Malygin Grigory. How Grigory Malygin died

Health 07.09.2024

Grigory Malygin, who played in the KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt,” died in Moscow.

The famous showman passed away last night. The artist, lying in blood in his own apartment, was discovered by his wife. Victoria Malygina, wife of Grigory Malygin: “To get into the apartment, I had to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because the door was locked from the inside.

When we broke the door and were able to go in, we found Grisha lying in blood.” According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Malygin visited the hospital the day before. What happened after the visit to the clinic is unknown.

It is expected that the cause of the artist’s death will be announced by experts. Grigory Malygin played in the “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” team, where he was captain and won the KVN Summer Cup of Champions in 1999 and 2001.


Grigory Alekseevich Malygin(June 24, 1970, Seversk - September 21, 2012, Moscow) - Russian actor, comedian. Captain of the KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”.


Born June 24, 1970. He graduated from the Tomsk Institute of Civil Engineering with a degree in engineering, the Altai State Institute of Culture and Arts (director of cultural events) and the Ostankino television school.

He began his career on stage as the director and actor of the student theater of variety miniatures "Lux" in Tomsk. He was the captain of the KVN team “Tomskie Trumps”, which performed in the KVN-Siberia league.

From 1996 to 2008 - artistic director and captain of the KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”. As part of the team, he became a three-time champion of the KVN-Siberia league, champion of the KVN major league in 1998, winner of the main award “Big KiViN in Gold” at the Voting KiViN music festival in Jurmala in 1998, winner of the KVN Summer Cup of Champions in 1999 and 2001, KVN Cup of the President of Ukraine in 2000, KVN Cup of the President of Kazakhstan in 2001, Three Generations Cup (Ukraine, 2001) (together with the team of the Kharkov Aviation Institute) and laureate of the All-Russian competition “Cup of Humor”.

In 2000-2001, Grigory Malygin performed as a member of the KVN team "Siberian Siberians", which included representatives of the teams "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt", "Irkutsk Decembrists" and the team of Novosibirsk State University. Malygin was both the captain and artistic director of the Siberian Siberians. “Siberian Siberians” won the main award “Big KiViN in Gold” at the Voting KiViN music festival in Jurmala in 2000, and in 2001 they became semi-finalists in the KVN major league.

In 2006, together with the team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, he took part in the semi-finals of the Higher Ukrainian KVN League along with the teams “ChP” and “Uyezdny Gorod”. Also in 2006, Grigory Malygin, as part of the “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” team, took part in the KVN music festival in Jurmala.

Grigory Malygin took part in special projects dedicated to the birthday of KVN: in 2001 (as part of the “20th century team”), in 2006 (as part of the “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” team).

Since 2008, Malygin has headed the creative association “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”, mainly performing solo or in duets at various concerts and “corporate events”.

Gregory has several roles in television series, participation in sketch-coms, and also the main role in the feature film “The Day of the Hamster.”


In July 2012, Grigory was subjected to a hooligan attack, robbery and severe beating. Despite his serious physical condition, Malygin actively underwent rehabilitation procedures, received treatment and made plans for the future. In August 2012, Grigory performed at the Moscow - Transit - Moscow Festival of Humor and Variety in Gelendzhik, but Malygin’s health remained serious. On September 21, 2012, according to media reports, he died in his own home in Moscow, the cause was cardiac arrest.


Year Title Role 2001 f FM and the guys - Series “Theory of Laughter” author 2001 f Scribblers trainee 2003 f Hamster Day Seryoga 2003 f 33 square meters - third season The character's name is not specified 2004 f Moscow. Central District-2 - Series “The Mystery of the Abrasive Plant” young dad 2004 f The Mayor's Share (TV series) The character's name is not specified 2004 f My fair nanny - Series "Reluctant rapper" Timur 2006 f Happy together - Series "All the best for adults!" Character name not specified 2009 f Wild episode 2010 f Maskvichi e cunt 2011 f Fools-Roads-Money Character name not specified 2012 f Lavrova Method - Series “Coincidence of Circumstances” Kuzmin

Today, the captain of the “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” team, Grigory Malygin, would have turned 45 years old.

