What climate is best for the heart. What climate is better for hypertensive patients and cores? Features of rest in recreation centers

Interesting 20.07.2019

Hypertension determines the body's response to weather changes, travel and flights. Increased pressure sets conditions for the way of life, nutrition, climate of residence. In a mild dry climate, hypertensive crises occur less frequently than in a sharply continental zone.

Where in Russia is it better to live with hypertension - in the northern regions or in the south? And is it possible for a person with high blood pressure to climb mountains, relax near the sea?

Hypertension and the weather

Fluctuations in weather conditions, changes in pressure and temperature, cause an adaptation reaction in the human body. The basis of various reactions is the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels. Therefore, people with vascular disorders painfully tolerate weather fluctuations and climate change.

How does a person with high blood pressure react to changes in temperature and pressure?

Atmospheric and blood pressure

Atmospheric pressure determines the internal pressure of human liquid media. Thus, an increase in external atmospheres increases in the blood. Conversely, lowering outdoor atmospheres lowers it.

Clear weather without precipitation high blood pressure. In clear weather:

  • No temperature fluctuations;
  • No high humidity
  • Blood pressure in human blood is maintained at the same elevated level.

The approach of a rain front corresponds to a decrease in pressure. Clouds trap some of the heat and vapor reflected from the Earth's surface. So the following happens:

  • The humidity of the air increases;
  • The concentration of oxygen decreases;
  • In humans, blood pressure drops.

Interesting to know: the pressure value depends on the height of the area above sea level. So, the pressure of the atmosphere in St. Petersburg, where the height above the sea is only 30 m, is 760 mm Hg. Art. But in Kislovodsk, where the altitude is 800 m, Atmosphere pressure lowered to 690 mm Hg. Art.

Changes in the human body

Changes in atmospheric pressure cause adjustment responses.

Low atmospheric pressure forms the following processes in the human body:

  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Decreased blood flow.

Thus, the state of hypertension improves, approaches the norm. However, pressure reduction is not always beneficial for hypertensive patients. If bad weather comes in the fall, the hypertensive patient feels good. If the pressure decreases in hot summer, then high humidity is formed, which adversely affects the well-being of a person with high pressure.

High atmospheric pressure causes an increase in blood pressure. For a hypertensive patient, this is dangerous. A strong increase in pressure or a sharp change in it is poorly tolerated by people with diseased vessels (with diagnoses of hypertension and VVD).

Hypertension and climate

The factors that characterize the climate in a particular area include:

  • Average air temperatures and frequency, sharpness of their fluctuations;
  • Type and amount of precipitation, their length and distribution throughout the year.

Considering the peculiarities of the climate, which region to choose for a comfortable stay of hypertensive patients?

Continental climate: central Russia

It is better for hypertensive patients to spend summer in a continental climate. At this time, warm dry weather sets in here. The absence of high humidity and sudden temperature changes guarantees a comfortable feeling for hypertensive patients.

When choosing a city for summer residence, keep in mind: heat is possible in the temperate zone, there will be no heat in the northern territories, you will only get pleasant summer heat.

Warm south: Anapa or Sochi

Sochi is a popular climatic resort. A humid subtropical climate reigns here, with temperatures ranging from 0 to +30°C. Humidity throughout the year is kept at 70-80%. That's why best time for visiting Sochi with hypertensive patients - the cool season (early spring, winter, autumn).

In summer, the subtropics become too humid. Against the background of heat in patients with hypertension, crisis conditions are possible. Therefore, you should not go to Sochi in June, July, August.

In summer you can visit the northern Black Sea coast - from Anapa to Tuapse. Here - semi-dry mediterranean climate. It is distinguished by a small amount of summer humidity and an increased concentration of moisture in winter.

That's why summer rest in Anapa - what is possible for hypertensive patients.

sea ​​coast

Also for reasons high humidity hypertensive patients do not feel well in many coastal cities. Often hypertension increases in Murmansk, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg. And weakens after moving inland.

Therefore, if with age you feel “no climate”, you will have to change your place of residence.


The coast of the Crimean peninsula differs from Sochi and Adler in a drier climate. It has warm dry summers and wet winters. Therefore, it is in the Crimea that hypertensive patients feel comfortable during all the summer months.

Can hypertension go south

The southern climate is characterized by a significant rise in temperatures. How does heat affect the human body? What changes occur in the blood of hypertensive patients at temperatures above +30°C?

Air temperature and hypertension

We list what processes occur inside a person during the heat:

  1. Initially, under the influence of heat, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure drops. But not for long.
  2. The body begins to sweat - fluid is lost. Along with the loss of fluid, the blood thickens, the vessels narrow, the pressure increases and remains constantly high. The tension of the vessels and the heart muscle is maintained as long as the blood remains viscous. Against the background of thickening of the blood and a decrease in blood pressure, clots (thrombi) form.
  3. When sweating, the body loses mineral salts (potassium, magnesium).

If a hypertensive person drinks water, his blood thins, the pressure decreases and returns to normal. For a patient with hypertension, it is necessary not only to drink liquid, but also to replenish the supply of minerals (take pharmacy complexes with potassium, magnesium).

Conclusions: A hypertensive person can tolerate heat without. It is necessary to drink water frequently and maintain the water and electrolyte balance of the body.

