On the path to the profession (biographical essay). Nikolai Shchukin: Soviet singer of the Hawaiian Islands, whose leg was torn off in the war Shchukin Nikolai Nikolaevich Mordovia

Technique and Internet 17.09.2019
Technique and Internet

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is one of the idols of the Soviet stage of the 50-60s, a brilliant performer of domestic and foreign songs, a singer with an amazing timbre of voice. Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. He was brought up in an orphanage. In 1939 - trumpeter of the cavalry regiment. During the war he served in intelligence, was seriously wounded, lost his leg. In 1945, Nikolai entered the Moscow Conservatory of Music, but soon realized that he would not succeed as an opera singer, and a year later he left the stage. Professional appearances He started on the stage in 1946. At the beginning of his creative way worked in various provincial regional philharmonics, sang on summer park stages, in the cinema ...

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin is one of the idols of the Soviet stage of the 50-60s, a brilliant performer of domestic and foreign songs, a singer with an amazing timbre of voice. Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. He was brought up in an orphanage. In 1939 - trumpeter of the cavalry regiment. During the war he served in intelligence, was seriously wounded, lost his leg. In 1945, Nikolai entered the Moscow Conservatory of Music, but soon realized that he would not succeed as an opera singer, and a year later he left the stage. Professional performances on stage began in 1946. At the beginning of his career, he worked in various provincial regional philharmonic societies, sang on summer park stages, in cinemas and restaurants. From the late 1940s, Nikolai Shchukin, under the stage name Nika Stefan, performed with the Rostov Jazz Big Band, popular in the North Caucasus, led by I. Stelman. Widespread success came to the artist in the mid-50s. On the Soviet stage, after decades of bans, foreign songs sounded again. The very first and most famous hit of Nikolai Schukin was the lyrical song - "Come back", which was sold on records in gigantic editions. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, he performed hits in a way that no one in the world sang them. Sometimes Nikolai Shchukin went on stage in a chic tuxedo (he always dressed and looked brilliant), fit, sparkling with a "Hollywood" smile, with briolin, at that time it was extremely fashionable. The lyrical and spectacular image of the singer Nikolai Shchukin, who at the beginning of his work did not perform Soviet patriotic songs, did not suit the cultural "figures" from the authorities. Heavily zealous officials from the Ministry of Culture disparagingly called him "refined, salon and pro-Western", and were not too eager to support the singer in his creative career despite being very popular with listeners. Since 1959, Nikolai Shchukin became a soloist of Ukrconcert. He performed in Kyiv with the famous and best pop-jazz big band of the country in the late 60s, with an orchestra of x / hands. and conductor V. Ludvikovsky (orchestra created by Leonid Utyosov). Since 1969, Nikolai Shchukin has been a soloist of the Mosconcert. In Moscow he worked with the famous Gosteleradio orchestra led by G. Garanyan, with the pop-jazz ensemble "Krugozor" led by V. Kuprevich and other groups. Recorded on records. Until 1970, he mainly performed popular seasonal hits and lyric songs by famous Soviet and foreign composers. As part of groups Soviet artists toured abroad many times. AT last years During his life, the singer successfully performed in concerts with the repertoire of the war years, which reflected his own biography. Participated in commemorative television programs dedicated to war veterans. Since 1984, Nikolai Shchukin has been an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Later, in the 90s, he received the title People's Artist USSR. Passed away July 25, 1999. There are fewer and fewer of us, But there were many of us ... Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin - this name was not given to him from birth, because he was brought up in an orphanage. Perhaps the people who brought the little swarthy boy with a shock of hair as hard as a crow's wing to the orphanage knew his real name. But he was recorded as Kolya Shchukin, who wept bitterly when they took off his beautiful sailor suit and put on the gray uniform that all the orphanage children were wearing. The name of Nikolai Schukin was covered with legends. Nikolai Nikolaevich himself told about himself that he was the son of a regiment, was wounded during the war, lost his leg, was awarded two Orders of Glory ... I recognized him that way. But there were other versions of his life. In the very first post-war years on the streets of Rostov, among the complete devastation, padded jackets and overcoats, one could meet a person who amazed the whole city. In a cream-colored striped suit, in a boater, he walked with a slight limp along the main street of Engels, followed by crowds of onlookers. This was new soloist Rostov jazz, and his name was Nika Stefan. Moreover, they announced him in a concert, as a singer with Hawaiian Islands! Nika Stefan performed mostly lyrical songs in languages ​​that were incomprehensible to everyone. In Russian, but with a heavy accent, he only sang a song about Rostov. In fact, it was Nikolai Shchukin, who performed under the pseudonym "Nika Stefan". The head of the Rostov jazz orchestra, trumpeter Iosif Stelman, came up with this image for him, and the young singer successfully exploited his pseudonym for several years. Even in Nika's life, Stefan was forbidden to speak without an accent. But it seems to me that he willingly played this role, because he always remembered this period with pleasure! After Rostov Nika Stefan for a long time worked in Kyiv and enjoyed a resounding success. It was impossible to get to his concert. At one anniversary of Shchukin, Iosif Kobzon said that, as a boy, he tried to get to his concert, but to no avail: mounted police, crowds of fans, mountains of flowers and not a single extra ticket. All this was connected with the name - Nika Stefan. And his main hit "Evening, rustling at the feet ...

