Lessons for preschoolers about the war of 1941-1945. Conversations about war

Auto 10.09.2024

Yulia Velikanova
Project “Children about the war” for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

I want the children to know

About that Great War,

When their great-grandfathers and grandfathers

They defended their country.

If not for that generation,

What fought itself without sparing,

There would be no Russia

Or maybe you and me.

Relevance of the project:

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. The education of patriotic feelings must begin from preschool age, because it is at this stage that the child’s personality is formed. You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with your Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved, cherished and defended it. Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own. This is the result of a long, targeted educational influence on a person, starting from childhood. The creation of the project is aimed at instilling in preschoolers a sense of pride in their people, respect for their achievements and worthy pages of history. This project involves involving children and parents in participating in and celebrating the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Project goal: moral and patriotic education of children through familiarization with the historical events of our country.

To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards warrior-defenders, the desire to be as brave, courageous and noble;

Introduce children to the history of the Great Patriotic War, with stories about the exploits of Russian soldiers;

Reveal the meaning of victory in the Second World War, peace for all people living on earth;

Lead to the perception of works of art about war;

Clarify children's knowledge about the Victory Day holiday;

Project type:

Group (participants – children, parents, creative group of the preschool educational institution);

Short term: March-May 2015.

Project type:



Age of children for whom the project is designed: senior and preparatory school group (5-7 years).

Expected results:

Understanding the importance of the holiday - Victory Day in the life of a Russian person;

Maintaining interest in the history of your country, in the Great Patriotic War, consciously showing respect for the merits and exploits of the participants

Great Patriotic War;

Involving parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions, strengthening parents’ awareness of the importance of patriotic education of preschool children;

Conducting a master class for teachers and parents on making souvenirs for veterans;

Design of an exhibition of drawings dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War;

Creating an album with photographs together with the parents of the pupils “Our Great-Grandfathers are Heroes”;

Holding the “Victory Day” holiday;

Creation of films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Project activity product:

Drawings dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War;

Souvenirs for veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Compiling a card index of artistic and journalistic literature, class notes, conversations, holidays, and leisure activities on the topic of the project;

Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint format “For children about the war”; "Eternal glory to the heroes"; “Let us bow to those great years...”;

Album “Our great-grandfathers are heroes”;

Holiday "Victory Day";

Films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Project Implementation Plan


Creation of a creative group to develop an event plan March 2015 head of preschool educational institution, senior teacher

Development of regulations on the creative group for the implementation of the project and organization of its activities March 2015. senior teacher

Development of an action plan to prepare for the 70th anniversary of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, March 2015. senior teacher, creative group

Selection and study of educational and methodological kit on the subject of the Project (methodological and fiction literature, illustrations, reproductions, postcards, etc.) March 2015. senior teacher, creative group,

preschool teachers

Launch of the project “For children about war” March-April

2015 senior teacher, creative group

Working with children

Educational conversations “About the Great Patriotic War”, “Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?”;

“Victory Day”, “Children and War”; “The main holiday is Victory Day!” and others April 2015

Examination of illustrations and paintings on the topic. April 2015

Reading fiction April 2015

Conducting classes dedicated to the Second World War April-May

Viewing presentations “For children about the war”; "Eternal glory to the heroes"; “Let us bow to those great years...”, “Monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Novokuznetsk” April

Solving pedagogical problems: “Go on reconnaissance”, “Help the wounded”. April

Music: listening and singing musical works by A. Filippenko “Eternal Flame”,

M. Starokadomsky “Victory March”, “My Russia” music. G. Struve; songs of the war years. April 2015

Learning poems about war. April-May 2015

Children's stories about the war May 2015

Working with parents

Consultations “The role of the family in instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children”; “How to tell a child about the Great Patriotic War?” April 2015

Master class “Making souvenirs as gifts for war veterans.” April 2015

Parents' participation in a drawing competition. May 2015

Participation of parents in the creation of films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. March – May 2015

Creation of the album “Our Great-Grandfathers are Heroes” March-May 2015

Working with teachers

Collection of methodological material about the Great Patriotic War. March-April

Development of GCD notes and events. March-May 2015

Master class “Making souvenirs as gifts for war veterans.” March-April 2015

Participation in the creation of a film dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. March 2015

Design of a thematic exhibition in the book corner, March-May 2015.

Final stage

Exhibition of drawings dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, May 2015.

Victory Day holiday May 2015

Screening of films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. March-May 2015

Publications on the topic:

“Happy Childhood” project dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War Type of project: short-term, group, together with the family, for children 4-5 years old. Relevance: Preschool age is the most important period of development.

Group project for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “In Memory of the Fallen” Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a planned group project for the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, “In Memory of the Fallen.”

RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM Children, starting from preschool age, suffer from a lack of knowledge about their native land, country, and the characteristics of their native traditions.

Project for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “Living Memory of Russia” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 10, Vyazma, Smolensk region.

Project for preschoolers 6–7 years old for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “Let us bow to those great years” 1. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT In 2015, a significant date is celebrated - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic education.

Work individually or in a small group (5-6 children). It is better to divide the training into three lessons ( 1. "On the battlefields" : On the front line; Decisive battle; Bombing, air raid, blockade; Honey. service. 2. "Heroes of Hard Times" Partisans; Children and war; Rear support; Victory Awards. 3. "Thunder of victory, ring out!" Weapon of Victory; Things of War; Capture of Berlin; Victory Parade.). After some time (2-3 weeks), it is advisable to repeat the show to consolidate the mastered material and control the quality of its mastery by children.

On the battlefields. The introductory lesson is directly devoted to events on the fronts. Start with an introductory conversation: “Every country, every people has its own holidays. Please remember what holidays we have (New Year, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day). What holiday does our people celebrate on May 9? (Victory Day). Since ancient times, rulers of different countries have sought to expand their territories and conquer other peoples. These rulers started wars that claimed the lives of many people. More than 70 years ago, our Motherland was attacked by fascists and foreign invaders...” Explain why the war is called the Great Patriotic War. “Indeed, the war occupied vast territories of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted for four long years, participation in it required an enormous effort from our people of all physical and spiritual strength. It is called a Patriotic War because this war is fair, aimed at defending the Fatherland.” The first lesson will give children an idea of ​​the enemy’s invasion and the heroic exploits of our army during the war. We end the lesson with a story about those who saved the wounded and carried them from the battlefield - military doctors.

Heroes of hard times.“Our VICTORY was forged not only at the front! Not only soldiers and officers fought for the freedom of our Motherland. Our entire huge country has risen to fight the enemy. Men and women, elderly people and children brought victory closer in our rear and fought behind enemy lines.” Look at the cards. Tell us that the main motto of those difficult years were the words: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” End the session by talking about rewards.

Thunder of victory, ring out! To defeat a strong enemy, it was necessary to arm our troops well. Tell your children about the weapon of VICTORY. Then consider the things of war. These silent participants and witnesses of historical events also helped to bring Victory closer. End the lesson with a story about the capture of Berlin and the Victory Parade.

Be sure to summarize:“Now you know that one of the most brutal and bloody wars in the history of Russia is called the Great Patriotic War. The victory of our Army and all our people is the main event in the history of Russia of the 20th century! Evil and cruel enemies received a fitting rebuff. Courageous and brave soldiers never lost their fortitude, they fought to the last, defending their Motherland, their home. We won because the entire people of our country rose to its defense. Remembering the war and those who brought victory means fighting for peace. The war must not be forgotten. When a war is forgotten, the ancients said, a new one begins, because memory is the main enemy of war.”

Additional work. Reading fiction: A. Mityachev “Why is the Army dear to everyone”, M. Jamil “Girls from Menzelinsk”, M. Svetlov “Soldier of the Soviet Army”, A. Likhanov “Borya Tsarikov”, S. Alekseev “For the sake of life on earth”, S. Alekseev “Stories about the Second World War”, collections of stories “Children - Heroes of the Second World War”, “Heroes of the Second World War”, “Stories about the Second World War”. “Malchish-Kibalchish” by A.P. Gaidar, “Son of the Regiment” by V.P. Kataeva, “My Dear Boys” by L.A. Kassilya, “Girl from the City” by L.F. Voronkova. Meetings and conversations with veterans. Conducting excursions to places of military glory, visiting museums and memorials. Stories about your family members who took part in the war.


Difficult, hungry and cold war years are often called hard times of war - dashing, evil years. It was hard for all our people, but it was especially hard for children. Many were left orphans - their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during bombings, others lost not only their relatives, but also their home, others found themselves in enemy-occupied territory, and others were captured by the Germans. The children found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless force of fascism. Many of them stood shoulder to shoulder with adults to defend their Motherland.

Invite the children to think about what a “feat” is. This is always a bold, courageous act. What do you call a person who has accomplished a feat? (Hero.) Read stories about the exploits of children who helped adults during the Great Patriotic War. They blew up trains and ammunition depots, worked as orderlies in hospitals, and went on reconnaissance missions along with adults. Tell at least one story of your choice: Zina Portnova, Leni Golikova, Valya Kotik, Nadya Bogdanova, Marat Kazei, Lara Mikheenko, etc.

Open to the children another page of the topic “Children and War” - the sons of the regiment... Hungry and frozen, these boys were brought to the headquarters dugouts. The commanders and soldiers fed them hot soup and patiently persuaded them to return home. But many of them had nowhere to return - the war took away their home and relatives. And the stern commanders themselves, or at the insistence of experienced soldiers, surrendered, violating the instructions. The grown-up sons of the regiment returned to peaceful life after going through the difficult roads of war. Over the years. During the Great Patriotic War, hundreds of young heroes were awarded military orders and medals.

Questions for consolidation. Who had it especially hard during the war? What do you call a person who has accomplished a feat? Which child heroes do you know? Who is the son of the regiment?

hard times, feat, hero, fearlessness, courage.


During the Great Patriotic War, the command presented awards - orders and medals - to people who distinguished themselves in battle. Orders and medals could be awarded for the fact that a soldier, while in a tank that caught fire, continued to perform a combat mission; for having disabled at least two enemy tanks or three enemy aircraft in battle; for the fact that the soldier was the first to break into enemy territory and through personal courage helped the success of the common cause; captured an enemy officer. Among those awarded were many intelligence officers who, during night campaigns, destroyed enemy warehouses with military equipment, at the cost of their own lives, obtained valuable information, thereby saving the lives of many people. The best artists of the country of that time worked on the creation of orders and medals. Using symbols, they showed exactly why this or that medal was awarded to the owner.

For exploits on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, 11,603 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 104 of them received this title twice, and G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin - three times. During the Great Patriotic War, 12 orders and 25 medals were established, which were awarded to Soviet soldiers, participants in the partisan movement, underground workers, home front workers, and militias. In the corresponding reference book you can find their names and find out for what merits they were awarded to the military.

