Children's preg group about the Second World War. How to tell children about war? Children about the Great Patriotic War

Pregnancy and children 10.09.2024
Pregnancy and children

Yulia Velikanova
Project “Children about the war” for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

I want the children to know

About that Great War,

When their great-grandfathers and grandfathers

They defended their country.

If not for that generation,

What fought itself without sparing,

There would be no Russia

Or maybe you and me.

Relevance of the project:

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time. The education of patriotic feelings must begin from preschool age, because it is at this stage that the child’s personality is formed. You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with your Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved, cherished and defended it. Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own. This is the result of a long, targeted educational influence on a person, starting from childhood. The creation of the project is aimed at instilling in preschoolers a sense of pride in their people, respect for their achievements and worthy pages of history. This project involves involving children and parents in participating in and celebrating the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Project goal: moral and patriotic education of children through familiarization with the historical events of our country.

To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards warrior-defenders, the desire to be as brave, courageous and noble;

Introduce children to the history of the Great Patriotic War, with stories about the exploits of Russian soldiers;

Reveal the meaning of victory in the Second World War, peace for all people living on earth;

Lead to the perception of works of art about war;

Clarify children's knowledge about the Victory Day holiday;

Project type:

Group (participants – children, parents, creative group of the preschool educational institution);

Short term: March-May 2015.

Project type:



Age of children for whom the project is designed: senior and preparatory school group (5-7 years).

Expected results:

Understanding the importance of the holiday - Victory Day in the life of a Russian person;

Maintaining interest in the history of your country, in the Great Patriotic War, consciously showing respect for the merits and exploits of the participants

Great Patriotic War;

Involving parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions, strengthening parents’ awareness of the importance of patriotic education of preschool children;

Conducting a master class for teachers and parents on making souvenirs for veterans;

Design of an exhibition of drawings dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War;

Creating an album with photographs together with the parents of the pupils “Our Great-Grandfathers are Heroes”;

Holding the “Victory Day” holiday;

Creation of films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Project activity product:

Drawings dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War;

Souvenirs for veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Compiling a card index of artistic and journalistic literature, class notes, conversations, holidays, and leisure activities on the topic of the project;

Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint format “For children about the war”; "Eternal glory to the heroes"; “Let us bow to those great years...”;

Album “Our great-grandfathers are heroes”;

Holiday "Victory Day";

Films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Project Implementation Plan


Creation of a creative group to develop an event plan March 2015 head of preschool educational institution, senior teacher

Development of regulations on the creative group for the implementation of the project and organization of its activities March 2015. senior teacher

Development of an action plan to prepare for the 70th anniversary of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, March 2015. senior teacher, creative group

Selection and study of educational and methodological kit on the subject of the Project (methodological and fiction literature, illustrations, reproductions, postcards, etc.) March 2015. senior teacher, creative group,

preschool teachers

Launch of the project “For children about war” March-April

2015 senior teacher, creative group

Working with children

Educational conversations “About the Great Patriotic War”, “Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?”;

“Victory Day”, “Children and War”; “The main holiday is Victory Day!” and others April 2015

Examination of illustrations and paintings on the topic. April 2015

Reading fiction April 2015

Conducting classes dedicated to the Second World War April-May

Viewing presentations “For children about the war”; "Eternal glory to the heroes"; “Let us bow to those great years...”, “Monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Novokuznetsk” April

Solving pedagogical problems: “Go on reconnaissance”, “Help the wounded”. April

Music: listening and singing musical works by A. Filippenko “Eternal Flame”,

M. Starokadomsky “Victory March”, “My Russia” music. G. Struve; songs of the war years. April 2015

Learning poems about war. April-May 2015

Children's stories about the war May 2015

Working with parents

Consultations “The role of the family in instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children”; “How to tell a child about the Great Patriotic War?” April 2015

Master class “Making souvenirs as gifts for war veterans.” April 2015

Parents' participation in a drawing competition. May 2015

Participation of parents in the creation of films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. March – May 2015

Creation of the album “Our Great-Grandfathers are Heroes” March-May 2015

Working with teachers

Collection of methodological material about the Great Patriotic War. March-April

Development of GCD notes and events. March-May 2015

Master class “Making souvenirs as gifts for war veterans.” March-April 2015

Participation in the creation of a film dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. March 2015

Design of a thematic exhibition in the book corner, March-May 2015.

Final stage

Exhibition of drawings dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, May 2015.

Victory Day holiday May 2015

Screening of films dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. March-May 2015

Publications on the topic:

“Happy Childhood” project dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War Type of project: short-term, group, together with the family, for children 4-5 years old. Relevance: Preschool age is the most important period of development.

Group project for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “In Memory of the Fallen” Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a planned group project for the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, “In Memory of the Fallen.”

RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM Children, starting from preschool age, suffer from a lack of knowledge about their native land, country, and the characteristics of their native traditions.

Project for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “Living Memory of Russia” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 10, Vyazma, Smolensk region.

Project for preschoolers 6–7 years old for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “Let us bow to those great years” 1. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT In 2015, a significant date is celebrated - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic education.


Dear guys, you were born and live in peacetime and do not know what war is. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, military conflicts occur in which people die, residential buildings, industrial buildings, etc. are destroyed. But this cannot be compared to what World War II was like.

World War II- the largest war in human history. It was unleashed by Germany, Italy and Japan. 61 states were drawn into this war (14 states on the side of Nazi Germany, 47 on the side of Russia).

In total, 1.7 billion people or 80% of the total population of the Earth took part in the war, i.e. out of every 10 people, 8 took part in the war. That is why such a war is called a world war. 110 million people participated in the armies of all countries. World War II lasted 6 years - from September 1, 1939 to May 9, 1945

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. A blow of unknown force was struck. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union (that’s what our Fatherland used to be called) immediately over a large area - from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains (almost along our entire Western border). His troops crossed our border. Thousands and thousands of guns opened fire on peacefully sleeping villages and cities, enemy planes began to bomb railways, train stations, and airfields. For the war with Russia, Germany prepared a huge army. Hitler wanted to turn the population of our Motherland into slaves and force them to work for Germany, he wanted to destroy science, culture, art, and ban education in Russia.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated.

The Great Victory that our grandparents won in World War II over Nazi Germany has no analogues in history.

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the people's memory.

This year 2010 marks the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory in World War II. It's called "Great Victory" because this is a victory for sensible people in the most terrible world war in the history of mankind, which was imposed on him by fascism.

Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War?

THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR - the largest war in human history. The word "great" means very large, enormous, enormous. In fact, the war occupied a huge part of the territory of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted for four long years, and victory in it required an enormous effort of all physical and spiritual strength from our people.

It is called a Patriotic War because this war is fair, aimed at protecting one’s Fatherland. Our entire huge country has risen to fight the enemy! Men and women, elderly people, even children forged victory in the rear and on the front line.

Now you know that one of the most brutal and bloody wars in Russian history was called Great Otehonest war. The victory of the Red Army in this war is the main event in the history of Russia of the 20th century!

The German attack on the Soviet Union was unexpected. During these June days, tenth graders were finishing school, and schools were holding graduation parties. Boys and girls in bright, elegant clothes danced, sang, and greeted the dawn. They made plans for the future, dreamed of happiness and love. But the war cruelly destroyed these plans!

On June 22 at 12 noon, Minister of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov spoke on the radio and announced an attack on our country by Nazi Germany. Young people took off their school uniforms, put on overcoats and went to war straight from school, becoming fighters in the Red Army. The soldiers who served in the Red Army were called Red Army soldiers.

Every day, trains carried soldiers to the front. All the peoples of the Soviet Union have risen to fight the enemy!

But in 1941, the people wanted with all their might to help their country, which was in trouble! Both young and old people rushed to the front and enlisted in the Red Army. In the first days of the war alone, about a million people signed up! Lines formed at the recruiting stations - people were trying to defend their Fatherland!

In terms of the scale of human casualties and destruction, this war surpassed all wars that have taken place on our planet. A huge number of people were killed. More than 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, almost half of them were citizens of our country.

May 9, 1945 has forever become a great date for Russia - VICTORY DAY over Nazi Germany.


1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?

2. Why is it called that?

3. Which country started the war?

4. What did Hitler want to do to our people?

5. Who stood up to defend the Fatherland?


Difficult, hungry and cold war years are called dashing, evil years of war. It was hard for all our people, but it was especially hard for young children.

Many children were left orphans, their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during bombings, others lost not only their relatives, but also their home, others found themselves in enemy-occupied territory, and others were captured by the Germans.

Children - weak, helpless, found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless, evil force of fascism.

War is no place for children

War is no place for children!

There are no books or toys here.

Explosions of mines and roar of guns,

And a sea of ​​blood and death.

War is no place for children!

The child needs a warm home

And mothers tender hands,

And a look filled with goodness

And lullaby songs sounds.

And Christmas lights

A fun ride down the mountain

Snowballs and skis and skates,

And not orphanhood and suffering!

Here is the story of two little girls whose fate was affected by war. The girls' names were Valya and Vera Okopnyuk. They were sisters. Valya was older, she was already thirteen years old, and Vera was only ten.

The sisters lived in a wooden house on the outskirts of the city of Sumy. Shortly before the war, their mother became seriously ill and died, and when the war began, the girls’ father went to the front. The children were left completely alone. Neighbors helped the sisters enter a vocational school at a tractor factory. But soon the plant was evacuated beyond the Urals, and the school was closed. What was to be done?

Vera and Valya were not at a loss. They began to stand guard on the roofs of houses, extinguish incendiary bombs, and helped the sick and old people go down to the bomb shelter. A few months later the city was captured by the Germans. The girls had to see and experience all the horrors of the occupation.

One of them recalled: “They kicked people out of their houses, drove them on foot, and took them away in cars. Some never returned to their home. The Germans herded people into the square and forced them to watch as our people were hanged. There was hunger, cold, and no water in the city.”

The sisters decided to flee to Kyiv. They made their way along paths along the highways, collecting spikelets that had fallen from cars during transportation. We spent the night in haystacks. The girls wandered for a long time until they finally found themselves on the outskirts of Kyiv.

Some kind old woman took pity on the hungry, ragged and dirty children. She warmed them up, washed them, gave them boiling water to drink, and treated them to boiled beans. The sisters stayed to live with this grandmother. Her sons beat the enemy at the front, the old woman lived alone.

But then our troops entered the city. There were so many tears and joy! All the young people - boys and girls - ran to the military registration and enlistment offices. The sisters also ran, but they were told that they were still too small. However, they had such a bitter childhood that the girls considered themselves completely adults. They wanted to work in the hospital, but they refused here too. But one day many wounded soldiers were brought to the city, and the doctor told the sisters: “Come on, girls, help.”

“That’s how it turned out that we stayed in the hospital,” Vera recalled.

The girls began to help the orderlies, learned to make bandages, and fed the wounded Red Army soldiers. If they had a free hour, the sisters organized a concert for the soldiers: they read poetry, sang songs with a guitar, and danced. They wanted to cheer up and cheer up the wounded soldiers. The soldiers fell in love with girls!

One day, Vera, among the soldiers walking through the city, saw her uncle, her father’s brother. She rushed towards him. And soon the girls received their first letter from their father. The father thought that the sisters had died, and was infinitely glad that Vera and Valya were found, asked them to take care of themselves, wrote that when the war ended, they would be together again. The whole hospital cried over this letter! Vera recalls.

The war distorted the fates of not only the children who found themselves at the front, but also those who were in the rear. Instead of a carefree, happy childhood with fun games and amusements, small children worked ten to twelve hours on machines, helping adults make weapons to defeat the enemy.

Everywhere in the rear, industries were created producing defense products. Women and children aged 13-14 worked on the machines. “The kids, poorly dressed, swollen from hunger, never getting enough sleep, they worked equally with the adults. As the head of the workshop, my heart sank when I saw them warming themselves by the stove or napping at the machine,” recalled a veteran of a military plant in Korolev, Moscow Region. V.D. Kowalski.

Another veteran, N.S. Samartsev said: “We couldn’t reach the workbench, and they made special stands for us from boxes. They operated by hand - hammer, file, chisel. By the end of the shift, we were off our feet. Just get 4-5 hours of sleep! We didn’t leave the workshop for two weeks at a time, and only at the beginning of the month, when the stress was less, did we sleep at home.”

The schoolchildren tried their best to help the front-line soldiers raise their morale, instill faith in victory, and encourage them with kind words.

They wrote letters to the fighters and collected parcels for them. They sewed and embroidered tobacco pouches, knitted warm woolen mittens, socks, and scarves.

The song “Little Valenka” plays, music. N. Levi, ate.V. Dykhovichny.