The name of the performer of Russian, gypsy, French songs and romances Alexander Zelkin is known today, unfortunately, to a few. His noble baritone captivated listeners in the USA and Canada, France, Israel and many other countries in the 1960s-1980s. One of the most famous was the disc "Russian Folk Songs", where the interpretations of "Bublichkov", "Curly-haired forelock", "Songs of the old cabman", "Moscow Evenings" can only be compared with Sasha's great predecessors, like Misha Epelbaum, Leonid Utyosov or Alyosha Dimitrievich.

In memory of Willy Ivanovich Tokarev

Wolf Messing in Kazan

Soon it will be 120 years since the birth of Wolf MESSING, one of the most mysterious people of the last century. Continuing the series of publications about outstanding personalities in history, we talk about the days of Wolf Grigorievich's stay in Tatarstan - through the collected memories of witnesses and participants in speeches and meetings with the famous parapsychologist.
Wolf Messing is called the man of mystery of the twentieth century. He had the gift of foresight, read other people's thoughts, using the great opportunities given to him for the benefit of people. He presented two aircraft to the front, for which he received a telegram from Stalin with the following content: “Please accept my greetings and gratitude to the Red Army, Comrade Wolf Messing, for your concern for air force Red Army. Your wish will be fulfilled. I. Stalin. I wonder what desire was discussed? Perhaps get permission to perform with concerts around the country .....
Read on Shanson - Portal.

On June 1, in Saransk, at the age of 55, the former assistant to the Head of Mordovia, Nikolai Shchukin, suddenly died. Despite the fact that in his formal status he was by no means an official of the first rank, the role he played in the sporting achievements of Mordovia can hardly be overestimated. However, Nikolai Shchukin was able to solve other issues that were not part of his direct duties. The scale of this person's personality can be evidenced even by the fact that the leadership of almost all ministries and departments of Mordovia, as well as representatives of other regions of the country, came to the farewell ceremony with him. The life and death of Nikolai Schukin - in the material of the correspondent of "VS".

Leader by nature

You know, I never crossed paths with him at work, - two men near the building of the Mordovia business incubator are discussing the death of Nikolai Schukin. - I knew him more on personal matters. For me, the main thing is that when I turned to him for help, he helped me. And what kind of cockroaches he had in his head - I was not interested. The main thing is that it helped. I didn’t promise, you know, but really helped!

The farewell ceremony for Nikolai Shchukin was held at the Saransk Ice Palace. Perhaps, best place for this was not found. Already in the morning people with flowers are drawn to the building. Many go with their families. The entrances to the Ice Palace are blocked by the police. Cars don't pass. The first floor of the building is cramped. The coffin with the body of Nikolai Shchukin is installed to the left of the entrance. Numerous awards and photography are also exhibited here.

It's hard to imagine him dead! - a woman in a black dress whispers to her companion. He was always so lively and energetic! I still can't believe that he is no more.

