Write a word for the game. Speech games for older preschoolers

Tourism and rest 06.07.2019

Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Uskova Galina Vyacheslavovna
MOU secondary school №5
Egoryevsk, Moscow Region

Objectives: to find out which fairy tales and which fairytale heroes children know, to introduce new concepts of "folk" and "literary" fairy tales, to identify the best connoisseurs of fairy tales; promote the development of children's speech, imagination, thinking, memory; cultivate a love of reading fiction.

The quiz can be held in grades 1,2,3,4. The teacher determines the duration of the event and the number of competitions held.


Today, guys, we will visit a fairy tale.

From early childhood, we hear fairy tales. Mom reads them to us when she puts us to bed, grandmother tells us on quiet winter evenings. We listen to stories kindergarten We meet with them at school. Fairy tales accompany us throughout our lives. They are loved not only by children, but also by adults.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in a magical world where miracles happen, where good always triumphs over evil.

Today we will try to remember fairy tales and fairy tale characters, play games, learn a lot of new and interesting things, relax with a fairy tale, draw, listen to a fairy tale, visit an exhibition of books and drawings.

Let's sit comfortably and fly to the magical land of fairy tales.

We sat on the carpet, flew into a fairy tale.

The game "Tell me a word."

I'll tell you guys

Very difficult riddles.

Guess, don't yawn

Answer in unison!

Long unknown to many

He became everyone's friend.

All according to an interesting fairy tale

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple, albeit long,

He is called ... (Cipollino).

He loves everyone forever

Who would come to him.

Guessed? This is Gena

This is Gena ... (Crocodile).

Calm down, calm down, evil sorceress,

Do not indulge yourself with hopes,

I met seven gnomes in the forest -

Ours will be saved ... (Snow White).

He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals

And once a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He's famous, he's famous

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit).

Enemy of people and enemy of beasts.

Evil robber...(Barmaley).

Loves honey, meets friends

And composes grumbles.

And also puffers, chants, nozzles ... Wow!

Funny teddy bear…(Winnie the Pooh).

My father had a strange boy

nice wooden,

And the father loved his son -

Shalunishka ... (Pinocchio).

She is easy as if on a tightrope

Walk along a thin rope.

She lived in a flower once.

Well, her name is ... (Thumbelina).

And washed it on my stepmother,

And sorted through the peas

At night by candlelight.

And slept by the stove.

Good as the sun.

Who is this? (Cinderella)

A hard horse gallops,

Miracle mane golden.

He carries a boy over the mountains,

But it won't drop him.

The horse has a son

amazing horse,

Amazing horse

By nickname ... (Humpbacked).

Competition "Magic box".

(The teacher takes out items from the chest. The guys call the fairy-tale hero and the name of the fairy tale.)

  • pot of honey
  • jar of jam
  • Pot of oil
  • Pea
  • Golden Key
  • ball of thread
  • glass slipper
  • Arrow

Competition "Learn a fairy tale".

(The guys have 5 illustrations for fairy tales on the tables. Students guess fairy tales and raise fans with the answers “yes”, “no”. If someone did not guess the fairy tale, then the whole class helps.)

Contest "Find a Hero"

(Several fairy tale characters have a number on the board. Children guess the riddle and show the number (fan work)).

Granddaughter went to her grandmother

She brought pies.

Walking along the path

Sings a song loudly.

Suddenly towards a gray wolf,

What knows a lot about the paths.(Red Riding Hood)

mischievous merry fellow

It just flies through the window.

To the Kid he got into the house

And made a pogrom there.(Carlson)

H to fly over the earth

She needs a mortar with a broom.(Baba Yaga)

The passenger is a little strange

The little man is wooden.

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key.

Everywhere the nose sticks its long -

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

That girl is not more beautiful

That girl is no smarter.

And Pierrot, her admirer,

He sings about her all day long.(Malvina)

Grandma baked grandfather _

Grandfather was left without lunch:

The boy ran into the forest.

Got on the toe of the fox. (Kolobok)

Lives in Prostokvashino

All farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address

But the surname is sea.(Cat Matroskin)

Yes, guys, in this book

Babies live, little ones.

And one weirdo lives

He does everything wrong.

He is reputed to be stupid.

Who will call us?(Dunno)

Physical education "Turnip".

The yellow side appeared

Only I'm not Kolobok,

I'm not soft dough

Roll - I will not budge.

I'm rooted to the ground,

Call me. I ... (Turnip)

(The children guess the riddle and, together with the teacher, tell a fairy tale, accompanying it with movements)

Telegram Contest.

(The teacher reads the telegrams brought by the postman Pechkin. The children guess the author of the telegram.)

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villainous spider!(Fly Tsokotukha)

Everything ended well

only the tail remained in the hole. (Wolf)

Very upset.

I accidentally broke a golden egg.(mouse)

Save! ate us Grey Wolf ! (Kids)

Help me find glass slipper . (Cinderella)

I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I will be with you soon!(Kolobok)

Calm, just calm. I ate another jar of jam. (Carlson)

Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie.(Masha)

Competition "Find a fairy tale".

ripened new game

Not an easy task.

It's time for you to get down to business

And show diligence.

(Students choose one of 3 cards, select cards with illustrations for this fairy tale, put them in order, name the fairy tale.)

Competition "Help the mouse."

(The Mouse comes to the class. She cries. The Mouse asks the guys to help her. You need to remember the fairy tales with the participation of the Mouse.)

  • Turnip. Puss in Boots.
  • Teremok. Spikelet.
  • Swan geese. How the Hen baked bread.
  • Thumbelina. A wonderful bell.
  • You can show a scene from a fairy tale.

