ending between the middle and index fingers speaks of the harmonious relationship of a person with others.

Line of head or mind

This strip, at first, runs parallel to the life line, then obliquely and ends approximately opposite the ring finger. In rare cases, it reaches the edge of the palm.

It is generally accepted that the longer this trait, the more intelligent and smart man. He behaves consciously and does not do stupid things. But, some people who have a long line of mind, due to laziness or sluggishness, do not use the possibilities inherent in them and are inferior to those who have this line shorter.

If, at first, the lines of the head and life are in contact, then the person is not capable of unforeseen actions - he will think several times before doing anything.

This feature usually looks even and clear. If it has islands and chains, this indicates that there were moments in life when a person could experience difficulties in solving any problems, it was not possible to concentrate his attention.

If the line is clearly visible and runs straight across the palm, this means that the person does not have a creative imagination. He is too pragmatic. If the strip, rounding, goes down, then the person is endowed with a bright and rich, creative imagination. If the strip goes down too sharply, a person may behave unpredictably and inappropriately.

In people who have wavy line heads, there is a great attachment to the house and to the family. But, such a person does not know how to forgive betrayal and deceit. If at the end the strip bifurcates and one of its ends is directed upwards and the other downwards, the person has the ability to write, to embody bright, creative, original ideas.

The line of the head, passing almost the entire palm horizontally, indicates that there is prudence, selfishness and stubbornness in the character. In the case when the lines of the heart, head and life are connected at one point, it is believed that a person will not be able to succeed in anything, only failures await him.

health line

It runs from the point at the base of the little finger to the life line or to the wrist. The best option would be the one when the health bar is completely absent. Such people have healthy body and a healthy mind. They take care of themselves, train and properly nourish their body.

A pronounced flat bar indicates a person who does everything in his power to be healthy - fitness, sports, spiritual practices and mindful eating.

An intermittent thin line indicates recurrent health problems. One has only to think about what needs to be done to improve health and the situation will change.

The presence of islands indicates serious diagnoses. There comes a very important moment when you need to gather all the strength to restore health. The square indicates victory over the disease and complete recovery.

fate line

This line is also called the Saturn line. It runs vertically across the palm, from the wrist up, approximately in the middle of the palm. Not everyone has it.

This band is present in those who set realistic goals and strive to achieve them. But those who have a long line of fate in their palms do not always achieve these goals. Perhaps lack of motivation. And yet, those who have this line are considered lucky, who are helped by the Angels: they warn, send clues and guard.

The line of fate can begin directly from the line of life. This situation suggests that the family, family traditions, upbringing or a certain relative had a considerable influence on the personality. He still listens to them.

If the strip begins at the wrist, a person always, from childhood, decides for himself who he will be and what activity he will devote his life to.

The strip originating from the center of the palm indicates that the person, even in childhood, showed independence and self-sufficiency. These qualities are present throughout life. The farther from the line of life is the line of fate, the more independence and freedom is manifested. This category includes politicians and public figures.

The double line of fate indicates that there are two directions in human activity. For example, work and hobbies or work and spiritual practices.

If the line of fate ends under the index finger, then this is a politician, lawyer or philosopher, if under the middle or between the middle and ring fingers - a teacher, banker, physician or entrepreneur, if under the ring finger - a designer, artist or musician, if under the little finger (which happens very rare) - artist.

If there is no line of fate, a person has no desire to achieve success and victories in any area. In addition, usually, this line is absent in criminals, drug addicts and drinkers.

Sun line

This is the line of luck or Apollo. This transverse band runs from the wrist to the ring finger, but, most often, it is short and starts from the line of the mind (as luck rarely comes at an early age). It is present in those who achieve great success in the field of activity in which they are engaged.

A clear, even and pronounced line indicates the stability of success. This is a person who is always in the spotlight. In this case, we can talk about recognition and popularity.

Islets warn of scandals and intrigues of competitors. Crosses - about the loss of money. Interruptions and breaks are about temporary retirement, despite the innate abilities of a person.

If the beginning coincides with the line of life, then there is a chance to express yourself in creativity and achieve great success, and the road of glory lies ahead.