This statement on this day will be repeated more than once by those who were personally acquainted with Nikolai Nikolaevich. He was always distinguished by pressure, energy and love of life. And in Soviet army, where Nikolai Shchukin rose to the rank of foreman, and after the service, when he worked as an ordinary tractor driver on a collective farm, and later, when, as the head of a construction team, he helped to raise National economy in the fraternal USSR countries. It was for the leadership of the construction team in Bulgaria that Nikolai Shchukin received his first state award, the Order of Honor. This was in 1986. By this time, Nikolai Shchukin, having served urgently and having worked on a collective farm, was finishing his studies at Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogaryov. A year later, he is an ordinary teacher of labor training in Tengushevsky high school. But Nikolai Shchukin did not teach for long. In the same 1987, he was elected first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the Komsomol. They say that his acquaintance with Nikolai Merkushkin, who at that time served as the first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the CPSU, contributed to his appointment to this position. Perhaps it was the Komsomol in the perestroika years that played a significant role in shaping the future official. In 1989, Nikolai Shchukin headed the ideological department of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol. He worked in this position until 1992, when both the Komsomol and the country ceased to exist. But it is difficult for an energetic nature to remain idle. Like many in those years, Nikolai Shchukin went into commerce. Until 1995, he was the commercial director of the well-known company AgroMordovia in the republic. In 1995, he headed this company, but a year later he was invited to public service. Nikolai Shchukin joined the newly formed team of the new leader of Mordovia, Nikolai Merkushkin. And even though the position he took sounded rather modest - an assistant to the Head of the Republic, the issues that he only had to solve were really very large-scale.

Curator of Mordovian sports

Sorry, I can't right now! - two-time Olympic medalist Denis Nizhegorodov shyly refuses a request to talk about a sad topic. Then he will still say that this event shocked almost the entire sports community of the republic. And he will be right. By the way, the Mordovian Victor Chegin Olympic Training Center arrived at the farewell ceremony for Nikolai Schukin almost in full force. Both Olympic champions Olga Kaniskina and Valery Borchin, as well as very young athletes just starting their sports path, came. Viktor Chegin, who recently announced the end of his coaching career, also came. Yes, and he could not come.

Then, in 1996, the new leadership of Mordovia made a bet on the development of sports in the subsidized region. The main emphasis was placed on athletics. To a large extent, this was facilitated by the victory of Irina Stankina at the World Race Walking Championship. But the country was devastated and criminal lawlessness. Winners of international competitions did not claim the status of heroes of the nation. Like the majority of the country's population, they had to think first of all about their daily bread, and only then about the prestige of the state. Athletes took under his wing Nikolai Merkushkin. And Nikolai Shchukin became the wing directly. It was under his supervision that sports facilities were built in the republic, new sections and federations in various sports were opened, and the authority of Mordovia in the country's sports world was strengthened. Of course, Nikolai Shchukin did not make key decisions for the republic, he was a skillful guide to these decisions in life. He never climbed to the fore, did not seek to advance due to trusting relations with the Head of the Republic, which, however, were known to all representatives of the administrative asset of Mordovia. True, it was said on the sidelines that at a certain moment he was ready to expand the scope of his activities. Given that he really had great confidence on the part of the leadership of the republic, and no one doubted his good organizational skills, Nikolai Shchukin could well count on a much more prominent position than the Assistant to the Head of the Region. An assistant whose word was more weighty than the position of another minister, but still an assistant. On the other hand, apparently, it was in this capacity that the leadership appreciated him. He appreciated it so much that some big officials owe their position to Nikolai Nikolayevich - his word meant a lot when making personnel decisions on a number of candidates.

Again, ask any well-known athlete in Mordovia who was next to him when he was preparing for competitions, winning world championships and the Olympics. The answer will be the same: Nikolai Schukin. For people of sports, he was truly his own person. And not only in moments of triumph. When doping scandals began to flare up one after another, none of our athletes refused. No one ran to rip off their medals and shoulder straps. Once under the wing, they remained under it, no matter what. Perhaps that is why Sergei Kirdyapkin was so worried while handling the wreaths, Viktor Chegin was so nervous at the entrance, Vladimir Bibikov, director of the Mordovia football team, was in such a hurry to get inside. For people directly related to sports, the death of Nikolai Schukin really became a loss. He was also into sports. He could often be seen both chasing the ball and skating in the Ice Palace. That is probably why the coffin with his body, installed in the hall, looks so ridiculous, and the realization that he will no longer enter the Ice Palace seems so unnatural.

