The life and work of children's writer Ya.L. Akima

Interesting 15.09.2024



(for children of middle and senior preschool age)

Yakov Lazarevich Akim(12/15/1923 – 10/21/2013) was born in the city of Galich.His childhood spent in this quiet town helped him later write many poems.

I was born on a green street

In a quiet wooden town,

And a chicken was walking along the street,

And a goat was grazing not far away.

This is about childhood in a small town, not far from the ancient city of Kostroma. Here the future poet, but for now a second-grade student, will write his first poem. As a schoolboy, Yakov Akim was interested in literature and music, attended a drama club, edited a wall newspaper, was the chairman of the council of the pioneer detachment, and the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the school. Over time, the family moved to Moscow.

Geography changes - life changes... Yakov Akim had a difficult fate, like all Soviet people whose youth coincided with the Great Patriotic War. 1941 became tragic for the poet. At first, everything was as usual - school, a trip to a pioneer camp as a counselor, and then... the war. The Nazis bombed Moscow, and during one of the bombings my father died. The poet recalled: “I loved my father very much. I still dream that he returned.”

In 1942 Akim joined the army. At first there was a school for signalmen, and then the front: Voronezh, Don, Stalingrad. Zand was awarded medals for his military merits.He only took off his military uniform in 1946. And, naturally, he was faced with the question “who should I be?” He worked at Mosfilm and entered the Chemical Institute. At the same time he begins to write poetry.

I wrote for children

And about summer rain and drops,

And about how the boys

They dance around the drains.

I ran through the streams

Rhymed children's boat...

Poems for children occupy a very important place in the works of Yakov Lazarevich. His first poems for children are like letters to his little daughter. One of his early poems, “The First Snow,” is dedicated to her.

Morning cat

Brought on his paws

First snow!

First snow!

Thanks to his daughter and S. Ya. Marshak, who supported his first experiments, Akim became a children's poet.

“The Incompetent”, “My Faithful Siskin”, “Song in the Forest”, “What the Doors Say”, “About the Donkey”, “Colored Lights”, “Adventure”, “Spring, Spring, About Spring” - have been loved by children for a long time and today . The theme of kindness, attention to people, friendship, readiness to help in difficult times lives in these lines.

The apple is ripe, red, sweet,

The apple is crunchy, with a smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half

I'll share an apple with my friend.

Each poem has its own biography. In one of the books, Yakov Akim wrote this: “Like most people, I did not keep a diary. ... Poems replaced the diary. Rather, they were letters to people dear to me. Sometimes such a letter turned into a poem for children.”

Do you want to take a look at the summer?

You are allowed into the forest without a ticket.


Mushrooms and berries

So much -

Can't collect it in a year!

Some of Yakov Lazarevich’s poems were set to music and the songs “About a Donkey” and “Friend” appeared. Also, based on some of the works, wonderful cartoons “The Girl and the Lion” and “Song in the Forest” were created.

Yakov Lazarevich is an excellent translator. Thanks to his translations, our reader became acquainted with the works of poets from many CIS countries. He brought many talented writers onto the creative path, for which he was awarded Certificates of Honor from all the Union Republics of the former USSR.

Despite his age, Yakov Lazarevich continues to work successfully. In 1998, his collection “Winter Rain” was published, in 2002 - the collection “From Silence, a Cautious Word.” He is a member of the editorial board of the Murzilka magazine.

Yakov Lazarevich is a member of the Writers' Union, awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. For the book of selected translations for children “I Hasten to a Friend” he was awarded the Honorary International Diploma named after Andersen. The publishing house "Children's Literature" in 1991 published the Golden Volume of Ya.L. Akim “The Girl and the Lion” in the “Golden Library of Children’s Literature” series.

Yakov Lazarevich Akim does not forget his native Galich. He dedicated a number of his poems to him: “Motherland” (1970), “City of Galich” (1956), “It’s strange to me that I’m still alive...” (1958), “Rain on the square” (1965), “Street”, “ On a skiff."

Based on his works, in the 50s of the last century, a play was staged at secondary school No. 1 and Akim came to its premiere. Yakov Lazarevich's last visit to Galich took place in January 2000.

By Resolution of the Kostroma Regional Duma No. 1321 dated May 29, 2003, the Galich Children's Library was named after Ya.L. Akima.

Unfortunately, on October 21, 2013, Yakov Lazarevich died after a long illness. In a few months he could celebrate his 90th birthday.


Despite the fact that Yakov Lazarevich writes mainly poetry, his fairy tale is also very poetic. It will be interesting both for young readers and for parents and teachers.

This work contains a lot of material for conversations, both educational and moral. And it doesn’t hurt parents, as well as grandparents, to read this book, since in some of the adult heroes they can recognize themselves and analyze their actions towards their children and grandchildren.

This is a fairy tale about a dream that has become reality.In this school, built of multi-colored singing bricks on a green meadow covered with yellow dandelions,a wizard teacher appears.He knows how to discern the best in each student, he teaches to be friends, to be honest and not to hurt others: “Learning to listen and respond means being a friend.” He teaches you to truly see and hear: to see when someone else is having a hard time, but is embarrassed to ask for help. Hear when a person is trying to pass off a lie as the truth. Seeing your loved ones, even if they are far from you, hearing that each tree makes noise in its own way.