Minor lines

line of intuition

Intuition involves foresight and premonition of future events. Intuition can be developed through special practices.

But, there are people who come into our world already endowed with this quality. This vertical curved streak can be found on the edge of the palm.

Characteristics of the line of intuition:

  • clear, clearly expressed - a person is aware of the gift of intuition and uses it for good.
  • weakly expressed, subtle - intuition is present, but they do not believe in it, attributing everything to mere coincidences. This gift can be lost.
  • intermittent - the gift of clairvoyance periodically visits a person.
  • double - there are great opportunities, but their owner cannot always find a worthy application.

wealth line

This is a line that forms a triangle at the intersection of the line of fate and the line of the mind. Not everyone has.

It usually appears in childhood and promises financial well-being for later life.

Line of marriage and love

On the edge of the palm, below the little finger, but above the line of the heart - it is here that the line of love is located on the hand. There may be several if fate destined for several marriages or love relationship.

Stripes clear and deep speak of the calm nature of the relationship. If it branches, there will be separation or a person doubts the correct choice of a life partner.

line of children

It is located between the marriage line and the little finger. There may be several, according to the number of children. It is possible that among them there are miscarriages and abortions.

It is believed that the lines indicate the potential that a woman has and it is not at all necessary that these children will appear. A bright stripe indicates a son, and a paler one indicates a daughter. If the dash looks like a tick, then it indicates twins.

Belt of Venus

It is located above the line of the heart, closer to the base of the fingers. Not everyone has the Belt of Venus. He indicates that a person has great sensitivity, does not want to live in monotony and is looking for ways to warm up his feelings.

This property of nature can manifest itself in creativity. If the belt of Venus consists of several bands, then they characterize the person as overly emotional, which can also suffer from nervous disorders.

The path of voluptuousness

This feature runs from the hill of the Moon to the hill of Venus and warns of vices that can lie in wait for a weak-willed person - alcohol, drugs, gluttony, carnal pleasures.

It is good if the owner of this sign has a straight line of mind. In this case, he will be able to control himself.

Ring of Saturn

This feature, located under the base of the middle finger, speaks of the isolation of its owner. Most often, such people are uncommunicative, they are haunted by failures and they are always dissatisfied with life.

Ring of Solomon

It appears in the form of a semicircle under the base of the index finger. The owner of this sign has the qualities of a leader, can lead people, become a talented leader and can take responsibility.

Signs - symbols in the palm of your hand

Summing up, you can add signs that are often found on the lines of the palm:

  • star - misfortune, accident, sudden event (not always bad), the most unfavorable interpretation is death.
  • line break - obstacles, unwanted changes, illnesses and other troubles;
  • a dot on the strip is a mess;
  • a cross on the strip - an obstacle, changes, possibly a disease;
  • island, island - a warning or weakening of this line;
  • square - protects from adverse circumstances;
  • a trident at the end of the line speaks of financial success.

In order to compile a complete picture of a person’s life, you can use fortune telling by hand. Very often, different features speak about the same aspects of life, confirming the veracity of the predictions. Do not forget about hand care - the better you can see the lines in the palm of your hand, the more accurate the prediction will be.

palmistry pays Special attention wrist lines. Some gypsy sources claim that they are closely connected with the lines of life, capable of providing a large amount of information about human destiny. They are 3 or 4 distinct lines, which are also called bracelets or rosettes. Each of the wrist bracelets has its own significance, which is formed on the basis of the nature of the line and its depth.

In addition to the general meaning of rosettes, they can also have an additional semantic load. Such additions appear due to the formation of special marks along the entire length of the bracelets, or dashes emanating from them. It is worth considering that they have not only a positive meaning, but also a negative one.

Lines on the wrist: signs

Each line on the wrist is responsible for a certain time period that a person can live, it lasts an average of 20-25 years. Therefore, people who have 4 lines drawn on their wrists are likely to be long-livers and live 8-10 decades.

In addition to the duration of life, bracelets can determine the quality of life.

It is believed that if clear rosettes are located on a human hand, his life will be filled with happiness, security, at a certain period such lines were called Royal. If the bracelets are poorly readable, torn, a difficult, stressful life awaits a person. Of particular importance is the space between the bracelets. Clean skin, on which there are no wrinkles, suggests that its owner will have a happy, calm life.