In 2008, Nikolai Schukin became an honored worker physical education Mordovia. Keyword here it is "honored". If anyone deserved this title, it was him. His contribution to the success of Mordovian athletes and the creation of an excellent sports infrastructure in the republic can hardly be overestimated. However, Nikolai Shchukin oversaw not only sports projects. Many note his contribution to youth work, social policy and the economy. He had an important quality for any manager - he knew how to listen to a person, even if the question or initiative was purely hypothetical. But at the same time, Nikolai Shchukin did an excellent job of resolving even the most difficult situation, personally helping in solving the specific problems of many people who turned to the authorities for assistance. And he never thought that someone owed him something for this.

It's hard to speak! I have already buried so many… - ex-Minister of the Interior of Mordovia Nikolai Larkov, as always, is laconic. The former head of the Ministry of Industry, Viktor Akishev, also keeps a little aloof. Mordovia Prime Minister Vladimir Sushkov approaches the coffin with flowers in his hands. The recently retired Deputy Prime Minister of the government of the republic Vladimir Ruzhenkov and the ex-head of the republican drug control Alexander Grishnev have already paid tribute. officials middle class they don't bury it.

Remained an assistant

The work of Nikolai Shchukin in the administration of Nikolai Merkushkin was indeed associated with enormous emotional tension and stress. It needed to be removed. They say that at such moments the behavior of Nikolai Nikolaevich changed greatly, and he could afford a lot of what evil tongues later reproached him for. But everyone agrees on one thing - Nikolai Shchukin was deeply decent person on whose word one could always rely. Be honest with yourself and those around you. And many, even the most prominent representatives of the political elite of Mordovia, valued friendly relations with him.

Many call 2012 the turning point in the biography of Nikolai Schukin. The appointment of Nikolai Merkushkin to the post of governor of the Samara region was unexpected for many. But it was this personnel decision that played an important role in the further career of Nikolai Shchukin. Of course, taking into account his colossal work experience, he could count on the use of his organizational and managerial abilities in the Samara region. But ... he remained in his former position in Saransk. On forums on the Internet, residents of the Mordovian capital say that this event seriously knocked down Nikolai Shchukin. At the end of last year, he was completely dismissed from the post of assistant to the Head of the Republic. At the same time, his transfer to another responsible post was not ruled out, but due to known circumstances, he was never offered another job. "This resignation broke him!" - people write, paying tribute to his decency and professionalism.

He married his son shortly before his death

Members of the family of Nikolai Shchukin, in tears, cling to the coffin with his body. He raised two good sons. After his retirement, his family is all he has left. Shortly before his death, Nikolai Shchukin celebrated his wedding younger son Anton ... According to the "VS", Nikolai Shchukin died as a result of a sharply aggravated health crisis in a car near his house, only a month and a half short of his 55th birthday. He was buried at the Saransk cemetery No. 5.

On June 3, Mordovia said goodbye to the suddenly deceased former adviser Head of Mordovia Nikolai Shchukin. On July 27, he was supposed to turn 55 years old ...

Nikolai Nikolaevich was born in the Zubovo-Polyansky village of Vadov Selishchi. In 1987 he graduated from Moscow State University. Ogarev, having received the specialty "mechanical engineer", and entered the post of first secretary of the Tengushevsky district committee of the Komsomol. In 1989, after studying at a higher school under the Central Committee of the Komsomol, he became a secretary, and later head of the ideological department of the Mordovian regional committee of the Komsomol. In 1992-1996 he worked in the firm "AgroMordovia". Since 1996 - assistant, senior assistant to the Head of the Republic of Moldova, head of the group of assistants to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Since 2012 - State Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Moldova. Supervised issues of physical culture and sports. In January 2016, he completed his career as a government official. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1986), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Republic of Mordovia (2008) ... On June 3, hundreds of people came to the Ice Palace to say goodbye to the former official, many of whom knew Nikolai Schukin personally. The head of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation for Saratov region Alexander Grishnev, winner Olympic Games Denis Nizhegorodov, a classmate of Nikolai Schukin - Minister of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Moldova Alexei Tyurkin and others. Natives of Mordovia, members of the team of Samara governor Nikolai Merkushkin, also came to Saransk to say goodbye to their former colleague. Nikolai Shchukin was buried at the Saransk cemetery No. 5.