Many orders and medals bear the names of famous commanders: Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov and so on. Invite us to think about why awards are named after these commanders? Tell us that more than 7 million people were awarded orders and medals.

Questions for consolidation. What wartime awards do you know? Why did the command give people awards - orders and medals? What awards do your older relatives have?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: award, award, symbol, order, medal, order bearer, hero.


Nazi planes bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs rained down on pioneer camps, kindergartens, hospitals and residential buildings. Incendiary bombs often caused fires. Civilians were on duty on the roofs of houses, extinguishing incendiary bombs in boxes of sand, and during the bombing they hid in cellars, basements, and in the subway. Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of our country plunged into complete darkness at night. At that time, there was always a blackout on the windows, which hid the light of a sometimes burning candle or kerosene lamp; the glass in the frames was sealed with paper crosswise, because they could be broken by a blast wave. Life for people in those days was difficult and troubled. There was no heat in the houses, food was given out on ration cards, because most of the food was sent to the front. Speaking about the blockade of Leningrad, tell us that the Nazis blocked the entrances to the city so that food could not be delivered there, and the city’s residents were forced to starve. Siege ration - 125 grams of bread made from a mixture of sawdust and flour... Tell us about the Road of Life, which alone connected Leningraders with the mainland. In winter, Lake Ladoga froze, and so trucks drove across it. They carried food, medicine, and ammunition for the troops to Leningrad. And people exhausted from hunger and cold were taken out of the city.

Air defense held back enemy attacks. When enemy planes appeared in the air, our artillery hit the enemy at a higher altitude. Guns that fired upward at air targets were called anti-aircraft. Anti-aircraft guns protected cities from attacks by enemy aircraft.

Questions for consolidation. How did civilians escape from fascist bombing? What is a blockade? What is a ration? How did the air defense operate?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: air raid, bombing, bomb, incendiary shell, blackout, bomb shelter, anti-aircraft gun.


Orderlies, nurses, paramedics and doctors helped the wounded on the battlefields. Nurses carried soldiers from the battlefield, bandaged them, and sent them to hospitals. Every soldier and commander knew that in battle there was a “sister” nearby, a fearless person who would not leave you in trouble, would provide first aid, drag you to cover, and hide you from the bombing. A medical battalion or a mobile military hospital was often located somewhere in a grove where cannonade from a nearby front could be heard. Under the canopy of a spacious canvas tent there were tables arranged in one row, covered with oilcloth. In such tents, military doctors performed operations: removed fragments and treated wounds. A special group of doctors consisted of the staff of ambulance trains. They took the seriously wounded to the rear of the country under bombing. In rear military hospitals, wounded soldiers were cared for by nurses, paramedics and doctors. Most doctors of that time were women, someone's mothers, sisters, daughters. The brunt of military everyday life fell on their shoulders, because almost the entire male population was on the front line.

Talk about what types of injuries there are. Remember the heroic story of the pilot A. Maresyev.

Every soldier must be able to help his comrade if he is wounded. Conduct the training game “Wounding”. A girl nurse with brilliant green in her hand. Two boys-orderlies, folding their hands into a “chair”, seat the “wounded” man on the “chair”. They bring him to the “medical unit”, where a nurse smears brilliant green or iodine on his sore knee. Or the wounded person lies on the mat, the orderlies take turns running up to him and bandaging some part of the body - a leg, an arm, a head.

Questions for consolidation. Who carried the wounded from the battlefield? Who operated on them? What is a medical battalion? Why was the ambulance train needed?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: orderly, operation, wound, shrapnel, concussion, paramedic, surgeon, military doctor, medical battalion, hospital, ambulance train, cannonade.


The Nazis boasted that they would celebrate the New Year in Moscow, but Soviet troops managed to stop their advance. Our tank crews, under the red banner, beat the Nazis on the ground. And the pilots, with red stars on the fuselages of their planes, beat the Nazis in the sky. And the sailors, in caps and vests, beat the fascists on the seas. And the artillerymen beat the treacherous fascists with well-aimed shots.

The most stubborn and decisive battle took place in the early winter of 1941 near Moscow. The enemies stood at the gates of the capital. They were confident that they had completely surrounded Moscow and brought it to its knees. The capital became a front-line city. At this time, the commander of our troops, General G. Zhukov, was developing a plan for the defense of Moscow. He provided everything to prevent the Germans from breaking through to the capital and capturing it. On the approaches to the city, civilians dug ditches, built fortifications, and prepared to repel the enemy. The Red Army pilots showed miracles of courage: they shot down and destroyed enemy planes. There were 30 kilometers left to Moscow when our army, having gathered all its forces, went on the offensive and defeated the Nazis. Many divisions distinguished themselves in the battles near Moscow. The soldiers were not afraid of the terrifying “tigers” and “panthers”; they fought to the death, fought in burning tanks, and went to ram. The enemy suffered huge losses and retreated. Moscow survived.

And it was our soldiers, not German ones, who marched solemnly across Red Square. The victory near Moscow was the first heavy defeat of the fascist army, which until then had been considered invincible.

Questions for consolidation. How did Moscow prepare for defense? Who commanded our troops?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: Forced march - marching (fast) movement of troops. Attack is a rapid, offensive movement of troops. A raid is a sudden attack. Defense is a type of combat. Ramming is an attack on the enemy by striking with one’s own plane, tank, or ship.


Look at the picture. Behind the tree stands an elderly man (one might say an old man), and next to him are young people, all of them with weapons. Look into their eyes, see how intense their gaze is. What does this mean? They are from a partisan detachment, sitting in ambush, carefully looking at the road, waiting for the enemy. Soviet people who found themselves in territory occupied by the enemy, as well as soldiers and commanders who were surrounded, went into the forests, created partisan detachments and entered into the fight against the Nazi occupiers. They tried with all their might and means to help the Soviet troops fighting at the front. The partisans blew up bridges, disrupted the enemy's telegraph and telephone communications, set fire to warehouses, and pursued and destroyed enemies at every turn. The fighting of the partisans caused enormous damage to enemy personnel and equipment. Over 1 million people took part in the partisan movement, the partisans disabled over 1 million enemy soldiers, blew up more than 20 thousand trains and 1,600 bridges.

Game "Echelon derailed". Two teams play. The first team has “explosives”, it must be “planted” under the enemy train. The other team's task is to detect explosives and clear the railroad tracks. An adult observes the opposition and tells the children that they are dexterous, brave, fast, and attentive.

Competition "Deliver the cartridges." Parents and the child move with a ball clamped between their foreheads, must run to the target and put the “cartridge” in the bag, then run back. Pass the baton to another pair.

Questions for consolidation. Who are the partisans? How did soldiers find themselves behind enemy lines? How did they help our troops? Why were the bridges blown up? What is sabotage?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: partisans, occupation, encirclement, sabotage, train, slope, bridge, explosion, communications (telegraph, telephone).


Consider binoculars, a soldier's bowler hat, a flask, a lighter, a tablet, etc. Talk about how these things were used in practice. Play out situations where, for example, a flask saved a soldier’s life, but the lack of binoculars or a lighter prevented him from completing an important task. Perhaps your house contains old things - silent witnesses to historical events: a fragment that was pulled out of your great-grandfather’s leg in the hospital, a military ID or a belt. Let your child admire these treasures, touch them, examine them from all sides.

Tell us about the front “triangles”. Letters were written on pieces of paper most often with a pencil, because there was no ink or pen in the trenches. There used to be such chemical pencils, very similar to simple ones, but if the tip of the lead of a chemical pencil was wet, it began to write like ink. There was no table, no chair, no table lamp in the trenches. The soldiers had to write letters on their knees, on a stump, in the uncertain light of a homemade lamp or the moon. There were no envelopes or return address during the war. In moments of calm, the written letter was folded into a “soldier’s triangle”, the destination address was written, and instead of the return address, the field mail number was written. The military postman collected letters and sent them on passing transport to the rear. It was a great happiness to receive such a “triangle”. But people were afraid of letters in envelopes from the front. Suggest you think about why? (The envelopes contained a funeral or a notice that someone was missing).

Teach children how to fold a front triangle.


To defeat a strong enemy, it was necessary to arm our troops well. Tell us about the military equipment and weapons of those years. The T-34 tank is the best among the tanks of those heroic years. High speed and remarkable combat characteristics made it the most popular Soviet tank. He played a decisive role in the victory. And armored personnel carriers were a good and reliable support for the infantry. They were used to deliver shells to the battlefield. They transported the wounded under continuous enemy fire. Not only tanks and armored personnel carriers took part in the battles. The artillery gun, which the soldiers affectionately called the “forty-five”, became just as legendary. This anti-tank gun was also the most widely used weapon of the war. Shortened cannons were called howitzers; they were most often used when taking cities and destroying enemy fortifications. They were lighter and longer-range, they were mounted on tracked vehicles, so they could maneuver well during battle. At the very beginning of the war, Soviet designers created a combat missile - a rocket for the famous Katyusha mortar. "Katyusha" fired rockets at rail guides, and its firing range was 8 km. Tell us about military aviation. The IL-2 attack aircraft attacked from the air not only manpower, but also various enemy military equipment. And the Pe-2 bomber had 4 machine guns and up to 1000 kg of bombs on board. These aircraft took part in battles on all fronts.

Questions for consolidation. What types of military equipment do you know? What is heavy military equipment? What is artillery? What kind of shells did the Katyusha fire? How do different types of firearms differ? (Size, purpose, combat range, cartridge caliber, type of ammunition, destructive power).

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: tank, armored personnel carrier, mortar, howitzer, anti-aircraft weapon, rocket, machine gun, machine gun, battery, salvo.


The country's plants and factories worked smoothly and uninterruptedly, day and night, increasing the output of military products every month: grenades, guns, cartridges, mines, and sewing military uniforms. Invite the children to think about who stayed at home, who did all this, if all the men went to the front.

It was not easy work! Everyday, hard, long - without days off and often without sleep. But at the same time, at home it was necessary to feed and raise small children, support those old people who could no longer work, write letters to their husbands, fathers and sons at the front.

The children immediately grew up because they had to help adults in all matters. They worked in factories that made shells for the front, parts for cars, boilers for camp kitchens. Instead of a carefree, happy childhood with fun games and amusements, children worked on machines for 10-12 hours a day, helping adults make weapons and things to defeat the enemy. Poorly dressed, swollen from hunger, never getting enough sleep, they worked like adults. Often they could not reach the workbench or machine, and special stands were made for them from boxes. In the heat or in the bitter cold (the workshop often had only a roof, but no walls), they bit their lips until they bled and did not give in to fatigue. They didn’t leave the machine for days. Such Vanya and Sanya, Petya and Vovka forged victory in the rear: grenades, cartridges, rifles. But not all children could work in factories or fight. How else could children help during the war? We knitted warm clothes for the front: mittens, socks, sewed and embroidered tobacco pouches, helped the wounded in hospitals, gave concerts to support their morale, so that our defenders would not miss their loved ones.

