Diet for a week the first day of drinking. Protein-vegetable diet: description, menu, reviews and results

Fashion & Style 11.07.2020
Fashion & Style

When is such a diet recommended: the first day - drinking, the second - vegetable? This question interests many women. They all strive to be attractive so that men cannot take their eyes off them, but sometimes this is quite difficult to achieve, especially if there is a problem with being overweight. In such cases, you need to follow diets, of which there are a large number, and at the same time play sports.

The choice of diet is very important, since some of them may be ineffective, while others lose weight easily, but then quickly return, others cause irreparable harm to the body.

A diet that has won the hearts of many women, "Beloved". Its principle is simple. There is an alternate change in the diet: on the first day - water, then vegetables.

A week on such a diet will allow you to lose 5-8 kg, and this weight will not return. This is achieved by the fact that the body during the diet cleanses itself and removes toxins and toxins.

As in any diet, you need to consume only certain foods and in the right sequence, thanks to this, their complete assimilation occurs in the body, after a while - saturation, and you will receive the required amount. nutrients and vitamins with a reduced diet.

How to eat properly with the "Beloved" diet for one week?

The first days are the most difficult, during them there may be many temptations, desires to have a snack or eat something from the category of prohibited foods, another option is to eat foods for a diet, but in large quantities.

You should endure, and then every day it will be easier to control your desires. In addition to the lost kilograms, you also train willpower.

1 day of drinking - this means that all day you only need to drink any liquid in unlimited quantities, but you can’t eat. Also, don't drink carbonated drinks. great content sugar or dyes.

The ideal options for liquids on this day would be: broths, milk or dairy products, tea, regular mineral water, juices.

Due to the fact that you can drink a lot, you will simply deceive your stomach: it will be full, and if there is a feeling of hunger, it will be light.

2 day vegetable. The name speaks for itself: now only vegetables should be included in the diet of the day, and their quantity and frequency of consumption will depend only on your desire.

Vegetables should be varied, for example, a day you can eat a couple of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, carrots and be sure to cabbage, as it is the best fat burner.

Vegetables should be fresh, you can steam them slightly, but in no case should they be fried, especially in oil, unless, of course, you want to get the result at the end of the week.

3 day drinking. Everything repeats, as it was on the first day, but you can slightly reduce the consumption of broths and juices, but in no case should you completely refuse them, as this will cause great harm to the body, cause stress, due to which fats will begin to be stored in reserve, will not lose weight.

Day 4 fruity. This is a real holiday for everyone who is on this diet. On this day, you can pamper yourself with any fruit and not limit yourself in quantity. You can eat everything: melons, bananas, pears, but you should include apples, grapefruit and kiwi in your diet. Fruits contribute to the breakdown and burning of fats, speed up metabolism, contain many vitamins and trace elements that restore the functions of organs and bind toxins.

Day 5 - protein intake. This day is aimed at enriching the body with proteins, since these elements help to recover and grow muscles and are not stored in reserve, like fats.

All day you need to eat only those foods that contain large amounts of proteins: poultry meat, dairy products, etc. At the same time, it is worth giving Special attention to keep the percentage of fat content to a minimum.

6 day drinking. After two days, when you could eat all sorts of goodies, you should again spend a fasting day. You can drink a lot of water, but you can’t eat, no matter how much you want it, even just a little bit.

Day 7 is the final day. On this day, you can and should eat everything, but in small quantities, so that your body will come out of the diet more smoothly, without stress.

If you do not know how to do this, then here is a sample menu. Of course, you can create your own.

You woke up and the first thing to do is boil 2 chicken eggs and eat them, you can drink both plain water and tea or coffee, but without sugar.

Lunch. If you have not arranged such a snack for yourself before, then this is a big minus, because it is best to eat food 4-5 times a day, but in small portions, which will give the body enough energy, increase metabolism and prevent excess weight from forming. The second breakfast should consist of fruits, but no more than 2-3.

