Nikolai Schukin - Watch video online in My World. Nikolai Shchukin: Soviet singer of the Hawaiian Islands, whose leg was torn off in the war Schukin Nikolai Nikolaevich Mordovia biography

Family and relationships 17.09.2019
Family and relationships

"There are fewer and fewer of us,
But there were a lot of us…”

Singer with Hawaiian Islands
(Nikolai Schukin)

Nikolay Nikolaevich Schukin. This name was not given to him from birth, because he was brought up in an orphanage.
Perhaps the people who brought the little swarthy boy with a shock of hair as hard as a crow's wing to the orphanage knew his real name. But he was recorded as Kolya Shchukin, who wept bitterly when they took off his beautiful sailor suit and put on the gray uniform that all the orphanage children were wearing.
The name of Nikolai Schukin was covered with legends.
Nikolai Nikolaevich himself told about himself that he was the son of a regiment, was wounded during the war, lost his leg, was awarded two Orders of Glory ... I recognized him that way.
But there were other versions of his life.
In the very first post-war years on the streets of Rostov, among the complete devastation, padded jackets and overcoats, one could meet a person who amazed the whole city. In a cream-colored striped suit, in a boater, he walked with a slight limp along the main street of Engels, followed by crowds of onlookers. This was new soloist Rostov jazz, and his name was Nika Stefan. Moreover, they announced him at the concert as a singer from the Hawaiian Islands!
Nika Stefan performed mostly lyrical songs in languages ​​that were incomprehensible to everyone. In Russian, but with a big accent, he only sang a song about Rostov.

Theater Square,
Poplar shelter.
Crystal lanterns
Cheerful light pour.
Aksai's horns in the morning
Listening to Selmash.
And the Don wave makes noise,
washing the beach."

In fact, it was Nikolai Shchukin, who acted under a pseudonym. The head of jazz Joseph Stelman came up with this image, and the young singer successfully exploited it for several years. Even in Nika's life, Stefan was forbidden to speak without an accent. But it seems to me that he willingly played this role, because he always remembered this period with pleasure!
A funny incident from that time was once told to me by Nikolai Nikolaevich.
Once he arrived in Rostov and there was not a single free room in the only Delovoy Dvor hotel. He was asked to spend one night in a dormitory room. Nika Stefan had a thorough dinner at the restaurant, went into the dormitory, undressed and fell asleep like a dead man. When he woke up, it turned out that there was neither a suitcase nor a suit ... In just his shorts, he rushed to the hotel authorities.
The director just shrugged.
- Nikochka, this is Rostov! Here, whoever wakes up earlier, dressed better.”
After Rostov Nika Stefan for a long time worked in Kyiv and enjoyed a resounding success. It was impossible to get to his concert. At one anniversary of Shchukin, Iosif Kobzon said that, as a boy, he tried to get to his concert, but to no avail: mounted police, crowds of fans, mountains of flowers and not a single extra ticket.
All this was connected with the name - Nika Stefan. And his main hit “Evening, the sea surf rustles at the feet ...” literally everyone sang:

“Come back, love is calling you, come back.
Do you remember how heartily
We are in pure and eternal
They swore love.
Come back, I call again and again, come back,
Just one word of yours
Give us back again
Love and life!

At the Mosconcert, we worked for some time with one instrumental ensemble. Nika Stefan was already Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin, a veteran, and sang songs not only about love, but also about war. We were very friends with him, we performed in the same concerts both in our country and abroad.
Once, I remember, we performed in some cold club. We decided to warm up with tea. But in this club, even in the dressing rooms, there were no outlets, and I settled with my water heater backstage, next to the stage. As the water boiled, steam began to pour onto the stage. Nikolai Nikolaevich noticed this with his peripheral vision, probably decided that it was a fire, and forgot the words of the song: He sang: “I endlessly ...” And turning to the wings he asked me:
- Fish, what's next? ... "
I was dumbfounded by the unexpected question. And then the audience unanimously suggested: "It's a pity ..."
- Of course of course! Nikolai Nikolaevich rejoiced:

"I'm infinitely sorry
My unfulfilled dreams
And only the pain of memories ...
Depresses me"

And behind the scenes, I lose my favorite “saying”: “Haben zi geveizen mahen zi fuz”.
Now, as I write these lines, Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is no longer with us. But I fondly remember him, the Hawaiian singer Nick Stefan, our Nikolai Nikolayevich!

Nikolay Schukin. The name of this artist is remembered, first of all, by the older generations. It was insanely popular in the first post-war decade, when Soviet television was just beginning to appear, and not everyone had televisions. However, the concerts of this singer were held with constant full houses. In the 1950s, he performed under the name Nika Stefan and remained "in the memory of the people" as the first performer of the song "Hello, someone else's sweetheart" and the luxurious tango "Come back."

Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. However, what his real name was and who his parents were is not known. The boy was found on the street and assigned to an orphanage. There he was given both a first name, a surname, and a patronymic - Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin. Therefore, the real date of birth in this regard is suspicious. In the orphanage - with all its pluses and minuses - he stayed until he was 15 years old. And in 1939, Kolya became the "son of the regiment" - he was accepted into the cavalry regiment, taught to play the trumpet. So, by and large, as a teenager, Nikolai Shchukin had already become a musician - a bugler in the cavalry. Just like in the legendary movie Elusive Avengers».

In 1941, with the outbreak of war, Nikolai Shchukin was at the front, at the forefront. At the age of 17, he already served in intelligence - until 1944, until he was seriously wounded. So severe that he was discharged from the hospital without a leg - it was amputated. But the combat foreman, holder of two Orders of Glory, Nikolai Nikolayevich Shchukin, had the strength and courage to resist fate. He did not want to be disabled and in 1945 entered the Moscow Music Conservatory in the vocal department. However, Shchukin quickly realized that he would not work as an opera singer. He leaves the conservatory and goes to the stage. Nikolai Shchukin's voice has sounded from the professional pop stage since 1946.

At the beginning of his creative way Nikolai Shchukin worked in various regional philharmonics, sang on summer park stages, in cinemas and restaurants - he traveled around the country in search of, as they say, a better life. It seems that it was not without reason that in the late 40s he ended up in Rostov-on-Don. This city in the post-war period became a kind of mecca of Soviet jazz. Maybe because the whole orchestra of Oleg Lundstrem came there from Harbin? In any case, in every self-respecting institution in Rostov - at summer cafes, houses of culture, educational institutions- had its own small big band playing jazzy pop tunes. In one of these jazz orchestras, conducted by trumpeter Iosif Stelman, Nikolai Shchukin was also a soloist.

It was I. Stelman who came up with Shchukin's stage name Nika Stefan. Stelman also proposed a style, not least thanks to which the singer became extremely popular. The end of the forties and the beginning of the fifties is the time of the craze for Latin American rhythms. Europeanized rhythms of tango and bossa nova sounded literally from everywhere. And N. Shchukin was presented on the stage like this: "singer of the Hawaiian Islands Nika Stefan." And he went on stage in an impeccable cream and striped suit with streaked hair and sincerely sang popular melodies in languages ​​incomprehensible to most, with a barely perceptible accent.

Nikolai Shchukin supported a peculiar shocking overseas dandy in everyday life. He walked along the streets of Rostov-on-Don in the same elegant suit, invariably attracting the attention of passers-by. And he even specifically spoke with an accent - like a foreigner. This was also part of the image that Shchukin willingly supported. At the same time, it is worth remembering that he was a front-line soldier who lost one leg in the war ...

Later, Nikolai Nikolaevich told his friends such an episode. Once he arrived in Rostov, and there was not a single free room in the only Delovoy Dvor hotel. He was asked to spend one night in a dormitory room. Nika Stefan had a thorough dinner at the restaurant, went into the dormitory, undressed and fell asleep like a dead man. When he woke up, it turned out that there was neither a suitcase nor a suit ... In just his shorts, he rushed to the hotel authorities. The director just shrugged.
- Nikochka, this is Rostov! Here, whoever wakes up earlier, dressed better....

Widespread success came to Nikolai Schukin in the mid-50s. On the Soviet stage, after decades of bans, foreign songs sounded again.
According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, he performed hits in a way that no one in the world sang them. Sometimes Nikolai Shchukin went on stage in a chic tuxedo (he always dressed and looked brilliant), fit, sparkling with a "Hollywood" smile.

Shchukin kept the same image as a soloist of Ukrconcert. He moved from Rostov to Kyiv in 1959 and performed with the famous Ludvikovsky Orchestra. This group was created at one time by L. Utyosov, and he was considered the best pop-jazz big band Soviet Union in the 1960s. Later, at one of the anniversaries of N. Shchukin, Iosif Kobzon said that, while still a boy, he tried to get to his concert in Kyiv, but to no avail: mounted police, crowds of fans, mountains of flowers and not a single extra ticket. All this was connected with the name - Nika Stefan. And literally everyone sang his main hit “Evening, the surf is rustling at the feet ...” (“Come back”).

Nikolai Shchukin worked at the Kyiv Philharmonic for ten years. This period includes the performance by Nika Stefan of another hit, which, as they say, went to the people. Yes, so deeply that later it was performed by Arkady Severny, and in our time this song is performed by Alexander Solodukha. We are talking about the song "Hello, someone else's sweetheart." True, the version of the 50s and today, of course, differ. And not only in arrangement and rhythms. In the 1950s, Ukrainian composer Anatoliy Gorchinkiy wrote music for the poems by Leonid Tatarenko. The song was even recorded on a disc, and then firmly entered the repertoire of Nikolai Schukin. According to eyewitnesses, for the first time in general public he performed it at one of the concerts in Lvov in 1959. They say that the audience asked him to perform "Someone else's sweetheart" four times "for an encore" ...

