The composition and useful properties of pollock fish, as well as the rules for choosing and storing, how to cook. The benefits and harms of pollock for the body Pollock beneficial properties and contraindications

Tourism and rest 22.10.2021
Tourism and rest

Disputes about how much fish is needed by the human body do not cease. Most of the composition is so rich that no other product can replace it. These species include pollock. Below, with the help of facts, we will determine the benefits and harms of pollock. The latter is conditional and easily regulated.

What is this fish

This is one of the most famous commercial fish. To make sure, just look into the fish departments of any store. Like all representatives of the cod-like order, it is found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, especially in its northern part.

It is known that the taste and chemical composition of fish is influenced by habitat and nutrition. Growing up, it consumes various planktonic crustaceans. These include larvae, protozoa, crustaceans and mollusks. Growing up, individuals of this species begin to look for larger prey: small fish and squid.

Interesting! The pollock catch in Russia is almost half (42%) of the total annual catch.

The chemical composition of pollock

It is considered not only tasty, but light and healthy food. Confirmation is the chemical composition, as well as the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are practically no carbohydrates in this form, there is a very small amount of fat - 0.9 g per 100 g of product.

Protein, as in any other animal food, is enough - 15.9 g per 100 g. 500 g of pollock provide the daily requirement of an adult for protein. Considering the price, it is one of the most affordable sources of this element.

It contains vitamin A, E, the whole group B. But most of all - vitamin PP. Of the macronutrients, pollock is especially rich in phosphorus (in 100 g 30% of the daily requirement), potassium and magnesium. Some micronutrients are simply found in large quantities. As a percentage (of the daily norm) 100 g contains:

  • iodine - 100%;
  • cobalt - 150%;
  • chromium - 110%.

Pollock has a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. fatty acids in 100 g contains more than 20% of the daily requirement.

Attention! Among all products, pollock ranks 73rd in terms of protein content.

How many calories in pollock

Pollock is one of the most popular types of fish. And not just because of the price. It is useful, low-calorie, even very complex dishes can be prepared from it. Its calorie content changes during heat treatment. Much depends not only on the method of preparation, but also on various sauces and additives. Mayonnaise, sour cream, cream not only soften the taste, but also add calories.

If you check the calorie content in a “pure” form, then the results will be as follows:

  • fried - 127 kcal;
  • boiled - 79 kcal;
  • boiled fillet - 72 kcal;
  • stewed - 75.5 kcal;
  • baked - 77 kcal.

Calories may vary. If you fry not in flour, but in batter, then the calorie content will increase to 145 kcal. Stewed pollock is non-caloric, and if it is stewed with vegetables, then its nutritional value will drop to 50 kcal. But if you add cheese, then, depending on its type and quantity, the nutritional value can increase to 100-120 kcal.

Useful properties of pollock

Useful properties are due to low calorie content, the complete absence of carbohydrates and the presence of unsaturated fatty acids. Also, this fish contains several essential micro and macro elements. According to the content of some vitamins, pollock also occupies not the last place.

The benefits of pollock for women

It is especially useful during puberty of teenage girls and menopause in women. Pollock is valued as a source of unsaturated fatty acids, especially the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Its use slows down the aging process and improves metabolism.

The use of this fish is useful for the female nervous system, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B. A huge amount of iodine also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and also on the endocrine system. With its help in women, the hormonal background is normalized.

Pollock during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pollock is recommended for a nursing mother and for pregnant women. It will actually replace fish oil, and there will be no danger of overdose. Its use will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as cholesterol levels.

It contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals that complement each other and participate in metabolism. It is known that peoples who consume fish in large quantities have a well-functioning reproductive system. Also among them there are no patients with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Important! Scientists have proven a direct link between omega-3 deficiency and women's tendency to postpartum depression.

What is pollock useful for men

As an easily digestible protein food, this type of fish is useful for hard physical work, intense training in the gym, muscle wasting. At the same time, it does not contain carbohydrates and very little fat, which does not create a problem of overweight. Its positive effect on potency is known.