Competition "Name the fairy tale and the hero of the fairy tale."

Here's another game

You will like her.

I want to ask a question.

Your job is to answer.

Who didn't want to work

Did he play and sing songs?

To the third brother then

We ran into a new house.

Saved from the sly wolf

But for a long time the ponytails were shaking.

The story is known to every child.

And it's called ... ("The Three Little Pigs", Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif)

Grandma and grandpa on a winter morning

The granddaughter was made of snow.

But this little one did not know

That trouble threatens her in the summer.

(Snow Maiden from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden")

The girl walked through the forest

And ran into the house.

He sees that there are no owners.

There is lunch on the table.

She drank from three cups,

She lay in three beds.

(Masha from the fairy tale "Three Bears").

Pinocchio sheltered

And healed and taught

When did he start to get pissed off?

She had to punish him.

(Malvina from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Strictly ordered capricious princess

Bring flowers from the forest in winter.

Who could pick those flowers in winter?

I remember that girl! Do you remember?

(Stepdaughter from the fairy tale "Twelve months")

Came from a flower

Just an inch was a sprout.

Mole wanted to marry her,

But the Swallow took off.

And she saved the girl

From the old gloomy Mole.

(Thumbelina from the fairy tale "Thumbelina")

I persuaded my brother

Big sister:

“You don’t drink from a puddle

Muddy water."

The boy did not listen

He turned into a goat.

(Alyonushka from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Blitz tournament. (Quick question, quick answer.)

Dwelling of Baba Yaga.

Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of Ivan Tsarevich?

The apparatus on which Baba Yaga flies.

What did Cinderella lose?

What flowers did the Stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"?

Cheerful man-onion.

The hero of a fairy tale traveling on a stove.

Who made Pinocchio?

Who became the ugly duckling?

A postman from the village of Prostokvashino.

Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka.

The turtle that gave Pinocchio the Golden Key.

How did the Wolf catch fish from the fairy tale “Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf”?

In which fairy tale cannibal turns into a mouse, and the cat eats it?

Whom did the old man and the old woman sculpt from the snow?

Teacher's message(fairy tales "folk", literary, examples of such fairy tales)

For students of grade 1 - books "Read by syllables."

Exhibition of drawings.

Consideration. The name of the fairy tale. Heroes. "Folk" fairy tale or "literary"?

The drawing from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" comes to life. The teacher reads the passage about Squirrel by heart. The squirrel distributes golden nuts to the children.

Listening to a fairy tale"The Man and the Bear"

Competition "Draw a fairy tale".

Before the wolf he trembled,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Well, I got caught ... (Kolobok)

(Students color the illustration for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man").

Summing up the quiz.

Presentation "Fairy tales walk around the world."


S. G. Altareva, M. A. Khramova, N. A. Orlova

Calendar, folklore, thematic holidays Moscow, Wako, 2006

O. E. Zhirenko, L. P. Barylkina, L. A. Obukhova

Integrated lessons Moscow, Wako, 2006

M. A. Kozlova

I go to class at primary school Moscow, "First of September", 2000

O. E. Zhirenko, L. A. Obukhova

The holiday is an expected miracle! Moscow, Waco, 2006

O. E. Zhirenko, L. A. Obukhova

extracurricular activities Moscow, Waco, 2007

Didactic game"Say a word"

He is faithful to the sea like a sailor.

Harbinger of the storm ... (albatross)

For me to take you
I don't need oats.
Feed me gasoline
Give rubber on the hooves,
And then, raising the dust,
Will run ... (car)

Letters-badges, like fighters on a parade,
In strict order built in a row.
Everyone stands in the appointed place,
And everyone is called ... (alphabet)

Furiously the river roars
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? ... (April)
It's big like a soccer ball
If ripe - everyone is happy,
It tastes so good
And his name is ... (watermelon)
He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals
And once a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.
He's famous, he's famous
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)

On a thick white leg

Brown hat.

Surely any mushroom picker

Dreaming of finding ... (boletus)

Not a bird on the branch -
The animal is small.
The fur is warm, like a heating pad.
Who is this? ... (Squirrel)

He walks slowly from the river,
In a fur coat she is warm, like in an oven,
She will come to the hut
And calls me: ... (be-be)

“The back is freckled.

Oh, how embarrassing!

And blushed ... (ladybug)

Who digs tunnels in the forest

From the branches of the dam builds,

Are the teeth really axes?

It's working .... (beavers)

She welcomes spring

He puts on earrings.

And the dress is striped.

You recognize ... (birch)

A fluffy tail sticks out from the top.
What is this strange animal?
Cracks nuts finely.
Well, of course it is ... (squirrel)

What is my name, tell me.
Often I hide in the rye,
humble wild flower,
Blue-eyed ... (cornflower)

I open my kidneys

into green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement.

My name is ... (spring)

What kind of flock is on the edge?

These are redheads.

Like a wave, circles on hats.

So, everything ... (waves)

Grow on the edge

Red girlfriends.

And their name is ... (waves)

Coloration - greyish,

Habit - thieving,

hoarse screamer -

Famous person.

This is ... (crow)

You can wash a lot

I can water

I live in faucets all the time.

Well, of course, I ... (water)

I've been catching bugs all day
I eat worms.
I'm not flying to a warm land,
Here, I live under the roof.
Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!
I am experienced ... (sparrow).

