What is proofreading, in what cases is it necessary for a person, and is there any need to be prepared for it? Readings, prayers, moods, mantras Prayer

Family and relationships 20.08.2024
Family and relationships

The most detailed description: proofreading of a cleansing prayer read by a real priest - for our readers and subscribers.

Lecture on cleansing prayer

These prayers are Orthodox proofreading

or in other words, exorcism.

I highly recommend being patient at least once.

and listen to the entire video.

Please note the next day,

how your life will begin to change for the better.

Prayer of Detention, from a collection of prayers

Elder Pansophius of Athos (1848),

is a powerful weapon against evil spirits.

extremely carefully and carefully.

It is not without reason that in the prayer books where the Prayer of Detention is placed,

There is a significant caveat -

In order to achieve results, you must follow the following recommendations:

“The power of these prayers lies in concealment from hearing

and the gaze of men, in its secret workings.”

as if immersing his consciousness in the meaning of each word.

do not be distracted or interrupted.

If you interrupt, you repeat everything again.

without missing a single day.

If you miss a day, start again.

The main thing here is your intention and concentration.

Detention Prayer blocks and removes

induced impacts and breakdowns

(damage, slander, envy, love spell,

suckers of lack of money, etc.),

also helps restore health,

increase in love and rejuvenation.

After correct application of this prayer

the most serious problems are solved.

And in some incomprehensible way

a person gets something he didn’t even expect.

witchcraft and the tricks of the devil.

This is the prayer of the holy martyr Cyprian.

If the climate in the family has changed dramatically

or diseases cling one after another,

for no apparent reason when you know

that they are casting a spell on you and your family or wishing harm,

READ this prayer EVERY DAY,

naming the names of those for whom you are asking,

until there is improvement.

and give to the “spoiled”.

make a video in full screen,

click on the gear and select

720p HD quality for high definition text.

Cleansing Prayer

Every person in his daily life encounters negativity, and gradually negative energy destroys the natural aura, causing serious harm to physical and spiritual health. In order to recover and get rid of negativity, you should use cleansing prayers. Thanks to them, a special channel for communication with Higher Powers opens. It is through him that a person can get rid of all negative manifestations.

It should be understood that cleansing prayers are special means, so they cannot be used every day. You need to think about their necessity after you feel that your life is filled with troubles. It is in order to return to normal life that you should read cleansing prayers.

This can be done not only in the temple, but also at home. But it should be understood that in the temple they will be more effective due to the fact that a special environment has been created there that promotes sincere communication with God.

It is important to choose the right cleansing prayer. This must be done based on your own intuition. You should take several texts and read them. That prayer appeal that will cause trembling in the soul is yours and it is this that must be used for cleansing.

Orthodox prayers that cleanse the home and soul

Orthodox prayers aimed at cleansing the soul and body are very powerful. An important condition for their effectiveness is a sincere desire to rid your soul and your home of negativity.

A powerful prayer that allows you to remove all negative energy is as follows:

Listen to prayers for cleansing and protection

Prayers for cleansing the soul of a home can not only be read independently, but also listened to. This process is called proofreading. It is very effective and after the cleansing prayer is listened to, relief comes to the soul.

Proofreading – a cleansing prayer

You need to listen to proofreading from negativity in a concentrated state. You cannot start audio recording in the background. Also, you cannot engage in any third-party activities. It is recommended to listen to cleansing prayers in absolute solitude; if possible, it is better to do this with headphones.

Scientists have proven that cleansing prayer has a powerful healing effect on the human body. It is believed that negativity disrupts consciousness and this contributes to the emergence of a variety of diseases. There are facts that a hundred cleansing prayers neutralized radiation. So, in Chernobyl after a man-made disaster, when all the devices failed under the influence of harmful radiation. In the temple of Aristratigus Michael, which is located 4 km from the station, normal background radiation was recorded. This was explained by the fact that it was here that all those who offered prayers aimed at cleansing were located.

Protective cleansing prayers

There are cleansing prayers that are aimed at protecting against harmful external influences. They allow you to remove the evil eye and damage. Such prayers can also be listened to. At the same time, you need to delve into every word you hear. The most effective in this case will be prayers recorded in 4-dimensional sound. They affect the person as a whole, normalizing his life rhythms. If a person is under the influence of damage or other negative influence, then during audio listening, loss of consciousness, weakness in the legs and a general deterioration in well-being are possible. Recovery after such sessions begins very quickly.

Listen to prayers for protection:

Prayers that cleanse the soul and heal the body

Separately, Orthodoxy distinguishes cleansing prayers aimed at cleansing the soul and healing the body. They are usually used by very sick people. Such prayer appeals need to be heard most often. It is recommended to do this every day for several weeks. Moreover, you need to turn on the audio recording multiple times. In addition, during this period you should regularly visit the temple, where you should offer cleansing prayers near the icon of the Savior. This combination will always be beneficial and you should feel it soon. By getting rid of negativity, you can gain additional strength to fight physical ailments.

Aura cleansing prayers

Cleansing the aura with prayers is a very effective activity that will allow you to find peace of mind. If you feel that something is going wrong in your life, then you should start listening to special prayers. This needs to be done several times a day. It is important to retire to a separate room, having previously made sure that no one and nothing can interfere. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to create a special atmosphere in the room. You need to install and light candles and fumigate the space with incense. When listening to an audio recording, you need to delve into every phrase heard.

Listen to the prayer of transfiguration

Exorcism - prayer to cast out demons

Exorcism involves performing a ritual to drive out demons. This ritual is performed in different ways. Its rules depend entirely on how possessed a person is by the devil. In mild cases, when possession is characterized by minor discomfort, the blessing of a priest is sufficient.

For cleansing, it is also recommended to listen to special prayers. At first it will be very difficult to do this, as the soul will resist, but after a certain time a vital need for this will arise, and this will indicate recovery. It is very important to remember that any ritual aimed at driving out demons must be performed alone. This is due to the fact that if successful, a negative entity can leave your soul and inhabit another person.

When listening to special prayers, no special paraphernalia is required. Candles or incense will be absolutely useless, but it is recommended to wear a cross. It is most effective to listen to cleansing audio recordings during the waning moon. During the growth phase of the luminary, it will not be possible to get rid of obsession.

In severe cases, you should always contact a priest to cast out demons. But you should know that for this the clergyman will have to obtain special permission from the church diocese. But if possession by the devil is confirmed, then with the help of strong special prayers you can do it yourself at home. All you need to do is regularly listen to audio recordings with cleansing prayers. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because you won’t be able to harm yourself this way. And if you feel that all attempts to recover are in vain, then after that you can contact a specialist. It should be understood that the demon sitting in a person may not allow him to cross the threshold of the temple.

