Valery Leontiev com. Valery Leontiev: wandering along the yellow slopes

the beauty 07.08.2019
the beauty

Valery Leontiev - a very bright and extraordinary artist, a legend of the Soviet, and later Russian stage, the owner of many titles and prestigious awards, was born on 03/19/1949.


Valery's childhood passed so far from Moscow that, being a little boy, he could not even imagine that someday fate would bring him to the capital. He was born in a normal working family who at times barely made ends meet.

His father was from Pomors, and his mother was a native of Ukraine, who miraculously ended up with the tiny village of Ust-Usa, Komi ASSR, where the youngest in the family, the late child Valera, was born.

The kid grew up very inquisitive and active, from childhood he loved music: he felt the rhythm well and tried to sing and dance. But where was dancing in the village? When he grew up a little, his parents moved to the Arkhangelsk region. There, in the conditions of cold winters and short summers, the character of little Valery was tempered.

The first modest opportunities for creative self-expression opened up for the boy after a new move, this time to a small town on the Volga, Yuryevets. There he began to actively engage in amateur art circles at school, fell in love with singing and performed with pleasure at all concerts and other events.

He really liked the atmosphere of the stage and the applause of the audience, and somewhere in the depths of a small talented soul, the dream of a big stage trembled.

However, this dream was not the only one. Having Pomeranian roots, Valery was deeply and selflessly in love with the sea. In high school, he had a great desire to enter the Far Eastern University with a degree in oceanography and surf the blue expanses of the seas on a huge ship.

But when he mentioned his plans to his parents, they honestly said that they could not finance such a dream.

Having recovered from the first disappointment, but in an effort to escape from the Russian hinterland, Valery went to take exams at a technical school for the specialty of radio engineering, hoping that this would somehow bring him closer to his dream.

Alas, these plans were not destined to be realized. Not being a very diligent student, Valery simply failed his exams and returned to school, continuing to perform more than to comprehend the basics of science.

On the way to the stage

Valery returned to finish his studies at school with a firm decision to still become an artist. Therefore, he tried to devote most of his time to music, singing and dancing. I must say that the audience always loved and warmly welcomed the young artist, which gave him confidence in own forces. And, having received a school certificate, the boy nevertheless went to conquer Moscow.

It was his first visit to the capital. The huge city literally stunned the young man, who turned out to be not ready for such dramatic changes. And a few days before the first exam at GITIS, where the documents were submitted, Valery picks them up and returns home.

However, not for long. Having tried many different professions, he understands that without higher education there is nothing to think about normal work and leaves again. This time in Vorkuta.

There he enters the Mining Institute and at the same time finds a job in one of the scientific institutions. Three years turned out to be quite enough to understand that he cannot give up creativity, and the life of a simple engineer is boring and uninteresting for him. He again devoted less and less time to study and spent more and more time on stage as part of amateur creative teams.

He was especially fond of singing. In a few years, he formed an almost full-fledged repertoire, which allowed him to perform in 1972 with an amateur, but still debut solo concert on the stage of the regional Palace of Culture. It was this day that became a turning point in the fate of the young artist.

Bathed in the beams of spotlights and audience applause, Valery understands that he cannot imagine any other fate than the career of an artist.

He decides to take part in the then popular competition "We are looking for talents" and, unexpectedly for himself, turns out to be its winner. The main prize was an internship in Moscow and fate again brings Valery to the capital. Surprisingly, the city again did not accept him.

Without completing his studies, Valery returns to Syktyvkar, but not to his former way of life. The city philharmonic society opened its doors to him, in which he quickly becomes a soloist in a pop group.

The creative team created an original and modern repertoire with which they toured almost the entire territory of the USSR for more than 2 years. Of course, the concerts were held on the modest stages of regional recreation centers, and not on prestigious concert venues.

But, invariably warmly received by the audience, Leontiev received inner confidence in his own abilities. And in 1978, having received an official offer from the leadership of the Gorky Philharmonic to become a leading soloist, he even dared to set his own conditions - mandatory participation in the All-Union Yalta competition of pop artists.

finest hour

The artist took up the preparation for the competition so seriously, as if his whole life depended on the victory. To a large extent it was. Leontiev knew that the recording of the competition would be broadcast on central television and, having won it, he could quickly become famous and move to a completely different level as an artist. And so it happened. With the ballad "In memory of the guitarist" he received the first prize.

