chicken diet. Cottage cheese diet: safely help to lose weight Rigid diet chicken breast cottage cheese

Recipes 11.07.2020

AT recent times more and more positive feedback is heard about the effectiveness of the egg diet, many have already tried instant weight loss with eggs, because in order to lose five to ten kilograms, it takes only one week.

This article will help you understand some of the issues that will undoubtedly interest those who want to try the effectiveness of this diet for themselves.

How is the result achieved in such a short period of time? How does this affect the body? What is the best way to get out of this diet? And how to achieve the best effect when using eggs for weight loss?

Before getting acquainted with all the intricacies of the egg diet, it is worth knowing the most important thing.

Weight loss with eggs: reviews of people who have already tried this method on themselves

Judging by the numerous reviews, the combination of citrus fruits and eggs provides weight loss, and also helps in supporting physical activity. Many argue that, while applying weight loss with the help of egg yolks, that is, sitting on an egg diet, they never experienced a feeling of severe hunger. Perhaps because the weekly menu of this diet includes not only chicken eggs but also fruits, vegetables, as well as fish and meat. This is undoubtedly a completely balanced diet for the body, despite the small amount of food during the diet. In addition, eggs are rich in amino acids, vitamins A and B. Due to this, additional intake of vitamins is optional.

Indeed, judging by the reviews of those who have tried this diet on themselves, if you stick to the menu diet, the result exceeds all expectations. The minimum weight loss with an egg diet of five kilograms was noted, and the maximum was up to twelve kilograms. Also, losing weight likes this diet due to the fact that you do not need to sit on it for months. A week is enough to bring your body into shape.

By the way, such celebrities as Elena Malysheva also believe in rapid weight loss with the help of eggs. The valley believes that it is effective not only in terms of losing extra pounds, but also in terms of a positive effect on the skin. And Malysheva increasingly began to mention her on the air of her television program.

Instant weight loss

The egg diet is indeed one of the fastest acting. Instant weight loss with eggs is achieved due to the yolk, or rather, (biotin), which is contained in it.

Biotin, or vitamin H, is the main weight loss activator. It is thanks to him that you can easily lose weight in a week up to 10 kg. Biotin controls the metabolism of fats in the body and is responsible for the process of their burning. If it is in the body within the prescribed norm, but still in the necessary high concentrations, then it independently starts the process of spending subcutaneous fat by the body. In addition, vitamin H also accelerates carbohydrate metabolism, as a result of which they do not have time to turn into fats and, accordingly, be deposited on the body. It is biotin that is the guarantor of the effectiveness of the egg diet.

Feeling hungry during the egg diet

Due to the constant desire to eat, most diets are simply unbearable for many losing weight, but the egg-based option does not apply to them. A boiled egg, getting into the stomach, immediately brings a feeling of fullness. It takes a very long time to digest, about 3-4 hours, so that the feeling of hunger does not return for a long time.

An interesting fact is that losing weight with eggs and oranges or any other citrus fruit prolongs the feeling of satiety by 1.5 times. It is believed that if you introduce at least a small orange into the egg diet, this will allow you to lose another 500 grams in excess of the result that would have been achieved without the use of this fruit.

That's why egg diet often combined with citrus. This combination will achieve the most effective result.

Weight loss with eggs: menu for the week. Monday (day one)

For breakfast, you need to eat one grapefruit, two boiled chicken eggs, drink one or two glasses of green tea.

For lunch - one boiled egg, one orange, 150-200 g of boiled chicken meat (you can salt it).

For dinner - 200 g of boiled chicken fillet and one glass of low-fat or low-fat kefir.

Tuesday (second day)

Breakfast will consist of two boiled eggs and one glass of any freshly squeezed citrus juice.

For lunch - a piece of boiled chicken fillet (stewed), two oranges and one glass of plain water.

For dinner - one grapefruit, two boiled eggs, one glass (can be replaced with kefir).

Wednesday (day three)

For breakfast - one boiled egg and one glass of plain water with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For lunch - 200 g of any lean boiled meat (chicken, beef, veal) and one grapefruit.

For dinner - two boiled eggs, one glass of mineral or plain water.

Thursday (day four)

For breakfast, you can eat a three-egg omelet with an unlimited amount of any greens.

For lunch - boiled chicken legs without skin, can be stewed (two pieces), and (the number is not limited).

For dinner - two grapefruits, one boiled egg and one glass of plain water.

Friday (day five)

For breakfast - a salad of two boiled eggs, one boiled carrot and one tablespoon of fat-free sour cream. Carrots and eggs must be cut, salt if desired, you can add greens in any quantity and mix everything with sour cream.

For lunch - one or two fresh carrots and one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

For dinner - any stewed or boiled - 200 grams (you can salt and sprinkle with lemon juice), one boiled egg, one glass of mineral or plain water.

Saturday (day six)

For breakfast - 200 g of fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese and one glass of freshly squeezed juice of any citrus.

For lunch - two boiled eggs and two grapefruits.

Sunday (seventh day)

For breakfast, you can eat two boiled eggs and half a grapefruit.

For lunch - 200 g of any boiled meat (chicken, veal, beef) and one orange (can be replaced with grapefruit).

For dinner - mineral or plain water.

Recommendations to be followed with an egg diet

1. Mineral water No wonder it was added to the menu. You should definitely drink it. It is better to choose alkaline, it helps to neutralize the excess acidic environment in the stomach, which is created when eating citrus fruits.

2. Losing weight with eggs will be more effective if the dairy products on the menu are low-fat or low-fat.

3. The sixth and seventh day of the diet - without dinner. Do not break the diet. The result will be really impressive. If the feeling of hunger is unbearably strong, drink two raw eggs.

4. If there is a desire, one chicken egg can be replaced with two quail. The result of this will not change.

5. Plain water can be consumed in unlimited quantities. But if it is listed on the menu, then its use is mandatory. This necessary measure to reduce acidity in the stomach, which is created by citrus fruits.

6. If for some reason the diet has been violated, in order to achieve the desired result, it is better not to continue it, but to start over.

7. Sports are encouraged during any diet, it brings even more efficiency in weight loss. You can twist the hoop, swim, ride a bike.

8. During the egg diet, the use of vitamins and mineral complexes is not prohibited.

How to get out of the diet

In order to be effective weight loss with the help of eggs, you need to leave the diet not abruptly, but gradually. That is, in order to avoid a repeated return of weight and not introduce your body into additional stress, you will need to partially consume the products that were part of the menu: eggs, dairy products, citrus fruits. After the end of the diet, at least for a week, you should include them in your diet. This will definitely ensure the safety of the result.

Few fats and carbohydrates, a lot of proteins - this is the formula of many diets. Low-fat cottage cheese is considered a suitable product for such a low-calorie diet. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, milk proteins, which support the body's systems. Casein in the composition saturates almost immediately and dulls the feeling of hunger, a feeling of satiety comes. Therefore, any diet on cottage cheese is easier to tolerate.

Every day, in the diet during the diet, there should be 500 g of cottage cheese, divided into portions. Which cottage cheese to eat on a diet - fat-free or low-fat - decide for yourself, both options are allowed. Choose what you can eat cottage cheese with, from those foods that have a low glycemic index: it can be fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals. On some days of the diet, you can replace cottage cheese with kefir with a fat content of 1%. Drink water and unsweetened drinks (tea, herbs, rose hips), two liters per day.

The cottage cheese diet gives quick results: weight loss is 0.5-1 kg per day. Get out of the diet carefully, and then the excess weight will go away forever.

Benefit and harm


  1. Nails break less often, hair shines and tooth enamel improves, because there is a lot of calcium in cottage cheese. The bones will be strong and the problem of osteoporosis will not appear.
  2. Minerals and vitamins make the complexion fresh.
  3. Methionine, an amino acid in cottage cheese, increases the rate of fat breakdown.
  4. Bacteria in the composition of fermented milk products work to restore the intestinal microflora.
  5. Protein is a building material for muscles, athletes can continue to train on time.