Listen to the prayer honored during the rites of exorcism

Proofreading a cleansing prayer read by a real priest

Question: What is proofreading, in what cases is it necessary for a person and is it necessary to prepare for it in some way? I give an exhaustive answer to your question, given by the magazine “Kiev Nazareth”. First of all, let’s define what is “proofreading” or “reading”?

Answer: Proofreading is a special prayer service, which includes special incantatory prayers for evil spirits, which were composed by holy ascetics and elders over the centuries; a prayer service with the goal of freeing a person in whom there is an evil spirit, a demon, from this violence, this possession, and to bind the demonic will and power with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

But over whom, when, by whom and how should this rite, this “prayer service,” so to speak, be performed? A person needs proofreading (reprimand) only when a person suffers for one reason or another - either in body (in the form of diseases), or in soul (in the form of troubles in the family, at work, in the form of unpleasant but natural “accidents”, etc.). d.). By the way, here are some amazing examples:

“My body temperature was always around 34 degrees. Strange visions haunted me. Everything was triple in my eyes. I went to doctors. But tomographs don’t see what’s really inside me. It only helped here. Once, before confession, the demon came out - I immediately felt this relief.”

“I used to think it was a medical disease. It was only in church that the “diagnosis” was made. A voice begins to scream inside me, I want to hold back, but I can’t. This is an alien, evil force. It also interferes with going to church, especially taking communion. As soon as you start getting ready, either your neighbor will definitely come, or the phone will ring - and all the time is spent on empty talk. Now I am forty-four years old, and I received the demon as a two-year-old baby. It’s okay, I need to strengthen my faith, then I’ll be healed.”

". One hot summer day, a colleague came in and took a quick sip from the glass on the table. What happened to him! He barely made it to the sink, spat it out and muttered: “What disgusting things!” What was that? It was Epiphany water. »

Interesting fact: before the revolution, there was a simple but error-free test in psychiatric hospitals. Ten glasses of water were placed in front of the patient - nine with holy water and one with plain water. And if a person took plain water over and over again (as if someone had told him to), he was sent not to the doctor, but to the priest. Let me tell you, medicine is powerless in this case.

And there are, unfortunately, cases from a different category: “Father, count me out, I snore at night,” or even they even say: “Father, I was (was) with a gypsy (psychic, healer, “grandmother”) and she She told me that I’m “done,” read me out.” Many of the parishioners of the temple had previously been treated for years - to no avail - in hospitals, by psychics, and by “grandmothers”. The demon willingly inspired faith in medicine and in the achievements of science. Sitting in one of the sick, he opens up: “We also invented the ambulance. Previously, before death, the priest was called, unctioned, confessed, and received communion; Now they call the doctor. And we get the soul.”

Yes, the humane “aesculapian” usually consoles: we’ll cure you. The diagnosis is hidden behind the thieves' jargon of Latin. This is how the last minutes of life, given by God for repentance, are stolen. And the soul finds itself unprepared in the face of eternity.

And so these “seekers of “grace” come to proofreading and are tempted: how come, I passed the proofreading, but “it didn’t help.” They come and ask: when will the “session” start? Such people, most often, then disappear from the temple. But people from the first category stay for a long time. And the path to healing for them is the path to faith. The path of the hardest work that exists in the world is the path of prayer. These restless, twitchy people remain because they begin to feel peace touching their hearts.

Yes, a grandmother or a psychic is capable of “helping” the first time, especially since the demon will willingly “play along” with them and pretend that he was running away. But it ends badly. How many similar stories have been told to me by patients about their friends. Many of them either committed suicide or ended up in a mental hospital. And sometimes it all began with ordinary (in our present life - natural) carelessness - food, a glass of water was not crossed - and the demon entered. These are the “food additives”.

It happens, most often, that the cause of possession is mortal sin, and the first in this row are unbelief, blasphemy, murder (including, as a variety of it, murder in the womb, abortion), negligence about one’s salvation, and not going to church.

Well, what to do in cases where a person cannot come to church, for example due to illness, or because of a long, distant trip?

In this case, we will assume that we are talking about a person leading a church way of life: regularly confessing, taking communion, and taking consecration. And here the relatives or close friends of such a person can help. How? Come for proofreading, submit a note about him, stand accordingly and pray for him.

I would like to draw your attention: without your participation, with a simple “magical” presence at the proofreading, nothing positive will be done in your state. It is absolutely necessary to lead a full Christian church life: Going to church on Sundays and holidays; observance of fasts - Wednesdays, Fridays and other multi-day fasts established by the Church; reading morning and evening prayers; reading akathists, prayers to your beloved saints, your patrons, and the Guardian Angel; at least (at least!) once a month confession and communion. Understand, believe and humble yourself: without your personal appeal to God and your own works, no problems in true Christianity and Orthodoxy can be solved!

But what should we do with those of our relatives who suffer, but have no faith and no desire to come to church?

Kirovograd Bishop Nestor in his memoirs recalled one incident that occurred in his pastoral practice. It happened to him to perform Baptism over one shaman. Yes, yes, a real shaman. As the shaman himself later admitted, he accepted Baptism to laugh at Christianity, at Orthodoxy. But when the time came for him to perform his ritual rituals, something strange happened: the spirits, who had obeyed him for decades, responded to his calls and more than once actually accompanied him in his affairs, suddenly did not respond. In vain he tried to call on the rebellious, shook his tambourine and lost his temper - it was all in vain; and it was then that he remembered Baptism!

Oh, if only we had even a drop of faith in the truly limitless power of prayer! And imagine, moreover, that this prayer comes from a loving heart, that it agrees with the will and desire of the Lord! This is exactly what the prayer of Bishop Nestor was: it not only converted the unbeliever (although he could not be called an unbeliever - he sincerely believed in deity, but believed that only he and his spirits had the truth, that Orthodoxy was a heresy and delusion), but and subsequently made him a servant of the altar and throne.

This is what we should do in relation to our family and friends: doesn’t he believe? - and you believe and pray, and go to church for two; is he suffering? - and you go to proofreading for him (her), and wait, and pray; not fasting? - and you fast for two; and how we sometimes lack the simple Christian wisdom that Rev. Father Amphilochius of Pochaev spoke about: “Does your husband drink and beat you? “And you pray, movchi, put on a snack and there will be a meal!” But where can we go with our pride... Everyone, everywhere, will be to blame, but not me!

By the way, about the guilty. How convenient and irresistibly pleasant it is to find someone to blame! I won’t talk about rare (unfortunately becoming more and more frequent) cases when a person himself admits to his witchcraft and maliciously boasts about it, that’s not what we’re talking about. How often do we blame, condemn (!) a person, just because we imagined something, or dreamed something, or someone said something. We don’t want to understand and accept that everything that happens to us happens according to the will of God, and for our sins, of which, in comparison with others, we have countless! It’s not the sorcerer’s or the gypsy’s fault that you are fornicating or stealing at work and from your neighbor, you don’t know the fasts and the church, and at the same time you zealously and regularly visit the abortion clinic: for these things, and not because of witchcraft, God’s grace leaves you offended, your home and your children, and in Her place illnesses, troubles, problems and mournful crying take up residence.