The theme of friendship, devotion, and mutual understanding permeates the entire fairy tale about the magician teacher. Moreover, this friendship is not only between children, but also the relationship between adults and children.

This work reflects feelings, thoughts, and experienced situations from the writer’s own experience and the lives of the surrounding children. That's why reading a fairy tale is very interesting. Many of us are familiar with situations where we dreamed about something in our childhood. And the writer seemed to make our dreams come true.

Throughout the entire work, Yakov Lazarevich carried an amazing feeling - a childhood memory. That time when every day brings many new discoveries, when everything is perceived sharply and brightly, when the air itself seems to be saturated with miracles.

I think that every child who studies at school, and who is just going to school, would like to have just such a school: colorful, kind, cheerful, and most importantly, that they have the same magical teachers who teach not only writing and arithmetic, but spiritual kindness, cordiality, generosity, they will teach devotion and friendship, they will learn to pass this wealth on to their loved ones and friends.


Guys, would you like to build such a school for yourself and all your friends?

What friends would you take with you to help you? (kind, cheerful, brave, honest, hardworking, smart)

Let's imagine what we can build a school out of to make it fun and easy to learn? (colorful bricks, singing windows, talking doors, writing boards, cloud roof, etc.)

What kind of teachers should there be in such a school? (kind, smart, cheerful, singing, swinging, a little strict)

Let's remember what names the heroes of the fairy tale had and try to come up with such names for ourselves. (teacher Tak-Tak, Ushastik, Ribbon, Fock, Rusty (Clean) Heel, Understander)


Another work by Yakov Lazarevich, which teaches kindness, responsiveness, courage, mutual assistance, and compassion.

The little girl was not afraid to approach the lion and feel sorry for him, because she herself had recently been ill and knows how bad it is when something hurts.

Standing there, so red,

Jump rope in hand.

It stands and does not go away:

She feels sorry for Leo.

The girl took pity on the lion, placing a cold penny to his forehead. And the lion, who had previously been rushing around the cage and roaring in pain, suddenly...

The lion calmed down

Usami led the way, subdued...

...The lion yawned thoughtfully

And he licked the girl’s hand.

The terrible and huge lion said thank you to the girl for her help! And even after the performance, the lion looked for that same girl and...


He approached the barrier.

He found a girl


Among other children!

The lion stretched his mouth in a smile,

Winked with a green eye

And he bowed to her.

This is the power of kindness and compassion!

In this work, the poet wants everyone to understand from childhood how spiritual generosity and kindness enrich a person. Being kind and generous is happiness. And even greater happiness is the mutual kindness and generosity that binds people together.

I would like to note that this is still a fairy tale. And there is a lot of fiction in fairy tales. And of course, you should not approach a lion, even if he is in a cage. The author simply wanted to show in this way how great the power of sympathy and empathy, kindness and compassion is, that the girl overcame her fear and risked pitying the lion.


Guys, how many of you have been to a circus or a zoo and seen lions?

Do you think they are very strong? Yes, that’s why it’s better not to approach them, even if you feel sorry for them.

Do you think goodness is just as strong? Yes, by doing good deeds, we show everyone how strong we are.

Why didn't the lion attack the girl? Because the lion wanted to be pitied.

Plan of educational work for the week.


Morning (1st half of the day)

  1. Meeting the children's writer Akim Ya.L. Expressive reading of the poem "October". Conversation on reading.
  2. Autumn observations on a walk. Signs of autumn, collecting a herbarium from leaves.

Day (2nd half of the day)

  1. Physical education minute.
  2. Creating an applique from collected leaves.



  1. Mathematical development. Formation of ideas about forms. Ball and its properties.
  2. Reading a poem by Akim Ya.L. "Colored lights". Conversation on reading.


  1. Didactic game “Who can name the most round objects?”



  1. Memorizing a poem by Akim Ya.L. "Soap".




  1. Expressive reading of a poem by Akim Ya.L. "Colorful houses." Analytical conversation.


  1. Fine art “Draw your colorful house.”
  2. A colorful world. Quiz “Who can name the most objects of the same color.”



  1. Expressive reading of a poem by Akim Ya.L. “I treated everyone.” Analysis of the poem, conversation.


  1. Physical education minute.


  1. A conversation dedicated to the children's writer Akim Ya.L. expressive reading of the poem "October". Conversation on reading.

Goal: to introduce children to the life and work of the children's writer Akim Ya.L., to introduce works of children's literature into the reading circle of children.

Objectives: expand children’s knowledge about children’s authors, talk about the life of one of them, develop the ability to listen and remember, remember the seasons, months.

Methods and materials: a story about the writer, his photo, books with poems by Akim Ya.L., illustrations on the theme “Autumn”, preliminary work on analyzing incomprehensible words, expressive reading of the poem, questions about the poem.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher distributes books to children. The illustrations are attached to the board.

