Borei at the Statue of Liberty. Russian submarine sailed unnoticed off the coast of the United States for a month

Helpful Hints 19.07.2019

The Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine of project 971 "Pike-B" (according to NATO classification - "Akula") was in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of the United States for almost a month. This became known after the boat left the area. However, experts do not rule out that the scandal could have been made public by the US military for selfish purposes.

The Russian Project 971 nuclear submarine Shchuka-B (NATO reporting name “Akula”), capable of carrying long-range cruise missiles, went unnoticed in the Gulf of Mexico relatively close to the US coast for a month, it became known after how the nuclear submarine left the area.

The first to report on the incident was Washington Free Beacon author Bill Hertz, known in journalistic circles for his closeness to the Pentagon and intelligence agencies. Hertz points out that we are talking about the nuclear submarine, which is considered “one of the quietest” and elusive for enemy radars of Russian submarines.

“A Russian attack submarine patrolled the waters in the immediate vicinity of the US coast for only the second time since 2009,” Interfax quoted the article as saying.

According to US officials, the presence of a Russian submarine off the coast of the United States indicates shortcomings in the work of American anti-submarine systems. They stressed that the administration of US President Barack Obama is cutting funding for these complexes as part of a plan to reduce defense spending by $487 billion over the next ten years.

The Shark was built with only one purpose in mind - to destroy US Navy ballistic missile submarines and their crew members. It is a silent boat that can sail unnoticed and avoid detection,” said another official.

“The fact that she was not seen in the Gulf of Mexico is a matter of concern,” US officials admitted. Over the past three years, this was the first time that the Russian "Shark" approached the shores of the United States. She stayed there for several weeks in June-July. The last time two such boats were seen was in 2009 off the eastern coast of the country, ITAR-TASS reports.

Meanwhile, representatives of the US Navy refused to give official comments on this matter.

However, it is possible that the leak of information about the Russian submarine from the military or some other department is connected with the discussion in Congress of the draft US defense budget, which in the coming years should be subject to cuts due to the general deficit of state funds. It is planned, in particular, to cut spending on the Navy and anti-submarine aviation, which may not be to the liking of some military officials.

Washington Free Beacon also reminds that in this year strategic bombers of the Russian Air Force flew in close proximity to the American airspace. However, then the Pentagon said that it considers this as a regular long-range aviation exercise and does not feel any concern about this.

Chairman Public Council under the Ministry of Defense Chief Editor Igor Korotchenko told the VZGLYAD newspaper that if the Russian nuclear submarine was indeed present off the coast of the United States, then “this indicates that Russia has retained the potential and the country is ready for such actions, which ensures prestige and respect for our fleet.”

“Such a combat mission, especially considering that they went unnoticed for a long time worthy of respect. Why did the Americans conclude that the Russian boat had been discovered? At the moment when the boat was off the coast, the Americans could not establish the fact of its presence. But after processing all the observation data, including hydroacoustic monitoring, according to a number of indirect signs, analysts came to the conclusion that it was a nuclear submarine. All this, of course, plays in our favor - and we have good boats, and the crew is professional, ”said the military expert.

Korotchenko noted that if the nuclear submarine was indeed located off the coast of the United States, then this is a normal tactic for the work of the Northern Fleet and its submarine forces, especially considering that American and British submarines are constantly off our coast. “Combat services of multi-purpose nuclear submarines off the coast of a potential enemy is a normal part of the planned combat work of the fleet’s submarine forces. What is abnormal is that in the 1990s, Russia actually stopped engaging in such operations. And what happened shows that our navy is returning to the previous options for military service, and this is absolutely justified and normal, ”he assured.

The military expert noted that the only thing that is not clear is why the message refers specifically to the Gulf of Mexico. “The main task of multi-purpose nuclear submarines is to track the submarine missile carriers of a potential enemy. On the Atlantic coast there is a corresponding base where part of the American Ohio-class strategic submarines with nuclear weapons on board,” said Igor Korotchenko.

The nuclear submarine's speed of 5-7 knots indicates that the boat is quiet, so the conditions of hydroacoustic contact are such that in some cases the Americans really cannot control the detection. But it all depends on a number of factors: the state of water salinity, various hydrographic and geographical conditions. We can simply say in general that Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarines have increased stealth and low noise, and the Americans cannot always detect them with guarantee.