Today, music critics claim that the Belarusian composer Eduard Khanok still heard this song at one time. However, this did not prevent him from writing his own version of the melody to the verses of L. Tatarenko in the seventies. Hanok even offered his song to Valery Obodzinsky, who for some reason refused to include it in his repertoire. And in 1992, Solodukha sang "Someone else's sweetheart", and the song, as they say, shot.

When half the country sang "The past does not return and a tear will not help," the two composers even clashed somehow in a legal battle for authorship - and, of course, fees. And on the Kiev radio in 1994, they somehow arranged a vote between listeners - which of the two versions of the song they like. Naturally, Solodukha won - every time has its own songs, after all ...

Well, in the performance of Nicky Stefan, "Someone else's sweetheart" in 1959 sounded like this:

In 1969, Nikolai Shchukin moved to Moscow and became a soloist of the Mosconcert. By that time, he was already considered a veteran of the pop scene. He sang about love, but also about war. But there were no jingoistic songs in his repertoire. Still brilliant, spectacular, taut, "refined", "salon and pro-Western", as officials from the Ministry of Culture, who were very zealous at that time, called him, he performed with the famous State Television and Radio Broadcasting Orchestra conducted by Garanyan, with a pop-jazz ensemble" Krugozor" under the direction of Kuprevich, other teams. Recorded on records. As part of groups Soviet artists toured abroad many times. And one can only guess how difficult it was for him to stand in front of the microphone on a prosthesis for two or three hours, flashing a "Hollywood" smile in front of the audience.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin repeatedly appeared on television in the 80s, but only his former fans recognized him. For them, this man was a legend. And the songs of the war years, which became the basis of his repertoire, were like a reflection of his own biography. Therefore, he was often invited to participate in commemorative television programs dedicated to war veterans.

In 1984, Nikolai Schukin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Later, already in the 90s, he received the title People's Artist USSR. Nikolai Shchukin passed away at the age of 75 - July 25, 1999 and was buried in Moscow. And his voice remained on the records - the voice of the elegant Hawaiian singer Nicky Stefan, who went through the war and did not give up before the disease.

June 5, 2016
A terrible state of emergency happened in the Dubno village of Ardatovo. On May 30, 16-year-old Daniil Gubin tragically died after receiving death blow current. According to preliminary data, a high school student and his miraculously survived friend tried to cut wires in order to extract aluminum. But the hunt for non-ferrous metal ended in tragedy. Currently, law enforcement agencies are investigating all the circumstances of the incident. /

In Mordovia, a school graduate took his own life after failing the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. The body of a 17-year-old teenager was found on May 28. Upon his death, the Investigative Committee initiated an investigation. According to reports, the deceased teenager won prizes in various olympiads, was smart, capable, in a word, a good graduate. On his Vkontakte page, the status was updated before the tragic events. The boy wrote about the frailty of life, that now everything is behind, there is nothing more to be afraid of and everything is no longer important. According to official data provided by the Investigative Committee, the tragedy took place on May 28 current year in the village of Kirzhemany, Bolsheignatovsky district. The body of a 17-year-old student with signs of suicide was found on a plot near the house. The Investigative Committee decided to open a criminal case on the fact of incitement to suicide. The investigation found that the deceased teenager lived alone with his mother. Their family is characterized only with positive side. In order to establish the real causes of death of a schoolboy, his body was handed over for a forensic medical examination. For the duration of the investigation, a laptop with a graduate's mobile phone was seized. Employees of the UK conduct surveys of relatives, neighbors, classmates and other acquaintances of a teenager. /
On June 1, the former adviser to the Head of Mordovia, Nikolai Shchukin, died suddenly. On July 27, he was supposed to turn 55 years old. Nikolai Nikolayevich was born in 1961 in the Zubovopolyansk village of Vadovy Selishchi. In 1987 he graduated from Moscow State University named after Ogarev. By education - a mechanical engineer. In 1989 he studied at the higher Komsomol school under the Central Committee of the Komsomol. From 1987 to 1989 - worked as the first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the Komsomol. 1989 - 1992 - Secretary, head of the ideological department of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol. Until 1996, he worked at the AgroMordovia company. Since 1996 - assistant, senior assistant to the Head of the Republic of Moldova, head of the group of assistants to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Since 2012 - State Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Curated questions physical education and sports. In January 2016, he completed his career as a government official. Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1986), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Republic of Mordovia (2008). /
On May 30, the official visit of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov to Hungary began. The delegation also included First Deputy Prime Minister of Mordovia - Minister of Agriculture and Food Vladimir Sidorov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy Vladimir Mazov and his Deputy for Foreign Economic Relations Alexander Ivanov. During the visit, a number of meetings and negotiations are planned aimed at developing bilateral cooperation. Among the main points of the program are the meeting of the Head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov, with the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, the signing of an agreement on cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian, cultural and other fields, participation in the Hungarian-Mordovian forum of entrepreneurs. Also, within the framework of the visit, a presentation of the Republic of Mordovia is planned at the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The head of the republic, Vladimir Volkov, stressed: "I am sure that the official visit will serve to further develop business contacts between Mordovia and Hungary, as well as Russian-Hungarian relations in general." The foreign trade turnover of Mordovia and Hungary in 2015 amounted to more than 1 million US dollars. Industrial equipment, flower seedlings were imported, power semiconductor thyristors were exported (OJSC Elektrovypryamitel). Let us add that the Republic of Mordovia and Hungary have long-standing friendly and trade and economic relations. In June 1993, President of the Republic of Hungary Arpad Gentz ​​paid an official visit to Saransk; European Union. /

