Modern problems of science and education. Animals and plants of the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: description, photos of rare animals and nature What plants are found in the nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

the beauty 02.12.2020
the beauty

crop production culture scienceagricultural plants, andsuch breeding.("Explanatory Dictionary" S.I. Ozhegov)Plants , which the person himself planting, takes care of seedlings, with harvests , uses for food called cultural.

Crop growing is divided into several main branches: field cultivation, vegetable growing, fruit growing, floriculture.

field plants

A field is an open, treeless area in which cultivated plants are grown.

In the Perm Territory, grain crops are cultivated in the fields - rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet and buckwheat; vegetable crops- cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, etc.; fodder crops - clover, vetch, peas, turnips, fodder beets, etc.; industrial crops - flax, potatoes.

Grain crops occupy the leading place in field crops. They are the basis for the development of other industries Agriculture and industry.

Among grain crops, the first place in terms of crops in the region is occupied by winter rye. It is cultivated in the north, in the central and southern regions. She is not afraid of cold weather, gives a good harvest and ripens early.

The second place in terms of crops of grain plants is occupied by wheat- the most valuable grain culture. She loves warmth, so she is cultivated in the southern part of the region.

AT northern regions also grown barley and oats. In the south of the region - millet.




All these cultivated plants are different from each other, but in their structure there is much in common. All of them are herbaceous plants, the root is a bunch, the stem is a straw, hollow inside, has large nodes, which makes it strong and stable. Leaves are narrow and long. Small flowers of rye, wheat, barley are collected in ears, and millet and oats - in panicles. Later, fruits - grains - are formed from the flowers. Such plants are called cereals.

The grains of these plants are different from each other. For example, in rye, the grain is oblong, darker, in wheat - rounded, light.

Use of cultivated cereals

The name of the cultural


What do they get


Rye flour (bake rye bread).

The bran is fed to livestock.

The straw goes to bedding.


Wheat flour (bake white bread, make confectionery, pasta).

Wheat groats.



Barley flour.

Barley grits.

Pearl barley.


Oat flour.




Millet Millet groats.

Plants from which bread is obtained are called bread plants.

Farmers have to spend a lot of time, effort, and money to grow grain crops, harvest crops and make bread. Therefore, it must be protected!

vegetable plants

Many vegetables are grown in the fields: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, onions, etc.

white cabbage often referred to as the "queen of vegetables".

Cabbage is very rich in vitamins, it is the basis of many dishes. It is eaten raw in salads, boiled in cabbage soup and borscht, stewed, sauerkraut, pies are baked with it. A lot of knowledge, labor and time must be devoted to the cultivation of this crop. Cabbage loves warmth and moisture. Her homeland is warm countries. Without preparation, cabbage will not have time to ripen during the relatively short Ural summer. Therefore, in early spring, when the field is still resting, people plant small blackish round seeds in greenhouses or hotbeds. They grow light green plants with two leaves (seedlings).

When it becomes warm, seedlings are planted in fields and gardens. More and more leaves appear in plants. They hug each other tighter and tighter. This is how a head is formed. The inner sheets become juicy and white. There are 40 - 70 of them in a head of cabbage, and sometimes more, and they hold tightly, clinging to each other. Cabbage is harvested in autumn.

green cucumbers are a favorite vegetable plant. They are also good in winter pickled or salted.

Homeland cucumbers is India - a warm southern country. In our conditions, cucumbers give a good harvest if they are grown correctly. Cucumbers, like cabbages and tomatoes, are first planted in greenhouses or greenhouses, i.e. a person, as it were, artificially lengthens the summer for them. Then, with the onset of warm weather, they are transplanted into beds. From seedlings grow low plants with creeping fragile stems, rough leaves, then yellow flowers bloom in the form of gramophones, and from them oblong, bright green juicy fruits - cucumbers are formed.

spring seeds carrots, beets, radish sown directly on the beds and carefully watered. Small plants with green leaves appear. Their roots grow and become thicker and juicier. Nutrients accumulate in them: sugar, starch, vitamins. A month later, radishes ripen, and later - carrots and beets.




Plants that eat thickened roots are called root crops.

Onion- a valuable food product. It contains sugar and various vitamins. No meat or fish dish is complete without onions. Even in ancient times, onions were used as a healing plant for many diseases. Therefore, the people put together such a saying: "Onion from seven ailments." Our scientists have found that onions emit volatile substances (phytoncides), which kill putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the use of onions in food has a healing value.

Onions eat green leaves and onions. Onions are native to dry steppes. The plant has adapted to store nutrients in the bulb during the dry period, which has wonderful properties. Many people store onions in the winter, and they do not dry out. In spring, the bulb sprouts easily and produces green leaves, and in greenhouses even in winter. She can easily winter. Sometimes they plant lek on the beds before winter. When the snow begins to melt, green leaves will already appear on the onion.

Potato- a valuable food product. It is often called "second bread". Potato is an important industrial crop. Starch, alcohol, molasses are obtained from it.

In the spring, a lot of potatoes are planted in the fields and gardens of the region. Herbaceous plants grow in the form of bushes with branched stems. They reach a height of 50 - 60 cm. In the middle of summer, white-pink and purple flowers form on them. Once upon a time, for the sake of these flowers, potatoes were grown to decorate clothes, not knowing about the properties of the underground parts of this plant.

Watching the flowers, you can see that then round, green, small-seeded fruits resembling tomatoes appear from them. They can not be eaten, they are bitter and poisonous.

In the underground part, potato stems produce underground white branches, at the ends of which thickenings are formed - young tubers. They gradually increase and fill with starch. In autumn, a rich crop of potato tubers is usually harvested.

The potato is native to South America. Potatoes were not immediately recognized in Russia. In the beginning, by mistake, they did not eat tubers, but bitter fruits. Therefore, many peasants did not want to plant it. Potato planting was distributed among the population by force, and this caused "potato riots" in ancient times.

But gradually people mastered this culture and realized that potatoes are an indispensable food product. Now we grow many high-yielding varieties of potatoes.

So, in potatoes, it is not the fruit that is eaten, but the modified underground part of the stem, called the tuber.

fruit and berry plants

Due to cold and long winters, horticulture in the Perm region is underdeveloped. But still, gardeners grow sea buckthorn, cherries, garden strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, plums, apple trees, etc.

garden strawberry




Sea ​​buckthorn


Apple tree


Horticulture is concentrated in the south of the region and in the suburbs of Perm, Chusovoy, Krasnokamsk, Okhansk and other settlements. But still, most of the fruits for the population are brought from other countries and the southern regions of our country.