How to drink water in the heat of hypertension

Water is necessary for hypertensive patients at any outdoor temperature. Often in the heat it is not enough, and then the person becomes ill. In order for water to be absorbed without edema, the following drinking rules must be observed:

  • The main part of the water - drink in the morning and evening (before the onset of heat and after it leaves).
  • The smaller part is during the day.
  • For drinking during the heat, the water is slightly salted.
  • After eating - you can not immediately drink water, you can drink it in half an hour.
  • Avoid contrasts - do not drink water from the freezer. Rapid cooling causes constriction and spasm of blood vessels. After - their strong expansion. Such jumps and drops for hypertensive patients are undesirable.

What else is important for hypertensive patients in the heat?

  • Avoid alcohol (taking poisons increases dehydration, takes away available water for detoxification, removal of poison).
  • Avoid smoking (tobacco thickens the blood, slows down its fluidity, increases pressure).
  • Avoid heavy foods (fried, fatty, smoked, heavily salted) - excess salt retains water and reduces heat transfer (sweating).
  • Replace traditional food in the heat with fresh juicy fruits (watermelons, melons). Replace hot food with cold food.
  • If possible, walk barefoot (to improve blood circulation and provide additional heat transfer - walking barefoot cools).

For a patient with hypertension, it is important that the rest in the south takes place in climatic zones with low humidity. Then the risk of complications and the likelihood of crises will be minimized. Why high humidity for hypertension - bad?

Air humidity and hypertension

It is known that the sensation of heat becomes worse during humid air. The higher the humidity, the harder it is to bear the heat. Wet sweating at 30°C is similar to dry sweating at +50°C. Therefore, a humid Russian steam room, with a temperature of +60°C, makes you sweat much more than a dry Finnish one (+100 +120°C).

Crises often occur in patients with hypertension in heat and high humidity. It has to do with endless sweating. Drops of sweat on the surface of the skin do not cool the body, sweat is released non-stop, thickening the blood and increasing pressure. The heart works with great overload.

Hence the conclusion: staying in the heat for hypertension is not contraindicated in a dry climate (subject to the drinking regimen). But moist hot air for hypertensive patients is undesirable. Therefore, a summer vacation in Sochi is not always useful for a patient with hypertension (humidity here is 80%). A trip to the Crimean coast with a drier climate would be more useful.

Is it possible to have hypertension in the mountains

How do mountains affect the human body? As altitude changes, atmospheric pressure decreases. For every 500 m of ascent, it decreases by 30-40 mm. At an altitude of 1000 m, the pressure is 700 mm Hg. Art., and at an altitude of 2000 m - it is equal to 630 mm.

The air is also thinner in the mountains. Lack of oxygen disrupts the work of the heart, requires adaptation, getting used to hypoxia.

At the moment of violation, when the body has not yet adapted, a person may:

  • Increasing pressure;
  • Frequent pulse;
  • heart pain;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Paleness and blueness of the lips.

The reaction of adaptation to conditions of reduced pressure and lack of oxygen lasts for several days. Therefore, climbers have adopted the so-called acclimatization - a slow climb into the mountains with long stops.

Interesting to know: non-observance of the acclimatization rule leads to "mountain sickness". Its symptoms are weakness, vomiting, headache. AT severe cases there are signs of alcohol intoxication - swagger, uncritical assessment of the situation, euphoria.

These symptoms are signs of intoxication. If the height difference was small (1.5-2 km), then within two days the condition returns to normal. If the elevation difference was significant (3-4 thousand m), then severe outcomes are possible (a sharp increase in blood pressure, respiratory failure, suffocation, pulmonary edema). The facts of such outcomes were observed more than once on Elbrus, where the cable car operates, and a person has the opportunity to climb 4,000 m within 15-20 minutes (without any preparation).

How to choose a climate for hypertension

How does high and low atmospheric pressure affect hypertensive patients?

Important: it is necessary for hypertensive patients to travel to the mountains as part of a team that is able to provide him with the first necessary aid.

We found out that a hypertensive person can afford long-distance trips, hiking in the mountains and relaxing at sea. However, it is necessary to follow certain rules, drink water and not make sudden rises, incorrect movements. You should avoid the combination of heat and humidity, as well as climbing to high altitudes.

Hypertension determines the body's response to weather changes, travel and flights. Increased pressure sets conditions for the way of life, nutrition, climate of residence. In a mild dry climate, hypertensive crises occur less frequently than in a sharply continental zone.

Where in Russia is it better to live with hypertension - in the northern regions or in the south? And is it possible for a person with high blood pressure to climb mountains, relax near the sea?

Hypertension and the weather

Fluctuations in weather conditions, changes in pressure and temperature, cause an adaptation reaction in the human body. The basis of various reactions is the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels. Therefore, people with vascular disorders painfully tolerate weather fluctuations and climate change.

How does a person with high blood pressure react to changes in temperature and pressure?

Atmospheric and blood pressure

Atmospheric pressure determines the internal pressure of human liquid media. Thus, an increase in external atmospheres increases blood pressure in the blood. Conversely, lowering outdoor atmospheres lowers it.

Clear weather without precipitation corresponds to increased pressure. In clear weather:

No temperature fluctuations; No high humidity Blood pressure in human blood is maintained at the same elevated level.

The approach of a rain front corresponds to a decrease in pressure. Clouds trap some of the heat and vapor reflected from the Earth's surface. So the following happens:

The humidity of the air increases; The concentration of oxygen decreases; In humans, blood pressure drops.

Interesting to know: the pressure value depends on the height of the area above sea level. So, the pressure of the atmosphere in St. Petersburg, where the height above the sea is only 30 m, is 760 mm Hg. Art. But in Kislovodsk, where the altitude is 800 m, the atmospheric pressure is lowered to 690 mm Hg. Art.