The meaning of each line on the wrist

It is believed that each bracelet affects a certain vital area of ​​human destiny. The top ring can talk about health. If it has fuzzy outlines, weaves, strong bends, then a person may have serious health problems. A continuous rosette with a smooth structure indicates that this person will work hard mentally, and such work will be easy for him.

Particular attention should be paid to the first line of women, as a strong arcuate bend can portend a difficult birth or childless life. This meaning of the line on the wrist has a special power if the pattern is repeated on both hands. A similar sign, located on the male hand, also indicates the presence of problems with conceiving a child.

The second rosette speaks of the financial well-being of a person. A dashed pattern indicates financial difficulties, which will eventually lead to large debts. If the second line does not look like a chain, then its owner is prone to risk, during which he is lucky. A bifurcated pattern portends wealth, fame. However, such an improvement in the financial situation will be observed only in old age.

The third ring tells about love relationships. A clear, smooth drawing speaks of mutual feelings. Such people have no problems in their personal lives. If the line is intermittent, fate will be filled with quarrels, misunderstandings, for such moments they will not cause a break in relations. If there is a dot on the bracelet, a person will have to lose his loved one in life, and this can be not only a divorce, but also death.

When interpreting love fate, it is necessary to pay attention to the distance between the second and third rosettes. If it is large, then the person will marry late.

Lines on the wrist: directions, additional signs

What do the extra marks on the bracelets mean? In order to understand their meaning, it is necessary to pay attention to the following interpretations:

The meaning of a triangle can be strengthened if a cross, an asterisk, is formed inside it. Lines can have different directions:

Icons located on 1 line

In order to know exactly what they are talking about, additional marks on the wrists, you need to pay attention to their interpretation, depending on their exact location on the bracelets. On the first line there can be many signs, each of which has its own interpretation.

  1. The islet may be a symbol of the development of the disease, or the appearance of another cause that adversely affects the ability to bear children.
  2. If a line going upwards originates from a feather bracelet, wealth awaits a person.
  3. If there are a huge number of links on the line, like a chain, then a person is on his own. life path will work hard. Moreover, this kind of activity will take a lot of time and effort from him.

The length and magnitude of each sign is directly proportional to the scale of its meaning.

Signs 2 lines

The second bracelet is also characterized by its additional marks.

  1. Gaps symbolize a poor material condition in the form of meager incomes, poverty, debts.
  2. The links of the chain speak of a propensity for risk, a predisposition to easy, joyless, quick spending of money.
  3. The presence of a triangle - to luck in the financial sector, receiving a solid inheritance.

Such signs can also be vaguely expressed if they have a barely noticeable structure on the hand.

Characteristics and features 3 lines

If a person wants to understand his love situation, you need to pay attention to the marks located on the 3rd bracelet.

Features 4 lines

Some people have a fourth under the 3rd ring. Such a trait is a symbol of longevity, which is found in those who are predisposed by fate to live more than 80 years.

It is worth considering that in young people this feature is characterized by fuzziness. Its smoothness and continuity should be analyzed only when a person reaches the age of 30 years.

On which hand to consider bracelets and marks?

Fate should be judged by a certain hand. If a person is right-handed, you can find out about his fate by the left hand, and the right hand will be considered a reflection of real life. For left-handers, the right hand will tell about fate.

When interpreting the quality of a future life, it is necessary to rely not only on the indicated hands, since the marks on the second hand can give a detailed idea of ​​upcoming events. Thus, it turns out that you can find out the main direction of fate by the opposite right-handed or left-handed hand, and supplement it with details in a different way.

How can the situation be corrected?

Wrist rings should be considered throughout life, as new marks may form on them over time. If a person has learned about his fate, wants to change it, he needs to assess the current situation.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely change the fateful course, but it is possible to identify unprotected places and control the situation.

To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the area that significantly impairs the quality of a person’s life, according to the pattern of his bracelets on his wrist. Only hard work and a sincere desire for success can lead to a positive result.