From year to year, our cities and towns are decorated with flowers in the spring and summer. In the spring, when the snow just melts, the first perennials appear on the garden plots: snow-white narcissus s with an unforgettable delicate aroma, red and yellow tulips, purple irises.

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Vegetable world Krasnoyarsk Territory
Achinsk. 2014
Authors: Nikitina E., Zakharova K.

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Are there many types of plants in the region?
2400 species belonging to 98 families: 14 species of trees 148 species of shrubs 43 species of shrubs 2000 herbaceous (214 annual species)

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Siberian fir, Siberian spruce, Siberian larch, Dahurian larch, Scots pine, Siberian cedar, black poplar, bay leaf poplar, aspen, warty birch, downy birch, Kuzmishchev birch, downy alder, Siberian linden willows

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Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Conifers Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Order: Pinaceae Family: Pinaceae Genus: Fir Species: Siberian fir

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An evergreen tree up to 30 m tall, with a beautiful narrow-conical, almost columnar crown. The needles are not prickly, fragrant, flat, up to 3 cm long, dark green, shiny. Separately, each needle remains on the tree for 7-10 years.

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Life expectancy is no more than 150-200 years, as the trunk is affected by rot. Up to 10 years it grows slowly. Distributed in the northern and middle parts of the forest, as well as the forest-steppe zone. Siberian fir is very frost-resistant, highly sensitive to gas pollution and soot. Shade-tolerant, wind-resistant on dry soils.

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Fir blossoms in May. The plant is monoecious. Yellow spikelets with pollen - male organs; pollen grains are equipped with two flying air sacs, which facilitate the transport of pollen over great distances. Dark purple cones - female generative organs; are usually located on the shoots of the previous year; unlike spruce - stick out vertically upwards. In the axils of the scales, spirally located inside the cone, the ovules sit in pairs. By the time the seeds ripen, the cones become light brown and increase in size, reaching 7-9 cm in length. In October-September, the cones fall apart, the scales fall off along with the seeds, so that only protruding rods of cones remain on the branches for a long time. This feature distinguishes fir from other conifers.

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Application and use
In industry and construction There are no resin passages in fir wood; it is light yellow in color and easy to process. Fir gives logs for the production of lumber, the production of masts, poles and piles. Ranges: deck (for the manufacture of boats and decks of ships), resonant (for musical instruments), riveting (for making parts for jellied and dry barrels), sleeper, plywood and even aviation. Mine longitude and mine stand are necessary for fixing the vaults of mine workings. Turpentine is obtained from resin. In medicine From the needles of young branches (fir foot) and cones, fir oil is obtained by distillation with water vapor, consisting half of bornyl acetate. The bornyl acetate fraction can be used for the semi-synthesis of medical camphor. In medicine and optics Fir balsam, contained in large resinous receptacles called "nodules", contains up to 30% essential oil and 70% resin, is processed and used in medicine (for the preparation of a number of preparations) and in optics for gluing elements of optical systems. To obtain a balm, the nodules are pierced and squeezed. In ornamental gardening

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Siberian spruce
Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Conifers Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Order: Pine Family: Pine Genus: Spruce Species: Siberian spruce
Ease of hybridization with Norway spruce, as well as extreme genetic closeness two species are increasingly the reason for combining them into one and the allocation of Siberian spruce only as a subspecies or even a variety

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Siberian spruce is a large tree with a narrow pyramidal or pyramidal crown, in free standing starting from the base of the trunk. Some trees reach 30 meters in height, the trunk diameter of large trees reaches 70 centimeters. Seed-bearing in trees begins, depending on the location, from 15-50 years, fruitful years are repeated at intervals of 3-5 years.

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Significance and use: The species plays an important role in the timber industry in Russia.
The wood is knotty

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Siberian larch
Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Conifers Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Order: Pinaceae Family: Pinaceae Genus: Larch Species: Siberian larch

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A tree up to 30-40 meters high and with a trunk diameter of 80-100 (up to 180) cm. The crown of young trees is pyramidal, later becoming oval-rounded. The needles are soft, narrow-linear, 13-45 mm long, up to 1.6 mm wide, with a blunt tip, light green, with a bluish coating, collected 30-40 pieces in a bunch. In autumn, as in other types of larch, they fall off.

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Male spikelets (microstrobili) are single, spherical or oval, pale yellow, 5-6 mm in diameter, located at the ends of shortened shoots; female - broadly ovate-conical, 10-15 mm long, purple or pink, less often pale green or whitish. Pollination takes place in May.

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Significance and application
Wood with a reddish-brown heartwood and narrow, white sapwood. Annual rings are clearly visible on all cuts. Resin passages are rare, small and difficult to distinguish. Differs in high mechanical properties, is a little subject to rotting, but heavy, difficult for processing and prone to cracking. Used as building material hydraulic structures, transfer and bridge beams, mine racks, in some places as fuel. Due to the fact that Siberian larch tolerates urban conditions well, it is often used for landscaping, in single and group plantings.

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Gmelin larch (Daurian)
Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Conifers Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Order: Pinaceae Family: Pinaceae Genus: Larch Species: Gmelin larch

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species of coniferous trees from the genus Larch (Larix) of the Pine family (Pinaceae). The northernmost tree species, reaching 72°56'N. sh. on Taimyr in the valley of the Khatanga River between the mouths of the Bludnaya and Popigay rivers, and according to recent observations - and 73 ° 04 "32" N. sh. (in the form of elfin) about 150 km west of the specified location.

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In favorable conditions, trees grow up to 30 m in height with a trunk diameter of 80 cm. On the Far North it is a squat, outstretched tree. The Gmelin larch is a very hardy tree that has adapted to the most severe growing conditions. In the mountains it grows up to the upper limits of forest growth, taking a stunted or dwarf form. It grows in low places, on swampy and peaty marshes, in areas of shallow permafrost, on rocky mountain slopes. In difficult growing conditions, where there are no competing species, it usually forms pure stands of low (IV-V) quality. In favorable conditions, it grows together with spruce, pine, birch and other trees.
Larch woodland on Taimra

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Ingredients: Daurian larch extract Red root extract Citric acid Capacity - 250 ml How to use: one salt spoon after meals three times a day.