Mordovia will cooperate with the Hungarian financial group EHT Ltd. The first project involves the creation of a joint venture "Lisma East Europe" in Hungary. Its key task is to sell Lisma's products on the European market. First of all we are talking about LED filament, sodium, metal halide lamps; the possibility of producing light sources under other trademarks for European consumers at Lisma is also being considered. The Hungarian side takes care of financing, product certification, legal support of transactions. The second project provides for the creation of the same enterprise, but for work in Russia and other countries Customs Union EAEU. The new company will be called Lisma-Promsvet; its goal is the implementation of urban, industrial and greenhouse lighting projects, as well as projects to improve energy efficiency in various areas with the mandatory use of Lisma lamps. Arrangements within the framework of projects are preliminary and may change later. After signing the documents, the parties begin to prepare a financial and economic plan. The joint ventures are expected to start operating in September this year. It should be noted that the signing of memorandums between Lisma and EHT Ltd has become one of the points of a large-scale cooperation program between Mordovia and Hungary. The agreements reached earlier during the negotiations are now officially fixed in Budapest with the participation of the government delegation of the republic led by the Head of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov. /
On June 1, Saransk hosted an event dedicated to the start of the 2018 World Cup volunteer recruitment campaign. On behalf of the Head of Mordovia, those gathered at the site near the administrative and library building of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogaryov was greeted by the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Sushkov. The campaign was also launched by Alexei Nemov, Ambassador of the host city of Saransk, four-time Olympic champion, vice-president of the Artistic Gymnastics Federation of Russia. It should be noted that on June 1, in all volunteer centers of 11 host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the start ceremony for the registration of candidates for volunteers of the Russia-2018 Organizing Committee was held. In Moscow, it was attended by the President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and FIFA President Gianni Infantino. /

On June 2, the Head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov, held a working meeting with the management of the Stroytransgaz group of companies. The issues of attracting this large Russian construction holding, which implements projects in the field of energy, petrochemical and other industrial sectors, civil engineering, transport and sports infrastructure, to prepare facilities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Saransk were discussed. CEO Group of companies "Stroytransgaz" Mikhail Khryapov visited the objects of the Championship in Saransk - the airport complex, the football stadium under construction for 45 thousand seats, the GZhK "Tavla", the road planned for construction along the street. Building from the street. Pobeda to Gorzhuvskaya street with an overpass through railway and the Insar River, as well as the construction site of the water park on the street. Volgograd. At the meeting, the issues of attracting the capabilities of the Stroytransgaz group of companies at some of the listed and other facilities were considered. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Government of Mordovia Vladimir Sushkov and his deputies - Minister of Economy Vladimir Mazov, Minister of Targeted Programs Alexei Merkushkin, Minister of Finance Alexei Simonov, Minister of Construction and Architecture Viktor Tsyganov. /

On June 4, the Head of Mordovia held a regular field meeting at the key facilities of preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Saransk. At the construction site of the stadium for 45,000 seats, the general contractor, the head of PSO Kazan LLC, Ravil Ziganshin, and the Chairman of the Republican Government, Vladimir Sushkov, took part in the inspection of the progress of work. Vladimir Volkov set the task of increasing to the required and optimal number of workers involved in the construction of the main object of the Championship: "There should be enough specialists of all types and qualifications at the construction site so that we do not have problems with the commissioning of the stadium in 2017." m microdistrict LCD "Yubileyny", improvement of the embankment of the Insar and Tavla rivers, instructing to accelerate the pace of work and activate all tools for the preparation of these and other objects of the Championship. /
According to Dmitry Ovsyannikov, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, this moment The ministry's specialists are considering applications for inclusion in the register of nine cluster projects. Among them are the industrial cluster of subway car building and the innovation-industrial cluster "Fryazino" of the Moscow region, the instrument-making cluster "Planar" Chelyabinsk region, industrial cluster "Lipetskmash", industrial cluster "Fiber optics and optoelectronics" of the Republic of Mordovia, "PomorInnovaLes" of the Arkhangelsk region, "Photonics" Perm Territory, National Aerosol Cluster of the Stavropol Territory, Industrial Food Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan. /
Analysts found out how residents of different Russian cities treat their neighbors. The study was conducted by specialists of the portal Respondents were asked to rate on a 10-point scale the statement: "The people I live in my neighborhood are generally friendly and polite." It turned out that the most friendly relations between neighbors reign in Grozny (average score 8.8 points) Orsk and Nalchik (8 points each). The worst situation is in Yakutsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur (7.2 points). The national average is 7.6 points. It should be noted that Saransk overcame this threshold. Relations between neighbors in the capital of Mordovia were pulled by an average of 7.7 points (20th place out of 100). This is the same result as in Murmansk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Vologda, Armavir, Sochi and some other cities. /

