Russia against NATO. balance of forces of tactical aviation

Auto 19.07.2019

In light of growing tensions between Moscow and the West, The National Interest decided to consider the military advantages of both sides. In its article, the publication lists 10 deadly types of weapons that Russia and NATO can use in the event of a potential conflict.

Reuters, Wikimedia

Tensions between NATO and Russia remain at their highest level since the fall of the Soviet Union. According to the publication, in Ukraine, in Syria, the Baltic states and beyond, the specter of confrontation between rival parties prevails. And the vast nuclear arsenals of Moscow and Washington only complicate this dangerous situation.

But what if these contradictions develop into full scale war? The publication decided to figure out which side would have a military advantage in the event of a potential conflict.

NATO did an excellent job against adversaries with outdated air defense systems, mediocre air forces and limited offensive capabilities. But one can only guess about the effectiveness of the alliance in the fight against Russia - " decisive, well-trained opponent, armed with relatively modern technology».

The editorial staff of The National Interest provides a list of Russian military equipment, which should cause concern for the Western bloc in the first place.

Missile complex "Iskander"

At the end of the Cold War, the USSR developed short-range ballistic missiles capable of striking targets behind NATO lines with extreme accuracy. In response, Washington created an anti-missile defense against operational-tactical missiles, which (as the experience of the Gulf War showed) was unable to stop " Soviet volleys". Since the 80s, American anti-missile systems have been improved, however, as well as Russian missiles.

The range of the Iskander-M is 400 kilometers, its missiles are capable of carrying 700-kilogram warheads various types, and its circular probable deviation does not exceed 7 meters. This makes the complex a deadly threat to air bases, logistic supply points and other fixed NATO infrastructure located along the broad borders of a potential European conflict.

The missile system can become a problem not only for the air defense of the alliance, but also for its air force. Aircraft at forward NATO bases will be destroyed, or at least disabled in the first place.

Most likely, the publication concludes, NATO will try to destroy the Iskander-M mobile launchers at the very beginning of the conflict. And it is on the success of this operation that the further superiority of the alliance forces in the air will depend.


Russian Aerospace Forces continue to use several hundred aircraft of this type of various modifications. Its variants are represented by the Su-30 and Su-35 multirole fighters, the Su-33 carrier-based fighter, the Su-34 fighter-bomber, as well as several Chinese imitations».

These aircraft have never been seen in combat with the latest NATO 4 or 4++ generation aircraft. Nevertheless, the publication emphasizes, they will certainly become a headache for the pilots of the American F-15, F-16V and, possibly, even the F-22.

The Russian Aerospace Forces have developed tactics for combating low-profile fighters for vehicles of the Su family. It is based on " impressive maneuverability» Russian aircraft, allowing them to get away from the first missile attack. Moreover, they are heavy and fast enough to cause serious damage and fly to safety before NATO forces can catch up with them.

Air defense system S-400

The Western method of warfare depends entirely on gaining air superiority. NATO troops have not had to deal with an effective air defense system for a long time. During this time, the cost of the alliance's fighter-bombers has grown to indecent proportions. As a result, the loss of even one aircraft can become practically “ financial disaster on a national scale».

The S-400 complex uses three types of missiles designed to hit targets located at different distances. The extended-range projectile is capable of shooting down air targets at a distance of up to 400 kilometers. Shorter-range missiles are distinguished by their ability to destroy fast, maneuverable targets.

"S-400" is also capable of destroying ballistic missiles, " although NATO is unlikely to use such weapons". The tracking system of this complex is considered extremely effective, which allows Russia to create a "no access zone" in almost any possible theater of operations.

In combination with Iskanders and Su-class fighters, these missiles will greatly complicate the work of the NATO Air Force. At least in the early days of the war, S-400s and their associated systems are capable of neutralizing the alliance's air power, depriving the West of the cornerstone of its military strategy.