“Nikolai Nikolayevich made a great contribution to the creative processes in Mordovia, including at the most difficult and crucial stages of development,” Governor of the Samara Region Nikolai Merkushkin expressed deep condolences to the family and friends of Nikolai Schukin. - Thanks to his competent and efficient work, the most important projects for the republic were implemented in a number of areas in sports, youth, social policy, and the economy. He was a man of deep decency, high professionalism, exceptionally reliable in work and human relations.”

Nikolay Schukin. The name of this artist is remembered, first of all, by the older generations. It was insanely popular in the first post-war decade, when Soviet television was just beginning to appear, and not everyone had televisions. However, the concerts of this singer were held with constant full houses. In the 1950s, he performed under the name Nika Stefan and remained "in the memory of the people" as the first performer of the song "Hello, someone else's sweetheart" and the luxurious tango "Come back."

Nikolay Shchukin was born on June 15, 1924 in Armavir. However, what his real name was and who his parents were is not known. The boy was found on the street and assigned to an orphanage. There he was given both a first name, a surname, and a patronymic - Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin. Therefore, the real date of birth in this regard is suspicious. In the orphanage - with all its pluses and minuses - he stayed until he was 15 years old. And in 1939, Kolya became the "son of the regiment" - he was accepted into the cavalry regiment, taught to play the trumpet. So, by and large, as a teenager, Nikolai Shchukin had already become a musician - a bugler in the cavalry. Just like in the legendary movie Elusive Avengers».

In 1941, with the outbreak of war, Nikolai Shchukin was at the front, at the forefront. At the age of 17, he already served in intelligence - until 1944, until he was seriously wounded. So severe that he was discharged from the hospital without a leg - it was amputated. But the combat foreman, holder of two Orders of Glory, Nikolai Nikolayevich Shchukin, had the strength and courage to resist fate. He did not want to be disabled and in 1945 entered the Moscow Music Conservatory in the vocal department. However, Shchukin quickly realized that he would not work as an opera singer. He leaves the conservatory and goes to the stage. Nikolai Shchukin's voice has sounded from the professional pop stage since 1946.

At the beginning of his career, Nikolai Shchukin worked in various regional philharmonic societies, sang on summer park stages, in cinemas and restaurants - he traveled around the country in search of, as they say, a better life. It seems that it was not without reason that in the late 40s he ended up in Rostov-on-Don. This city in the post-war period became a kind of mecca of Soviet jazz. Maybe because the whole orchestra of Oleg Lundstrem came there from Harbin? In any case, in every self-respecting institution in Rostov - at summer cafes, houses of culture, educational institutions- had its own small big band playing jazzy pop tunes. In one of these jazz orchestras, conducted by trumpeter Iosif Stelman, Nikolai Shchukin was also a soloist.

It was I. Stelman who came up with Shchukin's stage name Nika Stefan. Stelman also proposed a style, not least thanks to which the singer became extremely popular. The end of the forties and the beginning of the fifties is the time of the craze for Latin American rhythms. Europeanized rhythms of tango and bossa nova sounded literally from everywhere. And N. Shchukin was presented on the stage like this: "singer of the Hawaiian Islands Nika Stefan." And he went on stage in an impeccable cream and striped suit with streaked hair and sincerely sang popular melodies in languages ​​incomprehensible to most, with a barely perceptible accent.

Nikolai Shchukin supported a peculiar shocking overseas dandy in everyday life. He walked along the streets of Rostov-on-Don in the same elegant suit, invariably attracting the attention of passers-by. And he even specifically spoke with an accent - like a foreigner. This was also part of the image that Shchukin willingly supported. At the same time, it is worth remembering that he was a front-line soldier who lost one leg in the war ...