Tell me guys, who knows children's writers who write poetry for children? (Children answer, the teacher encourages those who remember)

Today we will meet another children's writer, his name is Yakov Lazarevich Akim. He was born on December 15, 1923 in the city of Galich, Kostroma region, into a large friendly family. (shows his photo) And this year Yakov Lazarevich celebrates his anniversary, he turns 90 years old. He went through the entire war, fought on the Voronezh, Don, and Stalingrad fronts. He began writing poetry only when he had his own children. These were like letters to people dear to him - to his little daughter and son.

Now I will introduce you to one work by Yakov Lazarevich, which is called “October”. Tell me October is the month of what time of year. (children answer). Well done! And now it’s just outside our window... The children answer in unison:


Work follows on parsing incomprehensible words: “shred”, “barn”, “late”

Look at the pictures on the board, and I will read the verse.


A yellow leaf is spinning,
Gets tangled in branches.
A patch of blue sky
Lost in the clouds.

Late gray dawn
In the field above the barn
Will be worried no no
The cry of a crane.


What happens to trees in autumn? (leaves change color and fall to the ground)

What other signs of autumn do you know? (rain, puddles, gray sky, wind)

What is our most common mood in the fall? (sad)

Why is dawn late? (the sun rises late)

Why do you think cranes scream? (they are also sad because they are going to fly away to warmer climes)

  1. Autumn observations on a walk.

We notice the signs of autumn in real life. We collect a herbarium from fallen leaves. The teacher can read the lines from the poem again, drawing the children’s attention to the sky, trees, and weather.

3. Physical education minute.Children depict falling and circling leaves: smooth running, jumping in place, spinning, you can hold hands and spin.

4. Creating applications from collected leaves.


  1. Mathematical development. Ball and its properties.

Goal: to develop an understanding of the various shapes of objects, to teach how to compare and analyze, to develop observation skills, to work on the concepts: right, left, more, less.

Materials and methods: several spherical objects (ball, orange, balloon, tennis ball), plasticine, figurines of trees and animals, tables moved together.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher sits the children in a circle on the carpet and shows all the objects.

Who can tell me what all these items have in common? (they are round and roll)

That's right, this shape of objects is called a ball. What kind of balls do we have here? (large, small, airy, light, heavy)

Let's try to roll it all out. What can't we just roll? (balloon) Why? (it's light)

Children roll objects to each other.

Now let's get up and play the game: "Catch the ball."

Children throw the ball to each other.

Who can remember a fairy-tale hero who has the shape of a ball? (bun) Well done!

Let's go to the tables and everyone will make their own kolobok.

Meanwhile, the teacher places figurines of animals and trees on the table.

What beautiful buns everyone made! Let's see if they can roll just like the bun from a fairy tale? Get up, move your chairs, now your buns will roll along the path into the forest. Which animal lives in the forest? (hedgehog, bunny, bear, wolf, fox) Don't be afraid. With our right hand we roll the koloboks past the hedgehog on the right, past the hare on the left, past the wolf on the right, past the bear on the left, but straight at the fox, surround her with koloboks!

How many koloboks are there of us? (a lot) And the fox? (alone) Who is stronger and more friendly? (we!) Run away fox. (the fox hides) And we drove the koloboks home.

  1. Expressive reading of a poem by Akim Ya.L. "Colored lights".

Goal: to cultivate a love of literary works.

Objectives: continue to develop attention, memory, creative imagination, develop an emotional attitude to what is heard, study the color scheme, teach how to highlight the most vivid impressions.

Materials and methods: balloons of different colors, illustrations for the poem (hanged on the board): holiday, fireworks, decorated city, balloons in the hands of children.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, what do you see in our group? (balloons)

And when do we inflate balloons? (for a holiday, birthday)

Today we are not having a holiday, we are just going to get acquainted with another work by Yakov Lazarevich Akim. It's called "Colored Lights".

The teacher reads the poem expressively.

Colored lights

On holidays on the streets
In the hands of a child
They burn and shimmer
Different, different,
They love the balls very much
Guys these days,
Everyone has a button
They are tied.

Different, different,
Here above our street
They fly, they are light,
It's like there's a light in the sky
Colored lights.
Different, different,
Colored lights!


Why do the guys have balls in their hands? (holiday, birthday)

What mood are we in during the holidays? (cheerful, joyful)

What color are the balls? What shape are they?

Why are the balls tied to a button? (because they can fly away) What do you tie your balloons to? (by hand, finger, toy)

Why do balls fly? (because they are light)

  1. Master class on balloon modeling.

Goal: to teach children to model using unusual materials.

Objectives: develop creative imagination, please children.

Materials and methods: balloons of different shapes (round, elongated), a pump for inflating balloons, a manual for modeling with balloons, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher inflates the balloons and distributes them to the children. Those who wish are allowed to inflate the balloons themselves, after being told about the precautions. Next we try to model elementary crafts: a flower and a dog from long balls, bouquets and decorative elements from round ones.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher offers to revive the balls, i.e. Use felt-tip pens to paint any craft (the face of a dog, the petals of a flower, draw a face for a round ball).


  1. Master class on making soap. Exhibition of soap works.

Goal: Continue to introduce children to a variety of craft making techniques.

Objectives: to develop creative imagination, to show that soap can be not only a hygiene item, but also a work of art, to develop imagination, to develop the desire to do something with your own hands.