B vitamins and cobalt strengthen the nervous system. The latter is also very important for the development of the circulatory system. The high content of cobalt, chromium and iodine makes it possible to strengthen your immune system. Iodine is important for the prevention of problems with the endocrine system, especially with the thyroid gland.

At what age pollock can children

All codfish, and especially pollock, are low in fat and calories. At the same time, they contain a lot of protein, which is necessary for a growing organism. Fish puree is recommended to be given to babies from 8 months of age as an additional food for breastfeeding. In addition to protein, pollock contains a lot of iodine, cobalt and chromium. Even 1 tablespoon of puree will provide the daily need of the child's body for these trace elements.

Pollock or its fillet is best suited for this, as a low-allergenic product. Feeding should be introduced gradually. First, the child is given ¼ teaspoon of puree, then the amount is gradually increased. For mashed potatoes, it is better to use fillets. Or, as an option, carefully check for the presence of bones in the fish.

Children under 3 years old are not given fried fish. The healthiest cooking method for a child from 8 months to 3 years old is steamed fish without salt. By the way, such a dish will be useful not only for children, but also for parents.

Stewed pollock with vegetables with a small amount of fat can be given to children from the age of one. Also, a child can cook fish baked in foil or a sleeve. Of course, without sauces and additives. Such a dish can be introduced into the diet of a child from one and a half years.

Warning! Red fish is not suitable for feeding babies, it is a strong allergen. It is better to refrain from it until 3 years.

Pollock for weight loss

Pollock on a diet is just a godsend. Low-fat, with a complete absence of carbohydrates, but with a large amount of proteins and amino acids. This fish contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the body as a whole. Due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements, it can be recommended even to sick people.

In order to lose weight, you need to choose only such cooking methods that use a minimum of fat. Those who want to have a beautiful figure can be recommended to steam pollock, bake it in the oven with vegetables, and stew. For dietary dishes, you should avoid using spices and spices, from which there is a strong appetite and thirst. What is better to use: fillet or whole fish?

Each type has its pros and cons. Fish with bones contains more nutrients, and the benefit of pollock fillet is that it is less fat and high in calories, which is just right for losing weight.

Pollock caviar: benefits and harms

Caviar is one of the most common fish delicacies. Let's see how useful it is. In it, as in the fish itself, a lot of protein. True, there is much more of it in caviar, 28.3 g. Which is two times higher than in fillet. In this, it does not reach the indicators of the famous one, but in terms of fat content, on the contrary, it is more useful.

Stores mostly sell the canned version. Even high-quality canned food is “rich” in excess salt and preservatives. In addition, a lot of jars of caviar have recently appeared on the shelves, where the percentage of content to the total weight is less than 50%. The rest: water, thickeners, flavors. Eating such "caviar" is not only not useful, but also harmful to the body.

The benefits and harms of pollock liver

The liver of all cod fish is very useful. It consists of:

  • proteins (18 g per 100 g of liver);
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins A, D, C, group B, PP;
  • iodine, phosphorus, potassium, chromium, manganese, fluorine.

In the pollock liver, unlike the fish itself, there are a lot of fats, 40 g per 100 g of the product. But basically these are useful unsaturated fatty acids that are not produced by the human body and must be supplied with food.

But the benefits of canned pollock liver depend on the quality of canned food. If it is cooked whole, and from additives only salt and vegetable oil, then it can be safely recommended as a source of proteins, vitamins and healthy fats.

What is the difference between pollock liver and cod liver

Pollack or cod liver differ not only in price. The calorie content of cod liver is higher, 613 kcal, and pollock - 432. The protein in pollock liver is 4.5 times more - 18 g per 100 g of product, in cod - 4.2 g. They are equal in carbohydrates, but fat in cod liver almost one and a half times more: 65.7 g versus 40 g for pollock.

Indicators for vitamins and trace elements are almost the same. This means that the choice between these products is simple: whoever needs protein more, chooses pollock liver, in Omega-3 acids - cod.

How to cook pollock

The benefits of boiled pollock are known to everyone. This is only 79 kcal, and when boiling fillet - 72. Only steamed fish is healthier than this dish. It is easily digestible, non-allergenic, it contains almost no fat, but there is protein.