1. Tell us about the life of children during the difficult war years.

2. How did children help adults in the rear?

3. What did schoolchildren send to the soldiers at the front?


On the way to the Great Victory of the Russian people there were defeats in battles and many important victories and events: the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow, the liberation of Russian cities, allied countries, but one of the main ones was the signing of the act of unconditional surrender between Nazi Germany and the victorious countries ( Great Britain, the Soviet Union, the United States of America and France).
This happened on May 9, 1945 in the capital of defeated Germany - Berlin. From that day on, the whole world knew that Nazi Germany was completely defeated.

Every year on May 9, people solemnly celebrate this date. In our country, May 9 is a public holiday dedicated to Victory Day. On this day, people do not work, but congratulate war veterans and celebrate.

The bloody war continued for many years, but the enemy was defeated, and Germany signed an act of unconditional surrender.

May 9, 1945 has forever become a great date for Russia. For the sake of this happy day, millions of people died fighting for the freedom of Russia and the whole world. We will never forget those who burned in tanks, who threw themselves from the trenches under hurricane fire, who lay down with their chests on the embrasure, who did not spare their lives and overcame everything. Not for the sake of awards, but so that you and I, guys, can live, study, work and be happy!

The names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forever preserved in the people's memory.

Alexander Matrosov sacrificed his life, covering the embrasure of the enemy pillbox with himself. Alexander Matrosov saved the lives of his comrades.

General D.M. Karbyshev, finding himself in the clutches of the enemy, did not give up, did not betray his Fatherland and was brutally tortured by the Nazis. After much torture, he was taken naked into the bitter cold and doused with water until the general turned into an ice statue.

The young partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was brutally tortured by the Nazis, but did not betray her comrades.

There are a lot of heroes of the Great Patriotic War. But the names of many thousands of soldiers who accomplished feats and gave their lives for their Motherland, unfortunately, remained unknown.

To preserve the people's memory of them, in many cities where fierce battles were fought, there are graves of the Unknown Soldier, memorials and monuments... Near them the “eternal flame” burns, and flowers are laid at them by those whose peaceful life they defended in battle.

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

Great victory

Great War victory

We must not forget!

Grandfathers fought in battles

Sacred Motherland.

She sends for battle

Your best sons.

She helped with prayer

And with your righteous faith.

Victory in the great war

We must not forget

Our grandfathers stood up for us

And life, and the Motherland!

On May 9, 1945, the first Victory Parade took place in Moscow. Thousands of people with bouquets of flowers took to the streets of the capital. People laughed, cried, strangers hugged each other. This, in fact, was a holiday for the entire people “with tears in our eyes”! Everyone rejoiced at the greatest victory over the enemy and mourned the dead.

Victorious soldiers walked along the streets of the capital in orderly rows. They carried the banners of the defeated enemy to Red Square and threw them onto the paving stones of the ancient square.

Women, children, youth and elderly people greeted the brave fighters with tears of joy, gave them flowers, hugged them, and congratulated them on their victory.

On this day, a ceremonial parade of troops took place on the capital’s Red Square, and in the evening the sky over Moscow flashed with the bright lights of a victorious fireworks display.

The streets of the capital bloom with smiles of joy, lush bouquets of flowers and bright balloons, and solemn music sounds.

In memorable places of the capital - on Poklonnaya Hill, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater, front-line veterans gather. Their chests are decorated with orders and medals received for their exploits in the Great Patriotic War. They share with us, their grateful descendants, stories about the dashing wartime, and meet with their military friends. Celebrations take place in all cities of Russia!

Years go by. Sixty years have passed since the Great Victory. Alas! The war veterans have grown old, many of them are over eighty years old. There are fewer and fewer living participants in the war.

Dear friends! Let us be grateful to them for winning a fierce battle with the enemy and defending our native land and peaceful life for us. Let us be worthy of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!

The song “Victory Day” plays, music. D. Tukhmanova, lyrics. V. Kharitonov.


1. When do we celebrate Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War?

2. Tell us about the heroes of the war.

3. How is Victory Day celebrated in our country?

4. What monuments and memorials to fallen soldiers do you know?


In terms of the scale of human casualties and destruction, the Great Patriotic War surpassed all the wars that took place on our planet. A huge number of people were killed. More than 20 million soldiers were killed on the fronts in combat operations. During the Second World War, about 55 million people died, almost half of them were citizens of our country.

The horror and losses of World War II united people in the fight against fascism, and therefore the great joy of victory swept not only Europe, but the whole world in 1945.

In the battles for their Motherland, Soviet soldiers showed amazing courage and fearlessness. The battle was fought for every piece of land.
The enemy has been defeated!

On May 9, 1945 we celebrate Victory Day over Nazi Germany. This is how a war veteran remembers this day: “It was Victory Day. It's truly joy with tears in your eyes. Everyone jumped out of the dugouts because there was shooting all around. But then shouts were heard: “The war is over!” All strangers to each other, strangers, we hug, cry, laugh.” Our soldiers marked the end of the Great War with fire from thousands of guns, machine guns, machine guns, rifles, like a fireworks display. And then there was amazing silence. Not a single shot was fired... This peaceful silence was so awaited by millions of people, already accustomed to bombings, explosions, the howl of sirens, the roar of guns.

Listen to how a Russian soldier who found himself in a foreign land, not far from a German city, celebrated the first day of peace.

First day of peace

Fragrant thick silence,

There is no shot or explosion.

This morning the war ended

And even though there is a foreign side all around

I miraculously survived, I'm alive!

Friends I remembered those who never

Will not go out to mow at dawn

Who does not throw a net into the river,

Who will not be showered with dew in the spring?

I didn't want to kill or burn,

I felt only the call of my native land,

But in my memory I swore to save my Friends,

that they died in a foreign land!

The song “We need one victory” by B. Okudzhava is played.


1. When we celebrate Victory DaySchist Germany?

2. Ask mom, dad, grandma to tell youlet you know who is from your familytook part in the Great Patriotic Warwar.

3. What is their fate?

Project "Let's tell children about the war"

Project Information Card

  • Project type: creative, socially significant.
  • Project participants: Children, group teachers, music director, physical education instructor, parents.
  • Project duration: February – May 2015.
  • Children's age: 4 – 5 years


Creative socially significant project “Let’s tell the children about the war” implements educational field "Social and communicative development" , reveals the content of work on organizing various types of children's activities: reading, discussing literary texts, looking at reproductions of paintings, listening to music, watching videos, animated films, presentations, productive and play activities.