Later, Nikolai Nikolaevich told his friends such an episode. Once he arrived in Rostov, and there was not a single free room in the only Delovoy Dvor hotel. He was asked to spend one night in a dormitory room. Nika Stefan had a thorough dinner at the restaurant, went into the dormitory, undressed and fell asleep like a dead man. When he woke up, it turned out that there was neither a suitcase nor a suit ... In just his shorts, he rushed to the hotel authorities. The director just shrugged.
- Nikochka, this is Rostov! Here, whoever wakes up earlier, dressed better....

Widespread success came to Nikolai Schukin in the mid-50s. On the Soviet stage, after decades of bans, foreign songs sounded again.
According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, he performed hits in a way that no one in the world sang them. Sometimes Nikolai Shchukin went on stage in a chic tuxedo (he always dressed and looked brilliant), fit, sparkling with a "Hollywood" smile.

Shchukin kept the same image as a soloist of Ukrconcert. He moved from Rostov to Kyiv in 1959 and performed with the famous Ludvikovsky orchestra. This group was created at one time by L. Utyosov, and he was considered the best pop-jazz big band Soviet Union in the 1960s. Later, at one of the anniversaries of N. Shchukin, Iosif Kobzon said that, while still a boy, he tried to get to his concert in Kyiv, but to no avail: mounted police, crowds of fans, mountains of flowers and not a single extra ticket. All this was connected with the name - Nika Stefan. And literally everyone sang his main hit “Evening, the surf is rustling at the feet ...” (“Come back”).

Nikolai Shchukin worked at the Kyiv Philharmonic for ten years. This period includes the performance by Nika Stefan of another hit, which, as they say, went to the people. Yes, so deeply that later it was performed by Arkady Severny, and in our time this song is performed by Alexander Solodukha. It's about about the song "Hello, someone else's sweetheart." True, the version of the 50s and today, of course, differ. And not only in arrangement and rhythms. In the 1950s, Ukrainian composer Anatoliy Gorchinkiy wrote music for the poems by Leonid Tatarenko. The song was even recorded on a disc, and then firmly entered the repertoire of Nikolai Schukin. According to eyewitnesses, for the first time in general public he performed it at one of the concerts in Lvov in 1959. They say that the audience asked him to perform "Someone else's sweetheart" four times "for an encore" ...

Today, music critics claim that the Belarusian composer Eduard Khanok still heard this song at one time. However, this did not prevent him from writing his own version of the melody to the verses of L. Tatarenko in the seventies. Hanok even offered his song to Valery Obodzinsky, who for some reason refused to include it in his repertoire. And in 1992, Solodukha sang "Someone else's sweetheart", and the song, as they say, shot.

When half the country sang "The past does not return and a tear will not help," the two composers even clashed somehow in a legal battle for authorship - and, of course, fees. And on the Kiev radio in 1994, they somehow arranged a vote between listeners - which of the two versions of the song they like. Naturally, Solodukha won - every time has its own songs, after all ...

Well, in the performance of Nicky Stefan, "Someone else's sweetheart" in 1959 sounded like this:

In 1969, Nikolai Shchukin moved to Moscow and became a soloist of the Mosconcert. By that time, he was already considered a veteran of the pop scene. He sang about love, but also about war. But there were no jingoistic songs in his repertoire. Still brilliant, spectacular, taut, "refined", "salon and pro-Western", as officials from the Ministry of Culture, who were very zealous at that time, called him, he performed with the famous State Television and Radio Broadcasting Orchestra conducted by Garanyan, with a pop-jazz ensemble" Krugozor" under the direction of Kuprevich, other teams. Recorded on records. As part of groups of Soviet artists, he repeatedly toured abroad. And one can only guess how difficult it was for him to stand in front of the microphone on a prosthesis for two or three hours, flashing a "Hollywood" smile in front of the audience.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Shchukin repeatedly appeared on television in the 80s, but only his former fans recognized him. For them, this man was a legend. And the songs of the war years, which became the basis of his repertoire, were like a reflection of his own biography. Therefore, he was often invited to participate in commemorative television programs dedicated to war veterans.

In 1984, Nikolai Schukin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Later, already in the 90s, he received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Nikolai Shchukin passed away at the age of 75 - July 25, 1999 and was buried in Moscow. And his voice remained on the records - the voice of the elegant Hawaiian singer Nicky Stefan, who went through the war and did not give up before the disease.

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