Changes in the human body

Changes in atmospheric pressure cause adjustment responses. Low atmospheric pressure forms the following processes in the human body:

Decreased blood pressure; Decreased blood flow.

Thus, the state of hypertension improves, approaches the norm. However, pressure reduction is not always beneficial for hypertensive patients. If bad weather comes in the fall, the hypertensive patient feels good. If the pressure decreases in hot summer, then high humidity is formed, which adversely affects the well-being of a person with high pressure.

High atmospheric pressure causes an increase in blood pressure. For a hypertensive patient, this is a dangerous hypertensive crisis. A strong increase in pressure or a sharp change in it is poorly tolerated by people with diseased vessels (with diagnoses of hypertension and VVD).

Conclusions: When the weather changes and an anticyclone sets in, hypertensive patients need to limit all

physical exercise

Provide emotional peace. Otherwise -

possible complications

Hypertension and climate

The factors that characterize the climate in a particular area include:

Average air temperatures and frequency, sharpness of their fluctuations; Type and amount of precipitation, their length and distribution throughout the year.

Considering the peculiarities of the climate, which region to choose for a comfortable stay of hypertensive patients?

Continental climate: central Russia

It is better for hypertensive patients to spend summer in a continental climate. At this time, warm dry weather sets in here. The absence of high humidity and sudden temperature changes guarantees a comfortable feeling for hypertensive patients.

When choosing a city for summer residence, keep in mind: heat is possible in the temperate zone, there will be no heat in the northern territories, you will only get pleasant summer heat.

Warm south: Anapa or Sochi

Sochi is a popular climatic resort. A humid subtropical climate reigns here, with temperatures ranging from 0 to +30°C. Humidity throughout the year is kept at 70-80%. Therefore, the best time to visit Sochi for hypertensive patients is the cool season (early spring, winter, autumn).

In summer, the subtropics become too humid. Against the background of heat in patients with hypertension, crisis conditions are possible. Therefore, you should not go to Sochi in June, July, August.

In summer you can visit the northern Black Sea coast - from Anapa to Tuapse. It has a semi-dry Mediterranean climate. It is distinguished by a small amount of summer humidity and an increased concentration of moisture in winter.

Therefore, a summer vacation in Anapa is something that hypertensive patients can do.

sea ​​coast

Also, for reasons of high humidity, hypertensive patients do not feel well in many coastal cities. Often hypertension increases in Murmansk, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg. And weakens after moving inland.

Therefore, if with age you feel “no climate”, you will have to change your place of residence.


The coast of the Crimean peninsula differs from Sochi and Adler in a drier climate. It has warm dry summers and wet winters. Therefore, it is in the Crimea that hypertensive patients feel comfortable during all the summer months.

Can hypertension go south

The southern climate is characterized by a significant rise in temperatures. How does heat affect the human body? What changes occur in the blood of hypertensive patients at temperatures above +30°C?

Air temperature and hypertension

We list what processes occur inside a person during the heat:

Initially, under the influence of heat, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure drops. But not for long. The body begins to sweat - fluid is lost. Along with the loss of fluid, the blood thickens, the vessels narrow, the pressure increases and remains constantly high. The tension of the vessels and the heart muscle is maintained as long as the blood remains viscous. Against the background of thickening of the blood and a decrease in blood pressure, clots (thrombi) form. When sweating, the body loses mineral salts (potassium, magnesium).

If a hypertensive person drinks water, his blood thins, the pressure decreases and returns to normal. For a patient with hypertension, it is necessary not only to drink liquid, but also to replenish the supply of minerals (take pharmacy complexes with potassium, magnesium).

Conclusions: A hypertensive patient can tolerate heat without

complications and crises

It is necessary to drink water frequently and maintain the water and electrolyte balance of the body.

How to drink water in the heat of hypertension

Water is necessary for hypertensive patients at any outdoor temperature. Often in the heat it is not enough, and then the person becomes ill. In order for water to be absorbed without edema, the following drinking rules must be observed:

The main part of the water - drink in the morning and evening (before the onset of heat and after it leaves). The smaller part is during the day. For drinking during the heat, the water is slightly salted. After eating - you can not immediately drink water, you can drink it in half an hour. Avoid contrasts - do not drink water from the freezer. Rapid cooling causes constriction and spasm of blood vessels. After - their strong expansion. Such jumps and drops for hypertensive patients are undesirable.

What else is important for hypertensive patients in the heat?

Avoid alcohol (taking poisons increases dehydration, takes away available water for detoxification, removal of poison). Avoid smoking (tobacco thickens the blood, slows down its fluidity, increases pressure). Avoid heavy foods (fried, fatty, smoked, heavily salted) - excess salt retains water and reduces heat transfer (sweating). Replace traditional food in the heat with fresh juicy fruits (watermelons, melons). Replace hot food with cold food. If possible, walk barefoot (to improve blood circulation and provide additional heat transfer - walking barefoot cools).

For a patient with hypertension, it is important that the rest in the south takes place in climatic zones with low humidity. Then the risk of complications and the likelihood of crises will be minimized. Why is high humidity bad for hypertensive patients?

Air humidity and hypertension

It is known that the feeling of heat becomes worse in humid air. The higher the humidity, the harder it is to bear the heat. Wet sweating at 30°C is similar to dry sweating at +50°C. Therefore, a humid Russian steam room, with a temperature of +60°C, makes you sweat much more than a dry Finnish sauna (+100 +120°C).