And intimidated by our own demons and our “well-wishers” friends, we are already afraid to go to proofreading: what if a demon, having left someone, can come to me?

He can. If, while proofreading, you stand without prayer, without prayer for the suffering people standing right next to you, or, what is even worse, with condemnation of them, yes, for you this fear takes on its formidable and obvious meaning. This fear is also real for people who do not wear a cross, who do not go to confession regularly and often, and who neglect divine services.

How do you generally react to the cries of the possessed in church, during proofreading, at services?

By prayer. The Holy Apostle Paul commands us: “. Pray without ceasing." (1 Thess. 5:17), and even more so we are obliged to fulfill this commandment, seeing a person suffering, a person in sorrow, pain and sadness. Moreover, many of us personally know the pain and severity of these ailments - and who better understands the grief and sorrow of another than the one who bears or once bore the same cross.

Is it necessary and is it possible to take children for proofreading?

If there is an extreme need, then of course it is possible and necessary, but here something else should be kept in mind: as already mentioned above, children suffer primarily from the iniquities of their parents, and if the mother or father leads a life that is, to put it mildly, lawless, then and proofreading for such unfortunate children will be a weak help; relief, if they receive it, will be only to a small extent and for a very short time.

And in conclusion, I would like to say one more thing. In the primal Church, proofreading, reprimanding, exorcism, if you like, was carried out by a special institute of clergy. They led a special way of life, different from everyone else, and performed special feats of prayer and fasting. In subsequent times, the Grace of God for the impoverishment of virtues dried up among believers and servants of the Almighty. The institution, as such, abolished itself. In subsequent centuries, such an institution as “elderhood” developed, and in most cases they took on this difficult work. Nowadays, this path is becoming impoverished and individual priests decide to do proofreading, but only with the special blessing of an elder, or their confessor, or, in extreme cases, the ruling bishop.

Unfortunately, even here it cannot be done without dishonesty, forgery and quackery - proofreading is done without blessing; they take credit for blessings that no one actually gave them; they pass off simple prayers or unctions as proofreading, etc. As a result, they themselves die and destroy the faith and souls of people. At the end of this word, I would like to quote an excerpt from the speech of His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, delivered by him at the diocesan meeting of the Kyiv clergy on June 6, 2002.

“There is a lot of talk now about proofreading. This is a problem not only for our diocese, it is a problem for our entire Church. This is a problem not only in Ukraine, but also in other Orthodox countries.

It is very good that you, young priests, have zeal, a readiness to act, to work. But do not forget that the enemy can turn your head when you are not yet firmly established in church and parish activities, have not yet comprehended the depth of this activity and do not have the caution with which this service should be performed.

The young clergy has a tendency to be an elder and give advice, arrange and divorce marriages, impose penances and, especially, do proofreading. There are several people among you who practice proofreading without any blessing from the diocesan confessor, without any blessing from the ruling bishop. These are serious things, you can’t play with them. You are aggravating the misconceptions of our believing, or rather even unbelieving, people, that any illness is already a demonic possession. Everything is equated to this: good luck or bad luck, whether your left or right ear is itchy, even a bad or good mood is already from the devil. Thus, a perversion of church consciousness occurs. Yes, indeed, the demon is a real force, the demon is a rational force, a dark force that really exists and acts within the framework of the Lord’s permission. But the demon is not yet the main leadership of all church people. And it is not worth attributing to demons such broad opportunities as other priests give them. Whatever happens, it’s all from the devil, let’s proofread it. Because people like it, it’s profitable... This attitude is unacceptable for both young and old priests. It is unacceptable because it provokes people and leads them into error. This is truly a demonic obsession. Proofreading must be done very carefully. Yes, there are prayers of Basil the Great, there are prayers in the church breviary for exorcism, but, I repeat, to attribute everything indiscriminately from beginning to end to the demon is a very harmful delusion that is spreading mainly among the young clergy. This is what is called young age.

Yes, our people are accustomed to having a confessor, and this is very good. But every priest, if there is no personal experienced confessor to whom a believer opens his conscience, every priest who is legally appointed by the legitimate hierarchy, is a confessor and conductor of God’s grace to those believers who turn to him.

Young clergy need to respect the older clergy, because they have great erudition and already have experience that can always be borrowed by consulting on any issue that has become a problem for you. We have excellent senior priests: smart, literate, and spiritual, who can give instructions not only to ordinary believers, but also to shepherds who lead people, the flock entrusted to them, to spiritual revival and eternal salvation. And I ask the young clergy to keep this in mind.

There are strange opinions according to which confession and communion become secondary and optional! Proofreading becomes more important. I ask you to draw conclusions from these comments and streamline your attitude towards such a serious issue.”

The project really needs your prayer and charitable support!

Reading off with prayers from damage is a very powerful cleansing rite. Its roots go back to pagan times. In the modern world, church reprimands are often used to get rid of negativity, which is carried out for many people gathered in the temple hall. You should know that it is not always effective, since when people gather under the influence of prayer words, a lot of negativity is released, which can pass from person to person.

Reading off damage with prayers, carried out by a professional magician, is much more effective and safer. With this ritual, the direction of the action is ensured, and in addition, additional attributes are always used that absorb the released negativity, which prevents its spread.

The rebuke of corruption in the church goes back to the distant past. Even during the formation of the Christian faith, priests sought to help suffering people get rid of external negative influences. Today, such a ritual is performed in Christian churches on certain days. As a rule, at this time a huge number of people gather in the church hall who want to remove negativity from themselves.

The priest reads special prayers, psalms and canons for several hours. This allows you to direct a flow of positive energy, which cleanses the energy of people who have suffered from damage. This method can only help sincerely believing people, but it is not safe. This ritual can be harmful, because during a reprimand, the negativity removed from one person can spread to another.

Church reprimand does not always allow you to get rid of damage the first time. The number of required sessions is determined individually for each specific situation. This depends on the strength of the induced impact and its statute of limitations. According to statistics, in order to completely get rid of negativity, 3-4 sessions in church are required. In addition, it should be understood that if, during a church reprimand through prayers, damage was accidentally transferred from one person to another, then you will need to attend several more sessions in order to remove traces of someone else’s negative influence.

After leaving the temple after the reprimand session, you must give alms to all the beggars. After each day when you were reprimanded, you must come home and wash off the traces in the shower. On the same day, you should try to communicate with anyone as little as possible. In addition, the entire period when you are trying to get rid of damage, you need to be in a calm mood. You cannot react emotionally to any events in the world around you. It is very important not to conflict during this period.