Lunch is the time for the largest portions, and you can eat a bowl of rice or buckwheat soup. Of course, it is better to refuse flour, but if you really want it so much, then one piece of bread will not hurt, preferably black.

Dinner. At night, it is best to make a vegetable salad. It will not load the stomach, and you will be able to eat.

Are there any contraindications?

Any diet is a serious burden on the body, so not all people are allowed to adhere to its various types.

The same rule applies to the "Favorite" diet.

You can not follow this diet:

  1. Pregnant on any, even early dates as well as nursing mothers.
  2. With heart disease.
  3. In case of diseases associated with impaired absorption of products by the body.
  4. With renal failure.
  5. until the post-op rehab.
  6. With a serious load - both physical and emotional.

it best diet, which will allow you to lose weight in a week by 5-8 kg, while not tormenting yourself with a hunger strike. But remember that the most effective diet will not help you burn even a little excess weight if you do not adhere to it strictly all the time.

If you want to enhance the effect, then you should go in for sports, do exercises, but not to exhaustion, but in small approaches and often.

Another caution applies to people who eat very densely and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Do not immediately go on a strict diet, it is better to start gradually reducing your diet. This may take a long time, but the body will not experience shock. The fact is that if you go on a diet without being prepared, then the body perceives this as a dangerous situation and instructs almost all internal organs to slow down their work so that they consume as few calories as possible.

And do not delay: if you decide to go on a diet, then do it immediately.

Every woman at least once in her life struggled with overweight and probably heard about the “Drinking Day” diet (or the Favorite diet). This method of weight loss has a very attractive name, and the result, according to reviews, is very good. It is very difficult to say the exact indicator of how many extra pounds you can throw off. It all depends on the initial weight, as well as on how long the person will follow the diet. If we talk about average values, the Favorite diet helps to lose 4-6 kilograms of weight.

The Drinking Day diet is very effective method weight loss that is guaranteed to help you lose weight. The diet is very sparing, so it practically does not harm health. All the foods that you need to eat can be easily bought at the store, and their cost is low. True, there is also a more rigid version of the diet. Although it is not easy to withstand, but the result will be much higher. Today we will look at both diet options.

Beloved diet menu (Drinking day): gentle option

Here is the diet menu in a sparing version:

  • Day 1 - drinking. You can drink anything you want except alcohol and carbonated drinks. Broths and any dairy products are allowed, the amount of herbal and green tea without sugar is not limited. It is very important to consume at least two liters of fluid per day. Broths should be prepared without salt. This first drinking day of the diet helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • 2nd day - vegetable. It is necessary to eat fresh vegetables or salads seasoned with a minimum amount of vegetable oil. You can eat after two to three hours so that you do not feel hungry. You can also cook vegetable stew without potatoes.
  • 3rd day - drinking. The drinking day of the Beloved diet should be carried out by analogy with the first day.
  • 4th day - fruit. On this day, it is advisable to eat pineapples and grapefruits, but if you are pursuing a feeling of hunger, you can slightly diversify your diet. The main thing is to give up grapes and bananas.
  • 5th day - protein. On this day, you need to lean on lean boiled meat. Suitable chicken breast and rabbit. You can eat seafood, lean fish, cottage cheese and eggs.
  • 6th day - drinking. This drinking day is carried out like the first.
  • 7th day - exit from the diet. During the day you can afford two boiled eggs, fruit, meat broth, vegetable salad seasoned with sunflower oil.

Why the first day of the drinking diet?

The diet has become popular relatively recently, and of course, women are interested in why a drinking day of the diet is needed. I know everything about beneficial features water. It normalizes metabolism, cleanses the body, removing all unnecessary from it.

The first day of a drinking diet brings discomfort only because a person is used to chewing something throughout the day. If losing weight will cope with the habit of constantly chewing something at the beginning of the diet, then he will quite simply continue to lose weight.

A day of drinking and a day of a vegetable diet will add willpower to the body, which means that there will be a chance that those extra pounds will not return immediately after the diet.

And the conclusion is simple: if you want to lose weight, you do not need to exhaust the body with hunger strikes or eat tiny portions. You just need to wean yourself from the habit of chewing.