Questions for consolidation. How did children help adults in the rear? What do the words “forge victory” mean?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: rear, plant, factory, workshop, workbench, shells, cartridges, machine, pouch, care, warmth.


At dawn on June 21, 1941, when the cities and villages of our Motherland were sleeping peacefully, German planes with bombs took off from the airfields. Gun salvos rolled like thunder along the entire western border. The air was filled with the roar of tanks and trucks. Nazi Germany treacherously, without declaring war, attacked our country. The Germans tried to deprive our people of freedom and seize lands and cities. The enemies hoped to deal with us with a quick and swift blow.

But they deeply miscalculated. As one, our people rose up to defend their Motherland and freedom. Every day, echelons carried soldiers to the front (this is the line of troop deployment), to the front line (the first line of battle). Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes. On the front line there is hunger, heat or cold, explosions roar, bullets whistle... Knowing no rest, the soldiers dug trenches (shelters for shooting and protection from fire), carried heavy guns, fired aimed fire and died for their country. Hard and bloody there was a war. But the fighters did not spare themselves while defending their homeland. “Victory will be ours!” - these words sounded everywhere.

Discuss with the children why it was necessary to dig trenches and trenches on the front line. Try to imagine what it was like to sit in a damp trench all day and night, periodically rising to attack under heavy enemy fire. Tell us that the only protection from bad weather was an overcoat and a raincoat. The raincoat-tent protected from rain, wind and snow. The overcoat often served soldiers not only as clothing, but also as a blanket and saved them from the cold at night.

Questions for consolidation. When did the Great Patriotic War begin? Who attacked our Motherland and why? What does the word "treacherous" mean? What is advanced?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary. War, front, enemy, advanced, trench, trench, bullet, explosion, soldier, officer, overcoat, raincoat.


The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated, and Germany signed an act of unconditional surrender (a document in which the Nazis recognized themselves defeated). On May 9, 1945, thousands of people poured out into the streets of the capital. The people rejoiced and sang, couples twirled in a victorious waltz right in the streets. People laughed, cried, strangers hugged each other. It was a holiday for all the people with tears in their eyes! Everyone rejoiced at the great victory over the enemy and mourned the dead. And on June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow. Victorious soldiers marched along Red Square in orderly rows. They carried the banners of the defeated enemy and threw them onto the paving stones of the ancient square. Since then, this holiday has become a truly national celebration!

In honor of this wonderful holiday, every year on May 9, celebrations are held in all cities of Russia. In the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, a military parade is taking place on Red Square. The streets bloom with smiles of joy, lush bouquets of flowers and bright balloons, and solemn music sounds. In memorable places of the capital - on Poklonnaya Hill, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater, front-line veterans gather, shining with orders and medals. They share with us, their grateful descendants, stories about the dashing wartime, and meet with their military friends. We are grateful to them for winning a fierce battle with the enemy and defending our native land and peaceful life for us. Let us be worthy of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!

Questions for consolidation. When and where was the act of unconditional surrender signed? When was the first Victory Parade held in Moscow? Why is May 9th called a holiday with tears in our eyes? What should we be grateful to war veterans for?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: surrender, victory, winner, parade, front-line veterans, Eternal Flame, memory, gratitude.


The war ended in May 1945. Soviet soldiers liberated not only our country, but also other European countries from the Nazis. The last battles took place in Berlin, the capital of Germany. There were battles for every street, for every house. But Soviet soldiers, at the cost of their own lives, saved Berliners from bullets and shells. And finally, our soldiers took the Reichstag (the building where the German government worked) and planted a red banner on its roof. This meant the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War.

Suggest that you think about what word can be used instead of the word “flag”? (Banner.) The word “flag” appeared in Russia during the time of Peter the Great. The word "banner" is much older. It is solemn, and the banner is necessarily large. The flag may be small, but the banner may not. Warriors fought in battle under the banner. It happened that people gave their lives just to save the banner and not allow enemies to capture it. In battle, hoisting a banner over the enemy camp meant victory.

Play the team game "Hoist the Banner." A gymnastic bench is placed opposite each team, then there is an arch and three circles of cardboard. At the signal “Forward!” the guide with the flag runs along the gymnastic bench, crawls under the arc, jumps from one circle to another and returns to his team, passing the flag to the next participant. The last participant runs up to the stand and places the flag in it. After this, all players run up to their flag, stand around it and unanimously shout “Victory!”

Questions for consolidation. When did the Great Patriotic War end? What is the Reichstag? What did the installation of the banner on the roof of the Reichstag mean?

Words to enrich children's vocabulary: liberation, hoisting, banner, flag, victorious warrior.

See also:

Nadezhda Sasina
NOD "For preschoolers about the Great Patriotic War"

Summary of OD in the senior group

« For preschoolers about the Great Patriotic War»

Target: creating conditions for children to develop ideas about Great Patriotic War.


To form an idea of ​​how women and children took part in Great Patriotic War.

Contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about historical facts and phenomena.

Develop cognitive interest in historical events, the ability to listen and draw conclusions.

Cultivate patriotism among elders preschoolers, a sense of pride for one’s people, respect and gratitude for veterans Great Patriotic War.

Types of activities: perception of fiction and folklore, communicative, musical, motor, gaming, visual.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation: saying proverbs, reading poems, outdoor games, unconventional drawing (with crumpled paper, viewing slides.

Equipment: Photographs, multimedia, model of the Eternal Flame, carnations, poster, with a painted bouquet, gouache, paper, bandages, caps, skittles, hoops, model of a military vehicle.

Preliminary work: Conversations about Great Patriotic War, about Victory Day, about veterans. Looking at illustrations and photographs about war. Learning proverbs and sayings, reading stories and poems. Listening to war songs. Drawing on a theme "Victory Day". Didactic and outdoor games on military themes. Making eternal flame, war machine, carnations.

OD progress

Educator: In a few days our country will celebrate great holiday - Victory Day. When is it celebrated? What kind of holiday is this? (children's answers)

Educator: For 70 years now we have lived in peace thanks to our WWII veterans. Who are the veterans? (children's answers)

Guys, do you want to take our car back to that distant past and see how everything happened? (children's answers) Then let's go (we get into the car).

Educator: June 22, 1941 is one of the saddest dates in the history of Russia, a day that cannot be forgotten. On this distant summer day, people were doing ordinary things. And no one suspected that pleasant chores, lively games, and many lives would be crossed out by one terrible word - war(song "Sacred war» )

Suddenly a huge force moved towards our Motherland: tanks, infantry, planes, artillery. German planes bombed cities, airfields, railway stations, bombs rained down on hospitals, residential buildings, kindergartens, and schools.

The most important battle was the battle for Stalingrad. This battle was a turning point in war. From that day on, our troops only advanced, and the Nazis retreated.

During wars one of the best commanders was Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Where he commanded the front, the army always defeated the fascists.

Both men and women went to the front (slide show).

What did the women do? war? (children's answers)

Let's imagine that we are back in 1941. Girls are nurses, boys are wounded soldiers.

Game "Bandage the wounded man".

Educator: Let's continue on our way (we get into the car). Soviet troops showed miracles of heroism and resilience. Many cities heroically defended their freedom and defended our Motherland. After wars these cities were awarded the titles "hero cities". What hero cities do you know (Volgograd, Moscow, Tula, Orel, Smolensk, Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Kyiv, Leningrad) On war many proverbs and sayings were composed by the fighters. Let's remember them.

Children: The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

A soldier's job is to fight bravely and skillfully.

Stand for each other and you will win the fight.

Gain intelligence in learning, courage in battle.

If you die from your native land, don’t leave!

Where there is courage, there is victory.

He who trembles flees from the enemy.

Educator: How could children help their parents? (children's answers)

Game "Move the shells"

Educator: War lasted four long years. Our valiant army not only drove the Germans out of our land, but also liberated the peoples of other countries captured by Nazi Germany. Our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the very main building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag of Victory was hoisted. Horror and loss Great Patriotic War united all people in the fight against fascism and therefore the joy of victory in 1945 swept not only Russia, but the whole world. It was a holiday for the whole people with tears in their eyes. Everyone rejoiced at the Victory and mourned the dead (slide show).

Educator: Great Patriotic War was the hardest of all wars. In this terrible war More than 20 million of our people died, including our fellow Saratov residents. The memory of the fallen heroes will forever remain in our hearts. Monuments were erected throughout the country to all those soldiers whose names remained unknown. In Moscow, such a monument is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Eternal Flame always burns there (photo showing).

Children: For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

Burn, candle, don’t go out,

Don't let the darkness come.

Don't let the living forget all those

Deaths on war!

Quiet guys, a moment of silence

Let's honor the memory of the heroes.

Who went to the front and never returned,

Let's remember in centuries, in years.

About those who will never come again,

Let's remember.

Minute of silence (music metronome)

Dance "About that spring"

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about today? (children's answers) We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves from the trenches under hurricane fire, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards and honors, but so that we can now live, study, work and be happy. Guys, how did people preserve the memory of this terrible time in our city of Saratov? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, be sure to go to the Victory Parade. Don’t forget to congratulate the veterans, thank them for today’s peace on Earth. Do you want to give a gift to veterans? (children's answers) I suggest drawing a bouquet of carnations.

Drawing a bouquet of carnations with crumpled paper (song "Victory Day")

Publications on the topic:

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. It is necessary to restore this connection in order.

The wall newspaper contains stories from children (Maryana Kholova, Alexey and Maria Nazarovs, Ivan Selivanov, Fomina Albina) about their great-grandfathers who participated.

Every year the victorious May of 1945 moves away from us. But this sacred day remains in the memory of generations as an example of perseverance and courage.

No matter how much time has passed since the Victory Day, the events of the forties of the twentieth century are still fresh in the memory of the people, and not least of all.

Summary of the GCD “Victory, Victory, Victory!” - dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. Eternal glory to the heroes who died in the war. Goal: Intensifying work to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the history and feats of the people in the Great Patriotic War.

Dear parents and site guests!

This year our country celebrates 70th anniversary of the Victory V Great Patriotic War e. There is no family in our country that has not been affected by the war. We can say that the Great Patriotic War passed through the heart and memory of all our people. The memory of the Great Patriotic War is a historical memory. This is a memory of common joys and sorrows, common mistakes, defeats and victories. This is a memory of a common historical destiny. That common destiny that unites millions of people of different nationalities into one people - the people of Russia. That's why we need to take care of this memory.
Celebrating Victory Day is an important event for all people of our country. It cannot go unnoticed by preschoolers either. Starting in January of this year, a series of events dedicated to this significant event will begin in our garden.