A limited set of products leads to a shortage needed by the body substances, so the duration of the hard version is 3 days, and the extended versions are 7 days. It is important to use fresh cottage cheese and carefully monitor the shelf life. The product is perishable, so carelessness can lead to poisoning.

Who is contraindicated in the curd diet

  • People with intolerance to milk protein and lactose;
  • Allergic to products in the diet menu;
  • With problems of the digestive system;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Minors.

Basic Rules

The central product is cottage cheese and dietary dishes from it. For maximum results, eat only them for 2-3 days, adding oatmeal fast food, wheat or rye bran, honey, egg mixture. Such an emergency method can be used before the holidays, a trip to the sea, an important event.

Less stressful for health 3-day and 7-day diets. It is more comfortable to observe them, and they give a high result.

Diet for 3 days

The first option is to break 800 grams of cottage cheese into several parts. You need to eat portions every two to three hours. So the body will be saturated with calories evenly, and the feeling of satiety will be almost constant.

The second menu option for three days:

  • Day 1 // Breakfast: boiled egg, tea. For lunch, 0.2 kg of low-fat cottage cheese. Fat-free cottage cheese (200 g) for dinner.
  • Day 2 // Breakfast is the same as day 1. For lunch, 200 g of 0% fat cottage cheese and 200 g of any berries. Dinner: 0.2 kg fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Day 3 // 1 kg low-fat cottage cheese.

All days you can drink water (1.5 - 2 liters per day).

Diet for a week

The light meal plan lasts 7 days. For breakfast, you need to eat grapefruit, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, coffee, green tea without sweeteners, brewed herbs are allowed. For lunch, add 100 g of cottage cheese.

  • Day 1: 2 eggs for lunch. Dinner: 100 g of steam beef, vegetables, decoction of rose hips.
  • 2nd day: 100 g boiled chicken breast for lunch. For dinner: low-fat baked fish fillet, grated carrots with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, decoction, as on the first day.
  • Day 3: 2 eggs for lunch. For dinner: grilled breast fillet, sweet peppers and tomatoes, rosehip broth.
  • 4th day: baked zander fillet for lunch. Dinner: boiled cauliflower, tea without sugar.
  • 5th day: boiled squid for lunch. Dinner: soup vegetable broth, rosehip decoction.
  • Day 6: Two soft-boiled eggs for lunch. For dinner: any boiled low-fat fish and vegetable salad, green tea.
  • Day 7: 100 g baked chicken breast fillet for lunch. For dinner: cucumbers with herbs, tea without sugar.

Diet on cottage cheese Maggi

This is a low-carb diet that includes a large amount of protein foods. The diet consists of 4 stages and is designed for 1 month.

The duration of each stage is one week. Every day, in addition to the listed products, it is necessary to consume 200 g of 0% fat cottage cheese. Drink the right amount of water, so it will be easier to endure food restrictions.

  • Stage 1. Lasts from 1 - 7 days. During this period, you need to eat a hard-boiled chicken egg for breakfast, 1 grapefruit. Vegetables, lean boiled meat, liver, fish (no more than 150 g) are divided into several doses. On the last day, you need to add 50 g of cheese.
  • Stage 2. It also lasts about a week. From the end of the first period, we change the diet: grapefruit and an egg for breakfast, chicken eggs for lunch, 150 g of meat with vegetables for dinner. On days 9 and 11 of the diet, dinner should be discarded.
  • Stage 3 (15 - 21 days). For breakfast, lunch and dinner - only vegetables are allowed (excluding potatoes) from the 15th to the 17th day; from the 18th day, add 170 g of steamed poultry fillet, 2 fruits to taste.
  • Stage 4 (22-28 days). Oatmeal; boiled meat with a side dish of vegetables for lunch; light dinner.

Diet Osama Hamdy

This diet is very popular, it is based on chemical reactions that occur in the human body. As a result, there is a fairly active weight loss, the PH balance is restored, and digestion improves. The diet menu is designed for one month. There are a few rules to follow:

Week 1

Breakfast is universal: half an orange and two hard-boiled eggs.

  • 1st day: for lunch: an apple; for dinner: lean meatballs, tea. Recipes for delicious, diet cutlets.
  • 2nd day: boiled chicken meat for lunch; for dinner: orange, 2 eggs, cucumber, carrot, sweet pepper, tomato, lettuce salad.
  • 3rd day: for lunch: 50 g of hard cheese, tomato, one toast can be included in the menu; for dinner: turkey, diet cutlets, vegetable salad, tea.
  • 4th day: for dinner, the same fruits in the desired amount; for dinner - a piece of lean meat, grilled, salad with vegetables.
  • 5th day: for lunch: two eggs, steamed vegetables; for dinner - grilled shrimp, salad with vegetables, orange.
  • 6th day: for lunch, the same fruits again in any quantity; for dinner: grilled chicken meat, vegetable salad.
  • 7th day: for lunch, vegetable salad, steamed or boiled meat, grapefruit, a few small tomatoes; for dinner: boiled vegetables, also a glass of fat-free kefir is allowed to drink before bedtime.

2 weeks

The diet is the same for the whole week. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids from permitted drinks.

  • Breakfast: half an orange (grapefruit), two boiled eggs, do not add seasonings.
  • Dinner: chicken fillet or turkey fillet, can be replaced with grilled fish or fried with vegetables.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, orange, can be replaced with half a grapefruit.

3 week

  • 1 - 4 days: boiled or stewed vegetables without restrictions in quantity (but not potatoes, beets, eggplants).
  • 5th day: seafood, vegetables.
  • 6 - 7 day: the same type of fruit without restrictions in quantity.

4 week

Distribute products from the list for the day.

  • boiled lean meat - 4 pieces
  • 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers
  • 200 g of boiled fish, it is permissible to replace it with a can of canned tuna without additives
  • one toast
  • grapefruit
  • boiled lean meat - two pieces
  • 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers
  • one apple or pear
  • one toast
  • one orange (grapefruit)
  • 200 g fat-free cottage cheese
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers
  • 180 g boiled vegetables
  • one toast
  • orange
  • boiled lean meat - one piece
  • 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes
  • one grapefruit
  • one toast
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 3 tomatoes
  • one orange (grapefruit)
  • boiled chicken fillet - two pieces
  • 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes
  • 180 g fat-free cottage cheese
  • curdled milk
  • one grapefruit
  • 130 g cottage cheese with 0% fat
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers
  • 250 g cooked fish or one can of tuna own juice
  • stewed vegetables
  • orange

Curd-kefir diet

Such food consists of only two products, based on cottage cheese and kefir. Thanks to this, such nutrition effectively burns fats and speeds up metabolism. Every day you need to consume 300 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content and one and a half liters of 1% kefir. Kefir should be natural, without additives. In cottage cheese for taste, you can cut dill or cinnamon greens on the tip of a knife.

The daily diet is divided into 6 parts, the products alternate: half a liter of kefir - 100 g of cottage cheese - 0.5 l of kefir, etc. You need to drink water, teas and decoctions of herbs. The duration of the diet is 7 days, weight loss can reach up to 7 kg.

Cottage cheese and oatmeal

Nutrition with cottage cheese, oatmeal and apples is almost balanced proper nutrition which is easy to stick to for 3 days. What can you eat:

  • Breakfast: 2 apples, porridge without milk.
  • Lunch: 120 g low-fat cottage cheese, three small green apples, oatmeal on the water with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Dinner: apple, 120 g of cottage cheese.

Diet on cottage cheese and buckwheat

Curd-buckwheat nutrition is not varied, but effective. Getting the right complex carbohydrates from buckwheat and a high protein content from cottage cheese, you can lose up to 10 kg in 2 weeks.

