Todorovsky Valery today is a family of children. Personal life of Valery Todorovsky: wife, children of the director photo

Tourism and rest 14.07.2019
Tourism and rest

Valery Todorovsky became a worthy heir to his father, director Pyotr Todorovsky, and from the very first of his works he declared his undoubted talent. Director's biography

began in Odessa, where he was born on May 9, 1962, and in cinema he made his debut as a screenwriter, and only later did he declare his directorial abilities. Personal life of Valery Todorovsky is also divided into two stages. He met his first wife at VGIK - Natasha studied, like him, at the screenwriting department, only a year younger. They quickly found mutual language They started dating and soon got married.

In the photo - Valery Todorovsky and Evgenia Brik
Their marriage lasted about twenty years, largely, according to Valery, thanks to the incredible tolerance of Natalia. She was an excellent hostess, a caring wife and mother, who took care of all domestic problems, because Valery was always not up to it - he was completely immersed in his work. They raised two children - son Peter and daughter Catherine, however, having met new love, Todorovsky decided to leave the family. Valery Todorovsky decided on such changes in his personal life because of the actress Evgenia Khirivskaya, who later took the name Brik as a pseudonym.

He met her at the casting for his film "The Law", and although the actress did not get a role in this film, she received much more - the hand and heart of a famous director. After the second wife of Valery Todorovsky gave birth to his daughter Zoya, she moved to Los Angeles, so the director has to live in two countries, like his wife, who has to travel to Russia to shoot. Youngest daughter director, born in 2009, like him once, grows up in a film family, and this may affect her future biography.

Valery himself from childhood often went to the shooting with his father, and the shooting pavilions have always been his home. Looking at how his father works, he also wanted to be like him. Since then, cinema has become the main thing in the life of Valery Todorovsky. Cinema for him is both a job and a hobby, and, in general, the main thing that is in life.
Valery Todorovsky filmed his wife Yevgeny in his film The Geographer Drank His Globe Away, and this role raised the popularity rating of the actress who had previously played the role of Komsomol member Katya in his film Stilyagi. Evgenia Brik starred in other films of her husband, such as "Thaw", "Count of Montenegro", "Vise".

Evgenia Brik and Valery Todorovsky, Evgenia Malakhova and Renat Davletyarov and other celebrities who found happiness on the set.

You will not surprise anyone with the creative union of the director and actress. He is the master, she is the muse. This has been the custom since the legendary union of Lyubov Orlova and Grigory Alexandrov. Perhaps it was they who became the most discussed couple. Soviet cinema. Times have changed, but customs are still there. We have collected the most famous and strong families who live together and make movies together.

Evgenia Brik and Valery Todorovsky

Joint works of Todorovsky and Brik: the picture "The Geographer Drank His Globe Away", a role in which raised the popularity rating of the actress; the film "Dandies" and the series "Thaw".

Daria Moroz and Konstantin Bogomolov

You can talk about this couple endlessly: they have been together for more than 50 years both in cinema and in life. But few people know that this family had a difficult period. So, when a rumor appeared that Vera and Vladimir decided to get married, the future popular actress, in all seriousness, began to dissuade the teacher from this step. But the feelings turned out to be stronger - the wedding was played in the second year. Life gradually improved. It's funny, but when, it would seem, some kind of prosperity appeared in the house, the marriage cracked. And Vera and Vladimir broke up. They are for a long time They lived separately in different cities, but at the same time they wrote letters to each other every day. And today Alentova admits that it did them good. And if they decided to "be patient", they would still have dispersed and would hardly have been able to be together.

From the family archive

Fortunately, these loving people it didn't get to the point of hating each other to share every spoonful. “It all started with the fact that Menshov was filming in Orel, and we were going on tour with Yulenka. Volodya gave me a telegram: when you pass Orel, let me know, I will come to meet you. But, of course, I didn't even think to send a telegram! We were on very good terms, but we didn’t need any extra meetings, I thought. And when we got up in Orel at the bus stop, Yulia, looking out the window, said: "And here is my daddy." And I realized for the first time that actually there are three of us. And I got a lump in my throat. I thought: “Oh my God, I don’t know what a dad is and why he is needed, but for her, probably, dad is as important as mom,” recalls Alentova.

The first years of married life

And now happy spouses admit that they often speak at the same time. They even looked alike. “My husband is already something inseparable from me. We are already one person. But our life is still very diverse, interesting and very conflicting, ”Vera concludes.

In moments of doubt, Inna Churikova admits, she asks her husband Gleb Panfilov: “Am I not tired of you yet?” Gleb answers her question with a question: “Are you tired of me yet?” Seems like they don't get tired of each other. Jokingly, they call themselves Siamese twins. She became the star of his films, and he made her the way we know and love her.