M. Vladimov’s poem “Even then we weren’t in the world” is read by Polina Boksha,

participant of the regional Action “Children Read Poems about War”, dedicated

70th anniversaryGreat Victory.

These days the glory will not be silent!

The pre-holiday week in our garden was very eventful.

The children from the older groups went on an excursion: they visited the monument “Tank T-34”, “IL Airplane”, which they learned a lot about from the teachers.In older groups there was a competition of poems about the war. All the children learned the poems and read them expressively. Based on the results of the jury's vote, the best readers participated in a poem competition about the Second World War among all senior preschoolers in our kindergarten.

The children from the preparatory groups visited the veterans and congratulated them on the upcoming holiday. The guys learned poems and songs about the Second World War and the Great Victory for the veterans, gave flowers and gifts made with their own hands, and wished them great health, peace, and kindness.

"Victory Day"- This was the name of the drawing competition about the Second World War and Victory among children of older age groups. The competition took place on May 5. Each work is interesting and done with soul. Someone dedicated a drawing to their great-grandfather, someone to their grandmother, someone to an unknown soldier who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Our task is to remember their feat and not forget the price these heroes paid.

Results of the exhibition-competition of children's works "Victory Day"


F.I. participant

Title of work


1st place

Boksha Polina

“Victory Day is joy in every home”

Levchenko E.A.

II place

Vanzha Ksenia

"The Beginning of War"

Kolmykova E.A.

Spirin Sergey

"Marshal Zhukov"

Skrebkova L.N.

Torgashev Kirill

“And then the battle began...”

Skrebkova L.N.

III place

Salomatova Polina

"Siege of Leningrad"

Tormina O.S.

Yakovenko Dasha

"Spring of Victory"

Chernyavskaya N.A.

May 6th passed for us reading competition “Dedicated to the Great Victory”, in which pupils of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten took part. The young pupils tried very hard and were worried, but successfully read poems dedicated to the war, Victory Day and the people who fought. Artistic and emotional students read wonderful poems. The participants of the competition, with their heartfelt reading, made us, adults and children, understand how wonderful life is, understand that we live thanks to all those who fought, died, and survived in those difficult conditions when it seemed impossible to survive.

The jury evaluated the performances according to three criteria: performance skills; expressive reading; stage culture. For the awards, the jury divided the children by age so that as many children as possible could be awarded certificates, they deserve it!


senior groups of kindergarten"


F.I. participant

Room name


1st place

Maslova Alena

"Beloved Grandfather"

Kolmykova E.A.

II place

Saroka Ksenia

"Grandfather's Friends"

Tormina O.S.

Miroshnichenko Roma

"On Parade"

Skrebkova L.N.

III place

Zavidov Egor

"My grandfather"

Kolmykova E.A.

Karomatova Milana

"My great-grandmother in the war"

Levchenko E.A.


“The best performer of poetry among students

preparatory kindergarten groups for school"


F.I. participant

Room name


1st place

Biktashev Artem


Doroshenko N.P.

Permin Timofey

"A Veteran's Tale"

Doroshenko N.P.

II place

Kabiev Almaz

“Don’t touch the Victory Day!”

Doroshenko N.P.

Razumkin Sasha

"A boy from the village of Popovki"

Chernyavskaya N.A.

Yashchenko Daniil

“What is Victory Day?”

Lukyanova O.S.

III place

Kuznetsov Daniil

"Monument in Berlin"

Chernyavskaya N.A.

Campaign "Victory Hour" started in our garden on May 5th. Every day, pupils of preparatory groups served as guard of honor at the Banner of Victory and the Eternal Flame. The action is carried out with the aim of patriotic education, to form a respectful attitude of children towards Russian history, continuity of generations and education based on the heroic traditions of our country.

On May 7, our teachers and parents took part in the municipal action "Immortal Regiment". This is a massive event that unites all Russians and many people living abroad. For the third year now, people have come to the Victory Day with photographs of their relatives - front-line soldiers, partisans, residents of besieged Leningrad, home front workers. Anyone who cherishes the memory of the victorious warriors could take part in this action.

“Let us bow to those great years...”

The literary and musical composition prepared by music director Irina Valerievna Pushkova with the children of the preparatory groups left a deep imprint in the memory of the children and guests present at the event. This event took place within the framework of the IMO, and was attended by music directors and physical education instructors from all kindergartens in our town.

Irina Valerievna spoke about the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on our country, spoke about the first days of the war, about the fighting spirit of Soviet soldiers and officers, about the difficulties that fell on the shoulders of children and home front workers, about the main battles that were turning points during the battles, about the offensive the great Day of the long-awaited Victory and about those who gave their lives for the peace and happiness of the current generations of children.

Children sang songs of the war years, danced, and recited poems about the war. With special excitement, all those present performed the song “Victory Day,” which concluded the festive event. The entire composition was accompanied by multimedia footage of military newsreels, photographs of the war years, which enhanced the perception.

On May 8, in the morning, we held the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign. The teachers, together with the children, gave St. George ribbons to everyone who came to the kindergarten, which became a symbol of the memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The first St. George Ribbon event took place in 2005; since then, tying a black and orange ribbon on the eve of May 9 has become a tradition. For millions of people not only in Russia, but also abroad, the St. George ribbon is a symbol of memory, connection between generations and military glory.

According to established tradition, on May 8, at the administration building, students from the preparatory groups of our kindergarten spoke to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The children performed the literary and musical composition “Thank you, veterans!”, The children read poems about this Great Day. At the end, together the children congratulated the veterans on Victory Day and gave them red tulips. As a symbol of freedom and independence, as a tribute to the memory of everyone who died for the sake of peace on Earth, our preschool children launched two dozen white cranes into the sky...

Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a feat and glory of our people. MAY 9 remains unchanged, beloved by everyone, tragic, mournful, but at the same time a bright holiday, and the work carried out by the kindergarten team in this direction will not allow this date to be erased from the memory of the younger generation.

We remember! We are proud!

The third week of April in our garden was very interesting and eventful.

Children of senior preschool age learned about the great commanders of the Second World War, the marshals of the Soviet Union: G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Rokossovsky, A.M. Vasilevsky, I.S. Konev and others. The creator of the victory in the Great Patriotic War was the Soviet people, but to implement their efforts, to defend the Fatherland on the battlefields, a high level of military art of the Armed Forces was required, which was supported by the military leadership talent of the military leaders. These are people without whom this great victory would not have happened...

The guys from the 1st preparatory group went on a tour of our town. They visited the monument “Tank T-34”, “IL Aircraft”. The teachers once again told the children about this legendary tank and airplanes.

In the 2nd preparatory group there was a competition of poems about the war and Victory Day. The children learned to read poetic works of famous and not so famous poets expressively and emotionally. The purpose of such competitions is not only to introduce people to poetry dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, but also to instill a sense of pride in their homeland and the people who saved the country.

The guys from senior groups 1 and 2 visited the veterans and congratulated them on the upcoming holiday. The gifts for the veterans were flowers and poems about the Great Victory, which the guys learned especially for them. The poems were festive, solemn, but still there were tears in the eyes of the veterans. It was very nice to see joy and smiles on wrinkled faces. The veterans were very touched by such attention. Then they talked about the horrors of war they had experienced, about long battles and sleepless nights, about hard work in the rear, about hunger. These stories brought tears to the eyes of not only us teachers, but even the children, who still do not quite understand what kind of war it was. But they realized how hard it was for these people during the war years, that thanks to their feat we now live in a free country.

Our veterans are the living history of our country, its valor!

We want our students to know the history of their country, to know about this terrible war, to never forget at what cost the Victory was achieved, to respect veterans, be proud of the victorious soldiers and the very memory of the war.

We remember! We are proud!

"The Cranes Are Flying"

Let the cranes fly over the world,
In the sky is clear, light, bright blue.
In memory of those who did not return from the war,
All those who stand to the death for Russia.

16.04. In 2015, children of senior groups 1 and 2 once again went on a photo excursion to Victory Park in Saratov. Of course, our students already know that this is one of the largest military equipment parks in our country. Several events have already been dedicated to the military equipment of those years and, this time, the teachers told the children in more detail about the “Cranes” monument.

The guys learned that the monument was erected according to the design of architect Yu. I. Menyakin in 1982. It consists of three marble pylons 40 meters high with a stylized image of twelve cranes, symbolizing the souls of fallen soldiers. The image of flying cranes is suggested in the song “Cranes” to the words of R. Gamzatov. The interesting thing is that only eleven birds can be seen at a time.

Together with the teachers, the children of the 1st and 2nd senior groups held the “White Cranes of Memory” event for the children of the 2nd junior group. The children had already learned a lot about the Second World War from teachers, their parents, and grandparents, and were able to independently, in a form accessible to children, talk about some important facts and events of that war, based on photographs and illustrations. At the end of the event, the children presented the kids with cranes made with their own hands using the origami technique.

In the 1st preparatory group, teachers prepared and conducted a role-playing game “Scouts”, in which each of the pupils received a role: scout, sniper, soldier, nurse. Preparing for the game, the children, together with their teachers, once again looked at photographs and illustrations on military topics, and read A. Mityaev’s story “Why is the Army dear to everyone.” The purpose of this game: to develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game; consolidate children's ideas about the Soviet Army; form specific ideas about the military; develop motor activity and endurance.

The children not only depicted military actions, but, under the guidance of the teacher, put on a whole performance, where the scouts were able to show speed and endurance (the “Climb through the Tunnel” task), snipers - accuracy (the “Sharp Shooter” task), soldiers - strength (the “Help the Wounded” task) ), dexterity (task “Assemble a machine gun”) and coordination of movements (task “Cross the bridge”), etc. The girls were not left without work: nurses had to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and provide them with first aid, and cooks had to prepare food in combat conditions.

Thus, preparations for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory become especially bright and memorable for our students, since they are the creators of the holiday yourself.

On April 20, a municipal parade song competition was held among preschool children. A team of children from the 2nd preparatory group of our kindergarten took part in this competition. The guys showed excellent command of drill training, marched harmoniously, followed commands and sang drill songs.

We sincerely congratulate our guys on 3rd place! Well done!

A “Wall of Memory” event was organized in the main hall of the kindergarten. This action has been taking place throughout our country for several years now, and we decided that this idea must definitely be implemented in our garden. On the wall there are small booklets with photographs and history of veterans and participants of the Second World War. The event was attended by kindergarten employees, children and their parents who have or had relatives who participated in that terrible war. Everyone in whose family someone fought or worked in the rear for the common Victory could post copies of photographs, award sheets, letters from the front or from home, and other memorable family documents related to the Great Patriotic War.