Materials and methods: soap base (transparent and white), molds in the shape of animals, plants, hearts, stars (according to the number of children), dyes and flavors, additional accessories: sparkles, beads, sequins, oilcloth on the tables, aprons on the children. A microwave oven is required to melt the soap base.

Progress of the lesson.

Children choose their own molds and everyone tells what color their soap will be and what it will smell like. The teacher suggests experimenting with colors. For example, you can make striped soap: a layer of colored transparent base alternates with a layer of white base. You can also add sparkles, beads, sequins.

After the class, all works take part in the exhibition. Everyone can come and look at and smell any soap they like. At the end of the day, the teacher invites the children to take the soap and give it to their mother.

  1. Memorizing a poem by Akim Ya.L. "Soap"

Goal: to activate children’s attention and memory, to develop an emotional attitude to the content of the poem.

Objectives: to consolidate a conscious attitude towards personal hygiene, knowledge about the environment.

Materials and methods: children's crafts made from soap, illustrations with personal hygiene items: toothbrush, paste, soap, washcloth, towel, comb, picture with Moidodyr.

Progress of the lesson.

Analysis of the incomprehensible word “soapy”, i.e. lathers well, produces foam and a “grin”, i.e. smile.

Guys, why do we need soap? (to wash your face to be clean, to smell good)

Listen to a poem about soap.


Scented soap, white, soapy,

Soap looks at the dirty girl with a grin:

You dirty bastard, you should remember the soap,

Soap would finally wash you off!


What kind of soap is there? (white, colored, fragrant, delicious smelling)

If you lather a washcloth with soap for a long time, what happens? (foam)

Who is this dirty guy? (does not wash, does not brush teeth, does not wash with soap)

Why did the soap grin when it looked at the dirty one? (soap knows that it will wash away any dirt).

When should you wash your hands with soap? (before eating, after a walk)

Guys, look at your soap crafts. Is it really going to be very pleasant to wash with this soap?

While the children are looking at their crafts, the teacher re-tells the poem. Then he offers to repeat it to those who wish.

  1. Watching the cartoon "Moidodyr".
  2. Conversation about hygiene skills.


  1. Morning exercises “In the artist’s studio.”

Goals: improve mood, muscle tone.

Tasks: continue to develop imagination, imagination, emotions.

Methods: spacious hall, teacher’s imagination.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in an artist’s workshop and they need to collect paints to paint a picture.

Children get to the workshop in different ways: walking, running, jumping; collect blue from the sky (jumping), green from plants (squats), yellow from dandelions (bending), etc. for paints, mix paints - run in different directions with a group; paint a huge imaginary picture; They paint now at the top of the picture, now on the sides, now in the middle, now at the bottom, bending, squatting, stretching upward.

  1. Expressive reading of the poem by Ya.L. Akim "Colorful houses".

Goal: to teach to perceive and convey vivid images from the poem.

Objectives: to develop speech, the ability to compare and analyze, to activate the names of colors and their shades in children’s speech; stimulate the process of reproducing memory images, knowledge about the world around us, and develop associations.

Methods: illustrations for the poem, paper, paints, brushes.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, let's remember what paints we collected today in the artist's workshop? (children name colors)

Now listen to the bright multi-colored poem by Yakov Lazarevich Akim “Colorful Houses.”

Colorful houses.

I'll draw a green house

Under the spruce roof -

How many cones do you want?

The squirrel will be a red one.

And then, and then

I'll draw a blue house

There are many long rooms -

Everything for the octopus.

I'll draw a white house

With thick ice glass:

Rejoice, neighbors -

Hares and bears!

A black house without windows,

Locked doors.

Get some sleep during the day, night owls.

And nocturnal animals.

Finally, the red house,

Painted glass.

Let the nesting doll live in it,

Red as beets.


What colors did you hear in the poem? (children call)

If necessary, the teacher reads one or another quatrain.

  1. Fine creativity.

Guys, what kind of house would you like to live in? What color will you have it? What will be bright and interesting about it? Draw each of your own colorful houses.

Children draw their colorful houses. During work, the teacher repeats the poem.

4. Quiz “Who can name more objects of the same color.”

Educator: - Do you know that the largest number of colors can be found in nature.

Let's take a closer look around.

Nature will tell us - she is our best friend.

First, let's take some blue paint. I'll start - blue cornflower. The children continue.


  1. Reading a poem by Ya.L. Akima “Treated everyone”

Goal: to continue to teach children to listen carefully to a work of art, to cultivate interest in works of art, to cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and empathy;

Objectives: develop auditory and visual memory, teach children to conduct dialogue,learn to analyze your actions and the actions of literary heroes, develop coherent speech, thinking,cultivate a love for animals.

Materials and methods: illustrations on the theme of the zoo, figurines with animals.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher hangs the illustrations on the board and places the figures on the table for everyone to see.

Guys, where can we meet these animals? (in Africa, in the zoo, on TV)

How many of you have been to the zoo? Who did you see there? (children list)

Today we will read a poem by Ya.L. Akim about the zoo, it’s called “Treated everyone.”

Work should be done to parse unclear words:the word “equipped” means “collected”, “chubby horse”, that is, small, “blanket” - a blanket for a horse.