The proposed forms of work with project participants: exhibitions of works of joint creativity of children and parents, a master class, a reading competition, a family magazine, excursions, a literary lounge for the parents of the group, a presentation of the project reveal the issues of familiarizing children 4-5 years old with the heroic feat of our people and their ancestors during the Great Patriotic War.

The project is addressed to educators and preschool education specialists; it will also be useful to parents for homework with children, as a methodological guide ready for implementation.


Significant problem that the project aims to solve:

Modern children do not know what war is, Victory Day is a holiday that every child should know about. It is necessary to tell children from childhood about war, about the hardships of war not only for soldiers, but for the whole country, for ordinary people. For our children this is already a very distant past, but we cannot forget it; we must always remember those who gave their lives for a bright future for us. Surveys of parents revealed an insufficient level of competence in solving this problem within the family. Project “Let’s tell the children about the war” seeks and finds ways to solve problems within the framework of active interaction of all participants in the educational process.

Work on the implementation of the project involves three stages - preparatory, active and final. The system web of the project contains forms of educational activities taking into account all educational areas. The appendix contains additional materials - photos and video materials, card indexes of visual and methodological aids, a list of literature used, notes of events.

Project goal: Creating conditions for instilling in children and their parents respect for the memory of their ancestors - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Project objectives:

For children:

  • To give children an initial idea that people remember and honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in whose honor poems and songs are composed and monuments are erected.
  • To evoke in children an emotional response to the heroic intonations of works of fiction, fine art, and music.
  • Give children an idea of ​​the Victory Day holiday, explain why it is called that and who is congratulated on this day.
  • To cultivate patriotic feelings for the heroic events of past years, respect for veterans, home front workers, and children of our hometown who bore the hardships of war on their shoulders.

For teachers:

  • To increase the level of professional competence in the issue of patriotic education of children of the middle group, through familiarization with the heroic past of fellow countrymen.
  • To create conditions for the development in children of creative perception of works of fiction, CNT about war.
  • To contribute to the formation in children of initial ideas about the heroic feat of the Russian people during the Second World War.
  • Stimulate children's speech activity by involving them in the process of discussing works of fiction, CNT, visual arts, presentations, animated films, videos with songs about the Second World War.
  • Encourage creative initiative, confidence, activity, and independence in children.
  • To instill in children a respectful attitude towards veterans, home front workers, and children of war who endured the hardships of harsh times.

For parents:

  • To introduce children to the historical past of the big and small Motherland.
  • Contribute to the preservation and continuation of continuous communication between generations.
  • To revive in memory the knowledge about the heroic past of family members, our people.
  • Take an active part in educational activities.

Methods used:

  • Gaming;
  • Verbal;
  • Visual;
  • Practical

They are reflected in all types of joint project activities.

Project participants: children, group teachers, music director, physical education instructor, parents of students.

Project implementation period: February – May 2015.

“Let’s tell the children about the war”

Project performance criteria and indicators

"Tell the children about the war"

  1. Solve the goals and objectives of a moral and patriotic orientation, taking into account the integration of educational areas - social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development;
  2. The design and implementation of the project increases the level of self-education of teachers in matters of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of preschool children;
  3. Using the local history component (meetings with Shaturyans - home front workers, excursions to the museum of military glory in MBOU Secondary School No. 4 in Shatura, to the memorial of F.T. Zharov, the monument to I.I. Borzov) instills love for the native land and respect for fellow countrymen.
  4. The selection and adaptation of visual and didactic material in accordance with the age of children contributes to the formation of initial ideas about the Second World War.
  5. Familiarization with the heroic feat of the Russian people takes place against the background of the integration of creative cognitive, productive, communicative, and gaming activities.
  6. Active, positive and productive interaction between all participants enhances the educational impact on children.

Criteria and performance indicators of the project:


  1. Have a basic understanding of the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Day holiday;
  2. They can explain the meaning of the words Great Patriotic War, hero, veteran, home front worker, Victory Day;
  3. They listen with interest to stories, poems, and musical works about the Second World War, look at reproductions of paintings and express their opinions;
  4. They recite poems about war and victory by heart;
  5. Understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings about peace, friendship, war;
  6. They listen with enthusiasm to stories from invited guests about the Shaturyans helping the front during the Second World War;
  7. They have basic information about relatives who gave military service to their Motherland during the Second World War;
  8. They feel a desire to continue acquaintance with the heroic events of the Second World War;
  9. Possess basic communication skills in gaming activities.


  1. Competent in matters of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of preschool children;
  2. Creates RPPS for the formation in children of elementary ideas about the Second World War and the Victory Day holiday;
  3. Affects the development of game plots;
  4. Able to lead children to display creative initiative in displaying their attitude to peace and friendship through visual activities;
  5. Involves parents of students in project activities.


  1. Show a conscious attitude towards the problem of introducing children to the heroic feat of the Russian people during the Second World War;
  2. When communicating with children, they discuss the heroic past of family members who gave their debt to the Motherland during the Second World War;
  3. Show creative activity in joint creative activities with children when creating a postcard for a veteran;
  4. Takes an active part in project activities.

Expected results for the project:

For children:

  • Formation of initial ideas about the Second World War.
  • Showing interest in the feat of the Russian people during the Second World War.
  • Expressing your attitude towards the heroic past of the Russian people.
  • Emotional response to works of fiction, CNT, visual arts, musical art about the feat of the Russian people, the holiday - Victory Day.
  • Development of children's communication skills in play activities.
  • Participation of children in the process of discussing works of fiction, CNT, works of fine art.
  • Respectful attitude towards veterans, home front workers, children of war.

For teachers:

  • Increasing the level of professional competence in familiarizing preschool children with the feat of the Russian people.
  • Created conditions for the formation in children of elementary ideas about the Second World War and the holiday - Victory Day.
  • Pedagogical and educational influence on the process of development of gaming actions.
  • Children's manifestation of creative initiative, confidence, activity, independence in displaying their attitude to the world and friendship in visual activities.

For parents:

  • A conscious attitude towards introducing children to the origins of the heroic past of our ancestors.
  • Systematization of knowledge about the pedagogical and educational impact of using information about the exploits of the Russian people during the Second World War in communication with children.
  • Active participation in project activities.
  • Replenishing the creative piggy bank with the fine art technique Scratch.