Clearing your own home of negativity

You definitely need to set aside time to cleanse your own home of negativity. To do this, you need to go around all the rooms around the perimeter and cross each corner. While saying the words:

“I ask for help, Lord, for protection from the evil eye and bad word. The cross is alive and omnipotent, remove everything superficial and alien and do not let it come back. Protect me, the Servant of God and my entire family. Bring goodness and joy into my home, save and preserve. Amen".

The most popular remedy is a large rebuke with prayers against damage. During its implementation, a large number of Orthodox prayers are read and it takes a lot of time, providing for the performance of special actions. A large reprimand with prayers against damage is carried out in a separate darkened room, the lighting of which is provided exclusively by church candles. The person being reprimanded must remove all jewelry , sit comfortably and relax. Next, the professional magician carries out the following actions:
    He stands opposite the patient and makes the sign of a cross three times, first on himself and then on the patient; Places a small white napkin on the parietal part of the patient’s head; With the index or middle finger of his right hand, he circles the patient’s head three times clockwise from the middle of the forehead; Places all the fingers of his left hand in the center of the napkin ;He makes the sign of the cross in front of the patient and begins to read the first prayer.
First, the following three effective and powerful prayers are read in turn.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit:

“The Most High King of Heaven, the Comforter of the human race in troubles and sorrow, present everywhere and Just. Come to the one who submits the request and pray for help and inhabit his soul to cleanse it from the filth that has come from evil forces. Save and preserve the souls of those who believe in you."

Prayer to the Mother of God:

“Gracious Virgin Mary, Holy Mother of God, rejoice, the Lord is always with you. Blessed are You and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for for the salvation of the souls of the human race You gave birth to a son.”

Prayer “Recovery of the Lost”:

“Most Holy Virgin Mary, seek us who are suffering and perishing. Do not punish us sinners because of our sins, but because of our love for humanity, have mercy and forgive us. Deliver by your holy power from hell, want and disease. Save and preserve."

After the opening prayers, the following prayers are read several times:
    “Alive in the help of the Most High”; “Symbol of Faith.”
As a rule, professionals read them in the original, thus enhancing the effect of the prayers. After reading them, special prayer phrases are said three times. They sound like this:

“I renounce God’s Servant (name of the patient) from corruption, I save his soul. I opened the coffin with prayers, and You, Lord, help and heal him with your bright power.”
“Lord, Almighty and Just, open the mountain to save a person from damage. I opened a hundred gates to the Lord, let the dead souls go there, and man will remain and enjoy earthly life.”

After this, one reads one’s prayer to the Lord:

“Lord, deliver God’s Servant (name of the patient) from the corruption that prevents him from living a righteous life. Give some understanding, O Almighty, to the Servant of God (the name of the patient), turn his soul to yourself and save him. Renounce God's Servant (name of the patient) from corruption, cleanse his home from filth, direct him to the true path, to sincere service to You. I appeal to the soul of the Servant of God (name of the patient) in the name of the Lord, wake up, throw off the shackles imposed by the enemy, open your eyes, remove the evil spirits from your own home. Fill the space around you with kindness and bright faith.”

Next, the professional continues to read prayers and appeals to all saints. The ritual ends with the reading of the well-known prayer “Our Father”. The longer the reprimand lasts, the better the person’s energy is cleansed and the less time it takes to recover.

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Question: What is proofreading, in what cases is it necessary for a person and is it necessary to prepare for it in some way? I give an exhaustive answer to your question, given by the magazine “Kiev Nazareth”. First of all, let’s define what is “proofreading” or “reading”?

Answer: Proofreading is a special prayer service, which includes special incantatory prayers for evil spirits, which were composed by holy ascetics and elders over the centuries; a prayer service with the goal of freeing a person in whom there is an evil spirit, a demon, from this violence, this possession, and to bind the demonic will and power with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

But over whom, when, by whom and how should this rite, this “prayer service,” so to speak, be performed? A person needs proofreading (reprimand) only when a person suffers for one reason or another - either in body (in the form of diseases), or in soul (in the form of troubles in the family, at work, in the form of unpleasant but natural “accidents”, etc.). d.). By the way, here are some amazing examples:

“My body temperature was always around 34 degrees. Strange visions haunted me. Everything was triple in my eyes. I went to doctors. But tomographs don’t see what’s really inside me. It only helped here. Once, before confession, the demon came out - I immediately felt this relief.”

“I used to think it was a medical disease. It was only in church that the “diagnosis” was made. A voice begins to scream inside me, I want to hold back, but I can’t. This is an alien, evil force. It also interferes with going to church, especially taking communion. As soon as you start getting ready, either your neighbor will definitely come, or the phone will ring - and all the time is spent on empty talk. Now I’m forty-four years old, and I received the demon as a two-year-old baby... It’s okay, I need to strengthen my faith, then I’ll be healed.”

“...One hot summer day, a colleague came in and quickly took a sip from the glass on the table. What happened to him! He barely made it to the sink, spat it out and muttered: “What disgusting things!” What was that? It was Epiphany water...”

Interesting fact: before the revolution, there was a simple but error-free test in psychiatric hospitals. Ten glasses of water were placed in front of the patient - nine with holy water and one with plain water. And if a person took plain water over and over again (as if someone had told him to), he was sent not to the doctor, but to the priest. Let me tell you, medicine is powerless in this case.

And there are, unfortunately, cases from a different category: “Father, count me out, I snore at night,” or even they even say: “Father, I was (was) with a gypsy (psychic, healer, “grandmother”) and she She told me that I’m “done,” read me out.” Many of the parishioners of the temple had previously been treated for years - to no avail - in hospitals, by psychics, and by “grandmothers”. The demon willingly inspired faith in medicine and in the achievements of science. Sitting in one of the sick, he opens up: “We also invented the ambulance. Previously, before death, the priest was called, unctioned, confessed, and received communion; Now they call the doctor. And we get the soul.”

Yes, the humane “aesculapian” usually consoles: we’ll cure you. The diagnosis is hidden behind the thieves' jargon of Latin. This is how the last minutes of life, given by God for repentance, are stolen. And the soul finds itself unprepared in the face of eternity...

And so these “seekers of “grace” come to proofreading and are tempted: how come, I passed the proofreading, but “it didn’t help.” They come and ask: when will the “session” start? Such people, most often, then disappear from the temple. But people from the first category stay for a long time. And the path to healing for them is the path to faith. The path of the hardest work that exists in the world is the path of prayer. These restless, twitchy people remain because they begin to feel peace touching their hearts.

Yes, a grandmother or a psychic is capable of “helping” the first time, especially since the demon will willingly “play along” with them and pretend that he was running away. But it ends badly. How many similar stories have been told to me by patients about their friends. Many of them either committed suicide or ended up in a mental hospital. And sometimes it all began with ordinary (in our present life - natural) carelessness - food, a glass of water was not crossed - and the demon entered. These are the “food additives”.

