The nutritional pyramid of proteins fats carbohydrates. Proper nutrition

Design and interior 11.07.2020
Design and interior

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Many athletes devote enough time to their nutrition. And this is no coincidence: it is proper nutrition, coupled with intensive training, that is responsible for building muscle mass. Focusing on the value of a particular product, athletes include them in their diet. Invaluable assistance in building a nutrition scheme is provided by the food pyramid, which is a graphical set of rules for a balanced diet.

What is a food pyramid?

Before proceeding directly to the concept of the food pyramid, it should be said that all products can be divided into several groups according to their physical state:

  • hard;
  • loose;
  • liquid.

Gradation can also be made based on the frequency of consumption of certain products. For example, we not only eat some of them every day, but also cannot imagine life without them. Others we consume from time to time, and others we try to avoid because of their uselessness and harmfulness.

The food pyramid is a schematic representation of the principles healthy eating. It was developed by nutritionists and, like a regular pyramid, has its base and top. Adhering to the rules of healthy eating, a person makes up a grocery basket for himself, moving from the base of the pyramid to its top.

The basis of the food pyramid is the foods that appear on our table every day, and the top is the foods that should be avoided. The pyramid of healthy eating is indispensable for a person who is actively involved in sports. By building your diet according to its principles, you can achieve some significant results. And for this you need to know the "body" of the pyramid, i.e. those food groups of which it consists, and its basic principle: daily physical exercise, drinking enough fluids and controlling body weight.

Schematically, the food pyramid of proper nutrition is as follows:

Those. at the core, we see the main principle, and then the product groups, which can be conditionally divided into three types:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

At the same time, the share of the latter should account for the maximum percentage - 50-60%. Proteins in the diet should be no more than 25-30%, and fats - 10-15%. It is this proportion that is optimal not only for muscle growth, but also for maintaining excellent health.

Steps of the food pyramid

food pyramid healthy person consists of four steps:

  • base;
  • second stage;
  • third step;
  • top.

Let's analyze each of them separately.


The base of the pyramid consists of three groups of foods that should be found in the diet, if not daily, then as often as possible.

Second step

The next step is represented by protein-containing products, which can be of plant and animal origin.

Third step

Includes milk and its containing products, which can be kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, etc. These products are a source of many vitamins and microelements, they also contain high-grade animal proteins. With lactose intolerance, regular milk can be replaced with soy or almond milk.


The top has absorbed those products that need to be reduced to a minimum. These include:

  • animal fats;
  • simple carbohydrates;
  • sweets;
  • white flour pastries;
  • alcoholic products.

You should also not get carried away with potatoes - they contain too much starch.

Each food group can be conditionally divided into portions. Determine your daily calorie intake based on gender, age, and activity level to determine the number of servings and size. So, when targeting groups, food portions can be expressed as follows:

  • cereals - a slice of bread, 100 grams of porridge or pasta, 2-3 oatmeal cookies;
  • vegetables - half a glass of raw or boiled vegetables, a glass of vegetable juice;
  • fruits - any one medium fruit, a glass of fruit juice;
  • proteins - 100g of meat, 3 eggs, three-quarters of a plate of beans;
  • dairy products - a glass of milk, a couple of slices of cheese, a third of a pack of cottage cheese;
  • top - 2 tablespoons of sugar, 30 grams of butter.

Diversity food pyramid

The food pyramid is based on five basic principles. The main of which is the rule of diversity, which consists in the fact that you can eat anything you want in the absence of allergies and contraindications. In addition, each product group corresponds to its own color.


Includes all grains: from bread to cereals. The group is rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, vegetable protein and poor in fats. Every day you need to eat six servings of cereals. In the diagram, orange occupies the largest share, respectively, cereals should prevail in the diet. In this case, preference should be given to bread with bran and oatmeal.

Perhaps six servings sounds like an unrealistic figure. But, given that one serving of the same porridge is 100 grams, then a full breakfast plate of 400 grams will already take four servings, plus a slice of bread and a couple of cookies. Here are all six portions, as it never happened.


Represented by all kinds of vegetables. Three to five servings per day will be enough. In this case, the diet should be designed in such a way that it contains a portion of yellow, orange or green vegetables containing beta-carotene.


Fruits, berries as well as vegetables are sources of beta-carotene, vitamin C, folic acid and other vitamins and microelements. They are also rich in vegetable fiber and organic acids. You will need 2-3 servings of fruit per day, and one of them should be citrus.

You can also drink juices, but fresh fruit is still preferable, as it retains plant fiber and contains less sugar. Both fruits and vegetables should be varied. For example, if on Monday it is a banana, then on Tuesday it is an apple, and so on.


The narrowest strip represented by fats. Moreover, vegetable fats are a priority. They even form the base of the pyramid. A slight stripe width is associated with saturated fats, many of which are abused. So, you need to minimize butter and margarine, confectionery fat. Otherwise, you can earn problems with the cardiovascular system.


All dairy products are rich in vitamins, microelements and are a source of complete animal proteins. They also contain lacto and bifidobacteria, which are so necessary for our intestines. Daily you need to consume 2-3 servings of dairy products.


It is represented by vegetable and animal proteins. You will also need 2-3 servings per day. Moreover, one of them should consist of vegetable proteins, for example, nuts or legumes, and the other two - from animals - meat, fish, eggs. It is better to choose lean meat, and it is better to refuse sausages and sausages altogether. It is also better to choose low-fat varieties of fish.