The purpose of this action is to foster a sense of pride in the historical past of our Motherland, our family, and preserve the memory of the soldiers who defended our Fatherland.

We are very glad that our action found such a huge response in the hearts of parents; they still carry photographs of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. This means - we remember and we are proud!

Music of War

The second week of April was dedicated to the theme "Music of War". The teachers introduced the children to various musical genres: march, waltz, historical song. Of course, the guys already know many songs about the war, such as “Victory Day”, “Katyusha”. And now many others have found out.

Together with their teachers, they enjoyed listening to recordings of the lyrical songs “Dark Night” by N.V. Bogoslovsky, “In the Forest at the Front” by M.I. Blanter, the march “Farewell of the Slavyanka” (V.I. Agapkina), “May Waltz” (music I. Luchenok, lyrics by M. Yasen) and others, and with no less pleasure they danced to the music of the war years. The main theme of the songwriting of these years is the defense of the Motherland. The teachers told the children that many songs were born in battles, they went to great deeds with them, they instilled strength and confidence in victory over the enemy. The fact that the song became a spiritual weapon for the fighters instilled confidence in their hearts of victory.

In the 1st preparatory group there was a competition of poems about the war. Each of the children learned a poem and happily shared their little “story” with their friends. They were visited by 6th grade students from Secondary School No. 3, who showed them how to read patriotic poems correctly and beautifully.

Teachers continue to introduce children to fiction about the war, talk about heroes and significant events. I would like that, as Victory Day approaches, children feel the significance and importance of this day for our entire country, and not just for veterans, who, unfortunately, are becoming fewer and fewer every year. We also need to remember this.

Children are war heroes

The second week of April in our garden was dedicated to the children heroes of the Second World War. This terrible war affected everyone and especially children. All of them were deprived of childhood. One day the boys grew up. The children brought difficult trials.

From the first days of the war, millions of people throughout the country were rushing to the front. Yesterday's schoolchildren, students, youth besieged the military registration and enlistment offices, they demanded - they did not ask! - they convinced, and when this did not help, then with sincere feeling they resorted to forgery - they overestimated their age by a year, or even two years. War is the business of men, but young citizens felt in their hearts their involvement in what was happening in their native land, and they, true patriots, could not stay away from the tragedy that was unfolding before their eyes. They went to literally anything to join the ranks of defenders of the Motherland. Their desire was dictated by one undisguised desire - to smash hated fascism together with the army. Many fought at the front as part of active armies, many became partisans. There were many of them.

Thousands of children showed immortal heroism and courage. Many of them did not spare their lives for the sake of victory. The memory of those who died in this ruthless, harsh war will always be alive in our hearts. For courage, fearlessness and heroism, tens of thousands of sons and daughters of regiments, cabin boys and young partisans were awarded orders and medals. And the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, Valya Kotik. The preschoolers also learned about other young heroes: Oleg Koshev, Volodya Dubinin, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Zhenya Popov, Marat Kozei.

Of course, the teachers only talked about a few heroes, but there were thousands of them. They worked in factories, helped the wounded in hospitals, fought on the fronts, in partisan detachments. And yet they remained children.

Our pupils are still too young to understand the full significance of these children’s actions, but the teachers’ stories touched their little hearts. And this is our task - to cultivate respect for the historical heritage, traditions, heroes, the older generation, pride for the country in which you live.

Older children continue to draw on the theme of the Second World War, play role-playing and educational games.

"Military equipment of the Great Patriotic War"

The last week of March in our garden was dedicated to military equipment, with the help of which our troops won the Second World War. The teachers held conversations and classes with their students on the topic “Military equipment of the Second World War.”

This topic is not new for the guys. Talking about the great battles of the Second World War, teachers could not help but talk about the military equipment of those years. We just expanded and systematized their knowledge a little. The famous T-34: the guys found out who built this famous tank, in what combat operations it took part, and looked at the photo chronicle. By the way, in our village, children can realize their dream and climb onto a real tank - the same T-34 that brought victory to the Red Army troops in 1945. The T-34 tank stands in the alley next to the central square. Our guys learned about the legendary Katyusha anti-aircraft gun, which the Germans were so afraid of, Saratov Yaks and other equipment and guns during these conversations.

In senior groups 1 and 2, conversations were held with examination of photographs of military equipment of those years. The children enjoy playing didactic games “Military Equipment”, “Find the Model”, “Branches of the Armed Forces”, etc. In the 2nd senior group, through the joint efforts of teachers, children and their parents, a photo album “Military Equipment of the Second World War” was compiled with a detailed description of each exhibit.

In preparatory group 1, together with their parents, the children organized a mini-museum of military equipment. The exhibition is not large yet, but it will, of course, be expanded.

In the 2nd preparatory group, children drew on the topic “Military equipment of the Second World War.” And this is what they came up with.

“Our fellow countrymen are Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”

The third week of March in our garden was dedicated to our fellow Saratov residents - the heroes of the Second World War.

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of Saratov residents showed high combat valor. For courage and heroism shown in battles, 47 thousand soldiers, sergeants and officers from Saratov were awarded orders and medals. More than 200 Saratov soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the 1st senior and 2nd preparatory groups, a conversation of the same name was held on the topic with viewing photographs of those years. The guys learned about the heroes-compatriots: Panfilov Ivan Vasilievich, Plekhanov Andrey Filippovich,Vasily Nikitovich Simbirtsev, in whose honor the streets of Saratov are named, and many others. All the people know the names of the Heroes of the Soviet Union: Major General I.V. Panfilova, native of Petrovsk, political instructor V.G. Klochkova-Dieva, a native of Sinodskoye, Saratov district, whose words were heard throughout the country: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us!

In the 2nd senior group, teachers held a conversation and a photo excursion to monuments to the heroes and fellow countrymen of Saratov. The children saw monument to the heroes of the front and rear on Entuziastov Avenue(monument to the feat of aircraft factory workers during the Great Patriotic War), monument to V. D. Khomyakova(famous pilot, defender of the Saratov sky during the Second World War), monument to the defenders of the Saratov sky(anti-aircraft gunners of the Second World War) and others.

In preparatory group 1, teachers told children about women pilots and their exploits:

  • Raskova Marina Mikhailovna- at the end of October 1941, she formed an air group of three female air regiments, which bore the unofficial name « Night witches » . Raskova was later appointed commander of the 587th Bomber Wing. Died in a plane crash near Saratov. Her name was given to the 125th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment, Tambov VVAUL, a passenger ship on the Volga.
  • Raisa Ermolaevna Aronova- graduated from the flying club before the war, and in 1942 from the Engels Military Aviation Pilot School. Senior pilot of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment, Guard Lieutenant Aronova completed 914 combat missions.

These young, beautiful women had incredible courage. After all, learning to fly an airplane is already a feat, but flying a fighter or bomber and participating in combat operations is real heroism. This is what the teachers tried to explain to our students.

« Let's salute the Victory!

On March 16, pupils of our kindergarten took an active part in the military song competition "Victoria" of the municipal festival of children's creativity "Constellation of Talents", held as part of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Everyone on this day dedicated their speech to their relatives and friends - witnesses of those military events: great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers - participants in the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, as well as grandparents who were caught in the war as children.

Artyom Biktashev, in the “Solo Singing” category, performed the song “I will return as a winner” (music by A. Ermolov, lyrics by S. Zolotukhin) in honor of his great-great-grandfather, military intelligence officer Alexey Semenovich Trofimov.

In the category "Duets and Ensembles"The boys' ensemble of the 1st preparatory group with firm confidence performed the song "Don't be afraid, mom, I'm with you!" (music by M. Protasov, lyrics by E. Shklovsky).

The performance of the vocal ensemble "Silver Bells" (2nd preparatory group) was remembered by everyone for the song "We, friends, are birds of passage" (music by V. Solovyov-Sedogo, lyrics by A. Fatyanov) from the wartime film "Heavenly Slug".

In the “Choral Performance” category, the children of the 1st preparatory group performed the song “Blue Handkerchief” (music by E. Petersburgsky, lyrics by Y. Galitsky), which warmed the soldiers in the trenches of the Great Patriotic War with the memory of relatives and friends who were waiting for their return from the front.

The choir of the 2nd preparatory group performed the song “The Main Holiday” in the victory march (music by Nailya Mukhamedzhanova, lyrics by Nikolai Mazanov).

At the end of the competition, the guys discussed the events for a long time, shared their impressions, told each other and adults about their relatives who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War: those who returned home in the victorious 1945 and those who died defending the Soviet Motherland.

« Saratov region

during the Great Patriotic War"

The 3rd week of March in our garden was dedicated to this topic. Over 300 thousand Saratov residents did not return from the front to their homes. Memories of them stir our hearts, fill them with sorrow and a sense of shame that our memory is sometimes so treacherously short. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, more than 500 thousand Saratov residents were mobilized, this is every 4th resident of the region. Every second of them did not return from the front!

There were no military operations directly on the territory of the Saratov region, but the region played a key role in providing Soviet troops with combat and material reserves, in the evacuation, and treatment of soldiers and officers.

Saratov residents took part in all the most important battles.

Valeria Khomyakova. The first woman was a pilot to shoot down an enemy plane in a night battle. The pilots are the heroes of D.Z. Tarasov, Yu. I. Pyrkov, A. F. Plekhanov, R. E. Aronova, armor-piercing Marine I.A. Avteev, participant in the storming of Berlin I.V. Malyshev, military cameraman D.M. Ibragimov and many others. Their names are immortalized in the names of streets and squares in Saratov; monuments and museums have been erected in their honor.

In the Saratov region there were 388 enterprises that produced various types of products for the front. The Saratov Aviation Plant produced 13,500 combat vehicles between 1941 and 1945.

During the war, the Saratov region became the most important hospital base. The number of hospitals reached 77, of which 31 were located in Saratov. Talented medical specialists worked here: Professor S.R. Mirotvortsev and N.I. Krause. During the war years, residents of the region donated 71,000 liters of blood!

Our teachers told their students about all this. Children looked at photographs of our fellow countrymen with interest and listened to stories about their exploits. In their drawings, the children reflected ideas about the life of Saratov residents during the war.

The most interesting and informative was the photo excursion to the “Victory Park” in Saratov. Some of the guys saw for the first time the 40-meter-high “Cranes” monument - a monument to Saratov residents who died during the Great Patriotic War. The Museum of Military Glory currently contains more than 180 exhibits of military and agricultural equipment. This is the largest aircraft fleet. But most of all the guys liked the legendary “Katyusha”. Some of the children have already visited this park. They shared their impressions and knowledge with friends. And those who have not been there, we are sure, after these conversations, will definitely visit this park with their parents.Excursions to monuments and museums provide an opportunity to show children, using vivid examples, the heroism that our people showed in defending their Motherland.