Crises often occur in patients with hypertension in heat and high humidity. It has to do with endless sweating. Drops of sweat on the surface of the skin do not cool the body, sweat is released non-stop, thickening the blood and increasing pressure. The heart works with great overload.

Hence the conclusion: staying in the heat for hypertension is not contraindicated in a dry climate (subject to the drinking regimen). But moist hot air for hypertensive patients is undesirable. Therefore, a summer vacation in Sochi is not always useful for a patient with hypertension (humidity here is 80%). A trip to the Crimean coast with a drier climate would be more useful.

Is it possible to have hypertension in the mountains

How do mountains affect the human body? As altitude changes, atmospheric pressure decreases. For every 500 m of ascent, it decreases by 30-40 mm. At an altitude of 1000 m, the pressure is 700 mm Hg. Art., and at an altitude of 2000 m - it is equal to 630 mm.

The air is also thinner in the mountains. Lack of oxygen disrupts the work of the heart, requires adaptation, getting used to hypoxia. At the moment of violation, when the body has not yet adapted, a person may:

Increasing pressure; Frequent pulse; heart pain; Dyspnea; Paleness and blueness of the lips.

The reaction of adaptation to conditions of reduced pressure and lack of oxygen lasts for several days. Therefore, climbers have adopted the so-called acclimatization - a slow climb into the mountains with long stops.

Interesting to know: non-observance of the acclimatization rule leads to "mountain sickness". Its symptoms are weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache. In severe cases, there are signs of alcohol intoxication - swagger, uncritical assessment of the situation, euphoria

These symptoms are signs of intoxication. If the height difference was small (1.5-2 km), then within two days the condition returns to normal. If the elevation difference was significant (3-4 thousand m), then severe outcomes are possible (a sharp increase in blood pressure, respiratory failure, suffocation, pulmonary edema). The facts of such outcomes were observed more than once on Elbrus, where the cable car operates, and a person has the opportunity to climb 4,000 m within 15-20 minutes (without any preparation).

How does the body adapt to mountains?

The level of hemoglobin rises (doctors know that for residents of high-altitude villages, the rate of red blood cells in the blood is 15-20% higher); The concentration of glucose in the blood decreases (viscosity decreases, fluidity increases); The mass of circulating blood increases; The minute volume of breathing increases, hyperventilation of the lungs is formed - the body triggers these reactions as a defense against a lack of oxygen.

As a result of adaptation reactions, the pressure and blood supply to the organs are normalized.

How to arrange a trip to the mountains for a hypertensive patient:

It is necessary to climb mountains slowly. A sharp rise in altitude (even in low mountains, up to 1000 m) m disrupts the blood supply to the entire body and brain (hence - headache, in difficult cases - intoxication and the state of "alcohol intoxication"). An easy and harmless ascent to a height in a cable car trailer is undesirable for hypertensive patients. It is better to go uphill slowly, on foot. You should not climb to heights of more than 1500 m. If there are the slightest signs of discomfort, malaise, you need to stop climbing and go down a little (at least 100-200 m, depending on how you feel)

Important: it is necessary for hypertensive patients to travel to the mountains as part of a team that is able to provide him with the first necessary aid.

We found out that a hypertensive person can afford long-distance trips, hiking in the mountains and relaxing at sea. However, it is necessary to follow certain rules, drink water and not make sudden rises, incorrect movements. You should avoid the combination of heat and humidity, as well as climbing to high altitudes.

No temperature fluctuations; No high humidity Blood pressure in human blood is maintained at the same elevated level.

The humidity of the air increases; The concentration of oxygen decreases; In humans, blood pressure drops.

Decreased blood pressure; Decreased blood flow.

physical exercise

possible complications

Hypertension and climate

Average air temperatures and frequency, sharpness of their fluctuations; Type and amount of precipitation, their length and distribution throughout the year.

Warm south: Anapa or Sochi

sea ​​coast


Can hypertension go south

Initially, under the influence of heat, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure drops. But not for long. The body begins to sweat - fluid is lost. Along with the loss of fluid, the blood thickens, the vessels narrow, the pressure increases and remains constantly high. The tension of the vessels and the heart muscle is maintained as long as the blood remains viscous. Against the background of thickening of the blood and a decrease in blood pressure, clots (thrombi) form. When sweating, the body loses mineral salts (potassium, magnesium).

complications and crises

The main part of the water - drink in the morning and evening (before the onset of heat and after it leaves). The smaller part is during the day. For drinking during the heat, the water is slightly salted. After eating - you can not immediately drink water, you can drink it in half an hour. Avoid contrasts - do not drink water from the freezer. Rapid cooling causes constriction and spasm of blood vessels. After - their strong expansion. Such jumps and drops for hypertensive patients are undesirable.

Avoid alcohol (taking poisons increases dehydration, takes away available water for detoxification, removal of poison). Avoid smoking (tobacco thickens the blood, slows down its fluidity, increases pressure). Avoid heavy foods (fried, fatty, smoked, heavily salted) - excess salt retains water and reduces heat transfer (sweating). Replace traditional food in the heat with fresh juicy fruits (watermelons, melons). Replace hot food with cold food. If possible, walk barefoot (to improve blood circulation and provide additional heat transfer - walking barefoot cools).

Is it possible to have hypertension in the mountains

Increasing pressure; Frequent pulse; heart pain; Dyspnea; Paleness and blueness of the lips.