Form of the final project event:

  • Creation of an exhibition “Everyone needs peace and friendship” .
  • OOD
  • Literary living room .

Project products:

For children:

  • Creative drawings “Everyone needs peace and friendship” .
  • Organized educational activities "Fireworks over the city in honor of Victory Day" .
  • Reading competition “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” .
  • "Postcard to a Veteran" .
  • Promotion "Postcard to a Veteran"
  • Literary living room .

For teachers:

  • Increasing the level of professional competence in the formation of elementary ideas about the heroic feat of the Russian people in preschool children.
  • Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment to familiarize children with the concepts of war and Victory.
  • Exhibition of children's drawings “Everyone needs peace and friendship” .
  • EOR card index “These days the glory will not cease…” .
  • Card index of works of fiction and CNT about the war.
  • Exhibition of works of joint creativity of children and parents "Postcard to a Veteran" .
  • Literary living room “I am reading a letter that has already turned yellow for years” .

For parents:

  • Creating an Album “There is no family in Russia where its hero is not remembered” .
  • Participation in the creation of the RPPS to familiarize children with the concepts of war and Victory.
  • Literary living room “I am reading a letter that has already turned yellow over the years” .
  • Exhibition of works of joint creativity of children and parents "Postcard to a Veteran" .
  • Promotion "Postcard to a Veteran" . Visit to the Council of Veterans of the ShMR MO.
  • Laying flowers at the Alley of Heroes.

List of references for the project

"Tell the children about the war"

  • Veraksa N.E. "From birth to school" Sample general education program for preschool education (pilot version)/ NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2015. – 352 p.
  • Antonov Yu.A. “Dedicated to the Great Victory” / Antonov Yu.A. – M.; Sphere shopping center, 2010. 128 p. – (Teacher's Library) (5) .
  • Golitsyna N.S. “Notes of complex thematic classes. Middle group. Integrated approach." / Golitsyna N.S. – M.: "Scriptorium 2003" , 2013. – 224 p.
  • Gubanova N.F. "Development of gaming activities: Middle group" / Gubanova N.F. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014. – 160 p.
  • Dybina O.V. “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. Middle group" / Dybina O.V. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014. – 96 p.
  • Komarova T.S. ""
  • Stepanenkova E.Ya. “Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old” / Stepanenkova. E.Ya. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2012. – 144 p.
  • Tarabarina T.I. "Origami and child development" / Tarabarina T.I. – M. "Development Academy" , 1997. – 106 p.
  • Toroptsev A.P. “So that they know and remember” / Toroptsev A.P. – M.o. "Moscow region" , 2014. – 220 p.

Internet resources:

  • Videos http: //www. youtube. com/
  • Pictures https://yandex. ru/images/? clid=1872363&win=138&redircnt=1428259088. 1&uinfo=sw-1093-sh-614-ww-1093-wh-514-pd-1. 25-wp-16x9_1366x768
  • Poems for children about the Second World War http: //tanyakiseleva. ru/stixi-dlya-detej-o-vojne/
  • Children's songs about war http: //allforchildren. ru/songs/vov. php


Methodological materials for the project

“Let’s tell the children about the war”

Outdoor games:

“Who is faster is the commander?”

Goal: Encouraging children to perform actions when given a signal, developing organization, independence, speed, and dexterity.

Progress of the game:

On chairs arranged in several rows, like in the army, there are items of clothing. On command, children must get dressed as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who performs all the actions faster than others and correctly. The winner is appointed commander.


Goal: Development of children's activity in games with objects, the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.

Progress of the game:

The children of both teams are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a gymnastic stick. Members of one team stand on one side of the designated line. At the leader’s signal, team members try to pull the enemy to their side.


Progress of the game:

Children "neutralize" (collect) "mines" (disks), stepping on bumps.


Goal: Development of speed, endurance, agility, and the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Progress of the game:

First signalman (participant) pulls the cable (cord) overcoming an obstacle course.

The second signalman, overcoming the obstacle, installs the telephone, getting in touch with the call sign: “First, first, I’m second, as you hear, welcome” .


Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, activity of children in games with objects.

Progress of the game:

Children fall into a tank (target) grenades (in bags).

"Grenades in a box"

Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, attention, activity of children in games with objects.

Number of players: 1 - 6 people.

Equipment: balls for a dry pool.

Progress of the game:

  1. An adult pours colored plastic balls onto the floor (grenades) and asks the children to collect them, bring them and put them in a box.
  2. You can complicate the game by placing several obstacles in front of the scattered balls, which the child must overcome in order to collect the balls (for example, climbing over a log, bench, etc.).
  3. You can use balls of different colors and sizes and ask children to collect the balls selectively: either only small ones, or ones of the same color.

"Scouts" (blind man's buff with a bell)

Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, activity of children in games with objects.

Progress of the game:

Scouts 2-3 people (blind man's buff) caught with eyes closed "languages" . Enemies (other children) running around the hall and ringing bells.

"Run quietly past the patrol"

Goal: Developing the ability to run easily, rhythmically, energetically pushing off with the toe, fostering independence and initiative in organizing familiar games. Cultivating team spirit.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. they stand behind the line at one end of the site. The driver is selected (patrol). He stands in the middle of the site. At the teacher’s signal, children of one group silently run to the other side of the playground. If the watchman hears footsteps, he says: "Stop" and those running stop. Without opening his eyes, the watchman shows where he hears the noise from. If he indicated correctly, the children move aside; if he made a mistake, the children return to their places and run again. All groups of children run through this one by one.

The group that the driver did not hear wins. (patrol). When the game is repeated, the sentinel changes.

"On the Border"

Goal: Development of dexterity, speed, endurance, flexibility, the ability to play with objects, perform actions on a signal.

Progress of the game:

The children portray border guards; two children are appointed sentries with a dog. "Border Guards" relax, warm themselves by the fires, etc. At the other end of the site there are machine guns.

"Hourly" holds "dog" on a leash and walks with her along the line (borders). Suddenly "dog" pulls the cord. "Hourly" screams "Anxiety!" Hearing this signal everyone "border guards" must quickly take machine guns and line up along the imaginary border. The two children who reach the border first will "sentinels" And "dog" in the next game.

Rules of the game: "Border Guards" should be located as far as possible from the machines. It is not allowed to take weapons in advance.