Vasya was escorted to the zoo in the morning,

Grandmother and mother equipped him:

"An apple and a bun for lunch,

Money for entrance and tram ticket."

It was cramped and hot on the tram.

The carriage was empty at the gates of the zoo.

There's a crowd of people around the cash register,

Vasya takes the ticket from the cashier.

From a distance Vasya saw a monkey,

The monkey was jumping after her.

Hello! - Vasya nodded to the monkeys

And he handed them the red apple.

Nearby is a short horse, a pony.

Gray pony in a green blanket.

Vasya visited that horse

And he treated her to her mother’s bun.

Elephants trampled about in the spacious enclosure.

Elephants were brought from a distant country.

The elephants poured water on each other...

Well, how can you not throw a hump at a baby elephant!

The pelican father strides importantly,

Two beaked sons wander on the sides.

Vasya approached the pond and from the palm of his hand

Blown bread crumbs to the pelicans.

How I ended up at Vasya’s feet

This cheerful shaggy puppy?

What, puppy, will I feed you?

Wait a minute, I’ll buy a pie at the stall!

Without money, where can you go on a tram...

But Vasya is not the least bit discouraged:

The animals that Vasya is familiar with are

They don’t drive either, they walk!


Tell me, did Vasya take food for the animals with him on purpose? (no, it was food for him)

Why did he give away all the food? (wanted to feed and treat the animals)

What did Vasya do to feed the puppy? (bought a pie) or

Why was Vasya left without money? (spent money on a puppy pie) Why? (felt sorry for the puppy)

Did Vasya take the tram back or walk? (on foot) Why? (there was no money for a ticket on the tram)

Was he upset that he would have to walk? (no) Why? (because animals also walk, and do not ride in a tram)

What kind of boy is Vasya? (kind, loves animals, not greedy)

Guys, tell me, is it even possible to feed animals at the zoo? (no) Why? (because they can get poisoned, they have their own special food, especially animals that live in Africa).

  1. Dramatization based on a poem read.

Goal: continue to develop imaginative thinking, memory, attention.

Tasks: to cultivate an emotionally positive attitude in children towards theatrical activities, learn to improvise, learn to distinguish the voices of animals.

Methods: pictures on a string (hanged around the neck) depicting the characters of the poem or (better) masks, musical accompaniment (animal voices).

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: - Today, guys, we have an exciting walk to the zoo, but not to the real one, but to our own, which we will come up with together. Let's remember the poem that we read with you. Who can tell who the author of the poem is and what it is called? (children answer) Well done! Who can remember what the poem was about? (about the zoo, about the boy, about how he fed the animals) Okay. What was the boy's name? (Vasya) What animals did he meet? (children answer)

Then you can move with the children to the play area. The teacher gives children pictures (masks) depicting characters. There are 14 pictures in total; if there are more children, the teacher suggests the order in which they should be used. The role of Vasya goes to the most active children. Children with pictures stand in a circle, the rest watch.

And now I will give you pictures depicting all the characters in the poem. Everyone will get their own picture.

Look carefully and remember who has which picture. Now I will read a poem and when I say the name of the hero, the one who has a picture of this hero should come forward and, if possible, depict his hero (gestures, facial expressions, sounds), if that doesn’t work, then just show the picture.

Next, the teacher slowly and expressively reads the poem, the children portray their heroes. If someone leaves by mistake, the teacher starts again with the same quatrain. Continues until all children have taken part. The teacher praises all the children for their acting skills and intelligence.

The children sit at the tables. The teacher suggests listening to the voices of animals not only from the poem, but also other animals and birds, try to guess them, and say whether this animal is in our poem.

Guys, now I’ll let you listen to the voices of animals from our poem, and you try to guess who it is and whether this animal is in our poem. Just not all at once, but raise your hand if you know the correct answer.

  1. Design based on a poem. Modeling of characters.

Goal: teach how to sculpt animals, develop creative abilities, develop imaginative thinking.

Materials: plasticine, pictures of animals from the zoo.

With the help of the teacher and his tips, children sculpt characters from the poem. During the lesson, the teacher quotes the description of animals from the poem. Next, children display their crafts in improvised pens (can be made from cubes or a Lego-type constructor).

Now we have our own zoo!

4. Physical education minute.

Goals: develop the ability to perform different types of movements, physical qualities; foster a sense of camaraderie; maintain a positive emotional mood.

We depict animals:

Giraffe - stretched up, arms outstretched;

Elephant - stamped feet;

Horse - ran in a circle;

Monkey - jumped;


  1. Alyabyeva E.A., Thematic days and weeks in kindergarten: Planning and notes. - M.: TC Sfera, 2005. - 160 p. (Development program).
  2. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V., Class notes. Practical guide for methodologists and educators of preschool educational institutions. – Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2004. – 392 p.
  3. Akim Ya.L. Teacher Tak-Tak and his colorful school – M. : Eksmo, 2014.
  4. Internet resources:

Remembering our childhood, many of us pay attention to what books our parents read to us, so that we, in turn, can read them to our growing children. Most often these were poems or fairy tales. Today we will remember one poet, on whose works more than one generation of Soviet children was brought up. Unfortunately, the name of Yakov Akim (biography and interesting facts of creativity will be presented in this article) is little known to modern parents. We propose to correct this annoying misunderstanding.