However, Igor Korotchenko emphasized that the scandal with the presence of the Russian nuclear submarine, which went public, is needed by the Americans in order to knock out additional allocations from Barack Obama for programs related to improving technologies and systems for detecting submarines off the coast of the country.

“As you know, the factor of the Russian threat is actively used in order to solve problems with the budget. Naturally, a message about a threat to any senator acts like a red rag to a bull, and in a fit of patriotic indignation, he votes for the allocation of additional funds for the development of programs, ”the expert explained.

It should be noted that the Russian submarines of project 971 "Shchuka-B" are third-generation multi-purpose nuclear submarines equipped with anti-submarine torpedoes and cruise missiles. They are designed to destroy enemy surface and submarine ships.

The name "Akula" is also used in Russian military terminology to refer to Project 941 nuclear-powered ships, which were built in the 1980s for intercontinental ballistic missiles. In NATO, they are classified as Typhoon.


“Never fight the Russians. To your every stratagem they will respond with unpredictable stupidity.”

Otto von Bismarck.

Today's appearance of a Russian nuclear submarine a kilometer from Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty caused not only panic in the Pentagon, but also breaking news and mortal horror that gripped all Americans without exception. Polls public opinion made an hour after the Boreas surfaced, they showed that the frightened Americans, having felt an unpleasant chill from someone else’s military presence in their home and had time to examine the “Russian death machine” in all details off their coasts, demand an immediate cessation of the campaign in Afghanistan, as well as the curtailment of military preparations for Syria and Iran.

As it turned out, naval forces The United States simply missed the moment when the Borey submarine, also known as Project 955, surfaced within line of sight of the American coast. The vaunted US tracking systems did not record the movement of our submarine.

According to a representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the emergence of our submarine in the immediate vicinity of New York and its entry into US territorial waters was “Absolutely absurd accident. The ship's navigational instruments failed at the submarine and, in order to orient, the commander of the submarine was forced to unmask himself and give the command to ascend.

Therefore, the General Staff was extremely surprised when the commander attached pictures of the Statue of Liberty and strolling tourists on Manhattan Island to the radiogram with a report on his whereabouts.

“We ask the Americans not to consider this a response to the regular appearances of US Navy submarines in the immediate vicinity of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation. True, it is worth adding that we always record the appearance of American submarines, as well as their movements. And the Americans, as it turned out, can not always do this. And only a case helped us to identify this, ”the interlocutor of the TV reporter emphasized the word“ case ”with intonation.

Ministry of Defense experts believe that the Americans simply do not have the ability to reliably track the movements of this class of submarines: “Although it was believed that the Americans had problems exclusively with tracking our titanium-hulled submarines (Project 945 Barracuda), it turns out that submarines from with a steel case, they can easily miss, - a representative of the RF Ministry of Defense told the NTV correspondent. - We will continue to carry combat duty off the coast of the United States, no international agreements we are not violating it. And the incident that happened is clean water accident and should not be regarded as a provocation.

The fears of the Americans are understandable, and there are two reasons for this. First, the ascent of our submarine revealed gaps in the Pentagon's underwater tracking systems, which will not be so easy to fix. Secondly, Borey-class submarines and their latest modifications can be equipped by no means only with Granat cruise missiles (the Americans call them SS-N-21 "Sampson"). Although they easily fly not only to the coast, but also much further, to almost any major US city. There is something to worry about. The most offensive thing for the Americans is that in such cases the international law of the sea is not violated by Russia and they are not able to forbid us combat patrols. One hope is that we have few submarines of this class and, unfortunately, we will not be able to constantly play on the Pentagon's nerves.

Independent international experts assure that the Americans will certainly draw conclusions that are beneficial to us: “US nuclear submarines conduct more patrols than Russian, French, British and Chinese nuclear submarines. submarine fleets taken together, they are frequent visitors near your territorial waters. They pretty much spoil the Russians' nerves. Perhaps now they will act with an eye to the fact that your submariners can do a lot. Let it be "accidentally".

But here's what is characteristic: the pseudo-liberal Russian TV channels seem to have filled their mouths with water and are unanimously silent about this obvious military success of the Russian armed forces. The only TV channel that was widely noted in the news release was NTV, which was interviewed by representatives of the Ministry of Defense. The rest are shyly silent. But what jubilation reigned on them when the national team left Euro 2012! You begin to believe that there really are people among our colleagues who sincerely believe that "the worse it is for Russia, the better."

The Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine Project 971 Shchuka-B (NATO classification - Akula), armed with cruise missiles, patrolled the waters off the coast of the United States in the Gulf of Mexico for several weeks, remaining unnoticed. This information was spread in mid-August by an American online publication, citing unnamed American officials. Highlighting the weakness of the American anti-submarine system, it is also reported that the presence of a submarine near US territorial waters was noticed only when the submarine was already leaving the area, and this caused serious concern among US officials. The correspondent of Our Version decided to recall the history of the confrontation between submarines.

So far, information about the presence of a Russian submarine near the American coast has not been officially confirmed by either side, and it is possible that due to the special secrecy, the information will not be available for a long time. But, according to experts, the success of Russian submariners is beneficial to both sides. Russia clearly demonstrates the unfading military power, and also calls into question the deployment of a missile defense system in Europe. For the US military, this incident is beneficial in that it could affect plans to cut America's defense spending by $487 billion over the next 10 years. failure to navy The US to track the Russian submarine testifies to the shortcomings in the work of American anti-submarine systems, the funding of which just fell under the cut.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that Russian warships have frightened the US military. In 2009, two "Pikes" were spotted off the coast of the United States at once. And as Alexander Khramchikhin, head of the analytical department of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis, told Our Version, being in neutral waters near the territory of other states is a common element of combat training for submariners. No provocations on long trips are planned. The fact that the boat was discovered is very bad, in fact, it is a disruption of the mission. American boats are near Russian coasts, and the fact that in recent times the Russian Navy has not been able to open a single one, which speaks eloquently of the fact that the Americans are acting more professionally.

It should be noted that submarines were considered one of the most effective types of weapons in cold war. Spying on each other, the submarine fleets created incredible psychological pressure, not allowing the enemy to feel safe even at their own moorings. The scale of the submarine war is impressive: in 30 years there have been about 25 collisions between American and Soviet (then Russian) submarines only underwater, and this is in the boundless oceans.

As a rule, incidents occurred during major exercises where submarines carried out combat launches. In addition, submarines carried out active reconnaissance activities on the approaches to enemy naval bases. Submarines solved a lot operational tasks: monitored the movements of enemy submarines in the oceans, sent to collect information along the entire perimeter of the enemy's sea border.

Often, submarines boldly entered foreign territorial waters and even into closed bays and water areas of naval bases in order to intercept information from coastal radars and telecommunications. In addition, they secretly collected fragments of military equipment, connected to communication lines. Moreover, the details of many operations carried out even several decades ago continue to be kept under the heading "secret" to this day.

But one of the episodes of the confrontation involving a submarine, which in literally brought the world to the brink of war, received wide publicity. In October 1962, during the Caribbean Crisis, four Soviet diesel-electric submarines B-59 of project 641 (“Foxtrot” according to NATO classification), loaded with nuclear torpedoes, patrolled off the coast of Cuba. On October 27, a group of 11 US Navy destroyers, led by the USS Randolph, surrounded one of the boats. The submarine was fired upon by an American aircraft, according to the Soviet side, depth charges were also used against the submarine. The captain of the Soviet submarine panicked, decided that the war had already begun, and gave the command to prepare to launch a response nuclear torpedo at the American ships. The chief of staff of the 69th submarine brigade of the Northern Fleet, Vasily Arkhipov, who was the senior on board, convinced the commander not to do this, but to surface and wait for instructions from Moscow.

There were several tragicomic cases in the history of the Soviet Navy, one of which happened to the Soviet medium torpedo diesel-electric submarine of project 613 (according to NATO classification - Whiskey-I) on the night of October 27-28, 1981.

The submariners, making a routine training voyage in the Baltic Sea, lost their course and ended up deep inside Swedish territory. Meanwhile, the "Swedish Komsomolets" - as the boat was ironically called later on the Baltic Fleet - did not plan to enter Swedish territorial waters. But there was a whole chain of circumstances that led to a major international scandal. First, due to damage to the fishing nets, the antenna of the Deka navigation system began to give out incorrect information. The navigator of the boat failed to notice in time that the submarine had been moving on the wrong course for several days. As a result, the boat, which was supposed to be a hundred miles from the Scandinavian coast, sat on the rocks of the coastal shallows of Bsela off the southeastern tip of Sweden, near the island of Turumskjaer, 2 kilometers from the secret NATO military base in Sweden. The incident of the situation also lies in the fact that in order to reach the scene of the incident, the ship had to pass through several narrow artificial straits difficult to navigate. In addition, by a strange coincidence, the time of the incident coincided with the testing of a new model of torpedoes at this base.