Oh, the bunnies are not laughing
From his fangs and fur
He knows a lot about hares from childhood
Angry, toothy, gray ... (wolf)
My birthday is
They gave me a horse.
What a wonderful!
Blue - blue.
You have to drive carefully
You can hold on to the horns.
It's a pity that there is no mane ...
What kind of horse? ... (Bicycle)

I don't understand guys, who are you?
Birders? Anglers?
What kind of net is in the yard?
- Don't interfere with the game
You'd better leave
We play ... (volleyball)
Blacker than all migratory birds,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump across the arable land all day,
And the bird is called ... (rook)

I say to my brother

Oh! Peas are falling from the sky!

Here's an eccentric, - brother laughs, -

Your peas - it's ... (hail)

Dried up in the hot sun
And breaks out of the pods ... (peas)

Boats are sailing on the sea
People with oars ... (rowing)
I want to become a strong man.
I come to the strong man:
- Tell me about this -
How did you become a strongman?
He smiled back.
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I lift ... (dumbbells)
Michael played football
And scored into the goal ... (goal)

I am in any bad weather

I have a lot of respect for water.

I stay away from dirt

Clean gray ... (goose)

I'm very proud of
That I'm not a duck, but ... (goose)

Goose noisy, with a long nose.
The neck is like a question mark.
The goose goes for a walk in the meadows
And cackles: ... (ha-ha-ha)

I have a learned dog -
Round button nose.
If I'm wrong about something
He barks loudly: ... (woof-woof)

On the willow, the buds burst with a bang.
On the river ice cracks at night.
And nests are made without wire
On the branches are the first ... (rooks)

The hedgehog has grown ten times
It turned out ... (porcupine).
I have never seen so many splinters
No, I do not envy ... (porcupine).
I have darkness acquaintances,
I can't count them myself
Because who will pass
He will shake my hand.
I'm glad to people, believe me
I am friendly ... (door).

In the forest to twitter and whistle

The forest telegrapher knocks:

"Hey, thrush buddy!"

And he signs: ... (Woodpecker)

The taste of the berry is good,
But rip it off, go ahead:
A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog,
That's called ... (blackberry)
Unwashed in mouth
Will not take anything.
And you be like that
How clean ... (raccoon)
Good-natured, businesslike
All covered with needles.
Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?
This is our friend ... (hedgehog)
Behind the river grew
They brought them to the party.
The branches have needles.
What is this? ... (Yolki)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.

Who is this? …(Ruff)

Good-natured, businesslike
All covered with needles.
Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?
This is our friend ... (hedgehog)

He walks at night, he sleeps during the day.
If angry, grumble.
He lives in the dense forest,
He himself is round and prickly.
Guess who is this?
Well, of course, this is .... (hedgehog)

Unwashed in mouth

Will not take anything.

And you be like that

How clean ... (raccoon)

You will read this story

Quiet, quiet, quiet...

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog

And his ... (hedgehog)

Oh, and the dress:

All the needles

They wear it forever ... (Christmas trees)
couch potato red cat
I lay down for myself ... (stomach).

Mom knits long scarf,
Because the son ... (giraffe).

Only cherry blossoms
A bee flew into the garden.
I've been following her for a long time
She is looking for honey: ... (zhu-zhu)

He's tall, he's huge

It looks like a crane.

Only this crane is alive

With real head.

One of you will be right

Who will answer me ... (giraffe)

Rushing without looking back
Only heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess live
Who is this? ... (Bunny)

I don't have much to do -

I am a white blanket

I cover all the earth

I clean the rivers in the ice,

Whitewash fields, houses,

My name is ... (winter)

clear nights
Walking with daughters.
She does not tell her daughters:
- Go to bed, it's late. -
Because mother is the moon
And daughters ... (stars).

Roof in a fur hat,
White smoke overhead.
Courtyard in the snow. White houses.
At night, came to us ... (winter).
I wake up early in the morning
Together with the rosy sun,
I make my own bed
I quickly do ... (exercises).
I'm sitting almost crying
Very difficult ... (task).
Footsteps in the hallway
That calls everyone to the class ... (call).
How boring it is
One hundred years without movement
look into the water
To your reflection.
Hanging branches from a cliff
So sad ... (willow).
Not prickly
Light blue,
Hung in the bushes ... (hoarfrost).

From stubbornness not a step
It will not advance ... (donkey).
A thin thread is threaded into the narrow eye
And swam after the ship quickly.
Sews, sews up and pricks sharply.
And they call the boat ... (needle).
What's the creak, what's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I ... (cabbage).

Evil as a wolf

Burns like mustard

What a wonder?

This is .. (nettle)

Good crow bird
Yes, the singer is not good.
How to open your mouth - a nightmare -
Heard only: ... (kar-kar-kar)

Waddling over is important
Bravely jumped into the river
And speaking of something
Noisily splashing: ... (quack-quack)

This animal lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this beast!
He has a mustache like knitting needles
He, purring, sings a song.
Only the mouse is afraid of him,
Because it is... (cat)

Snow in the forest. There are many snowdrifts

But the tit trill is heard.

From the roof straight to the road

Dripping loudly ... (drops)

Whoever swam towards,
It will swallow everyone ... (crocodile)

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
You salt it a little.
After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)!

Rushing like a bullet, I'm moving forward

Only the ice creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? ... (Skates)

Who will color our album?

Well, of course ... (pencil)

Vanyatka in me at night
Before that, he will doze off sweetly,
That you don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? .. (Bed).
"I hit the green!" -
Bitterly crying ... (crocodile).
Who will color our album?
Well, of course ... (pencil).