Every day, consume 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese and buckwheat (a glass in dry form), dividing the products into 5 servings. In order for buckwheat to retain all useful trace elements and vitamins, the cereal does not need to be boiled, but it is enough to pour boiling water over night - 2 cups of water per glass of cereal.

Recipe for a dietary casserole with buckwheat and cottage cheese.

Curd and fruits

If you take fruits with their dietary fibers and vitamins instead of complex carbohydrates, then in combination with cottage cheese you get a nutritious, tasty diet, with which it will be easy to unload the body in a day. It is possible to use it longer already as diet food.

Fruits can be different: grapefruits, bananas, pears, apples, grapes, etc. The most popular fruit diets based on cottage cheese - banana and apple.


Meals for 3 days:

Cottage cheese-apple diet

A low-calorie diet with apples and cottage cheese takes a leading position among those who want to lose weight. The diet on cottage cheese and apples lasts 9 days, weight loss can be up to 10 kg.

  • 1 - 3 days: 1.5 kg fresh green apples, baked or mashed without sugar
  • 4 - 6 days: 350 g cottage cheese 0% fat;
  • 7th day: half a kilo of green apples;
  • 8th day: 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 9th day: half a kilo of green apples.

Diet on cottage cheese and vegetables

An analogue of the curd-fruit diet is eating fresh vegetables and cottage cheese. You need to eat separately. In total, you can eat half a kilo of vegetables and 300 g of fat-free cottage cheese per day. Morning and lunch - 150 g of cottage cheese. Second breakfast and dinner - carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini. Make salads, bake vegetables - it is not necessary to eat them only fresh. After 2 weeks of such a diet, you can enter meat, fruits, cereals.


An urgent three-day diet on cottage cheese and eggs contains not only these two products: it is allowed to use honey and fruits in reasonable quantities. Drink plenty of water, tea and coffee without sweeteners. You can lose weight by 3 kg, if you strictly follow the rules.

  • For breakfast: a drink of 2 eggs beaten with a mixer and a teaspoon of honey, unsweetened tea or coffee. Lunch: 50 grams of cheese with a fat content of not more than 30% and tea with a spoon of honey. For dinner, fruit (except bananas and grapes), or cream soup of vegetables.
  • Breakfast is similar to the previous one. For lunch, 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a drink from eggs with honey, tea without sugar. Dinner: boiled meat without fat or fish.
  • In addition to a drink from eggs with honey, you can eat any fruit. Vegetable salad for lunch. For dinner, a boiled egg with stewed vegetables, tea with a spoonful of honey.

Cottage cheese and yogurt

If you diversify the cottage cheese mono-diet with yogurt, you get another version of the diet - cottage cheese and yogurt. It lasts 7 days, during which you can lose 6-7 kg. It is recommended to prepare yogurt on your own, without sugar, with a spoonful of honey and a handful of berries with fruits. Choose the diet for the day that suits you:

  • 3 meals a day // for breakfast and lunch, two tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese and a glass and a half of yogurt; for dinner, reduce cottage cheese to one spoon and yogurt to 2/3 cup.
  • 5 meals a day // every 4 hours eat one spoonful of cottage cheese with an incomplete glass of yogurt.

Tea and cottage cheese

Subject to a strict mono-diet, where only cottage cheese with tea is present, green tea is preferable. Antioxidants help maintain and rejuvenate the body. Also on the tea version of the diet, excess fluid is removed, and minus 5 kg of weight.

Do not exceed the duration - a maximum of 3 days of restrictions. After you need to leave the diet to compensate for the lack nutrients and micronutrients.

Diet chicken and cottage cheese

Protein diet on cottage cheese can be diluted with chicken. If you take skinless breast fillets and cook on the grill, then you can replace some curd techniques. The feeling of satiety from meat is similar, but the group of vitamins and microelements is different. Therefore, the body perceives such a diet easier. And kilograms leave with the same intensity.

Diet exit rules

After completing the curd diet, the appetite will be increased, but to consolidate the result, you will have to limit food intake for another couple of weeks.

  • Keep drinking more water, herbs, tea;
  • Increase daily portions of lean meat and fish, starting at 100 g per day;
  • Gradually introduce foods with an average glycemic index (fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate, whole grain bread);
  • Breakfast with buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • Walk more, ride a bike, run;
  • Heavy power training it is better to postpone, giving yourself time to recover.

Chicken is a universal ingredient healthy eating. Chicken is considered dietary meat, so it is used in many diets.

At a low cost, chicken meat is quite nutritious and healthy. It is very difficult to replace it with something else. In addition, the taste of chicken has been loved by many since childhood.

A little about the methods

They usually follow a diet when they want to lose those extra pounds. The essence of a well-designed diet menu is that a person gets fewer calories than he spends. But this does not exclude the fact that nutrition should still be balanced. The proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be reduced, but this should not be harmful to health.

For a person prone to obesity, a one-time diet will not be an option. He will have to adhere to certain restrictions constantly. From this follows a new definition of diet - a way of life. In both cases, a properly selected diet is the key to success.

The essence of the system

Chicken is the centerpiece of this diet. Properly cooked chicken meat for a diet of 5, 7 or more days will contain a minimum of fat and will become a source of healthy protein.

The chicken diet involves reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates in the diet, regardless of its type and duration. The chicken diet menu for 7 days is considered protein.

Important: Meat is used without skin, not fried. It is prepared by boiling or baking in its own juice. Basically, breast fillet is taken, since there is the lowest calorie meat.

Benefits and expected effect

If you follow a diet for 3 days, weight loss will not be very noticeable, mostly excess water will go away. But if you stick to a chicken diet for 7 or 9 days, then judging by the reviews, the body will change significantly. The expected weight loss will be about 700-800 grams per day, if you do not eat foods not listed on the menu.

With a protein chicken diet, the use of fiber is mandatory. It is found in vegetables and grains. Together with it, toxins will leave the intestines. Thanks to the cleansing of the digestive tract, the process of losing weight will go much easier and faster.

Salt is practically not used, and ideally completely excluded from the diet. Because of this, water will not accumulate in the body, but will begin to work for the benefit of the body and leave it in a timely manner. This will eliminate swelling of the face and limbs.

Protein helps in improving the condition of the hair, nourishing the bulbs on the head. Nails will break noticeably less.

Interesting! Chicken meat improves vision due to the large amount of beta-carotene. And not just sight, but night vision.

Ration by day

Here is a detailed menu for 9 days. If there is no need to stick to it for so long, then you can choose a chicken diet for weight loss with a menu for a week.

The first:

  1. Breakfast: a couple of egg whites, a glass of kefir.
  2. Lunch: 350 gr. boiled chicken fillet, vegetable salad without oil.
  3. Afternoon snack: any vegetable.
  4. Dinner: 150 gr. fillet and 1 apple.


  1. Breakfast: 100 gr. fillet, ½ grapefruit.
  2. Lunch: 250 gr. fillet, salad of cucumbers and herbs.
  3. Afternoon snack: ½ grapefruit.
  4. Dinner: 100 gr. fillet, low-fat yogurt.


  1. Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs, 50 gr. cottage cheese.
  2. Lunch: 300 gr. fillet, salad with cabbage and vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: 50 gr. Chicken.
  4. Dinner: 100 gr. chicken, ½ cucumber.


  1. Breakfast: spinach omelet, juice of 1 orange.
  2. Lunch: 100 gr. cottage cheese, 250 gr. chicken breast, a little boiled buckwheat.
  3. Afternoon snack: a circle of pineapple.
  4. Dinner: .


  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese smoothie, apple and 1/3 banana.
  2. Lunch: 300 gr. chicken fillet, a little stewed zucchini, tomato.
  3. Afternoon snack: 50 gr. low fat cheese.
  4. Dinner: 100 gr. chicken fillet, Beijing cabbage.


  1. Breakfast: 3 eggs, tomato and greens.
  2. Lunch: 300 gr. chicken fillet, vegetable salad, a glass of grapefruit juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: ½ green apple.
  4. Dinner: 100 gr. chicken fillet.


