Project diversity of nature of the Kirov region. Nature, plants and animals of the Kirov region

Design and interior 24.07.2019
Design and interior

Adopted June 30, 2003. The flag of the Kirov region is a rectangular panel with a width to length ratio of 2:3, divided into three horizontal stripes. In the flag of the region: white color is a symbol of purity of moral principles, kindness and modesty, snowy winter(¾ (three-quarters) of the width of the flag,) green - the color of hope, joy and health, fertility of the earth and forest wealth (1/8 (one-eighth) of the width of the flag blue - the color of fidelity, honesty, impeccability, symbolizes the Vyatka River, which united on its shores the population of the region is 1/8 (one eighth) of the width of the flag)

The heraldic description of the region’s coat of arms reads: “In a golden field, a hand in scarlet clothing emerging from azure clouds, holding a scarlet drawn bow with a scarlet arrow. In the upper heraldic right (left from the viewer) corner of the shield there is a scarlet claw cross with balls at the ends.”

The system of government bodies of the Kirov region consists of (according to the Charter of the Kirov region): Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region - the highest and only legislative (representative) body of state power of the region; Governor of the Kirov Region - higher official regions; The government of the Kirov region is the highest executive body state authorities of the Kirov region; other executive authorities of the Kirov region, formed by the Government of the region in accordance with the Charter and laws of the region. Judicial power is exercised by courts and justices of the peace operating in the region in accordance with federal laws.

The civil airport Pobedilovo is located in Kirov. Railway lines pass through the Kirov region, connecting the center of Russia with the Urals, Siberia and Far East(Trans-Siberian), northern regions - from southern regions(Kirov-Kotlas). Total length railways km. A network of paved roads with a length of 9086 km. At the same time, there is a need to pay attention to road construction, especially with roads connecting the Kirov region with other subjects of the federation. The main waterway is the river. Vyatka. Length of exploited waterways along the Vyatka and its tributaries km.

Urzhum (mar. Vӱrzym, Ӱржӱм) is a city (since 1796) in Russia, the administrative center of the Urzhum district of the Kirov region, located in the southeastern part of the region. Population 11.5 thousand people. (2005). The city is located on the left bank of the Urzhumka River, 10 kilometers downstream flowing into Vyatka. The first mentions of Urzhum date back to the middle of the 16th century, when Urzhum was a Mari tribal town. To suppress the uprisings of the Mari and Tatar feudal lords, it was decided to build Russian cities in the Volga, Kama, and Vyatka basins. The city of Urzhum became such a fortified fortified city in 1584. At the end of the 18th century, Urzhum became one of the 11 district cities of the Vyatka governorate. In 1781 the coat of arms of Urzhum was approved. On the territory of the Urzhum district there operated the Buysky ironworks, the Shurma copper smelter, and five wineries out of 14 operating in the province. In 1883 the first public library opened, and later a secondary school. There are 70 cultural, historical and architectural monuments in the city and region, the most famous being the ensemble of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

STUDY PLAN 1. Features of the state enterprise and the population of the region. 2. Relief and minerals. 3. Climatic features. 4. Water resources region. 5. Soils of the Vyatka region. 6. Natural zonality in the region. 7. Environmental issues Vyatka region.

The Kirov region is part of a large number of regions Russian Federation. Its territories border with Perm region, Udmurtia, the Republics of Komi, Mari El, Tatarstan, as well as with many regions: Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod.

The Kirov region is famous for its historical monuments - the Holy Dormition Trifonov Monastery, the Preobrazhensky convent, St. Seraphim Cathedral, the ensemble of the Alexander Garden and many other historically important buildings. In the Kirov region there is a fabulous park - the Estate of Ivan Tsarevich.

Flora of the Kirov region

The Kirov region can be classified as the territory of the southern taiga. That is why the most popular plant species here are spruce and green moss forests.

Almost all forests are occupied by spruce, fir, pine, larch and juniper.

Representatives hardwood are birch, aspen, rowan and alder.

In the forests of the Kirov region you can see a lot of mushrooms - former, boletus, aspen, saffron milk caps, russula and many others. Local forests are also rich in raspberries. The undergrowth is: rosehip, locus, buckthorn and lilac.

Along the rivers you can find various herbs and cereals. For example, field fescue, foxtail, and white bentgrass are far from uncommon in the Kirov region. Also found near water bodies are: awnless brome, creeping wheatgrass, bluegrass and meadow timothy.

Moistened soil is suitable for the growth of northern bedstraw, small sorrel, and caustic buttercup. Legume species also love moisture - pink and white clover, meadow china and mouse peas. In the lowlands of these territories, sedge, horsetail, meadowsweet and soddy pike grow.

Dry soils are also rich in vegetation. Here you can see fragrant spikelet, mellik, and whitebeard. The grass cover consists of: lady's mantle, columbine, horned knapweed and rockweed. Kirov fields are a paradise for weed species. Quinoa, shepherd's purse, wild oats, creeping wheatgrass, as well as yellow thistle and rapeseed grow here.

Rare and protected plant species in these places are: tree-like junipers, Siberian scribe, helmeted orchis, red pollenhead. Also under special supervision are the oak anemone, mosses, European swimmer, water lily and egg capsule. The Red Data Book of the Kirov Region also includes speedwell, common frogwort and horsetail.

Fauna of the Kirov region

The fauna of the Kirov region is quite wide and diverse. Just as in the plant world, species representing the taiga predominate in the animal world.

In the forests you can find reindeer, moose, brown bears, wolves, foxes, lynxes and wolverines.

Of the smaller animals, hares, squirrels, stoats and hedgehogs, beavers, and water rats are often found. Also in the territories of the Kirov region you can find raccoon dogs, wild boars, minks, muskrats, ferrets and badgers.

On the treetops there is a world of birds. Representatives of the birds of the Kirov region are wood grouse, hazel grouse, and black grouse. Woodpeckers and cuckoos can be heard everywhere. From rare species Eagle owls, gray cranes and gray herons are found in the region. You can also see geese, ducks, corncrakes, sandpipers and passerines here.