It happens, most often, that the cause of possession is mortal sin, and the first in this row are unbelief, blasphemy, murder (including, as a variety of it, murder in the womb, abortion), negligence about one’s salvation, and not going to church.

Well, what to do in cases where a person cannot come to church, for example due to illness, or because of a long, distant trip?

In this case, we will assume that we are talking about a person leading a church way of life: regularly confessing, taking communion, and taking consecration. And here the relatives or close friends of such a person can help. How? Come for proofreading, submit a note about him, stand accordingly and pray for him.

I would like to draw your attention: without your participation, with a simple “magical” presence at the proofreading, nothing positive will be done in your state. It is absolutely necessary to lead a full Christian church life: Going to church on Sundays and holidays; observance of fasts - Wednesdays, Fridays and other multi-day fasts established by the Church; reading morning and evening prayers; reading akathists, prayers to your beloved saints, your patrons, and the Guardian Angel; at least (at least!) once a month confession and communion. Understand, believe and humble yourself: without your personal appeal to God and your own works, no problems in true Christianity and Orthodoxy can be solved!

But what should we do with those of our relatives who suffer, but have no faith and no desire to come to church?

Kirovograd Bishop Nestor in his memoirs recalled one incident that occurred in his pastoral practice. It happened to him to perform Baptism over one shaman. Yes, yes, a real shaman. As the shaman himself later admitted, he accepted Baptism to laugh at Christianity, at Orthodoxy. But when the time came for him to perform his ritual rituals, something strange happened: the spirits, who had obeyed him for decades, responded to his calls and more than once actually accompanied him in his affairs, suddenly did not respond. In vain he tried to call on the rebellious, shook his tambourine and lost his temper - it was all in vain; and it was then that he remembered Baptism!

Oh, if only we had even a drop of faith in the truly limitless power of prayer! And imagine, moreover, that this prayer comes from a loving heart, that it agrees with the will and desire of the Lord! This is exactly what the prayer of Vladyka Nestor was: it not only converted the unbeliever (although he could not be called an unbeliever - he sincerely believed in deity, but believed that only he and his spirits had the truth, that Orthodoxy was a heresy and delusion), but and subsequently made him a servant of the altar and throne.

This is what we should do in relation to our family and friends: doesn’t he believe? - and you believe and pray, and go to church for two; is he suffering? - and you go to proofreading for him (her), and wait, and pray; not fasting? - and you fast for two; and how we sometimes lack the simple Christian wisdom that Rev. Father Amphilochius of Pochaev spoke about: “Does your husband drink and beat you? “And you pray, movchi, put on a snack and there will be a meal!” But where can we go with our pride... Everyone, everywhere, will be to blame, but not me!

By the way, about the guilty. How convenient and irresistibly pleasant it is to find someone to blame! I won’t talk about rare (unfortunately becoming more and more frequent) cases when a person himself admits to his witchcraft and maliciously boasts about it, that’s not what we’re talking about. How often do we blame, condemn (!) a person, just because we imagined something, or dreamed something, or someone said something. We don’t want to understand and accept that everything that happens to us happens according to the will of God, and for our sins, of which, in comparison with others, we have countless! It’s not the sorcerer’s or the gypsy’s fault that you are fornicating or stealing at work and from your neighbor, you don’t know the fasts and the church, and at the same time you zealously and regularly visit the abortion clinic: for these things, and not because of witchcraft, God’s grace leaves you offended, your home and your children, and in Her place illnesses, troubles, problems and mournful crying take up residence.

And intimidated by our own demons and our “well-wishers” friends, we are already afraid to go to proofreading: what if a demon, having left someone, can come to me?

He can. If, during proofreading, you stand without prayer, without prayer for the suffering people standing right next to you, or, what is even worse, with condemnation of them - yes, for you this fear takes on its formidable and obvious meaning. This fear is also real for people who do not wear a cross, who do not go to confession regularly and often, and who neglect divine services.

How do you generally react to the cries of the possessed in church, during proofreading, at services?

By prayer. The Holy Apostle Paul commands us: “...Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess. 5:17), and even more so we are obliged to fulfill this commandment, seeing a person suffering, a person in sorrow, pain and sadness. Moreover, many of us personally know the pain and severity of these ailments - and who better understands the grief and sorrow of another than the one who bears or once bore the same cross.

Is it necessary and is it possible to take children for proofreading?

If there is an extreme need, then of course it is possible and necessary, but here something else should be kept in mind: as already mentioned above, children suffer primarily from the iniquities of their parents, and if the mother or father leads a life that is, to put it mildly, lawless, then and proofreading for such unfortunate children will be a weak help; relief, if they receive it, will be only to a small extent and for a very short time.

*** *** ***

And in conclusion, I would like to say one more thing. In the primal Church, proofreading, reprimanding, exorcism, if you like, was carried out by a special institute of clergy. They led a special way of life, different from everyone else, and performed special feats of prayer and fasting. In subsequent times, the Grace of God for the impoverishment of virtues dried up among believers and servants of the Almighty. The institution, as such, abolished itself. In subsequent centuries, such an institution as “elderhood” developed, and in most cases they took on this difficult work. Nowadays, this path is becoming impoverished and individual priests decide to do proofreading, but only with the special blessing of an elder, or their confessor, or, in extreme cases, the ruling bishop.

Unfortunately, even here it cannot be done without dishonesty, forgery and quackery - proofreading is done without blessing; they take credit for blessings that no one actually gave them; they pass off simple prayers or unctions as proofreading, etc. As a result, they themselves die and destroy the faith and souls of people. At the end of this word, I would like to quote an excerpt from the speech of His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, delivered by him at the diocesan meeting of the Kyiv clergy on June 6, 2002.

“There is a lot of talk now about proofreading. This is a problem not only for our diocese, it is a problem for our entire Church. This is a problem not only in Ukraine, but also in other Orthodox countries.

It is very good that you, young priests, have zeal, a readiness to act, to work. But do not forget that the enemy can turn your head when you are not yet firmly established in church and parish activities, have not yet comprehended the depth of this activity and do not have the caution with which this service should be performed.

The young clergy has a tendency to be an elder and give advice, arrange and divorce marriages, impose penances and, especially, do proofreading. There are several people among you who practice proofreading without any blessing from the diocesan confessor, without any blessing from the ruling bishop. These are serious things, you can’t play with them. You are aggravating the misconceptions of our believing, or rather even unbelieving, people, that any illness is already a demonic possession. Everything is equated to this: good luck or bad luck, whether your left or right ear is itchy, even a bad or good mood is already from the devil. Thus, a perversion of church consciousness occurs. Yes, indeed, the demon is a real force, the demon is a rational force, a dark force that really exists and acts within the framework of the Lord’s permission. But the demon is not yet the main leadership of all church people. And it is not worth attributing to demons such broad opportunities as other priests give them. Whatever happens, it’s all from the devil, let’s proofread it. Because people like it, it’s profitable... This attitude is unacceptable for both young and old priests. It is unacceptable because it provokes people and leads them into error. This is truly a demonic obsession. Proofreading must be done very carefully. Yes, there are prayers of Basil the Great, there are prayers in the church breviary for exorcism, but, I repeat, to attribute everything indiscriminately from beginning to end to the demon is a very harmful delusion that is spreading mainly among the young clergy. This is what is called young age.