A more rigid diet

Consider a tougher option diet food. Diet menu - vegetable day, drinking day. The principle of nutrition is the use of water in the maximum amount. You need to drink if you feel thirsty or hungry. Vegetables are best eaten raw, if possible. Vegetable salads - very simple and tasty dish for a diet.

On the days of eating vegetables, an extensive field for food maneuvers is provided. With this diet, the body receives a minimum of calories, so the effect of such a diet will be noticeable immediately. In a week you can throw off 5-6 kilograms. It is optimal if the “Drinking Day - Vegetable Day” diet lasts seven to ten days.

The Favorite Diet has become popular due to its effectiveness and ease of adherence.

The duration of the diet is 7 days: 3 days of drinking, 1 fruit, 1 vegetable, 1 protein and 1 combined (day out of the diet).

The diet of the "Favorite diet" by day:

  • drinking day. Only liquid food is allowed (soups, broths, compotes, juices). Freshly squeezed juices are diluted 50/50 with water to reduce calories. It is recommended to consume a minimum of salt to avoid swelling and reduce the burden on the kidneys. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water;
  • vegetable day. Any vegetables are allowed, raw (better), boiled and stewed. Salads and vinaigrettes are prepared from vegetables. Nutritionists recommend introducing white cabbage into the menu, which has a fat-burning effect. Salads can be seasoned to improve taste olive oil, lemon juice, low-fat yogurt or soy sauce;
  • fruit day. Any fruits and berries are allowed, except for grapes and bananas. It is desirable that the menu contains grapefruits that have fat-burning properties. You should eat 1-2 fruits every 2-3 hours, while the total weight of fruits eaten per day should be 1-3 kg. In between meals, you need to drink clean still water;
  • protein day. Chicken fillet, lean fish, shrimp and chicken eggs are allowed. In addition, you can use yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • combined day. The diet consists of fruits and vegetables that were present on the second and third days of the diet, as well as foods familiar to losing weight - stewed vegetables, baked meat, vegetable soup. All dishes should be slightly undersalted. Canned and semi-finished products are prohibited.

After completing the diet, it is necessary to return to normal nutrition gradually, introducing one new product every day. Within 2-3 weeks, you need to monitor the calorie content of the menu, avoiding fatty and sweet foods. Another effective way to maintain weight is fasting days once a week.

Benefits of Favorite Diet

"Favorite Diet" is an effective weight loss system, 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight disappears in 7 days. With the right exit from the diet, the lost kilograms will not return.

The advantage of the "Favorite Diet" is the alternation of the diet by day, which makes it varied and not boring, despite significant restrictions. The presence of a drinking day in the diet makes it possible to unload the digestive system and adapt the stomach to small amounts of food.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Favorite Diet"

Some people who lose weight notice a decrease in efficiency, fatigue, mood swings, headaches and dizziness in the first days of the diet. On drinking days, problems with the intestines are possible, jumps in blood pressure are sometimes observed.

"Favorite Diet" is not recommended for hypertension, heart or kidney failure, diseases digestive system. It is not suitable for people experiencing increased physical, intellectual or psychological stress, it is contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women.

What products are allowed?

The following products are allowed:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries (except grapes and bananas);
  • chicken fillet, chicken broth, lean fish, seafood, eggs;
  • skimmed milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, low-fat cheese;
  • peas, buckwheat;
  • olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce;
  • green and black tea, freshly squeezed juices.

Salt is acceptable in small quantities.

What products are prohibited?

Prohibited foods include everything that is not included in the list of permitted products, including sugar.

Menu "Favorite Diet"

Sample menu "Favorite diet" for 7 days:

Breakfast: 200 ml of kefir, tea.

Snack: 150 ml of yogurt.

Dinner: 200 ml of milk.

Breakfast: 2 tomatoes.

Lunch: salad of fresh cucumbers, cabbage and herbs, seasoned with olive oil.

Afternoon snack: 2 cucumbers.