The goldfinch sings all day
In a window cage.
The third year went to him,
And he is afraid ... (cats).
The kitten did not want to wash
He ran away from ... (trough).
gray wolf in dense forest
I met a redhead ... (fox).

cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail is beautiful.
Who is this? .. (Fox)
Quietly the snow is falling
White snow, shaggy.
- We will clear the snow and ice
In the yard ... (with a shovel).
Flow, rain, more fun,
We are friends with you.
We have fun running
Barefoot in ... (puddles).

slyly looked
Tail waved
And disappeared - miracles
Where are you, redhead ... (fox)

In the meadow on bumps
Leaves are jumping
bulging eyes
And crooked paws
But where are the ears
Who is it? …(Frog)

On the bench at the gate
Lena bitterly tears ... (pouring).
Our garden in exemplary order:
How the beds were built at the parade.
Like a living fence around -
Set green peaks ... (bow).

People are surprised:

Lead a wonderful round dance

Red sisters -

That mushrooms ... (chanterelles)

Andreyka in her garden
I watered flowers from ... (watering cans).
Made everyone around cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow).

They have a very strange look:

Dad has curls in a wave,

And my mother has a haircut.

Why is she offended?

Gets angry often

For all mother ... (lioness)

In the skin of yellow, it is sour,

It is called ... (lemon)

I am woven from the heat

I bring warmth with me.

I warm the rivers

"Swim!" - I invite.

And love for it

You are all of me. I am summer ... (summer)

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill.

The sport became dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? ... (Ski)

Hollow and lair,

Fox and bird house

Protects reliably in the forest .. (forester)

Sisters grow up in the forest

Redheads ... (chanterelles)

Two birch horses

They carry me through the forest.

These red horses

And their name is ... (skiing)

Flow, rain, more fun,

We are friends with you.

We have fun running

Barefoot in ... (puddles)

Make everyone around cry

Although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow)

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden is dressed in white
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles.
What month is this? .. (May)
He slept in a fur coat all winter,
He sucked his brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
This beast is a forest ... (bear).
Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped into the river ... (ball).

We are at work every minute

From dawn to dawn

It's easy to find us in the forest -

Just look under your feet.

Call me soon

I am a worker ... (ant)

He stood in the forest, no one took him:

young in a red cap

Good for nothing ... (fly agaric)

Among the young pines

In a shiny dark hat

A fungus is growing ... (oil can)

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest

Grew motley, like Parsley,

Poisonous ... (fly agaric)

In the pit sleeps in the long winter,

But as soon as the sun begins to warm,

On the road for honey and raspberries

Departs ... (bear)

Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink

Gray baby.

Who is this? ... (Mouse)

In a black field, a white hare

Jumped, ran, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? …(Chalk)

ringing a bell,
She ran away from me.
The meadow melts in the evening mist,
Where to look for her: ... (me-me)

Who mustachioed, like a robber,
Jumped over the window sill
Scared the neighbor's chickens
And purrs: ... (mur-mur)

Dawn walks through the meadows,
Milk brings us.
Dawn would live in a tower,
And she's in the barn: ... (mu-mu)

Who is big and clumsy
Did you take the honey out of the hive with your paw?
I ate sweetness - and roar
What is his name? …(Bear)

yellow, fluffy,

Delicate, fragrant,

Afraid of frost

It's called ... (mimosa)

Long-legged goblet

Dancing right on the track

Cleans everything up.

And my name is ... (broom)

In the field a snow bed

Lays bunnies ... (blizzard)

In a black field, a white hare
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? .. (Chalk)

We are a puppy in water and in soap
Two hours with a washcloth ... (washed).
Everyone here in the forest is a talent -
And the singer, and ... (musician).
Lyudmila went to wash her hands,
She needed ... (soap).

No job for the life of me
Cannot live ... (ant).

Under a heavy burden
But a friend comes to the rescue.
The people here are good
No job for the life of me
Can't live... (ant)

Who has one horn?
Guess! ... (Rhino)

Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea
Head and eight legs
That's all I am - ... (octopus)
Strict, fast,
The horns are branched.
Grazing all day
Who is this? ... (Deer)
In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess, well done
What is our name? .. (Cucumbers)

Although he is not at all fragile,
And hid in a shell.
Look into the middle
You will see the core.
Of the fruits, he is the hardest of all,
It is called ... (nut)

I bring the harvest

I sow the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees

But I don't touch the pines

And Christmas trees. I - ... (autumn)

Golden and young
Became gray within a week.
And two days later
Bald head:
I'll hide it in my pocket
Former ... (dandelion)

Who deftly jumps on palm trees?
Who hides coconuts in leaves?
Who threw us 2 bananas?
Guessed?... (Monkey)

Slim, fast,

branched horns,

It grazes all day.

Who is this? …(deer)

These friendly guys

They grow on a stump in the forest.

They call them ... (honey mushrooms)

Chok-chok, piglet,
Pink hook on the back
In the middle of the barrel
The voice is thin, the call.
Who is this? Guess!
This is ... (piggy)

Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!

The snow is melting, the water is all around.

Don't wear boots

In the snow ... (thawed patches)

I grow up in a red cap

Under a slender aspen,

You will recognize me from a mile away

My name is ... (boletus)

gray hats,

Ragged legs.

They grow under a birch.

What are their names? ... (Boletus)

And from the wind, and from the heat,
Will cover you from the rain.
And how sweet it is to sleep in it!
What is this? .. (Tent.)
He is always at the station
Trains come to him
Double R contains he
And it is called ... (platform).
He is with a bell in his hand,
In a blue and red hat.
He is a fun toy
And his name is ... (Petrushka).

I am the mistress of different dreams

About dolphins, about elephants,

About crystal palaces

And about distant stars.