For example, a person has poor health, he should often attend medical examinations, increase immunity, eliminate stress, and prevent various pathologies. If a person perceives the information received as an incentive to carry out life changes to improve its quality, he will be successful.

To do this, you may have to change the scope professional activity, devote a large amount of time to your own health or the development of a love relationship with your chosen one, self-development. In this case, only those lines that have a clear structure with a deep pattern, as well as with favorable marks on them, will be the primary guide for a person.

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Everything unknown since ancient times attracts a person. One of the most mysterious sciences is palmistry. The lines of the hand will be able to tell everything about a person that he wants to hide. At the same time, they will tell who the person really is, and not how he sees himself. Deciphering the lines of the hand is one of the most universal methods that allows you to find out about the character of the subject, his preferences, and the opportunity, if you're lucky, to look into his future: distant and not very. Palmistry will tell you how to find an approach to a person and what to expect from him.

What is palmistry?

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person. Palmistry is able to describe your future, based on formulas incomprehensible to the layman on your hand.

Main lines on the palm

In total, there are six main lines located on our palms: the line of Life, which includes the line of Mars, as well as three rosette bracelets; line of fate; head line; the line of the Liver, containing the path of voluptuousness and the line of Intuition; the line of the Sun and, of course, the line of the Heart, which includes the line of unity and

Line colors

As you probably already know, the colors of the lines in the palm of your hand have great importance in palmistry. If we turn to the science of reading by the hand, which originated in India, then we can designate fourteen types of lines that streak the palm.

A rich person is defined by bright, clear and narrow lines. If there are pale lines on the hand, then this means that the subject's health is weak, and he also has a lack of determination and vitality. Barely noticeable, dry lines are also a sign of trouble. Yellowness indicates that there is an excess of bile in the subject's blood, he is proud, reserved and, most likely, selfish. Lines of red color indicate that they have an active and fast temperament, as well as a good mood. The dark lines betray the vindictive, arrogant and unforgiving nature of the personality. If the lines are deep, then the person is happy and merciful. T

Thin lines indicate the acquisition of wealth. The triangle in the very center of the palm also speaks of a favorable fate. Lack of energy, loss of goodness and a complete lack of vitality give broken lines. Sorrows are evidenced by short lines, which are characterized by branching. Unfavorable are also uneven lines directed downwards. Lines that are not in their place on the palm are also considered to be such. The complete opposite are rounded and deep lines with clarity, brightness and the necessary length.

Possible line defects

Fortune telling on the hand along the lines, or palmistry, instructs that only those lines that are well colored and narrow are favorable. However, each hand may show a variety of broken, uneven or loose lines that have a dissimilar color. They contain all kinds of symbols and signs, in most cases showing defects in the lines on the palm, which are more or less unfavorable.

The fact that the body is weakened is evidenced by a wavy, chain, intermittent and unclear line or a line with an island. If the line is broken, then this promises obstacles, illnesses, troubles and betrayals. A line ending with a brush indicates that it has dissipated, and there is a sickness of the subject, weakness and the absence of any good qualities. An extremely unfavorable sign is a star located on one of the main lines. As a rule, it means an accident, shock, misfortune or fatal misfortune up to death. But this must be confirmed by other marks on the hand. If any lines cross the hand, with the exception of the line of the Heart and Head, then they are considered an unfavorable sign. Lines that intersect and stop there are a bad sign, as they must continue further. If there is a deeply pronounced cross on the line, then it symbolizes an obstacle or is evidence of poor health or global changes in life. A bad sign if the line is split and weakened. If there is a dot on the line, then it indicates disorder and violations. A cross on the line is also a bad sign, which indicates health defects or an obstacle. The deeper it is, the more if the line, after its break, turns back to its source.

The lines on the hand change - trouble or happiness?

Signs in the palm of your hand have a psychological meaning. The brain both creates and changes the lines on the hand. Fortune telling on the hand along the lines states that these changes occur only on branches or on lines tending up or down that depart from the main ones.

The main lines do not change: neither in structure nor direction. That is, they talk about what life path is destined for a person, and also show his natural course of life. Whereas small lines that tend to appear and disappear tell about events that can happen in a short time period, and also reflect what a person thinks and feels, his recent ideas and small goals.