Submarine "Pike-B"

During the Cold War, NATO troops developed a very effective anti-submarine system. With the collapse of the USSR, the submarine threat was significantly reduced, which ultimately led to the curtailment of anti-submarine defense in the West.

But Moscow's submarines have not disappeared. In the 80s and 90s, 15 Pike-B class submarines were built, 9 of which are still in service. The Russian Navy has improved these stealthy nuclear submarines, reducing their overall noise.

However, perhaps most importantly, these vessels are capable of carrying vast amounts of weapons, including torpedoes and cruise missiles. The latter can hit both surface and ground targets.

The best NATO submarines can still track down and destroy these Russian nuclear submarines, although their high speed makes chasing them a non-trivial task. But even if this submarine can be knocked out, it is capable of inflicting significant damage to the forces of the alliance before sinking.

Special Forces

During the Cold War, the US and the USSR used special forces to support conventional combat operations. But even at that time, Moscow looked at the tasks of this type of troops more broadly than NATO. The special forces were supposed to sabotage lines of communication, create conditions for the offensive of the main forces, and even organize political unrest in enemy territory.

AT modern form Russian special forces will become a significant problem for the West. In the event of a large-scale war, fighters with the help of submarines or other Vehicle can be quietly transferred to the rear of NATO.

While not technically a weapon, Russian special forces represent one of the most effective tools in Moscow's arsenal. They will have a significant impact on any conflict with NATO, which may not even realize that the war has already begun.

Meanwhile, high-ranking US military and politicians are preparing their response " resurgent Russia". The publication lists 5 types of weapons with which NATO hopes to contain " Russian aggression" in Europe.

Virginia-class submarine

While Russia was developing new, highly functional submarines, the US Navy did not sit idly by. Their Virginia-class multi-purpose submarines continue to dominate the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, this submarine fleet will grow and improve.

Over the next 5 years, the Pentagon intends to allocate more than $40 billion for the construction of 9 submarines of this type. The new submarines will be equipped with a versatile payload module that will allow the Virginia to launch up to 40 Tomahawk missiles.


The delivery of the stealthy F-35 fighter into service is years behind the scheduled date. Huge amounts of money were invested in its development, which was accompanied by endless technical problems. It is very likely that the promised capabilities of the aircraft will never be realized. It won't be the fastest, most agile, or most well-armed in the world, but it does have some advantages.

The strengths of the F-35 are its stealth and avionics, which allow it to penetrate into areas inaccessible to conventional fighters and strike there. It is also equipped with electronic warfare which you may find useful.

The F-35 is far from ideal, especially given the " high-tech threat”, coming from Russia and China. But it was the creation of this aircraft that the United States decided to finance, so the Americans and their allies will have to try to get the most out of it.

strategic bomberB-21 (LRS- B)

Russia has shown its mastery in the development of air defense systems. Therefore, the creation of a strategic strike bomber (LRS-B), which should be developed in the next ten years, should be decisive for the United States.

Due to the secrecy of the program, little is known about it. The main requirement for an aircraft is the ability to overcome the most intense air defense system, even one equipped with a low-frequency radar. This means that the new bomber will almost certainly use a flying wing aerodynamic configuration and possibly be equipped with electronic countermeasures.

Tank Leopard 2

The German Leopard 2A7 is the latest combat vehicle in the service of Germany and other NATO countries.

The first tanks of this line were commissioned in 1979. Since then, the Leopard 2 has been upgraded with the L55 cannon, thanks to which it can even challenge well armored tanks enemy.

One of the Leopard's voluntary restrictions is due to the fact that the Bundeswehr refuses to use ammunition with depleted uranium submunitions. As a result, a situation may arise when German shells will be powerless against the Russian T-80, T-90 and, obviously, the T-14 "Armata".

HelicopterAH-64E Apache

The AH-64A Apache attack helicopters were first introduced in 1986. They should delay the expected offensive of Soviet armored forces in Europe. During the Gulf War, they proved to be effective tank killers.