Yes, our people are accustomed to having a confessor, and this is very good. But every priest, if there is no personal experienced confessor to whom a believer opens his conscience, every priest who is legally appointed by the legitimate hierarchy, is a confessor and conductor of God’s grace to those believers who turn to him.

Young clergy need to respect the older clergy, because they have great erudition and already have experience that can always be borrowed by consulting on any issue that has become a problem for you. We have excellent senior priests: smart, literate, and spiritual, who can give instructions not only to ordinary believers, but also to shepherds who lead people, the flock entrusted to them, to spiritual revival and eternal salvation. And I ask the young clergy to keep this in mind.

There are strange opinions according to which confession and communion become secondary and optional! Proofreading becomes more important. I ask you to draw conclusions from these comments and streamline your attitude towards such a serious issue.”

Complete collection and description: proofreading prayer of forgiveness for the spiritual life of a believer.

Lecture on cleansing prayer

These prayers are Orthodox proofreading

or in other words, exorcism.

I highly recommend being patient at least once.

and listen to the entire video.

Please note the next day,

how your life will begin to change for the better.

Prayer of Detention, from a collection of prayers

Elder Pansophius of Athos (1848),

is a powerful weapon against evil spirits.

extremely carefully and carefully.

It is not without reason that in the prayer books where the Prayer of Detention is placed,

There is a significant caveat -

In order to achieve results, you must follow the following recommendations:

“The power of these prayers lies in concealment from hearing

and the gaze of men, in its secret workings.”

as if immersing his consciousness in the meaning of each word.

do not be distracted or interrupted.

If you interrupt, you repeat everything again.

without missing a single day.

If you miss a day, start again.

The main thing here is your intention and concentration.

Detention Prayer blocks and removes

induced impacts and breakdowns

(damage, slander, envy, love spell,

suckers of lack of money, etc.),

also helps restore health,

increase in love and rejuvenation.

After correct application of this prayer

the most serious problems are solved.

And in some incomprehensible way

a person gets something he didn’t even expect.

witchcraft and the tricks of the devil.

This is the prayer of the holy martyr Cyprian.

If the climate in the family has changed dramatically

or diseases cling one after another,

for no apparent reason when you know

that they are casting a spell on you and your family or wishing harm,

READ this prayer EVERY DAY,

naming the names of those for whom you are asking,

until there is improvement.

and give to the “spoiled”.

make a video in full screen,

click on the gear and select

720p HD quality for high definition text.

Readings, prayers, moods, mantras

I share with you a prayer for the Return of Energy!

“I ask my True Creator, all the Higher Light forces, whose help I need today, to collect from all my energy-information space, from the aura, biofield, from all systems and organs, down to the intranuclear, intracellular level, all those energies that I have, willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously, taken from other people in the past, present and future, please collect them, clean them, filter them and return them to those to whom they belong. I ask them all for forgiveness, forgive me and release me to God’s Judgment. Amen. And I forgive you all and release you to God’s Judgment. Amen

And all those energies that were given to me initially, at the moment of my birth, according to the Divine Plan, find, restore (if necessary, replace), clean, pass through filters and return to me in the past, present and future, starting from this second and forever. Amen. My True Creator! Do it right! Do it right! Do it right! Amen."

All negativity is removed. The vicious circle of non-forgiveness and claims is broken, because all negative energies are first completely purified, passed through all sorts of filters, and only then returned to the offender in their purest form. Bringing relief, forgiveness and harmony to both sides in the relationship.

Reprimand. Proofreading. Exorcism of demons. Exorcism. FULL VERSION. Everyone watch.

Reprimand! Watch in full! I'm uploading it especially for you! All people actually have demons (some many, some few)!

Therefore, watch everything, this is very important for your soul!





Proofreading. Cleansing prayer. Forgiveness.

Proofreading is a special prayer service, which includes special incantatory prayers for evil spirits, which were composed by holy ascetics and elders over the centuries; a prayer service with the goal of freeing a person in whom there is an evil spirit, a demon, from this violence, this possession, and to bind the demonic will and power with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

But over whom, when, by whom and how should this rite, this “prayer service,” so to speak, be performed? A person needs proofreading (reprimand) only when a person suffers for one reason or another - either in body (in the form of diseases), or in soul (in the form of troubles in the family, at work, in the form of unpleasant but natural “accidents”, etc.). d.).

There are strange opinions according to which confession and communion become secondary and optional! Proofreading becomes more important. I ask you to draw conclusions from these comments and streamline your attitude towards such a serious issue.

This version of the session uses only Orthodox prayers. In such a short period of time you will come into contact with the basic Orthodox prayers, read by a dedicated person with power. During a session, people obsessed with various ailments may feel uncomfortable at first, but there is no need to be scared, this is a natural process. At the end of the session, everything will return to normal. The cleaning result occurs after three sessions over three days. After a week and another month, the session must be repeated to consolidate the result. But it is enough to listen to a half-hour audio session in order to achieve the same effect.

Powerful meditation “Getting rid of curses”

Meditation is contraindicated in the postoperative period and those on dialysis.

Dear meditation listeners, if after meditation your condition has worsened, the situation has worsened, this may indicate that you were not able to fully work through all the negativity during meditation for various reasons, and which may have other roots.

An ancient prayer against damage and the evil eye. Protection from witchcraft and cleansing of negative energy. Charm-amulet. Just insert your names instead of Bogdan, Bogdan forgot to warn him that he was being read

It is easy to remove damage, birth blocks and injuries. Meditation. Diana Falby. This meditation helps to easily remove damage, blocks, restrictions, negative attitudes, negative energy, etc. This technique can also be used to harmonize the chakras.


PRAYER FROM NEGATIVITY. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. FATHER VLADIMIR will tell you how to protect yourself from negativism using simple and accessible means.

.These prayers are an Orthodox reading or, in other words, an exorcism. I strongly advise you to be patient at least once and listen to the entire video. It is read by a real priest. Notice the next day how your life begins to change for the better. God bless you!

Mantra that heals all diseases

The Most Powerful Healing Mantra HD

Destroying all cancer cells throughout the body. Sytin's mood

“Destruction of all cancer cells in the entire body.”

I am the Spirit of God. I am now pouring from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, into the soul, into the entire physical body, an eternally new bright Divine joy.

the body was filled with an eternally new bright Divine joy. I rejoice every moment.