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Scotch pine
Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Conifers Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Order: Pinaceae Family: Pinaceae Genus: Pine Species: Scotch pine

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Tree 25-40 m high and trunk diameter 0.5-1.2 m. - either bluish-green, as a rule, slightly curved, finely serrated edges, live 2-6 (-9) years Young trees have longer needles (5-9 cm), older ones shorter (2.5-5).

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Scotch pine wood is widely used in joinery and carpentry, for the manufacture of veneer, plywood. The roots, unusually flexible when fresh, become strong and resilient when dried; various wicker utensils are made from them, for example, wicker vessels. PinusSylvestrisBole.jpg Pinus silvestris cross beentree.jpg The bark of an adult tree at the bottom of the trunk. Cross section of the trunk.

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Use in medicine Scotch pine buds (lat. Turiones Pini) as a medicinal raw material are harvested in winter or early spring (February - March), cut with secateurs or knives in the form of crowns with a stem residue of about 3 mm, dried in attics or under sheds with good ventilation, spread out in a thin layer on paper or cloth (cannot be dried in attics under an iron roof and in dryers). It is used as a disinfectant, antitussive, diuretic in collections and for baths. Pine needles (lat. Folium Pini) are harvested in the form of “paws” in cutting areas during felling. The needles contain up to 1% essential oil, up to 0.2% ascorbic acid, resin, tannins. From the needles, young shoots and cones, pine oil (Oleum Pini) is obtained, which is part of the preparations "Pinabin" and "Fitolysin", used as anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drugs and for nephrolithiasis. The oil is used for inhalation in case of lung diseases and for air freshening in service and living quarters, hospital wards, kindergartens, schools, and saunas. Pine extract is produced from needles for firming baths. Purified resin of Scots pine - turpentine (lat. Terebinthina communis) is used for the production of plasters. Purified turpentine oil (turpentine) (lat. Oleum Terebinthinae rectif icatum) is widely used in medicine.

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Raw materials for the chemical industry Pine is the source of many substances and products that are widely used by humans. Resin - resin, formed in resin passages penetrating wood and bark in horizontal and vertical directions, and extracted by tapping, is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry. The collected resin is melted and filtered, freeing from water and impurities. The purified resin is called turpentine. During distillation with water vapor, about 25% of the essential oil, called gum turpentine, is distilled from the gum, after purification of which a purified turpentine oil is obtained. After distillation of the essential oil, resin remains - rosin. Turpentine and rosin can be further processed to produce varnishes, solvents, fragrances, adhesives, chandeliers and other products. During the dry distillation of wood and stumps, turpentine of the best quality is first obtained, then technical, tar and wood vinegar. Coal remains in the distillation boiler.

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Siberian pine (cedar)

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Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Conifers Class: Conifers (Pinopsida Burnett, 1835) Order: Pinaceae Family: Pinaceae Genus: Pine Subgenus: Strobus Species: Siberian cedar pine
Mature cones are large, elongated, egg-shaped, first purple and then brown, 5-8 centimeters wide, up to 13 centimeters long
Cedar is very common in Western Siberia from 48 to 66 ° N. sh

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shoots last year brown, covered with long red hairs. The needles are dark green with a bluish bloom, 6-14 centimeters long, soft, triangular in section, slightly serrated, grows in bunches, five needles in a bunch. The growing season is very short (40-45 days a year). For this reason, it is classified as a slow-growing breed. Another consequence is a straight, even trunk. The tree belongs to the shade-tolerant species. On well-drained, especially light-textured soils with a short taproot (up to 40-50 centimeters), the tree develops powerful anchor roots that penetrate to a depth of 2-3 meters. Anchor roots together with basal paws provide stability to the trunk and crown.

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Cedar wood is soft, with a pleasant smell, highly valued, used, in particular, for the production of pencils. In traditional crafts, in addition to wood, thin cedar roots are used. Vessels of various shapes and sizes are woven from them - rhizomes. Wood has resonant properties; pianos, harps, and guitars are made from it. Pine nuts are a valuable food product that can be eaten both raw and after heat treatment. In terms of the amount of phosphatide phosphorus, pine nuts surpass all other types of nuts and oilseeds and are equivalent to soybeans, the richest source of lecithin among vegetable raw materials. The daily human need for such deficient trace elements as manganese, copper, zinc and cobalt is provided by 100 g of nut kernels. They are also a rich source of iodine. Among carbohydrates, cedar seeds contain (%): starch - 5.80; glucose - 2.83; dextrins - 2.26; fiber - 2.21. Fructose and sucrose make up only 0.25 and 0.44%. The protein of pine nuts is distinguished by a high content of lysine, methionine and tryptophan - the most deficient essential amino acids, which usually limit the biological value of proteins. Nuts are used to make cedar fatty oil. It contains twice as much vitamin E as compared to walnut and almonds, as well as vitamin P (essential fatty acids). In terms of the amount of fatty acids, cedar oil is superior to peanut, soybean, sunflower, corn and cottonseed oils. Cake is used as a food product for people and animals, and since the end of the 20th century - in the production of biologically active additives.

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Application in medicine
Cedar needles treat scurvy, resin - wounds, cuts and burns. In folk medicine, an infusion of fresh walnut shells is drunk for deafness, nervous disorders, diseases of the liver and kidneys, for hemorrhoids, hands and feet are washed with a decoction of the shell to remove hairiness. Pine nut oil is a complete source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). To meet the daily requirement of essential fatty acids, it is necessary to consume about 20 ml of oil per day daily. It has a cholesterol-lowering effect, contributes to the normalization of the blood lipid spectrum (HDL cholesterol levels increased by 29%, and LDL levels decreased by 21%, the atherogenic index decreased by 40%), lowering systolic blood pressure and reducing overweight. Crushed pine nuts inhibit gastric secretion, the production of gastric juice decreases and its acidity decreases. 100 g of pine nuts covers the daily human need for vitamin E. The preventive effectiveness of cedar oil has been confirmed when it is included in diet food patients with cardiovascular disease.

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Poplar black
Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Department: Flowering Class: Dicotyledonous Order: Malpighiaceae Family: Willow Genus: Poplar Species: Black poplar

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Black poplar, or Osokor (lat. Pópulus nígra) is a plant of the Willow family, a species of the genus Poplar. Honey, tannic, essential oil, dye, medicinal, woody, ornamental plant, cultivated in landscaping.

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Black poplar is a dioecious, cross-pollinated species. On some of its trees, only staminate flowers are formed, on others - only pistillate. And only in the rarest cases are monoecious individuals found. A characteristic feature of the black poplar, like other species of the genus Populus, is the ability to produce a huge number of seeds and disperse them widely, one tree produces about 28 million seeds per year. Trees begin to bear fruit at the age of 10-15, sometimes earlier, but mass produce seeds only after 20 years of age.