Since then, the helicopter has undergone many upgrades, including upgrades to electronics and weapons. But like its predecessors, the latest Apache can carry 16 Hellfire missiles, enough to take out a tank company in one salvo.

There is no doubt that western weaponry technologically superior to the Russian one. The gap was noticeable back in the 80s and has only gotten bigger since then. At the same time, the armed forces of the Russian Federation still have sufficient resources and are able to show innovative approach to inflict damage on NATO if the European dispute goes into a hot phase, concludes The National Interest.

source National Interest USA North America tags
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The current tension between Russia and NATO forces many specialists to carefully study this issue, as well as the state of the military arsenal and the technical equipment of the Russian army. This is done in order to better understand what kind of threat this country can pose.

Naturally, Russian military exercises and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula have many Pentagon analysts asking questions and assessing the pace of modernization of the Russian military, as well as the state of the army, military equipment and weapons of this military giant.

Russia clearly wants to show that it can counterbalance and contain the Western alliance, but a close examination of the current state of the Russian military raises doubts that it can really challenge NATO in a protracted all-out war.

However, Russia continues to make progress in the military sphere, and many experts and analysts from the Pentagon express concern about the deployment of NATO forces in Eastern Europe, doubting that they are enough to deter a Russian invasion.

In addition, Russia's economic difficulties did not prevent her from rapidly modernizing the army and increasing the military budget. True, it is worth noting that today's Russian army is only a small part of what the USSR had at the peak of the Cold War.

The territory of this Cold War giant and the external borders are noticeably smaller than in the 1980s, but the ground forces, air force and Navy Russia is trying to develop rapidly, moving into a century information technologies and persistently building next-generation platforms.

Russia's conventional and nuclear arsenal is many times smaller today than it was during the Cold War era, but the country is building a new type of air-independent submarine, the T-50 stealth fighter, next-generation missiles and high-tech equipment for soldiers. ground forces.

The National Interest recently published a series of articles on technological advances. Russian designers military equipment. It reports on new anti-satellite weapons, T-14 Armata tanks, air defense systems, preliminary plans for a sixth-generation hypersonic fighter, and much more. Articles in The National Interest and other publications indicate that Russia is paying great attention modernization of the army and is making significant progress in this direction.


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For example, Russia appears to have successfully test-fired a direct-to-orbit satellite interception missile called the Nudol, according to The National Interest.

"This is the second test new system, which is capable of destroying satellites in outer space. Apparently, the rocket was launched from a test launch complex in Plesetsk, north of Moscow.

In addition, Dave Majumdar, the editor of this publication, reports that the Russian airborne troops plan to form six tank companies equipped with modified T-72B3M tanks. In two years, battalions will be created on the basis of these companies.

Russia is also developing the Terminator-3 tank support combat vehicle.

During the Cold War, Russia's military budget accounted for almost half of the country's total spending.

Now the share of military spending is much less. But despite the huge difference from the 1980s, the Russian military budget is increasing again. From 2006 to 2009, it grew from $25 billion to $50 billion, according to Business Insider. And in 2013, the defense budget was $90 billion.

Overall, Russia's non-nuclear forces during the Cold War were about five times larger than they are today.

In 2013, at the actual military service The Russian armed forces consisted of 766,000 people, and another 2.4 million were in reserve, according to During the Cold War years in Soviet army there were between three and four million military personnel.

According to the same 2013 estimates, the Russian armed forces have 3,000 aircraft and 973 helicopters. It has over 15,000 tanks, 27,000 armored fighting vehicles and almost 6,000 self-propelled vehicles on land, according to artillery mounts. Although the size of the Russian army today is much smaller than during the Cold War era, the Russians are making efforts to modernize some of their weapons and military equipment. Thus, the Russian T-72 tank has been modernized many times since its inception in the 1970s.

Regarding Russian naval power, reports that its fleet has 352 ships, including one aircraft carrier, 13 destroyers and large anti-submarine ships, as well as 63 submarines. The Black Sea is a strategically important water area for Russia from an economic and geopolitical point of view, since it provides access to the Mediterranean.