You lie down and in your ear

Dreams will whisper to you ... (pillow)

It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light.

among vegetables

No juicier ... (tomato)

Rises at dawn
Singing in the yard
Scallop on the head.
Who is this? .. (Cockerel.)

Ku-ka-re-ku! he screams loudly
flapping its wings loudly
Hen faithful shepherd
What is his name? ... (Rooster)

The fly gasped first:
"Oh, what lace" -
And the head is gone!
Poor thing, as if in mud,
Stuck in ... (web).
I have a portfolio
Not big and not small:
A task book lies in it,
Primer and ... (pencil case).

If you know everything
What you get at school ... (five)

Having fun Kolya, Lena -
It means... (change).
Waddle walked from the ice floes
To us for a matinee ... (penguin).
I wanted to have a ball
And I have guests to my place ... (called).
I took flour and took cottage cheese,
Bake crumbly ... (pie).

Take a look guys

Here - chanterelles, there honey mushrooms.

Well, this, in the meadow,

Poisonous ... (toadstools)

Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle Yudo on a bitch.
Long beak and two wings...
Arrives - things are bad.
And who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? This is ... (bird).
Big fight in the river
Two quarreled ... (cancer).

Foresters her kittens
They don't want to take it home.
Don't tell her:
"Cat, scat"
Because it is… (trot).

Beyond the meadows, over the water
The pouring rain poured down,
And then it hung
There is a rocker in the sky.
The kids are happy
Colored ... (rainbow).

The elephant is walking along the road.
That's the trunk!
That's the legs!
The bridge sagged under the elephant.
The elephant has a huge ... (growth).

I stand on three legs

Legs in black boots.

White teeth, pedal.

What is my name? …(Piano)

I took two oak bars,
Two iron rails
I stuffed planks on the bars.
Give me snow! Ready ... (sled).

On the pole - the palace,
In the palace - a singer,
And his name is ... (starling).

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over the earth

light fluff,

White ... (snowflakes)

There was a little puppy.
He grew up, however,
And now he's not a puppy -
Adult ... (dog).

I wasn't raised.

Blinded from the snow.

In place of the nose deftly

Put in carrots.


Hands are bitches.

Cold, big...

Who am I? ... (Snowwoman)

He respects work in the garden,

Caterpillars destroy!

There is a "palace" on the tree:

He lives in it with his family ... (starling)

And don't swim in the sea
And they don't have bristles
Yet they are called
They are marine ... (pigs).

Thunder roared, merry thunder,
All around sparkled!
Rushing into the sky relentlessly
colorful fountains,
Splashes of light pour everywhere!
This is a festive ... (salute).

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly - apples fluttered.
After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue.

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you .. (sun)

early morning window cleaner

Climbs onto ... (ladder).

Washed the dusty glass

It became in the room ... (light)

All day he does not mind sleeping,
But when the night comes,
His bow will sing,
Call the musician ... (cricket)

Turned off the lights in the house
Still no rest.
Ru-choo-choo, yes roo-choo-chok.
Who is this? There... (cricket)

It will go out, then it will light up
Light in the grove at night.
Guess what it's called?
Golden ... (firefly)

Guess what kind of bird:
Afraid of the bright light
Crocheted beak, patchy eyes,
Eared head ... This is ... (owl)
Who is without notes and without flute
Trills are the best
Louder and softer?
Who is this? ... (Nightingale)
Walks long, mouth with fangs,
Legs look like pillars
How big is the mountain.
Did you find out who it is? ... (Elephant)

On the chamomile at the gate
Helicopter descended
Golden eyes.
Who is this? ... (Dragonfly)

He does not suffer from colds,

Not afraid of evil blizzards

And the winter does not fly away

To the far sultry south.

Let piles of snow cover

And a hillock, and a wasteland -

Once a handsome man flew to us,

Inhabitant of the north ... (bullfinch)

You are with this fashionista,

Of course familiar:

Turntable in place

Doesn't fit at all -

Everything boasts

With your blue frock coat

And a blue hat

Proud of ... (tit)

It snowed, and this bird

Snow is not afraid at all.

We call this bird

Red-breasted ... (bullfinch)

blue scarf,

dark back,

Small bird,

Call her ... (titmouse)

A mob across the sky
Leaky bags wander,
And sometimes it happens:
Water flows from the bags.
Let's hide better
From holey ... (clouds).

The house on the rails is right there,

He will kill everyone in five minutes.

You sit down and don't yawn

Departs ... (tram)

Should always be okay
Your school ... (notebooks).
Why is this cow
Vertically challenged? -
Vova Sveta answers:
- It's very simple,
It's the same child
This is ... (calf).

I won't boast:

I will rejuvenate all my friends!

They come to me sad -

With wrinkles, with folds,

They leave very cute

Fun and smooth!

So I'm a trusted friend

Electric ... (iron)

From me thin dishes
Pale white and loud
Burned since ancient times.
I am called ... (porcelain).

Standing outside all day

Passers-by are admired.

Their service begins

When it's getting dark,

And they won't go out until dawn

Night eyes ... (lanterns)

Clap - and the candy shoots,

Like a gun!

It is clear to everyone: this is ... (clapperboard)

On a small platform a cry:

A student rushes to the gate.

Everyone shouts: “Stick! Washer! Bey!

Fun game!...(Hockey)

Piglet will wash in a puddle
And rush to dinner.
I'll cook the bran for her
She will tell me: ... (oink-oink)


Long thin beak
Grab the frog.
A drop will drip from the beak ...
Who is this? ... (Heron)

Everything rejoices today!