Other principles of the food pyramid and the main conditions for its maximum effectiveness

In addition to the principle of diversity, the following principles are also characteristic of the food pyramid:

  1. The principle of proportionality. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to adhere to the correct ratio of foods consumed in food. In the diagram, this rule is reflected in the different width of the segments. For example, the yellow segment of fats is the narrowest, which means that fats should occupy the very last place in the diet.
  2. The principle of individuality. Each person is individual. And this includes not only his gender, age, body structure, but also food preferences. The food pyramid will help you create an individual healthy diet.
  3. The principle of moderation. The correct diet is not only in the quality of the consumed products, but also in their quantity. Moderate consumption means not overeating or starving.
  4. The principle of physical activity. This principle creates a parallel with the rest of the principles and is represented by the formula: varied food + physical activity = beautiful and healthy body. We will talk about this principle in more detail a little later.

Don't take the food pyramid as a hard and fast guide to nutrition. From the whole variety of products, everyone can create a suitable healthy menu for themselves. And the health pyramid will give the maximum effect only if the following conditions are met:

  1. Maximum combination of products.
  2. Balancing food intake with physical activity.
  3. Minimizing products from the top of the pyramid.
  4. Strict adherence to the choice of products from a particular group - there should be no replacement.
  5. Consuming only fresh food, avoiding cooked food.
  6. A smart approach to buying products with the study of them nutritional value and production dates.

Types of food pyramids

In addition to the well-known pyramid, there are other varieties of it:

  1. Vegetarian. Another name is a pyramid of plant origin, i.e. all meat and dairy products, as well as eggs and fish, are excluded from it. The basis of nutrition here is based on cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Dairy products, as well as meat products in the pyramid, are replaced by soy products.
  2. Mediterranean. The food here is based on cereals and vegetables - fruits. Also included in the price olive oil. Fish and seafood take second place. Meat in this pyramid is recommended to be consumed no more than once a week.
  3. Children's pyramid. Its principle is the same as that of an ordinary pyramid. The difference from the adult pyramid lies in the number and width of the segments. So, the first place is occupied by dairy products - this is the basis of nutrition for children up to the age of three. Next are fruits and vegetables, which are not inferior to dairy products in terms of the thickness of the segment. Next in line is meat. Fish stands out in a separate segment. By all means, the basis of baby food should also be cereals, which are best served in the form of cereals. As in the adult menu, oils and fats are represented by the narrowest strip. Oil can be simply seasoned with porridge or salad. Eggs are also highlighted in a separate small segment. Sweets also have their own segment, for children which can be presented in the form of honey and dried fruits. Therefore, they can be consumed in small quantities daily.
  4. Asian. The priority here is vegetables, rice, soy products and green tea.
  5. Pyramid for pregnant women. You can build your own pyramid during the period of gestation, when the need for vitamins, protein and minerals increases. It is advisable to adjust your diet with the filing of an observing doctor.

The principle of physical activity

One of the principles of the healthy eating pyramid is the principle of physical activity. In the diagram, he is represented as a man climbing the stairs. And the essence of this principle is that a beautiful body can only be achieved by combining a healthy diet with physical activity. Nutritionists advise giving the latter at least an hour a day.

And to make up for the calories lost during physical activity, you need to know how many calories you need to consume. So, for physically active people, you will need 2800 kcal, and, for example, for pensioners or people leading a sedentary lifestyle - only 1600 kcal. Based on this, you need to build your diet, using all the principles of the pyramid.

If we take into account intensively trained athletes, then they should build their diet based on the following daily calorie values:

  • 2500-2800 kcal - for women;
  • 2800-4300 kcal - for men.

Thus, the daily portioning here will be somewhat different. So, for example, for women leading an active lifestyle, cereals will need not six servings a day, all ten.

The pyramid of healthy eating has undergone many changes: some adjustments have been made, both qualitative and quantitative, additions have been made. The principles have also been revised. Relatively recently, the principle of physical activity even came out on top, pushing the principle of diversity.

Is the pyramid for weight loss important?

The food pyramid can be successfully used for weight loss purposes. So, according to its principles, a one-day menu for losing weight may look like this.

Every day can be different in its own way. So, we change meat for fish, oatmeal for wheat sprouts, and an apple for a pear. The main thing is to comply with the allowable number of calories.

The importance of the pyramid for weight loss lies in its principles, the main thing is to be able to use them correctly. So,

  • portioning can be used to evenly eat food in different time and calorie control
  • the exclusion of harmful foods also has a beneficial effect on those who want to lose weight;
  • an increased amount of fiber will help the intestines work like clockwork, which is also important for burning fat;
  • the principle of physical activity speaks for itself - its combination with the control of the diet can lead to the desired result.

What else is important to know?

The most important thing to know when using the food pyramid is the purpose of its use. As a rule, there can be three of them:

  • maintaining the existing weight;
  • weight gain;
  • weight loss.

Based on the goal, you need to adjust the diet for yourself. And this formula will help in this: weight x 30 \u003d the required number of kcal. The resulting value is the number of calories that you need to consume to maintain body weight.