The next milestone was the popular Bulgarian festival, which was held annually in Sopot and brought together talented performers from the countries of the former socialist community. Through this festival passed in different years such Soviet pop stars as, etc.

And in 1979, Leontiev not only confidently wins it, but also receives a special prize from a prestigious fashion magazine for the best stage costume, the design of which was developed by the artist himself.

At the top of the glory

1980 was one of the most brilliant and successful in the artist's creative biography. In addition to huge stage success, he brought the artist an acquaintance with the then already famous composer David Tukhmanov, who successfully worked with the stars. Tom liked the extraordinary style of the young performer, and since then their long-term creative union has begun.

For two years, Leontiev performed at the best concert venues and in the most prestigious halls of all republics. former USSR. It was a tremendous success, which was the cause of the strongest blow that the artist had to endure.

After winning in Sopot, he came to the attention of international journalists who compared him to Mick Jagger. And this did not please the Soviet censors.

Overnight, Leontiev's career was in jeopardy. He was banned from performing and stopped being shown on television. Continuous tours and severe stress hit the artist's health hard - he almost lost his voice.

For a long three years, Leontiev disappears from the field of view of spectators and journalists. During this time, he managed to recover from depression, restore his voice after surgery on the ligaments, and even update his repertoire.

triumphant return

The return of the singer to the stage was triumphant. In addition, in those years he had a passionate affair with Laura Quint, who supported the singer in every possible way and wrote her best songs for him. Since then, he has become one of the recognized leaders of the Soviet stage. Not a single big concert, not a single musical show of the country can do without Leontiev.

Over 40 years old creative way Leontiev recorded 22 full-length studio albums, starred in more than 20 musicals and films, released 30 video clips. He finished active acting on stage in 2014, giving several farewell anniversary concerts. Three generations of viewers have grown up on his songs, for whom he will forever remain a favorite performer.

Valery Leontiev - Drawing

Organization of concerts with Valery Leontiev - the official website of the agent!

Valery Leontiev - official site. The company "RU-CONCERT" will organize the performance of Valery Leontiev at your event. The official website of the agency invites you to leave contacts for an application for a concert with the participation of the performer! Having received a request from you, we will instantly provide all the necessary information about the singer and the conditions of his performance.

When holding a concert, it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances: free dates in the schedule of Valery Leontiev, the amount of the fee, as well as household and technical rider.

The cost of organizing an event depends on a number of factors that should be considered. The final amount will be affected by the location of the artist, the class and distance of the flight (moving), the number of team members. Since the prices for transport services, hotels, etc. are not constant, the amount of the artist's fee and the cost of his performance must be specified.

Our company has been operating since 2007, and for all the time we have never let our customers down - all the performances took place. The performance contract with Valery Leontiev will be insured.

Valery Leontiev: wandering along the yellow slopes

The famous and popular Russian singer Valery Leontiev was born on March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa, located in the Komi Republic. The singer has a very rich biography. Valery's father was a military livestock specialist, and his mother was engaged in raising children, of whom there were three in the family. Since childhood, Leontiev had a craving for music. He sang in a children's choir that performed for reindeer herders. Quite quickly, Valery became a soloist. However, the young performer had one serious drawback - he could not stand still, constantly moving and spinning. The teachers couldn't do anything about it.

Valery Leontiev received a good education. He graduated music school in piano, the Mining Institute in Vorkuta, the director's department of the Leningrad Institute of Culture.

The debut concert of the performer took place in 1972. Over the years of his musical career Valery Leontiev was a soloist of several philharmonics at once.

As for the singer's discography, it is very extensive. Leontiev's repertoire includes songs, both his own composition and the creations of famous composers - Shainsky, Pakhmutova, Tukhmanov, Pauls.

Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev. Born March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa (Komi ASSR). Soviet and Russian singer, actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1996).

Father - Yakov Stepanovich Leontiev, came from Pomors of the Arkhangelsk region.

Mother - Ekaterina Ivanovna Leontieva (nee Klyuts), was born in Ukraine.

Parents worked as veterinary reindeer breeders.

Had an older sister Maya (1930-2005).

