Maria Pogrebnyak is pregnant with 4 children. “Like a scarecrow I walked and ate for two”: Maria Pogrebnyak spoke about weight differences and problematic pregnancies

Health 08.07.2019

According to the blonde, she and her husband met at school. “He was three years older than me! We, like all children, made fun of each other, talked like friends. Big company We went for a walk in Sokolniki Park. I had a lot of fun, especially one girl among the boys! Our jokes were tough, they teased me seriously, sometimes I even came home and cried! But then I got used to it and began to answer them, ”Maria shared.

In her youth, Pogrebnyak was a tomboy, and none of the guys perceived her as a girl. At first, the blonde liked it, but in one moment everything changed. Maria heard her friends discussing who likes which girl. “I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Jealousy appeared, because I am the coolest and most fun, how could they even talk about someone else, ”recalls the athlete’s wife.

So Pogrebnyak learned that boys like feminine girls: long hair, on stilettos and "everyone is so glamorous." Maria decided to become one of these beauties. During the summer holidays, she enrolled in a girls' school where she was taught how to do makeup, walk in heels and be a real lady. The blonde showed a photo taken during training. In the picture, the young wife of a football player poses in a pink fur coat, showing off her bare legs.

Pogrebnyak returned to school in a new way. “I was wearing a blue denim suit, long white hair with small waves, 12 cm stiletto heels, light makeup! Nobody recognized me at first. Everyone thought it was new, ”said the Instagram star.

After that, Mary became popular with the boys, but Paul still ignored her. The girl knew what the athlete liked, but he was in no hurry to take care of her.

“Then he told me:“ I knew that it would hook you! ”And it hooked me. How is it, everything is at my feet, but this Pashka is not! But he gave up after a while. True, I was already head over heels in love with him, ”Maria shared.

Pavel and Maria Pogrebnyak got married in 2006. The couple are raising three sons. candid interview Mary about the family, read our article.

Good day to all! Did your husband give you a memorable gift about such a joyful event? I never waited, the child is already 10 months old, although the requests were modest - not a car, fur coats, diamonds, but a gift commensurate with her husband's income - I would be glad, for example, a gold chain or makeup courses for myself, as an option. She gave birth for free, only the paid ward was postpartum, i.e. very economical for family budget. The husband said that none of his friends and relatives gave his wife anything, he also does not consider it necessary. She herself said not to give flowers for discharge. In the end, I can only remember how I decorated the room myself with a few balloons. It's a shame that someone has a car "thank you for my son / daughter", and balloons for me


I'm so cute today

In Russia, they proposed to introduce "paternal capital" after the birth of a third child. The subsidy will not be canceled maternal capital and will become additional incentive to the birth of children, they believe in the Public Chamber. Last year, for the first time in 10 years, Russia's population began to decline.
As conceived by the project developers, in order to receive a subsidy, it will be necessary to meet a number of requirements: all children must be born and raised in the same family, and parents must be in an officially registered marriage
How do you feel about such an initiative?
If they accept it, it will be interesting to see the birth rate boom again, as after the adoption of the law on maternity capital?


Lena Lenina

my husband invited me on vacation together (we both talked in May and decided that it’s not worth filing for divorce yet, don’t rush, sort out feelings, etc.). And so he calls me on vacation with his daughter - so that you think, on my meta, that he finally decided, understood everything, etc. ... the fool herself, of course, you had to ask, but we began to communicate so well, he is with his daughter He began to come more often, to help me with business ... in addition, his relatives were also sure that everything was getting better with us ...
in short, I come, he doesn’t hug me, in a couple of days he starts telling how he is going to climb the mountains (he doesn’t work now), and then I understand that he plans everything without regard to the family in principle .. he’s not looking for work, he doesn’t pay alimony going, vacation type paid off and goodbye. Well, I ask - why did you call me here ?? and he’s like that - well, just relax))) I told him - we broke up what a joint vacation is just a current, offer me a vacation just like that, I wouldn’t go in my life, because I still love him, it hurts me to realize that he doesn’t need me and everything like that. and how then - for 2 weeks he plays with the family, cooks for us, cleans, he made coffee for me in the mornings !!), and then he returns me and my daughter back .. And he - I thought my daughter would benefit, our joint vacation .. .when he realized that I was packing my suitcase to move to another apartment, he said - I called you to build relationships ... And what do you think he built them?? No, he cooked further, served coffee, any of my attempts to get close, to talk - you put pressure on me. And then we just parted at the airport (flying on different flights), hugged my daughter, and just said to me - thanks for the company and left for the flight ... And so my daughter and I again returned to repairs, moving, mortgages and other delights, and he disappeared, as if those two weeks had not happened ..
Tell me, is this a normal behavior on his part? Why call us, I could pay the dock alimony, I myself would take her to rest, what was it like .. why should I hurt my soul, I just started to live, I more or less put my nerves in order .. and here again, I can’t sleep , do not eat, nerves to hell .. roared half the vacation in the hope of saving the family, so that my daughter had a father ... that's why n so with me ???? And why did this happen to her daughter - for 2 weeks she had a family in front of her eyes, and then, bang and dad again disappeared in the fog ... I told him on vacation - well, you don’t love, you say it straight in the eye - I don’t love, now we just dad and mom, period .. but he is not - silent - a coward
one plus from this - I lost even more weight .. and decided to put an end to this BDSM ..