Pike, pike perch, roach and sterlet are found in rivers and lakes.

The Kirov region is also a habitat for rare animals. Here live: eagle owls, little terns, nelma, Russian bystryanki, weasels, Russian muskrats, as well as forest dormouse and Siberian salamanders and others. The Red Data Book of the Kirov Region includes swans, herpes, cranes, partridges, gulls, owls, woodpeckers, cuckoos and bitterns.

Climate in the Kirov region

Spring in the Kirov region begins in April. By mid-April, not a trace remains of the snow cover. The average spring temperature is about +15 degrees, but there are times when frosts can strike in May.

Summer in the Kirov region begins in early June and ends in August. The average July temperature is +20 degrees. But there are also periods of heat and drought, when the air warms up to +35 degrees.

At the beginning of September, autumn weather arrives in the region. If in September there is enough warm weather, then the first frosts occur already in October.

Winter in the Kirov region lasts about 4 months. January is considered the coldest month of winter in the Kirov region, the air temperature is about -14 degrees, but can drop to -35 degrees. February is characterized by heavy snowfall. And only in March the temperature begins to gradually rise.

Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Nature native land "(8th grade) Goal: Systematize and generalize knowledge on the studied topic. Objectives: to consolidate methods of activity on the topic: “Nature of the native land” based on the use of the project method in the process of collective creative activity; to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students; contribute to the spiritual and moral development of the individual; to cultivate a feeling of love for the “small homeland” Fundamental question: The nature of the Vyatka land is unique and inimitable... “What we have, we do not keep, Having lost it, we cry” Topics of student projects: The originality of the nature of the native land. Kirov region on the map of Russia. Relief, geological structure of the territory, variety of minerals. General climate features, climatic resources of the region. We are creating a guide to wonderful places in the Kirov region “Traveling along the rivers.” Problems of nature conservation in the territory of the native land: the Nurgush nature reserve. Unique nature of the native land. Social and environmental problems of the Kirov region and ways to solve them. Group 1 “Physical Geographers” “The originality of the nature of the native land” defense of the project, student presentation on this topic (Presentation 1); completing the task proposed by the group of “Physical Geographers”. Task 1: Test control on the topic “Nature of the Vyatka Territory” 1. The area of ​​the Kirov region is: a) 144.6 thousand sq. km; b) 150.2 thousand sq. km; c) 120.8 thousand sq. km; d) 1.2 million sq. km; e) 130.7 thousand sq. km; 2. In the east, our region borders on the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation: a) Perm Territory; b) Republic of Tatarstan; c) Kostroma region; d) Republic of Udmurtia; e) Republic of Mari El. 3. The most elevated forms of relief in the northeast of the Vyatka region reach absolute. heights: a) 309 m; b) 337 m; c) 284 m; d) 251 m; e) 370m. 4. The main peat reserves in our region are located: a) In the center; b) In the south; c) In the northeast; d) In the northwest; e) In the southeast. 5. Arrange the main types of soils in the Vyatka region in order of decreasing area: a) Gray forest; b) Soddy-podzolic; c) Podzolic; d) Floodplains and swamps. 6. The holy places of the Vyatka land are located along the river: a) r. Cap; b) p. Vyatka; c) p. Kama; d) p. Moloma; e) p. Great; 7. The species composition of the organic world is dominated by representatives of: a) Inhabitants of swamps; b) Inhabitants of water bodies; c) Forest inhabitants; d) Inhabitants of the fields. Task 2: Indicate on the map the most significant natural objects of our region Group 2 “Geomorphologists” Geological structure, relief, subsoil of the Vyatka Territory defense of a collective project - student presentation on this topic (Presentation 2); performing practical tasks proposed by a group of students “Geomorphologists”. Task 1: Fill in the blanks by choosing one word from the pair in brackets (1). The main features of the relief of the Kirov region (related - not related)………with geological structure and history. Large mountain-building movements on the territory of the Russian Platform ended (in the Precambrian - in the Mesozoic) ....... The largest modern tectonic structures of the Kirov region were laid (at the end of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic - in the Cenozoic) ......... and the relief began to form mainly under the influence (internal – external)…….factors. At present, the processes of relief formation are (ended - ongoing) on ​​the territory of the region. Task 2 Construct a profile of the main forms of relief of the territory of the region Task 3: Fill out the table In the right column of the table, write down the landforms listed above, corresponding to their relief-forming factors: karst sinkholes, gullies, large hills, landslides, moraine hills and ridges, dunes, river valleys, suffusion depressions, ravines, aeolian plains, glacial valleys and depressions, caves, sandy mounds and ridges, aquaglacial plains. Group 3 “Climatologists” Climate, climatic resources of the territory of the Vyatka Territory Features of the climate of the territory of the Vyatka Territory defense of the project student presentation on this topic (Presentation 3); completing a task proposed by a group of “Climatologists”. Task 1: Construct a “wind rose” for the city of Kirov (April 2008) based on the table data: N 7 NE 6 E 9 SE 13 S 11 SW 22 W 18 NW 14 N NW 25 20 What is the influence of prevailing winds on the health of the population? NE 15 10 5 W E SW S SE 2nd task: Name the most high temperature soil and air in July. Explain why this particular t is typical? Task 3: Define the moisture coefficient; fill out the table: task: Define the moisture coefficient. Make the necessary calculations and fill out the table: Group 4 “Hydrologists” Diversity inland waters your area. Water resources. defense of the project, student presentation on this topic (Presentation 4); performing practical tasks on the topic “Inland waters”, proposed by the group of “Hydrologists”. Task 1: Define a river. Examine the drawing and label: source, mouth, river system, river basin, watershed, tributaries Task 2: Where are the largest accumulations of groundwater in the region? What makes them special? In the figure, indicate with numbers various types groundwater by nature of occurrence: 1. soil;; 3. ground; 4. interlayer; 5 interlayer artesian. Group 5 “Biogeographers and Ecologists” “The organic world of our area. Uniques of Vyatka nature. Nature conservation» Nature conservation. Unique nature of the native land. Nature Reserve "Nurgush" (Presentation5); Lake Shaitan (Presentation 6). Answer questions. Questions on the topic “Organic world of the native land. Uniques of the native land" What are the features of the species diversity of the organic world of the region? Indicate the main physical and geographical areas within the region. List the typical representatives of the flora and fauna of the Nurgush reserve. Rare and endangered species of animals and plants of Vyatka nature, listed in the Red Book? What is the mystery of the most unusual lake in our region? Young researchers of their native land Group Test control K/K Relief p/i Climate Int. water Organic world Total “Physicogeography” 17 17 47 50 32 16 179 “Geomorphologists” 20 20 52 55 38 20 205 “Climatologists” 17 19 50 60 40 18 204 “Hydrologs” 19 19 48 49 36 20 191 "Biogeografy" 20 17 48 55 38 20 198 Lesson summary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Agalakova Natalya Alchikova Evgenia Berezina Asya Bugai Alexander Vologzhanina Evgenia Golovenkin Georgy Zonov Nikolay Ignatiev Ivan Kolegova Veronica Koryakin Vyacheslav Kryazhevskikh Marina Kryazhevskikh Anastasia Kudryavtseva Nadezhda Maryina Ksenia Ogorodnikova Olga Pavlova Alevtina Petukhova Anna Polov nikova Alena Postnikov Danil Russkikh Maria Samylova Diana Tarasova Lyubov Khokhlova Daria 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 Rating score: 50 – 55 points – excellent “5” 40 – 49 points – good “4” 30 – 39 points - Satisfied. “3” Level of training – 100% Quality of knowledge – 87.3% Average score – 4.45 Reflection Participation in the preparatory stage of the lesson. Determining the objectives of the training session. Test control on the topic “Nature of the Vyatka region” Work in groups. Fulfillment of advanced creative tasks. Formulation of questions and tasks for different sections of the topic. Monologue answers in class. Additions to classmates' answers. Performing a task on a contour map. Working with didactic materials. Presentation of local history projects using media materials and ICT. Evaluate your work and your classmates. Participation in the formulation of the conclusion. Summing up the training session. Game “Decipher the code” code: Take care and explore the Vyatka region Information support: 1. Atlas of the Kirov region / Maps, text / Federal Geodesy Cartography Service of Russia. - M., 1997. 2. Workbook “Nature of the Kirov Region”, author. S. A. Meteleva, Kirov, 2005. 3. Nature, economy, ecology of the Kirov region / collection. stat./ed. V.I. Kolchanov, A.M. Prokashev. – Kirov, 1996. 4. Internet resources The work was carried out by: geography teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 40, Kirov; Municipal Educational Institution of the Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium in Kirov Morozova Olga Alekseevna identifier 101-526-218 2010-2011 academic year. year.