Some sources claim that Valery Leontiev is a Mansi by nationality. However, he himself claims that he has Russian and Ukrainian roots.

In one of the programs “Let them talk!” TV presenter expressed the version that the singer's mother was his elder sister Maya, and Yakov Stepanovich and Ekaterina Ivanovna, were in reality his grandparents, who declared him their son in order to cover for an unmarried daughter who gave birth early. Valery Leontiev threatened Malakhov with a lawsuit, but the scandal was settled.

He was the late child in the family. He spent his childhood in the village of Upper Matigory, Kholmogory district, Arkhangelsk region.

In 1961 the family moved to the city of Yurievets Ivanovo region where Leontiev graduated from high school.

AT school years wanted to become an oceanologist, he was going to enter the Far Eastern University, but due to financial problems in the family, he had to part with his plans.

In 1966, he submitted documents to GITIS, but at the last moment changed his mind and took them back.

Returning to his Yuryevets, in search of work, he managed to try many professions - an auxiliary worker at a brick factory, an operator at a dairy factory, a ribbon-oiler at a flax-spinning factory, a postman, an electrician, a tailor, etc.

Later he moved to Vorkuta, where he entered the branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute, worked as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures.

On April 9, 1972, the first solo concert of Valery Leontiev took place. “It happened in the village of Loima, Komi ASSR. It was a fierce winter, and I had to work in an unheated building of the former church. Forty people sat on the benches there. ", he said.

In the same year, he won the regional competition "Song-72" in Syktyvkar with the song "Carnival in the North". The prize for winning the competition was training at the Creative Workshop of Variety Art of Georgy Vinogradov in Moscow.

However, the singer did not complete his studies and in 1973 he returned to Syktyvkar, where he worked as a soloist in the local philharmonic society.

In 1974, Valery Leontiev became the soloist of the Dreamers group, which was soon renamed into "Echo". Valery works with this team to this day.

In 1978 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Leningrad Institute of Culture.

In 1979, Valery Leontiev moved to the Gorky Philharmonic on the condition that the latter send him to the All-Union Competition in Yalta. For the performance of the 12-minute ballad "In Memory of the Guitarist" by David Tukhmanov, Leontiev received the first prize in a competition broadcast throughout the country.

Then he continued to collaborate with Tukhmanov, the songs “The Beloved Side” to the verses of Igor Shaferan, “There in September” to the verses of Leonid Derbenev (for the first time on the TV screen in the Music Kiosk program) and others appeared. The song “Dancing Hour in the Sun” Tukhmanov brought Leontiev first prize at the Golden Orpheus festival in Bulgaria in 1980.

From July 28, 1982 to 1995, he worked at the Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) Philharmonic Society as a soloist-vocalist of the pop genre, artistic director of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Echo". It was during this period that he was awarded Lenin Komsomol(1985), and in 1987 Valery Leontiev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

In the 1980s, a period of work began with. They collaborated most actively in 1984-1986, then the hits "Green Light", "Inactivity", "Years of Wanderings", "Eclipse of the Heart", "Disappeared sunny days" and etc.

Valery Leontiev - Sunny days have disappeared

During the years of perestroika in 1987, the Ministry of Education of the USSR considered the participation Soviet Union in the prestigious European song contest Eurovision. USSR Minister of Education Georgy Veselov proposed to send Valery Leontiev. However, the idea of ​​Georgy Veselov was not supported by the Central Committee of the CPSU and Gorbachev. Even in the Ministry of Education, the majority was determined that the USSR was not yet ready for such radical steps.

He took part in the Pauls program "Holy love for music" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". The song "Farewell to Mom" ​​marked the beginning of cooperation with Laura Quint.

New song programs were prepared annually, the premieres of which were held in Leningrad in the Oktyabrsky concert hall, and since the mid-1980s in Moscow at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall: “I'm just a singer” (1982), “Running through life” (1984) , "Alone with Everyone" (1985), "Star Story" (1986), "Confession" (1987), "It seems to me that I have not lived yet" (1990), etc.

The old dream of the theater led Leontiev to work on a rock opera. Thanks to his enthusiasm and energy, the premiere of the opera Giordano (1988, music. Quint, art. V. Kostrov, director V. Druzhinin) took place at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", in which Leontiev played three diverse roles: Giordano, Jester, Satan.