The Nizhny Novgorod region took the 1st place in the Volga Federal District in terms of average per capita income in January-February 2016. This is evidenced by the data of Rosstat. According to statistics, on average, the monthly income of residents of the region in January-February 2016 amounted to 27,109 rubles. For comparison, in Tatarstan - 26,495 rubles, in the Kirov region - 18,044 rubles, in Chuvashia - 15,150 rubles, in Mordovia - 14,657 rubles. /

The Republic of Mordovia took 4th place in the ranking of Russian regions in terms of the effectiveness of healthcare systems. The rating was compiled by specialists of the Higher School of Health Organization and Management. Region-13 in terms of the effectiveness of medicine yielded only to the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Republic of Dagestan and the Republic of Kalmykia. The top ten also included the Stavropol Territory, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Kirov region, Republic of Ingushetia, Ryazan and Tomsk regions. But Moscow in the ranking was only in 21st place. It should be noted that in 2015, for the first time in the history of healthcare in Mordovia, the lowest level of infant mortality was reached - 4.3 per thousand births. This is one of best performance in Russia, according to The analysis of the regions was carried out according to the methodology of the Bloomberg agency. The agency's methodology is based on the assessment of life expectancy and health care financing, including public and private spending. /

Experts announced the rating of the country's regions in terms of family well-being for 2015. Mordovia was included in the ranking of regions in terms of family well-being. This is reported on the official website of the Republic of Mordovia. RIA Rating experts announced the rating of the country's regions in terms of family well-being for 2015. It is compiled on the basis of how much money is left in the average family after paying the necessary expenses. The wealthiest families live in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. After minimal expenses, they have over 90 thousand rubles for expenses. In second place is the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the third position belongs to Moscow. At the end of the list are Ivanovo region, Republic of Dagestan and Pskov region. Mordovia is located on the 59th place. Compared to last year, the republic rose by 8 positions at once. According to the study, the average monthly balance of a family with two children is only 10 thousand rubles. /

The crisis phenomena that captured most areas of the Russian economy could not but affect the incomes of the population, and led to a reduction in the free financial resources that the family has after making vital expenses. At the same time, large gaps in the material situation between rich and poor regions remained. And in general, it can be stated that the well-being of Russian families is closely related to the level economic development regions, one of the indicators of which is the indicator of the gross regional product per capita. This is evidenced by the rating of regions in terms of the level of well-being of families in 2015. The living wage was used as the minimum cost level. Of course, in reality, the minimum expenses of families can be higher, since official statistics cannot take into account all the features of a particular family, but these costs, most likely, cannot be lower. The free cash balance of families has decreased in the vast majority of regions. Analyzing the lower part of the rating, it is worth noting that the geography of poverty in the regions is very wide, and one can find representatives of almost all federal districts. But if in the upper part of the rating there are mainly industrially developed regions rich in natural resources, then at the bottom there are regions with low-power industry. The most noticeable improvement in positions was shown by the Samara region, which immediately rose 14 positions up. At the end of 2015, the region ranks 29th against 43rd a year earlier. In addition, the Republic of Mordovia rose by 8 places to 59th. It is worth noting that the listed constituent entities of the Russian Federation did not manage to avoid a decrease in free cash balance, but against the background of the regions surrounding them in the rating, the drop was not so significant. As already mentioned, the consolidated balance decreased in all regions of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Sakhalin Region. /
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation sent an An-148 special aircraft to Saransk to conduct an air ambulance evacuation of two seriously ill children to St. Petersburg, the press service of the department reports. The An-148 aircraft of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is equipped with modern equipment and medical modules that make it possible to monitor and maintain the condition of patients, as well as provide assistance during the flight. Patients will be accompanied by medical specialists from the State Central Airmobile Rescue Squad "Centrospas" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine "Protection" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as well as a psychologist from the Center for Emergency psychological help Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. /
Antiterrorist exercises were held at the Republican Olympic Training Center. The security forces assessed the state of security of the facility. As part of the training operation, measures are being taken to search for and neutralize mock terrorists and their accomplices. Law enforcement officers are practicing measures to prevent possible explosions and deaths. /
Soldiers of the combined police detachment of Mordovia returned home from a business trip to the North Caucasus. Law enforcement officers were met by the leadership, colleagues, representatives of the administration of the head of the republic and Saransk, religious denominations, relatives and friends. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Moldova Yuri Arsentiev was also present at the solemn ceremony. “Last November, as part of the combined police detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Mordovia, you were sent to the North Caucasus. 500 attempts to illegally transport prohibited items, including weapons and ammunition, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.Unfortunately, workdays were overshadowed by a tragedy that struck a blow for the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Mordovia.February 15 will forever remain a terrible date of mourning for all of us. On this day, police captain Yuri Svyatkin died heroically. He sacrificed his life to save colleagues and civilians. Another 9 of our soldiers were injured," the press service of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs quoted Arsentyev as saying. /
The investigating authorities of the FSB in Mordovia opened a criminal case against the head of the republican department of the Federal Bailiffs Service, a source in law enforcement agencies Republic on Monday. "A criminal case has been initiated under part 1 of article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official powers). He has not yet been charged," the agency's interlocutor said. The republican FSB agency confirmed the fact that the case had been opened, but declined to comment further, citing the secrecy of the investigation. The UFSSP website for Mordovia reports that the head of the department - the chief bailiff of the republic is the second-class state adviser of justice of the Russian Federation Sergey Perov. According to local media, S. Perov has been in charge of the department since 2012. /