In the hands of a child

Dancing for joy


Banana on a palm tree - for a monkey,

And on a pine for a squirrel ... (bumps)

She is the most dangerous of all in the river!

Cunning, voracious, strong,

Moreover, such a wicked

Of course, this is ... (pike)

On a splinter, in a piece of paper,

In a chocolate shirt

It asks for itself in the hands.

What is this? ... (Eskimo)

To distant villages, cities

Who is on the wire?

Bright majesty.

This is ... (electricity)

ugukalo, agkalo,

Aukalo and crying

And burst into laughter

And it was called ... (echo)

Spinning on one leg

Carefree, cheerful.

Dancer in a colorful skirt

Musical ... (yula)

I twirled under my feet

I really bothered my mom!

And for this my brother

He called me ... (Yula)

Bull, mighty giant,

As a child, I was a calf

Fat lamb ram -

Thin ... (lamb)

On the branch is not a bird -
The animal is small.
The fur is warm, like a heating pad.
Who is this?...

A fluffy tail sticks out from the top.
What is this strange animal?
Cracks nuts finely.
Well, of course it is...

Blacker than all migratory birds,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump across the arable land all day,
And the bird's name is...

I am in any bad weather
I have a lot of respect for water.
I stay away from dirt
Clean gray...

In the forest to twitter and whistle
The forest telegrapher knocks:
"Hey, thrush, buddy!"
And signs: ...

Good-natured, businesslike
All covered with needles.
Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?
This is our friend...

Unwashed in mouth
Will not take anything.
And you be like that
Like a cleaner...

Rushing without looking back
Only heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess live
Who is this?...

From stubbornness not a step
Won't advance...

This animal lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this beast!
He has a mustache like knitting needles
He, purring, sings a song.
Only the mouse is afraid of him,
Because it...

lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship.
Whoever swam towards,
Everyone will be swallowed...


cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail is beautiful.
Who is this?...

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
He sucked his brown paw.
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
It's a forest animal...

Underground, in a closet
She lives in a mink.
gray baby,
Who is this?...

Under a heavy burden
But a friend comes to the rescue.
The people here are good
No job for the life of me
Can't live...

Who has one horn?
Guess! ...

Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea
Head and eight legs
That's all I am...


Strict, fast,
The horns are branched.
Grazing all day
Who is this? ...

Waddle walked from the ice floes
Very important to us...

Chok-chok, piglet,
Pink hook on the back
In the middle of the barrel
The voice is thin, the call.
Who is this? Guess!


Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle Yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and two wings...
Arrives - bad things!
Well, who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? It...

Foresters her kittens
They don't want to take it with them.
You won't tell her: "Cat, scat!"
Because it...

All day he does not mind sleeping,
But when the night comes,
His bow will sing,
The musician's name is...

Turned off the lights in the house
Still no rest.
Ru-choo-choo, yes roo-choo-chok.
Who is this? There...

And don't swim in the sea
And they don't have bristles
Yet they are called
They are marine...

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly - apples fluttered.
After all, this...

It will go out, then it will light up
Light in the grove at night.
Guess what it's called?


Guess what kind of bird:
Afraid of the bright light
Crocheted beak, patchy eyes,
Eared head... It's...

Who is without notes and without flute
Trills are the best
Louder and softer?
Who is this?...

Is that the word! Game "Tell me a word"

Target: - give students a concept of the systemic relationships of words in the language; show the richness of the Russian language; improve the skills of linguistic analysis; to increase the level of language development of schoolchildren;

Develop speech, memory, thinking, attention, curiosity;

To instill interest in the Russian language;

Cultivate love for literature, for native speech.

Lesson progress

1. Updating of knowledge, skills and abilities.

a) Greetings.

Today our path lies in the Land of Words, where you will no longer find a single corner where silence reigned or incomprehensible primitive sounds of savages who could not speak would be heard. The Stone Age has remained in our past journey, and now we will speak modern Russian.

Today we will start our journey right away with a game.

GAME "Collect a word"

We are ordinary words

Everyone knows us all.

We contain the letter "A"

Thrice or twice.

Sometimes just one

Just not at the beginning.

But today - well, well! They all fled.


2 GAME "Tell me a word"

A - swallowed a frog (stork)
L - rolled the cart (horse)
D - open and enter (door)
Sh - on the Christmas tree we will find (bump)
Oh - buzzes and stings painfully (wasp)
P - trees are felling in the forest (saw)
B - chirps on a branch (sparrow)
T - growls at us from the cage (tiger)
M - escapes from the cat (mouse)
C - in a pot on the window (flower)
H - likes a pleasant smell (nose)
K - walks on soft paws (cat)
Shch - diligently cleans teeth (brush)
3 - tells us to put on fur coats (winter)
h - drags a house with him (turtle)
E - will respond from the thicket (echo)
C - we will stroke the fur (dog)
Yo - we will dress up for the holiday (Christmas tree)
And - in the forest on chicken legs (hut)
G - lie in our basket (mushrooms)
F - flickers with a twinkle (lantern)

Yu - spinning top (yula)
E - in the forest from the bush we ate (blackberry)
R - flies around the moon (rocket)
X - for dinner on the table (bread)
I am on every ship (anchor)

"Ball game"

- Let's turn to the map again, it will tell us where task 3 is located. It is called "Ball Game". I throw the ball, say the word, and you say the word with opposite meaning.

Smart - ... dry - ... sorrow - ... fast - ...

Sweet - ... bad - ... morning - ... big - ...

Light - ... bold - ... night - ... quiet - ...