Yakov Akim: biography

He was born in the ancient Russian city of Galich on December 15, 1923. The atmosphere in which a child lives has a great influence on the development of his creative abilities. Yakov and his younger brother had a wonderful, creative family. Parents loved music, books, and played musical instruments. Flute, guitar, mandolin... All sorts of instruments sounded in the house where Yakov Akim lived. The family was friendly and cheerful. Here everyone supported each other and helped each other as best they could. Guests came very often. And then ancient romances and modern songs sounded. Yakov knew how to play the button accordion and other instruments very well.

When the boy was ten years old, the whole family moved to Moscow. Here he graduated from nine classes, Yakov studied very easily. He was excellent at any business he took on. Most of all I liked writing poetry, participating in amateur performances, and playing musical instruments.

The Great Patriotic War found the young man in a pioneer camp, where he worked as a counselor. During the bombing of Moscow, the father dies. Having evacuated his mother and younger brother to Ulyanovsk, Yakov Akim, whose biography is not familiar to everyone, entered the school of signalmen. After graduating, he went to the front. I went through the entire war, but the desire to write poetry did not disappear. At first he created for adults, but after the birth of his daughter his work became somewhat different. Yakov Akim began to compose fairy tales and write poetry for children. Clear and understandable, they were so philosophical that adults read them with pleasure. The poet's works were published in many popular children's newspapers and magazines.

These include:

  1. A small factory was built in the courtyard of the house in which Yakov Akim was born. It produced delicious drinks, including lemonade.
  2. I wrote my first poem when I was still at school.
  3. Books by Yakov Akim were published in huge editions, and then almost immediately reprinted.
  4. The poet’s creative mentor and wise adviser was Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.
  5. He dedicated poems to his friends and close people.
  6. He was not only a poet, but also a talented translator.
  7. Yakov Akim was an amazingly talented and capable person. He could become a great musician, a talented actor, or even an outstanding scientist. He had impeccable hearing.
  8. The poet did not live to see his ninetieth birthday only a few weeks. This tragic event occurred on October 21, 2013.

Yakov Akim: books

A huge number of children at one time knew the simple and easy-to-remember lines of the poet’s poems. They were told around the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, at family celebrations and on stage. Yakov Akim's poems were filled with amazing warmth. It seemed that the poet was not just describing some event, but was telling about it to his closest and dearest person. Let's remember some of his works:

  1. "The Adventures of Gvozdichkin." With humor, the author introduces us to the life of an ordinary boy Vasya. Offended by everyone, he decides that he doesn’t need anyone. However, having experienced a large number of different troubles, he understands that a person needs his relatives and friends for a happy life.
  2. "The Girl and the Lion" A touching story of friendship between man and animal. Even small children listen to these poems with great interest.
  3. "Teacher Tik-Tak and his colorful school." This fairy tale should definitely be on the bookshelf in every home. In a delicate, unobtrusive manner, Yakov Akim helps the heroes change for the better.


Yakov Akim's poems are different. Sad and cheerful, philosophical and carefree... They teach us to love our Motherland, be friends, enjoy every day and much more. The biography of Yakov Akim is not so rich in various events, but this man loved life and people very much. His poems will always be relevant and in demand as long as such concepts as kindness, empathy, and mercy remain alive.

Yakov Akim was born on December 15, 1923 in the city of Galich, Kostroma region. His childhood spent in this quiet town helped him later write many poems. And also parents: in the evenings there was often music at home. My father, a mechanic, played the violin fairly well (he taught himself), my mother, a librarian, loved to sing, accompanying herself and her children on the guitar or mandolin. Then my father was transferred to work in the regional center, from there to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture in Moscow, where they lived since 1933. Here Yakov studied at school, edited a wall newspaper, was involved in the drama club... He wrote his first poems for children for his children. To his surprise, these poems were readily published in children's magazines, "Pionerskaya Pravda", starting in 1950. Then books began to be published in "Detgiz", "Malysh", and other children's publishing houses...

I'm having fun!

I'm having fun
I'm having fun
I'm riding a horse!

I'm flying like a whirlwind,
I'm flying like a whirlwind,
Wherever I want!

My horse is tired
My horse is tired
And he stopped jumping.

Where's the watering hole?
Where is the watering hole?
With spring water?

My horse and me
Drank from the stream
He's in a hurry
My song.

Jumping cheerfully
My song!

Windy day

You see how the wind plays with the leaves,
How does he choose trees in a grove?
The birch tree on the slope seems noticeable,
And the wind bypasses her.

Or maybe this is an obstinate tree
Don't want to play with the annoying wind?
Birch does not trust secrets to everyone,
She chooses her own friends and girlfriends.

Little squirrel

At the accordion player Vanya's
The tame squirrel lived.
He was jumping on the sofa
He was friends with kittens.

Running around the room
Jumped like a top
And looked askance from the ceiling
On a bowl of milk.

Vanya came home from work -
Its tenant has disappeared.
I looked in the closet, in the closet -
The little squirrel ran off into the forest.

Ivan looks out the window:
Separation is not easy.
I took out my harmonica
And stretched the furs.