  1. Breakfast: 100 gr. boiled buckwheat, 2 eggs, green vegetable.
  2. Lunch: cabbage and carrot salad, 250 gr. chicken fillet.
  3. Snack: any fruit, 50 gr. cottage cheese.
  4. Dinner: unsweetened yogurt, 50 gr. cheese.


  1. Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with vegetables, a glass of tomato juice.
  2. Lunch: 300 gr. chicken fillet, some buckwheat and vegetable salad without oil.
  3. Afternoon snack: pineapple or grapefruit.
  4. Dinner: 50 gr. cottage cheese and 100 gr. chicken fillet.


  1. Breakfast: with low-fat cheese and 3 egg whites.
  2. Lunch: 250 gr. chicken meat, a glass of kefir with dry bran.
  3. Afternoon snack: any vegetable.
  4. Dinner: apple, 100 gr. cottage cheese, kefir.

Interesting! The amino acid tryptophan helps to cope with depression. Chicken meat is a storehouse of this substance. A diet with chicken will allow you not only to lose weight, but also to cope with the blues.

Do's and Don'ts

  1. It is advisable not to use any cereals, except for buckwheat. Buckwheat is a dietary porridge itself. In combination with boiled chicken, this cereal is the basis of the nutrition of professional athletes.
  2. Vegetables should not be cooked. In their raw form, they retain more fiber, and it is needed for better absorption of protein.
  3. It is better not to add additional salt. But if it is absolutely impossible to swallow an insipid piece, then a little salt is allowed.
  4. You can have several fruits, namely: a green apple, pineapple, orange or grapefruit. Others are better not to eat, they have a lot of sugar and starch.
  5. from durum wheat can replace buckwheat porridge. But this is not to be abused.
  6. Be sure to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water. Green tea will also be appropriate, because it is healthier than black. Coffee is rarely allowed.

, flour and bakery products are prohibited - they have a lot of carbohydrates.

Contraindications and harm

Any protein diet should be used with caution in people with kidney or liver disease. Protein increases the load on these organs.

Important: You can not delay the chicken diet for more than 14 days. Otherwise, there will be an acute lack of nutrients. Hair loss may begin, visual acuity may deteriorate. Brain and physical activity will decline.

A sharp and prolonged refusal of salt can provoke an increase in the fragility of bone tissue. If you consume a large amount of protein for a long time and thoughtlessly, but do not eat fiber, problems with the digestive tract will begin.

And, of course, prolonged adherence to the chicken diet will lead to a lack of body weight, which is the first step to anorexia.

The main disadvantage of short-term diets is a quick set of disappeared kilograms. In order not to return the weight again, from the diet. For the first 2 days, introduce other familiar foods, gradually increasing the number of calories.

Physical activity, regardless of the chicken diet menu for a week, can speed up the process of losing weight. To maintain the result, you need to play sports after its completion. 40 minutes of cardio will be enough to get your body in order. A good option would be breathing exercises.

You should improve your sleep, do not go to bed late. Otherwise, in the evenings there will be a desire to eat something.

Usually, " cottage cheese and eggs diet 3 days a week” and similar others are used in cases where it is necessary to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible. None of these diets can be completely harmless to the body, so most dietitians recommend choosing other methods to combat extra pounds.

Nevertheless, such risky diet courses still remain quite popular to this day. Some use them when you urgently need to “fit” into a dress that is already too small, while others flatter themselves with the hope that one week will be enough to forget about problems with the figure forever. In neither case can such an approach be called correct, since the process of losing weight should be not only safe for health, but also useful. Being overweight has a negative impact not only on appearance person, but also on his physical condition. Getting rid of extra pounds, we lighten the load on cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, musculoskeletal system, etc. Therefore, of course, the process of bringing body weight back to normal should not be so extreme.

When to practice egg and cottage cheese diet for 3 days?

Be that as it may, in some cases, the use of a particular diet may be fully justified. For example, egg and cheese diet 3 days will become good start in the fight against overweight. It will help cleanse the body and accustom yourself to a moderate diet in small portions. After such a course, it will be much easier for you to adjust to proper nutrition and deny yourself especially high-calorie and unhealthy foods.

Also egg diet curd option can be used at the very end of a weight loss program to eliminate the last kilograms that do not want to leave.

However, it cannot be denied that this course is very strict, therefore, for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys, it is better to refuse this diet.

Diet with eggs and cottage cheese: menu

1st day:

  • the first
  • second breakfast (after 30 minutes) - 2 raw chicken eggs with half a teaspoon of natural honey (beat with a blender);
  • before dinner (30 minutes) - a glass of clean warm water;
  • lunch - 100 grams of low-fat cheese (up to 17%), tea with half a spoon of natural honey;
  • dinner - a cup of vegetable broth with the addition of one tablespoon of bran (powdered) or a pinch of crunchy, half a grapefruit or one green apple.

2nd day:

  • breakfast - a glass of clean warm water;
  • lunch - 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, a raw chicken egg with half a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • dinner - 150 grams of boiled chicken fillet without skin (or low-fat fish), a portion of fresh cucumber and tomato salad.

3rd day:

  • breakfast - a glass of clean warm water;
  • lunch - 30 grams of bran bread, a thin slice of low-fat cheese, a serving of fresh vegetable salad with a small amount olive oil;
  • dinner - 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese or a hard-boiled egg, a serving of vegetable salad with a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice.

Diet with cottage cheese and eggs - the second option

This variation of the dietary course involves eating honey, eggs and low-fat cottage cheese with a complete rejection of any vegetables and fruits.

Such a nutrition system is contraindicated for those who have constipation, since the absolute exclusion of fiber from the diet with abundant consumption of foods with a high protein content can only exacerbate this problem.

This diet option, like the previous one, is designed for three days. The menu for all days is the same:

  • breakfast - soft-boiled chicken egg, a cup of tea with half a spoon of natural honey;
  • lunch - 150 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, half a teaspoon of natural honey, a cup of green tea;
  • afternoon tea - hard-boiled egg;
  • dinner - 150 grams of fat-free cottage cheese with half a teaspoon of natural honey.

Cottage cheese and egg diet and physical activity

Despite the fact that the menu of this diet provides for eating protein foods, it is not recommended to perform intense physical activity during such a course. These days you will consume very few calories, because excessive physical activity will only become a serious stress for your body.

However, this does not mean that you need to lie motionless on the bed. Hiking in the fresh air, jogging, swimming, yoga, Pilates, etc. will be very useful.

Some women who practiced this method of losing weight noted that at the end of the diet they recovered even from harmless fruits. In this regard, it is extremely important to “get out” of the diet correctly. After these three days, continue to eat very moderately low-calorie foods. Dairy and sour-milk products should be fat-free or with a minimum percentage of fat. Meat, fish and poultry - low-fat varieties and boiled, fruits and vegetables - unsweetened and non-starchy. It is also worth giving up late snacks, carbonated drinks, sweet, smoked, fatty, fried and starchy foods.

A diet of eggs and cottage cheese should not exceed 3 days. Otherwise, you can harm your body and disrupt the digestive and metabolic processes. D ieta on cottage cheese and eggs reviews, the results are controversial, therefore be sure to consult your doctor before starting the course.

  • Chemical diet on eggs and grapefruits for 4 weeks, ...

Cottage cheese is not just an ingredient for cooking delicious food, but also a wonderful independent dish that has a lot of useful things in its composition. The topic of today's conversation is the cottage cheese diet. You will understand how useful it is from our material, we will also consider the main combinations of products with cottage cheese, some diets of cottage cheese dishes that give best result in terms of destroying excess calories and replenishing the body with valuable vitamins.

Cottage cheese diet: the best ways, reviews, results

Mineral value and calorie content of the product

To get as much useful as possible, it is traditionally low-fat cottage cheese or bold cottage cheese (1.8%) that is used for diets. 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese contains only 160 calories and 30 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates and no fat. Protein helps you improve your figure and build muscle mass and carbohydrates provide energy for the whole day.