Day - ... young - ... fun - ... start - ...

Greedy - ... full - ... sick - ... old - ...

Strong - ... hot - ... stale - ... etc.

Now let's play game "Polite words" .

The boy is polite and developed

He speaks at the meeting ....


We were very tired during the day

Let's tell everyone...


Green old stump

Let's tell everyone....

(Good afternoon)

When we are scolded for pranks,

We are speaking…….

(Excuse me, please)

You met a friend at lunch

And told him... (Hi)

If in the evening there is a meeting,

Let's tell him....

(Good evening)

If the girl is sick

She coughs hoarsely

And sneezes again

Let's tell her…….

(Be healthy)

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mom...

(Thank you)

Both France and Denmark

Saying goodbye…….


1. It grows on melon,

as you cut it - the juice flows,

it tastes fresh and sweet

called…. Watermelon

2. Don't touch this word:

it hurts like fire,

inconspicuous, ugly,

called ... .. nettle

3. Foal every day

grew up and became ... a horse

4. Will the cat color our album?

Well, of course …. Pencil

5. Round, crumbly, was

came to the table from the fields.

You salt it a little

After all, the truth is delicious ... .. potatoes

6. What kind of creak, what kind of crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without a crunch,

If I ….. cabbage

7. I rush like a bullet forward,

only the ice creaks

let the lights flicker!

Who carries me.... Skates

8. Our Mashenka is walking along the road,

she leads a goat by a rope.

And passers-by look in all eyes -

The girl has a very long ..... braid

9. Sleeps in a pit in the long winter.

But as soon as the sun begins to warm,

On the road for honey and raspberries


10. In a white field, a white hare

jumped, ran, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this? ….. a piece of chalk

11. In the underground, in the closet

she lives in a burrow.

gray baby

Who is this? …. mouse

12. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

sucked brown paw,

and waking up, began to roar

this animal of the forest .... Bear

13. He rides on two wheels,

does not skid on slopes.

And there is no gas in the tank.

This is my ... bike

14. Spinning on one leg

carefree, cheerful

dancer in a colorful skirt,

musical ... whirlpool

15. On the table in front of me

The globe spun:

Arctic, equator, pole,

Fitted all... the globe

16. When sometimes lonely

Will give you... Telephone

17. Walks calmly, slowly -

Let everyone see how good it is!

Comfortable and durable shirt

In which he walks .... Turtle

18. One hundred birch soldiers,

Standing hand in hand

Day and night, all year round

Guard the garden.

Those soldiers from a long time ago

It's called ... .. fence

19. Grabbed by the ears, the tip of the nose,

He painted the window without asking.

Who is this? Here's the question?

It makes…. Freezing

20. We are glad to overtake each other,

You look, my friend, do not fall!

Good then, easy

Speed ​​​​skates

21. I carry it with me,

I do not dunk, but I write!

Amazing little thing

Self-writing ... .. pen

22. There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter they all die.

Jumping, buzzing over the ear.

What are they called? … fly

23. She buzzes everything, buzzes,

Above the flower circles, circles.

She sat down, took the juice from the flower,

Honey is preparing for us ... a bee

24. I catch bugs all day,

I eat worms.

I do not fly to a warm land,

Here, under the roof, I live.

Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!

I am seasoned... Sparrow

25. Helps us in the household

And willingly settles

Wooden palace

Dark bronze … starling

26. Who is without notes and without a flute

Who is this? ... nightingale

27. And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,

You can always find us everywhere:

In the meadow, on the edge.

We are green ... frogs

28. Instead of a nose - a patch,

I'm funny …. piglet

Final part (reflection).

What did you learn in today's lesson?

What was the most interesting?

In winter everything is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with this word. Didactic game "Say the word."

The speech therapist reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "snow".

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground... (Snow.)

Fluffs all slide from the sky -

Silver... (Snowflakes.)

To the villages, to the meadow

Everything goes down... (Snowball.)

Here's some fun for the kids -

Getting stronger... (Snowfall.)

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play... (Snowballs.)

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up... (Snowman.)

Next to the snow figurine -

This girl - ... (Snow Maiden.)

In the snow, look -

With red chest... (Bullfinches.)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the earth... (Snow.)

What words did you add? (Children's answers.)

What word do they all look like? (Children's answers.)

6. Didactic game "Say kindly"
Snow - snowball, wind - ...,

frost - ... , snowdrift - ... , cold - ... , ice - ... etc.

Formation of the genitive

What is the name of the natural phenomenon when snow falls? (Dream
And there is nothing?

Snow. And no... (snow).

Winter storm. And no...

Blizzard. And no...

Snowdrift. And no...

Ice. And no...

Didactic game "Make a proposal"

Snow, white, fell, fluffy.

Cold, winter, has come, snowy.

From, children, a slide, snow, made. Paths, guys, from, clean, snow. The river was covered, wide, with ice, thick.

9. Tale of winter
White and cold winter came to earth, with deep snow
mi, crackling frosts and blizzards. The sky is covered with gray clouds
kami. Often snowing. It is white, opaque, loose,
puffy. In calm weather, snow falls to the ground slowly,
koino and covers everything around in an even layer. But it's worth blowing the wind
as soon as it notices, a blizzard will swirl, leaving high snowdrifts about once
personal barriers. Forest drowned in snow. Trees and shrubs are worth
lye, only most conifers are still green. On the tree
vyah at this time of the year there is snow, it reliably protects plants
by cold. Streams, rivers, lakes are ice-bound in winter. Ice colorless
ny, transparent, fragile. It is difficult in winter for birds and belly
nym. But the animals are not afraid of the cold. Pushis saves them from the bitter cold
that wool. But even animals and birds are often hungry in winter.
Therefore, they must be fed. People hang feeders
pouring food, laying out hay, carrots, cabbage.