When planning a future vacation, many dream of Thailand, Egypt or Turkey, completely forgetting about the beauties and attractions of their Kirov region - this is a harmonious combination of dense taiga forests and developed arable land. There are really a lot of places within the Vyatka region where you can have a good and complete rest with the whole family.

Kirov region

The region is located on the northeastern outskirts. The terrain here is slightly hilly, with absolute heights from 50 to 300 meters on average.

The climate of the region is temperate continental, although this territory is characterized by significant amplitudes of air temperatures. In July they can reach +35...+40 degrees, but in winter they can drop to -50. The fact is that during the cold season, frosty air often freely penetrates the region.

Worth noting great variety nature of the Kirov region. Thus, there are almost 20 thousand rivers in the region (the main rivers of the region are the Vyatka, which flows into the Kama, as well as Pizhma, Luza, Moloma and Kobra). In addition, within the Kirov region there are over 4 thousand lakes of various sizes. The largest of them is Lake Akshuben, with an area of ​​85 hectares, and the deepest is Lezhninskoye (36 meters).

The nature of the Kirov region is, first of all, forests, covering about 50% of the territory. Most often these are pine and spruce forests; there are also birch and aspen forests, with an admixture of oak, linden and alder. Taiga animal species are characteristic of the region. Moose, squirrels, martens, and stoats are common here; in remote, deserted places you can find brown bear or reindeer.

Ecological situation and natural monuments of the Kirov region

The list of environmental sites in the region includes 197 territories with a total area of ​​over 370 thousand hectares. Of these, 189 are various - hydrological, botanical, geological and complex.

Most of the region's territory is considered environmentally friendly. observed near large settlements and industrial facilities (the city of Kirov and Slobodskaya). 65 enterprises are classified as dangerous, of which the greatest harm environment applied by the Kirovo-Chepetsk chemical plant.

However, within the region there is a huge number of facilities that are completely suitable for a good rest. Let's take a closer look at the most famous monuments nature of the Kirov region.

Lake Lezhninskoye, full of mysteries

Stunning views, excellent conditions for diving and fishing - this is what Lake Lezhninskoe can rightfully be proud of. But not only that! This natural monument is also famous for its mysteries and unique features. The water surface of the region itself is almost ten meters above the level of all rivers and watercourses located in this area. Also, scientists do not know exactly how the reservoir was formed. According to one version, Lake Lezhninskoye was formed as a result of the fall of a large meteorite, and according to another, as a result of the collapse of the roof of a huge underground cavity. The perfectly oval shape of the reservoir suggests these thoughts to geomorphologists.

The lake has very clear water that can be drunk even without boiling. Today this place is very popular among divers, as well as ordinary picnic lovers. family vacation outdoors.

Natural monument "Velikoretskoye"

The nature of the Kirov region amazes with its splendor and diversity. And the territory of Velikoretsky is a clear confirmation of this. It occupies a fairly large area - 156 hectares. The natural monument was created with the aim of preserving a unique area of ​​the landscape - a spruce-fir forest, as well as a pine forest on a slope near the holy spring. Plants such as tree juniper and fingerroot are also protected here. Of particular interest to tourists are the multi-stemmed linden trees growing on the territory of the Velikoretsk natural monument.