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The trunk is single or flared, more or less straight, slightly oval, in natural clones with curvature. The type of branching is monopodial. In middle-aged and old trees, the bark in the lower part of the trunk is thick - 4-6 cm, dark gray, cracking, higher along the trunk - light gray without cracks. The ridges of the crust are interrupted. The crown is often broad or ovoid, with thick branches, especially in the lower part of the trunk. Annual shoots are bare, cylindrical, yellowish-gray, shiny with whitish lenticels. Overgrown - grayish-green. The kidneys are multi-integumentary, the renal scales are free. Terminal (apical) buds 7-10 (15) mm long, elongated-oval, pointed, brown, shiny, covered with a resinous coating, sticky and fragrant when blooming. The lateral buds are smaller, more or less appressed, the lower ones often with a bent top.

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Poplar grows quickly, forming soft wood. The desire for the growth of the drowning tree is so strong that even after cutting or chipping the top of the trunk, the growth of the tree does not stop. The rapid growth factor has played a decisive role in the increasing use of poplar wood pulp for the production of ethanol biofuels.

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Female plants form a lot of fluff

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Poplar laurel
Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Flowering Class: Dicotyledonous Order: Malpighiaceae Family: Willow Genus: Poplar Species: Laurel poplar

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Botanical description
Tree 10-20 (up to 25) m high, with a tent-shaped crown. Shoots and young branches are straw-yellow or yellowish-brown, usually with three longitudinal, pterygoid ribs. In old specimens, the bark in the lower part of the trunk is deeply fissured, dark gray; the bark of old branches is greenish-brown, smooth. Kidneys oblong-ovoid, acute, 1-2 cm long, sticky. Leaves at the base are rounded or broadly wedge-shaped, gradually pointed towards the ends, finely serrated along the edge; the leaf blade of the shoots is narrow, lanceolate-deltoid; branches - ovate or oblong-ovate, 6-15 cm long, 2-7 cm wide. Petioles up to 6 cm long, almost cylindrical, grooved from above along the entire length. Stipules falling early, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, acute. Flowering in late April and May. Fruiting in June-July.

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36 more families (according to the APG II System) 36 more families (according to the APG II System) 25-35 more species
order Malpighiaceae genus Poplar
Department Flowering, or Angiosperms Family Willow species Laurel poplar
44 more orders of flowering plants (according to the APG II System) 44 more orders of flowering plants (according to the APG II System) about 57 more genera about 57 more genera about 57 more genera

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Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Flowering Class: Dicotyledonous Order: Malpighiaceae Family: Willow Genus: Poplar Species: Aspen

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Aspen is distinguished by a columnar trunk, reaching 35 m in height and 1 m in diameter. Lives 80-90, rarely up to 150 years. It grows very fast, but is prone to wood diseases. Old, large and at the same time healthy individuals are a rarity. The root system is located deep underground. Abundantly forms root offspring. The bark of young trees is smooth, light green or greenish-gray, closer to the butt cracks and darkens with age. The wood is white with a greenish tint. The leaf arrangement is alternate. The leaves are rounded or rhombic, 3-7 cm long, sharp or obtuse at the apex, with a rounded base, crenate margins, pinnate venation. In coppice shoots, the leaves can be much larger (up to 15 cm) and almost heart-shaped.

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Aspen is a tree surrounded by many myths, beliefs and legends. Each of the peoples endows it with different properties and powers. It is believed that the tree takes energy, especially negative. That is why it is recommended to use pointed aspen branches to kill witches, werewolves and vampires. Our ancestors planted aspen trees around the house to protect them from evil spirits, spoilage and the evil eye.

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Witches and magicians say that upon contact with the aspen, the energy field of a person and his aura are cleared. To do this, you need to hug a living tree or hold an aspen product in your hands. Since the plant is able to absorb any powerful outbursts of emotions, it reduces nervous irritation, restlessness, and a sense of fear. It is believed that aspen is able to prevent death and grant healing to the body by mobilizing the internal forces of a person. She gives reassurance to women who have lost their husband or child, taking on the experiences, sadness and bitterness of loss.

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Used for landscaping settlements as a fast-growing tree. The bark is used for tanning leather. It is used to obtain yellow and green paint. Bees collect pollen from aspen flowers in April, and glue from blooming buds, which is processed into propolis. It goes to the construction of houses, is used as a roofing material (in Russian wooden architecture, domes of churches were covered with aspen planks), in the production of plywood, cellulose, matches, containers, and so on. Young shoots are winter food for moose, deer, hares and other mammals.

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Medicinal properties
The bark contains carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.), aromatic acids, phenol glycosides, tannins, higher fatty acids (capric, lauric, arachidic, behenic, etc.), bitter glycosides populin and salicin. Carbohydrates (raffinose, fructose, etc.), aromatic acids, tannins and triglycerides of phenolcarboxylic acids were found in the kidneys. The leaves contain carbohydrates, organic acids, carotenoids, vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids, phenol glycosides, anthocyanins and tannins. Aspen has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, choleretic and anthelmintic effects. The combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in aspen bark makes it promising in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria, syphilis, dysentery, pneumonia, cough of various origins, rheumatism and inflammation of the mucous membrane Bladder. An aqueous extract of aspen bark is used to treat opisthorchiasis.

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birch drooping
Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Flowering Class: Dicotyledonous Order: Beechaceae Family: Birchaceae Genus: Birch Species: drooping birch
Under favorable conditions, it reaches 25-30 m in height and up to 80 cm in diameter. The root system of birch is highly developed, but it does not penetrate deep into the soil, so trees are often subjected to windfall. The bark of young trees is brown, and from 8-10 years it turns white. Juveniles can be confused with alder species. In adulthood, it is well distinguished from other trees by its white bark. In older trees, the bark in the lower part of the trunk becomes deeply fissured, black.

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Hanging birch Other Russian species names: warty birch (lat. Bétula verrucósa), weeping birch, hanging birch.

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Hanging birch in a free state begins to bear fruit from the age of 10, and in a plantation - from 20-25 years. Fruiting continues every year. The fruits ripen by the end of summer and begin to disperse. Dispersion occurs gradually throughout autumn and winter. In a birch forest, up to 35 kg of birch seeds per 1 ha can fall annually. The fruit is a small winged nut. Unlike downy birch, drooping birch is a very photophilous species. Relatively short-lived, lives up to 120 years, less often up to an older age.