But somehow he breathes hoarsely
Singing accordion,
And suddenly there's a redhead from there
The fire is rising!

Little squirrel! What a comedian!
He gnawed a hollow in the furs,
Having decided that this is a house,
Where it is quiet and warm.

In the forest

Blizzards, blizzards on the ground
They took off and spun.
Snow, snow in February
There are snowstorms!

The cold forest is empty,
Measurement little by little:
Who is in the hole and who climbed in?
Into the winter den.

Young bears dream about
Honey, fragrant, fresh.
I became emaciated without food
The whole family is bearish!

The beast is bored in the cold.
The snowstorm blows until night.
Even the squirrel is out of the nest
He doesn't want to get out.

But look at that hillock!
Slightly touching the ground
Rushing here at full speed
Fleet-footed hare.

I made a stand under a bush
And he glances sideways at the forest:
Won't it wag its tail somewhere?
Red fox?

The bunny moved his white mustache,
Makes your ears stricter...
He's not a coward, guys.
Just be careful.

Where do you go, autumn?

Rainy autumn
I'm just sleeping and I see:
According to the crispy snow
Downhill, on skis!

And in the fierce winter,
In the evening, in the cold,
I remember the spring yard,
Birch leaves.

By the April puddle
I can't wait -
Let summer come soon
I'll splash into the river!

"Where do you go, autumn?" -
I'll ask in August
Because I'm going to school
I'm in a hurry to see my friends.

Mushroom forest

I’m calling you to the mushroom forest
Quiet autumn morning.
Do you see foliage under your feet?
They threw trees at us.

Summer came and went
Songful, sultry.
And now it’s light in the forest,
Stricter and calmer.

Only the squirrel is in sight -
I crawled all the corners,
Vitamin food
Stocking up for the winter.

Under the trunks of two oaks
Let's be silent for a while.
Let's bring home mushrooms
A complete basket.


The friend has gone far away.
It's not easy for me without a friend.

The day has passed
Then a week.
Three weeks
We flew by.
Summer rain,
In winter there is a blizzard.
I'm very bored
Without a friend.
Soon a year will pass...

I won't sit any longer.
I can't live without a friend.
I'll put a brush and soap
And I'll run to the station.

By field
Yes, through the forest
By morning
By train.

Fast train:
"Knock, knock,
Where are you, where are you,
Friend, friend?"

Slowly creeps -
I'll change seats
On the plane.

I'm flying
I'm screaming
I sing on the fly:
"Fast Tu,
Strong Tu,
Gain altitude!"

We sat down.
(The word is very long!)
I run through the hall
I jump into the car.

Red light.
No patience!
Give it to me
Green light!

Stop, car.
Here it is, home
With a blue window.
I'll look through the window,
I'll catch my breath a little.

I'll wipe my feet
On the threshold
I'll knock loudly on the door.
- Open it quickly! - I scream.

A friend came out.
And I am silent.

I hurried to him on foot,
I ran towards him,
Rocked on the train
I was racing in a car,
Even flew across the sky -
I wanted to tell him
I wanted to say so much...

I forgot everything!

Colorful houses

I'll draw a green house
Under the spruce roof -
How many cones do you want?
The squirrel will be a red one.

And then, and then
I'll draw a blue house
There are many long rooms -
Everything for the octopus.

I'll draw a white house
With thick ice glass:
Rejoice, neighbors -
Hares and bears!

A black house without windows,
Locked doors.
Get some sleep during the day, night owls.
And nocturnal animals.

Finally - the red house,
Painted glass.
Let the nesting doll live in it,
Red as a beet.


Mother! I love you so much
That I don’t really know!
I'm a big ship
I'll give it the name "MOM".

Colored lights

On holidays on the streets
In the hands of a child
They burn and shimmer

Different, different,

They love the balls very much
Guys these days,
Everyone has a button
They are tied.

Different, different,

Here above our city
They fly, they are light,
It's like there's a light in the sky
Colored lights.

Different, different,
Colored lights!

About Vova and the cow

I am Burenushka, a cow,
I give you milk!
- Well, I’m Vova Kosynkin,
I'll milk you, cow,
I'll milk it right away...

There's just no milk
The bucket doesn't ring yet.
Barely, drip-drip-drip,
We need more milk!

Don’t rush, Vova Kosynkin, -
The cow tells him,
You better, man
He took off his new jacket:
Milk runs down the sleeve,
Here comes the drip-drip-drip!


Do you want to take a look at the summer?
You are allowed into the forest without a ticket.
Mushrooms and berries
So much -
Can't collect it in a year!

And by the river, and by the river
Little men with fishing rods.
Got it!
Look - pike!
I’ll drag the pike ashore...

Okay, tired of the heat,
Jump through the dew at night,
Cook porridge on the fire,
Talk until morning...

The word "friend"

When no one else
Didn't know a word -
Not a "hello"
Neither "sun"
Neither "cow" -
To the neighbors
Ancient man got used to
Show fist
Or tongue
And make faces
(Which is the same thing).

But it became a word
Guttural sharp sound
A more meaningful face
Smarter hands
And man
Came up with it
The word FRIEND,
I started waiting for my friend
And grieve in separation.

Thanks to him
For my friends.
How would I live?
What would you do without them?