“Everything for the front, everything for victory!”

Not only military units, but also all home front workers took part in the fight against the fascist invaders. The difficult task of supplying the troops with everything necessary fell on the shoulders of the people in the rear. The army had to be fed, clothed, shoed, and continuously supplied to the front with weapons, military equipment, ammunition, fuel and much more. All this was created by home front workers. They worked from dark to dark, enduring hardships every day. Despite the difficulties of wartime, the Soviet rear coped with the tasks assigned to it and ensured the defeat of the enemy.

The motto is “Everything for the front, everything for victory over the enemy!” became not only a slogan, it was put into practice.

Tens of thousands of women, teenagers, and elderly people took to the machines, mastered tractors, combines, and cars to replace the husbands, fathers, and sons who had gone to the front. Volunteers were trained in courses for nurses and orderlies, pilots, mechanics, turners and many others.

In villages and villages, women, old people and children left without husbands, sons, fathers planted grain and cultivated the fields. It was hellish work. German vultures set fire to fields with wheat, corn and already ripened grain, and collective farmers, in the middle of the night, rushed to put out the fields and often died in the fire. The common Russian people showed courage and heroism during the war. The Soviet rear was the most powerful, thanks to it our soldiers were fed and warmly dressed.

The selfless work of people soon yielded results. Already in 1942, despite the loss of important economic regions, the output of military products, compared with 1940, increased significantly and exceeded the civilian level in volume. In the subsequent years of the war, the production of weapons, military equipment and military equipment constantly increased.

And now, while congratulating war veterans on Victory Day, we must not forget about the home front workers who, without sparing themselves, brought this great holiday closer!

Teachers told their students about all this during the 2nd week of March. Thematic discussions and classes were held, the children watched a presentation about home front workers, and looked at photographs of those years. The children enjoy playing didactic games “Military Equipment”, “Find the Model”, “Branches of the Armed Forces”, etc.

In the 1st senior group there was a thematic conversation “Home Front Workers” with an examination of photographs of those years.Children of the 2nd senior group listened to a recording of the lyrical songs “Dark Night” by N.V. Bogoslovsky, “Katyusha”, “In the forest near the front” by M.I. Blanter. The main theme of the songwriting of these years is the defense of the Motherland. Songs were then born in battles, people went to great deeds with them, they instilled strength and confidence in victory over the enemy. The song becomes a spiritual weapon of the front and rear, inspires with the memory of peaceful days and instills confidence in victory in human hearts.

Children of the 2nd preparatory group played the role-playing game “Hospital”. The purpose of this game is to continue to teach children to connect games with a single plot; independently distribute roles; use knowledge gained from life and in the classroom; cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland. The parents of the group helped the teachers in preparing attributes for role-playing games on a military theme.

In the 1st preparatory group, a drawing competition “Military professions of the Great Patriotic War” was held. The purpose of this activity is to continue to teach children to conceive the plot of a drawing; instill pride in your soldiers and in your homeland.

Educators continue to replenish their thematic folders: visual and didactic material on the theme of the Great Patriotic War and soldiers' everyday life, monuments to soldiers, obelisks; didactic games with patriotic content; fiction - stories, poems, proverbs and sayings about the war, the holiday of May 9, the military, and peace; audio recordings of songs from the war years; postcards, illustrations, photographs for the design of albums “Our Dear Army”.

Battle of Kursk - "Arc of Fire"

The first week of March was dedicated to one of the greatest battles, the largest tank battle in the entire history of the Great Patriotic War - the Battle of Kursk.

This battle lasted seven weeks. The Nazis concentrated a huge number of tanks and aircraft on the Arc of Fire. Here, for the first time, the Nazis used powerful advanced tanks “Tiger” and “Panther”, the latest aircraft. On July 12, on a rye field near Belgorod, thousands of tanks fought in brutal combat. And the air trembled over the endless field of golden bread. The rapid attack of our T-34 tanks pierced the formation of the Panthers and Tigers, and their battle formations were mixed up.

The battle on the “Fire Arc” was difficult and brutal, but our warriors managed to overpower the formidable enemy and, in the end, put him to flight and forced him to retreat along the entire multi-kilometer front. Starting from this battle, a radical turning point occurred in the course of the Great Patriotic War, and our troops began an offensive on all fronts.

Over one hundred thousand soldiers, officers and generals were awarded orders and medals for the courage and heroism shown in this battle, many were awarded the title of Hero posthumously. In honor of the victory on the Kursk Bulge, many monuments to heroes were erected, streets and avenues were named after them, poems and songs were written, and museums were opened.

Such a great event cannot be kept silent. In all groups of senior preschool age, thematic conversations and classes were held with viewing of presentations and photographs of those years.

In the 1st preparatory group, after the conversation “The Battle of Prokhorovsky Field”, after looking at the photographs, the children made a wonderful panorama of the Battle of Kursk using plasticine.

In the 2nd preparatory group, children became interested in the commanders and heroes of that distant battle. Together with the teacher, they examined portraits of generals, commanders of troops, soldiers and officers who showed valor and heroism and were awarded orders and medals. This is Waldemar Shalandin, who commanded the crew of the T-34 tank and died. This is pilot Lieutenant Alexander Gorovets, who shot down 9 enemy aircraft in one air battle. This is the only pilot in the world who managed to accomplish such a feat in one combat mission!

In the 1st and 2nd senior groups there were discussions about the Battle of Kursk - “Arc of Fire”. The children enjoyed looking at photographs of those years and listening to the story of the greatest tank battle.

The teachers read Sergei Alekseev’s stories “Baby”, “Orlovich-Voronovich”, “What kind of troops are fighting” - these are small stories full of patriotism and heroism of the Russian people, two of which tell about tank crews.

Alekseev Sergei Petrovich - a famous children's writer, a participant in the Great Patriotic War - tells preschoolers about its main battles. Six books in the series “Great Battles of the Great Patriotic War” describe the feat of our people in liberating their native country and Europe from fascist invaders. The fifth book in the series is dedicated to the victory at Kursk (1943) and the expulsion of the Nazis from Soviet lands (1943-1944). Beautiful illustrations help children see, understand and feel those events, that atmosphere, those feelings with which our soldiers fought and gave their lives for our Motherland.

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

The third week of February in our garden was dedicated to the holiday of all soldiers, men - Defender of the Fatherland Day and the historical event of the Great Patriotic War - defense of Sevastopol.

At the same time congratulating our little Defenders, all the children made crafts, postcards for their dads, grandfathers and brothers, and drew pictures on the theme “For me, my best dad is always a hero.” Now these drawings decorate the main foyer of the kindergarten.

The week turned out to be very busy for the teachers; all groups held conversations and thematic classes on the topic “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Russian Army”. And in groups of senior preschool age, teachers held conversations and thematic lessons dedicated to the defense of Sevastopol.

Sevastopol is a city of Russian military glory. The enemy tried to capture it many times. And every time it was freed, restored, made even more beautiful. His glory does not fade over the years. The defense of Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War became a tragic page in the history of the city. Battle for Sevastopolwill remain in memory as a great feat of the city’s defenders. And you need to know this too.

As always, the children reflected their impressions in their drawings.

Children happily continue to play role-playing games on a military theme: “Border Guards”, “Sailors”, “Scouts” and others. Boys and girls play the roles of: the supreme commander-in-chief, he leads the offensive and defense, determines the course of the military campaign; soldiers, nurses, organize battles, go on the attack, defend. Such role-playing games cultivate the spirit of patriotism in the child, and also contribute to the development of strategic and tactical thinking.

Outdoor games “Attack”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Help the Wounded”, etc. contribute to the development of physical qualities such as speed, dexterity, accuracy, and general coordination of movements. It is especially interesting for children to play such games on the street.

And the didactic games “Learn the military uniform”, “What should a soldier be like?” and others help to consolidate knowledge about the branches of the Russian military, equipment, military ranks, the peculiarities of the life of military personnel, the military history of our country, etc.

Events dedicated to the Battle of Moscow

This was the largest battle of the Great Patriotic War. The Battle of Moscow lasted a total of 203 days and nights over a vast area roughly the size of France. About 7 million people were involved in it on both sides.

The 2nd week of February was dedicated to this topic. The teachers conducted thematic classes in their groups, watching presentations, conversations, and read works of fiction to the children about the war and the lives of children in those distant war times. In the music room, on the big screen, pupils of the senior and preparatory groups watched the documentary film “The Battle of Moscow”, which made a huge impression on them.

Children continued to play war in groups, pretending to be sailors, tank crews, pilots, partisans, and nurses providing first aid to the wounded.

Pupils of preparatory groups visited the Museum of Military Glory of secondary school No. 2. High school student guides told the young listeners the story of the feat of school graduate Alexander Sudnitsyn, who served in Afghanistan in the 70s, and introduced the children to Alexander’s collection of badges, by studying which one can learn a lot about the people and aspirations of previous years. In the museum, the children also got acquainted with the half-century history of the school itself. Our students will remember this day for a long time.

Stage 1VIAll-Russian Competition for Young Readers “Living Classics”» ,

dedicated to Victory Day

On February 12, the first qualifying stage of the “Living Classics” competition took place in the garden. Children of senior preschool age took part in it. The theme of the Competition - the Great Patriotic War, of course, is difficult for such kids, but they did it, they were so emotional and heartfelt that the jury was touched. And yet the places were distributed. Congratulations to the winners! The next stage awaits them at the municipal level.

ResultsCompetition for young readers “Living Classics”» ,

dedicated to Victory Day

Senior groups


F.I. participant


Room name



Ivleva Nastya

2 tbsp. group

“Puddle Jacket” by T. Shapiro

Skrebkova L.N.


Vanzha Ksenia

1 tbsp. group

“Obelisks” by B. Laskin

Kolmykova E.A.

Maslova Alena

“Children about the war” A. Molchanov

Kutyreva G.M.


Kolyuzhny Ivan

2 tbsp. group

“A Veteran’s Story” by M. Turkin

Levchenko E.A.

Boksha Polina

2 tbsp. group

Skrebkova L.N.

Preparatory groups


F.I. participant


Room name


1st place

Kabiev Almaz

2 prep. group

“Even then we weren’t in the world” M. Vladimov

Doroshenko N.P.

Permin Timofey

2 prep. group

“Three Comrades” S Mikhalkov

Doroshenko N.P.

2nd place

Biktashev Artem

2 prep. group

“Veterans” by Z. Baev

Yashchenko Z.K.

3rd place

Kuznetsov Daniil

1 prep. group

“Puddle Jacket” by T. Shapiro

Lukyanova O.S.

1 prep. group

“Eternal Flame” A. Usachev

Chernyavskaya N.A.