Deciphering the lines of the hand will allow you to recognize a person as he is. He will not be able to seem different or change the pattern on his hands on purpose.

What signs are especially auspicious?

The decoding of the lines of the hand speaks of the following three signs, the presence of which will only benefit the owner. Let's consider them in detail.

First of all, it should be noted that the double lines on the hand, as a rule, mean something auspicious and do not promise any illness or trouble.

The first sign is a trident, which is located at the end of a line. Often this sign is located at the ends of the line of Fate, Health, the Sun. However, it can also be located on any other line that is located vertically. If you, while describing the lines on your hand, noticed a trident, then know that financial success and other favorable events await you. However, it must be well defined and clearly visible.

The second auspicious sign is a square, meaning protection. Its function is to protect from the danger that threatens a person. Deciphering the lines of the hand as a science suggests that the square on any line protects a person from an excess of those qualities that the line symbolizes. This sign will protect the subject from all sorts of financial loss, from the loss of a profession or position, as well as from failure in everyday situations. Palmistry says that the square standing on the line of the Head prevents all sorts of dangers to the brain. If this mark is close to the line of Fate and is under the hill of Saturn, then it means the possibility of avoiding an accident. A square located on the line of the Heart means that the subject may have worries associated with a beloved loved one. If there is a mark on the hill of Saturn, then this indicates an impending severe misfortune that will soon befall a loved one.

Another in most cases auspicious symbol is banknote, which form the lines on the hand. A triangle formed from the line of Fate and the line of Mind promises financial success.

Line of Life

The very first line that appears in the palm of a person is She begins to form at the stage of embryo development, when he is only eight weeks old. After the appearance of the line of Life, the line of Mind begins to form, and then the line of Mind.

It should be noted that all these marks on the hands of the child appear long before he gets the opportunity to move or show some kind of activity, so they can in no way be considered free-form folds that were formed due to the fact that the person worked with his hands, as they say some skeptics.

So, a kind of indicator of the vitality and vitality of the individual is the line of Life. It is she who is able to reflect both the amount of vitality that a person possesses and the quality of his life. Also, the line of Life illustrates how hardy, strong and energetic the subject is.

Heart Line

The main line closest to the base of the fingers is the line of the Heart. This mark on the palm can tell about emotional sphere person. On the line of the Heart, one can understand what kind of relationship the subject develops with the people around him. It originates on the edge of the palm under the little finger, and ends, as a rule, in the area between the index and thumb. That is, the line of the Heart crosses the entire palm.

It is located near the edge of the palm under the little finger. If it rises, then this indicates that a person cannot marry. For those who do not want to start a family and for those who have lost their spouse, a widow line appears on their hand. A variant of this line is the ring of Mercury.

Head Line

This is one of the main lines on the hand. The line of the Head, or Mind, speaks of the intellect of a person. From this line one can learn about how the subject thought at different stages of his life. It can also be used to determine what a person’s approach is to solving life’s problems and troubles, as well as to learn about his attitude to life in general.

Palmistry believes that the owner's intelligence is regulated by the length of this line. But it is worth noting that even if the line of the Head is long enough, this does not mean at all that a person will be able to realize all his mental potential. Why? Because a subject with a short line of Mind, striving to take place in life, will achieve much greater success than a subject with a long line, who is too lazy to somehow show himself.

Fate Line

The line on the hand, located in the center and vertically crossing the palm, is She originates at the wrist and tends upward to the base of the fingers. Interesting feature this line is that it can begin at absolutely any point at the base of the palm. But, as a rule, it originates approximately in the center and tends to the middle finger.

The line of Fate indicates what life aspirations drive a person, speaks of his capabilities and desire to achieve success in life. If there is only one line of Fate in the palm of a person, it means that for a long period of time he will work in order to realize his dream, or in order to achieve a specific goal.

The lines on the hand and their meaning are the main subjects of study of palmistry - the esoteric science of deciphering the future and the present with the help of knowledge about the secrets of each mark in the palm of your hand. Every person has such lines, albeit not in a complete set.