Protein is needed in an amount of approximately 90 grams per day, so a glass of the product for breakfast already provides a person with almost half of the consumption. Scientists at the University of Iowa confirm that cottage cheese in the amount of 250 grams for an average person (150 cm tall) supplies the body with useful substances by 50%. The product contains important amino acids and is recommended for consumption every day. Since part of the amino acids in the body is destroyed, their replenishment plays an important role for all tissues - bones and muscles, tissues of internal organs.

For bodybuilders, healthy nutrition experts recommend fatty cottage cheese, which contains 220 kilocalories and is noticeably different from the first. Any diet, when cottage cheese is eaten for breakfast, both fatty and fat-free, supplies the body with such trace elements:

  • Selenium- an important mineral and antioxidant to maintain the immune system, stress resistance, to rejuvenate the whole body.
  • Calcium- the main "ingredient" for the formation of healthy bone tissue. Also, the consumption of cottage cheese with this mineral helps to strengthen the heart muscle and calm the nerves. It is worth noting that the low-fat product has more calcium per serving, approximately 206 milligrams per 250 grams!
  • Phosphorusimportant element formation of the structure of DNA, 300 milligrams of phosphorus in combination with 140 mg of calcium form a special substance hydroxyapatite in the body, which is responsible for the density of bones and cartilage tissue.

Features of the vitamin composition

A protein diet - cottage cheese for breakfast, especially in combination with other healthy foods, will help you always be in shape, become slimmer, and get rid of intestinal problems. Due to the rich composition of vitamins A, B 5, B12 and B2, PP, C, the fermented milk product can be considered a real doctor.

The properties of vitamin B are really great - this is a benefit for the nervous system, for the construction of new cells and red blood cells, riboflavin also supports the function of the brain and prevents its aging. Cottage cheese is used in diets by people with heart problems, liver diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, for the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

We invite you to learn about cottage cheese in 5 ways on how to use it on a diet. What recipes to use at the same time to always look attractive, and feel 100% cheerful and active.

Useful product cottage cheese: diet and recipes

Nutritionists advise replacing products such as sour cream, butter, mayonnaise with cottage cheese, adding it to chicken, egg, tuna salads, for example. The benefits of this combination will only increase. And you will know that you are consuming healthy foods without excess fat. But with fewer carbs and more protein.

Diet number 1 - nowhere easier. good diet- oatmeal, cottage cheese and apples

This simple cottage cheese diet, the menu of which does not need to be compiled at all, is ideal for everyone, both mothers after childbirth and working women who simply have no time to cook. It will take only three magical products that the diet uses: oatmeal, cottage cheese, apples, reviews of such nutrition are very positive. They say that you can lose about 1.5 kg by eating only these foods for several days and drinking water, of course, green tea, milk is also allowed.

Oatmeal is a storehouse of vitamins, it is rich in fiber, which removes unnecessary, and at the same time perfectly saturates the body, giving energy. What could be better and tastier than the cottage cheese + apples diet? Only adding oatmeal to the menu, you can use instant food, the main thing is to get a triple benefit from such a diet.

So, cottage cheese should be taken with a fat content of about 5%, the main thing is not to snack on other foods in between breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. For breakfast, a large portion of oatmeal (on the water) without sugar with 2 apples is allowed. For lunch, a portion of oatmeal plus cottage cheese and apples. The afternoon snack consists only of fruits. And dinner is only from cottage cheese with apples. At this time, you need to drink plenty of fluids, about 1.5 liters.

How long the “cottage cheese, oatmeal and fruit” diet will last is everyone’s business, when exactly to stop in a couple of days or a week you need to look at the condition and not torture yourself too much. It should be noted that any diet copes better with the task if a person is determined and does at least simple gymnastics during the day, and does not sit still or lie down to watch the next series.

Diet number 2 - difficult, but tasty. Professor Dukan's diet (cottage cheese + other products)

This low-fat cottage cheese diet involves eating cottage cheese for 3 days (method 1) or for a week (2), in the second case, combining it with other products. After using the diet, as a rule, the weight is reduced by 1.5 kg.

The most interesting thing is that the diet of a nutritionist on cottage cheese, the reviews are very positive, using a curd diet a person gets more benefit than harm, because the cottage cheese itself is full of vitamins. And combinations with products give strength, which means that the goal is to go to the end.

Method number 1 - to unload the body and remove toxins

A three-day diet is used not only for weight loss, but also in order to unload the body (using it for one day). Therefore, eating low-fat cottage cheese, once a week you unload your body and prevent the harmful effects of other products, and establish fat metabolism.

If you need to always stay slim and healthy, it’s better to try to cleanse yourself completely and a cottage cheese diet (3 days) using green tea and milk will come in handy. So, for 1 day you will need to divide the following list of products:

  • 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese (can be 1%)
  • A glass of milk
  • 3-4 cups of green tea without sugar

Every 2.5 hours, the diet for 1 day suggests eating cottage cheese in equal amounts, and so on for 3 days. This is the easiest way, but at the same time it is more difficult for the body, since pure cottage cheese without additional products can cause the accumulation of sodium salts in the body.

Which is hard for people with kidney disease and cardiovascular problems. It is also worth using the diet for pregnant women with caution, or try the next option - a weekly diet.

Method number 2 - complete cleansing

The diet involves the use of cottage cheese in the amount of 100-200 grams per day (during the week) plus some other products. It is worth noting that the favorite products of the nutritionist professor are oat bran, carrots, milk, cocoa, green tea, chicken meat, fruits (especially citrus fruits). You need to consume 1.5 liters of fluid per day and no sugar!!!

You can cook casseroles, steamed dishes, melt the cottage cheese in the microwave (for a better taste), wash down the dishes with green tea or milk. As one of the ways to establish a diet for a week, we offer this option:

Diet the first day. Cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, chicken

For breakfast, eating 100 grams of cottage cheese with an apple and 25 grams of raisins will fill your body with energy. A diet of cottage cheese and apples helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and as a result, the radiance of the skin and hair.

Then for the second breakfast (lunch) - a portion of vegetable salad (150 grams), preference should be given to cucumbers in combination with herbs and a drop of vegetable oil. The cucumber-cottage cheese diet contributes to the complete saturation of the body with useful minerals and the elimination of toxins.

Lunch time also devote to cottage cheese - 100 grams + boiled potatoes and 100 grams of boiled chicken breast. Such a diet has a popular combination of chicken-cottage products, this is a very tasty and healthy diet dish.

After a while, have a citrus fruit for an afternoon snack, ideally an orange.

And do not forget about the evening diet, such a diet (cottage cheese for a week according to Dukan) forbids eating the product for dinner, we suggest having dinner with any vegetarian soup, or eating a serving of cabbage soup.

Second day of cleansing. Diet - cottage cheese, water, berries, vegetables and fruits.

Here we also save the proportions of the products. For breakfast, again, there are 100 grams of the basis of our diet and a glass of water (not carbonated).

Then a glass of tomato juice and for lunch we will make a pate of cottage cheese, low-fat cheese and herbs, in total we get 150 grams. By the way, a combination of cottage cheese and vegetables is perfect, a diet with stewed ingredients will only improve the condition, and you can drink juice.

Any fruits and berries, as an example, 100 grams of raspberries or the same amount of apricots.

You can have dinner with baked potatoes (3 pcs), tea.

Third day. Diet - cottage cheese + vegetables and fruits, add sea fish

As you can see, you can diversify your diet with any lean meat, including beef, and eat several days a week, excluding it altogether.

So, in the morning again cottage cheese and an apple on a grater or baked, tea.

Snack - grapefruit, and for lunch cottage cheese - boiled sea fish, the diet says: combine meat with 200 grams of vegetable salad, drink it with juice.