With the onset of winter colds, people begin to dress warmer than they dressed in autumn. And everyone: people, animals, birds - are waiting for the onset of spring, it comes after winter.

Summary of the lesson

What season were they talking about in class?

Name the first, second and third months of winter.
Fixing material

I. Activate the children's vocabulary on the topic. Know the signs of winter and the names winter months. Clarify after what time of the year winter comes and what season comes after winter. Remember with children winter activities. Write a story about winter.

11. Grammatical structure of speech and word formation.

1. Pick up epithets for words.

Snow (what?) - white, crumbly, cold, etc., ice - ..., day in winter - ..., night in winter - ....

2. What can be said?

Hit - ... , crunches - ... , rages - ... , hangs - ... , freezes - ... , creaks - ... , sweeps - ... . What can be said? Frosty - ..., cold - ..., snowy - ..., icy - ... .

3. Change the word so that the word answers the question -
which one (th, -th, -th)?

For example, frost is frosty. "Cold" (what?) - ... "Snow" (what?) - ... "Ice" (what?) - ...

4. Formation of nouns with a diminutive caress

5. Formation of the plural of nouns rodi
telative case with the words: sled, skis, skates, stick, puck,

For example: Snow (many things?) - snow.

6. Fix the use of prepositions. Make sentences with prepositions and write in your notebook.

Lesson 15. "Wintering birds"

Goals: fix and clarify the name of wintering birds; form nouns with diminutive suffixes, prefixed verbs; agree numerals with nouns; selection of antonyms; develop vocabulary, attention.

Equipment: demonstration material - pictures depicting wintering birds; handout - plant seeds, cards with a different number of wintering birds, pictures of birds.

Lesson progress

Organizing time

The one who sits behind the first, second, ..., sixth hundred

Conversation about the time of year

What time of year do you think it is?

How did you guess?

What day in winter?

What night?

What can you say about snow?

What is ice like?

The story of the birds

a) The speech therapist makes a riddle: Greenish with a back, Yellowish with a tummy. Little black hat And a scarf. (Tit.)(The picture is exposed.)

What is a titmouse if it has a yellow chest? Thin paws? Co.
spiky beak?

b) The speech therapist makes a riddle:
Every year I visit you.
I want to winter with you.

After all, even redder in winter My bright red tie. (Bullfinch.)(The picture is exposed.)

With the onset of cold weather, many birds fly south to
warm countries. And bullfinches only come to us in winter. They are zo
they are bullfinches because they appear along with snow. The thing is
that for bullfinches our forests are “warm lands”, in summer they
live much further north. It is not difficult to see these birds in winter: their beauty
breasts, bluish-gray backs, black velvet caps
ki and wings are clearly visible against the background of white snow. The females have breasts
grey. Bullfinches feed on seeds of weeds and yago
ladies that can be found in our forests in winter, mountain ash. Weight
Noah bullfinches will already be far in the north, in their homeland. Sowyut there
nests, bring out and feed the chicks. In autumn and early winter again
their low sonorous whistle is heard: “zhu-zhu-zhu”.

c) The speech therapist makes a riddle:
In a gray fur coat

And in the cold he is a hero.

Jumps, frolics on the fly.

Not an eagle, but still a bird. (Sparrow.)

(The picture is exposed.)

Sparrow is a small bird. He has a gray brown ope
rainier, small sharp beak, small body, short
tail, thin legs. Feeds on bread crumbs, berries, grains
us seeds. Sparrow - nimble, fast, agile, drachli
vyy, fighting, bold. If the sparrow ruffles, then tomorrow wait for strength

Why are the titmouse, sparrow, bullfinch called birds?

What are these birds? (Winterers.)

What other wintering birds do you know? (Dove, crow, ya
bodies, magpie, crossbill, cuckoo, etc.)
(Pictures are exhibited in the winter
shchi birds.)

What do all birds have in common? (Torso, wings, feathers, beak,
paws, tail.)

What is the difference? (Size, color, plumage.)

Each bird, like a person, has its own character. How are you
What do you think the character of a bullfinch is? (Lazy, sad, little
visible, etc.)

And what tit? (Thin, nimble, funny, smart, etc.)

What can you say about a sparrow? (Pugnacious, cheerful, daring,
combat, nimble, etc.)

Sparrow - chirping. The titmouse and the bullfinch whistle when they are full, and if it is cold and hungry, they hiss. Crow - croaks. Dove - cooing. Magpie - cracking, etc.

Birds are hungry and cold in winter. People take care of them
make bird feeders.

What do you think birds eat in winter? I'm for you for now
I eat seeds that can be fed to birds.

These are melon seeds. What kind of seeds? - Melon. Sinshda eats them.

These are watermelon seeds. What seeds? - Watermelon. eats them

These are ash seeds. What seeds? - Ash. them too
loves the snowman.

Sunflower seeds, millet. For what do you think

And we also have lard, which bird loves lard?

Physical education minute

The birds are jumping and flying Children jump, "fly",

The birds are jumping and singing "sing"

Birds collect crumbs. "gather"

The grains peck. "peck",

The feathers have been cleaned. "clean".

The feathers have been cleaned

The beaks have been cleaned

And they sat down. sit down. "

(Breathing exercises are performed.)

Didactic game "Count"

(Children have a card with a different number of wintering birds.)

6. Didactic game "Say kindly"(by cards)

We recommend reading