But this union might not have been, after all, having come to audition for the picture “ There is no ford in the fire”, Churikova saw beautiful actresses and lost heart: “And most of all I was struck by Panfilov - handsome, educated, talented ... I listened to him with an open mouth. Fell in love immediately. But I hoped for reciprocity even less than for a role in his film. But the young director did not even think about changing his mind, on the contrary, he did the unbelievable - he convinced the prim Soviet artistic council that Churikova was able to play the lyrical heroine with whom she fell in love with no memory main character. As a result, the film received a prize at a festival in Switzerland. The joint work also brought more significant results: in 1967, Inna Churikova and Gleb Panfilov got married, and in 1978 they had a son, Ivan.

Whole family to gather

Inna Churikova starred in other works of her husband: "Beginning", "I ask for words", "Theme", "Vassa", "Valentina", "Mother", "Guilty without guilt" ...

The first meeting between Evgenia Malakhova and Renat Davletyarov took place at the casting of a short film. “At that time, at VGIK, I had a graduation performance “At the Bottom”, and I did not get out of rehearsals, because there was another strong contender for my place. But by some kind of divine providence and a miracle, I get to this viewing, ”Malakhova recalls. - And I am surprised at the behavior and attitude of Renat, how creative, energetic and professional man. When I left the audience, I called my friend and said: “If all the people in our cinema were like that, we would have already overtaken America!” I left the casting delighted.” And who would have thought that after some time Eugene would become his wife. The wedding ceremony, by the way, took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow without frills: the bride was dressed in jeans, a white shirt and a cream jacket.

Renat Davletyarov with his wife Evgenia Malakhova at the Moscow premiere of the film "Once"

And then he started taking it off. Malakhova admits that she has no complexes, that she plays her husband in films. Because, according to her, any director clearly sees who should be in the place of this or that character: “For me, he is first and foremost a director on the set. He knows me inside and out. Unlike other actresses who can deceive him a little, with me he always feels false. He finds fault with me more ... And if I had not coped with the role of Zhenya Komelkova, then this is a blow to me first of all, I will be destroyed first. Renat initially said that he would demand full dedication from me and asked me not to be offended. And if he has a film where there is no role for me, then my status as the director's wife will not help. However, so far everything is going well, and soon the next a joint project actress and director.

Books by Victoria Tokareva are the main decoration of many home libraries. The fact that some of her works were made into legendary films is not worth mentioning. Yes, and the personal life of the writer is worthy of being described in the book, so much has happened for the biography of the heroine of our article (by the way, according to the writer herself, much of her personal biography is really used for the plots of books). But surely few people will have doubts that, like for all women in the world, the main achievement in life is daughter of Victoria Tokareva Natalia.

On photo 1 - Natalia Tokareva, on 2 - Victoria Tokareva

Victoria Tokareva absolutely does not hide pride in her daughter. According to her, Natalya is smart and beautiful, a self-sufficient person and a great hostess. Outwardly, the heiress of Victoria Tokareva is a copy of her father. To date only daughter writer 51 years old. Behind her shoulders is a diploma of graduation from the screenwriting department of VGIK (quite a logical and successful choice future profession for the writer's daughter, whose word must be in her blood) and a college of psychoanalysis. Despite the fact that her name does not appear in magazines and on TV screens, since Natalya Tokareva does not like publicity, she also took place in the profession. It was according to her scripts that "Kamenskaya" was filmed. Victoria Tokareva mentioned in an interview that she tries not to interfere in her daughter's personal life, limiting herself only to material assistance.

In the photo - Victoria Tokareva with her granddaughter Katya

And this notorious personal life began with Natalya Tokareva also quite early, as, indeed, with famous mom. An affair with Valery Todorovsky, who later became her legal husband for twenty years, began with her daughter Victoria Tokareva at the age of 16, even at the beginning of her studies at VGIK. She gave him two children - son Peter and daughter Catherine with a difference of 10 years. Despite the fact that, according to her mother, Natalya Tokareva is a great hostess and just an ideal wife, and to ex-son-in-law and still has no claims, their family could not stand the test of treason. The marriage broke up when Valery Todorovsky decided to connect his life with actress Evgenia Brik. Although, if you believe the words of Victoria Tokareva (and you have to be content only with them, since her daughter keeps complete silence on this matter), the decision to divorce was not made by him at all, but by Natalya Tokareva. By the way, the writer also said that her daughter now lives in civil marriage and the second son-in-law is also very nice to her personally.