In conclusion...

The nature of the Kirov region is wonderful and pristine, with soft contours of landscapes and green forests. This region has a number of unique and beautiful natural monuments that everyone should visit.

Posted Thu, 04/21/2016 - 10:07 by Cap

The natural monuments of the Kirov region are very diverse - there are taiga rivers, clear lakes, the Vyatka Mountains, mysterious caves and rocky outcrops, endless taiga, botanical tracts and rare forest plantations!

At the beginning of the article about the most beautiful and remarkable natural monuments, and then in the form of a table - a complete list of natural monuments.

The Vyatka region is beautiful at any time of the year, and its main asset is Nature!

A place for fishing and recreation for the local population and visitors.

In the dense Tuzhin forests, like a huge sperm whale in the green depths of the ocean, a lake is located in the floodplain of the Pizhma River. Looking at the satellite map, its shape reminded me of this mammal, one of the largest whales.
And, probably, not by chance, since Akshuben is the largest of all the lakes in the Kirov region. According to known data, its area is 85 hectares, although in some sources the figure is 72 hectares, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

There are no legends about the lake, the image of this place among tourists and local residents quite prosperous or neutral.
True, local historian Evgeniy Gorev recently told me sad story, which occurred on the lake in 1907.
A young priest from the village of Karavannoye, Pizhemsky volost, drowned in it. He went boating with his wife Elizaveta, the daughter of the Tuzhin merchant Mark Shushkanov. At some point she fell into the water. Father Vasily, of course, rushed to save her, but could not - both drowned.
This is a well-trodden place, known both to fishermen and to those who are only interested in swimming, gatherings and walking. It's always crowded here, but due to the fact that coastline long, everyone can accommodate.
By the way, the emphasis in the name of the lake is on the first syllable.

Where is it and how to get there:
Located in the Tuzhinsky district, after the bridge over Pizhma, not far from the highway to Yaransk.

Lake Akshuben (with emphasis on the first syllable) in the Kirov region is known to almost all avid fishermen. And not without reason. Akshuben, occupying an area of ​​85 hectares, is the most big lake throughout the region. It is famous for its sandy bottom and pure water. It is located among the Tuzhinsky forests in the floodplain of the Pizhma River, next to the regional highway to Yaransk. You can get here by passing regular buses from Votkinsk, Izhevsk or Kirov
Experienced fishermen note good catches and the amazing picturesqueness of this area. The long shoreline of the lake allows everyone to comfortably sit for fishing and feel secluded. There is no limit on the number of fish caught on the lake; the limitation is only within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The main types of fish inhabiting Akshuben are roach, ide, perch, crucian carp, tench, bream and of course pike. Unlike most lakes in the Kirov region, Akushuben, which has a sandy bottom, is practically not overgrown, and its decent depth makes winter fishing possible.

In one of the most beautiful places In the Kirov region, in the river basin, the State Nature Reserve "" is located.

Curiously meandering, it flows through riffles across the territory of several districts. Not far from the city of Sovetsk it flows into and along with it into Vyatka.

Not far from the village of Fokino is the Beresnyatsky botanical-geological complex.

Like an epic rock, the limestone Burzhatsky cliff, 30 meters high, rises above it, and half a kilometer from it the 7-meter high rings merrily

Down below the Burzhatsky Cliff on the river there is a small rapid - Burzhatsky Rifle, where local fishermen try their luck with fishing rods and spinning rods.

There is a real miracle of nature in the Kirov region!
These are huge relict balls that have remained on the territory of the Vyatka region since the time of ancient glaciation.
This place has recently become a natural monument and a real tourist brand of the Kirov region!
Location: Kirov region, Kotelnichsky district,
Between the village of Karpushino and the village of Zhukovlyane.
A collection of giant relic stones in the Kotelnichsky district of the Kirov region, known as the “Zhukovlyansky boulders,” will receive the status of a natural monument, the regional government’s press service reported on Friday.

“The Zhukovlyane boulders object, which is a cluster of about 1,300 large spherical stones with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 m, is located on an area of ​​​​about 10 hectares between the village of Karpushino and the village of Zhukovlyane,” the message says.

This object is now included in the development scheme of specially protected natural areas of regional importance under the name “Relic Balls”.

As Vladimir Novoselov, deputy director of the Kirov Regional Environmental Center, told the Interfax-Volga region agency, experts believe that the origin of the Zhukovlyansky boulders is connected with the Ice Age.

The boulders were discovered in the last century during the development of the Zhukovlyansky sand quarry. Currently, a fairly large number of boulders have been lost.

Once upon a time, on the site of these large spherical nodules of calcareous sandstone, striking in their scale, there were agricultural fields where bread was grown and harvested. However, from 1980 to 1982, work was carried out here to dig a sand quarry for the construction of a railway track from Ronzhino station to Svecha station. But the railway line was not destined to appear: work had to be stopped due to ancient stones of different sizes discovered in the soil.


In, like in many other regions of the country, there is anomalous zones characterized by paranormal phenomena. One of the most famous mystical places in the Kirov region

It is home to one of the world's largest sites of ancient reptile remains. Electronic equipment often malfunctions on the mountain, people see flying objects, and there have been several cases of suicidal tendencies.
This zone is located on the Vyatka River, near the city of Kotelnich.

2. Anomalous places are not easy to find, but Kirov ufologists managed to discover a new, previously unknown paranormal zone, which will be studied in the near future.
Yuri Kalinogorsky, head of the Kirov regional office all-Russian scientific research public association“KOSMOPOSK”: “More recently, we discovered another anomalous place on, but for now I will not say a specific location, I will only say that it is located in the Yuryansky district. Strange flying balls and clouds have been seen here many times, sound mirages often appear, some of the anomalies are recorded only for the camera."
According to Yuri, there is still a lot in the region interesting places where paranormal phenomena occur. Even though they are known, research on them is carried out from time to time.
The Kirovo-Chepetsk ufologist, due to his hobby, has repeatedly found himself in unpleasant situations related to paranormal phenomena.