Fried pollock is not so healthy, but very tasty. Sometimes you can pamper your family and cook fish in batter, in sour cream or mayonnaise sauce and cheese.

How to choose pollock

The freshness of the fish is judged by its gills, so it is desirable that pollock be with a head. If the gills have a pink tint, then the fish can be taken without fear. The scales should be slightly shiny, without dark spots.

Fresh-frozen fish retains most of its nutrients when it is frozen at the point of harvest and transported to the store without thawing and re-freezing. In this case, the fewer intermediaries, the better. Therefore, you need to buy fish in large supermarkets.

How to store pollock

If you do not plan to cook from freshly frozen fish on the same day, then from the store it must be immediately sent to the freezer. It must be thawed before cooking. This must be done gradually. It is best to first place it in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours and only then defrost at room temperature.

Important! Do not defrost fish under hot water!

Possible harm to fish and contraindications

Some types of fish cause allergies, so they should be eaten with caution. In pollock, such qualities have not been noticed, it is recommended even for children. Another possible harm is the content of harmful substances in fish due to nutrition (farms, etc.). Pollock feeds on plankton, so there are no harmful impurities in its meat. The only real fact: it has a lot of salts, so you need to eat it carefully for those who have contraindications.


What are the benefits and harms of pollock, numerous facts speak. Objectively, pollock can be called one of the cheapest and most useful types of fish. There are very few contraindications to its use, but there are much more recommendations.

Pollock is a representative of the Cod family, common in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, cold-loving. Able to dive to a depth of 0.7 km. Vegetarian, eats plankton, refers to centenarians. It can live up to 15-20 years if it does not get caught in the nets of fishermen.

The meat is white in color, 80% consists of water, very delicate in taste. This is the most hypoallergenic variety of fish. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet even for children at the age of seven months.

In the article you will learn about the benefits and potential harms of popular fish, whether the product is useful for the elderly, children, how to cook it tasty and healthy.

How to choose a good product

Don't forget to check the expiration date on the product label.

Energy and nutritional value, calorie content, chemical composition

Pollock is rich in easily digestible protein.

The nutritional value of pollock in 100 g of the product can be represented by the table:

The composition of pollock per 100 g of the product contains a negligible amount of fat and a lot of protein in the complete absence of carbohydrates.

The glycemic index is zero, i.e. the concentration of sugar in the blood plasma does not increase after eating. Given the presence of only "good" cholesterol in the product, the fish is useful and those who want to lose weight.

Unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 stimulate mental activity, prevent development.

The calorie content of fish (fillet, dried and in other types of packaging) is only 70 kcal per 100 g. Vitamins in the composition:

  • A responsible for youthful skin and visual acuity.
  • PP, or nicotinic acid, which promotes the best absorption of fats and carbohydrates, converting them into thermal energy.
  • B1, B2, B6 helping to resist stress, increasing physical endurance.
  • E, slowing down aging, neutralizing the action of free radicals.

The product has micro and macro elements - these are sodium, fluorine, cobalt, and sulfur.

Pollock contains a large amount and an optimal ratio of selenium, iodine and chromium. Selenium binds poisons, toxins, gently removing them from the body. Chromium is responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulating it. And iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is also involved in the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine, which activates metabolic processes, prevents the development of obesity and depression. To meet the daily human need for iodine, only 100 g of fish is enough.

Video about the dangers and benefits of pollock (fillet and other parts):

Health Benefits

Pollock due to the presence of vitamins, micro and macro elements, protein is good for health. When consumed regularly, it exhibits the following properties:

Pollock is very useful for smokers: thanks to the trace element selenium, it neutralizes toxins that come with tobacco smoke. At the same time, vitamin A prevents the development of lung cancer. With regular moderate use, the craving for smoking is reduced.

It is especially necessary for alcoholics during the rehabilitation period. Pollock restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, replenishing the body's reserves with nutrients.

What is good for health

Due to the low calorie content, rich composition, the product can be useful to all categories of people. It has a delicate sweetish taste, easily and completely absorbed.

For adult men and women

It is a supplier of high-quality protein necessary for the full functioning of the body.