February 2 - Day of Military Glory of Russia - Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943

Burning on the ground of Volgograd Soldier's eternal flame - eternal glory to those who is fascism that conquered Europe, was stopped here. In the harsh years of battle People stood here to death - comrades and peers Your father. They fought to the death!... And let the people of the world see:
We remember and love those who died.
And let the people of the world know:
Eternal Flame of Volgograd
Can't wilt yet
Lives on Volgograd land
At least one boy...

(Margarita Agashina)

On February 2-3, conversations were held with older preschoolers about the 72nd anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad.The Battle of Stalingrad has long died down. For some it has become a distant memory, for others it has become history. But even today, neither an adult nor a child remains indifferent when they hear about those significant events.

The teachers told the children about how important this battle was. It became the largest land battle of World War II and one of the turning points in the military operations, after which German troops finally lost the strategic initiative. 200 heroic days (July 17, 1942 – February 2, 1943) The defense of Stalingrad went down in history as the most bloody and cruel. More than seven hundred thousand Soviet soldiers and officers were killed and wounded during the defense of the city.

Together with their teachers, the children watched a documentary about the war, presentations, and photographs of those years. The children of the preparatory groups watched a documentary about the “Defense of Stalingrad.” From this film, the children learned how the enemy came close to Mamayev Kurgan, to the railway line running through the city. In the center of the city, in many buildings, fascist machine gunners settled in, having made their way there through the thinned ranks of the defenders of Stalingrad. The Germans reached the city crossing and were about to capture it. Armed detachments of Stalingrad residents came to the aid of the army. Fights took place for every street, for every block, and often for the entrances and floors of houses. Stalingrad became a front city with no rear. The teachers talked about the courage of soldiers and ordinary people who fought for every piece of land, for every house of this long-suffering city and won!While watching the film, the children worried about our soldiers and were sincerely happy for their victories. Look at the faces of your children, you will see sadness and empathy in them.

Our children already know a lot about the Great Patriotic War, so stories about it are understandable and close to them.

January 27 - Day of Military Glory of Russia - Day of the complete liberation of the city of Leningrad by Soviet troops

Children from senior and preparatory groups began their acquaintance with the history of the Great Patriotic War with a very important and tragic event for our country - the siege of Leningrad.

The purpose of these events: To introduce children to the lives of people at this time. Develop the ability to feel, empathize, listen to others, and cultivate a sense of patriotism. Tell children about the lives of adults and children during the difficult war years. To cultivate respectful attitudes towards the historical memory of one’s people, towards the wind we have war.

The teachers held thematic conversations and classes with the children, watched presentations, read works of art about the siege of Leningrad, and the children expressed their impressions in the most accessible form of activity for them - drawing. The teachers told the children about the courage and heroism of the Leningraders who were able to survive these almost 900 endlessly long days and nights. It was difficult to live at that time and scary... very scary. Despite the difficult time, the children continued to go to school, spoke to the wounded in the hospital and continued to believe that victory was near. Our students listened with bated breath to the story about their peers. The footage of the military chronicles of those years evoked a huge emotional response in the guys, and when they saw the size of a piece of besieged bread and tried on the opportunity to live with only this small, almost inedible piece baked from paste, sawdust and a small amount of flour for the whole day... Tears began to shine in the children's eyes.

The children of the 1st preparatory group drew on the theme “The Road of Life”, based on the story by S. Alekseev “The First Column”. The story about how the road of life was opened through Lake Ladoga and what great significance it had for the residents of the besieged city greatly impressed the children.

In the 2nd preparatory group, a reading competition “About Leningrad” was held. All children learned the poems they liked and competed in expressiveness and performance skills. Competition results:

1st place- Permin Timofey;

2nd place- Chistyakov Vladislav, Kabiev Almaz;

3rd place- Filatova Polina.

Well done, guys!

Next week our students will get acquainted with the Battle of Stalingrad.

Project "Let's tell children about the war"

Project Information Card

  • Project type: creative, socially significant.
  • Project participants: Children, group teachers, music director, physical education instructor, parents.
  • Project duration: February – May 2015.
  • Children's age: 4 – 5 years


Creative socially significant project “Let’s tell the children about the war” implements educational field "Social and communicative development" , reveals the content of work on organizing various types of children's activities: reading, discussing literary texts, looking at reproductions of paintings, listening to music, watching videos, animated films, presentations, productive and play activities.

The proposed forms of work with project participants: exhibitions of works of joint creativity of children and parents, a master class, a reading competition, a family magazine, excursions, a literary lounge for the parents of the group, a presentation of the project reveal the issues of familiarizing children 4-5 years old with the heroic feat of our people and their ancestors during the Great Patriotic War.

The project is addressed to educators and preschool education specialists; it will also be useful to parents for homework with children, as a methodological guide ready for implementation.


Significant problem that the project aims to solve:

Modern children do not know what war is, Victory Day is a holiday that every child should know about. It is necessary to tell children from childhood about war, about the hardships of war not only for soldiers, but for the whole country, for ordinary people. For our children this is already a very distant past, but we cannot forget it; we must always remember those who gave their lives for a bright future for us. Surveys of parents revealed an insufficient level of competence in solving this problem within the family. Project “Let’s tell the children about the war” seeks and finds ways to solve problems within the framework of active interaction of all participants in the educational process.

Work on the implementation of the project involves three stages - preparatory, active and final. The system web of the project contains forms of educational activities taking into account all educational areas. The appendix contains additional materials - photos and video materials, card indexes of visual and methodological aids, a list of literature used, notes of events.

Project goal: Creating conditions for instilling in children and their parents respect for the memory of their ancestors - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Project objectives:

For children:

  • To give children an initial idea that people remember and honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in whose honor poems and songs are composed and monuments are erected.
  • To evoke in children an emotional response to the heroic intonations of works of fiction, fine art, and music.
  • Give children an idea of ​​the Victory Day holiday, explain why it is called that and who is congratulated on this day.
  • To cultivate patriotic feelings for the heroic events of past years, respect for veterans, home front workers, and children of our hometown who bore the hardships of war on their shoulders.

For teachers:

  • To increase the level of professional competence in the issue of patriotic education of children of the middle group, through familiarization with the heroic past of fellow countrymen.
  • To create conditions for the development in children of creative perception of works of fiction, CNT about war.
  • To contribute to the formation in children of initial ideas about the heroic feat of the Russian people during the Second World War.
  • Stimulate children's speech activity by involving them in the process of discussing works of fiction, CNT, visual arts, presentations, animated films, videos with songs about the Second World War.
  • Encourage creative initiative, confidence, activity, and independence in children.
  • To instill in children a respectful attitude towards veterans, home front workers, and children of war who endured the hardships of harsh times.

For parents:

  • To introduce children to the historical past of the big and small Motherland.
  • Contribute to the preservation and continuation of continuous communication between generations.
  • To revive in memory the knowledge about the heroic past of family members, our people.
  • Take an active part in educational activities.

Methods used:

  • Gaming;
  • Verbal;
  • Visual;
  • Practical

They are reflected in all types of joint project activities.

Project participants: children, group teachers, music director, physical education instructor, parents of students.

Project implementation period: February – May 2015.

“Let’s tell the children about the war”

Project performance criteria and indicators

"Tell the children about the war"

  1. Solve the goals and objectives of a moral and patriotic orientation, taking into account the integration of educational areas - social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development;
  2. The design and implementation of the project increases the level of self-education of teachers in matters of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of preschool children;
  3. Using the local history component (meetings with Shaturyans - home front workers, excursions to the museum of military glory in MBOU Secondary School No. 4 in Shatura, to the memorial of F.T. Zharov, the monument to I.I. Borzov) instills love for the native land and respect for fellow countrymen.
  4. The selection and adaptation of visual and didactic material in accordance with the age of children contributes to the formation of initial ideas about the Second World War.
  5. Familiarization with the heroic feat of the Russian people takes place against the background of the integration of creative cognitive, productive, communicative, and gaming activities.
  6. Active, positive and productive interaction between all participants enhances the educational impact on children.

Criteria and performance indicators of the project:


  1. Have a basic understanding of the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Day holiday;
  2. They can explain the meaning of the words Great Patriotic War, hero, veteran, home front worker, Victory Day;
  3. They listen with interest to stories, poems, and musical works about the Second World War, look at reproductions of paintings and express their opinions;
  4. They recite poems about war and victory by heart;
  5. Understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings about peace, friendship, war;
  6. They listen with enthusiasm to stories from invited guests about the Shaturyans helping the front during the Second World War;
  7. They have basic information about relatives who gave military service to their Motherland during the Second World War;
  8. They feel a desire to continue acquaintance with the heroic events of the Second World War;
  9. Possess basic communication skills in gaming activities.


  1. Competent in matters of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of preschool children;
  2. Creates RPPS for the formation in children of elementary ideas about the Second World War and the Victory Day holiday;
  3. Affects the development of game plots;
  4. Able to lead children to display creative initiative in displaying their attitude to peace and friendship through visual activities;
  5. Involves parents of students in project activities.


  1. Show a conscious attitude towards the problem of introducing children to the heroic feat of the Russian people during the Second World War;
  2. When communicating with children, they discuss the heroic past of family members who gave their debt to the Motherland during the Second World War;
  3. Show creative activity in joint creative activities with children when creating a postcard for a veteran;
  4. Takes an active part in project activities.

Expected results for the project:

For children:

  • Formation of initial ideas about the Second World War.
  • Showing interest in the feat of the Russian people during the Second World War.
  • Expressing your attitude towards the heroic past of the Russian people.
  • Emotional response to works of fiction, CNT, visual arts, musical art about the feat of the Russian people, the holiday - Victory Day.
  • Development of children's communication skills in play activities.
  • Participation of children in the process of discussing works of fiction, CNT, works of fine art.
  • Respectful attitude towards veterans, home front workers, children of war.

For teachers:

  • Increasing the level of professional competence in familiarizing preschool children with the feat of the Russian people.
  • Created conditions for the formation in children of elementary ideas about the Second World War and the holiday - Victory Day.
  • Pedagogical and educational influence on the process of development of gaming actions.
  • Children's manifestation of creative initiative, confidence, activity, independence in displaying their attitude to the world and friendship in visual activities.

For parents:

  • A conscious attitude towards introducing children to the origins of the heroic past of our ancestors.
  • Systematization of knowledge about the pedagogical and educational impact of using information about the exploits of the Russian people during the Second World War in communication with children.
  • Active participation in project activities.
  • Replenishing the creative piggy bank with the fine art technique Scratch.

Form of the final project event:

  • Creation of an exhibition “Everyone needs peace and friendship” .
  • OOD
  • Literary living room .