The Moloma flows through the northwestern regions of the region and flows into Vyatka near the town of Kotelnich.

Its length is 450 km, the basin area is 12960 square meters. km. The river valley is wide and asymmetrical. The width of the channel varies from 60 to 200 m. In spring, the level of the Moloma rises by 3 m above the low-water period, and in summer it becomes very shallow. The largest tributaries of the Moloma are the Maromitsa, Kuzyuk, Vondanka and Shubrück. Rafting on the Kuzyug, Moloma and Vyatka rivers Length - 370 km. Number of walking days - 15. Seasonality - June - August. Difficulty category - I (diagram 78).

The route passes through the Kirov region. Kuzyug, the left tributary of the Moloma, is a quiet winding forest river. In the upper reaches it is so narrow that the tops of the trees on both banks form a green tunnel. The banks are low, covered dense forest, rich in berries and mushrooms. Below the banks rise and become hilly. There are no villages on the river, but their presence is reminiscent of the canyons blocking the riverbed. Pitfalls and rubble from trees that have fallen into the river are the most labor-intensive obstacles on the way. In addition to these, two mill dams will be carried out.

It is recommended to settle a local history museum, a fortified settlement of the early 14th century, an obelisk to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War and the house in which in 1888 (one of the first Marxist revolutionaries in Russia N. E. Fedoseev lived. When preparing for the campaign, you should inquire at the address: Kirov region, Kotelnichsky district, Yuryevo village council - about the availability and completion dates of the rafting and places installations of heat exchangers. Best time For traveling around this region - August: midges almost disappear, there are a lot of berries and mushrooms.

Belaya Kholunitsa is a river in Russia, flows in the Kirov region, the left tributary of the Vyatka River (Volga basin). Length - 160 km, basin area - 2800 km². The Belaya Kholunitsa originates in the western part of the Verkhnekamsk Upland and flows through flat terrain. The main tributary is the Soma. The name comes from the river that divides the city into two parts: the factory and the riverside. There are several versions about the origin of the name “Kholunitsa”. According to oral legends, it comes from the word “kholui” (servant, lackey). The fugitives settled along the banks of the river. According to another version, the river was named so for the large number of lackey bends.

Kilmez is the left tributary of the Vyatka, the second largest basin and length. The source is in the center of Udmurtia, in the forests of the Igrinsky district, east of the Molyagurt forest point. Flows to the border with the Kirov region. to the southwest, and then to 3. It begins in a vast watershed swamp, fed by water from nameless streams. The length of the river is 270 km. Main tributaries: Arlet, Vala (l); Pester, Ut, Kyrchma, Lumpun, Loban, Kultma (p).

In the upper reaches there are low, heavily swampy banks. At the bottom there is coarse sand with gravel and pebbles. Below the mouth of the river. There are frequent riffles here. The width of the river in the middle reaches ranges from 10 to 60 m, and at the border of Udmurtia and the Kirov region. in some places it reaches 75 m. Depths in the Selty-Syumsi section during low-water periods range from 0.5 to 3 m. The valley is flat, relatively wide (in places up to 3 km). The riverbed and floodplain are sandy, the floodplain is very swampy, covered with bushes and, in places, forest. There are many villages on the river. The regional centers of Udmurtia Selta and Syumsi are located near the river. The Kilmezi basin in Udmurtia is distinguished by its forested and swampy nature; there is a lot of sunken wood in the riverbed. It is more convenient to start rafting on the river from the village. Malagurt. Here you can get on the water even in low water. To the mouth of the river The Arlet River is different fast current and an abundance of rubble.

The water is very clean - grayling and other fish are found in it. Below Arleti the current is fast, the banks are sandy, low, overgrown with bushes, in places coniferous and mixed forests. There are few natural and artificial obstacles. These are mostly small rifts and rubble. There are shallows and several small rocky fords during low water. But mostly the river bottom is sandy, with gravel and pebbles here and there. The width of the channel is from 10 to 60 m. You can interrupt the route in the village. Kilmez (post office, shops).

Nemda, the right tributary of the Pizhma, flows from the Mari-Vyatsky Uval through the territory of Mari El and the Kirov region. The source is located near the village of Kuzhener! Length 162 km, basin area 3780 km2. It flows within the Vyatsky Uval. The food is predominantly snowy.

The average water flow 22 km from the mouth is about 6 m3/sec. It freezes in mid-November and opens in mid-April. Splavnaya. The river valley is narrow. Nemda is of greatest sporting interest from mid to late April, during high water, when there is a strong current, stormy riffles, pressures, and on the remains of hydraulic structures - powerful drains with shafts.

By the beginning of May, the water recedes, the river becomes shallow and sometimes becomes impassable. It is not recommended for tourists who have experience of swimming in flood conditions. Length of route sections: Fomichi village - Novy Toryal - 25 km, Novy Toryal - Lazha mouth - 48 km, Lazha mouth - Sovetsk - 75 km. Nemda river. The route starts from the bridge over Nemda near the village of Fomichi (spring), on the 73rd km of the Yoshkar-Ola - Sernur highway. There are several buses a day from Yoshkar-Ola to Sernur. From Kazan you should also go through Y-Ola!


Tansy and Vyatka: from Art. Pizhma to Lebyazhye pier, 363 km (Pizhma river, 287 km: platform 712 km - Shuika village, 33 km - Sherstki station, 30 km - Yuma river, 25 km - canal, 27 km - Bokovaya river, 17 km - Tuzhinsky bridge, 19 km - river Gran, 23 km - village of Borok, 33 km - town of Sovetsk, 31 km - village of Malygino (mouth), 9 km of river Vyatka, 76 km: Pizhma river - Stary, 39 km - Lebyazhye, 37 km). Pizhma-Vyatskaya is the right tributary of the Vyatka. It originates in Nizhny Novgorod. region Its middle and lower reaches are in the southwest of the Kirov region.