To gain body weight, you need to add 500 kcal to the obtained value. If the goal is to lose weight you need to gradually reduce the final figure. So, if it turned out to be 1800 kcal per day, then gradually you need to achieve a value of 1700, 1600 and so on.

Summing up

The food pyramid is not an ideal nutrition system that is suitable for absolutely everyone. These are just generalized principles of proper nutrition, which can have an invaluable impact on further development in the field of nutrition. So, by applying the rules of the pyramid in practice, perhaps in the future you will be able to master separate nutrition or some other type of proper nutrition that is right for you. Those. The food pyramid is one of the steps to further development.

Hello, dear readers my blog! I, like you, try to monitor my diet and make it right. Great tool and helper this case can become a food pyramid of a healthy person.

One of the most popular food pyramids is developed by the Harvard School of Public Health. Its ideologist is Walter Willet. He has done research on healthy eating. Conclusions and results became the basis for creating a pyramid. Her first version was made public in 1992.

It represents "floors", each level of which corresponds to a certain type of product.

1st floor- the basis of such a pyramid is physical activity, weight control, daily water intake.

2nd floor- whole grains + vegetable oils + vegetables and fruits.

The first are sources of "long carbohydrates". This includes cereals, brown rice, wholemeal bread, and whole grain flour products.

articles that proper nutrition is the basis for success in building quality muscle mass. Many athletes devote quite a lot of time to compiling their diet. Those. they include in it those foods that are most valuable for building the right body composition and try to minimize ballast (empty) calories and useless foods. This is the so-called food pyramid.

Of course, they do not take all this information from the ceiling, but adhere to certain schemes, rules that are an indisputable truth and have been in existence for a long time. All these principles are reflected in geometric figure- a pyramid, but not some kind of Cheops or something else, but in a food pyramid, which serves as the starting point in compiling a balanced diet. That's just about such a pyramid, we'll talk today.

So, we will get answers to such questions: what is the food pyramid, what role does it play in a person’s life and how to make it work for you. In general, it will be interesting, so sit down comfortably, we begin.

Nutrition Pyramid: An Introduction to Theory

First of all, it is worth saying that all the products that we encounter and use every day can be thrown away attributed to certain groups of nutrients according to their physical state, for example - solid (bread, cheeses), bulk (cereals, sugar), liquid (water , milk) . If we take it in general, then there are certain products that are most often included in our diet and without which we simply cannot imagine our day. There are also products that we include in our grocery basket in much smaller quantities. (compared to basic/basic), well, there are those that we generally try to avoid as much as possible.

So, a generalized, schematic image developed by nutritionists is that very food pyramid. And, as expected, the pyramid has its base and top. Moving from the bottom to the top, a person picks up the entire list of necessary products, which make up his grocery basket.

If we go a little deeper into history and see where the legs of this pyramid grow from, then, as usual, America is ahead of the rest. It was there that the Ministry of Agriculture in 1992 The first food pyramid was published (which, by the way, has already undergone many changes and appears before us, taking into account all the latest trends and discoveries in the field of nutrition).

In some countries (for example, in Japan) decided that they did not need any America with its own pyramid and made their own, somewhat different from the original. I don’t know if the longevity of the Japanese nation is due to the fact that they recycled this food pyramid, but the fact is that so far these are the most tenacious people. In Russia, they did not bother with their pyramid and decided to fully adopt the experience of overseas colleagues.

With regard to nutrition, we can say that, if you are young, you can still eat anything / anyhow. But if you play sports (especially bodybuilding), such an approach is unlikely to lead you to your goal. Therefore, it is advisable to build your diet based on the principles of the food pyramid, and, first of all, you need to know what foods (Total 4 main groups) make up the "body" of the pyramid, i.e. What is she even worth.

So, the basic principle that is embedded in the pyramid is when a person performs daily body movements (some physical activity) and consumes adequate fluids. In general, the pyramid looks like this (see image)...

…and its basis includes such 3 product groups:

  1. Whole grain products (bread, pasta, rice, cereals)- sources of "long-playing" carbohydrates.
  2. Vegetable fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3/6 (sunflower, corn, rapeseed oils);
  3. Vegetables and fruits (oranges, watermelon, beets).

In relation to the body of a training athlete (bodybuilder), the base of the food pyramid looks like this:

  1. Whole grains: Wholemeal bread (non-peeled or 1 /2 grade); durum wheat pasta; unpolished rice (wild, brown, golden); cereals - buckwheat, barley;
  2. Vegetable fats: mustard, linseed, olive oil;
  3. Vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, bananas, apples).

Products from these groups are desirable to be consumed at every meal, while the proportion of vegetables and fruits is distributed as follows: 3-5 portions of vegetables and 2-4 portions of fruit, whole grains should be consumed in quantities 6-11 servings.

The second step of the pyramid is represented by:

  • Protein-containing vegetable products (legumes, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, seeds) and animal origin (meat, eggs, chicken, fish, seafood). Products of this group can be consumed up to 2 times a day.

The next step includes:

  • and its derivatives (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt)(cheese, cottage cheese). It is worth using them 1 (less often 2 ) portions per day.


Milk contains the carbohydrate lactose. (milk sugar) and in some people it can cause indigestion. Therefore, if you belong to this category, then replace it with other milk drinks.