Chromium and nicotinic acid regulate lipid metabolism normalize blood pressure. Unsaturated fatty acids support brain function.

Regular consumption of pollock increases stress resistance, reduces cravings for smoking.

A large amount of iodine in the product maintains the reproductive system in a healthy state.

The trace element zinc activates the thymus gland, which raises the immune system, ensures the full functioning of the male gonads, preventing the development of sexual weakness, impotence.

Women need the use of pollock during menopause. This product will balance the psycho-emotional state, provide the necessary energy for an active and creative life.


It will help to cope with toxicosis in the first trimester, as it contains selenium, which frees the body of toxins. At the same time, the inclusion of pollock in the diet is useful for:

  • preservation of beauty and health of teeth, hair, nails.
  • The formation of a healthy nervous system and skeletal bones in the fetus.
  • Maintaining muscle tone, including the pelvic floor.

It does not create heaviness in the stomach after eating, activates the digestive tract, fights constipation, which is very important for most women in anticipation of a baby.

Usefulness during lactation

In the first three months of a baby's life, fish is consumed little by little, very carefully, for fear of possible allergies.

In the absence of allergic phenomena breastfeeding mother should include this product in her diet because he:

  • improves the quality of breast milk;
  • promotes lactation;
  • increases the absorption of calcium by a nursing mother;
  • with a high nutritional value does not threaten weight gain. This is important, as most women gain extra pounds while breastfeeding.

Due to the large amount of iodine and vitamin A, the baby and mother are guaranteed a calm, full sleep and joyful wakefulness.


Children this product you need to eat at least once a week for the formation of healthy bones and nervous system. Babies don't really like fish dishes. Pollock is a pleasant exception.

Thanks to its delicate texture, pleasant nutty taste and a slight fishy smell, all children like it.

You can start feeding babies minced fish as early as seven months, once a week.

You can not insist if the baby decisively refuses the product. It is better to offer it again in a month.

Especially the product is useful for increasing mental and physical stress. For example, on the eve of competitions, exams, etc. A large amount of protein, a balanced composition of macro- and microelements will allow children to remain calm, cheerful and clear of thought.

For the elderly

In old age, pollock is also very useful for the following reasons:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis due to the content of calcium.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • With constant use, it hinders the development of atherosclerosis and oncology.
  • Helps to maintain mental activity, memory, physical mobility.
  • Prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Removes puffiness.

Video about the beneficial and harmful properties of pollock caviar:

Potential danger and contraindications

The main danger is that unscrupulous suppliers may purchase a product caught in an ecologically unfavorable area. Russian manufacturers have not yet experienced such incidents.

Another danger is the substitution of other varieties of fish. The benefits of pollock are explained by its nutrition exclusively on plankton.. And they can replace it with deep-sea varieties that eat garbage at the bottom.

Such fish can be harmful, especially to pregnant women and children.

The product is also contraindicated in:

  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance;
  • acute pyelonephritis.

Pollock is very useful for patients with diabetes mellitus, especially the first type, since zinc allows you to save and activate pancreatic beta cells.

And chrome is responsible for . For diabetics of any type, only boiled or stewed fish is useful. Fried or smoked product is contraindicated for them.

It is also necessary, for example, for hepatitis (during remission). For normal functioning, the liver needs high-quality, easily digestible protein with a minimum fat content.

It also needs to be eaten by everyone who wants to lose weight, as it supplies all the substances the body needs with a minimum calorie content. It is undesirable for dieters to eat fried fish.

Pollock is best eaten boiled, stewed or baked. It prepares very quickly.. Before cooking from a whole carcass, you need to cut off the head, fins and tail, carefully remove the insides, trying not to damage the gallbladder, cut into portions. It is usually sold as fillets or headless gutted carcasses.

Then soak in salted water (10 g/1 liter of water) for one hour to remove possible heavy metal salts.

If there is no desire to have a tight breakfast, then you can also eat this fish at lunch, combining it with boiled vegetables and a fresh salad. At night pollock is not worth eating.

Animal protein during sleep is poorly absorbed.

Healthy people can eat 200-250 g per day, three times a week. The same amount can be recommended for pregnant and lactating women in the absence of contraindications.