In 1991, Valery Leontiev received The World Music Awards as the best performer, the leader in sales of sound carriers in the USSR.

From 1992 to 1998 he worked with Alla Dukhova's ballet Todes. Since 1998 he has been working with his ballet Dangerous Liaisons.

In 1993, his show "Full Moon" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" was recognized best show of the year.

In 1997, together with the composer Y. Chernyavsky, he recorded the albums "On the Road to Hollywood" and "Santa Barbara" in the USA.

On March 28, 1998, in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Kremlin, a solemn ceremony of laying Valery Leontiev's personal star on the "Square of Stars" was held.

In 2006, he sang a duet with. In August 2006, a concert was held in Sochi for the heads of the CIS, at which Leontiev presented a program of four songs. At the end of the performance, when the artist was called for an encore, he decided to perform the song "Hope". Unexpectedly, Vladimir Putin joined him and Leontiev handed him the microphone.

In 2009, Leontiev's nominal star appeared on the "Avenue of Stars" of the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk.

In 2015, a creative evening of Valery Leontiev took place on the New Wave in Sochi.

In 2017, Valery Leontiev will celebrate the 45th anniversary of being on stage.

Socio-political views of Valery Leontiev

In 2014, he supported Vladimir Putin's policy on Ukraine and Crimea.

In April 2017, the singer “Who would have thought that while I was finishing the concert in Volgograd, someone was adding me to the black list of performers in Ukraine. I didn’t plan to offend Ukrainian legislators with my visit to protected area Russia, and, of course, it is a pity that for some time I will not see Ukrainian fans and friends," the artist said in his commentary.

Valery Leontiev. Casanova. Let them talk

The growth of Valery Leontiev: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Valery Leontiev:

Wife - Lyudmila Isakovich, a former bass player, and now a groomer (specialist in animal care), lives in the USA.

They have been together since 1972, officially registered their relationship in 1998. Later, according to media reports, they broke up, Leontiev left his ex-wife a house in Miami. At the same time, the artist himself denied these rumors.

The singer was credited with a relationship with, Larisa Dolina,. The latter confirmed that they had an affair.

There were also many rumors that the artist has an adult daughter.

He has done many plastic surgeries to rejuvenate his appearance: facelifts, Botox injections, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, hip correction, etc. etc.

Valery Leontiev has repeatedly declared his tolerant attitude towards homosexuality: “As recent studies show, this is predetermined at the genetic level. In general, it seems to me that everything created by God and nature has the right to be. But if it is a sin, then, then, it means God has sinned against himself."

Filmography of Valery Leontiev:

1981 - At someone else's holiday - Oleg
1985 - Don't go, girls, get married - cameo
1985 - Insurance agent - guy in a restaurant
1991 - Psychic - Chinese

Discography of Valery Leontiev:

1983 - Muse
1984 - Dialogue
1984 - Premiere
1986 - Disco
1986 - Velvet Season
1988 - I'm just a singer
1990 - A matter of taste
1990 - Sinful way
1993 - Night
1993 - Full Moon
1994 - At the gates of the Lord
1995 - On the road to Hollywood
1998 - Santa Barbara
1999 - Rope dancer
1999 - Everyone wants to love
2001 - Augustine
2003 - Maple leaf
2004 - Night call
2005 - I'm falling into the sky ...
2009 - Years of wandering
2011 - Artist
2014 - Love-trap
2017 - This is love

Video clips of Valery Leontiev:

1980 - There, in September
1981 - Mask
1981 - Who is to blame?
1982 - Where did the circus go
1983 - Hang gliding
1984 - Singing mime
1985 - Steamboats
1986 - Arena
1986 - Lighthouse
1986 - Horse, my horse
1987 - Dog Show
1988 - Margarita
1989 - Drawing
1990 - Santa Maria
1990 - Emelya
1990 - Black Sea
1991 - Night
1992 - At the gates of the Lord
1993 - Casanova
1994 - Confession
1995 - On the road to Hollywood
1997 - Hafanana
2000 - Eternal love
2000 - Augustine
2001 - Red cat
2001 - Adjuster
2001 - Michelle
2002 - Not like that
2003 - Night call
2004 - A mi double (with Dmitry Gordon)

Valery Leontiev is a popular Soviet and Russian singer, People's Artist of Russia (1996), winner of numerous music awards. The name and image of the extravagant and charismatic Leontiev is associated with the Russian stage of the 80s. Some of his most famous songs are "Hang-glider", "Augustin" and "Casanova", which have become his hallmarks.