The level of hemoglobin rises (doctors know that for residents of high-altitude villages, the rate of red blood cells in the blood is 15-20% higher); The concentration of glucose in the blood decreases (viscosity decreases, fluidity increases); The mass of circulating blood increases; The minute volume of breathing increases, hyperventilation of the lungs is formed - the body triggers these reactions as a defense against a lack of oxygen.

It is necessary to climb mountains slowly. A sharp rise in altitude (even in low mountains, up to 1000 m) m disrupts the blood supply to the entire body and brain (hence - headache, in difficult cases - intoxication and the state of "alcohol intoxication"). An easy and harmless ascent to a height in a cable car trailer is undesirable for hypertensive patients. It is better to go uphill slowly, on foot. You should not climb to heights of more than 1500 m. If there are the slightest signs of discomfort, malaise, you need to stop climbing and go down a little (at least 100-200 m, depending on how you feel)

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases in the world. A quarter of all mankind suffer from pressure drops to varying degrees. In the process of studying this disease, scientists analyzed the dependence of the state of health of patients on the climate of the area where they live.

The influence of climate on the blood pressure of hypertensive patients

For 10 years, observations were made of patients with different stages of hypertension living in different climatic zones. It turned out that in the inhabitants of the tropical and subtropical zones of the planet, the average blood pressure is lower than in the people of the middle zone of Eurasia. The difference was up to 15–20 units. In a study of the inhabitants of the tropical part of Africa, it turned out that East End more favorable for hypertensive patients, since the average blood pressure in this region turned out to be lower than in the West of the continent. It turned out that in one climate zone there are different comfort zones.

Depending on the climatic zone, the body reacts to pressure drops in different ways.

Human blood pressure depends on the atmospheric pressure of the environment.

Japanese doctors had interesting results. The island climate is characterized by winds, strong temperature fluctuations in winter and summer, therefore, in this country, cases of hypertension are more common, while the disease is more severe. The disease is equally difficult to endure as locals as well as visiting people. The sharply continental climate of countries geographically located between mountains and the ocean (like Mongolia, for example) is also not good for hypertensive patients.

For people working on a rotational basis outside the Arctic Circle, the indicators on the continent leveled off, and when they were at the polar station, they decreased. The most striking results were obtained with constant measurements of the indicators of the crew of the ship en route from the Baltic to South Pole: in the tropics, the indicators fell, in the middle lane they were above the norm, as they approached the South Pole, they decreased.

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How does atmospheric pressure affect hypertension?

The human body and the environment are like communicating vessels: when atmospheric pressure changes, human blood pressure indicators also change. In clear and dry weather, as a rule, the performance increases. When rain approaches, the humidity of the air increases, and accordingly it is saturated with oxygen. This causes a decrease in the tonometer readings. However, too high humidity is also dangerous for hypertensive patients: in summer, when the heat accumulates in cities, days before thunderstorms are characterized by a surge in ambulance calls to stop crises.

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What are the dangers of heat and high humidity?

The risk of developing thrombosis increases during heat.

At first, the vessels expand from the high temperature, and the person feels relieved. The body removes excess heat through sweat, potassium and magnesium are lost - essential mineral salts. As a result, a condition occurs that can lead to the formation of blood clots, namely:

  • blood thickens;
  • the vessels constrict;
  • pressure rises and keeps high rates as long as the blood is viscous.

During the heat, it is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid to prevent blood clots. Drink purified, mineral-rich water.

Climbing mountains carries its own risks. The higher a person is above sea level, the rarer the atmosphere: a decrease in oxygen leads to a decrease in blood pressure. If you do not take a break, breathing becomes difficult, due to a lack of oxygen, the pulse quickens, and the heart hurts. This leads to an increase in blood pressure, hypertensive crisis.

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Where is the best place to live?

For people prone to fluctuations in blood pressure, the best climate is temperate, preferably in the subtropical or tropical zone. This conclusion is confirmed by the long-term practice of climatotherapy. Simple and effective procedures - moderate physical activity, massage, salt baths, electrotherapy, healthy sleep, diet and sea air of the southern resorts worked wonders.

The middle lane is suitable, especially its forest part. The temperature fluctuations during the season are small, thanks to the shade of the trees, the heat is much easier to bear. The air is humid and oxygenated. Mountainous areas are also recommended: as a rule, the climate there is even and mild. It is better to live at the foot of the mountains, so as not to experience the inconvenience of a rarefied atmosphere.

Even Hippocrates advised his colleagues to listen to climatic conditions, not to undertake operations, cauterization and bloodletting during weather changes. And not in vain. It has been scientifically proven that human evolution has developed reactions that allow you to feel the change of weather. At the current pace of life in a big city, people seem to be losing that connection with nature that our ancestors had. The most sensitive to weather changes are people suffering from hypertension. The opinions of doctors agree that weather dependence is not a pathology, since no changes in the organisms of weather-sensitive patients have been identified.

A natural reaction to the environment is the absence of any pain when the weather changes. However, older people often notice the occurrence of unpleasant sensations and know what to expect from a blizzard or a downpour. It's about that the adaptive mechanisms of the body are reduced. Increase resistance to weather phenomena frequent walks in the fresh air will help.

Why are hypertensive patients more sensitive to weather changes?

The thing is that there is a relationship between human blood pressure and atmospheric pressure. If the pressure drops in environment- this entails a decrease in the percentage of oxygen in the blood. As a result, blood pressure decreases and blood flow slows down.

Most often, the dependence "decrease in atmospheric pressure - decrease in arterial" is felt by hypotension.

People with high blood pressure and hypertension experience the so-called inverse relationship. The bottom line is that with an increase in atmospheric pressure, systolic and diastolic indicators decrease, and with a decrease, on the contrary, they increase.