It flows into the Vyatka near the city of Sovetsk, the regional center of the Kirov region. The length of the river is 305 km. Flows to the E, SE and E. The river receives numerous tributaries: Syuzyum, Yuma, Ir, Bokovaya, Shuan (l); Unzha (Nuksha), Oshma, Tuzha, Yaran, Izh, Nemda (p). Before the Tuzhimsky Bridge, Pizhma is a flat, narrow river. It winds a lot and there are forest debris. The banks are low. The lower reaches of the river are densely populated. It is better to start the route at the square. 712 km. From Art. Tansy to pl. 712 km by railway 6 km. To the station There are no settlements, the river meanders a lot, there are a lot of rubble. The banks are steep, wooded, the current speed in some places reaches 5 - 6 km/h, the width of the river at the beginning of the route is 5 - 10 m. From the beginning of the route to a pine forest on the left high bank with a good parking lot is about 5 hours. progress. The abandoned village of Shuiki is 30 km away, there is a bridge behind the village.

Vetluga is a large left tributary of the Volga. It originates in the Northern Uvaly in the Kirov region, formed after the confluence of the Bolshaya Bystraya, Darovka and Bolshoi Matug rivers near the village of Kruglyzhi, Svechinsky district. The banks of Vetluga and B. Bystraya, like many rivers, are not the same.

The right bank is steep and high, the left bank is floodplain and low. The right bank has tall pines, spruces, and here and there fir and larches. Left - low thickets of willows, flooded...

About the Vetluga River In the Kirov region there is only the upper reaches of the Vetluga River. The main part of the river is located in Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The Vetluga flows into the Mari Republic. It is formed from the confluence of two rivers (Bolshaya Bystraya and Bolshaya Matyug). The first originates in the Shabalinsky district, the second source is located in Kotelnichsky.

They merge together at the village. Kruglyzhi, Svechinsky district. Maps sometimes show one main source - the Bolshaya Bystraya River, taking the river. Bolshoi Matyug for the right tributary of the Vetluga. The length of the river within the region is about 170 km. The river regime can be judged from the data from the water gauge near the village. Quickly. The flood occurs on April 13 (March 30 is the early date. April 25 is the late date).

It ends on May 25. Duration - 43 days. Ice covers on November 12th. Released April 22 (average date). The river is under ice for an average of 158 days, with fluctuations from 122 to 191 days. Average annual consumption 19.1 m3/s.

Loban is a river in the Kirov region, the right tributary of the Kilmez River (Vyatka-Kama-Volga basin). The river is formed by the confluence of the Belaya Loban and Black Loban rivers. The length of the river is 169 km (from the source of Belaya Loban - 207 km). The mouth of the river is located 71 km along the right bank of the Kilmez River.

According to the State Water Register of Russia, it belongs to the Kama Basin District, the water management section of the river is Vyatka from the water-measuring station of the urban settlement of Arkul to the city of Vyatskie Polyany, the river sub-basin of the river is Vyatka.

It flows mainly in the forest zone. The river is very winding. Sandy beaches, virgin taiga, silence, solitude, an abundance of berries and mushrooms - all this awaits the participants of the hike. The beginning of the rafting, the bridge near the village. Easter is located 230 km from the city of Izhevsk, where the group is transported by bus in 4 hours. During rafting, tourists overcome several sections of the river, different in nature. At first, the Loban is a winding river flowing through a wide, swampy valley. Nevertheless, there are very beautiful sand canyons. Many wonderful sandy beaches. The current slows down, and Loban flows into the Kilmez River. Kilmez is much wider than Loban. The places with pine forests are very beautiful. Clean air, pure nature, abundance of berries. The rafting ends near the village. Selino, from where the group returns by bus to the city of Izhevsk.

Velikaya is a river in the Kirov region of Russia, a right tributary of the Vyatka River (Volga basin). At the source, a small section of the channel is located on the territory of the Priluzsky district of the Komi Republic. In the Kirov region, the Velikaya flows through the Murashinsky, Yuryansky districts and along the border of the Oryol district. The length of the river is about 163 km.

The area of ​​its basin is 4010 km². The food comes mainly from snow and rain. The Velikaya basin includes a developed network of tributaries, the largest of which are: Vlasikha, Gryadovitsa, Mutnitsa, Sizma, Ozornitsa (Ozernitsa), Gorelnitsa, Shura, Yurya, Ozernitsa, Volosnitsa, Ploska, Brekunets, Volkovitsa, Perekhodnitsa, Elkhovka. Great typical lowland river. Route M139. Velikaya and Vyatka: from Art. Plowman to Khalturin, 167 km (Velikaya river, 129 km: Pahar station - Velikaya station, 17 km - Zarechye village, 25 km - mouth of the Yurya river, 18 km - Velikoretskoye village, 35 km - mouth Velikaya river, 34 km; Vyatka river, 88 km: Velikaya river - mouth of the Bystritsa river, 15 km - Khalturin city, 23 km).

Yug is a river in the Vologda and Kirov regions of Russia, the right component of the Northern Dvina (the left is the Sukhona). Length - 574 km, basin area - 35,600 km². The source of the river is on the Northern Uvaly hill in the Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky district of the Vologda region, in the upper reaches it flows to the south, strongly winding. Before the city, Nikolsk makes a big loop and turns north.

In the area of ​​Kichmengsky Gorodok it receives Pichug, Shongu, Kichmenga and Pyzhug, after which it expands to more than 100 meters and becomes accessible to ships in high water. In the middle reaches, the South enters the territory of the Kirov region, where it flows through the large villages of Podosinovets and Demyanovo. In the lower reaches it expands to 300-400 meters, forms a large number of oxbow lakes, bays and islands.

During low water, the river in this area becomes very shallow. 30 kilometers before the mouth, the largest tributary, the Luza, flows into the South on the right. 15 kilometers before the mouth, Yug is connected by a channel with the Shardenga flowing parallel to it, which flows into Yug two kilometers above the mouth of Yug itself. The south merges with the Sukhona to form the Northern Dvina. Opposite the mouth is the city of Veliky Ustyug. Length - 361 km. Number of walking days - 15. Seasonality - June - August. Difficulty category - I (diagram 54). The route passes through the east of the Vologda region. The south (length 574 km) originates from the Northern Uvaly hill and merges with the Sukhona, forming the Malaya Northern Dvina. From the source to the mouth of the left tributary, the Kichmengi flows in high wooded banks. The river is very winding, there is no floodplain, there are many rapids in the riverbed, especially in the upper reaches.