Project products:

For children:

  • Creative drawings “Everyone needs peace and friendship” .
  • Organized educational activities "Fireworks over the city in honor of Victory Day" .
  • Reading competition “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” .
  • "Postcard to a Veteran" .
  • Promotion "Postcard to a Veteran"
  • Literary living room .

For teachers:

  • Increasing the level of professional competence in the formation of elementary ideas about the heroic feat of the Russian people in preschool children.
  • Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment to familiarize children with the concepts of war and Victory.
  • Exhibition of children's drawings “Everyone needs peace and friendship” .
  • EOR card index “These days the glory will not cease…” .
  • Card index of works of fiction and CNT about the war.
  • Exhibition of works of joint creativity of children and parents "Postcard to a Veteran" .
  • Literary living room “I am reading a letter that has already turned yellow for years” .

For parents:

  • Creating an Album “There is no family in Russia where its hero is not remembered” .
  • Participation in the creation of the RPPS to familiarize children with the concepts of war and Victory.
  • Literary living room “I am reading a letter that has already turned yellow over the years” .
  • Exhibition of works of joint creativity of children and parents "Postcard to a Veteran" .
  • Promotion "Postcard to a Veteran" . Visit to the Council of Veterans of the ShMR MO.
  • Laying flowers at the Alley of Heroes.

List of references for the project

"Tell the children about the war"

  • Veraksa N.E. "From birth to school" Sample general education program for preschool education (pilot version)/ NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2015. – 352 p.
  • Antonov Yu.A. “Dedicated to the Great Victory” / Antonov Yu.A. – M.; Sphere shopping center, 2010. 128 p. – (Teacher's Library) (5) .
  • Golitsyna N.S. “Notes of complex thematic classes. Middle group. Integrated approach." / Golitsyna N.S. – M.: "Scriptorium 2003" , 2013. – 224 p.
  • Gubanova N.F. "Development of gaming activities: Middle group" / Gubanova N.F. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014. – 160 p.
  • Dybina O.V. “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. Middle group" / Dybina O.V. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014. – 96 p.
  • Komarova T.S. ""
  • Stepanenkova E.Ya. “Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old” / Stepanenkova. E.Ya. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2012. – 144 p.
  • Tarabarina T.I. "Origami and child development" / Tarabarina T.I. – M. "Development Academy" , 1997. – 106 p.
  • Toroptsev A.P. “So that they know and remember” / Toroptsev A.P. – M.o. "Moscow region" , 2014. – 220 p.

Internet resources:

  • Videos http: //www. youtube. com/
  • Pictures https://yandex. ru/images/? clid=1872363&win=138&redircnt=1428259088. 1&uinfo=sw-1093-sh-614-ww-1093-wh-514-pd-1. 25-wp-16x9_1366x768
  • Poems for children about the Second World War http: //tanyakiseleva. ru/stixi-dlya-detej-o-vojne/
  • Children's songs about war http: //allforchildren. ru/songs/vov. php


Methodological materials for the project

“Let’s tell the children about the war”

Outdoor games:

“Who is faster is the commander?”

Goal: Encouraging children to perform actions when given a signal, developing organization, independence, speed, and dexterity.

Progress of the game:

On chairs arranged in several rows, like in the army, there are items of clothing. On command, children must get dressed as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who performs all the actions faster than others and correctly. The winner is appointed commander.


Goal: Development of children's activity in games with objects, the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.

Progress of the game:

The children of both teams are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a gymnastic stick. Members of one team stand on one side of the designated line. At the leader’s signal, team members try to pull the enemy to their side.


Progress of the game:

Children "neutralize" (collect) "mines" (disks), stepping on bumps.


Goal: Development of speed, endurance, agility, and the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Progress of the game:

First signalman (participant) pulls the cable (cord) overcoming an obstacle course.

The second signalman, overcoming the obstacle, installs the telephone, getting in touch with the call sign: “First, first, I’m second, as you hear, welcome” .


Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, activity of children in games with objects.

Progress of the game:

Children fall into a tank (target) grenades (in bags).

"Grenades in a box"

Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, attention, activity of children in games with objects.

Number of players: 1 - 6 people.

Equipment: balls for a dry pool.

Progress of the game:

  1. An adult pours colored plastic balls onto the floor (grenades) and asks the children to collect them, bring them and put them in a box.
  2. You can complicate the game by placing several obstacles in front of the scattered balls, which the child must overcome in order to collect the balls (for example, climbing over a log, bench, etc.).
  3. You can use balls of different colors and sizes and ask children to collect the balls selectively: either only small ones, or ones of the same color.

"Scouts" (blind man's buff with a bell)

Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, activity of children in games with objects.

Progress of the game:

Scouts 2-3 people (blind man's buff) caught with eyes closed "languages" . Enemies (other children) running around the hall and ringing bells.

"Run quietly past the patrol"

Goal: Developing the ability to run easily, rhythmically, energetically pushing off with the toe, fostering independence and initiative in organizing familiar games. Cultivating team spirit.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. they stand behind the line at one end of the site. The driver is selected (patrol). He stands in the middle of the site. At the teacher’s signal, children of one group silently run to the other side of the playground. If the watchman hears footsteps, he says: "Stop" and those running stop. Without opening his eyes, the watchman shows where he hears the noise from. If he indicated correctly, the children move aside; if he made a mistake, the children return to their places and run again. All groups of children run through this one by one.

The group that the driver did not hear wins. (patrol). When the game is repeated, the sentinel changes.

"On the Border"

Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, endurance, flexibility, the ability to play with objects, perform actions on a signal.

Progress of the game:

The children portray border guards; two children are appointed sentries with a dog. "Border Guards" relax, warm themselves by the fires, etc. At the other end of the site there are machine guns.

"Hourly" holds "dog" on a leash and walks with her along the line (borders). Suddenly "dog" pulls the cord. "Hourly" screams "Anxiety!" Hearing this signal everyone "border guards" must quickly take machine guns and line up along the imaginary border. The two children who reach the border first will "sentinels" And "dog" in the next game.

Rules of the game: "Border Guards" should be located as far as possible from the machines. It is not allowed to take weapons in advance.

Conversations with children

Subject: "Letters from the Front"

Educator: There was a war, but life went on. Mothers, wives, and children were waiting for the soldiers at home. They wrote letters to the front and eagerly awaited an answer - news from the front. In rare moments of silence, the soldiers rested, looked at photographs of family and friends and wrote letters home: S. Glushko-Kamensky. 01/22/1944

Don't be sad, my dear,

don't be sad, my dear,

I haven't forgotten you

in the stormy roar of days.

I just see you

through a snowstorm,

And the desire to see you

getting stronger and stronger.

We're going west

driving out the invaders,

them on our land

There's not even an inch of room!

The volleys of our guns,

machine gunners' fire

Getting closer every day

victory dawn!

I fight and take revenge

for killed comrades,

Our strike on the enemy

getting stronger and stronger!

Don't be sad, my dear,

don't be sad, my dear,

I haven't forgotten you

in the stormy roar of days.


Educator: For whom was this letter written?

The children answer.

Educator: What does the fighter who wrote this letter call the Nazis?

The children answer.

Educator: Why did the soldiers take revenge on their damned enemies?

Children make guesses.

Educator: What did all the defenders of our Motherland believe in?

Children express their thoughts.

Educator: The Nazis brought a lot of grief to our land: they burned villages, destroyed cities, killed civilians - women, old people and children. The people had only one hope - for our army, fortitude, courage, heroism of our soldiers and officers. And they lived up to the hopes of their wives, mothers and children - everyone who waited for them, believed them and wrote letters. Guys, on this poster you see photographs of the war years and triangular envelopes - letters from one of the defenders of our Motherland from the front. The soldier who wrote these letters died, like many fighters for our Motherland. They remained forever young in photographs and in people's memories.

Everyone who died defending the Fatherland will forever remain in our hearts!

Conversation "The Motherland is Calling"

Educator: Russia is a beautiful, rich country, and many foreigners would like to own its treasures. Our country has had to repel enemy attacks more than once. This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.

Before attacking our country in 1941, Nazi Germany captured many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Austria, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia. All the plants and factories in Europe worked for her. The head of Germany was Adolf Hitler, who dreamed of conquering and enslaving the whole world.

In the summer of 1941, on June 22, at dawn, Hitler’s troops attacked our Motherland without warning. The Nazis tried to deprive us of freedom, to seize our lands and cities. This is how the Great Patriotic War began. The fascist army was very strong, it had a lot of military equipment: tanks, planes, warships and well-trained soldiers, so our troops initially retreated. But the Nazis miscalculated. They did not know that our people had very strong willpower and spirit.

Look at this poster. It was drawn by Irakli Moiseevich Toidze and called “The Motherland is calling!” .

Educator: Where is the Motherland calling our people?

Children. To defend the Fatherland.

Educator: What mood does the Motherland convey to the people?

Children's statements.

Educator: What else do you see on the poster?

Children's statements.

Educator: Why are there so many weapons behind the woman?

Children express their guesses.

Educator: This woman-mother calls all her sons and daughters to join the army, to be honest, brave, disciplined fighters, to be devoted to their people until their last breath. She calls on everyone to defend their homeland from enemies - courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing their blood and life.

And all the residents of our huge country rose as one to defend the Motherland and freedom.

In the red summer there is a lot of everything in the forest - all kinds of mushrooms and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, pouts, rushes out of the ground, gets angry at the berries: “Look, what a crop of them! Now no one will even look at us! Wait,” thinks the boletus, the head of all the mushrooms, “we, the mushrooms, have great power - let’s crush it, strangle it, the sweet berry!”

The boletus conceived and wished for war, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to gather mushrooms, began to help call out:

Go, little girls, go to war!

The waves refused:

We are all old ladies, not guilty of war.

Go away, honey agarics!

The honey mushrooms refused:

Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war!

Hey you morels! - the boletus mushroom shouted. -Gear up for war!

The morels refused; They say:

We are old men, no way are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

Milk mushrooms, you guys are friendly, come fight with me, beat up the arrogant berry!

Milk mushrooms with loads responded:

We are milk mushrooms, brothers are friendly, we are going with you to war, to the forest and field berries, we will throw our hats at them, we will trample them with our heels!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together, the dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, there’s trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time, Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great mushroom strength, she gasped, sat down and, well, picked up mushrooms in a row and put them in the back. I picked it up completely, carried it home, and at home I sorted the mushrooms by type and by rank: honey mushrooms into tubs, honey mushrooms into barrels, morels into alyssettes, milk mushrooms into baskets, and the largest boletus mushroom ended up in a bunch; they pierced him, dried him and sold him.

From then on, the mushroom and berry stopped fighting.

Conversation with children:

  1. What is the name of the fairy tale?
  2. Who first started the war and why?
  3. Why do you think the mushrooms refused to go to war?
  4. How did the war between mushrooms and berries end?

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