Childhood and family

Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev was born in 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa, which is located in the Komi Republic. A year earlier, the parents of the future celebrity, Ekaterina Ivanovna and Yakov Stepanovich Leontiev, livestock specialists, arrived there. Valery was a late child - when he was born, his mother was already 43 years old. Valery had an older half-sister Maya (born 1930). Valery's father died in 1979, his mother passed away in 1996, his sister in 2005.

Until the age of 12, Leontiev hardly studied - the family lived in the remote tundra, in the village of Novikbozh, 7 kilometers from Ust-Usa. In 1961, his family moved to the city of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region, where he graduated from high school.

As a child, Valery Leontiev was very fond of drawing, danced, attended a drama club and soloed in the school choir. It quickly became clear to everyone around him that this was growing up. new star. But a boy from a deep province and a poor family could not even dream of a career as an artist.

After graduating from the 8th grade, Valery Leontiev tried to enter the Murom Radio Engineering College, but the attempt was unsuccessful. Then the future singer returned to Yuryevets to finish high school. In 1966, Leontiev graduated from high school and really wanted to enter the Faculty of Oceanology at the Far Eastern University in Vladivostok. However, the family did not have money for such a long trip of the son.

Then Valery Yakovlevich remembered another of his passions - music - and went to Moscow, where he applied for the acting department at GITIS. However, due to self-doubt at the very last moment, Leontiev changed his mind, took the documents and returned home. Upon returning to Yurievets young Valery Leontiev tried a number of professions. In particular, he was a worker at a brick factory, a weaver-greaser at a flax-spinning factory, and even a postman, an electrician and a tailor.

Then Leontiev went to Vorkuta, where he entered the evening department of a branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute. But even here he studied without much desire and left the university in his third year. In parallel with his studies, the young man worked as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures, as well as a draftsman at a design institute. It was then that he began to take his first steps on the stage - to perform in amateur art groups.

The beginning of a musical career

The first appearance of the future star on the big stage took place in 1971 at the regional competition in Vorkuta "Song-71", where Valery Leontiev took second place with the song "Carnival". The aspiring singer gave his first concert on April 9, 1972 on the stage of the Vorkuta House of Culture of Miners and Builders.

In 1972, Valery Yakovlevich went to Syktyvkar to the festival-competition among amateur creative youth "We are looking for talents", where he won. After that, Leontiev, as the best of fifteen contestants, was sent to Moscow to study at the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art Georgy Vinogradov. However, he failed to complete his studies here. A year later, the director of the Syktyvkar Philharmonic, Alexander Strelchenko, took the group, which included Valery Leontiev, back to Syktyvkar.

Valery Leontiev and "Echo" - "My Village"

There, Leontiev began to sing in the Dreamers ensemble, and since 1975 he was already listed as a soloist in the Echo group. The group's first program was called Carnival in the North, and was released in 1976. Then the program “Smile of the Northern Land” was released, with which Leontiev and the Echo group traveled almost the entire Soviet Union. However, performances were held mainly in provincial houses of culture.

In 1978, the singer nevertheless received an education, graduating from the correspondence department of the Leningrad Institute of Culture. A year later, Valery Leontiev began working at the Gorky Philharmonic on the condition that the organization send him to a music competition in Yalta. There, the singer won a victory for the performance of the song "In Memory of a Guitarist" to the music of David Tukhmanov and the lyrics of Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Career heyday

In the summer of 1980, Valery Leontiev won the main prize at the 16th International Pop Song Festival "Golden Orpheus", which was held in Sopot. There, the artist presented another song by David Tukhmanov - “Dance Hour in the Sun”. In addition to the first prize, the singer received a special prize from the Bulgarian fashion magazine Lada for the best stage costume. Valery Yakovlevich always invented and sewed his own outfits.