Analysts also point out that in the 1980s, Russia produced a huge number of nuclear and conventional weapons, ranging from unguided and cruise missiles to very effective means air defense.

Citing reports from Russian news agencies, The National Interest reports that the Russians are currently testing a new anti-aircraft missile system S-500, which is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 200 kilometers.

In the air, Russia has Su-27 fighters built in the 1980s, which the Russian army deploys in all strategically important areas.

The Su-27 is often compared to the American F-15 Eagle fighter. This is a maneuverable twin-engine machine, created in the 1980s and designed primarily for air superiority.

War Games Rand

Many experts argue that NATO, with its size, firepower, air superiority and modern technology, will prevail in a significant military conflict with Russia. But this in no way cancels the conclusions of the Rand study, published more than a year ago. It says that if Russia attacks the Baltic countries, NATO will be in a very difficult position.

The organizational structure of NATO, created in Eastern Europe in last years, will not be able to deter Russian invasion of countries such as Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, Rand said in the conclusions.

Having conducted a whole series of comprehensive war games in which the “reds” (Russians) and “blues” (NATO) acted in the Baltics according to different scenarios, Research Center Rand, in his analytical paper titled "Strengthening the Deterrent Force on NATO's Eastern Flank," concluded that a much larger force of ground and air forces would need to be deployed there to successfully defend the region.

© RIA Novosti, Sergey Pivovarov Preparing military equipment for the Army-2017 forum in the Rostov region

In particular, the study calls for the development of a NATO strategy similar to the doctrine of the air-ground operation of the 1980s. At the time, there were at least several hundred thousand U.S. ground forces in Europe, tasked with deterring potential Russian aggression. US Army Command Europe told Scout Warrior that there are 30,000 US Army troops in Europe today.

The Rand study argues that if a deterrent force of at least seven brigades, as well as fire and air support, is not formed to protect Eastern Europe, then Russia can capture the Baltic countries in as little as 60 hours.

“With the current structure and deployment pattern, NATO is unable to successfully defend the territory of its most vulnerable members. Numerous war games involving a wide variety of military and civilian experts playing on both sides have shown that Russian troops to reach the outskirts of the Estonian capital Tallinn and the Latvian capital Riga will take at most 60 hours. With such a rapid defeat, NATO will have few options for action, ”the study says.

"Air-ground" operation is a concept of warfare that was adopted by the United States and its allies during the Cold War. Among other things, it was based on precise interaction between large mechanized formations of ground forces and ground attack aircraft in the sky. Within the framework of this concept, aviation carried out air strikes on the rear areas and formations in order to weaken the enemy forces and means, which provided and supplied the troops on the front line with everything necessary. As a result of this air-ground interaction, it was easier for large non-nuclear formations of the ground forces to attack, breaking into enemy defenses at the forefront.

A fast-paced offensive in the Baltics leaves NATO with very few attractive options, which include a risky large-scale counter-offensive, the threat of nuclear weapons or simply recognition of the Russian annexation of the Baltic countries. Among other possibilities, the study refers to the very long time it will take to mobilize and deploy troops for a powerful counteroffensive, which will result in a protracted bloody battle. Another possibility is the threat of the use of nuclear weapons. It seems unlikely, if not unrealistic, in the light of the US desire to reduce its nuclear arsenal and abandon the use of this type of weapon.

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The third and final option is to hand over the Baltic states and drag the alliance into an even more intense Cold War. This option is unlikely to appeal to the inhabitants of these states, and will inevitably weaken or even break up NATO.

This study talks about what is needed to create a credible and effective deterrent force, given the results of war games.

“The games showed that the troops, consisting of approximately seven brigades, including three heavy tank brigades, which are provided with the necessary aviation and fire support, as well as the presence of other necessary conditions and the desire to fight in the event of such an invasion, will be enough to prevent a quick capture of the Baltic countries, ”the study says.