Friends -
The people I love -
I never
I won't insult you.
Not for that
Our ancestor walked through the darkness,
So that when you meet a friend,
I shouted: "Fool!" -
Sticking out his tongue
Or a fist
And made faces
(Which is the same thing).

And an evil word
I'll save it -
Let it
The enemy will get it!

I was little

I was little
Although for a long time.
I remember how with my mother
Went to the cinema
Like in the yard
We played hide and seek
How I drew horses
In a notebook.
I remember the fire
On the next corner
I remember how the janitor
I was looking for a broom.

But how I roared
Coming to the doctor
I don't remember.
And I don’t want to remember

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Yakov Akim


Yakov Lazarevich Akim was born on December 15, 1923 in the city of Galich, Kostroma region. His childhood spent in this quiet town helped him later write many poems. In the evenings there was often music at home. My father is the chief engineer of the plant, he played the violin well (he taught himself), his mother is a librarian, she loved to sing, accompanying herself on the guitar or mandolin. In 1933, the family moved to Moscow. At school, the future poet studied in the drama club and edited the school wall newspaper.

When the Great Patriotic War began, Yakov Akima was only 18 years old. In July 1941, his father was killed while defending Moscow from an air raid. The young man took his mother and younger brother to Ulyanovsk for evacuation, and he himself joined the army and fought on the Voronezh and Don/Stalingrad fronts. At that time, he wrote almost no poetry, except for the rhymed lines in “Combat Leaflets.”

After the war, he studied at a chemical university and attended the institute's literary association. The muse first visited Yakov Akim when his daughter was born. It was for her that he began to compose his children's poems. At the same time, he was surprised to note that they were successful among a wider audience. Among the readers of the magazine “Murzilka”, in which the poet was published, he quickly became one of the favorites.

Akim's poems for children are distinguished by their special softness, lyricism and absolute unobtrusiveness. There is not a single didactic note in them. His poems are not for moralizing. The poet himself said that he addressed his poems to people close to him, so they served him as a kind of diary. Akim's creativity was noticed, he was awarded an Honorary International Diploma named after. Andersen for the book of translations for children “I Hasten to a Friend.”

“The apple is ripe, red, sweet,

The apple is crunchy, with a smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half

I’ll share the apple with my friend.”

The language of Akim's children's poems is always clear and understandable. His poems are understandable to even the smallest toddlers. The poet never forgets about the age of his little readers and communicates with them “as equals.” He speaks directly and openly about what worries him. Therefore, his poems are often interesting not only to children, but also to adults.

Books of poems by Yakov Akim began to be published in children's publishing houses, and in 1956 a selection of “adult” poems appeared in collections. In the same year, the poet became a member of the Writers' Union.

In addition to poems and fairy tales for children, Akim writes lyrics addressed to maturing and adult readers, and translates poems by poets close to him in spirit.

Throughout his life, the poet carried with him an amazing feeling that not everyone manages to preserve - the memory of childhood. That time when every day brings many new discoveries, when everything is perceived sharply and brightly, when the air itself seems to be saturated with miracles. That’s why his poems for children contain so organically the whole palette of colors. His children's poems are bright, joyful, colorful. They are imbued with a fairy-tale spirit, full of unusual colors, music, important thoughts and, of course, mischief and celebration.

"On holidays in the streets

In the hands of a child

They burn and shimmer


Different, different,



Akim Yakov Lazarevich (1923-2013) - Russian Soviet children's poet, translator. From the poet's autobiography:
Born on December 15, 1923 in the city of Galich, Kostroma region. My childhood spent in this quiet town helped me later write many poems. And also parents: in the evenings there was often music at home. My father, a mechanic, played the violin fairly well (he taught himself), my mother, a librarian, loved to sing, accompanying herself and my brother and me on the guitar or mandolin. Then my father was transferred to work in the regional center, and from there to the People's Commissariat of Agriculture in Moscow, where we lived since 1933. Here I went to school, edited a wall newspaper, was involved in the drama club...
The war against German fascism began. In July '41, my father died defending Moscow from an air raid. I took my mother and younger brother to Ulyanovsk for evacuation. From there he later joined the army and fought on the Voronezh and Don/Stalingrad fronts. He didn’t write poetry at that time, except for the long-forgotten, somehow rhymed lines in “Combat Leaflets.” Only after the war, when I studied at a chemical university and attended the institute's literary association, did an unusual desire, a “vague hum” of writing, manifest itself. These were like letters to people dear to me, in particular, to my little daughter and son - my first poems for children. To my surprise, these poems were readily published in children's magazines, Pionerskaya Pravda, starting in 1950. Then books began to be published in “Detgiz”, “Malyshe”, and other children’s publishing houses. In 1956, a selection of “adult” poems appeared in the collection “Literary Moscow”, as well as in “Poetry Day”. That same year I was accepted into the Writers' Union. In addition to poems and fairy tales for children, which were republished quite often, he began to write—more for himself and friends—lyrics addressed to maturing and very adult readers. I enjoyed translating poems by poets close to me in spirit, and became strong and long-lasting friends with many of them. For the book of selected translations for children “I Hasten to a Friend” he was awarded the Honorary International Diploma named after Andersen.

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