In 1980, Valery Leontiev sang in various combined concerts, including at the Variety Theater, Oktyabrsky and Luzhniki. And in 1981, the artist won the popularity prize at the prestigious Yerevan-81 music festival. It was then that problems began in such a successfully launched career as a singer. The American journalists who attended the event praised the expressive manner of the singer's performance and even compared him with Mick Jagger. The “unformattedness” of the artist and compliments from Western guests did not please Soviet officials and stage leaders, so for some time Leontiev even fell into disgrace - he was not shown on television for several years.

On top of that, in 1982, Valery Leontiev underwent a serious operation - he had a tumor removed from his throat. At this time, the question arose about his future singing career. However, it soon became clear that Leontiev would still be able to continue singing. On the way to conquering the Soviet scene, he was helped by the famous Latvian composer Raimonds Pauls, who appreciated Valery's vocal and artistic data. Leontiev gave 18 concerts called "I'm just a singer" in Leningrad, all of which were sold out.

Valery Leontiev - "Where did the circus go" (1982)

In 1983, Raymond Pauls singled out a whole section for the singer in his author's evening in the Moscow concert hall "Russia". This was happy ticket for the charismatic and ambitious Leontiev. Over the years of cooperation with Pauls, the artist has recorded some of his best songs - "Green Light", "Sunny Days Gone" and others. In the same year, 1983, he managed to collaborate with another wonderful composer, Eduard Artemyev, with the song Hang Glider. The dynamic and catchy melody instantly became popular, and was recognized as the song of the year.

In 1985, Valery Leontiev received an honorary Lenin Komsomol Prize, and after that he went to Afghanistan with concerts with a group of artists. 1986 was marked for him by a trip to Chernobyl, where the singer performed in the village of Zeleny Mys. And in 1987, Leontiev already became an Honored Artist of Ukraine.

For my creative activity Valery Leontiev has released 25 studio albums. The first, called "Muse", was released in 1983. And the last disc for today, "Years of Wanderings", was released in 2009. It is worth noting that Valery Leontiev supports his records with concert programs and dance shows that he puts on himself. Caring for the costumes also lies on the shoulders of the artist.

How Valery Leontiev changed

Leontiev repeatedly starred in small roles in films, and in 1997 he took part in the auditions for the film, the shooting of which was to take place on board the Mir orbital complex. However, the singer did not pass a medical examination. In orbit, the artist planned to perform the songs of his disc “On the Road to the Stars”.


In 1996, Valery Leontiev became the People's Artist of Russia. In 1998, on the Square of Stars near the building of the State Concert Hall "Russia" in Moscow, the name sign of Valery Leontiev was laid.

The singer repeatedly became the winner of various music awards and competitions, he was recognized as the singer of the year a record number of times (11). In 2005, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th Class, and in 2007, the artist received the Order of Peter the Great, 1st Class, from the Academy for Defense Security and Law Enforcement Problems, as well as the Order of Mikhail Lomonosov.

Valery Leontiev in the program "Live"

Personal life of Valery Leontiev

Valery Leontiev always protected his personal life from prying eyes. The tabloids attributed to him novels with Alla Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule, Laura Quint - in general, with everyone with whom he was lucky enough to sing. Only Laura recognized the rumors as true.

Since the singer does not advertise his love affairs, some fans decided that Leontiev was gay. But these rumors are far from reality. For many years, Valery Leontiev has been married to bass player Lyudmila Nikolaevna Isakovich. She was 19, and he was 34. The couple have been together since 1972, they met when Lyudmila was the administrator of the Echo VIA. Officially, their relationship was registered only in 1998. The ceremony took place in the States.

The artist's wife lives in Miami, where Leontiev often visits. The spouses have no children. As the singer admitted, now they have more of a marriage-friendship: for so many years, the passion has faded, and they spend together about 3 and a half months a year, and the rest of the time they talk on the phone.

After the death of the singer's sister in 2005, the press began to spread rumors that it was she who was Valery's biological mother - she allegedly "worked up" the child, and in order to hide this fact, the parents recorded the newborn as their son. But the singer denies these rumors: of course, he claimed, he had a close relationship with his sister, he is grateful to her for everything she did for him, but he has only one mother - Ekaterina Ivanovna.

Valery Leontiev now

Valery Leontiev continues his concert activity, annually travels with tours in Russia and neighboring countries. In 2017, the singer released a new album, “This is Love,” and in 2018, the single “Like Dali.”