Elderly, diabetic patients should limit their intake to 150 g per day, twice a week.

Children under three years old can eat fish once every 7 days in the amount recommended by the pediatrician. After three years, pollock can be included in the diet of babies twice a week for 50-150 g, depending on age.

Application in cooking

You can cook many dishes from pollock - soups, salads, casseroles, meatballs, pies, etc. Advantages:


Two beat with 200 ml of water, salt.

Cut 1 kg of fish into pieces of 2-3 cm, put in a baking dish, pour eggs.

Grate 100 g of any cheese, sprinkle on top. You can spread a few pieces of butter on the surface of the casserole.

Put in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

The casserole can be prepared with the addition of potatoes. To increase the nutritional value of the dish, instead of water, you can take milk.

Fish is useful at any age. Pollock has many advantages over other varieties of fish: availability, excellent taste, balanced composition, low calorie content.

It does not need to be cleaned, but cooked quickly. The product is easily absorbed by the body, has very few contraindications.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching an interesting video, where there is more useful information about pollock:

In contact with

Pollock represents fish belonging to the cod family. This is a pelagic fish, which is considered a valuable commercial object in Russia and a number of other countries. It is highly valued in Japan as the most environmentally friendly and healthy product.


The pollock has a very elongated body, which is specific to each fish from the cod family. Closer to the tail, it disappears. The body of individuals is covered with scales of small sizes, which are painted in silvery color. But in the back area, this silver looks oxidized - blackened. The fish has a spotted color: dark spots are visible on the silver scales, as in the photo.

There are three dorsal fins on the pollock's back. The one closest to the head is the tallest and the middle one is the longest. The dorsal fin near the tail is smaller both in height and length. The ventral fins of pollock lie in front of the pectorals.

Pollock is a fish whose head is disproportionately large compared to the body, which can be clearly seen in the photo. This also applies to the eyes. Big eyes are a sign of a semi-deep-sea representative of the ichthyofauna. On the lower jaw there is a small antennae below: the photo shows that it is not directed downward, it leans forward a little. On the head, as well as on the body of the fish, brown spots with a rounded shape can be distinguished.

Opinions differ regarding the maximum body weight of pollock and its length. According to one source, the maximum length can be 91 centimeters with a weight of 3 kilograms and 850 grams, and according to another source, the length is up to 75 centimeters, and the weight is up to 5 kilograms. But the average individuals in length are from 40 to 45 centimeters, while their body weight does not exceed 1 kilogram and 500 grams. Pollock can live no more than 15 years.

Distribution and habitats

Pollock is a fish that lives in the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean: mainly in its northern part. Like blue whiting, which lives in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, pollock is a resource of great nutritional value along with tuna, cod, mackerel and horse mackerel. Near the American coast, the fish is found in Monterey Bay, Alaska, as well as in the waters of the Bering Sea. Off the Asian coast pollock is found in the Bering, Okhotsk and Japan seas. To the Sangar Strait, pollock populations are common in the ocean, but to the south it is almost never found.

A related species of fish, which is called the Atlantic pollock, lives in the waters of the Barents Sea. The fish lives in cold waters, the temperature of which fluctuates between +2 ... +9 degrees Celsius. The preferred depth is no more than 300 meters. Sometimes fish make vertical migrations to a depth of up to 700 meters, and sometimes even deeper.


Pollock, as already mentioned, is a pelagic fish that lives mainly in the upper water column of the open ocean, in which it obtains food. Pollock spends most of his life away from the coast, to which he approaches only in order to continue his kind - for spawning. The same way of life is inherent not only to representatives of the cod family. Pelagic fish are mackerel and tuna.

Pollock at a young age feeds mainly on plankton, namely crustaceans. Growing fish ceases to be saturated with small prey, it begins to be interested in larger ones. Adult pollock feeds on squid and small fish such as smelt or capelin. Sometimes pollock shows a tendency to cannibalism: he can eat his own larvae, as well as fry.