The very top of the pyramid is represented by products whose consumption should be reduced. These include:

  • Animal fats (found in red meats, butter, margarine), sweets (white sugar, creams, sweet water), white flour products (including pastries) and alcohol.


Each brick of the pyramid (product groups) can be divided into portions. The number of servings and its size (in grams) depends on the calorie content of your diet. The latter is dictated by gender, age, and the degree of your activity. In general, you should focus on the following numbers by group:

  • a serving of grain products is: 1 a piece (slice) of bread, 1 /4 plates ( 100 gr) porridge, cereal or pasta, 2-3 oatmeal cookies;
  • a serving of vegetables is: half a glass ( 125 ml) chopped boiled or raw vegetables, 1 a glass of vegetable juice;
  • a serving of fruit is: 1 medium orange, banana, pear, half grapefruit, 1 a glass of fruit juice;
  • a serving of protein foods is: 100 gr. cooked meat (without bones), poultry, fish, 3 eggs, 3 /4 plates of beans;
  • a portion of dairy products is: 1 cup ( 250 ml) milk, 2-3 slice ( 50 -60 gr) cheese, 1 /3 packs of cottage cheese;
  • a portion of the foods at the top of the pyramid is: 30 gr. butter, 2 spoons of sugar.

I would like to note that the Russian "second head" - potatoes, American nutritionists also refer to the top of the pyramid (naive, they think we will stop eating it). However, I will say that red potatoes are still worth including in your diet. (at least 1-2 once a week), especially baked.

We already know that a person is made up of various nutrients. (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), which are in a certain percentage, and so, in the food pyramid, the ratio of these substances is as follows: 60-70% carbohydrates; 15-20% squirrel; 20-25% fats. If you are engaged in bodybuilding and your goal is to increase muscle mass, then the optimal percentage of the main nutrients will look like this: 50-60% carbohydrates; 20-25% squirrel; 10-15% fats.

So, now let's take a closer look at the edges of the pyramid and consider practical recommendations for each group of products.

Whole grain products. Bread and porridge are our food

Here is how you can succinctly characterize the products of the first group of the base of the pyramid - this is exactly the complex of “correct” carbohydrates (energy sources), which, along with vegetable fibers(fiber) and vitamins give us the necessary long-lasting charge for the whole day. We have already talked about specific products above, now a few words about portions. At first glance, the recommended value in 6-11 servings may seem simply unrealistic, however, if you look closer, everything is real.

For example, a medium plate (volume 400-450 ml) at breakfast - this is already from 3 before 4 portions of the product (pasta or porridge), one more at dinner and now you already have the norm. Many people are wary of carbohydrates, they say, they are not illusory adding weight. However, if you buy exactly those types of products (as stated above) and minimize the addition of various “sweets” (sugar, butter - in cereals, gravy - in pasta) then there is simply nothing to be afraid of. Therefore, in one hand - bread with bran, in the other - a plate with oatmeal, and so on all day :).

Fruits and vegetables

It is necessary to carefully approach the inclusion of fruits and vegetables in your diet, because it is not in vain that they form the basis of the pyramid. (her first facet). Here are some simple tips to help you:

  • Eat a variety of fruits (let's say Monday / Wednesday - bananas, apples, the rest of the days - oranges, pears, persimmons);
  • Products with great content vitamin C (lemon, kiwi) and vitamin A (Carrots, cabbage) should become your faithful companions;
  • If it's winter outside, frozen vegetables are fine. So buy different mixes of vegetable salads, and everything will be a bundle!

Protein products

Properly choose proteins - the main building component of muscles, this is of course science, but not Newton's binomial. In a nutshell, then stop your choice on:

  • Lean meats: beef - sirloin, tenderloin, minced meat; veal - chops, escalope; lamb - legs, pieces of shoulder blade;
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey, goose;
  • Legumes: peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas;
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid, milk:
  • Low-fat varieties of fish: tuna, cod, sockeye salmon.


Everything is simple here - consume a sufficient amount of a variety of milk derivatives:

  • Kefir, fermented baked milk, varenets, cream;
  • lactic acid drinks;
  • Hard cheeses (parmesan, dutch);
  • Cottage cheese (including fat-free).


These are not only extra pounds, but also a backup source of energy, so knowing the measure and the right products, you can safely consume them. There are three types of fats:

  • Saturated - found in meat, dairy products. Consumption should be less than 1 /3 from the total amount of fat consumed;
  • Polyunsaturated - found in fish oil, corn, soy and should be more 1 /3 diet;
  • Monounsaturated - found in olives, peanuts and should be more than 1 /3 diet.

Use them wisely - i.e. if you decide to eat a couple of pieces of red fish (salmon), then balance your fat intake, say, with rice, then everything will be fine. So, the recommended value of servings per day for each brick of the pyramid is conveniently represented using the figure (see image).

Now, in general, let's talk about the food pyramid and the pillars on which it is based. It is important to understand that although the food pyramid is, so to speak, your grocery basket for every day, you should not take it as a hard, categorical guide to nutrition. No, this is a flexible tool that allows you to choose from a huge variety of products (included in the concept of healthy eating) that are right for you.