Since people are not able to influence weather conditions, it is necessary to study the weather forecast. This will help prepare the vessels for the expected changes. If the forecast speaks of an anticyclone, then increased pressure should be expected. If about a cyclone, then, accordingly, lowered.

Hypertensive vessels in their structure become more susceptible to changes in blood flow. Because of this, unpleasant symptoms appear, the connection with which is found in natural phenomena. During the anticyclone, hypertensive patients may feel weakness, headaches, and decreased performance. Moreover, changes are observed even in the composition of the blood. The level of white blood cells decreases and the risk of catching a cold or viral infection. To alleviate the condition, you need to eat vegetables and fruits that are high in potassium. Such products include dried apricots, beans, blueberries, seaweed, nuts and lentils.

How blood vessels react to air temperature

Let's see what happens to the vessels of the body when the temperature rises. For starters, they expand and the pressure drops. Unfortunately, this effect does not last long and the second phase begins. With sweat, a person begins to lose fluid and the blood thickens. The heart needs to exert more force to push thick blood through the vessels. Because of this, vascular tone increases, which again leads to an increase in blood pressure. If a hypertensive person is in such conditions, he just needs to drink plenty of water to make the blood liquid and make it easier for the heart to work. Recall that tea, juices, drinks and soda do not apply to water. It is better to drink water before the onset of the heat and after its peak, because in the midst of the heat, the more water will enter the body, the more and faster it will lose it.

It is known that the body's sense of air temperature is closely related to humidity. So, the more humidity, the more difficult it is to endure the heat. High humidity causes the body to lose water even faster than at the same temperature, but in a dry climate. In addition, sweat does not cool the body in such conditions. Therefore, hypertensive crises often occur.

Ideal climatic conditions for hypertension

Of course, each person is individual and the perception of humidity, temperature and other climatic conditions is purely subjective. However, we have tried to collect for you the most successful places to live.

First of all, you should pay attention to areas that are not subject to strong changes in temperature and pressure. Stable weather conditions are the key to good health. Worth choosing to live southern regions Russia.

But since high temperatures, albeit permanently, will not be particularly useful, then the ideal option would be areas located on the border between the southern and central regions.

Mountain and steppe regions will also be good for hypertensive patients. The forest climate will be useful due to its low temperatures and moderate levels of humidity. And for patients suffering from frequent hypertensive crises, forest areas will become a real panacea. Due to the content of phytoncides in spruce cones and needles, the air in pine forests has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood circulation in general, improves vascular tone.

Hypertension patients need to remember that it is very harmful to “jump” over climatic zones. It is necessary to build on the conditions in which you are used to living. If most of life has passed in the middle latitudes, then when choosing a place for further residence, you should choose the subtropics. But never change climatic conditions to the tropics - your vessels will definitely not thank you for such a shake-up.

As for places of rest for hypertensive patients, the rules remain the same. In Russia, you should pay attention to the resorts of Anapa. They are famous for their highly effective climate therapy. The air is rich in phytoncides and minerals, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and, as a result, blood pressure. In addition, there are no sharp changes in temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure in this area. The procedures offered at the resorts of Anapa will become very effective. But, remember that this is not necessary, because the mere stay in such wonderful conditions already heals your body and helps maintain a healthy state of health.

Hypertension determines the body's response to weather changes, travel and flights. Increased pressure sets conditions for the way of life, nutrition, climate of residence. In a mild dry climate, hypertensive crises occur less frequently than in a sharply continental zone.

Where in Russia is it better to live with hypertension - in the northern regions or in the south? And is it possible for a person with high blood pressure to climb mountains, relax near the sea?

Hypertension and the weather

Fluctuations in weather conditions, changes in pressure and temperature, cause an adaptation reaction in the human body. The basis of various reactions is the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels. Therefore, people with vascular disorders painfully tolerate weather fluctuations and climate change.

How does a person with high blood pressure react to changes in temperature and pressure?

Atmospheric and blood pressure

Atmospheric pressure determines the internal pressure of human liquid media. Thus, an increase in external atmospheres increases blood pressure in the blood. Conversely, lowering outdoor atmospheres lowers it.

Clear weather without precipitation corresponds to increased pressure. In clear weather:

  • No temperature fluctuations;
  • No high humidity
  • Blood pressure in human blood is maintained at the same elevated level.

The approach of a rain front corresponds to a decrease in pressure. Clouds trap some of the heat and vapor reflected from the Earth's surface. So the following happens:

  • The humidity of the air increases;
  • The concentration of oxygen decreases;
  • In humans, blood pressure drops.

Interesting to know: the pressure value depends on the height of the area above sea level. So, the pressure of the atmosphere in St. Petersburg, where the height above the sea is only 30 m, is 760 mm Hg. Art. But in Kislovodsk, where the altitude is 800 m, the atmospheric pressure is lowered to 690 mm Hg. Art.

Changes in the human body

Changes in atmospheric pressure cause adjustment responses. Low atmospheric pressure forms the following processes in the human body:

  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Decreased blood flow.

Thus, the state of hypertension improves, approaches the norm. However, pressure reduction is not always beneficial for hypertensive patients. If bad weather comes in the fall, the hypertensive patient feels good. If the pressure decreases in hot summer, then high humidity is formed, which adversely affects the well-being of a person with high pressure.

High atmospheric pressure causes an increase in blood pressure. For a hypertensive patient, this is a dangerous hypertensive crisis. A strong increase in pressure or a sharp change in it is poorly tolerated by people with diseased vessels (with diagnoses of hypertension and VVD).