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Easy to give in machining. Extremely resistant to decay. Best kept submerged in water. It is used as plywood raw material, in the production of skis, small carved toys. Charcoal, acetic acid, methyl alcohol, turpentine are obtained from wood. During dry distillation of the bark, tar is formed, which is used in medicine and perfumery. Due to its high calorific value, it is valued as a good fuel. Brooms for the bath are knitted from the branches.

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The buds and leaves are used in folk and scientific medicine, they have a diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, blood-purifying, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Birch buds (lat. Gemmae Betulae) and birch leaf (Folium Betulae) are used as medicinal raw materials. The harvesting of the kidneys is carried out in January - March, before they bloom. Dry outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. Young leaves are harvested in May - June, dried in the shade or in attics. Silver birch buds contain 3-5.3 (8)% essential oil, the main components of which are bicyclic sesquiterpenoids. Resinous substances are also included. Found in leaves essential oil, resinous substances, flavonoids, saponins, ascorbic acid. Apply buds and leaves in the form of infusions and in collections. Spring juice is a tasty and healthy drink. The leaves secrete phytoncides that can kill pathogens after 3 hours.

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birch fluffy
Often drooping birch and downy birch grow together and form many transitional forms. Hanging birch has a variety - Karelian birch
Downy birch is one of the most cold-resistant types of birches. Suffering from drought.

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staminate catkin
pistil earring

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Alder fluffy

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Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Plants Division: Flowering Class: Dicotyledonous Order: Beechaceae Family: Birch Genus: Alder Species: Downy alder
In nature, the range of the species covers Siberia, the Russian Far East, China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan. In Siberia, the distribution area includes Eastern Siberia: the central part, in isolation - the Yenisei basin between the Angara and Podkamennaya Tunguska rivers, in Yakutia to the southern and central regions and, occasionally, southern part the basins of the Olenyok, Indigirka, Yana and Kolyma rivers; in the Far East: the Amur Region, Primorye, Sakhalin, the basins of the Anadyr and Penzhina rivers, Korfa Bay, the Kuril Islands (Shikotan, Kunashir, Iturup), Kamchatka.

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It grows along with willows and poplars along the banks of streams and rivers, in grassy swamps and near springs. It is part of the floodplain forests, sometimes forms small pure alder forests. In the Ussuri River basin, it grows on sandy-pebble spits emerging from the water in the floodplains of small or slow-flowing rivers. Due to the large density of crowns in alder bushes, the herbage is rare. Moss cover is absent. Often forms a second layer in poplar-willow communities, occurs singly in fir, spruce and fir-spruce forests

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Tree or large shrub 4-16 (20) m high with an ovoid crown. The bark is smooth, brownish-brown; shoots are gray-brown, gray-felt or gray-hairy, then almost naked. Kidneys on legs, obovate or broadly ellipsoidal, dark brown, pubescent, 9-10 mm long. Leaves 8-10 (15) cm long and 8-11 cm wide, almost rounded, broadly ovate or broadly oval, short-lobed, lobes serrate or coarsely serrate, with a chopped, rounded, wedge-shaped or almost heart-shaped base, rounded or obtuse at the apex, dark- green, mostly sparsely pubescent, glaucous-green below, reddish-velvety or sparsely hairy, less often almost naked, on hairy petioles 2-(3.5)4 cm long. Cones collected 3-4, 1-1.5 (2.5) cm long, oval, almost sessile. The fruits are nuts 3-4 mm long, reddish, obovate, with a narrow thickened wing. In 1 kg 1,136,000 nuts; 1000 nuts weigh 0.88 g. The number of chromosomes is 2n=24. It is distinguished by a significant variety in size, shape and color of leaves, even on the same tree.

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Plants of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

birch oak aspen plant

Birch - The most common tree species in the Northern Hemisphere. Beautiful deciduous trees or shrubs with a transparent, see-through crown and often with thin, hanging branches and light-colored trunks. In addition to the well-known and widespread in the temperate zone of white birches with long catkins and dense ovate-rhombic or triangular-ovate leaves, there are groups of species of a completely different appearance. For example, with rounded ovoid fertile catkins directed upwards (woolly birch, Erman's birch); with ovate or oblong-ovate leaves (ribbed birch, Schmidt birch, cherry birch); with unusually colored bark (Daurian birch, ribbed birch, yellow birch, cherry birch, etc.). Almost all species are photophilous, undemanding to the richness of the soil, but they do not tolerate compaction and trampling. They are distinguished by rapid growth, tolerate city conditions well, provided they are planted on a lawn strip, and are very frost-resistant. Propagated by sowing seeds collected during the browning of earrings. Sowing is done immediately after harvest or in late autumn. Birches are well renewed by shoots, giving decorative multi-stemmed forms. Planting is done in early spring at the age of no older than 5-7 years, older adults are planted in winter, with a frozen lump; during the autumn planting, a large waste occurs. They are among the best park trees and are highly desirable in gardens and alley plantings, always on a lawn strip. Decorative openwork crown, bright color of the bark, light green foliage in spring and golden yellow in autumn. Suitable for all types of plantings, especially in combination with mountain ash, willows, oaks, lindens, maples, beech, bird cherry, as well as against the background conifers, Tree up to 20 m tall, with openwork, irregular crown and smooth, white, peeling bark. In adult trees, the lower part of the trunk is covered with a powerful blackish bark, with deep cracks, which distinguishes it from most white-trunked birches. The branches are mostly drooping, young shoots are warty. The leaves are rhombic, glabrous, up to 7 cm, resinous, sticky when young. Earrings are drooping. The fruit is an oblong-elliptical, winged nutlet. It grows quickly, frost-resistant, undemanding to the soil, very photophilous, drought-resistant. In culture for a very long time (about nutritional properties see the reference book "Food Plants of Russia". It has several forms, of which the most decorative are: pyramidal (f. fastigiata) - with a narrow pyramidal crown; mourning (f. tristis) - with very thin weeping branches forming a rounded crown; Jung (f. Joungii) - with an irregular, picturesque crown, with thin drooping branches; purple (f. purpurea) - with purple leaves; Karelian (f. carelica) - with a very winding trunk, a beautiful park tree, spectacular in single and group plantings on the lawn.

In the forest where aspens grow, you usually see small knee-high aspens on the ground. “These trees have grown from seeds,” perhaps another will think. And - wrong. After all, this plant reproduces in a completely different way. An aspen grows from the roots of another aspen.