In the article:

Basic signs in the palm of your hand

Classical palmistry uses seven major and minor signs on the hands. There are collections for beginners that will teach anyone to distinguish features and not make mistakes in predictions, and explain the basic concepts of palmistry.

First - you need to decide which hand to work with. active hand lines talk about qualities or meanings that have changed in a person's life. On the passive (left hand of the right-hander) dashes are marked showing what is given to a person from birth. Changes are for the better and for the worse: people do not work on mistakes, exacerbate their impact. Comparative analysis both hands will show more than separate divination for the left and right.

There are three options for divination by hand. You can define the values ​​of all dashes. It's easier to do the same with the basic seven characters. An abbreviated version - deciphering the four marks (analysis of the line heart, life, mind and fate). The latter is not for everyone. A simple version of divination on the hand takes a few minutes.

The meaning of the main lines on the hand

The meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand will help you learn about a person with the help of an interpreter.

Top horizontal. It can start between the index and middle fingers or below. Marks are rarely straight, so the term "horizontal" is relative. The first thing the line says is the state of the heart. Having deciphered the meaning, a person learns about the corresponding diseases, emotional state. The trait expresses the ability to love and experience other feelings. The line of the heart indicates character traits, creative inclinations and other interesting skills.

Where is the life line? This is the feature that separates the thumb from the rest. The people believe that this is the period that a person is destined to live, but the line of life speaks of energy, its supply and ability to be renewed. Long and pronounced prophesies longevity. Based on the interpretation of the line, you can find out what to do - look for sources of replenishment of energy or enjoy frugality. The label also indicates prosperity.

Or the sign of the head is closer to the middle of the palm. It is located horizontally, sometimes parallel to the line of the heart. Shows the physical state of the brain, indicates related diseases. Determines the level of consciousness. With the help of interpretation, you can find out how a person thinks. The trait does not reflect intellectual abilities, but you can learn about willpower and talents.

Not everyone has a line of fate. The line is located vertically, starts at the base of the palm and runs through the center to the ring or middle finger. Often framed not to the end: it reaches the middle of the palm or lower. The line of fate speaks of a person's calling, life path. It has a wide meaning - predicts the future, contains the secrets of human life.

Using the decoding of the signs on the hand, palmistry will reveal the secrets and show the way to difficult situation. The interpretation of four lines is enough to obtain a short (and sometimes detailed) prediction. If you want to get an accurate and detailed forecast, you need to identify and decipher all seven lines in the palm of your hand.

The belt of Venus or the ring of Venus is an important feature for fortune telling to a potential partner. Indicates debauchery and love for the attention of the opposite sex, speaks of capriciousness and exactingness when choosing a life partner. The belt of Venus is a sign that indicates the impossibility of creating a family and strong relationships in principle. The line extends from the index finger to the ring or little finger.

If it is not on the hand, this is a good sign that speaks of good health. The line is opposed to the line of life: indicates weak sides physical condition, weakened immunity and low resistance to disease. With the missing line of fate, it indicates material well-being. A clear and pronounced line of health speaks of a dizzying career, willpower, and the ability to make money.

They are located above the dash of the heart, under the little finger. By the number of dashes, one can judge the number of marriages, the experience of relationships with the opposite sex. Feelings, emotions, unhappy love, connections are reflected, where a person could not enter, but passionately desired it.

Having deciphered the main signs using the rules of palmistry, you can learn more about the character of a person and his future. Secondary lines will give a detailed forecast, especially if you learn how to combine their interpretation with the decoding of the main ones.

Minor lines in palmistry

The main lines on the hand give an understanding of the main aspects of life. With the help of secondary ones, they learn details that have a serious impact on fate.

glory line runs parallel to the line of fate, heading towards the index finger. It will help to calculate the person who is to become famous and recognizable as a result of creative activity.

travel line betrays people who are often on the road, change their place of residence. It is located on a hill that is opposite to the thumb. These signs run horizontally, there may be many of them, or there may not be at all.