It should also be borne in mind that the food pyramid will give the maximum effect when certain conditions are met, and they sound like this:

  • Combine your diet so that the body can receive a variety of calories and nutrients;
  • The food eaten should be balanced by physical activity;
  • Giving preference to food with a lot of cereals, vegetables, fruits, do not forget about white / red meat, seafood;
  • Minimize your white sugar intake (brown is possible), salt and alcohol;
  • In the pyramid, its three lower floors are highlighted (5 product categories). Products from these categories cannot be replaced by others, i.e. no group is more important than the other;
  • Include only fresh foods in your diet, avoiding cooked foods that require heating.
  • When buying products, do not forget to study the information about their nutritional and energy value, looking at the label. (read more below).

Nutritional and energy value of the product: we study the label

Few people pay due attention to such an unprepossessing, but very valuable product attribute as a label. It often reflects:

  • The composition of the product, going in descending order - this means that the most "weighty" (more than anything by weight) the ingredient comes first;
  • Information about the nutritional and energy value of the product, i.e. amount of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, etc.) contained in the product. Therefore, you can understand as much as possible how this type of product corresponds to your principles of healthy eating;
  • Information about the calorie content of the product on 100 gr. or portion;
  • Methods (recipes) for preparing the product;
  • Information about the content of vitamins and minerals. It is indicated only when 100 g (ml) of the product contains at least 15% recommended daily intake;
  • Information about food additives, dyes, preservatives (If there are any);
  • Storage conditions, shelf life and technology / production standard (GOST, TU).

A typical product label looks like this (see image).

So, let's move on to the last point for today.

The food pyramid: how to make it work for you

We have already said above that for each category of foods in the food pyramid, there are certain recommended servings. (or rather, their range, see image).

So how many servings should a particular person eat?

It all depends on the number of calories you need. They also vary according to gender, age, size (body type) and degree of physical activity. It can definitely be said that the minimum number of servings (lower limit of range) must be present in the diet of any person. Specifically, by age group, the distribution of calories is as follows:

  • 1600 kcal - sedentary women and the elderly;
  • 2200 kcal - most children, adolescents, active women (including pregnant women) and seated men;
  • 2800 kcal - active men and some very active (I would even say groovy :)) women.


It is worth noting that for training athletes (bodybuilders), the number of calories will be approximately as follows:

  • for women - 2500-2800 kcal;
  • for men - 2800-3400 kcal.

For greater clarity, consider a table (see table), which tells us how many servings we need to eat for our specific calorie level.


1 ounce corresponds to approximately 30 gr

For example, if you are an active woman who needs 2200 kcal per day then 9 servings of cereals (rice, bread, cereals) will be the best value for you. You can also use up to 200 grams of meat / seafood and keep the level of fat (top of the pyramid) at the level 70-75 grams/day.

So, we figured it out, let's move on to the final part. (well, finally, deigned :)).

In general, the food pyramid has undergone more than one reincarnation, i.e. it is revised from time to time, rebuilt, supplemented, in general, played with the form. Below you can see how it has evolved over the years. (see image).

On the this moment the basic principles of the pyramid are as follows: physical activity (since recently), moderation, variety, proportionality and individuality.


There are also other types of pyramids, for example:

  • Pyramid for Vegetarians (plant origin)- does not contain meat and/or dairy products, fish, eggs;
  • The Mediterranean pyramid is based on grain products, vegetables / fruits, as well as olive oil, followed by fish and seafood.

Summing up all of the above, we can say that the food pyramid is a universal tool that allows the person himself to choose the products he needs from the main groups, focusing only on the recommended portions. Thus, it turns out that, on the one hand, there are clear recommendations and specific instructions, and on the other hand, an individual approach is maintained in relation to the food basket of each individual person. And what else do you need!


Something like that. Today we have analyzed the main points regarding the food pyramid, namely, what it is and what it is eaten with :). In speed, we will deal with each individual face of the pyramid in more detail and find out why the products of a particular group are important, how to evaluate your diet (for correct compliance with the food pyramid), resorting to a small test, as well as what is cholesterol and many other interesting things.

Well, in order to keep abreast of events and not miss anything interesting, become a full-fledged participant in the project through the subscription form. Until we meet again, I was glad to see and hear all of you, success!

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P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.


1. Practical tasks on the topic "Metabolism"

Practical task 1.1. What should be the difference between the diet of people engaged in mental work and people engaged in heavy physical labor?

Practical task 1.2. At runtime control work the student lost 600 kJ of energy, 30% of which was released in environment through sweat. Determine the amount of sweat released by the student's body (2.4 kJ of energy is spent on the release of 1 g of sweat). Why did the student's sweating increase during the test?

Practical task 1.3. Smoking negatively affects metabolism. Determine how many mg of vitamin C the body loses when smoking a pack of cigarettes (20 pcs.), If one cigarette smoked destroys 25 mg of this vitamin. How many daily intakes of a vitamin does this equal if the average daily requirement for a person in this vitamin is 50 mg? What are the consequences in this connection can cause regular smoking?

Practical task 1.4. The figure shows the nutrition pyramid - a schematic representation of the structure of proper nutrition, developed by nutritionists. Using the pyramid, formulate the basic rules of rational nutrition.

Practical task 1.5. The figure shows products. Sources of which vitamins and elements can serve as products. Specify the importance of these vitamins for the body.

2. Practical tasks on the topic "Human Health"

Practical task 2.2. Diseased kidneys were found in a person. And the doctor recommends him to treat rotten teeth and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the throat - sore throat. Explain why the doctor makes such a recommendation to the patient.