Conversations with children

Subject: "Letters from the Front"

Educator: There was a war, but life went on. Mothers, wives, and children were waiting for the soldiers at home. They wrote letters to the front and eagerly awaited an answer - news from the front. In rare moments of silence, the soldiers rested, looked at photographs of family and friends and wrote letters home: S. Glushko-Kamensky. 01/22/1944

Don't be sad, my dear,

don't be sad, my dear,

I haven't forgotten you

in the stormy roar of days.

I just see you

through a snowstorm,

And the desire to see you

getting stronger and stronger.

We're going west

driving out the invaders,

them on our land

There's not even an inch of room!

The volleys of our guns,

machine gunners' fire

Getting closer every day

victory dawn!

I fight and take revenge

for killed comrades,

Our strike on the enemy

getting stronger and stronger!

Don't be sad, my dear,

don't be sad, my dear,

I haven't forgotten you

in the stormy roar of days.


Educator: For whom was this letter written?

The children answer.

Educator: What does the fighter who wrote this letter call the Nazis?

The children answer.

Educator: Why did the soldiers take revenge on their damned enemies?

Children make guesses.

Educator: What did all the defenders of our Motherland believe in?

Children express their thoughts.

Educator: The Nazis brought a lot of grief to our land: they burned villages, destroyed cities, killed civilians - women, old people and children. The people had only one hope - for our army, fortitude, courage, heroism of our soldiers and officers. And they lived up to the hopes of their wives, mothers and children - everyone who waited for them, believed them and wrote letters. Guys, on this poster you see photographs of the war years and triangular envelopes - letters from one of the defenders of our Motherland from the front. The soldier who wrote these letters died, like many fighters for our Motherland. They remained forever young in photographs and in people's memories.

Everyone who died defending the Fatherland will forever remain in our hearts!

Conversation "The Motherland is Calling"

Educator: Russia is a beautiful, rich country, and many foreigners would like to own its treasures. Our country has had to repel enemy attacks more than once. This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.

Before attacking our country in 1941, Nazi Germany captured many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Austria, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia. All the plants and factories in Europe worked for her. The head of Germany was Adolf Hitler, who dreamed of conquering and enslaving the whole world.

In the summer of 1941, on June 22, at dawn, Hitler’s troops attacked our Motherland without warning. The Nazis tried to deprive us of freedom, to seize our lands and cities. This is how the Great Patriotic War began. The fascist army was very strong, it had a lot of military equipment: tanks, planes, warships and well-trained soldiers, so our troops initially retreated. But the Nazis miscalculated. They did not know that our people had very strong willpower and spirit.

Look at this poster. It was drawn by Irakli Moiseevich Toidze and called “The Motherland is calling!” .

Educator: Where is the Motherland calling our people?

Children. To defend the Fatherland.

Educator: What mood does the Motherland convey to the people?

Children's statements.

Educator: What else do you see on the poster?

Children's statements.

Educator: Why are there so many weapons behind the woman?

Children express their guesses.

Educator: This woman-mother calls all her sons and daughters to join the army, to be honest, brave, disciplined fighters, to be devoted to their people until their last breath. She calls on everyone to defend their homeland from enemies - courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing their blood and life.

And all the residents of our huge country rose as one to defend the Motherland and freedom.

In the red summer there is a lot of everything in the forest - all kinds of mushrooms and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, pouts, rushes out of the ground, gets angry at the berries: “Look, what a crop of them! Now no one will even look at us! Wait,” thinks the boletus, the head of all the mushrooms, “we, the mushrooms, have great power - let’s crush it, strangle it, the sweet berry!”

The boletus conceived and wished for war, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to gather mushrooms, began to help call out:

Go, little girls, go to war!

The waves refused:

We are all old ladies, not guilty of war.

Go away, honey agarics!

The honey mushrooms refused:

Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war!

Hey you morels! - the boletus mushroom shouted. -Gear up for war!

The morels refused; They say:

We are old men, no way are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

Milk mushrooms, you guys are friendly, come fight with me, beat up the arrogant berry!

Milk mushrooms with loads responded:

We are milk mushrooms, brothers are friendly, we are going with you to war, to the forest and field berries, we will throw our hats at them, we will trample them with our heels!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together, the dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, there’s trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time, Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great mushroom strength, she gasped, sat down and, well, picked up mushrooms in a row and put them in the back. I picked it up completely, carried it home, and at home I sorted the mushrooms by type and by rank: honey mushrooms into tubs, honey mushrooms into barrels, morels into alyssettes, milk mushrooms into baskets, and the largest boletus mushroom ended up in a bunch; they pierced him, dried him and sold him.

From then on, the mushroom and berry stopped fighting.

Conversation with children:

  1. What is the name of the fairy tale?
  2. Who first started the war and why?
  3. Why do you think the mushrooms refused to go to war?
  4. How did the war between mushrooms and berries end?

Children play war. Some are “ours”, some are fascists. And “ours” always win. It's natural. But how to properly present children with information about a real war?

How can you tell children about the war without traumatizing children’s tender souls? And, most importantly, to convey to them all the pain of people and the joy of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Veterans are leaving...

Modern adult mothers and fathers are probably still closer to the theme of war, veterans, and May 9th. After all, almost every family had direct participants in the Great Patriotic War.

When they were little, today’s adults listened to their grandparents’ true stories about life and the hardships of that time. In kindergartens and schools they devoted a lot of time to patriotic education.

Films, books, stories of real participants in military operations helped children feel the whole situation. And how often it happened that, playing “war”, the guys never agreed to be fascists, everyone wanted to be for “ours”.

Now many veterans have left us forever. It is no longer possible to hear first-hand stories about the blockade and famine. But history cannot be rewritten. Children need to know and honor the feat of their ancestors at any time.

What kind of victory is this?

Depending on age, it is necessary to present information to children. In our country, Victory Day is celebrated very solemnly. Kids often ask questions about what kind of holiday this is, who won who, why, with tears in their eyes.

Therefore, it is necessary to tell children about the Great Russian Victory. Reading relevant books and watching films will help with this.

Start with the basics

Still, war is a very controversial and difficult topic. Accordingly, the question arises of how to deal with all the pain and horrors without traumatizing or frightening them.

Here you need to listen to the words of child psychologists, who advise starting with general information. Gradually impart deeper and deeper knowledge.

The main thing is to convey the idea that World War II is the most terrible and largest war in the history of mankind, which aimed to enslave many people and simply exterminate many.

Children must understand that the Soviet army and the entire Soviet people helped to cope with the Nazis, liberating not only Russian lands and people, but also many European states.

Is war bad?