In examining various war game scenarios, participants concluded that NATO's resistance could be quickly broken unless a larger mechanized force was deployed to defend it.

"Lack of funds air defense short-range action in the American units, as well as the minimum of such means in other parts of NATO, led to the fact that only NATO combat air patrols, which were suppressed due to the huge numerical superiority of the enemy, offered resistance to the advancing troops. As a result, several Blue (NATO) battalions suffered big losses, and preparations for a counteroffensive were disrupted, ”the study notes.

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia may become targets of Russian aggression, since all three countries are located in close proximity to Russia and were part of the USSR for many years, the Rand report says.

“Like Ukraine, Estonia and Latvia have sizable Russian populations that are, at best, unequally integrated into the post-independence social and political system. With this circumstance, Russia can justify its intervention in Estonian and Latvian affairs,” the study emphasizes.

According to RAND experts, the deployment of additional brigades, despite the high cost of this step, is a justified necessity for NATO.

The formation of three new tank brigades and their inclusion in the ground forces will cost a lot. The cost of purchasing equipment for the brigades, as well as the acquisition of support assets such as artillery, air defense, and the formation of support units will amount to about $13 billion. However, most of this equipment, especially the expensive Abrams tanks and combat vehicles infantry "Bradley" are already available, the study notes.

©, U.S. Army Europe

At present, the new administration is only considering the deployment of NATO troops in Eastern Europe, and there may be changes. For quite some time, NATO and the United States have been discussing the possibility of sending additional forces to the eastern flank as another measure to contain Russia.

The European Reassurance Initiative put forward by the Pentagon last year provides for additional funding, an increase in the number of personnel and conducting troop rotations in Europe in the coming years; however, it is not yet clear what the composition of these forces will ultimately be.

At the same time, the Pentagon's bid for $3.4 billion for the European Security Initiative talks about expanding the military presence in Europe, as well as increasing "firepower", "creating forward stockpiles" and "staff support » NATO forces.

The US Army Europe Command told Scout Warrior magazine that it is considering holding new solidarity exercises with NATO allies on the continent and may also send additional manpower there.

For example, from May 27 to June 26 last year, NATO conducted an exercise in Poland and Germany, codenamed Swift Response 16, in which 5,000 Army and Air Force personnel from the United States, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands took part. , Poland, Portugal and Spain.

If tensions between Russia and the United States get out of control, Russia will need to be wary of some of the weapons used by NATO countries

When it comes to a possible war between NATO and Russia over Ukraine or for any other reason, all attention is focused on the possibilities American weapons against Russian. But do not forget that the United States is only one of the NATO members, which is not even on the European continent. If a fight ensues between NATO and Russia, European forces will definitely clash, most likely alongside US forces. And then the Europeans will show Russia all their technical assistance

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If such a scenario becomes a reality, Russia will need to be wary of these five types of weapons used by NATO countries:

British tank Challenger 2 ( on the picture)

In the event that England uses heavy armored vehicles in a European conflict against Russia, the mainstay of the British armored forces Challenger 2 will take the forefront, assures

The Challenger 2 tank is heavily protected by a Dorchester (another name for Chobem armor) and armed with a 120mm cannon. Its off-road speed is about 25 miles per hour.

Considering that the world's leading tanks have never actually collided with each other (the first Gulf War took place twenty-five years ago, and even Israel has not fought for more than thirty years tank battle against Russian-made armored vehicles), the assumption of how the Challenger 2 will perform against Russian tanks will only be a hypothesis. At 63 tons, the Challenger 2 is definitely heavier than the various T-72 models weighing 40-50 tons, as well as the T-72B3 and T-90, in service with Russia.

It is not known what this means in terms of the tank's combat performance. But it is known that if Russian and British forces clash, Russia will face a well-armed, heavily armored and modern main battle tank.