The “children” broke into the club’s elite at full speed. They couldn’t be called complete newcomers – before that, the team had repeatedly successfully stormed the seasons of the Siberia League, which was still unofficial at that time. But no one expected such success in the first Sochi. A strong performance on air, an invitation to the season, second place in the 1/8 - then it’s not a pass, just imagine. The consolation game, where a ticket to the final was taken away from the young NSU squad at the music tournament, became a springboard for breathtaking victories.

The team immediately became the champion of the club, received the “KiViNa in Zolotoy” in Jurmala, won the Summer Cup... Perhaps, it was from 1998, specifically from the performances of “Children”, that it is worth counting the so-called “Golden Age of KVN”, where purely textual humor spoken grown men standing in a row, began to be combined with a freer presentation and theatrical imagery.

And “Children” became pioneers in this - they took the audience by storm with their charm and Siberian spontaneity, identified and actively used acting types. Grigory, being always in the forefront, gave the impression of an actor like a slightly narrow-minded mockingbird, who, however, at the right moment grabbed the essence by the throat, speaking the only appropriate, true words. In crisis and post-crisis times, when natural leapfrog was taking place in the country in all spheres, such a fatalistic approach to humor, with great irony, but a clear awareness of the context, turned out to be a hit not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

Therefore, “DLSH” and specifically Malygin instantly became popular favorites, one of the most famous KVN teams at the turn of the century, a living legend. There was something inexpressibly familiar about them, something that touched a nerve - both in the delivery of jokes and in the themes of humor.

Unlike other teams, to which the DLSH handed over the banner of the new era of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, after the end of the games the Siberians failed to maintain or somehow turn into perspective their enormous popularity. The team will disappear from the radar, and will not achieve much success in post-Kaveen life, although, of course, it will still have its audience. Malygin, in order to save the team, will refuse the offer to host a program on Channel One, appear in various television series in supporting roles, and even take part, together with Dmitry Nikulin, in a couple of episodes of the newfangled Comedy Club.

DLSH will even return to the club for a short time - in 2006 the team will take part in the stellar semi-final of the Higher Ukrainian League together with UE and ChP, and will come to the “Voting KiViN” in Jurmala, but both of these performances will reveal that the champions’ previous approach to humor eight years after past victories are outdated. Having moved to Moscow, Malygin until his last days will continue to look for the best forms of self-expression, constantly participating in concerts, humorous performances and festivals. In 2012, shortly before his death, together with “Children” he will play anniversary concerts dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the team.

Death always happens unexpectedly. Moreover, the death of an artist whose work is followed by hundreds of thousands of people. The short period of the “Golden Age of KVN” introduced many talented frontmen, actors and screenwriters into the space of our show business, some of them have remained actively in the public eye ever since.

But there are those who, despite the twists of fate or the absence of broadcasts on the main buttons of local TV, always remain in the hearts of TV viewers. Grigory Malygin was just such an actor. All the heroes of the games recorded from TV on VHS still joke, shine and continue to fight for their place in the sun, but Gregory, one of the brightest and most expressive, is no longer there. And this fact still makes me sad and painful, just like three years ago.

Grigory Malygin died at the age of 43
Another comedian, Andrei Bocharov, wrote about the death of the popular Kaveen player on his Facebook page. “Anyone who knows Vika (Malygin’s wife - Ed.), please call her and offer any help. She is completely disoriented, sitting and sobbing,” Bocharov wrote.
- To get into the apartment, I had to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because the door was locked from the inside. When we broke the door and were able to go in, we found Grisha lying in blood,” Victoria Malygina told us.
Grigory was treated at the clinic, but returned home the day before his death. It is too early to talk about the cause of death - experts have not given their conclusions.
Malygin and his wife Victoria left Novosibirsk a long time ago - for the last five years they lived in Moscow. As his friend and colleague Vladimir Duda admitted, Gregory had grandiose plans. Malygin gained the greatest popularity thanks to the performance of his KVN team, which he led from 1996 to 2008. In 2008, Malygin became the general director of the creative association “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”. The team staged the plays “Three Fires” and “Day of the Hamster.” The latter was made into a feature film. Grigory himself has repeatedly starred in various films and TV series: “My Fair Nanny”, “Moscow. Central District". In addition, he played the main role in the film “Day of the Hamster.”

The official cause of death of Grigory Malygin has been announced

The official cause of death of Grigory Malygin was published on the website of the KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”.

According to information from the website, the KVN member died of cardiac arrest. Moreover, it is clarified that the previously published information in the media about the “pool of blood” does not correspond to reality.