When thinking about how to tell children about war, it is important to answer the question that inevitably arises: “Is war bad?” You may get the impression that by fighting you can get benefits.

When talking to children about war, it is worth emphasizing that it is usually started by people in power. But you shouldn’t think that, for example, the entire German nation is bad.

When presenting information to children about the Great Patriotic War, it should be said that many residents of Germany also lived very poorly. Not all people supported Hitler, and for this they were punished.

Modern children, even toddlers, often play computer shooters. This is where the misconception often arises that war is like a game. I didn't like the ending, so I started all over again. And players have several lives. It is necessary to give truthful information to children about the war, to tell and show with the help of books and films how many people died, and they cannot be revived.

Let's start a conversation

You should start talking about the war already in As psychologists recommend, you should not show all the horrors and bloodshed.

How to tell children about war? Start with the concept itself. What is this? Why do people fight and what do they want to get?

Show in films how ordinary people live during the war, what they have to endure.

Having told about the essence, you can begin the story about the Great Patriotic War. A child should feel pride and respect for his people and his belonging to a glorious nation.

Attributes of victory

How can you tell children about the war in such a way that they can understand that it concerns their family too? Surely in many homes there are carefully kept medals and orders of grandfathers and grandmothers. Many people carefully preserve old photographs, letters and other things from the war years.

Show all this to your baby. Tell us who is shown in the photographs, explain why the medals were received.

If there are museums of military glory in your city, be sure to take your child there. Experienced guides will tell interesting stories about the war to children, and to you too.

By visiting the museum, you can clearly show your child military uniforms, see dugouts and military equipment. So the baby can really imagine the life and life of soldiers.

Celebration with tears

Before the holiday of May 9, many parents begin educational conversations and activities with their children. Primary school children are also taught about the war at school.

It is very good to work together with the teacher. In the classroom, children read books, listen to the teacher's stories, and conduct various activities.

You can also host themed weeks at home. Be sure to find and read poems about the war to children. You can even learn some of the most interesting ones.

Do crafts with your kids and discuss books you have read about the war. Children need to feel the festive mood and pride in the Russian victory.

Be sure to prepare and go to the Victory Parade. Place flowers at the monuments with your child and listen to songs about the war. It will be interesting for children to see how veterans are honored, how proudly soldiers walk, and what kind of military equipment exists to protect the state.

It is very good if veterans live in your environment. Together with your child, make a gift in the form of a card and give it as a gift. Listen to the veteran's stories and offer your help in solving everyday problems.

St. George's ribbon

Surely children, seeing beautiful striped ribbons on the streets, will ask what they are worn for.

This is another reason to tell children about the attributes of the holiday, why they are worn and what they mean.

The St. George's ribbon is a symbol of our victory and a symbol of the holiday. Those who wear it show respect for the memory of the dead and show that they remember and honor veterans.

Quite recently, a wonderful tradition emerged when ribbons began to be distributed on the streets. This action was carried out with the aim of reminding people of the heroic deeds of the soldiers, so that people would think about and take care of the veterans.

The tradition has stuck. Now our children can also put on the St. George’s ribbon and feel like they are part of the big holiday.

Be sure to tell the kids why the St. George ribbons are this color. They were issued together with the medal “For Victory over Germany.”

Orange and black colors mean fire and smoke. This is the valor, bravery and courage of the soldier who received the medal.

Adults simply have to read stories about war to children and give them all the information possible for them to understand. And, most importantly, there is not a single family that was not touched by the Great Patriotic War. Some had grandparents who fought, some worked for the good of the front, some survived the blockade.

Home conversations

Get out the old Where your grandparents are pictured. Tell us which of them is who. Tell an interesting story about their life during the war.

Then read poems about the war. It will be useful for children to hear about how and when the Nazis attacked our homeland. The fact that this happened suddenly, in the morning and without warning.

Find and show pictures or photographs of military equipment of those times, soldiers' greatcoats, destroyed cities and villages.

It is very informative to measure and show 125 grams of bread. After all, this was food for the whole day and nothing else could be obtained. And despite this, we had to go to the factory every day and make shells for the front and provide for the rear. After all, without support it was impossible to win. The entire people stood up to defend the Motherland.

Then be sure to listen to songs about war. Older children can be asked to learn some by heart. Watch a war film. Just check it out for yourself first. Don't leave your child alone with a book or movie. Be sure to be together and discuss what you saw or read.

Don't make mistakes when speaking

  1. There is no need to tell too many horrors and show too much bloodshed.
  2. Preschoolers should not be told about concentration camps, tortured children and hunger when they ate dogs and cats. Because of this, children may experience nightmares and nervous tics. But it is already necessary to provide similar information to schools.
  3. There is no need to give false information. Of course, the main thing for preschoolers is to know that the Russian people won. But older children should already understand that not everything was so smooth, that the Russians were not at all ready for war and even almost surrendered Moscow.
  4. Don’t be afraid to show great emotion, to show how unpleasant this topic can be, how afraid you are of war. And if the always fearless dad suddenly admits that he is afraid of the outbreak of war, then this will make a much greater impression on the children than just a story about the life of soldiers.

Consider the child's age

The main thing when talking and telling stories on a topic such as war is to take into account the age and psyche of the child. When talking about such a topic, one cannot ignore the concept of death. It is important to understand that children are ready to hear about this no earlier than 5-6 years old. It is at this age that the baby can already question and ask questions on this topic. Don't hide the truth, but don't intimidate your child either.

Think about it, it’s almost impossible for our children to meet real veterans and hear true stories. Kids can only be familiar with “children of war.” But they cannot know much due to their age and convey all the pain and horrors of military operations.

Yes, almost all families were affected by the war. Many of our ancestors bravely fought the enemy and endured all the torments and hardships. This must never happen again. And to prevent this from happening, children should know everything about that time. There is no need to remain silent. Talk to children about the war, about the Great Victory, about the courage of the Russian people.