Each aspen has several roots, they diverge in different directions from the trunk, like the spokes of a wheel. It is from them that the shoots in question grow (they are called root offspring). Aspen roots go far to the side. Therefore, the offspring "run away" from the mother tree sometimes by 30-40 meters!

Despite such a range, aspen does not travel far beyond the borders of Russia - if it grows in other countries, then mainly in Europe, Kazakhstan or China. And in Russia it is distributed almost throughout the territory. And he is making great strides here.

Reproduction with the help of offspring gives aspen a great advantage over other tree species. Her young, growing from the roots, easily breaks out of the ground. In other trees, such as pines, the situation is more complicated. Their young growth grows from seeds, and the seeds of most trees are small, they are prevented from germinating by a thick layer of dry foliage or needles lying on the soil.

Aspen is surprisingly tenacious. cut down a big tree and it looks like it's over. But it was not there. Living roots of the tree remain in the ground, and young aspens are preserved on them. Moreover, they are not just preserved, but begin to grow faster. And besides, there are many new ones. And so it turns out: you cut down one aspen, and in return they appear even more. A real hydra tree!

Maple is a tree with a spreading crown, brownish-gray cracking bark and brown young shoots. The leaves are opposite, long-petioled, palmate-five-lobed, heart-shaped at the base. The recesses between the lobes are rounded, the lobes are three to five notched, serrated, finely pointed at the apex. Flowers bisexual and unisexual, yellowish green. Calyx five-parted, corolla petals five, stamens five - twelve, pistil with two columns. The fruit is a two-winged fruit that breaks up into two fruitlets when ripe. Maples have a deep and powerful root system and strong wood, they are wind resistant. Bloom time. Different types of maples bloom at different times, from late April to mid-June.

Sycamore is a summer-green tree that can reach a height of 40 m. Its small relative, field maple, usually does not exceed 10 m. Plane maple reaches a height of 15-25 m. The maple has a high vaulted crown.

The field maple can be sprawling, fitting a curved trunk. Sycamore is conspicuous by the straightness and harmony of its trunk. The branches are located on the trunk very tightly to each other, intertwined and distinguished by clumsiness. They grow obliquely upwards. Maple flowers form yellowish-green panicles. Paired root crops in sycamore are located at right angles to each other, and in field maple they form horizontal wings.

The sugar maple is one of the tallest types of maple. Its trees reach a height of 40 m. This is a slender tree with a lush crown. But the most distinctive feature of the maple is the shape of its leaves, which are mounted on one petiole in the form of five lobes. At the same time, the three front blades are almost the same in size, and the two lower ones are slightly smaller. In summer, these leaves have a matte dark green color, and in autumn they become golden yellow in sycamore, and red with yellow veins in field maple.

Among them there are well-known plants - these are Norway maple (Acer platanoides), ash-leaved or American maple (A. negundo), Tatar maple (A. tataricum), river maple (A. ginnala), false plane maple, or sycamore (A. pseudoplatanus), field maple (A. Campestre), silver maple (A. sacehatinum), red maple (A. rubrum), sugar maple (A. saccharum), spiked maple (A. spicatum).

This tree familiar to us has unusual decorative forms, among which there are varieties with constantly red foliage (Crimson King, Reitenbachii, Faascenys Black, etc.), with a white or yellow border along the edge of the leaf blade (Drummondii, Aurea), with deeply dissected leaf lobes (Laciniatum), as well as with a spherical and pyramidal crown (Globosum, Columnare, etc.).

Maple (Acer L.) is a large and interesting genus of plants, which includes more than 150 species of trees and shrubs growing in different regions of the Earth. They can be found in the tropical zone, and in the subtropics, and in temperate latitudes northern hemisphere of the planet.

Sycamore occurs primarily in mixed forests with a predominance of beech (in the mountains) and is distributed up to the border of woody vegetation. Rarely found in the lowlands.

Its smaller relative, field maple, prefers saturated nutrients loamy soils or mulle soils in herbaceous oak-hornbeam forests and thrives in the lowlands up to 900 m above sea level.

There are other types of maple, many of which originate in North America. The most valuable species of maple is the sugar maple, the most important maple of North America, distributed in the Great Lakes region. It can also be found in Eastern Canada. In our country, it grows in the south, in particular in the Caucasus. As a rule, the tree grows in a mixed forest with other types of deciduous trees.

However, in South America, Australia, Central and South Africa there are no maples at all.

OAK - a genus of trees, less often shrubs of the beech family. OK. 450 species, in temperate, subtropical and tropical zones mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Forest breed. The wood is strong and durable, with a beautiful pattern; used in shipbuilding, furniture manufacturing, etc. The bark is used to obtain tannins and for medicinal purposes (astringent); acorns are used as a substitute for coffee and for animal feed. Cork oak gives a cork. Many species are grown as ornamentals. 6 species are protected. Oak (Quercus)-a genus of deciduous or evergreen trees, rarely shrubs of the beech family. The leaves are alternate, simple, pinnatipartite, lobed, serrated, sometimes entire. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, same-sex, monoecious; staminate - in long hanging catkins, pistillate - single or several, sessile or on a pedicel. The fruit is a single-seeded acorn, partially enclosed in a cup-shaped woody cupule. Oak grows slowly, at first (up to 80 years)-stronger in height, later-in thickness. Usually forms a deep tap root system. Gives abundant shoots from the stump. Photophilous. Some species are drought-resistant, quite winter-hardy and not very demanding on soils. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 15-60, in open places earlier than in plantations. It reproduces mainly by acorns. For sowing, acorns collected in the same year are used, since they quickly lose their germination capacity. About 450 species in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. In the USSR - 20 (according to other data, 11) wild-growing species in the European part, in the Far East and in the Caucasus; in culture 43 species.

The most important in forestry is English Oak, or summer (Q. robur), - a tree up to 40-50 m high and 1-1.5 m in diameter. The leaves are elongated obovate, with 5-7 pairs of short lobes, on petioles up to 1 cm. Acorns 1-3 per stem. It blooms simultaneously with the blooming of leaves from 40-60 years. Fruits abundantly every 4-8 years. Grows fairly quickly in side shade, but requires good light from above. Lives up to 400-1000 years. Distributed in the European part of the USSR, in the Caucasus and almost throughout Western Europe. In the northern part of the range it grows along river valleys, to the south it goes to watersheds and forms mixed forests with spruce, and in the south of the range - pure oak forests; in steppe zone found in ravines and gullies. One of the main forest-forming species deciduous forests USSR. Close to the English Oak is the Rocky Oak, or winter (Q. petraea), with almost sessile (2-3) acorns, found in the west of the European part of the USSR, in the Crimea and the North Caucasus.