Evgenia Brik- wonderful, beautiful, characteristic Russian actress. I recently saw her on the show "Adaptation" And I wondered, who is she? What other movies or TV shows have you been in? Where else could I see Evgenia Brik? Website "Kinopoisk" suggested that Evgenia Brik featured in the movie "Dandies"! It was she who played the same Komsomol member Katya, which is at war with the informal mods of the 50s. Another interesting fact from life Evgenia Brik- her husband is Valery Todorovsky, and wonderful, one of my favorite films is a musical "Dandies", taken by him. Despite the fact that the husband Evgenia Brik director, the roles in his films are not easy for her, it is understandable, because Valery Todorovsky a wonderful director and he would never take a risk shooting his wife, and knowing that she would not be able to play this role in such a way that the viewer would be taken for a living. Incidentally, the age difference Evgenia Brik and Valery Todorovsky 19 years. Such marriages are considered quite strong in the acting environment, since the man has already walked up, but a young, intelligent wife will always be the keeper of the hearth and will not look left, she will simply enjoy her happiness, work on relationships, appreciate her husband, cherish him and groom. At Evgenia Brik and her husband Valery Todorovsky have a wonderful daughter Zoya, the girl is incredibly beautiful, she was born in Los Angeles, and lives there, her parents believe that in this city not only good climate, but it is also possible to learn how to speak English language without an accent. AT 7 years Zoya Todorovskaya already starred in her first American series, for the role she had to dye her hair, but it was worth it. Zoya a very musical girl, she knows songs from many American musicals by heart.

But by the way, when Valery Todorovsky met Evgenia Brik he was married to another. It all happened somewhere 2003 year, Evgenia It was 22 , a Valery 40. Todorovsky with his first wife Natalya Tokareva met when he was about 18 years, that is, being very young. From marriage to Natalya Tokareva at Valery Todorovsky have two children: a son Peter who is very similar to him and a beautiful daughter Catherine.

This photo is of the first wife. Valery Todorovsky, she holds in her arms their common daughter Catherine. In the background you see the mother-in-law of the great director.

In this photo you see Ekaterina Todorovskaya- daughter Valery Todorovsky from the first marriage.

Daughter Valeria Todorovsky Ekaterina grew up and now she is a real beauty, but unfortunately she did not go to the actress.

AT May 2017 years it became known that Ekaterina Todorovskaya dating the director's son Alexey Uchitel. The young man's name is Ilya.

Son Petr Todorovsky very similar to his father Valeria. This photo captures a touching, sad moment - a funeral Peter Todorovsky senior.

Now let's see the pictures Evgenia Brik. Surprisingly, this girl looks like some photos on Jennifer Lopez, and on others Natalia Oreiro, and on some of the American actress Rose Byrne. At Evgenia Brik very attractive appearance 35 she looks great. At Evgenia Brik chiseled figurine, thin waist, prominent breasts, beautiful green eyes, plump lips.

On this photo Evgenia Brik with my daughter Zoya Todorovskaya.

In this photo, the husband Evgenia Brik- producer Valery Todorovsky. Together couple with 2003 years, their relationship has stood the test of time.

If someone says that Valery Todorovsky and Evgenia Brik are getting divorced, then this is not true. The couple continues to delight fans joint photos that confirm their close relationship.

Director Valery Todorovsky and talented actress Evgenia Brik have been an exemplary married couple for many years. However, from time to time the press writes about the divorce of the spouses. Neither Valery nor Evgenia comment on these rumors.

In 1984, the son of the outstanding director Pyotr Todorovsky graduated from the directing department of VGIK and began to shoot his first films. In 1990, his first film, Hearse, was presented. This picture was taken based on the famous story of the English writer "Take care of someone else's life - you will save yours." Famous actors agreed to take part in the first work of the young unknown director: Viya Artmane, Andrey Ilyin, Alika Smekhova. This work immediately earned praise from critics and viewers.

Todorovsky Jr. received numerous awards. This was followed by other, no less successful work:

  • "Love";
  • "Moscow Nights";
  • "Country of the Deaf";
  • "My stepbrother Frankenstein."

Before meeting with Evgenia Brik, Valery Todorovsky was already married. His chosen one was Victoria Tokareva, the daughter of a popular writer.

The couple lived happily family life almost 20 years. In marriage, the couple had two wonderful children: son Peter and daughter Ekaterina.

Daughter of Victoria Tokareva - Natalya

Natalya Tokareva with her family

In 2003, at the casting for one of his films, Valery Todorovsky met a young but very talented actress Evgenia Brik. The actress is a native Muscovite. Since childhood, she had an attractive appearance, so she successfully worked in the modeling business. However, the scope of the girl's interests was much wider. She was studying foreign languages and studied at music school them. M. Rostropovich in piano.

At the time of her acquaintance with Valery Todorovsky, the actress had already managed to play several episodic roles in popular TV series: Turetsky's March, Kamenskaya. Thanks to her popularity, beauty and natural talent, she managed to catch a famous director.