Practical task 2.3. Scientists argue that the individual health of a person depends primarily on his lifestyle. What concrete examples can this statement be proven? What other factors affect human health?

Practical task 2.4. When examining the method of subungual scraping in a kindergarten, pinworm eggs were found in two children. The nurse referred both children for treatment for enterobiasis. Assess the performance of the nurse.

Practical task 2.5. Once a man was taken to the hospital. His chest was pierced on both sides. The lungs remained intact. After some time, the patient died of suffocation. Why did this happen?

Practical task 2.6. During the accident, the man suffered a spinal cord injury. What consequences for health and future life can take place?

Practical task 2.7. The left forearm is damaged. Cherry-colored blood flows from the wound. Bleeding is strong, but the blood comes without shocks, in an even stream. Determine which vessel is damaged. What assistance should be provided to the victim?

Practical task 2.8. Before the start of the reception of patients, the doctor and the nurse talk. The sister says that yesterday she was looking at reproductions of paintings by Rubens. She really liked the "Portrait of a sister-in-law": a beautiful lady with somewhat bulging eyes, which was considered the highlight of her beauty. The doctor looks at the portrait and says that she had Graves' disease and if she were cured, she would be even more beautiful. Which endocrine gland disease was diagnosed by the doctor? What preventive measures should be taken to prevent diseases of this gland?

Practical task 2.9. A person often yawns for no apparent reason in the morning after sleep, in the afternoon during work. However, during the period of intensive work, this is not observed. Why?

Practical task 2.10. Drinking alcohol in hot weather sharply disrupts thermoregulation and contributes to the onset of heat stroke. Explain this phenomenon.

Practical task 2.11. The activity of the body is provided by the nervous system, however, the skin, without exaggeration, is called the mirror of the body. Is it so?

3. Practical tasks on the topic "Immunity"

Practical task 3.1. In medical practice, doctors use both diphtheria serum and diphtheria vaccine. What happens in the body when diphtheria serum is administered, and what happens when diphtheria vaccine is administered?

Practical task 3.2. During infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, as a rule, body temperature rises. What is the reason for this? What is dangerous for a person a significant increase in body temperature (40 ° C and above)?

Practical task 3.3. Tissues transplanted from one organism to another are often rejected, and food proteins are digested and serve as a building material in the cell of any person. Explain why?

4. Practical tasks on the topic "Structure of the brain"

Practical task 4.1. Demonstrate some simple exercises with which you can check the work of the cerebellum.

Practical task 4.2. In humans, the brain region of the skull is dominated by the suprafacial. Explain why?

Practical task 4.3. Three patients came to the doctor with the following forms of disorder: in 1 patient - not recognition when considering objects known to him; in the 2nd patient - not recognizing sounds familiar to him; in the 3rd patient - not recognizing objects when they are felt. What areas of the cerebral cortex were affected in these patients?

5. Practice-oriented tasks on the topic "Blood"

Practical task 5.1. The clinic had preserved blood of group 1 and 2. When they brought a man who had lost a lot of blood, studies showed that he had 4 blood types. Can he transfuse the blood of existing groups? Why? What if the victim has type 3 blood?

Practical task 5.2. Sitting at your desk, measure your pulse. Describe the method of measuring the pulse. Is your heart rate within the normal range? If not, please explain why.

Practical task 5.3. The number of erythrocytes (based on 1 mm 3) in human blood is: at sea level - 5 million, at an altitude of 700 m above sea level - 6 million, at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level - 7 million, at an altitude of 4400 m above sea level - 8 million. Build an appropriate graph and explain why the number of erythrocytes increases with an increase in height in the blood?

6. Practical tasks on the topic "Digestion"

Practical task 6.1. Appetizing appearance of food and beautiful table setting contribute to good digestion. Explain why?

Practical task 6.2. The patient complains of pain in the stomach. The analysis showed that he has zero acidity. Digestion of what substances is difficult in the stomach? How can the patient be helped?

Practical task 6.3. During prolonged chewing of a piece of black bread, its relatively sour taste becomes sweet. Explain why?

7. Practical tasks on the topic "Muscle work"

Practical task 7.1. It is known that when a person is cold, he begins to shiver involuntarily. Give an explanation for this phenomenon.

Practical task 7.2. During the laboratory work at the lesson of biology, the influence of the load on the body during static and dynamic work was studied. With static work, fatigue occurred after 3 minutes, and with dynamic work, after 6 minutes. Analyze and explain the results obtained.



In today's issue, we will talk about the healthy eating pyramid (food pyramid).

I will tell you:

  • what is a food pyramid
  • what is it for and is it needed
  • where did it even come from (history of its creation/emergence)
  • what is its essence
  • what are its types
  • how to eat right
  • what can/cannot be eaten
  • how to lead a healthy lifestyle
  • well, etc.

Along the way, I will try to raise a lot of interesting and relevant questions, giving you full answers, without lies and falsehood, which, perhaps (it will already depend on you), will change your life for the better.

Most likely, you still do not understand what we are going to talk about, but I assure you that this topic is very relevant, if only because proper nutrition is one of the most important components healthy lifestyle life.

And for those who are not in the know, as Socrates said: “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.”

P.s. think about these words before it's too late.