I admire the divinely beautiful flowers.

The word is sometimes more effective than physical action.

The SOEVS method, successfully used in healthcare, in sports, in the cosmonaut training center, is aimed at managing all body systems; it is believed that it makes it possible to restore health even with “incurable” diseases.

2006-2017 © IP Timofeeva E.V. Dmitrov, Russia.

Yana Banifatewa: Thank you very much Amen!

Nina K: Lord save and preserve us, amen!

Alice Mur: Very strong proofreading!

Alice Mur: Very much! Thank you!

Where was it, in which cathedral and in which country?

Thank you for your answer!

Kira Yermak: Save and preserve the servant of God Irina and the servant of God John! Amen!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Tamila BURSHTEYN: I ask for help and protection in work, health and from all kinds of misfortunes to God’s servants Ilya Melanie Inna Jeffrey Amen! Lord, hear my prayer!

Lyudmila Derevnina: GLORY TO THE FATHER AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, thank you very much, GOD Bless you


Iren Tytynikov: Save and preserve God's servant, Irina! Amen!


Tamila BURSHTEYN: Spasi I soxrani!! Amen!

Alexander C: Thanks a lot

RITYLCHIK GALKINA: Playlist Irina Vasilievna

Tatyana Sigaeva: Thank you Helps me a lot mentally. Gives me strength and confidence.

Tetyana Lytvyn: Glory to the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit! I thank the one who published the prayer service. May the Lord protect you and your loved ones.

Natalia Sokolova: Lord have mercy! Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Ilya Burshteyn: Spasi I soxtani Amin!!

Tamila BURSHTEYN: Save and save Amen!

Levon Stepanyan: I thank you, kind man. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen

Svetlana Khikhlich: Thank God there are such sites. I can't describe my gratitude in words.

Video on this topic

Cleansing session with prayers. A big rebuke with prayers from damage. This is a session with Orthodox prayers. Predn.

Molfar Proofreading. Mikhail Mikhailovich Nechay link to this video: http://youtu.be/q_qeC8atAK0 Born into a family of workers. Law.

Prayer PROOF. Special prayer service. Cleansing prayer from evil spirits. Rus. Ancient Slavic language video lessons.

Exorcism online, proofreading. Cleansing Prayer

Healing prayer. Protects you from difficult situations.

Hello friends! Be sure to read it to understand whether you need it. In order not to fall into the mouth.

Proofreading Cleansing Prayer Forgiveness

Learn to forgive! Forgiveness will NEVER harm you, but will only help you in life. If you have not forgiven, then partially.

These prayers are an Orthodox proofreading or, in other words, an exorcism. I highly recommend that you take them at least once.

Prayer for forgiveness

Prayer for forgiveness plays a big role in Orthodoxy. It represents such secret words, filled with deep spiritual meaning, which allow you to turn to the Higher Powers with a request for forgiveness of your own sins. Prayers for forgiveness should definitely be read in the temple. To atone for all your sins, you should attend church as often as possible. In addition, in addition to such prayer, you should constantly give alms to those who need more than you.

Prayer for forgiveness of one's sins before God

The most powerful prayers for forgiveness are offered to the Lord God. They need to be read every day. Every word in prayer appeals should sound consciously and sincerely.

Daily prayer of repentance and forgiveness

For a daily prayer of repentance and forgiveness, you can use the following prayer:

Prayer to Jesus Christ for forgiveness of grievances

Resentment towards other people greatly pollutes the soul, so you need to get rid of them using a special prayer.

It sounds like this:

Prayer of John Krestyankin for forgiveness of ancestral sins (of a kind)

The main purpose of praying to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins of one’s kind is to save the human soul. Its strength lies in the fact that with its help one-on-one communication with God occurs. This means that you need to ascend it in complete solitude and absolutely sincerely.

The basic rules for such prayer are as follows:

  • Before offering prayer, you need to realize everything that you have done wrong in life. It is important to awaken in your soul a desire for sincere repentance for your misdeeds. You need to voice in your own words what you did, violating the commandments of God and ask for forgiveness for this.
  • Before reading the prayer for forgiveness, it is recommended to visit the temple and confess.

Prayer for forgiveness of sins for aborted children

Abortion is considered a terrible sin and a woman needs to pray for it for a long time. A prayer for forgiveness for the murder of an unborn baby is read for 40 days. It is important not to miss a single day. Before starting to pray, it is recommended to visit the temple, confess and repent before the priest. Prayer words should be said in front of the icon of the Mother of God and Savior. Sincere prayer will definitely be heard and God will remove your sin.

The prayer text reads as follows:

A very strong prayer to the Creator for forgiveness and help

There are several powerful, focused prayers to the Lord. They need to be used in specific cases. It is very important to offer such prayers in front of the icon of the Savior.

Prayer for forgiveness of those who have offended us

In order to cleanse the soul of negativity, you need to offer a prayer for forgiveness of people who have caused offense. This will allow you to let go of the situation and successfully move towards your goal. The peculiarities of reading such a prayer are that it should be close in essence to meditation. It is necessary to retire to a separate room, install an icon of the Savior, light a church candle in front of it and take a comfortable position.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Prayer for forgiveness of a child

Parents very often offer prayers for the forgiveness of their children. This allows you to cleanse the aura of your children.

This mother’s prayer is considered the most powerful:

Prayer for forgiveness of enemies

If you know your enemies, then you must definitely read a prayer for their forgiveness. This will protect your soul from the influence of negative energy. In addition, such a prayer will push your enemies onto the right path and there is a very high probability that your hostility will soon cease.

One powerful prayer goes like this:

This prayer must be offered to the Lord in solitude before the icon of the Savior. Also, be sure to visit a temple after it, where you can light a candle for the health of your enemy.

Proofreading. Cleansing prayer. Forgiveness

Proofreading Cleansing Prayer Forgiveness

  • 46800

Proofreading Cleansing Prayer Forgiveness


Prayer against damage, the evil eye, witchcraft and the tricks of the devil.


To cleanse the house every day, prayer. From swearing, drunkenness, from ill-wishers.


Exorcism, proofreading, cleansing prayer Casting out demons


Exorcism, proofreading, cleansing prayer. Exorcism of demons.


Prayer Proofreading. For well-being, from want and poverty. Help in all daily matters.


Prayer for the return of energies. Forgiveness. A very powerful prayer!


Prayer PROOF. Special prayer service. Cleansing prayer from evil spirits.


Proofreading Cleansing Prayer Forgiveness


Exorcism, proofreading. Cleansing prayer. Molfar


Cleansing session with prayers and spells


Cleansing session with prayers. A big rebuke with prayers from damage.


Exorcism online, proofreading. Cleansing Prayer


Cleansing, saving prayer from grave sins. A powerful amulet.