Conclusions: When the weather changes and an anticyclone sets in, hypertensive patients need to limit all

physical exercise

Provide emotional peace. Otherwise -

possible complications

Hypertension and climate

The factors that characterize the climate in a particular area include:

  • Average air temperatures and frequency, sharpness of their fluctuations;
  • Type and amount of precipitation, their length and distribution throughout the year.

Considering the peculiarities of the climate, which region to choose for a comfortable stay of hypertensive patients?

Continental climate: central Russia

It is better for hypertensive patients to spend summer in a continental climate. At this time, warm dry weather sets in here. The absence of high humidity and sudden temperature changes guarantees a comfortable feeling for hypertensive patients.

When choosing a city for summer residence, keep in mind: heat is possible in the temperate zone, there will be no heat in the northern territories, you will only get pleasant summer heat.

Warm south: Anapa or Sochi

Sochi is a popular climatic resort. A humid subtropical climate reigns here, with temperatures ranging from 0 to +30°C. Humidity throughout the year is kept at 70-80%. Therefore, the best time to visit Sochi for hypertensive patients is the cool season (early spring, winter, autumn).

In summer, the subtropics become too humid. Against the background of heat in patients with hypertension, crisis conditions are possible. Therefore, you should not go to Sochi in June, July, August.

In summer you can visit the northern Black Sea coast - from Anapa to Tuapse. It has a semi-dry Mediterranean climate. It is distinguished by a small amount of summer humidity and an increased concentration of moisture in winter.

Therefore, a summer vacation in Anapa is something that hypertensive patients can do.

sea ​​coast

Also, for reasons of high humidity, hypertensive patients do not feel well in many coastal cities. Often hypertension increases in Murmansk, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg. And weakens after moving inland.

Therefore, if with age you feel “no climate”, you will have to change your place of residence.


The coast of the Crimean peninsula differs from Sochi and Adler in a drier climate. It has warm dry summers and wet winters. Therefore, it is in the Crimea that hypertensive patients feel comfortable during all the summer months.

Can hypertension go south

The southern climate is characterized by a significant rise in temperatures. How does heat affect the human body? What changes occur in the blood of hypertensive patients at temperatures above +30°C?

Air temperature and hypertension

We list what processes occur inside a person during the heat:

  1. Initially, under the influence of heat, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure drops. But not for long.
  2. The body begins to sweat - fluid is lost. Along with the loss of fluid, the blood thickens, the vessels narrow, the pressure increases and remains constantly high. The tension of the vessels and the heart muscle is maintained as long as the blood remains viscous. Against the background of thickening of the blood and a decrease in blood pressure, clots (thrombi) form.
  3. When sweating, the body loses mineral salts (potassium, magnesium).

If a hypertensive person drinks water, his blood thins, the pressure decreases and returns to normal. For a patient with hypertension, it is necessary not only to drink liquid, but also to replenish the supply of minerals (take pharmacy complexes with potassium, magnesium).

Conclusions: A hypertensive patient can tolerate heat without

complications and crises

It is necessary to drink water frequently and maintain the water and electrolyte balance of the body.

How to drink water in the heat of hypertension

Water is necessary for hypertensive patients at any outdoor temperature. Often in the heat it is not enough, and then the person becomes ill. In order for water to be absorbed without edema, the following drinking rules must be observed:

  • The main part of the water - drink in the morning and evening (before the onset of heat and after it leaves).
  • The smaller part is during the day.
  • For drinking during the heat, the water is slightly salted.
  • After eating - you can not immediately drink water, you can drink it in half an hour.
  • Avoid contrasts - do not drink water from the freezer. Rapid cooling causes constriction and spasm of blood vessels. After - their strong expansion. Such jumps and drops for hypertensive patients are undesirable.

What else is important for hypertensive patients in the heat?

  • Avoid alcohol (taking poisons increases dehydration, takes away available water for detoxification, removal of poison).
  • Avoid smoking (tobacco thickens the blood, slows down its fluidity, increases pressure).
  • Avoid heavy foods (fried, fatty, smoked, heavily salted) - excess salt retains water and reduces heat transfer (sweating).
  • Replace traditional food in the heat with fresh juicy fruits (watermelons, melons). Replace hot food with cold food.
  • If possible, walk barefoot (to improve blood circulation and provide additional heat transfer - walking barefoot cools).

For a patient with hypertension, it is important that the rest in the south takes place in climatic zones with low humidity. Then the risk of complications and the likelihood of crises will be minimized. Why is high humidity bad for hypertensive patients?

Air humidity and hypertension

It is known that the feeling of heat becomes worse in humid air. The higher the humidity, the harder it is to bear the heat. Wet sweating at 30°C is similar to dry sweating at +50°C. Therefore, a humid Russian steam room, with a temperature of +60°C, makes you sweat much more than a dry Finnish sauna (+100 +120°C).

Crises often occur in patients with hypertension in heat and high humidity. It has to do with endless sweating. Drops of sweat on the surface of the skin do not cool the body, sweat is released non-stop, thickening the blood and increasing pressure. The heart works with great overload.

Hence the conclusion: staying in the heat for hypertension is not contraindicated in a dry climate (subject to the drinking regimen). But moist hot air for hypertensive patients is undesirable. Therefore, a summer vacation in Sochi is not always useful for a patient with hypertension (humidity here is 80%). A trip to the Crimean coast with a drier climate would be more useful.