Conversations, books, films, rare meetings with veterans - all this is an inextricable thread that helps connect us with the past. Don't tear it apart. We need to remember and honor.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. for children of senior preschool age “From the heroes of bygone times”

Explanatory note.
About a month before Victory Day, it is necessary to introduce preschoolers to artistic and musical works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Stories and poems about the war:
- “The Overcoat” by E. Blaginin;
- “At the outpost” by A. Mityaev;
- “Little Scout”, “Myopic Teacher” by S. Letov;
- “The Artilleryman’s Son” by K. Simonov;
- “May Holiday” by T. Belozerov;
- “Sister” L. Kassil;
- “Victory Day” by S. Mikhalkov;
- “Grandmother - Partisan” by M. Borisov;
- “Remember forever” M. Isakovsky
and others.
Musical works:
- “Holy War” (Music: A. Alexandrov, lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach, 1941);
- “Victory Day” (lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov);
- “Seventh Symphony” by D. Shostakovich (part).
Preliminary work:
Activities in kindergarten should be supplemented with an excursion to the museum and a screening of films about the Great Patriotic War.
In addition, give the children the task: write a short story on A4 format with a photograph of a relative who participated in the war of 1941-1945. Make a common stand from this material. It can be used when decorating the hall where the celebration will take place.
For the holiday, sew cotton dresses for the girls, dress the boys in khaki shirts and black trousers. These outfits will help children plunge into the era of that time.
Immediately after the holiday, lay flowers at the Soldier’s monument.


May 9. preparatory group
introducing children to the heroic past of our country;
development of curiosity, patriotism, tolerance;
fostering respect and a grateful attitude towards fallen heroes.

Equipment: phonograms, images of objects on paper, 4 boards (“bumps”), 2 envelopes with reports, 3 small soft balls, a large basket (for hitting balls), artificial flowers for dancing (daffodils, tulips, violets), a stand with photographs of WWII heroes , sweet prizes.

Progress of the event.

Children enter the hall to the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” (music by E. Agranovich, lyrics by R. Khozak, film “Officers”).
Child. The spring distances are turning green,
On a May evening, fireworks roar
In honor of the soldiers who died for the Motherland,
In honor of the living whose medals are burning.
Child. War veterans, veterans,
There are only a few of you left...
Continents and countries remember you
For great valor in battle. (Elena Shalamonova “Veterans”)
Presenter. The Great Patriotic War began in the summer, June 22, 1941. Until this day, people lived peacefully and did not suspect anything about the trouble that threatened them.
SONG “Summer” lyrics. I.Belyakova, music E. Chetverikova.
DANCE “Russian Dance” Russian folk melody, arr. M. Rauchwerger.
After the dance, the children stop and listen while standing.
Levitan's voice sounds. Announcement of the start of war.
Child. The war came in '41,
The Nazis burst in at dawn.
And she tore apart fates
Five terrible bloody years.
Child. Bread and villages were burning,

Cities collapsed.
Borders were left.
Hunger, devastation, trouble... (Nina Karakozova “We will always remember”)
SONG “Memory of War” lyrics. M. Sadovsky, music. R. Boyko.
Presenter. I know the war has cost millions
Lives to live and live.
And how many destitute orphans are left,
How many sons did you have to survive?

How many sleepless nights waiting
Did the soldiers' wives have a chance to spend it?
How can we measure human suffering?
What resonated with frantic pain?

If it were possible to cure
The heart of a soldier, in which there is fire
As if the fragment hurts and worries
Memory of past war times.

This remains in my memory forever.
A woman's gaze full of despair,
The son will never return to his mother,
Could there be a worse sentence!

Even the earth seemed to be dressed in mourning,
My heart was torn to pieces with grief.
And I didn’t want to live, but what can I do?
They had to bear such a share. (S. Kraskova “I know, the war took away millions”)

SONG “My Great-Grandfather” music. etc. E. Lyzhova.

Presenter. The Great Patriotic War lasted for four long years. Everyone did their best to bring victory closer. Artillerymen, tank crews, sailors, infantry and other types of troops fought at the front. And all of them, of course, were helped by scouts. They learned about the enemy's plans and transmitted their information to headquarters. “A scout has a sharp eye, a cunning mind, excellent hearing and a hunting sense of smell!” says a Russian folk proverb. Now we will see what kind of scouts you would make.
GAME "Be careful." Various objects are depicted on paper. After the teacher removes the drawing, the children take turns naming the military objects that were on the paper (tank, map, pistol, soldier, submarine, cannon).
Presenter. Well done! We have obtained information for you. They need to be transferred to headquarters as soon as possible. Our road passes through a swamp. I invite two people who want to participate in our game.
GAME “walk through the swamp and deliver a report.” Two children are given envelopes. They, rearranging the planks (“bumps”), must move forward. Whoever delivers the envelopes to headquarters faster receives a sweet prize.
Presenter. Snipers played an important role in the war. They risked their lives, sometimes tracking down the enemy for several days and eliminating him. Now you and I will be snipers.
GAME "Snipers". Children take turns to hit small balls into baskets from a distance of 3-4 meters. Three attempts are given. The guys who hit the target receive a sweet prize.
Child. Who said that we should give up singing during the war?
After the battle, the heart asks for music doubly. (Tvardovsky)
SONG “Katyusha” music. M. Blanter, lyrics. M. Isakovsky.

Presenter. Here, on this stand, are photographs of our heroes, our acquaintances, relatives and friends. Those who fought, who risked their lives for the sake of peace on Earth. (Stand display).
Child. Happy morning-
A wonderful gift!
They reflected
There are blows at the front.
From land, from sea, from sky
We drove away the enemy.
Everyone remembers their ancestors
Light, road.

Child. Let it be for a minute
All speech will be silent...
And in memory of them
Candles are lit. (T. Lavrova “May 9”)

Presenter. A minute of silence is announced.
Everyone present stands up. Recording starts. And Kirillov “Minute of Silence”.
Child.“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -
Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves.
And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.
No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. (A. Shamarin “No one is forgotten”)

SONG “Eternal Flame” lyrics. D. Chibisova (translation from Ukrainian by K. Lidina), music. A. Filippenko.

Child. Festive peals in the sky
The roar can be heard here and there.
Look at this, guys.
The fireworks begin!

Like bright bouquets -
Red yellow, blue-
In the skies for Victory Day
Bloom for you and me! (Irina Zakharova “Salute”)

DANCE “Waltz” S. Stempevsky (with flowers)

Child. May wars disappear forever
So that the children of the whole Earth
We could sleep peacefully at home,
We could dance and sing
So that the sun smiles
The bright windows reflected
And it shone over the Earth
To all people
And you and I! (M. Plyatskovsky “So that the sun smiles”)

SONG “Our Russia is beautiful!” music etc. Z. Root.

Presenter. Congratulations to everyone on the Victory Day!
The music turns on - Soso Pavliashvili’s song “May 9”.

We recommend reading