But the main enemy of the British army is, as usual, Her Majesty's Treasury. In 2010, budget cuts forced Britain to cut its armored forces by 40 percent, leaving the country with just 227 Challenger 2 tanks. Plans to modernize and extend the life of the Challenger 2, including the possible replacement of its rifled gun with a smoothbore model, were up in the air.

As a result, Russia may face deadly British tanks, but there will not be many of them.

German submarine project 212

TRUST 1210K [email protected] OPTICAL ZOOM

If diesel-powered submarines are scaring the American Navy to death, the Russian Navy is hardly looking forward to meeting the quiet German Project 212 submarine.

The 1,500-ton sub is equipped with an air-independent propulsion system that uses hydrogen-oxygen electrolyte membrane fuel cells to keep the sub submerged for long periods of time. If during the Second World War German submarines moved very slowly under water, the underwater speed of the Project 212 boat is impressive - 20 knots.

This submarine is equipped with wire-guided DM2A4 torpedoes, as well as WASS 184 and Blackshark torpedoes. It is planned that it will be equipped with IDAS missiles, which will be launched from the submarine's torpedo tubes and will be able to hit air, land or sea targets.

It remains to be seen what effect the German submarines will have on the conflict with Russia: the Russian show of force in the Crimea and Ukraine extends more to the Black Sea than to the Baltics. But if Russia succumbs to the temptation to attack the Baltic states or Poland, using its navy in the process, the Project 212 submarine will be a force to be reckoned with.

Eurofighter Typhoon

Comparing NATO and Russian air forces inevitably boils down to "my F-22 is better than your Su-35." However, since the F-22 is used only by the United States, it is likely that Russian pilots will have to deal with Typhoon fighters, not Raptor.

Typhoon used by German and British air force, which are most likely to face the Russians in Eastern Europe, as well as the Italian and Spanish air forces, for which this option is less likely. Although the Typhoon has some stealth characteristics, it is more of a fighter than the F-22.

Equipped with a 27mm cannon and a variety of rockets, including Sidewinder, AMRAAM and Meteor for air combat, as well as Taurus and Storm Shadow air-to-ground missiles, the Eurofighter should prove itself a worthy opponent. Confronting Typhoon so highly maneuverable Russian fighters like the Su-35 would be an interesting sight.

attack helicopter Eurocopter Tiger

The Franco-German project Eurocopter Tiger was put into operation in 1991. The Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopter is smaller than the American and British AH-64 Apache and weighs half as much. The helicopter is used by France, Germany, Italy and Australia.

The Tiger's speed is about 181 miles per hour, various versions are equipped with Hellfire, Spike, PARS 3 and HOT 3 anti-tank missiles, Mistral air-to-air missiles, and air-to-ground missiles.

Tiger took limited part in French and German operations in Afghanistan and Libya. But if between NATO and Russia begin fighting, Tiger will hunt down Russian tanks.

Israeli Spike missile

What does an Israeli missile do on NATO's list of lethal weapons? The fact is that Spike is used by many NATO members, such as Belgium, Britain, Croatia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.

The Spike is a fibre-guided anti-tank missile equipped with a tandem warhead that uses two shaped charges to first detonate a tank's dynamic armor and then pierce the vehicle's own armor. Rocket weight - 31 lbs. There are various modifications of the Spike missile: short, medium, long and extended range. Various modifications are capable of hitting targets at a distance of eight hundred meters to eight kilometers.

The Russians have a lot of experience using their tanks against Israeli weapons, often with disappointing results. The conflict between NATO and Russia could show whether this is true even now.

Photo: frame from video

NATO considers it necessary to increase the naval forces of the countries - members of the alliance in the Arctic. Of course, this is justified by “Russia building up its presence in Far North". However, in reality, the situation is just the opposite - in recent years, Russia has been doing everything possible to counteract death blow, which the West is able to inflict from the north.

