Tank made by hand from matchboxes. Do-it-yourself cardboard tank step by step

Pregnancy and children 05.07.2019
Pregnancy and children

It is pleasant to receive gifts, and receiving handmade gifts is doubly pleasant. There is not a single dad, grandfather or older brother who would not be delighted to receive a tank on Defender of the Fatherland Day, albeit from matchboxes. It’s not at all difficult to make a craft tank from matchboxes with your own hands, as you can see by studying our master class.

To create a tank we need:

  • matchboxes - 3 pcs.;
  • colored paper - green or sandy, or with a camouflage pattern printed on a printer;
  • thin cardboard (or thick paper) of black color;
  • cover from plastic bottle the same color as the colored paper;
  • lollipop stick;
  • medium size buttons - 8 pcs.;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • awl.


  1. Let's wrap matchboxes in colored paper according to the candy principle: one box separately, and the other two - after gluing them with long sides. Glue the wrapped boxes - one on top, and glued together - below. In order for the boxes to be neatly wrapped in paper, it is better to first draw a pattern on the paper, circling the outline of all sides of the box from the wrong side of the paper and adding a centimeter allowance.
  2. Glue on the bottom of the tank buttons-skating rinks. If there are no buttons of suitable size at hand, you can cut out circles of the required diameter from paper or cardboard.
  3. We will make a tower from a plastic bottle cap and a lollipop stick. To do this, make a hole in the lid with a heated awl and insert a stick there. Glue the turret onto the tank.
  4. Let's make caterpillars. To do this, cut out thin strips of thin cardboard or thick black paper and fold them with an accordion. Let's straighten our "caterpillars" a little and glue them on the tank.

Our matchbox tank is ready to participate in children's battles!

If a child likes to play at the table, then you can make a whole army of small tanks. For the manufacture of one tank you will need:

  • two matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • colored paper or White paper with paints;
  • scissors;
  • juice tube.

We begin to make a tank from matchboxes from the hull. Take the box and cover it with green paper. Instead of green, you can use a white sheet, which you paint at the end of the work in khaki with stars and inscriptions. Glue a strip of black paper on each edge to represent the caterpillars.

Next, try on the second box on the first and cut off half to form a cabin. At the same time, measure the length of the gun that you will make from the tube. Now cover the cabin with paper. In front, carefully make a slot and glue the cannon. Now it remains only to decorate the tank: stick round wheels on the sides of the hull, draw a red star on the sides of the cockpit. Use this technology to make enemy tanks.

How to make a tank out of medium sized matchboxes?

For larger crafts, you will need more matchboxes. To make a tank 8-10 centimeters high, you need to take about 30 boxes. I'm starting to build combat vehicle from tracks and hull. To do this, put four boxes in a row, put two more rows on them. This will be one caterpillar that needs to be pasted over with green paper.

Glue a black stripe at the bottom, and decorate the sides and top with black paper folded into an accordion. It is irrational to make a caterpillar from all sides as an “accordion”, since the child will tear it anyway during the game. Glue black paper circles or buttons on the side. It is better if the tracks hang over the wheels. Do the same for the second caterpillar.

Your matchbox tank is almost ready. It remains to make the body and cabin. Take three boxes and stack them on top of each other. Cover with paper and glue to the tracks so that the body is in the middle. If this distance between the tracks does not suit you, then take more boxes.

By analogy with the body, you make a cabin out of three boxes. Make a cannon out of paper and glue it to the cockpit. The last step is to cut out the stars and glue them onto the tank.

The most beautiful craft: matchbox tank

This technology will beautiful tank, but making it more difficult.

And finally...

A matchbox tank can be extraordinary in size, shape, and design. The more material you use (cardboard, straws, rods from pens, felt-tip pens, buttons, wheels from broken cars, corks, bottle caps, etc.), the more interesting the crafts will turn out. Using the technologies described above, you can make a tank to fit the size of a child, that is, a real vehicle into which children can climb and fight battles.

Where important historical dates studied in the program.

Young children are rarely interested in history, because what happened many decades ago does not fit into the framework of their understanding. However, they, especially boys, study with great desire the types of weapons and that were used during the war - in particular, the Great Patriotic War.

DIY tank from the box

For example, talking about Patriotic war, you can offer to make the kids a tank with their own hands from cardboard or even ready-made cardboard boxes. In the process of work, it will be possible to tell the children that already at the beginning of World War II, the most powerful tank army was in Russia. And the biggest tank battle took place near Kursk, where the Russian army won.

DIY tank craft is done as follows:

In advance, we will prepare two flat boxes of different sizes, green paint, scissors, bottle caps, a brush and glue. You will also need thick paper or sheet cardboard. In a larger box, cut enough big window, slightly less than the area of ​​the smaller box. And in the smaller one we will make a narrow small hole.

Armed with paints and glue. Glue a small box to a large box, exactly above the hole. From cardboard we twist the tube - the barrel - and fix it in a small (upper) box. Let's cover the resulting tank hull and muzzle with green paint.

We cut out strips from black cardboard, glue them on the sides of the hull, inserting a series of caps inside - we get tank tracks. We make tongues of flame from red cardboard, insert it into the barrel.

If the big box is not sealed, the tank can be used to store various little things, which is very convenient - it turns out that the tank created with your own hands from improvised materials will also become a hiding place.

Do-it-yourself plasticine tank

A very effective tank can be made from ordinary plasticine. We connect the plates of green and black plasticine.