Dinner: salad of sweet peppers, cucumbers and herbs.

Breakfast: 200 ml fruit and milkshake, tea.

Second breakfast: 200 ml of milk.

Lunch: 200 ml chicken broth.

Afternoon snack: 200 ml of kefir.

Dinner: 200 ml of milk.

Breakfast: 2 oranges.

Second breakfast: grapefruit.

Lunch: fruit platter of apples, kiwi and oranges.

Snack: pear and apple.

Dinner: 200 ml of milk.

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs.

Second breakfast: 200 g of boiled fish.

Lunch: 150 g chicken fillet, 100 g boiled peas.

Afternoon snack: 100 g of cottage cheese.

Dinner: 100 g of cheese.

Breakfast: 200 ml of kefir, tea.

Second breakfast: 200 ml grapefruit juice.

Lunch: 200 ml chicken broth.

Afternoon snack: 200 ml milk-fruit shake.

Dinner: 200 ml of milk.

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, tea.

Second breakfast: any fruit.

Lunch: 200 ml of light soup with buckwheat or rice.

Snack: any fruit.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil.

Tip 1: Do not change the order of diet days or replace one day with another.

Tip 2: in fruit salads, in addition to grapefruit, it is advisable to add kiwi, which also has fat-burning properties.

The name of the diet speaks for itself - it is loved by many for its effectiveness, ease of adherence and simple diet. If you follow the recommendations for right exit from the diet, the risk of regaining the lost kilograms is minimal.

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Broths during the diet are prohibited, as they cause appetite. The juice is only freshly squeezed, but you have to be careful with it for the same reason.

“The seventh day represents the exit from the beloved’s diet, so it is recommended to stick to an individual menu. Breakfast on this day should consist of two chicken eggs and unsweetened tea. For a second breakfast, any fruit is suitable. Lunch is a light soup or broth. Dinner should be limited to a vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil.”

People who eat breakfast regularly are much less likely to be obese.

Our kidneys are able to purify three liters of blood in one minute.

Over the course of a lifetime, the average person produces as many as two large pools of saliva.

The weight of the human brain is about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by lack of oxygen.

The average life expectancy of left-handers is less than that of right-handers.

Millions of bacteria are born, live and die in our intestines. They can only be seen at high magnification, but if they were brought together, they would fit in an ordinary coffee cup.

An educated person is less prone to brain diseases. Intellectual activity contributes to the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the diseased.

It used to be that yawning enriches the body with oxygen. However, this opinion has been refuted. Scientists have proven that yawning cools the brain and improves its performance.

A job that a person does not like is much more harmful to his psyche than no job at all.

The rarest disease is Kuru disease. Only representatives of the Fur tribe in New Guinea are ill with it. The patient is dying of laughter. It is believed that the cause of the disease is the eating of the human brain.

74-year-old Australian James Harrison donated blood about 1,000 times. He has a rare blood type whose antibodies help newborns with severe anemia survive. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.

Human blood “runs” through the vessels under enormous pressure and, if their integrity is violated, is capable of firing at a distance of up to 10 meters.

Most women are able to get more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive for harmony.

Each person has not only unique fingerprints, but also a tongue.

If you smile only twice a day, you can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Only 10% of men in the event of sexual disorders go to the doctor and, thanks to competent treatment, get rid of the problem. The rest prefer.

The “Beloved” diet is rightfully considered the most beloved among many women who constantly monitor their figure. And the point here is not only in its simplicity and accessibility, but also in the fact that in just seven days with the help of such a diet you can lose about 8-10 kilograms. At the same time, the advantage of this diet also lies in the fact that the lost kilograms do not return, and the body, one might say, is completely cleansed naturally.