“Official information from Maxim Aksenov (he is now organizing the funeral): “Gregory has died. The official cause of death was cardiac arrest. There is no talk of violent death. Regarding the “pool of blood” - when Grigory fell, he hit his face. a little blood came out," it says on the website.

It is also clarified that most of the information that appeared in the press was “outright speculation” and no traces of violent death were found on Malygin’s body.

The site also reports that the funeral of the captain of the KVN team will take place in Moscow, September 25, from 12.00 to 13.00, in the morgue of City Clinical Hospital No. 70.

Let us remind you that Grigory Malygin was found dead in his apartment in Moscow the day before. The body was discovered by his wife Victoria. Returning home, she could not get into the apartment; the door was locked from the inside with a key. To get into the apartment, the woman had to call rescuers.

It was reported that Malygin was lying on the floor “in pools of blood.”

Following the report of the death of the KVN player, conflicting information appeared in the media about the causes of Malygin’s death. It was reported that he had been drinking heavily recently. Information was published that the KVN member was sick and took medication, but even his wife allegedly did not know what exactly he was being treated for.

In addition, the press wrote that Malygin had recently been severely beaten and received multiple injuries, which could have been the reason for his death.

The Investigative Committee is looking into the case

On the night of September 21, the captain of the Siberian KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” Grigory Malygin was found in his own apartment.

The KVN man was discovered by his wife, who for a long time could not get into the apartment and called rescuers. Malygin was found lying in a pool of blood.

The circumstances of the artist's death are still unknown. According to the information available to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Grigory was undergoing treatment and was in the hospital the day before.

Grigory Malygin is a showman, pop artist, theater and film actor, director of cultural events. Captain of the KVN team “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”.

Malygin was team captain from 1996 to 2008.

In 1998, the team first came to the KVN festival in Sochi from Tomsk and immediately got into the gala concert of the festival and the Major League.

Together with the team, he won the KVN Summer Cup of Champions in 1999 and 2001, the KVN Cup of the President of Ukraine in 2000, the KVN Cup of the President of Kazakhstan in 2001, the Three Generations Cup (Ukraine, 2001) and the laureate of the All-Russian competition “Cup of Humor”.

In 2006, the DLSh team, almost in the starting lineup, took part in the KVN music festival in Jurmala, but was left without awards.

“I remember when we were preparing for a game in the major league, from the head of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, Slava Gulivitsky and I received an interesting offer from a career point of view to host “Morning Mail.” The casting went well. How honest guys went to Alexander Maslyakov for advice, and in response they heard: “It’s your choice...” They naively believed that they would be able to combine KVN and a TV project. Alas, it didn't happen. How honest guys made a choice in favor of KVN,” said Malygin.

Since 2008, Malygin has headed the creative association “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt.”

When Grigory Malygin moved to Moscow from Tomsk, he had no shadow of a doubt that after the dizzying success of “Children...” something might not work out in the capital.

“It seemed like everything would happen at once. But the Moscow reality turned out to be different: one episodic role, another - the long-awaited miracle in the form of leading roles and projects where it was possible to stake out positions did not happen. And then the train left,” journalists wrote about Malygin’s fate after finishing his career in KVN.

“I was counting on a different reception. Now I’ve gotten over these thoughts, I admit that I made mistakes, I know what they were. I try not to look back: why complicate life? ... It was necessary to move to Moscow faster, to leave KVN earlier,” the artist recalled.

Malygin called slowness, indecisiveness, disorganization and openness his shortcomings!

In recent years he has performed solo and in duets at concerts and corporate events.

Grigory Malygin also played in several TV series (“Happy Together”, “My Fair Nanny”, “Maskvichi”, “Wild”, “Moscow. Central District”, “Thank God You Came”) and in the 2003 cult film “Day” Hamster" and in the play of the same name.

“DLSH is a professional humorous theater, and not just the KBH team, we tour all year round, but our concerts were like skit shows, albeit with professional miniatures. And the soul, it turns out, was drawn to a great form,” Grigory Malygin said in an interview.

“Why did you star in the series “Happy Together”? It was an episodic role that tripled me both creatively and financially. I myself don’t watch this consumer goods, it clogs up my life. What is the viewer, so are the films. I’m waiting for “people to eat up,” the artist admitted.

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