Luza is a river in the Kirov region, the Komi Republic and the Vologda region, the right tributary of the Yug River (Northern Dvina basin). The length of the river is 574 km, the basin area is 18,300 km². The source of the Luza is in the Oparinsky district of the Kirov region near the border with the Komi Republic, not far from the village of Vazyuk. First it flows north, then maintains a general direction to the west.

The riverbed is very winding, the current is fast, and during low water periods rifts are exposed. On the river there are dams of two small hydroelectric power stations. The diet is mixed, with a predominance of snow. The average flow rate 99 km from the mouth is 117 m³/sec. It freezes in late October - November, opens in the 2nd half of April - early May. The largest tributaries: Ula, Korzha, Shelyug (left); Vazyug, Tylay, Soksya, Sedka, Lopyu, Tulom, Deb, Porub, Lekhta, Lala (right) Settlements In the middle reaches are the villages of Noshul, Obyachevo, Spasporub; in the lower part there is the city of Luza and the village of Lalsk. Previously had great commercial importance as part of the route from Central Russia to Arkhangelsk.

Luza originates from the confluence of two small rivers - Osinovka and Kubazha in the area of ​​​​the village of Oparino and goes east, crossing the administrative border of the region with the Komi Republic. The river returns to the region at 212 kilometers from the mouth and leaves again at 382, ​​being a large right tributary of the river. South. The length of the river from source to mouth is 574 km, within the Kirov region - 170 km.

The length of the river is 196 km. Average slope 1.2 m/km. The width of the river in the upper reaches (up to the village of Zamostnye Kaksi) is 1.2 - 2.8 m. The banks are flat, the height is no more than 1.8 m. In the middle part, from the village. Zamostnye Kaksi to the village. Vavozh, river width 6 - 12 m, depth 0.3 - 1.8 m. The river is quite winding, especially in the middle reaches. In the lower part of the river, from the village. Vavozh to the mouth, the width of the river is 12 - 18 m, the depth is 1.2 - 2.3 m, the flow becomes smooth and calm. In spring, during high water, the river overflows its banks everywhere, flooding floodplain meadows.

The banks are overgrown with willow, bird cherry and black currant bushes. Terrace northern shore covered with mixed and coniferous forests. Wetlands are found only in the area with. Gulyaevo - village Surek. There are quite a few villages along the banks where you can stock up on food. Large settlements in the river area are the regional centers of Nylga and Vavozh. The village of Nylga stands on the banks of the river of the same name, a tributary of the Vala, 18 km from the mouth, and the village. Vavozh 2 km from the river. Vala. To the river from the station. Chumaitlo we go through the forest and water meadow (in the opposite direction from the village) to the mouth of the tributary of the Vala river. Pychas, where you can collect kayaks. Here the width of the Shaft at low water is 10 m, the depth is 1.5-2 m, the banks are high. At the beginning of the route, the narrow river winds strongly. Main obstacles: rubble, old bridges (both often require demolition). There are also trees that have simply fallen into the water. The channel of the Vala widens noticeably after the confluence of the Syuga (l).

Information about specially protected natural areas regional significance

Name of protected area

Area, ha

Profile (species specialization)

Legal document on the organization of a protected area (type of document, name of the authority that accepted the document, date, number, title of the document)

Lake Black near Kominternovsky village

natural monument


Lake Kholunovo

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Floodplain oak forests near the city of Kirov

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Pond lakes (Upper and Lower)

natural monument


Resolution of the administration of the Kirov region dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance

Black Lake near the village of Malaya Subbotikha

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Arboretum of Academician Rudnitsky

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Spring of Trifonov Monastery "Monastic"

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Larch alley in the village of Verkhnyaya Talitsa

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Four cedars behind the Scarlet Sails cinema

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Shirokovskaya oxbow

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Breeding colony of black terns near the village of Kominternovskoye

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Oak "Old Timer"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Source on Herzen Street

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Ravine "Zora"

natural monument


Zarechny Park

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Spring in the Zasora ravine

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Spring near the diorama in Kirov Park

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Fileysky spring with a waterfall

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Cedar in the Fileyka settlement

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Lake Keleynoe

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Fileyskoe geological outcrop

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Philaean population of Cortus Mattioli

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Yezhovsky lake and spring complex

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Lake Krivel

natural monument


Resolution of the Kirov Region Administration dated June 16, 1997 No. 178 “On declaring natural objects and complexes of the city of Kirov and the suburban area (Slobodskoy district) as state natural monuments of regional significance”

Arboretum of foresters of the Kirov region

natural monument


Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated December 28, 2009 No. 35/530 “On declaring the dendrological park of foresters of the Kirov Region a natural monument of regional significance”

Lake "Bottomless"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Shirey"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

"Larch plantings of 1905"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Ravine "Bokalda"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Valkovsky outlier “Pupysh”

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

"Ukhtymskoe volkonskoite deposit"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake Krugloye

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Lake "Wild"

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Outcrop of Upper Jurassic rocks near the village of Loino (with remains of marine mollusks, ammonites, belemnites, aucella)

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Big Kirsinsky Pond

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Volosnitsky pond

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Padun"

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Middle Kirsinsky Pond

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake Kazanskoe

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Buretsky reserve

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Thickets of hazel (hazel) near the village of Srednyaya Toima

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Thickets of hazel (hazel) near the village of Kinyaus

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Tract "Old Mill"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

"Outcrop of Permian and Triassic rocks near the village of Okatyevo"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Eight fruiting cedars and old plantings of larches

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Neighborhood of the village of Ryabovo

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Siberian cedar near the village of Russkaya Tolsheva