Lilian Andreaskaite

Here in the next topic they are discussing the reduction of budget places in Russian universities, and the deputy director of the health department Vladimir region Yulia Arsenina said that girls should not choose education at the expense of motherhood.
“Now there is still such a trend that mothers - roughly speaking, our generation - set their children up to get an education and only then give birth to children. But we, doctors, believe - and we see it ourselves - that the sooner a girl gives birth, the healthier her generation will be, and the better for the woman herself. That is, the sooner she starts giving birth to children, the more likely she is to give birth to more of them, firstly, and the more likely she is to give birth at all, ”Arsenina said on June 25 at a round table on practical issues of supporting motherhood, childhood and increasing the birth rate.
The official also expressed the opinion that mothers should not condemn daughters who became pregnant in early age outside of marriage.
“If every mother says “It’s okay, there can’t be more than a gift in life”, if every mother says “God gave a child, and will give a child”, has it ever been like this before? Yes, it will be hard, however less is a gift that happens in life maybe once, ”added Arsenina.
So maybe fuck him higher education for women?


The goal of any woman is to be attractive. This is especially true for those ladies who are constantly in front of a large audience. Viewers are especially interested in the personal life and appearance of the stars. Maria Pogrebnyak, the wife of a titled football player, who is popularly called the Russian Victoria Beckham, also came under surveillance. Fans discuss appearance Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery.

Facts from the biography

Maria Pogrebnyak, nee Shatalova, was born into an intelligent Moscow family. Due to the employment of her parents, she was raised by her grandmother, whom Masha remembers with love and respect. It was she who now taught the beauty to be a real lady.

She met her husband at school. Pavel Pogrebnyak was then in the 10th grade, and his chosen one was in the 7th grade. From her youth, Masha's life was subordinated to the interests of her husband. She even had to quit her studies at the Moscow Financial Academy and move to Tomsk, where Pavel signed a contract with the Tom team.

Photo from family archives

Nevertheless, she eventually received a higher education, having mastered the specialty of an accountant. She also took up fashion design. Today she is known not only as the wife of a sought-after footballer, but also as a business woman, talented designer, model and blogger. In addition, she is an exemplary mother and brings up three sons with her husband.

Now the girl with a height of 169 cm weighs no more than 43 kg.

Masha's attitude to plastic surgery

The ideal figure of a three-time mother leaves no doubt that surgeons have worked on beauty

The wife of a famous football player did the first plastic surgery after the birth of a child. Then she recovered by 25 kg and decided to pay attention to her appearance. Maria began to actively lose weight, and at the same time corrected the shape of her lips. This step was also inspired by fashion. Many famous personalities improved the appearance of plastic surgeons and did not hide it.

Masha admitted that she enlarged her lips with the help of biogel. However, she could not hide this fact. The appearance of Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery has changed a lot. The celebrity in her interviews says that over time she regretted that she lay down on the surgeon's table. After almost 11 years, she reduced her lips, but they could not return to their original shape.

The wife of the eminent football player also tells that she has improved the shape of her breasts. She had to take such measures, because after the birth of three children, the bust lost its original attractiveness.

The star claims that her lips and breasts are the only thing that she corrected in her appearance. Everything else is a consequence of high-quality self-care and the ability to apply makeup. According to Maria, after an unsuccessful experience, she no longer wants to go under the surgeon's knife and is ready only for circular lift in a couple of decades.

The opinion of the inhabitants and experts

Impressive forms were not without the intervention of surgeons

After the first plastic, others criticized Pogrebnyak's transformation and said that with her natural data, the celebrity looked younger and more attractive. They approved of Mary's decision to return her lips to their former appearance.

Experts and ordinary people who observe the life of Pogrebnyak claim that the celebrity does not say much. Judging by the photos that are posted on the network, the wife of a famous football player corrected her cheekbones. They have become more prominent, and the cheeks are less plump.

After one of the photos that appeared on the network in 2016, fans decided that Maria had rhinoplasty. This was evidenced by the more even and miniature nose of the star. In youthful photos, it looks wider.