Strong Prayer from evil people, damage, evil eye and witchcraft


Prayer. Cleansing the aura with prayers. Orthodox prayers


An ancient prayer against damage and the evil eye. Conspiracy-amulet


I share with you a prayer for the Return of Energy!

“I ask my True Creator, all the Higher Light forces, whose help I need today, to collect from all my energy-information space, from the aura, biofield, from all systems and organs, down to the intranuclear, intracellular level, all those energies that I have voluntarily or unwittingly, consciously or unconsciously, taken from other people in the past, present and future, please collect them, clean them, pass them through filters and return them to those to whom they belong. I ask them all for forgiveness, forgive me. me and release me to the Judgment of God. Amen. And I forgive you all and release you to the Judgment of God.
And all those energies that were given to me initially, at the moment of my birth, according to the Divine Plan, find, restore (if necessary, replace), clean, pass through filters and return to me in the past, present and future, starting from this second and forever. Amen. My True Creator! Do it right! Do it right! Do it right! Amen."

All negativity is removed. The vicious circle of non-forgiveness and claims is broken, because all negative energies are first completely purified, passed through various filters, and only then returned to the offender in its purest form. Bringing relief, forgiveness and harmony to both sides in the relationship.

Prayer. Cleansing the aura with prayers. Orthodox prayers

This version of the session uses only Orthodox prayers. In such a short period of time you will come into contact with the basic Orthodox prayers, read by a dedicated person with power. During a session, people obsessed with various ailments may feel uncomfortable at first, but there is no need to be scared, this is a natural process. At the end of the session, everything will return to normal. The cleaning result occurs after three sessions over three days. After a week and another month, the session must be repeated to consolidate the result. But it is enough to listen to a half-hour audio session in order to achieve the same effect.

Powerful meditation "Getting rid of curses"

Meditation is contraindicated in the postoperative period and those on dialysis.

Dear meditation listeners, if after meditation your condition worsens, the situation worsens, this may indicate that you were not able to fully work through all the negativity during meditation for various reasons, which may have other roots.

An ancient prayer against damage and the evil eye. Protection from witchcraft and cleansing of negative energy. Charm-amulet. Just insert your names instead of Bogdan, Bogdan forgot to warn him that he was being read

It is easy to remove damage, birth blocks and injuries. Meditation. Diana Falby. This meditation helps to easily remove damage, blocks, restrictions, negative attitudes, negative energy, etc. This technique can also be used to harmonize the chakras.

PRAYER FROM NEGATIVITY. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. FATHER VLADIMIR will tell you how to protect yourself from negativism using simple and accessible means.

Exorcism online, proofreading. Cleansing prayer. These prayers are Orthodox reading or, in other words, exorcism. I strongly advise you to be patient at least once and listen to the entire video!!! It is read by a real priest. Notice the next day how your life begins to change for the better!!! God bless you!

Mantra that heals all diseases

The Most Powerful Healing Mantra HD

Destroying all cancer cells throughout the body. Sytin's mood

"Destruction of all cancer cells in the entire body."

Sytin's mood G.N.

For better results when working with the mood, rewrite it by hand (preferably with your left hand, so that the information goes to the subconscious) at least 150 times! This is what Academician Sytin advises. So that all destructive programs associated with the development of oncology are supplanted by new healing thoughts.

You can order from Elena Valentinovna (Reiki master) an individual healing mood (specifically for your situation, which will work more precisely, more fully + an individual healing Reiki session from two Reiki Masters, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of your work to heal yourself or your loved ones from oncology.

I am the Spirit of God. I am now pouring from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, into the soul, into the entire physical body, an eternally new light Divine joy.

The God of the Universe said: “You, ... (your name), my Child of God. I filled your whole soul, your whole body, your whole being with eternity itself. Now you will live forever young, cheerful and happy joyful life."

I am the Spirit of God. I from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, pour in a constant round-the-clock eternal flow into your soul, into your entire physical body, the great Divine power, I pour in gigantically energetic, rapidly developing, young joyful life.

Now the whole soul, the whole physical body with indomitable energy is reviving its newborn-young, healthy structure created by God.

With my inner vision, I see myself with the brightness of lightning in the near future time, after 30 and 50 years and beyond, forever young, Divinely beautiful Child of the God of the Universe.

With my inner vision, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in the near future time and in the distant future time, in 100 years and beyond, after a thousand years and beyond, forever young, a divinely healthy person, full of health and strength, absolutely untouched

I am the Spirit of God. I am now from the Subtle World, from Space to every cancer cell in the entire physical body, wherever it is, as soon as I count "three", I will inject anti-life, which instantly destroys all living things, which will instantly destroy all cancer cells.

Anti-life will tear each cancer cell into pieces, into individual molecules. It will tear all molecules into separate atoms, transform everything cancer cells in the physical body, wherever they may be, into atomic dust, into absolute emptiness..I count: “one, two, three.”

I injected anti-life into all cancer cells throughout the physical body, wherever they were, which instantly destroys all cancer cells, turning them into absolute emptiness. All cancer cells, every single one destroyed. The entire physical body and soul were freed from this serious illness.

I am the Spirit of God. I from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour eternally new light into all structures of the Soul, into the entire physical body Divine joy. The whole soul was filled with bright joy. Everything is physical
the body was filled with an eternally new bright Divine joy. I rejoice every moment.

I rejoice in the sun, I rejoice in the sky. I rejoice at every tree, I rejoice at every flower, I always
I admire the divinely beautiful flowers.

The God of the Universe told me: “You, ... (your name), will now forever live a cheerful, happy, joyful life. You will be forever young, cheerful, cheerful, happy Child of God.”

I am the Spirit of God. The soul and the physical body submit to me boundlessly, they obey unconditionally, endlessly. I'm from Tonkoy now world, from the Cosmos with a constant round-the-clock eternal flow I pour into the soul, into head, throughout the entire physical body, a silvery healing Divine Light brighter than the sun.

The silvery healing Divine Light now filled the soul, head, heart, and entire physical body in a solid column. Whole soul brighter than the sun, head brighter than the sun. The entire area of ​​the heart is filled with the brightest Divine light. The whole body is filled with the brightest silver Divine Light.

The healing Divine light relaxed and expanded all the blood vessels of the head and heart along their entire length. In my head it's limitless spacious, spacious, like in the Universe. All blood vessels of the head, heart opened up and expanded along the entire length. Throughout all blood vessels head, heart blood flows in a spring wide cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood in a wide flood.

My head became spacious and spacious. My head became even more spacious. My head became infinitely spacious, like the Universe. Throughout The vast area of ​​the heart became brightly bright, infinitely spacious. In the very the heart became infinitely spacious, as in the Universe. Full-blooded, cheerful and joyful the beloved heart lives life. Cheerful-happy joyful-joyful-joyful. Cheerful-happy-laughing heart.

We recommend reading