The prosecutor's office of the Lyambirsky district of the Republic of Mordovia conducted an audit of the implementation of labor legislation in the Niva limited liability company. It was established that, in violation of the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the management of the company did not pay wages to employees in a timely manner. For this reason, in March of this year, a debt to 156 employees in the amount of more than 1.2 million rubles was formed. Based on the results of the audit, the prosecutor of the Lyambirsky district submitted a submission to the director of the company, Fyodor Zheltov, demanding that the debt be paid off immediately. In addition, according to the decisions of the district prosecutor, Niva LLC and its head were brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (violation of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms) in the form of a fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles 4 thousand rubles, respectively. After the intervention of the supervisory agency, the wage debt was fully repaid, and the labor rights of 156 employees of the agricultural enterprise were restored. /

In Mordovia, the prosecutor's office is fighting for plots on the banks of the Moksha River. According to the supervisory authority, they were illegally transferred by local governments to the ownership of a private person. At the same time, part of the land is federal property. After verification, a claim was sent to the district court. Themis satisfied the requirements of the prosecutor's office in full. /

The district police officers, together with the FMS officers, revealed the fact of fictitious registration of foreign citizens. It was found that in an apartment with a living area of ​​14 square meters, a 61-year-old resident of Saransk registered 13 citizens of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. During a survey of the residents themselves and neighbors, the police found out that only five people actually live in the apartment. The location of the rest has not yet been established. “The residents confirmed that for the service provided, each foreign citizen paid the owner of the apartment 1,000 rubles each,” the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Moldova notes. Currently, an additional check is being carried out in order to establish the intent to commit unlawful acts. /
Mordovian walkers Sergei Kirdyapkin and Olga Kaniskina, who served their suspension for anti-doping rule violations, returned the medals of the 2012 Olympic Games in London. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the All-Russian Federation. athletics(VFLA). Kirdyapkin was the Olympic champion at a distance of 50 km, Kaniskina - a silver medalist at a distance of 20 km. "Athletes donated their medals from the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, as well as World Cups to the ARAF. The federation will transfer the Olympic awards to the Russian Olympic Committee," the press service said. The IAAF last March expressed its disagreement with the decision of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) to disqualify a number of Russian athletes (including Kaniskina and Kirdyapkin) with selective cancellation of their results for anti-doping rule violations, which allowed them to retain Olympic awards. The IAAF argued that all athletes' results from the time they were provisionally suspended should be annulled and filed an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to review RUSADA's decision. This appeal was granted. According to the court decision, all the results of Kaniskina were annulled from August 15, 2009 to October 15. /
The mayor of Saransk kicked the officials out into the street. He ordered them to go around the city and punish entrepreneurs. On Monday, at a working meeting in the Administration of Saransk, an issue was raised regarding street trading, which became more active with the advent of the summer period. This was reported to the Administration. The head of the Administration, Petr Tultaev, is dissatisfied with unauthorized trade in the city. He focused his attention on the fact that some entrepreneurs do not control the process of trade itself, do not properly organize the cleaning of the territories occupied by it, which leads to a violation of the rules of urban improvement. The mayor gave specific instructions on this issue to the relevant structures of the city administration. /
In May, municipal buses and trolleybuses in Saransk carried more than 2 million passengers. Such data is provided by the transport department. At the same time, only 39% of the total number of passengers paid for travel, the rest were beneficiaries. Most often, citizens who have the right to use municipal transport free of charge traveled by buses 4, 8 and 1, as well as trolleybuses No. 8 and No. 12. There, the number of privileged passengers reached 75-77%. According to the press service of the Saransk City Hall, monitoring will continue to track changes in passenger traffic in summer months. “It is important to identify in which directions transport reinforcement is required, as well as to assess the need for organizing new routes,” the Saransk administration clarifies. /
Saransk may be left without official bathing places. Epidemiologists tested the quality of water and soil on local beaches and made disappointing conclusions. Earlier, the city administration determined the places of mass recreation on water bodies. These included the reservoirs "Green Grove", "Forest Lake", a reservoir along Goncharova St., "Lukhovskoye Reservoir" and a reservoir near the "Start" stadium. According to Rospotrebnadzor, water samples from the reservoirs "Lukhovsky", "Forest Lake" and "Start" do not meet the requirements for microbiological indicators. Reservoirs on Goncharova street, "Green Grove" and "Start" summed up the indicators of sanitary and chemical. Also, experts had questions about the quality of the sand of the Lukhovsky reservoir. Epidemiologists recommended not to use the listed reservoirs for swimming. “The Rospotrebnadzor Department informed the balance holders and local governments about the quality of water in reservoirs and sand, proposed to take measures to prevent the use of these reservoirs for the purpose of bathing the population (until the quality of water and sand is brought to normal levels),” Rospotrebnadzor stated. /
On May 30, during the delivery of the exam in the Russian language in Mordovia, 6 violators were identified. According to witnesses, schoolchildren used cheat sheets during testing and used Cell phones. In Saransk, four people were removed from classes for such violations. One more case fell on Atyashevo and Ruzaevka. The results of the "penalty boxes" are annulled. He will be able to take the exam again only in a year. /
On June 3, Vladimir Volkov held a meeting with the leadership of FC Mordovia, at which Dmitry Cheryshev, a famous Russian footballer in the past, was introduced to the Head of the Republic for appointment as head coach of the club. /