Another no less casus case occurred on February 29, 1996. During a NATO exercise near a detachment of alliance ships, the K-448 Tambov submarine suddenly surfaced. It turned out that one of her crew members needed urgent medical attention due to peritonitis that developed after an operation to remove the appendix. It is noteworthy that the Russian submarine followed the exercises and even conditionally sank several ships. Despite this, the enemy got into a position - the sick submariner was taken to the British destroyer Glasgow, and from there he was sent by helicopter to the hospital.

By the way, the most complex and successful CIA operation is still considered to be the top-secret Ivy Bells project, which involved the removal of information from Soviet submarine cable communication lines. This operation was carried out with the active use of submarines. It started in 1970. Then the CIA showed an increased interest in information about the results of the launches of our intercontinental ballistic missiles, which hit targets at the Kamchatka training ground. The Khalibat submarine secretly penetrated Soviet territorial waters and hovered over an underwater cable that connected the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the Karpinsky Kura missile range located near the island, and the Krashenikovo submarine base with the mainland. Four deep-sea divers installed special equipment, and the submarine filmed top secret information for several days.

Further, the process of retrieval of information was improved. A stationary device, created on the instructions of the CIA, was installed on the cable. This device, which received the characteristic name "Cocoon", was able to remove information from the cable without opening its outer shells.

This spy equipment embodied the latest achievements of radio-electronic technologies of that time. By appearance it was a cylindrical container, in the tail section of which there was a nuclear power source that supplied electricity to the on-board radio-electronic systems. The electronic spy worked offline for a long time and transmitted the accumulated information to a submarine entering the area.

Thus, the Americans have been stealing classified information for a decade. It is still not known for certain how the wiretapping was detected. According to one version, the device was discovered by repairmen who were looking for a broken cable that was accidentally hit by a fishing anchor, according to another, Soviet intelligence officers received information from their agent working on this project in the CIA.

According to experts, the exits of nuclear submarines to military service did not stop even after the collapse Soviet Union, although significantly reduced.

Original taken from nordic in Pindos trolled


Today's appearance of a Russian nuclear submarine a kilometer from Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty caused not only panic in the Pentagon, but also breaking news and mortal horror that gripped all Americans without exception. Public opinion polls made an hour after the Boreas surfaced showed that the frightened Americans, having felt an unpleasant chill from someone else's military presence in their home and had time to examine the "Russian death machine" in all details off their coasts, demand an immediate cessation of the campaign in Afghanistan, and also curtailing military preparations against Syria and Iran.
As it turned out, the US Navy simply missed the moment the Borey submarine, also known as Project 955, surfaced within line of sight of the American coast. The vaunted US tracking systems did not record the movement of our submarine.
According to a representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the emergence of our submarine in the immediate vicinity of New York and its entry into US territorial waters was “Absolutely absurd accident. The ship's navigational instruments failed at the submarine and, in order to orient, the commander of the submarine was forced to unmask himself and give the command to ascent. on the island of Manhattan.
“We ask the Americans not to consider this a response to the regular appearances of US Navy submarines in the immediate vicinity of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation. True, it is worth adding that we always record the appearance of American submarines, as well as their movements. And the Americans, as it turned out, can not always do this. And only a case helped us to reveal this, ”the interlocutor of the TV reporter emphasized the word“ case ”with intonation.
Ministry of Defense experts believe that the Americans simply do not have the ability to reliably track the movements of this class of submarines: “Although it was believed that the Americans had problems exclusively with tracking our titanium-hulled submarines (Project 945 Barracuda), it turns out that submarines from with a steel case, they can easily miss, - a representative of the RF Ministry of Defense told the NTV correspondent. - We will continue to carry out combat duty off the coast of the United States, we do not violate any international agreements. And the incident that happened is pure accident and should not be regarded as a provocation.”
The fears of the Americans are understandable, and there are two reasons for this. First, the ascent of our submarine revealed gaps in the Pentagon's underwater tracking systems, which will not be so easy to fix. Secondly, Borey-class submarines and their latest modifications can be equipped by no means only with Granat cruise missiles (the Americans call them SS-N-21 "Sampson"). Although they easily fly not only to the coast, but also much further, to almost any major US city. There is something to worry about. The most offensive thing for the Americans is that in such cases the international law of the sea is not violated by Russia and they are not able to forbid us combat patrols. One hope is that we have few submarines of this class and, unfortunately, we will not be able to constantly play on the Pentagon's nerves.
Independent international experts assure that the Americans will certainly draw conclusions that are beneficial to us: “US nuclear submarines conduct more patrols than the Russian, French, British and Chinese nuclear submarine fleets combined, they are frequent visitors near your territorial waters. They pretty much spoil the Russians' nerves. Perhaps now they will act with an eye to the fact that your submariners can do a lot. Albeit “accidentally.” But here is what is characteristic: the pseudo-liberal Russian TV channels seem to have taken water in their mouths and are unanimously silent about this obvious military success of the Russian Armed Forces. The only TV channel that was widely noted in the news release was NTV, which was interviewed by representatives of the Ministry of Defense. The rest are shyly silent. But what jubilation reigned on them when the national team left Euro 2012! You begin to believe that there really are people among our colleagues who sincerely believe that "the worse it is for Russia, the better."