So everything seven days of favorite diet are constructed in such a way that they share the use of certain products in the diet.
The first day - drinking: it is allowed to drink any liquid and in unlimited quantities. By the way, broths, teas, kefirs are considered especially desirable;
Second vegetable day: it is recommended to eat any vegetables, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, peppers as much as you like. It is also desirable to include cabbage in the diet of this day, which is a natural means of burning fat;
Third day - drinking: we repeat what we did on the first day, that is, we do not limit our body in the use of liquid;
Fourth fruit day: on this day you can pamper yourself with any fruit, for example, apples, oranges, bananas. It is especially desirable to include kiwi with grapefruit, which are excellent natural fat burners;
Fifth day - protein: preference should be given to products with a high protein content in their composition, for example, boiled chicken meat, eggs, yogurts;
Sixth day - drinking: pamper your body with a sufficient amount of liquid;
Seventh day - a balanced diet. This day is a way out of the diet and is distinguished by its individual menu:
For breakfast, it is recommended to eat 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs and drink a glass of tea without sugar;
Second breakfast - any fruit;
Lunch - broth or light soup, for example, with rice or buckwheat;
Snack - any fruit;
Dinner - vegetable salad seasoned with olive or vegetable oil, but not with mayonnaise. It is also allowed to add a small amount of salt to the salad.

Before you go on a diet" Diet Favorite"Consult your doctor!

Diet Reviews

The weight remained at 66.1, it seems not my diet. I'll try the hard version.

Weight 66.1 (((continue, today is a fruit day

Today is the 3rd drinking day. Weight 66.1. I continue

Weight 66.4 continue vegetable day today

Broke yesterday. Today I'll try again, weight 66.8 (((

Hi all. I want to try a 7 day easy diet and then a hard one.
Today is the first drinking day. Weight 66.7

Hi all! Today is the first day of the diet, with a weight of 85 kg. I want to sit on this diet for two weeks and throw off a few kg (10-15). Who is with me?

Why the atomic diet got such a name, for me, to be honest, remains a mystery. Whether the authors of the diet are sure that its effect is similar nuclear explosion(they claim that it takes from 5 to 8 kilograms per week of the diet), or they considered it a sensational weight loss technique that literally blew up the usual ideas about how to lose weight - but you can also argue with this thesis :). Well, be that as it may, consider this diet in more detail.

Atomic Diet Rules

The atomic diet is based on the alternation of protein and vegetable days. Protein day - vegetable day - again protein - again vegetable, and so on. This, in fact, is the main principle of the diet.

On a protein day, the following are allowed:

  • lean meat, skinless poultry, fish;
  • milk and any natural fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt without additives, etc.);
  • eggs.

On vegetable day you can eat:

  • any vegetables except potatoes;
  • any fruits and berries, except for the sweetest (bananas, grapes);
  • and everything that can be cooked from them (lean soups, vegetable and fruit salads, pickles, vegetable stew, etc.).
  • potato;
  • sugar and sweets;
  • bread, pasta and any other flour products.

In the first week of the diet, you should also exclude cereals and legumes from the diet; if you decide to stick to the diet longer, then later on they can be consumed, occasionally and little by little, on vegetable days.

The amount of food that can be consumed during the day is not limited. But this, of course, does not mean that you can overeat to satiety. You need to eat when you want, and just enough to satisfy your hunger. Don't overeat.

The last meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime.

sample menu

Protein day:

  • breakfast - 1-2 eggs, cheese (or a piece of sausage, or sausage, cottage cheese), coffee with milk;
  • lunch - chicken breast, meat or fish (can be fried or baked, but better boiled);
  • dinner - cottage cheese, fish, cheese (it is better not to eat meat in the evening, as it takes a long time to digest).

Vegetable day:

  • breakfast - vegetable or fruit salad with olive oil;
  • lunch - cabbage soup or lean borscht without potatoes, lecho or vegetable stew;
  • dinner - vinaigrette;
  • snacks - fruits, juices.

It seems, however, that it is worth rushing to such extremes only if you really liked eating in the atomic diet mode. Otherwise, upon reaching the desired weight (or if, despite all efforts, it has stopped decreasing), it is worth smoothly switching to the rails of a full-fledged, rational, balanced diet.

The atomic diet is contraindicated, as well as very similar to it, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system. Yes, and everyone else before using it does not hurt to consult a doctor.

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