At the time of meeting, Evgenia Brik was only 22 years old, and Todorovsky was 40 years old. Nevertheless, the beauty immediately won the heart of the director. Despite the huge difference in age, a stormy romance began between them. After that, the relationship moved into a more serious stage of their life. Today we can say for sure that they chose each other for a reason.

Valery Todorovsky has always been considered an exemplary family man and has never been a participant in major scandals. However, he chose to file for divorce from Victoria Tokareva and start living with a new darling. Of course, this was the decision of an adult man who, having convinced himself of his unwillingness to continue building a family, decided to leave.

The couple supports each other, and their family idyll continues to this day. There was no reason to doubt their love, although Valery's actions in relation to his first wife were wrong.

However, this was not a fleeting romance, but strong serious relationship. In 2006, Valery Todorovsky and Evgenia Brik formalized their relationship. The couple lives in Los Angeles, and comes to Russia only for filming and social events. But sometimes headlines appear in the media with information that Valery Todorovsky and Evgenia Brik are getting divorced, which is not true.

The media very often launch such rumors that are absolutely not worth believing. This is one of the most interesting acting couples that really delight the audience with interesting roles.


In 2007, the director made the film Vise. This film tells about young man, who is unwittingly involved in the criminal drug business. In this picture, Evgenia Vladimirovna Brik played the secondary role of the girl Tai. Of course, the role was not serious, but allowed to gain some experience and skills. In general, the prospects ahead of her were incredible.

Valery Todorovsky at the premiere of the film "Dandies"

In 2008, the famous film-musical "Stilyagi" was released on cinema screens, which was also shot by Valery Todorovsky. The wife got the role of the Komsomol member Katya, who fought against the violations committed by the youth of that time. Brik played a negative character, she succeeded in this image perfectly. For her work in her husband's film, the actress was awarded several prestigious film awards at once.

Valery Todorovsky on the set of the film "The Thaw"

Another major role in the film by Valery Todorovsky was played in the TV series "The Thaw". Initially, Evgenia Brik applied for leading role in this picture. However, she liked the image of Larisa more, so after consulting with her husband, she played this particular role. Evgenia Brik was remembered by viewers for her candid shots in the series, where the actress was filmed naked.

All the major roles of Evgenia Brik, of course, were played in the films of Valery Todorovsky. However, one cannot say that these roles were received only because the actress is married to a famous director.

On the contrary, Evgeny Todorovsky is quite picky about his wife's work, always expresses constructive criticism and never offers her roles that she could not cope with. In addition, film critics highly appreciate the acting skills of the actress.

Family life

In 2009, the couple had a daughter, Zoya. She lives in the United States, where she receives her education. Parents do not want to transport their daughter to Russia yet. They believe that in America for Zoe created Better conditions. The birth of a child was a highlight in their life together. Maybe thanks to her they support each other and find time for family vacations.

Their daughter has already started acting in films. She took part in the filming of the American series. However, parents are in no hurry to push their daughter to the acting profession. Zoya is studying foreign languages ​​and is making great strides in her studies. As for the cinematic career, she has every chance of becoming famous in America.

Parents continue to work actively with domestic film studios, which allows them to always be aware of all events. But most of the time, Evgenia and Valery spend separately.

Valery Todorovsky often shoots in his films the most beautiful actresses modernity: Paulina Andreeva, Victoria Isakov, Anna Chipovskaya. However, Evgenia Brik is never jealous of her husband.

On the contrary, she often argues that the director must always be in love with his actresses, without which it is impossible to create. This kind of support for a wife is a prime example of trust in her husband. Maybe that was what he lacked in his first marriage.

Despite her youth and age difference with her husband at 19, Evgenia has never been involved in major scandals, she is considered an exemplary wife. She dreams of a large number of children and a happy family life.

Valery Todorovsky never stopped communicating with children from his first marriage. His son Peter works as a journalist, but wants to master the profession of his father, so he is studying directing courses. By the way, the son of Peter is like two drops of water similar to his father. Peter is married and has two children.

Valery Todorovsky takes part in the upbringing of his grandchildren. Therefore, personal life with actress Yevgeny Brik in no way prevents him from communicating with his relatives and relatives.

Daughter Ekaterina is a student at Moscow State University. She is famous for her beauty, so many regretted that she did not choose a career as an actress. For some time, Todorovsky's daughter was in a relationship with the son of another famous director Alexei Uchitel.

AT recent times many say that Valery Todorovskoy and Evgenia Brik are getting divorced, of course, there are various difficult situations but they do it all. The spouses really rarely see each other, but this is due to the demand for the actress and director. Brik and Todorovsky did not confirm the information about the divorce. The personal life of actress Evgenia Brik is developing in an extremely successful way.

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