Horizontal lines between the lines of the head and the heart, located on the edge of the palm, - opposition signs. They talk about obstacles on the way to goals.

tell the number of descendants, who the children will be, their health and intelligence. These dashes also answer questions about marriage and the father of children. Problem pregnancy, miscarriages and abortions - everything can be found out with the help of palmistry.

trait of intuition talks about the ability to predict events. It is called the line of the medium. It is rare, speaks of the ability to magic, clairvoyance or other talent.

curse mark- karmic mark. Allows you to judge the presence of a family curse, damage or heavy karma.

or money triangles will tell you how profitable things are, how a person will earn a living, how much to take place in material terms.

One of the most exciting activities and entertainment. The first mention of palmistry dates back to 2000 BC. e. Palmistry is a Greek word, translated as divination or prediction by hand. In the Middle Ages, palmistry was considered a science, and today interest in palmistry has not faded either. Each person has his own destiny, which is encrypted in the palm of your hand in the form of lines.

Richard Webster believes that the ability to read human destiny in the palm of your hand is just knowledge, experience and logical thinking, and not some otherworldly phenomena.

It is a developing science, accessible to those who can think and analyze. Fortune telling by hand does not require knowledge in medicine and any other sciences, so anyone can do it.


The longer the line of life, pronounced in the palm of your hand, the more enduring and energetic a person is. The life line is the main line, an indicator of our vital activity. It is good when she is strong and healthy, brightly outlined. When the line of life begins at the edge of the palm - this indicates the decisiveness of the character, if it begins in the form of a chain - too dependent on others.

When at the very beginning the line of life connects with the line of the head, the longer the combined segment, the more cautious, sensitive and insecure the person is. Such people achieve little in life.

If people have a short lifeline, they may well live to old age, they just do not have physical endurance.

If a thin parallel line passes with the line of life, this sister line is an auspicious sign.

She is considered a guardian angel line. In especially lucky people, it goes along the entire length of the life line. Breaks in the line of life often speak of changes in life. Lines running from the base of the thumb to the life line and crossing it are the lines of anxiety and stress.

There can be serious trouble if the line of life is connected to the line of the head and heart, in which case a fatal outcome is possible. The line of life, not connected with the line of the head, speaks of early development and determination, they are often very gifted people.


The line of the heart governs our emotions. The line of the heart shows how a person sympathizes with loved ones and people in general. Character and temperament, condition of cardio-vascular system. The more sinuous the line of the heart, the more emotional the person. A weak line of the heart indicates a sensitive nature.

If the line of the heart is low, then the person is capable of deep feelings. The shorter the line of the heart and the higher it is located, the less a person has the ability to express his feelings physically.

People differ with the spiritual and physical line of the heart. The physical line of the heart ends between the middle and index fingers, or at the base of one of them. The spiritual line of the heart runs parallel to the base of the fingers. People with a physical heart line know how to love and express their feelings, easily endure the blows of fate and do not fall into depression. People with a spiritual line of the heart have increased sensitivity. Such people always strive for communication and always try to maintain inner freedom. People whose heart line ends at the base of the index finger are very demanding in their personal lives. The higher the line of the heart rises to the hill of Jupiter, the more branches, the better for a person, this means wealth, success, recognition.

If the line of the heart connects with the line of the head and the line of life, a fatal outcome is possible, a murder out of jealousy. The line of the heart, passing high, indicates an impulsive, jealous person.

The line of the heart is clear, red - nobility, generosity. Deep red - passionate love, sensuality. Without branches - dryness of the heart. Intersection of secondary lines is a deception in love. If the line is double, then this indicates that this person in marriage will be very devoted.


The head line is essential line On the hand. The line of the head indicates the strength of our thinking, the degree of development of the intellect. It starts between the bases of the thumb and forefinger, then crosses the palm and ends approximately under the ring finger. The longer the line of the mind, the wider and more complex the person thinks, the more developed the intellect. The line of the head, crossing the palm completely to the edge of the palm, speaks of the ability to foresee events and insight. With a short line of mind, a person is little inclined to analysis.

The branched end of the line of the mind speaks of the creativity of a person and his ability to original ideas. Often the branching of the mind line is called the writer's fork. An independent way of thinking in a person who has a line of mind far from the line of life. If the line of mind and the line of life merge, this person is not able to make decisions on his own.