The North Atlantic Alliance is once again concerned about the problem of building up its naval potential in the Arctic. "NATO needs to respond to this and ask our allies, when we see Russia's buildup of its presence in the North Atlantic and the High North, to increase the number of their submarines and warships," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

Even before Stoltenberg Arctic problem concerned about the United States, which recent times again thought about the need to build up military potential in this region as a counterbalance to Moscow. And in January, even a member of the European Parliament from Estonia announced the threat from Russia in the Arctic.

Four NATO countries are showing serious military activity in the Arctic. Although the bulk of Canada's armed forces are stationed in the southern part of the country, there is a military base in the north, as well as a special Arctic training base at Resolute Bay. In addition, Canadians patrol the Arctic region with the help of CP-140 anti-submarine aircraft, as well as 15 warships and four submarines. They also have several icebreaking vessels in service with the Coast Guard.

Denmark observes the space over Greenland with the help of patrol aircraft and F-16 fighters. In addition, it deploys four frigates and three corvettes with Knud Rasmussen anti-ice protection to patrol the Arctic waters.

Norway carries out Arctic patrols with the help of several dozen F-16 fighters, which are beginning to be replaced by F-35s. The most serious combat units of the Norwegian Navy are five Nansen-class frigates and six Ula-class submarines. They also have the only combat icebreaker in the world - the Svalbard patrol ship, however, it is small, and its armament is not very significant - a 57-mm cannon.

The United States, of course, has the greatest potential in the Arctic.

They have two air force bases and two ground forces brigades in Alaska, a radar station for detecting ICBM launches in Greenland at the Thule base. In addition, the United States has several dozen nuclear submarines that can pass under the Arctic ice and emerge from under them. There are also several Legend-class frigates adapted to cold weather. climatic conditions. But the Americans have problems with the icebreaker fleet - there are only three icebreakers (at the coast guard), of which two are on the move. However, none of them is atomic.

So NATO really has room to strengthen its military power in the Arctic. “NATO does not have Arctic and icebreaker-class surface ships that could move freely in the Arctic ice. The only thing they can operate with is submarines, ”Alexey Leonkov, editor of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, confirmed to the VZGLYAD newspaper.

First Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov believes that in Peaceful time in the Arctic, one or two Norwegian submarines “dangle” in the Greenland Sea, and up to three American submarines in the Barents Sea. Up to two more US submarines may be under the Arctic ice cap or in the Kara Sea. An increase in the presence of NATO's NATO fleet in the Arctic is possible only through the transfer of submarines from other regions, he told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

But Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Sciences Alexander Bartosh is sure that the alliance is quite capable of building up forces in the Arctic region. The alliance is already deploying forces on the coast of Norway, some units of US marines are being transferred there, warehouses of heavy weapons and military equipment are being created, as well as conditions for basing the bloc's naval forces, he told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

What kind of NATO actions in the Arctic zone should the Russian Armed Forces be ready for in the event of a conflict? The most obvious – but not the most probable – scenario seems to be a collision between the NATO fleet and the Russian Navy. Konstantin Sivkov believes that if some kind of conflict occurs, the alliance "will bring in a second US fleet consisting of four to five aircraft carriers and three dozen escort ships." “In addition, they can send up to 20 submarines there,” Sivkov suggested. Alexey Leonkov is sure that the Russian Navy in this case has something to oppose to NATO. In terms of quality and efficiency, our submarines are ahead of the American ones. In addition, Russia has a full-fledged icebreaker fleet capable of moving in the Arctic ice.

However, another scenario is far more likely. In the event that Russian-American relations enter a hot stage, the Americans will place their main stake on cruise missiles, Leonkov believes. They have Ohio-class submarines that have been converted to carry about 134 sea-launched cruise missiles, the expert said. And the US (and hence NATO) will use these nuclear submarines and missiles against Russia primarily with Arctic destinations. Alexander Bartosh agrees with him: “If missile-carrying ships are transferred to the Arctic, they will be able to strike with cruise missiles and intercept missiles launched from Russian territory.”

The presence of American submarines or ships with Tomahawks in the Arctic Ocean "ensures strikes at the shortest distance to the entire depth of Russian territory," the source said.