Valery Leontiev - "How they gave" (2018)

In our today's article we will talk about a fairly popular songwriter. He began to receive his fame in the days of the Soviet past, and to this day he is famous for it. Moreover, the songs of Valery Leontiev are known not only to the older generation, but also to the younger one.

First of all, the average listener associates the singer with the Russian stage in the 80s of the last century. And it is not surprising, because it was at this time that the peak of popularity fell. Next, consider the life and creative path of the Russian singer, who has a large number of awards and music awards. Let us also recall Leontiev's "visiting cards" - songs, thanks to which he became famous throughout the Soviet Union.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valery Leontiev?

Speaking about singers and performers, first of all, it is worth mentioning the external indicators of the idol. It will be interesting for both ordinary readers and fans who want to know the exact numbers. Therefore, we present to your attention height, weight, age. How old is Valery Leontiev - everyone who, one way or another, is familiar with the work of the Soviet singer asks the question.

big secrets not here - Leontiev's approximate height is just over 174 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms. This spring, Valery Leontiev celebrated his 69th birthday. You can easily compare photos in your youth and now to trace the changes in the appearance of the idol of millions.

The biography of Valery Leontiev begins on a March day in 1949, in the Komi Republic. Relatives were not people of art. Father Yakov was a veterinarian, and mother Katya worked at home. It is noteworthy that the future singer had an older sister, Maya.

The head of the family was from the Arkhangelsk region, and some time after the birth of his son, the family leaves for their native lands. Until the age of twelve, Valery Leontiev lived in Upper Matigory. After, the family again moves to the city of Yuryevets, which is located on the Volga.

The environment of the future singer, already in early age drew attention to the attraction to art. Valery Leontiev loved to draw, dance and sing. While studying at school, he took part in performances with the choir. School amateur performances could not do without his participation, and the drama club was the singer's favorite pastime. But think about creative career I didn't have to - I had to earn money.

After finishing the eighth grade, Valery decides to enter the radio engineering school, which is located in Muromsk. Unfortunately or fortunately, he fails to pass the entrance exams and the future singer returns home. Again, thoughts about connecting his life with art pass by, and the boy thinks about "marine" work. Before leaving school, the future singer is going to move to Vladivostok to study oceanology, and later work in this direction. However, the financial situation of relatives does not allow this.

Here already, the young man thinks about what else he can do. The choice immediately falls on GITIS in the capital of the motherland. Having filed Required documents to an educational institution in 1966, Valery abruptly changes his mind due to indecision, and returns home with nothing.

In Yurievets, the future singer begins to work. Valery had many professions - for all the time, he managed to try on the laurels of an electrician, a postman, a handyman at an enterprise and a tailor. It was difficult to imagine a future life without education - the young man begins his studies at the Mining Institute, in the evening department. Already in the third year, Valery understands that he does not need the chosen profession, so he takes the documents.

Finally, to engage in creativity, Leontiev decided in 1972. In Vorkuta, he performs a solo concert in a local recreation center. A successful first step gives strength, and after a while, the singer already wins the talent competition. By the way, the prize reward was unusual - the right to budget education in the Moscow educational institution associated with pop art. After studying there for quite a bit of time, the performer leaves for Syktyvkar, where he works at the Philharmonic.

A little later, Valery is accepted into a musical group, with which he performs in many cities of the USSR. 1978 becomes a landmark for the singer - the performance at the Gorky Great Concert Hall is successful, and he immediately receives several invitations to cooperate. Agrees to work in the main Philharmonic.

Valery Leontiev - biography, wife, children, photos

A year later, another success - a victory in the "Golden Orpheus", which was held in Sopot. In addition to vocal abilities, the jury noted the costume that Valery made himself. Approximately two years pass, and the name of the singer becomes known to almost the entire Soviet Union, thanks to constant performances on various stages.

Acquaintance with David Tukhmanov allows you to break through to television screens. Thanks to joint numbers, Valery is becoming more and more popular among listeners.

The festival in Yerevan brought an award for popularity, but the black streak could not be avoided. The thing is that American journalists compared Valery with Mick Jagger, which the Soviet official did not like. Because of this, for almost 3 years they have not been allowed on television and performances in the capital.