The contact of the head line with the life line indicates caution. The line of the mind and the line of life, which are close, speak of the independence of a person's thinking. If the line of the mind begins at the index finger, then such a person is very dependent in his thoughts and actions. A weak and unstable line means nervousness and slowness.

The dashed line of the head indicates poor memory and poor attention, as a rule, weak intellectual abilities. A thin long line - infidelity, frivolity. A wide colorless line - imprudence, irascibility, anger. The line of the head, consisting of small lines, means poor memory, headaches. Deep line - intelligence, power, concentration. Deep red line - obsession, the ability to cruelty. Pink line - the person is intelligent


The line of fate is one of the main lines on the hand. She gives information about labor activity and career growth of a person, speaks of future success.

In general, the presence of the line of fate allows you to make the right decisions.

The line, above the line of the wrist, rising up to the middle finger is the line of fate. The line of fate is pronounced and weakly expressed. It may be in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm, or it may be completely absent. A long line of fate, stretching to the middle finger, speaks of the independence and determination of a person.

If the line of fate has breaks, then this indicates that a person will often change professions. For independent people, the line of fate often begins in the middle of the palm. If the line of fate ends at the hill of Jupiter, then a person will have material success, wealth, and honors. If the line of fate ends at the ring finger, the hill of Apollo, then the person will achieve his goal in everything, it is worth doing creativity. If the line of fate ends at the little finger, the hill of Mercury, it is a bad sign. Ruin, failure, but these people are sociable, they need to have a profession with these inclinations.

If the end of the fate line bifurcates or has a triple fork, this is a good sign.

A person will get joy and pleasure from life.

The presence of a long line of fate indicates the longevity of a person.

If the line goes from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, then its presence speaks of parapsychological abilities and an increased interest in everything mystical.

If the line of intuition is directed towards the line of fate, this person has the ability to clairvoyance and prophecy. If the line of intuition is directed to the line of the mind - the ability to heal.


They are located on the edge of the palm. Sometimes these lines determine the number of marriages or heart affections in life.

The line of children is located under the little finger, they often indicate the possible number of children,

since with modern medicine their number can be controlled.


Travel lines are possessed by people striving for changes in their lives. These are several horizontal lines originating at the edge of the palm, the owners of these lines love to travel.


Line money goes from the line of life to the base of a hill. If the life line goes to the hill of Jupiter, then the person earns money as a result of career growth. If a line of money comes out on the hill of Saturn, then hard work lies ahead. In the event that the line of money turns to the hill of Apollo, the person will receive money easily, even possibly win it. If the line of money is directed to the hill of Mercury, then such a person earns money with his head. With help creativity and in business.

Ring of Venus

The line begins between the fingers of Jupiter - Saturn, ends between the fingers of the Sun and Mercury. The ring of Venus means the ring of love. People are sensitive, elevated. If the line breaks - hysterical. If the line is double, they are prone to intimate joys and vicious pleasures.


The line of health starts from the line of life, goes to the little finger and ends at its base. If the health line is long, then this indicates that the long-liver

If there is no health line on the hand, then the person is interested in material values ​​and such a person is not subject to stress.


The cross, which is located between the line of the heart and the line of the head, that is, in a large quadrangle, is called mystical. The holders of such a cross have the ability to mystical sciences.


Often, various signs can be seen on the palm and lines of the hand. Somewhere we see crosses, somewhere islands, sometimes squares, stars, lattices. Each of these signs, as has been observed, carries a semantic meaning.

Lattice is an unfavorable sign. Indicates that the circumstances are not clear, and things are confused

Crosses on the main lines are unfavorable. They talk about upcoming problems, and a cross in a quadrangle speaks of a person's superpowers.

Squares are a sign of protection. Someone cares about you and helps in difficult moments of life.

A star, three lines intersecting is a good sign. A joyful event will appear in your life. The star lights the way.

The islands are a bifurcating line, and then again connecting into one, thus forming an island. The sign is not good, it speaks of loneliness, problems, nervous breakdowns, depression. Small lines crossing the line of the mind indicate frequent headaches. Islands on the line of life, speak of depression and health problems.

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