Moreover, military analysts have been warning for many years that such a scenario is being considered by the Pentagon as a variant of the first disarming strike against Russia. It is expected that thousands of cruise missiles will be fired from naval carriers located in the north (submarines and destroyers) at key Russian centers administration, military bases, launchers ballistic missiles- so that within a few hours Russia would be completely disarmed. However, this can only be done if Russia lacks both military recognition systems in the Arctic and the means to counter such a sudden strike.

That is why for many years we have been building up our potential in the region, and it is already very significant, several stationary bases have been created there, patrols are being carried out by aircraft and ships, Bartosz pointed out. In addition, the capabilities of the aerospace forces are being created - MiG-31 aircraft are deployed there and other aircraft with a high potential for destroying cruise missiles and naval targets will be deployed, reconnaissance and situation control means are being strengthened, and a continuous radar zone has been created to control the air situation.

There is also a third, very original, scenario: some experts put forward the version that NATO might try to invade Chukotka and Kamchatka with the help of US forces in Alaska. Such an attempt is more likely to lead to the opposite - Russia's counter-offensive to Alaska, so it's out of the question, ironically told the VZGLYAD newspaper Associate Professor of the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov, military political scientist Alexander Perendzhiev.

Russia has already significantly strengthened the northern direction. In particular, in 2014, the so-called Arctic troops were created - the Joint Strategic Command "Northern Fleet". However, there is still work to be done, Perendzhiyev is sure: “We need to create a full-fledged missile defense system in the coastal zone of the Arctic, continue to develop coastal infrastructure, create coastal defense systems with appropriate weapons that are capable of destroying submarines and ships if they “dare to swim in northern latitudes.

Marina Baltacheva, Nikita Kovalenko, Alexey Nechaev

Russia is actively re-equipping the army with the latest weapons, and the result of this "frightens even NATO." This was stated by Dmitry Gorenburg, an expert at the Center for Naval Analysis and Harvard University, quoted by FAZ.

The publication reminds that in 2015 the West tried to "mock" Russia after the failure of the latest T-14 "Armata" tank, which stopped during the rehearsal of the Victory Parade. However, in two years, the US and European ridicule against the Russian Federation subsided, as Moscow clearly demonstrated the capabilities of its new weapon.

According to Gorenburg, Russia today is capable of defeating "any neighboring state except China" and defending itself against any weapons. All this is the result of a program initiated by President Vladimir Putin to rearm the Russian army, the results of which today "frighten even NATO."

The main task of modernizing the RF Armed Forces is to eliminate the military and technological gap that arose between Russia and NATO after the collapse of the USSR. FAZ notes that Putin seeks to make Russia "equal with competitors", which the analyst lists not only the alliance, but also China.

According to the draft of the new army modernization program, Russia will spend 19 trillion rubles on new weapons by 2027. This is much less than previously thought, due to economic problems, but in recent years Russia has shown that it can effectively invest in the "defense industry" small, by the standards of the West, funds. The results of these investments are at least as good, and sometimes better than that what the US is doing with colossal estimates, draws the attention of FAZ.

When developing weapons, Russia focuses on modern, maneuverable and well-protected systems, an example of which is the Armata tank - a German publication calls it a "computer on tracks." Moscow is also creating artillery with precision-guided projectiles, combat and reconnaissance drones, submarines and fighter jets.

Another important task of Russia is to increase the range of its armed forces. For this, the Russian Federation is modernizing, building tanker aircraft, new cruise missiles and nuclear submarines, 12 out of 14 of which are supposed to be permanently kept on combat duty in the oceans.

The analyst is confident that in 10 years Russia, with sufficient investment, will be technologically equal to NATO. At the same time, the alliance itself has not done anything for almost 30 years to study the methods of war that Russia can use. In this regard, Gorenburg advises the alliance to analyze the capabilities of the renewed army of the Russian Federation and draw appropriate conclusions.

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