The capital of Mordovia will host international and all-Russian competitions in figure skating skating in the 2016-2017 season. Saransk was entrusted with the right to hold three competitions. This is reported in the regional Ministry of Sports. On September 14-18, 2016, the IV stage of the ISU Grand Prix among juniors will be held on Mordovian soil. On February 12-16, 2017, athletes will compete in the finals of the Russian Cup - Rostelecom (all sports - masters of sports and candidates for master of sports). On March 3-7, 2017, the championship of Russia among girls and boys (younger age) “Memorial S.A. Beetle." /
On June 15, the State Russian Museum of St. Petersburg will host the opening of the exhibition “Stepan Erzya. 1876-1959". The exposition will include 31 sculpture works by Erzya from the collection of the Russian Museum, made in different years, as well as 5 works from the collection of the Mordovian Republican Museum fine arts named after Erzya in Saransk. /

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is one of the idols of the Soviet stage of the 50-60s, a brilliant performer of domestic and foreign songs, a singer with an amazing timbre of voice. Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. He was brought up in an orphanage. In 1939 - trumpeter of the cavalry regiment. During the war he served in intelligence, was seriously wounded, lost his leg. In 1945, Nikolai entered the Moscow Conservatory of Music, but soon realized that he would not succeed as an opera singer, and a year later he left the stage. Professional appearances He started on the stage in 1946. At the beginning of his career, he worked in various provincial regional philharmonic societies, sang on summer park stages, in films ...