Young pollock reaches sexual maturity at the age of 3 or 4 years. By this time, he is already gaining his maximum mass, which is unlikely to change. It usually ranges from 2.5 to 5 kilograms, depending on the habitat of the fish. Since pollock lives for about 16 years, one individual spawns about 11-12 times. Pollock in very dense flocks swims up to the shores, mainly in shallow water, where the depth is only 50–100 meters.

Pollock spawns at different times of the year. Any coast of the Pacific waters become spawning grounds. In the Bering Sea, the spawning period falls on spring and summer: spawning occurs from March to early September. In the South Pacific, walleye pollock spawns exclusively in winter and spring. At the same time, spawning begins at the end of November, and the spawning period ends in March. In Kamchatka, spawning occurs only in spring.

Caviar that has left the body is suspended in the water column. It usually swims at a depth of about 50 meters. A distinctive feature is that walleye pollock can breed at negative temperatures of -2 ... -1 degrees Celsius. This is possible due to the fact that salt water freezes under more severe temperature conditions, and pollock does not freeze due to the content of natural antifreeze in the blood.

Fish are caught on an industrial scale with fixed nets and trawls. Its meat is valued for its low fat content, high palatability, low bone content and high protein content. The photo above shows a photo of a pollock dish: it looks very tasty!

Pollock is a bottom pelagic cold-loving fish of the cod family, the pollock genus (theragra). The most common cod fish in the North Pacific. It is one of the main commercial fish in Russia.

This fish lives in cold waters (2 to 9 °C), preferring depths of 200 to 300 meters, although it can migrate to depths of 500 to 700 meters and deeper. Pollock lives for about 15-16 years. During spawning, walleye pollock approaches the shores, swimming in shallow waters with a depth of 50-100 m. Spawning accumulations of walleye pollock are very dense. Spawning itself in different places of the Pacific Ocean begins at different times. So pollock spawning in the Bering Sea happens in spring and summer (from March to September), off the coast of Korea - in winter and spring (from November to March), near Kamchatka - in spring. At the same time, females can spawn even at negative temperatures (-1.8 ° C). Caviar develops in a 50-meter surface layer.

Pollock reaches puberty at the age of 3-4 years, while reaching its maximum weight, which also varies in different habitats of the fish (from 2.5 to 5 kg).

Pollock feeds mainly on planktonic crustaceans. As pollock grows, it begins to feed on larger prey, namely small fish (capelin, smelt) and squid. Among pollock, cases of cannibalism are observed - eating larvae and fry of their own species.

Useful properties of pollock

Pollock contains vitamin PP, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iodine, fluorine, cobalt. Pollock liver contains a large amount of vitamin A, it is more here than in cod liver. Therefore, pollock liver must be consumed by people who want to preserve their teeth, gums, hair, nails and skin. Vitamin A strengthens the respiratory system, so pollock liver can be recommended to smokers. Also pollock liver will help recovery after a serious illness.

Pollock is a real storehouse of protein and iodine, which are very easily absorbed by our bodies. Pollock is very useful for children, especially in the first years of their life, for the growing body of babies it is truly an indispensable product, of course, you need to cook it for children either steamed or boiled. Pollock is delicious in any form. It is very important that pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, include pollock dishes in their diet. Protein and iodine are so important for the body, especially during its growth or changes associated with pregnancy. After all, iodine is found in very rare products, but pollock has it.

Compared to other seafood, the price of pollock is quite low, and its nutritional properties are in no way inferior to expensive varieties of fish. Pollock, like all cod, belong to dietary products, it is useful for all people, both young and old, especially those living in regions where there is a lack of iodine in water and food.

Pollock can be used to cook many delicious dishes. For example, stewed pollock. To prepare it, we need about one kilogram of pollock fillet, as well as a pound of onions and a pound of carrots. Pour fifty grams of vegetable oil into a pan with a thick bottom, cut the fish fillet into pieces of about five centimeters, and add to the pan, pour the onion, cut into half rings and carrots, cut into strips, salt and pepper to taste. We put the pan on a slow fire, cover with a lid and simmer for three hours, stirring occasionally. The finished dish will become a real decoration of any table, it can be eaten not only by adults, but also by children, as well as those who are on a diet, because all the products were cooked by stewing, we did not fry anything. Boiled

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