Is it possible to have hypertension in the mountains

How do mountains affect the human body? As altitude changes, atmospheric pressure decreases. For every 500 m of ascent, it decreases by 30-40 mm. At an altitude of 1000 m, the pressure is 700 mm Hg. Art., and at an altitude of 2000 m - it is equal to 630 mm.

The air is also thinner in the mountains. Lack of oxygen disrupts the work of the heart, requires adaptation, getting used to hypoxia. At the moment of violation, when the body has not yet adapted, a person may:

  • Increasing pressure;
  • Frequent pulse;
  • heart pain;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Paleness and blueness of the lips.

The reaction of adaptation to conditions of reduced pressure and lack of oxygen lasts for several days. Therefore, climbers have adopted the so-called acclimatization - a slow climb into the mountains with long stops.

Interesting to know: non-observance of the acclimatization rule leads to "mountain sickness". Its symptoms are weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache. In severe cases, there are signs of alcohol intoxication - swagger, uncritical assessment of the situation, euphoria

These symptoms are signs of intoxication. If the height difference was small (1.5-2 km), then within two days the condition returns to normal. If the elevation difference was significant (3-4 thousand m), then severe outcomes are possible (a sharp increase in blood pressure, respiratory failure, suffocation, pulmonary edema). The facts of such outcomes were observed more than once on Elbrus, where the cable car operates, and a person has the opportunity to climb 4,000 m within 15-20 minutes (without any preparation).

How does the body adapt to mountains?

  • The level of hemoglobin rises (doctors know that for residents of high-altitude villages, the rate of red blood cells in the blood is 15-20% higher);
  • The concentration of glucose in the blood decreases (viscosity decreases, fluidity increases);
  • The mass of circulating blood increases;
  • The minute volume of breathing increases, hyperventilation of the lungs is formed - the body triggers these reactions as a defense against a lack of oxygen.

As a result of adaptation reactions, the pressure and blood supply to the organs are normalized.

How to arrange a trip to the mountains for a hypertensive patient:

  • It is necessary to climb mountains slowly. A sharp rise in altitude (even in low mountains, up to 1000 m) m disrupts the blood supply to the entire body and brain (hence - headache, in difficult cases - intoxication and the state of "alcohol intoxication").
  • An easy and harmless ascent to a height in a cable car trailer is undesirable for hypertensive patients. It is better to go uphill slowly, on foot.
  • You should not climb to heights of more than 1500 m.
  • At the slightest sign of discomfort, malaise, you need to stop climbing and go down a little (at least 100-200 m, depending on how you feel)

Important: it is necessary for hypertensive patients to travel to the mountains as part of a team that is able to provide him with the first necessary aid.

We found out that a hypertensive person can afford long-distance trips, hiking in the mountains and relaxing at sea. However, it is necessary to follow certain rules, drink water and not make sudden rises, incorrect movements. You should avoid the combination of heat and humidity, as well as climbing to high altitudes.

How to maintain health in an unfavorable climate?

O healing properties climate has been known since time immemorial. The combination of air characteristics, humidity, sunlight saturation in each geographical area directly affects our health.

Already in ancient times, doctors knew about the ability of the climate to relieve many ailments. AT Ancient China there are cases when, on the advice of doctors, emperors transferred the capital to another city, more favorable for their health. In the Roman Empire, the rulers lived for years in resort areas, visiting Rome only when necessary.

Even a century ago, before the advent of antibiotics, many diseases in Europe were treated exclusively by climate change, recommending, depending on the disease, staying in a certain climatic or geographical area. It was for medicinal purposes that resort areas appeared in the mountains of Switzerland and on the Cote d'Azur in Italy and France.

The advent of antibiotics has transformed traditional resorts from places of treatment to places of relaxation, but the importance of climate therapy for our health has not disappeared.

Doctors are now perfectly aware that each specific climatic zone is especially effective for the treatment of certain diseases.

mountain climate extremely beneficial for cardiovascular and respiratory systems person. Deeper breathing stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, increases the red blood cell count, improves sleep and calms the nervous system. The mountain climate cures bronchitis, chronic inflammation of the lungs, bronchial asthma, many forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia.

maritime climate characterized by high concentrations of sea salts and ozone in the air. This composition of the air invigorates, strengthens the immune system and enhances the adaptive abilities of our body. The maritime climate is favorable for people suffering from respiratory diseases, nervous system, metabolic disorders, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, orthopedic problems.

Forest-steppe climate, which is characterized by the absence of sudden changes in temperature and moderate humidity, is especially favorable for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Forest climate of the middle lane well treats diseases of the respiratory system, restores the immune system and the nervous system. The forest climate is especially favorable for hypertensive patients and heart patients, especially those with coronary artery disease. Essential oils of coniferous trees, oak and linden heal the respiratory tract, restore blood supply and metabolism.

Many sanatoriums and resort places are located in places where several resort areas intersect at once. For example, resorts in the middle lane are often located in low mountains overgrown with forests, and such a plexus natural belts significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Especially healing is the combination of climatic zones - for example, mountain and sea. A striking example is the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. A mixture of clean mountain air and sea air, saturated with salts and ozone, in addition to the ailments mentioned above, is extremely effective for restoring cerebral circulation and combating atherosclerosis. Plus, the Black Sea coast is one of the few places in our country that does not suffer from iodine deficiency. The local soil and water are rich in this element. Just by eating local vegetables, fruits and water, you can completely saturate the body with iodine in a few days. That is why the Black Sea resorts of the Caucasus have long been specialized in the treatment of thyroid pathologies.

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