We fix the tank tower from light green plasticine.

We sculpt and fix the muzzle of the tank.

We supplement the turret and the back of the tank with small elements.

We make a tank caterpillar.

The plasticine tank is ready!

A toy tank can be made from a matchbox.

Perhaps the most necessary, pleasant and beautiful tank is a tank of socks, pens and sweet chocolates.

Such a serious one will help the kids to join the history and learn how to create interesting things from quite ordinary objects.

Today I want to invite you to make a matchbox tank with our children. This craft can then be presented to dad or grandfather on February 23. The craft can be made with children after four years.

The smaller your child, the more you will have to help him or take on the bulk of the work yourself. This will depend on the capabilities of your baby, his perseverance and desire to engage in a specific period of time. With younger or not diligent children, a tank can be made from five boxes. With older children, a tank can be made from ten matchboxes. Well, for those who are completely enthusiastic, you can take even more matchboxes. The more boxes, the bigger the tank itself. My son and I took twenty-two matchboxes.

To get started, consider with your baby a picture of a tank or toy tank. What parts does it consist of? (hull, turret, caterpillars and gun). It is these basic details that we need to convey in our craft. Determine the main colors for the tank. Tanks can be of different colors and even spotted. The closer you can convey the color scheme, the more realistic your tank will look.

What is required to make

First of all, you will need matchboxes. Everyone determines their number. The easiest option is five matchboxes (four for the hull and one for the turret). Another set of colored paper, scissors, glue stick, ruler and pencil or felt-tip pen.

Let's start building a tank

To begin with, we need to glue the matchboxes separately for the hull and separately for the tower. The best way to do this is with a glue stick. In our version of the tank, the tower consists of two separate blanks (one of four matchboxes, the other of two).

When the blanks are ready, we proceed to pasting with colored paper. FROM colors you decide on your own. To glue the blank evenly, you will need a rectangular blank of colored paper. We turn it over with the colored side down, put a matchbox blank in the middle and mark the corner points with a simple pencil, or you can circle the blank along the contour.

Now, using a ruler and a pencil from dots, we draw perpendicular lines to the edge of colored paper. Using scissors, cut the corners along the drawn lines. We have a cross-shaped blank of colored paper. We are preparing such blanks for the hull and for the tower.

Now we glue the tanks with colored paper blanks. It is better to apply glue on matchboxes and carefully apply colored blanks to the areas treated with glue. Glue first upper part match blanks, then the side faces and, last but not least, the lower part of our future tank. When the blanks are pasted over, you can connect the hull to the tower. To do this, apply glue to the bottom of the tower and press it to the body.

You can congratulate yourself the main part of the work is done. We start working with small details: caterpillars, wheels, cannon. We make caterpillars from strips of black paper. For the wheels, we fold a strip of black paper with an accordion and cut out circles.

Sometimes there are recommendations to make caterpillars from a strip of paper folded like an accordion. This method looks realistic, but in fact it is not practical. After all, the child will definitely want to play in his tank. And the caterpillars, made of paper folded like an accordion, instantly fly off.

To make a cannon, we need a rectangular blank of colored paper of the required length and a pencil or a thick felt-tip pen if you are making a large tank.

We wind the blank of colored paper on a pencil or felt-tip pen, gradually smearing the edges of the blank with glue. Now we take out a pencil from our gun. You need not wind it tightly, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the pencil from our gun. Now we make a cross-shaped incision at one of the ends of the cannon and glue the cannon to the turret of our tank.

In principle, the tank is ready. But you can try harder. For example, the cannon at the junction with the tower does not look very nice. You can cut a circle and make a hole in it according to the diameter of the gun. We apply glue around the base of the gun, dress our circle and glue it to the tower. It looks better that way. You can also glue a red star to the tank, and stick a red tip on the end of the cannon. Perhaps you and your child will come up with something else.

I wish you creative success!!!

It is pleasant to receive gifts, and receiving handmade gifts is doubly pleasant. There is not a single dad, grandfather or older brother who would not be delighted to receive a tank on Defender of the Fatherland Day, albeit from matchboxes. It’s not at all difficult to make a craft tank from matchboxes with your own hands, as you can see by studying our master class.

To create a tank we need:

  • matchboxes - 3 pcs.;
  • colored paper - green or sandy, or with a camouflage pattern printed on a printer;
  • thin cardboard (or thick paper) of black color;
  • a cap from a plastic bottle of the same color as the colored paper;
  • lollipop stick;
  • medium size buttons - 8 pcs.;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • awl.


  1. Let's wrap matchboxes in colored paper according to the candy principle: one box separately, and the other two - after gluing them with long sides. Glue the wrapped boxes - one on top, and glued together - below. In order for the boxes to be neatly wrapped in paper, it is better to first draw a pattern on the paper, circling the outline of all sides of the box from the wrong side of the paper and adding a centimeter allowance.
  2. Glue on the bottom of the tank buttons-skating rinks. If there are no buttons of suitable size at hand, you can cut out circles of the required diameter from paper or cardboard.
  3. We will make a tower from a plastic bottle cap and a lollipop stick. To do this, make a hole in the lid with a heated awl and insert a stick there. Glue the turret onto the tank.
  4. Let's make caterpillars. To do this, cut out thin strips of thin cardboard or thick black paper and fold them with an accordion. Let's straighten our "caterpillars" a little and glue them on the tank.

Our matchbox tank is ready to participate in children's battles!

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