Snack - leaf salad (100 grams), and for dinner - tomato puree soup.

The following days are identical, you can add all fruits and dried fruits to your diet except bananas, venigret without potatoes, beans as a meat substitute, kefir with fermented baked milk (100 grams per serving), non-carbonated mineral water, 1 day a week an egg, a spoon butter and a glass of milk.

Diet number 3. Good diet (cottage cheese and eggs - 3 days)

This diet, based on cottage cheese, gives excellent results, you can lose about 2 kg, while maintaining elastic muscles.

There are several varieties of proper nutrition based on cottage cheese and eggs, one of the ways is the “1 day eggs, 2 days cottage cheese” diet. But it is most correct to combine eggs with cottage cheese, dividing the menu for three days, while you need to drink enough liquid to remove excess calcium and lose weight with benefit. As an option, this diet allows cottage cheese to combine coffee, green tea and milk.

The main diet on cottage cheese and eggs lasts only 3 days, but the result is amazing, you can lose about 1.5-2 kg. So here's how to eat:

  1. In the morning you need to have breakfast with one chicken egg, washed down with green tea. For lunch and dinner, divide in equal proportions 400 grams of cottage cheese. In between, you need to drink purified water, you can mineral, but always non-carbonated.
  2. The first meal and the last one are the same as on the first day, add about 200 grams of berries for dinner.
  3. This day is the most curd, as the body has already got used to it. 1 kg of cottage cheese should be divided equally and eat all day long, drinking a lot of liquid up to 2 liters.

The essence of the Maggi diet - Diet No. 4

Initially, this interesting diet involved the use of eggs as the main product. But since many people are forbidden to eat eggs (due to allergies), it was successfully replaced with cottage cheese. Therefore, the question “how to replace cottage cheese in a diet” can be answered as follows: eggs, or another fermented milk product at your discretion. The results of such a diet may surprise you, not only is it healthy, tasty and varied, but also about 5 kg of weight is lost.

So, the Maggi diet on cottage cheese involves following the rules for 2-4 weeks. The ideal option in this case would be cottage cheese with a fat content of about 1.5 -5%.

In 1 week, they eat 1 grapefruit and 200 grams of cottage cheese for breakfast, alternate lunch and dinner: lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits (only allowed), vegetable salads, toast, eggs.

The cottage cheese diet (week two) is aimed at consolidating the result. Cottage cheese is eaten at one more time besides breakfast - for lunch or dinner. And the dishes themselves become more diverse: you can combine lean meat with stewed vegetables or leaf lettuce, and cottage cheese with berries, raisins). Following a mono diet, eat everything in unlimited quantities, except for cottage cheese, which is allowed for breakfast only in the amount of 200 grams.

No. 5 - a diet on cottage cheese and kefir

Since ancient times, kefir has been famous for its ability to suppress putrefactive processes in the intestines and the whole body, and in combination with cottage cheese, it acts with a double benefit. Kefir is a mild laxative, diuretic (against edema), it helps to absorb calcium, iron and other minerals. That is why the apple-kefir-cottage cheese diet suits many people.

There are many effective mono-diets when a person eats only one product, such as kefir or apples. But such rules are too strict and sometimes impossible to enforce. We advise you to use such a diet: a combination of kefir + apples or a diet of “kefir + cottage cheese + fruit”, “cottage cheese + apples”. As an example, we suggest considering a diet with the addition of chicken breast, this “cottage cheese plus breast, kefir and apple” diet is a more gentle option than one or two products:

  • Breakfast: a serving of cottage cheese (200 grams), applesauce
  • Lunch (second breakfast) - a glass of kefir
  • Lunch: chicken fillet or turkey (boiled - 100 grams), porridge on the water, salad
  • Afternoon snack: 200 grams of kefir
  • Dinner: 100 grams of cottage cheese, apple, green tea

If you get hungry before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir. Here is such a simple diet (cottage cheese, kefir, chicken, fruits).

If the previous 5 ways to lose weight are not suitable for you, you can try the actor's diet, the essence of which is a variable diet of cottage cheese, vegetables, rice, and lean meat. The strict diet "cottage cheese chicken vegetables" is becoming a favorite mainly of celebrities, ballerinas, in general, creative people. The “rice-cottage cheese” diet lasts 4 days.

On the first day, only rice and tomato juice are allowed, without the use of salt and sugar. The second day is necessarily cottage cheese and kefir (in unlimited quantities). The third day - only white meat and tea, and the fourth low-fat cheese in combination with red wine or orange juice. Here is a simple way

Possible contraindications. Is it possible to eat cottage cheese on a diet?

Cottage cheese during a diet, like other ways to lose weight, helps to cleanse the body. But they also affect the composition of vitamins in the body. Although cottage cheese is rich in some vitamins, but not in such quantities as the main foods. Therefore, it is not worth loading the body if you feel bad in the middle of the diet, add some high-calorie foods to the menu to improve your condition.

Do not immediately interrupt the diet. Perhaps a double serving of chicken for dinner would help. good condition and add vigor.

It is also worth paying special attention to the content of calcium in the body. Since at the end of the week, being on a diet, it is necessary to cleanse the body of it, in order to avoid calcification. You should gradually exit the diet, continuing to drink liquids and slowly adding familiar foods.

All of the above methods of nutrition are high-protein and calcium-containing, so people with chronic diseases of the kidneys and stomach are more suitable for a diet without cottage cheese with dishes that are even more gentle for the body.

Curd and its beneficial properties

Cottage cheese is a product that, thanks to its useful composition recommended for use every day for both adults and children from the very early age, pregnant women and people with diseases of the bones, heart and even allergy sufferers. It contains a whole list of useful and, most importantly, substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Vitamin PP
  • Vitamin A
  • B vitamins

In addition, cottage cheese is valued for its sufficiently high protein content, due to which, during a curd diet, a person very rarely experiences a severe feeling of hunger. The constant use of this useful product strengthens bone tissue, has a good effect on the work of the heart muscles, improves eyesight, hair, strengthens nails.

Curd diet and its types

The cottage cheese diet for weight loss makes it possible to lose from 1 to 10 kilograms, depending on how long you stick to the diet menu.

So, depending on the state of your health and endurance of the body, there is a large selection of different variations of the diet, where cottage cheese is the main product. These days you can eat exclusively cottage cheese, and the duration of such a regimen usually does not exceed 2-3 days without negative consequences for the body. It is thanks to this that the Six Petals diet has a cottage cheese day.

If you combine the main product with others, you can last from 7 to 14 days for diet menu and as a result, get rid of more unnecessary kilograms. You can choose any diet option from products that are comfortable for your body or alternate between different types of curd diets. The most popular are the following:

  • Curd apple
  • Curd-banana
  • Diet on eggs and cottage cheese
  • Curd-kefir
  • Curd fruit

If you decide to improve the body and your plans do not include weight loss, it is advisable to choose homemade cottage cheese. It has a higher fat content and will replenish your body with the necessary elements.

But in order to lose excess weight, but at the same time not harm your health, you need to choose medium-fat cottage cheese. In this case, you will receive the optimal amount of protein and fat for the normal functioning of the internal organs, but at the same time you will be able to reduce your weight.

Diet on cottage cheese for 3 days

If you opted for the duration of the curd diet for only 3 days, your diet will consist of 5 main meals. During the day you are allowed to eat from 300 to 800 g of cottage cheese, depending on your weight and lifestyle. If you devote your time physical activity, you can increase the portion to a maximum of 1 kg.

This amount must be divided equally among the main meals. You can also add kefir to your diet, at least 2 glasses per day, but not more than 1 liter. Remember that sugar and salt are contraindicated for all days, and in order not to burden the kidneys, it is worth controlling the amount of fluid you drink. It can be water, mineral water without gas, herbal tea or rosehip broth.

Curd diet for 7 days

Do you have a very ambitious goal? Well, in order to lose 10 kg in a week, you will have to follow clear recommendations, but there is nothing impossible in this. A cottage cheese diet lasting a week or more will differ from the three-day option in that your menu needs to be slightly diversified.