Reliably answer the question, how much plastic surgery endured Maria, impossible. Perhaps the star really does not hide anything: the oval of the face could change due to weight loss, and it is quite possible to visually change the shape of the nose with the help of skillful contouring.

Photo by Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak is one of many stars who have faced the sad experience of communicating with a plastic surgeon. Nevertheless, she managed to regain her beauty and look even more attractive. Maria is not offended by the public's suspicions about multiple surgical interventions. She continues to take care of herself and teach this to millions of her fans and subscribers.

My husband and I have known each other since school - he was three classes older than me. At first we had a very strong friendship. We walked in the park, constantly chatting on the phone, he accompanied me home. My parents treated Pasha very well, and one day my mother said: “Masha, I see that for you this is not just friendship.” I was only 17 years old, I still could not understand what love means. For me, Pasha was my best friend, but when he left to play for the Yaroslavl Shinnik, I realized that I really miss him. And she began to secretly go to Pasha! She said that I was going to school, but she herself went to the Komsomolsky station, bought a ticket to Yaroslavl and returned that same evening. Later than usual, of course, because "I stayed for additional classes." My parents were sure that I was headlong into my studies, and when they saw my certificate with triples ... To put it mildly, they felt uneasy. I got it in full!

After school, I entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but I also ran away from there - to follow Pavel to Tomsk. Then I already understood that I love him very much. Having decided to get married, we did not ask anyone for advice - we simply put the families before the fact. And when I turned 18, they got married.

“At a wedding, you don’t need to think about anyone but yourself”

If I had the opportunity to talk to myself from the future before the wedding, I would advise myself not to worry. I was too nervous! I was worried about the guests: that they would remain hungry, they would be bored, that they would not like our holiday. But the wedding is only your day! I didn’t drink wine or champagne, I controlled everything and thought about how others felt. As a result, everyone at our wedding came off! Except me. I was like a piece of glass - I didn’t relax, I didn’t fall, I didn’t tear my dress, I didn’t knock down my legs. Girls! Don't repeat my mistake! At the wedding, you do not need to think about anyone but yourself. This day - God forbid that it be the only one in your life - should be remembered! Dance, dance, go crazy, let the adrenaline out!


We stood up together. At first, Pasha earned very little, we didn’t have a penny, I went to the market and bought one or two tomatoes, some meat, I searched the Web for “inexpensive” recipes. But it was romance! Best time- love time. Now Pavel has a career decline, but I don’t care if there is money or not - I lived with him both in wealth and in poverty. Yes, to be honest, money is easier. But when we didn’t have great financial opportunities in our youth, I was just as happy as I am now.

“I don’t care if there is money or not - I lived with my husband both in wealth and in poverty”

I had my first child when I was just 19 years old. The pregnancy was a surprise for both of us. We didn't know how to tell our parents, but our families supported us. And Pasha behaved like a serious man who is not afraid to take responsibility and keeps his word. Now I remember that period, and emotions cover me - even tears well up in my eyes. We had — and still have — unreal love. We are not just husband and wife, but something more: friends, lovers, brother and sister. We have no secrets from each other, we constantly talk about everything in the world. And I think this is a consequence of an early marriage. If I were getting married now, to an already established, famous man, such a trusting relationship would not have developed.

The first pregnancy was very difficult… I felt like a vegetable, recovered by 30 kilograms, was swollen all over, lay in storage three times, Artem was born only at the 43rd week. It was not possible to lose the gained kilograms until the second pregnancy ... I can’t say that the maternal instinct immediately woke up in me (I myself was still a child!), But I felt calm with my son. We walked for two hours, slept together during the day, I breastfed. We didn't sit at home. When my son was only three months old, we went to St. Petersburg, then to Germany, then to the sea. There was no money for a nanny, so I went with the baby to manicure and pedicure, and with the girls in a cafe, and with my husband to a restaurant. We were very young and modern parents.

All free time we spend together and usually with children. We leave for the country, heat the bathhouse, fry kebabs, play cards. Or we walk in the Sokolniki park: I roller-skate with the children, and Pavel gets on a bicycle. We spend our evenings at home watching TV. Series is our common passion! If we go on vacation to the sea, then only five of us, without other relatives.

We do not go to a family psychologist - I myself know what is best for our family. We have been together for over 15 years and know everything about each other. If I have problems in the family, the only people I turn to are my parents and Pasha. And friends, by the way, often ask me for help: I ​​have both experience and wisdom, I can give competent advice.

“The husband is the head of the family, as he says, so be it”

I have an amazing mother-in-law. For me, Larisa is both a mother, a friend, and a wise adviser. We go to restaurants, beauty salons, karaoke. I trust her with all my secrets and constantly learn from her.

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