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is one of the idols of the Soviet stage of the 50-60s, a brilliant performer of domestic and foreign songs, a singer with an amazing timbre of voice. Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. He was brought up in an orphanage. In 1939 - trumpeter of the cavalry regiment. During the war he served in intelligence, was seriously wounded, lost his leg. In 1945, Nikolai entered the Moscow Conservatory of Music, but soon realized that he would not succeed as an opera singer, and a year later he left the stage. Professional performances on stage began in 1946. At the beginning of his career, he worked in various provincial regional philharmonic societies, sang on summer park stages, in cinemas and restaurants. From the late 1940s, Nikolai Shchukin, under the stage name Nika Stefan, performed with the Rostov Jazz Big Band, popular in the North Caucasus, led by I. Stelman. Widespread success came to the artist in the mid-50s. On the Soviet stage, after decades of bans, foreign songs sounded again. The very first and most famous hit of Nikolai Schukin was the lyrical song - "Come back", which was sold on records in gigantic editions. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, he performed hits in a way that no one in the world sang them. Sometimes Nikolai Shchukin went on stage in a chic tuxedo (he always dressed and looked brilliant), fit, sparkling with a "Hollywood" smile, with briolin, at that time it was extremely fashionable. The lyrical and spectacular image of the singer Nikolai Shchukin, who at the beginning of his work did not perform Soviet patriotic songs, did not suit the cultural "figures" from the authorities. Heavily zealous officials from the Ministry of Culture disparagingly called him "refined, salon and pro-Western", and were not too eager to support the singer in his creative career despite being very popular with listeners. Since 1959, Nikolai Shchukin became a soloist of Ukrconcert. He performed in Kyiv with the famous and best pop-jazz big band of the country in the late 60s, with an orchestra of x / hands. and conductor V. Ludvikovsky (orchestra created by Leonid Utyosov). Since 1969, Nikolai Shchukin has been a soloist of the Mosconcert. In Moscow he worked with the famous Gosteleradio orchestra led by G. Garanyan, with the pop-jazz ensemble "Krugozor" led by V. Kuprevich and other groups. Recorded on records. Until 1970, he mainly performed popular seasonal hits and lyric songs by famous Soviet and foreign composers. As part of groups of Soviet artists, he repeatedly toured abroad. AT last years During his life, the singer successfully performed in concerts with the repertoire of the war years, which reflected his own biography. Participated in commemorative television programs dedicated to war veterans. Since 1984, Nikolai Shchukin has been an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Later, in the 90s, he received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Passed away July 25, 1999. There are fewer and fewer of us, But there were many of us ... Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin - this name was not given to him from birth, because he was brought up in an orphanage. Perhaps the people who brought the little swarthy boy with a shock of hair as hard as a crow's wing to the orphanage knew his real name. But he was recorded as Kolya Shchukin, who wept bitterly when they took off his beautiful sailor suit and put on the gray uniform that all the orphanage children were wearing. The name of Nikolai Schukin was covered with legends. Nikolai Nikolaevich himself told about himself that he was the son of a regiment, was wounded during the war, lost his leg, was awarded two Orders of Glory ... I recognized him that way. But there were other versions of his life. In the very first post-war years on the streets of Rostov, among the complete devastation, padded jackets and overcoats, one could meet a person who amazed the whole city. In a cream-colored striped suit, in a boater, he walked with a slight limp along the main street of Engels, followed by crowds of onlookers. It was a new soloist of Rostov jazz, and his name was Nika Stefan. And they announced him at the concert as a singer from the Hawaiian Islands! Nika Stefan performed mostly lyrical songs in languages ​​that were incomprehensible to everyone. In Russian, but with a heavy accent, he only sang a song about Rostov. In fact, it was Nikolai Shchukin, who performed under the pseudonym "Nika Stefan". The head of the Rostov jazz orchestra, trumpeter Iosif Stelman, came up with this image for him, and the young singer successfully exploited his pseudonym for several years. Even in Nika's life, Stefan was forbidden to speak without an accent. But it seems to me that he willingly played this role, because he always remembered this period with pleasure! After Nika Rostov, Stefan worked for a long time in Kyiv and enjoyed resounding success. It was impossible to get to his concert. At one anniversary of Shchukin, Iosif Kobzon said that, as a boy, he tried to get to his concert, but to no avail: mounted police, crowds of fans, mountains of flowers and not a single extra ticket. All this was connected with the name - Nika Stefan. And his main hit "Evening, rustling at the feet ...

On June 3, Mordovia said goodbye to the suddenly deceased former adviser Head of Mordovia Nikolai Shchukin. On July 27, he was supposed to turn 55 years old ...

Nikolai Nikolaevich was born in the Zubovo-Polyansky village of Vadov Selishchi. In 1987 he graduated from Moscow State University. Ogarev, having received the specialty "mechanical engineer", and entered the post of first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the Komsomol. In 1989, after studying at a higher school under the Central Committee of the Komsomol, he became a secretary, and later head of the ideological department of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol. In 1992-1996 he worked in the firm "AgroMordovia". Since 1996 - assistant, senior assistant to the Head of the Republic of Moldova, head of the group of assistants to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Since 2012 - State Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Supervised issues of physical culture and sports. In January 2016, he completed his career as a government official. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1986), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Republic of Mordovia (2008) ... On June 3, hundreds of people came to the Ice Palace to say goodbye to the former official, many of whom knew Nikolai Schukin personally. Alexander Grishnev, head of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for the Saratov Region, expressed his condolences to his family and friends. Olympic Games Denis Nizhegorodov, a classmate of Nikolai Schukin - Minister of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova Alexei Tyurkin and others. Natives of Mordovia, members of the team of Samara governor Nikolai Merkushkin, also came to Saransk to say goodbye to their former colleague. Nikolai Shchukin was buried at the Saransk cemetery No. 5.

“Nikolai Nikolayevich made a great contribution to the creative processes in Mordovia, including at the most difficult and crucial stages of development,” Governor of the Samara Region Nikolai Merkushkin expressed deep condolences to the family and friends of Nikolai Schukin. - Thanks to his competent and efficient work, the most important projects for the republic were implemented in a number of areas in sports, youth, social policy, and the economy. He was a man of deep decency, high professionalism, exceptionally reliable in work and human relations.”

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