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Siberian cedar

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

"Lake Paibula-tovskoe"

natural monument


Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated March 29, 2007 No. 90/146 “On Declaring Lake Paibulatovskoye as a natural monument of regional significance”

Bor on the Loban River

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Red Mountain near the village of Paska

natural monument

complex (botanical-geological)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Geological exposure of Neogene rocks (ore formation)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Geological outcrop near the village of Kil-mez (Red Mountain)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Hazel thickets near the village of Bolshoi Porek

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Kilmez floodplain oak grove

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Mashkovtsevo cedars

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Osinovoye"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Artemovskoye"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Orlovskoye"

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Coastal landslide near the village of Klimici

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Kotelnich locality of pareiasaurs

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Kotelnichskaya floodplain oak grove

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

18 cedars on the site of the former village of Mos-tovka

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Oak grove in the Rupas tract

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedars on the site of the former village of Senoko-sovshchina

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedars on the site of Borok villages, laid

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Floodplain of the Bystritsa River

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Stream with karst grotto in a calcareous tuff outcrop

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Source "Salt-mud"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

"Singing Sands" near the village of Atary

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Podbornoe"

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Lake "Ustalets"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Forest Park "Ustalets" (Peace Park)

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Rusinovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Sosnovy Bor "Height"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Novolodsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Romanovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Sosnovy Bor "Zaborie"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Anikinsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Danilovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Somovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Krasavinsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Vasilyevsky Sosnovy Bor

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Potapovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Khristoforovsky swamps

natural monument


Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated September 20, 2010 No. 69/479 “On the announcement natural complex"Christophorov Marshes" a natural monument of regional significance"

Corsachiy Mound or Great Mound

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Sedum grove near the village of Gonba

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Coniferous-broad-leaved forest near the village of Savali

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Posadsky forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Geological outcrop of Triassic rocks near the village of Okunevo

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Sinegorsk oil shale outcrop

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Geological outcrop of Lower Triassic rocks near the village of Teryuhan

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Geological outcrop of Triassic rocks near the village of Soz

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Salt springs on the Solonaya river

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Rybnoye"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

"Cultures of Scots pine 1918."

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Medvedsky Bor

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Belaevsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

"Oreshnik near the village of Mashina"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

"Hazel Ramen"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake Chvanikha in Medvedsky Bor (in the territory of the natural monument Medvedsky Bor)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Spring near the village of Borovlyana

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Stone log

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake Savinovskoye "Sedyachee"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake Lopatinskoye

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Khalturinsky larch

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Akhmanovskoye" (Ozerskoye)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake Lezhninskoye

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Malogorsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Ustyansky Bor

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Okulovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Oktyabrsky Bor

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Gribinsky Bor

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Purtovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Khomyakovsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Budrinsky pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Ustinovsky (Ler-montovsky) pine forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Round"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Budrinskoye" (within the boundaries of the natural monument Budrinsky Bor)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Kayskoe swamp (partially within the boundaries of the Bylina state processing plant)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Ulskoe swamp

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Smooth swamp

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Kostylevo swamp

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Swamp massif "Poskotino-Kali-shche"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Boulder "Black"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Spring "Merkushevsky" (within the boundaries of the Ustyansky Bor natural monument)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Lobnovo" (Kuvshinskoye)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake Muserskoe

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Krotovskoe"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Raised bog "Clean"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Arboretum complex on the site of the b.n.p. Glinnaya

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Terry bird cherry bush in the village of Bobino

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lukinskaya cedar grove

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedar grove and larch alley in the village of Nizhnie Kropachi

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Two cedars on the site of the former village of Selezeni

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Three fruiting cedar trees on the site of the former village of Pochinok

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedars near the village of Filimonov

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Chernushinsky cordon in Bobinsky forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Sedge Grove at the mouth of the Belaya Kholunitsa River

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedar planting on Podchyurshinskaya Mountain

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Five fruiting cedars in the village of Shes-takovo

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Three cedars near the former village of Grabli

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Four cedars in the village of Bobino

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Three cedars on the site of the former village of Solovyi

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Giant elm in the village of Paskino

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Tarasovsky key

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Chirkovo locality of the Permian fauna

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Mokinsky geological outcrop

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Siberian cedar near the former village of Kotelniki

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Zaramenskaya Cave (as part of the Pizhemsky State Natural Reservoir)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Chimbulat botanical-geological complex (as part of the Pizhemsky gas processing plant)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Source in the thickness of platy limestones

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Beresnyatsky botanical-geological complex (as part of the Pizhemsky gas processing plant)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

A plot of lily of the valley forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

A plot of lily of the valley forest

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Spring "Tsar's Key"

natural monument


Order of the Administration of the Kirov Region dated March 13, 1992 No. 244 “On the preservation of state ownership of protected and specially used territories”

Tree-like junipers

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Giant larch

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Anikin log

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Bykovshchinskoye Lake

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Smolentsevsky spring

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Rock massif "Stone" (as part of the Chimbulat botanical-geological complex)

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedar-pine grove in the village of Pachi

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Tract "Vasin Bor"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Bolshedubrovsky mineral springs

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedars in the village of Brodniki

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Tract "Shaymy" ("Shayvyl")

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Giant oak and larch plantings

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedars near the village of Korcha

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Tract "Grey Stones"

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Lake "Shaitan" (within the boundaries of the Bushkovsky Forest State Natural Park)

natural monument


Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Cedar groves on the territory of the Russian-Turkish sanatorium

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Pilino Log

natural monument


Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated September 13, 2010 No. 68/463 “On declaring the Pilinsky Log natural complex a natural monument of regional significance”


natural monument


Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated September 28, 2007 No. 107/404 “On declaring the natural complex in the area of ​​the village of Velikoretskoye a natural monument of regional significance”

"Yaranskaya birch grove"

natural monument

biological (botanical)

Decision of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies dated October 29, 1990 No. 498 “On measures to optimize the network of protected natural areas”

Team Nomads
Geography of the Kirov region
Natural monuments of the Kirov region


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