PPs. This I mean, I assure you that it is on what you eat that the general condition of your body (your health, appearance etc.).

"We are what we eat" (literal translation "You are what you eat")


The food pyramid is a schematic representation of the principles of a healthy human diet.

As you may know, every pyramid has its base and top.

So, those foods that are at the bottom of the pyramid should be eaten as often as possible, while those at the top of the pyramid should be (ideally avoided) well, or at least consumed in limited quantities.

This is what the pyramid itself looks like:

This pyramid was developed by American nutritionists at the Harvard School of Public Health. Its first version was published in 1992, and was a pyramid divided into tiers (well, it is higher).

As you can see, the basic principle behind the pyramid is the daily:

  • physical activity (including exercise)
  • body weight control
  • and drinking enough fluids (water).

And after this, the food pyramid begins, which, in fact, can be divided into:

  • Squirrels
  • Carbohydrates

By the way, these food nutrients must be contained in a certain percentage, which looks like this:

  • Protein (25-30%)
  • Fats (10-15%)
  • Carbohydrates (50-60%)

It is this proportion of B+F+U that is optimal for both health and muscle growth.

And that's why, in all issues about nutrition, there are lines about it .. and where do you think it came from? =)

It is from here, from this food pyramid, which was developed by nutritionists.

Well, now it's time to talk in detail about its content.

base of the pyramid

  • Vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, onions, garlic, parsley, broccoli, persimmons, apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, oranges, grapes, watermelon, melon, etc.)
  • Healthy fats / vegetable oil (fats of vegetable origin containing polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, omega 6 (sunflower, corn, rapeseed, linseed oils)).
  • Whole grains (durum wheat pasta, unpolished rice (wild, brown, golden), buckwheat, barley porridge, oatmeal, wholemeal bread).

These are the foods that you will need to consume daily in your diet as often as possible (as recommended by nutritionists), now I will talk in detail about these components.

Vegetables and fruits (in fact, they are technically sources of carbohydrates) contain a lot of fiber, and it is very useful for our body, because it slows down the absorption of food.

P.s. Vegetables should definitely be paired with almost every protein meal because they aid in the digestion and absorption of animal protein.)

In addition, they contain many vitamins and minerals, which are no less important for humans (very important), in other words, there are no problems with vegetables.

In any amount of day and night, eat as much as you want, no harm from them, one benefit.

But with fruit, the situation (in my opinion) is completely different. The fact is that fruits contain sugar (fruits are sweet), therefore, their use should be limited, and it is desirable (ideally) to be consumed in the first half of the day (until 15.00), otherwise excess fat on your body may increase (which is not so hot how good).

As far as fat is concerned, in short, there is bad fat (saturated) and good fat (unsaturated).

  • Bad fat: It's all very tasty (fried chicken, mayonnaise, butter, etc.) = we don't need this fat, ie. we don't use it!
  • Good fat: Everything that is not so delicious (vegetable oils, fish oil, omega-3, omega-6) = all of these are healthy (unsaturated fats) and we need them!

So, you should consume naturally healthy fats (these are fats of vegetable origin containing polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, omega 6 (which are found in sunflower, corn, rapeseed, linseed oils)).

Also, many people are afraid of carbohydrates, they say, they “get fat (gain weight)”, in fact, if you buy exactly the types of products that I indicated above, i.e. complex carbohydrates (they are also slow: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, durum pasta) and minimize the addition of various “sweets”, in other words, exclude “simple carbohydrates (they are empty)” such as sugar, chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc. .d. then there is nothing to fear...

Do you understand? =) Get fat not from complex carbohydrates, but from simple ones.

Well, for example, you ate something sweet (for example, a piece of cake). What's happening?

Your blood sugar level immediately increased (because simple carbohydrates raise sugar very sharply), therefore, in the body, as it were, a “red light” immediately “lights up” in the form of excessive blood sugar.

And the excess is not safe (harms the body), therefore, it is not beneficial for the body (it harms it) and it urgently gives a command to the pancreas and it produces, which removes sugar from the blood and turns it into fat.

That is, there is a sharp rise and fall in blood sugar, as a result, the body is protected, and you can be congratulated on new additional fat gains, as a result you “get fat”.

And complex carbohydrates, unlike simple ones, are absorbed much more slowly and do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar (and because of this, fat accumulation does not occur, that is, you do not get fat like from simple ones).

Complex vice versa provide our body nutrients with a minimum sugar content, providing a stable blood sugar level throughout the day, respectively, its content is optimal and safe both for health and for your figure, therefore, I assure you, there is no need to worry, therefore.

In general, there good rule: the more fiber in a carbohydrate, the better this carbohydrate. Those. if you find a carbohydrate that has a lot of nutritional fiber (fiber), then this is also a good product which you can definitely eat!

Also note that any carbohydrate can be consumed either raw or cooked, because it is in this form that they are most familiar to our body. You can’t eat fried food (fried food is bad).

The second step of the pyramid (protein-containing products)

  • Plant proteins (nuts, grains, legumes, etc.)
  • Animal proteins (meat, fish, eggs, chicken, seafood).

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Meat ( chicken breasts, veal, turkey) as a source of protein
Fish and seafood as a source of protein
Eggs and dairy products as a source of protein

Grains as a source of protein
Legumes as a source of protein
Nuts as a source of protein

In my opinion, you need to focus on the protein of animal origin!