In the eastern part of the North Caucasus and in Transcaucasia, Georgian Oak (Q. iberica) grows with leathery leaves and sessile (1-2) acorns; in the alpine zone of these regions, large anthered oak (Q. macranthera) grows with densely pubescent shoots and sessile acorns or on a short stalk.

The main species of the valley forests of Eastern Transcaucasia is the long-legged oak (Q. longipes). An important forest-forming species of the Far East is the Mongolian Oak (Q. mongolica) - a frost-resistant and drought-resistant tree.

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The territory of the region is more than 10 percent of the country's area and occupies 2401.6 thousand square meters. km. From north to south, the Krasnoyarsk Territory stretches for almost 26 °, or 2990 km. More than 1000 km separate the western border in the widest northern and middle part from the eastern border of the region. Due to its huge size, the natural conditions of the region are very diverse.

The south of the region is part of the Altai-Sayan mountainous physical and geographical country, in the north of the region there is a vast North Siberian lowland. The left bank of the Yenisei is occupied by the West Siberian plateau, and the right bank by the East Siberian. The following landscape zones are located on the territory of the region: tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, grass forests, forest-steppe, steppe. In the mountains there is a vertical zonality from steppes to mountain tundra.

The flora of the region includes more than 2,000 species of vascular plants, consisting of Siberian, Mongolian, Transbaikal, tundra, Alpine and relic European forms, many of which are of great economic value.

The zone of arctic deserts with the absence of dense vegetation is represented on the extreme northern ledge of Taimyr - Cape Chelyuskin. Here is the kingdom of mosses and lichens, among which there are flowering pioneer plants - polar poppy, saxifrage, meadow grass, etc.

The largest part of the Taimyr and Gydan peninsulas is occupied by a tundra zone 600-700 km wide and is subdivided into arctic, moss-lichen, and shrub subzones.

In the Arctic subzone, located in the north of Taimyr and Gydan and the southern outskirts of the Byrranga mountains, polygonal and spotted tundras prevail. In the formation of the herbage, the main role is played by narrow-leaved cotton grass, foxtail, partridge grass, saxifrage, polar poppy, meadow grass, and sorrel. In the mountains of Byrranga, two vertical belts of vegetation are clearly expressed - arctic dryad tundras and mountainous arctic deserts.

The north of the Yenisei-Khatanga lowland and most of the Gydan Peninsula is occupied by a subzone of moss-lichen tundras, represented by moss, cladonium and cetraria tundras with a dryad. Moss-lichen tundras are rich in lingonberries, cloudberries, pigeons, and princesses.

In the subzone of shrub and tussocky tundra in the lower reaches of the rivers Yenisei, Khatanga, Taz, dwarf European and glandular birches, thickets of dwarf birch, bushy alder, wild rosemary, polar willow, lingonberry, blueberry, blueberry, cloudberry, saxifrage, partridge grass, mosses and lichens are widespread.

The forest-tundra zone extends in the north of the West Siberian Lowland in a strip of 150-200 km, and in Central Siberia the width of this zone reaches 900 km, merging with the zone of pre-tundra light forests. The forest tundra is represented by Siberian larch with shrubby dwarf birch, and Siberian spruce is mixed in the south.

Almost 50% of the region's territory is occupied by the taiga zone, which is divided into three subzones: northern taiga forests, middle taiga forests and southern taiga forests.

South of the Arctic Circle to 64° N. sh. on the Central Siberian plateau and almost to 62 ° west of the Yenisei, the northern taiga extends. To the east of the Yenisei, shrub-moss and lichen forests of Siberian larch with an admixture of spruce predominate, and to the west, moss-and lichen-shrub larch, spruce-larch and pine-larch forests with an admixture of Siberian pine.

The middle taiga on the Central Siberian Plateau reaches the watershed between Katanga and Angara, or up to 58°N. sh., and to the west of the Yenisei it is distributed up to 60 ° N. sh. The Yenisei Ridge is dominated by dark coniferous mixed forests, among which there are massifs of birch and aspen forests. In the Angara basin and the Podkamennaya Tunguska valley east of 100° E. larch-pine and pine forests are widespread.

The southern taiga, extending to the west and east of the Yenisei Ridge, is characterized by an abundance of pine, good forest development, and floristic diversity. Thus, the flora of the Yenisei Ridge includes 800 species of vascular plants. Raspberry, juniper, honeysuckle, mountain ash, Dahurian rhododendron are widespread in the undergrowth of the southern taiga. Among shrubs and herbs, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, crowberries, hellebore, maynik, fireweed, linnaeus, violets, sorrelwort, etc. predominate.

Forest-steppes in the region are represented by the Mariinsky-Achinsk (West Siberian type), Krasnoyarsk and Kanskaya (Central Siberian type). The forest-steppe zone is the most economically developed. Large expanses of forest-steppes are occupied by arable land and hayfields. Meadow herbs are represented by yarrow, plantain, couch grass, clover, burnet, timothy grass, cornflowers, chin, ash grass, multi-veined volodushka, sweet clover, bluegrass, oats, real bedstraw, Siberian sainfoin, wormwood (gray, broad-leaved, tansy), medicinal valerian, meadow geranium , multi-colored carnation, Ruysh snakehead, toy lily, common cumin, horse sorrel, etc.

The vegetation cover of the southern mountainous part of the region is exceptionally diverse. The Eastern Sayan is characterized by dark coniferous forests, while the Western Sayan is characterized by mixed forests. Starting from a height of 1300-1400 m in the Kuznetsk Alatau and 1500-1700 m in the Sayan mountains, a subalpine belt spreads out, and at an altitude of 1500-2000 m - an alpine belt. Colorful subalpine and alpine meadows occupy mainly the southern slopes. Among the tall herbage there are many bright color plants forming a colorful, elegant carpet: larkspur, evading peony, columbine, Asian bathing suit, rank, buttercups, Altai violet, safflower-like leuzea, bows, primrose, forget-me-nots, poppy, gentian, snakehead, rhodiola rosea, alpine spurge, mytnik, anemone , volodushka, wrestler, hellebore, etc. Among the shrubs, Siberian and common juniper, Altai honeysuckle, Dahurian and golden rhododendron, thickets of dwarf birch, willow, and alder predominate.