Chicken or fish should appear in your diet, you can also supplement it with fruits.

Fish and meat must be boiled or baked. But fruits can be combined with cottage cheese or make freshly squeezed juices. But do not forget that if your goal is to lose weight, then you should choose unsweetened fruits.

You also have the opportunity to experiment with dishes. You can use ordinary cottage cheese, cottage cheese mass with the addition of a small amount of dried fruit, cottage cheese casserole is allowed. In the morning and in the evening it is worth drinking kefir, it has a good effect on the entire digestive system.

As for the liquid, its amount should be at least 1.5 liters per day, and what kind of drink you prefer is up to you. But remember that if it is tea, then sugar should not be added to it, and when preparing compote or rosehip broth, it is allowed to add a little honey to them or replace it with a small handful of raisins.

cottage cheese banana diet

If you chose this cottage cheese diet for weight loss, you have to eat cottage cheese and, of course, bananas.

Its duration is usually about 3-7 days. You have two options for planning these days. You can alternate banana days with cottage cheese days or split the daily allowance and eat cottage cheese and bananas every day.

The norm of cottage cheese is 800 g. And since bananas are very high in calories, you should not eat more than 2 pieces per day, although if it is very difficult for you to tolerate diets, bananas will help to cope with hunger. And this option can become your favorite diet. By the end of the week, you can lose 4 to 5 kilograms of excess weight.

Results and reviews of the curd diet

In all forums dedicated to proper nutrition and weight loss, reviews of the curd diet are mostly the most positive. Many people like cottage cheese and egg more than banana, due to the fact that more weight is lost on it. The peculiarity of this diet food is that it is practically not accompanied by a feeling of hunger or, if it occurs, it is quite tolerable.

Therefore, the curd diet is recommended to many who are just starting to lose weight. Also, this diet is not accompanied by a large breakdown. Some losing weight share their menu options for the cottage cheese diet or successful recipes, thanks to which they were able to lose weight. They replace kefir with fermented baked milk or yogurt.

For the preparation of casseroles, many advise using low-fat cottage cheese, but at the same time they allow themselves to add a little sugar. You can also alternate cheese of different fat content during a weekly diet. But remember, before you start losing weight with a diet, you should consult your doctor.

The essence of the curd diet

Every day, in the diet during the diet, there should be 500 g of cottage cheese, divided into portions. Which cottage cheese to eat on a diet - fat-free or low-fat - decide for yourself, both options are allowed. Choose what you can eat cottage cheese with, from those foods that have a low glycemic index: it can be fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals. On some days of the diet, you can replace cottage cheese with kefir with a fat content of 1%. Drink water and unsweetened drinks (tea, herbs, rose hips), two liters per day.

Similar rules for the Dukan diet: protein is the basis, then vegetables are added. But according to Dukan, you can eat protein foods in unlimited quantities, while cottage cheese strictly regulates portions. It is also short-term (3-7 days) versus several weeks or months for Dukan. We also recommend recipes for Dukan cottage cheese casseroles and diet cottage cheese muffins.

The cottage cheese diet gives quick results: weight loss is 0.5-1 kg per day. Get out of the diet carefully, and then the excess weight will go away forever.

Benefit and harm


  1. Nails break less often, hair shines and tooth enamel improves, because there is a lot of calcium in cottage cheese. The bones will be strong and the problem of osteoporosis will not appear.
  2. Minerals and vitamins make the complexion fresh.
  3. Methionine, an amino acid in cottage cheese, increases the rate of fat breakdown.
  4. Bacteria in the composition of fermented milk products work to restore the intestinal microflora.
  5. Protein is a building material for muscles, athletes can continue to train on time.


A limited set of products leads to a lack of substances needed by the body, so the duration of the hard version is 3 days, and the extended versions are 7 days. It is important to use fresh cottage cheese and carefully monitor the shelf life. The product is perishable, so carelessness can lead to poisoning.

Who is contraindicated in the curd diet

  • People with intolerance to milk protein and lactose;
  • Allergic to products in the diet menu;
  • With problems of the digestive system;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Minors.

Basic Rules

The central product is cottage cheese and dietary dishes from it. To achieve the maximum result, within 2-3 days you should eat only it, adding instant oatmeal, wheat or rye bran, honey, egg mixture. Such an emergency method can be used before the holidays, a trip to the sea, an important event.

Less stressful for health 3-day and 7-day diets. It is more comfortable to observe them, and they give a high result.

Diet for 3 days

The first option is to break 800 grams of cottage cheese into several parts. You need to eat portions every two to three hours. So the body will be saturated with calories evenly, and the feeling of satiety will be almost constant.

The second menu option for three days:

  • Day 1 // Breakfast: boiled egg, tea. For lunch, 0.2 kg of low-fat cottage cheese. Fat-free cottage cheese (200 g) for dinner.
  • Day 2 // Breakfast is the same as day 1. For lunch, 200 g of 0% fat cottage cheese and 200 g of any berries. Dinner: 0.2 kg fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Day 3 // 1 kg low-fat cottage cheese.

All days you can drink water (1.5 - 2 liters per day).

Diet for a week

The light meal plan lasts 7 days. For breakfast, you need to eat grapefruit, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, coffee, green tea without sweeteners, brewed herbs are allowed. For lunch, add 100 g of cottage cheese.

  • Day 1: 2 eggs for lunch. Dinner: 100 g of steam beef, vegetables, decoction of rose hips.
  • 2nd day: 100 g boiled chicken breast for lunch. For dinner: low-fat baked fish fillet, grated carrots with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, decoction, as on the first day.
  • Day 3: 2 eggs for lunch. For dinner: grilled breast fillet, sweet peppers and tomatoes, rosehip broth.
  • 4th day: baked zander fillet for lunch. Dinner: boiled cauliflower, tea without sugar.
  • 5th day: boiled squid for lunch. Dinner: vegetable broth soup, rosehip broth.
  • Day 6: Two soft-boiled eggs for lunch. For dinner: any boiled low-fat fish and vegetable salad, green tea.
  • Day 7: 100 g baked chicken breast fillet for lunch. For dinner: cucumbers with herbs, tea without sugar.

Diet on cottage cheese Maggi

This is a low-carb diet that includes a large amount of protein foods. The diet consists of 4 stages and is designed for 1 month.

The duration of each stage is one week. Every day, in addition to the listed products, it is necessary to consume 200 g of 0% fat cottage cheese. Drink the right amount of water, so it will be easier to endure food restrictions.

  • Stage 1. Lasts from 1 - 7 days. During this period, you need to eat a hard-boiled chicken egg for breakfast, 1 grapefruit. Vegetables, lean boiled meat, liver, fish (no more than 150 g) are divided into several doses. On the last day, you need to add 50 g of cheese.
  • Stage 2. It also lasts about a week. From the end of the first period, we change the diet: grapefruit and an egg for breakfast, chicken eggs for lunch, 150 g of meat with vegetables for dinner. On days 9 and 11 of the diet, dinner should be discarded.
  • Stage 3 (15 - 21 days). For breakfast, lunch and dinner - only vegetables are allowed (excluding potatoes) from the 15th to the 17th day; from the 18th day, add 170 g of steamed poultry fillet, 2 fruits to taste.
  • Stage 4 (22-28 days). Oatmeal; boiled meat with a side dish of vegetables for lunch; light dinner.

Diet Osama Hamdy

This diet is very popular, it is based on the chemical reactions that occur in the human body. As a result, there is a fairly active weight loss, the PH balance is restored, and digestion improves. The diet menu is designed for one month. There are a few rules to follow:

Week 1

Breakfast is universal: half an orange and two hard-boiled eggs.