Bodybuilders generally (when calculating protein) do not consider vegetable, they take into account only animal origin. And this, in my opinion, is correct, because animal proteins are much better (many times better) than vegetable ones, due to a better / quality amino acid profile.

If in a nutshell about nutrition, then stop your choice on:

  • Low-fat meats: beef - sirloin, tenderloin, minced meat; veal - chops, escalope; lamb - legs, pieces of shoulder blade;
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey, goose;
  • Legumes: beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas;
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish: pollock, salmon, tuna, cod, sockeye salmon.
  • boiled eggs

In more detail, then:

Meat (beef, lamb, pork) is not a very good product, because it is produced on a farm for profit, it is chipped with various hormones so that more weight is obtained at the weighing (due to fat).

These cuts of meat are often very fatty, therefore, as I said earlier, you need to choose dietary cuts very carefully, and not everything just to buy.

Chicken (chicken breasts) is already better than regular meat (pork, beef, lamb) because it has a good amino acid composition, and it is not fatty!

Eggs are generally the most awesome product. Please note, only boiled eggs. No fried ones.

This is the best source of protein, the number 1 reference has 100% quality. And the price is good too! They can be eaten in large quantities (and not be afraid for cholesterol), I personally eat 6-10 whole eggs daily.

Fish is also a very good source of both protein and fat. Yes, fish contains healthy omega-3 fats and they normalize healthy blood cholesterol levels.

That's all. It is these protein foods that you need to eat.

The third step of the pyramid (dairy food)

  • Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese.

Dairy products are sources of complete animal proteins, vitamins A, E, D, B2, B6, B12, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and iodine. Calcium-rich foods are essential for bone growth and development. Dairy products contain bifido- and lactobacilli, which ensure the normal functioning of the intestines.

In case you are lactose intolerant, try to replace milk with other products that are rich in protein and calcium, but do not contain lactose - these are yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese.

There is also soy, almond, lactose-free cow's milk.

It is better to buy such milk in paper packaging, on which there is a special inscription "lactose-free". The specified shelf life should be no more than 2 months.

Store the opened package in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

P.s. Personally, I use cottage cheese with kefir every day before bed (because I work out, it is vital for me, because I will be without food for 8 or 10 hours (I will sleep), therefore I need to take care of nutrition that will nourish me ( my body) energy during sleep.

The so-called casein, which is contained in the same cottage cheese and kefir, helps me in this (well, in sports supplements, the so-called long or night or casein proteins, they are called differently, but I prefer ordinary cottage cheese).

The fourth step of the pyramid (top)

And finally, the very top of the pyramid is represented by products, the use of which should ideally be completely excluded or limited.

These include (I already listed them above, so just headings):

  • any simple carbohydrates
  • animal fats (found in red meats, butter, margarine, etc.)
  • any alcoholic drinks (an exception is when you never drink dry red wine, it is even healthy
  • as well as potatoes due to the high content of starch in it.

So, we have discussed all the foods contained in the food pyramid, and now, let's summarize the recommended approximate value of servings of a particular nutrient per day, for each brick of the pyramid (as recommended by nutritionists), see the photo below:

In principle, everything is correct (in my opinion), but you must understand that these portions are just a guideline for you.

Those. Do not take these portions as a rigid, categorical guide to nutrition.

For example, I eat protein foods (of animal origin) with each carbohydrate meal (that is, not 2-3, but all 6), because I am bodybuilding, I need building material (in other words, I need a lot of protein, I talk more about this in the article: Do you understand? =)

For ordinary person(not involved in sports, 3 meals of animal protein will be enough ...), in general, by this I want to say that you can adjust for yourself, and not blindly repeat as it is said (although for most people, everything is perfectly “thought out” (t .e. fits), however, I give you that very exception).

Types of food pyramids

P.s. In general, the food pyramid has undergone many changes (in fact, in my opinion, insignificant), i.e. this I mean that it was revised from time to time, rebuilt, supplemented, in general, you can observe how it has evolved over the years (see photo below):

However, already in 2007 it was published latest version food pyramid - MyPyramid, which was developed by the US Department of Agriculture and received the status of a state program (it is higher on the right, where the little man is walking up the stairs).

P.s. as I already said, I didn’t feel much difference (in my opinion) from 1992 to 2005 that they changed the hell knows (most likely just a picture, they changed the shape of the picture, hehe).

But I still decided to show you its evolution (whatever you know), but don’t worry, all of the above information is valid and will be valid (most likely an eternity, although again some minor adjustments are possible, which are not particularly felt and changes in the pyramid pictures).

In addition to all this, there is a food pyramid for vegetarians .. everything is the same there, the only thing that changes is that in most cases their diet does not include meat, fish, poultry, milk and dairy products - sources of animal proteins.

Instead, they use vegetable proteins such as legumes, nuts, and tofu (“bean curd”). And the lack of calcium, iron, vitamins D and group B is replenished with vitamin-mineral complexes.

In general, today I told you about the healthy eating pyramid, which is recognized by nutritionists around the world as one of the most effective recommendations in the field of rational healthy eating.

So use it when compiling your daily diet and be healthy!

For dessert - a video about how ordinary guys launched a ball with a video camera that flew right up to the stratosphere:

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