The Pindos were trolled


Today's appearance of a Russian nuclear submarine a kilometer from Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty caused not only panic in the Pentagon, but also breaking news and mortal horror that gripped all Americans without exception. Public opinion polls made an hour after the Boreas surfaced showed that the frightened Americans, having felt an unpleasant chill from someone else's military presence in their home and had time to examine the "Russian death machine" in all details off their coasts, demand an immediate cessation of the campaign in Afghanistan, and also curtailing military preparations against Syria and Iran.

As it turned out, the US Navy simply missed the moment the Borey submarine, also known as Project 955, surfaced within line of sight of the American coast. The vaunted US tracking systems did not record the movement of our submarine.
According to a representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the emergence of our submarine in the immediate vicinity of New York and its entry into US territorial waters was “Absolutely absurd accident. The ship's navigational instruments failed at the submarine and, in order to orient, the commander of the submarine was forced to unmask himself and give the command to ascent. on the island of Manhattan.
“We ask the Americans not to consider this a response to the regular appearances of US Navy submarines in the immediate vicinity of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation. True, it is worth adding that we always record the appearance of American submarines, as well as their movements. And the Americans, as it turned out, can not always do this. And only a case helped us to identify this, ”the interlocutor of the TV reporter emphasized the word“ case ”with intonation.
Ministry of Defense experts believe that the Americans simply do not have the ability to reliably track the movements of this class of submarines: “Although it was believed that the Americans had problems exclusively with tracking our titanium-hulled submarines (Project 945 Barracuda), it turns out that submarines from with a steel case, they can easily miss, - a representative of the RF Ministry of Defense told the NTV correspondent. - We will continue to carry out combat duty off the coast of the United States, we do not violate any international agreements. And the incident that happened is pure accident and should not be regarded as a provocation.”
The fears of the Americans are understandable, and there are two reasons for this. First, the ascent of our submarine revealed gaps in the Pentagon's underwater tracking systems, which will not be so easy to fix. Secondly, Borey-class submarines and their latest modifications can be equipped by no means only with Granat cruise missiles (the Americans call them SS-N-21 "Sampson"). Although they easily fly not only to the coast, but also much further, to almost any major US city. There is something to worry about. The most offensive thing for the Americans is that in such cases the international law of the sea is not violated by Russia and they are not able to forbid us combat patrols. One hope is that we have few submarines of this class and, unfortunately, we will not be able to constantly play on the Pentagon's nerves.
Independent international experts assure that the Americans will certainly draw conclusions that are beneficial to us: “US nuclear submarines conduct more patrols than the Russian, French, British and Chinese nuclear submarine fleets combined, they are frequent visitors near your territorial waters. They pretty much spoil the Russians' nerves. Perhaps now they will act with an eye to the fact that your submariners can do a lot. Albeit “accidentally.” But here is what is characteristic: the pseudo-liberal Russian TV channels seem to have taken water in their mouths and are unanimously silent about this obvious military success of the Russian Armed Forces. The only TV channel that was widely noted in the news release was NTV, which was interviewed by representatives of the Ministry of Defense. The rest are shyly silent. But what jubilation reigned on them when the national team left Euro 2012! You begin to believe that there really are people among our colleagues who sincerely believe that "the worse it is for Russia, the better."

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