Since 1983, the performer has been increasingly appearing at various concerts and steadily releasing music albums. Which, by the way, have a million circulation. In total, on this moment, the number of studio albums exceeds 20 pieces.

1996 brings the prestigious title People's Artist RF. Thanks to his work, the singer is known by most of the population. It is not surprising, because all the performances that are most often remembered were invented by Valery Leontiev. Biography, wife, children, photos, we will present for those who are really interested in the life of the performer outside the concert scenes. The "main" songs of the Russian singer, which most listeners know, are "Deltaplan", "Augustin".

The personal life of Valery Leontiev is rarely commented on by him. As you may have guessed, this is a great opportunity to create a lot of speculation. This can include supposedly non-traditional orientation, and many children. The most memorable rumor is about a romantic relationship with Alla Pugacheva.

As is known from reliable sources, everything is much simpler in the singer's personal life. Valery Leontiev was married to Lyudmila Isakovich for a long time. It is not known exactly whether this relationship continues to this day, because the spouses live in different countries. Again, such information spawned a huge amount of "romance" with famous singers Russian stage. But they are not all confirmed.

The family of Valery Leontiev, if it was connected with art, was simply listening to music or going to cinemas. A little earlier, we mentioned that the head of the family worked as a reindeer herder and veterinarian. Mom mostly did housework. After the birth of the boy, the family had to change their place of residence several times.

Another topic in which a huge number of different conjectures hovers is the nationality of the singer. The thing is that my father was a Pomor, and my mother was a Ukrainian. Hence, there are rumors that Valery Leontiev, in fact, is not Russian, but Mansi. It is difficult to say for sure, and it is unlikely that this will affect the perception of the work of the Soviet artist.

Regarding relatives, there is still one legend. She was born during one of the broadcasts of the program "Let them talk." Thanks to Andrey Malakhov, the public considered that Maya's sister is the mother of Valery Leontiev. Such a statement almost led to litigation, but everything was resolved at the level of apologies.

The children of Valery Leontiev is a topic in which nothing official can be added or taken away. All due to the fact that various "yellow publications" like to attribute to the singer various daughters and sons who are in no way connected with him.

For this, journalists have the main reason - Valery Leontiev does not have his own children. For a long time this was associated with his "unconventionality", and an official marriage is needed only as a distraction. Of course, the artist himself does not comment on these rumors.

Regarding the lack of offspring, Valery Leontiev says that it is difficult to combine his character with the image good father. The press does not lag behind and declares that the spouses do not have children because of the categorical refusal of Lyudmila.

Valery Leontiev's wife, Lyudmila Isakovich, was born in 1963. As you have already calculated, the difference in the age of the spouses is almost fourteen years. At the same time, they met when Lyudmila was only twenty years old, and it was 1972 in the yard. Officially legalize the relationship, the couple decided in 1998.

It is known that the musicians met thanks to the musical group, where Valery was a soloist in his younger years. Already at the peak of popularity, the singer gave his wife a house in America, where she currently lives. Sometimes when it appears free time, Valery Leontiev visits his wife. Every now and then, information appears about the secret dissolution of marriage, but without official confirmation, you should not count on them.

Talk about plastic surgery not accepted among famous people. Of course, if you compare several photos for a different period of time, some changes in appearance become visible.

Over time, photos of Valery Leontiev before and after plastic surgery are gaining more and more popularity among fans. The thing is that observant people noticed that the singer began to get involved in the “rejuvenation” of his appearance too much. As a result, as fans say, it only gets worse. Many note unnatural skin and excessive injections, traces of which are visible to the naked eye. Those who follow the singer's work do note that Valery Leontiev does not look like himself.

Our Russian singer is trying to keep up with the times, which means that Valery Leontiev's Instagram and Wikipedia are gaining more and more popularity. Thanks to the internet and social networks, the singer can easily announce performances and tours, please his fans with photos from performances, holidays, and more.

The free encyclopedia contains basic information that relates to the biography and work of the singer. Yes, this is the most convenient way to get information about Valery Leontiev's discography. In addition, from Wikipedia you can find out what awards the singer, who has been known since the days of the Soviet Union, has. And until now, he collects a huge number of people at his concerts.

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