  • 1st day: for lunch: an apple; for dinner: lean meatballs, tea. Recipes for delicious, diet cutlets read here.
  • 2nd day: boiled chicken meat for lunch; for dinner: orange, 2 eggs, cucumber, carrot, sweet pepper, tomato, lettuce salad.
  • 3rd day: for lunch: 50 g of hard cheese, tomato, one toast can be included in the menu; for dinner: turkey, diet cutlets, vegetable salad, tea.
  • 4th day: for dinner, the same fruits in the desired amount; for dinner - a piece of lean meat, grilled, salad with vegetables.
  • 5th day: for lunch: two eggs, steamed vegetables; for dinner - grilled shrimp, salad with vegetables, orange.
  • 6th day: for lunch, the same fruits again in any quantity; for dinner: grilled chicken meat, vegetable salad.
  • 7th day: for lunch, vegetable salad, steamed or boiled meat, grapefruit, a few small tomatoes; for dinner: boiled vegetables, also a glass of fat-free kefir is allowed to drink before bedtime.

2 weeks

The diet is the same for the whole week. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids from permitted drinks.

  • Breakfast: half an orange (grapefruit), two boiled eggs, do not add seasonings.
  • Lunch: chicken fillet or turkey fillet, can be replaced with grilled fish or fried with vegetables.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, orange, can be replaced with half a grapefruit.

3 week

  • 1 - 4 days: boiled or stewed vegetables without restrictions in quantity (but not potatoes, beets, eggplants).
  • 5th day: seafood, vegetables.
  • 6 - 7 day: the same type of fruit without restrictions in quantity.

4 week

Distribute products from the list for the day.

  • boiled lean meat - 4 pieces
  • 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers
  • 200 g of boiled fish, it is permissible to replace it with a can of canned tuna without additives
  • one toast
  • grapefruit
  • boiled lean meat - two pieces
  • 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers
  • one apple or pear
  • one toast
  • one orange (grapefruit)
  • 200 g fat-free cottage cheese
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers
  • 180 g boiled vegetables
  • one toast
  • orange
  • boiled lean meat - one piece
  • 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes
  • one grapefruit
  • one toast
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 3 tomatoes
  • one orange (grapefruit)
  • boiled chicken fillet - two pieces
  • 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes
  • 180 g fat-free cottage cheese
  • curdled milk
  • one grapefruit
  • 130 g cottage cheese with 0% fat
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers
  • 250 g cooked fish or one can of tuna in its own juice
  • stewed vegetables
  • orange

Curd-kefir diet

Such food consists of only two products, based on cottage cheese and kefir. Thanks to this, such nutrition effectively burns fats and speeds up metabolism. Every day you need to consume 300 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content and one and a half liters of 1% kefir. Kefir should be natural, without additives. In cottage cheese for taste, you can cut dill or cinnamon greens on the tip of a knife.

The daily diet is divided into 6 parts, the products alternate: half a liter of kefir - 100 g of cottage cheese - 0.5 l of kefir, etc. You need to drink water, teas and decoctions of herbs. The duration of the diet is 7 days, weight loss can reach up to 7 kg.

Cottage cheese and oatmeal

Meals with cottage cheese, oatmeal and apples are almost a balanced healthy diet that is easy to stick to for 3 days. What can you eat:

  • Breakfast: 2 apples, porridge without milk.
  • Lunch: 120 g low-fat cottage cheese, three small green apples, oatmeal on the water with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Dinner: apple, 120 g of cottage cheese.

Diet on cottage cheese and buckwheat

Curd-buckwheat nutrition is not varied, but effective. Getting the right complex carbohydrates from buckwheat and a high protein content from cottage cheese, you can lose up to 10 kg in 2 weeks.

Every day, consume 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese and buckwheat (a glass in dry form), dividing the products into 5 servings. In order for buckwheat to retain all useful trace elements and vitamins, the cereal does not need to be boiled, but it is enough to pour boiling water over night - 2 cups of water per glass of cereal.

The recipe for a dietary casserole with buckwheat and cottage cheese can be found here.

Curd and fruits

If you take fruits with their dietary fibers and vitamins instead of complex carbohydrates, then in combination with cottage cheese you get a nutritious, tasty diet, with which it will be easy to unload the body in a day. It is also possible to use it longer already as a dietary food.

Fruits can be different: grapefruits, bananas, pears, apples, grapes, etc. The most popular fruit diets based on cottage cheese are banana and apple.


Meals for 3 days:

Cottage cheese-apple diet

A low-calorie diet with apples and cottage cheese takes a leading position among those who want to lose weight. The diet on cottage cheese and apples lasts 9 days, weight loss can be up to 10 kg.

  • 1 - 3 days: 1.5 kg fresh green apples, baked or mashed without sugar
  • 4 - 6 days: 350 g cottage cheese 0% fat;
  • 7th day: half a kilo of green apples;
  • 8th day: 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 9th day: half a kilo of green apples.

Diet on cottage cheese and vegetables

An analogue of the curd-fruit diet is eating fresh vegetables and cottage cheese. You need to eat separately. In total, you can eat half a kilo of vegetables and 300 g of fat-free cottage cheese per day. Morning and lunch - 150 g of cottage cheese. Second breakfast and dinner - carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini. Make salads, bake vegetables - it is not necessary to eat them only fresh. After 2 weeks of such a diet, you can enter meat, fruits, cereals.


An urgent three-day diet on cottage cheese and eggs contains not only these two products: it is allowed to use honey and fruits in reasonable quantities. Drink plenty of water, tea and coffee without sweeteners. You can lose weight by 3 kg, if you strictly follow the rules.

  • For breakfast: a drink of 2 eggs beaten with a mixer and a teaspoon of honey, unsweetened tea or coffee. Lunch: 50 grams of cheese with a fat content of not more than 30% and tea with a spoon of honey. For dinner, fruit (except bananas and grapes), or cream soup of vegetables.
  • Breakfast is similar to the previous one. For lunch, 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a drink from eggs with honey, tea without sugar. Dinner: boiled meat without fat or fish.
  • In addition to a drink from eggs with honey, you can eat any fruit. Vegetable salad for lunch. For dinner, a boiled egg with stewed vegetables, tea with a spoonful of honey.

Cottage cheese and yogurt

If you diversify the cottage cheese mono-diet with yogurt, you get another version of the diet - cottage cheese and yogurt. It lasts 7 days, during which you can lose 6-7 kg. It is recommended to prepare yogurt on your own, without sugar, with a spoonful of honey and a handful of berries with fruits. Choose the diet for the day that suits you:

  • 3 meals a day // for breakfast and lunch, two tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese and a glass and a half of yogurt; for dinner, reduce cottage cheese to one spoon and yogurt to 2/3 cup.
  • 5 meals a day // every 4 hours eat one spoonful of cottage cheese with an incomplete glass of yogurt.

Tea and cottage cheese

Subject to a strict mono-diet, where only cottage cheese with tea is present, green tea is preferable. Antioxidants help maintain and rejuvenate the body. Also on the tea version of the diet, excess fluid is removed, and minus 5 kg of weight.

Do not exceed the duration - a maximum of 3 days of restrictions. After that, you need to leave the diet to compensate for the lack of nutrients and trace elements.

Diet chicken and cottage cheese

Protein diet on cottage cheese can be diluted with chicken. If you take skinless breast fillets and cook on the grill, then you can replace some curd techniques. The feeling of satiety from meat is similar, but the group of vitamins and microelements is different. Therefore, the body perceives such a diet easier. And kilograms leave with the same intensity.

Diet exit rules

After completing the curd diet, the appetite will be increased, but to consolidate the result, you will have to limit food intake for another couple of weeks.

  • Keep drinking more water, herbs, tea;
  • Increase daily portions of lean meat and fish, starting at 100 g per day;
  • Gradually introduce foods with an average glycemic index (fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate, whole grain bread);
  • Breakfast with buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • Walk more, ride a bike, run;
  • It is better to postpone heavy strength training, giving yourself time to recover.

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