The steppes and forest-steppes of the south of the region are located in the central and western parts of the Chulym-Yenisei and South Minusinsk depressions, they are the main agricultural regions of the region. They are characterized by wormwood, feather grass, caragana, pikulnik, thin-legged, snake, chi, fescue, thermopsis, goat-leaved volodushka and other plants.

More than 100 species of medicinal plants grow on the territory of the region, of which only 58 species are used in scientific medicine. The rest are widely used in folk medicine and are poorly studied scientifically. These species (more than 100) of medicinal plants are distributed very unevenly over the zones and belts of the region, since the natural conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are very diverse, and individual medicinal plants impose unequal requirements on environmental conditions.

The largest number of species of medicinal plants in the region, often forming continuous thickets (massifs), is confined to forests and shrubs. Among them: birch, pine, mountain ash, bird cherry, hawthorn, wild rose, juniper, black currant, raspberry, lingonberry, bearberry, blueberry, bergenia, blue cyanosis, golden volodushka, high larkspur, etc.

Meadows and steppes are rich in medicinal plants: burnet, yarrow, thermopsis, snake mountaineer, hellebore, safflower-like leuzea, Ural licorice, goat-leaved and multi-veined volodushka, tuberous gooseberry, goose cinquefoil, Siberian source, oregano, strawberry, meadow rank.

A large group of medicinal plants in the region are ruderal species that settle near dwellings, in garbage places, along roads: nettle, knotweed, common wormwood, bitter and Sievers, plantain large and medium, white lamb, dandelion officinalis, scooping henbane, motherwort, toadflax ordinary, tansy, burdock cobweb and large, fragrant sweet clover, shepherd's purse, black root officinalis ...

Of the 150 species of medicinal plants recommended by the Ministry of Medical and Microbiological Industry for harvesting in the territory of the region, it is possible to harvest on an industrial scale medicinal raw materials about 50 species of plants: lingonberry leaf, wild rosemary grass, birch and pine buds, rhizome with roots of leuzea, burnet and hellebore, volodushka grass , succession, yarrow, celandine, thermopsis, knotweed and sweet clover, plantain leaf, coltsfoot and bearberry, rose hips, hawthorn, bird cherry, black currant, mountain ash, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, juniper, chaga mushroom, peony root and others

Several organizations are engaged in planned procurement of wild-growing medicinal and technical raw materials in the region: the regional consumer union - through its procurement offices; pharmacy management - through a network of pharmacies and pharmacy points; the forestry department through the forestries; regional fishery consumer union; management of the hunting and commercial economy.

The rate of procurement of medicinal raw materials is increasing annually, which is confirmed by the following data. In 1967, only in the system of the regional pharmacy management, 17.5 tons of medicinal raw materials were prepared for 23 items, in 1976 - 53.5 tons for 48 items, and in 1984 - 90 tons for 34 items.

In total, the procurement organizations of the region collected about 300 tons of wild plants last year. medicinal plants.

From year to year, the provision of the population of the region with medicinal plant materials and herbal preparations from it is improving. However, with the skillful organization of its mass harvesting, the identification of new promising places for the growth of medicinal plants and rational use their natural thickets are available real opportunity to procure hundreds and thousands of tons of medicinal raw materials on the territory of the region, meeting the ever-increasing needs of the population of other regions and regions of the country.

Adonis. Name: According to ancient Greek myth, the bright red flowers of autumn adonis grew from the blood of the young man Adonis, Aphrodite's favorite, who was killed by a boar while hunting. According to other sources, the plant is so named after the Assyrian god Adon. The decorative qualities of adonis were appreciated only at the end of the 17th century, and since then it has become popular. ornamental plant gardens and parks

Adonis Description: native to the temperate regions of Eurasia. About 20 (45) species are known. Annual and perennial herbaceous plants with simple or branched stems. The leaves are repeatedly pinnately or palmately divided into narrow lobes. The flowers are bright, yellow or red, solitary, located at the ends of the shoots; outer tepals of 5-8, inner of 5-24 lobes; pistils numerous. Fruit flyer. Seeds are wrinkled with a straight or curved nose. In 1 g up to 125 seeds.

Adonis Adonis Siberian, or Apennine Adonis sibirica Patr. = (A. apennina L.). It is found in the east of the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, Mongolia. Perennial plant up to 60 cm tall with sessile, pinnately divided leaves and intense yellow flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. Blooms in May-June. Seeds ripen in July. It has decorative varieties with double and brown flowers. It develops well in well-lit areas with shading in the afternoon hours. Requires light soil rich in organic matter and lime. This is a wonderful early plant for shady crevices.

Rarely grown are such species as Golden Adonis (Adonis chrysocyathus), Turkestan Adonis (Adonis turkestanicus), Mongolian Adonis (Adonis mongolica), Amur Adonis (Adonis amurensis). kidney diseases.

Motherwort Motherwort (lat. Leonurus) is a genus of perennial or biennial herbaceous plants of the Lamiaceae family. The range of the genus is the Middle East, Europe, Central Asia, Siberia. Places of growth river banks, meadows, glades; wastelands, garbage places next to residential buildings, railway embankments, cliffs, old quarries. Prefers clay-sandy, nitrogenous soils.

The scientific generic name translated from Latin means "lion's tail" and is due to the fact that a bunch of apical leaves remotely resembles a lion's tail brush. Other Russian names for the plant are heart grass, core, dog nettle. The height of adult plants is from 30 to 200 cm. The root is taproot.

The leaves are petiolate. The lower leaves are palmately lobed or palmately dissected, the upper ones are sometimes entire. The lower leaves are the largest, up to 15 cm in length; closer to the top, the leaves gradually decrease. Motherwort heart. The flowers are small. The inflorescences are spike-shaped, discontinuous, located at the ends of the stems and branches in the axils of the leaves. Calyces glabrous or hairy, one-third or half incised into five teeth. Stamens four. Flowering throughout the summer.

Fruit of four nutlets, 23 mm long, enclosed in the remaining calyx. The fruits spread by clinging to human clothing and animal hair with the sharp teeth of the calyx. Two species of motherwort, hearty motherwort and woolly (five-lobed) motherwort, are valuable medicinal plants and are widely used both in traditional and scientific medicine as a sedative similar to valerian preparations, as well as an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. without causing side effects. Motherwort is also used to treat epilepsy, Graves' disease, thrombosis, and gastrointestinal diseases.

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