Name of all trees in the world. The most unusual trees in the world

diets 23.07.2019

The beauty of the nature of our Earth never ceases to amaze us. Throughout the planet, there are the most incredible trees that do not leave travelers indifferent. And among them there are unique specimens that can only be seen in one particular place. Therefore, it will be interesting to know which are the most unusual trees in the world (photos of some of them are presented), and what exactly is their uniqueness. But, besides the fact that a plant can be interesting in itself because of its shape or size, people sometimes give it amazing names.

Baobab "Teapot"

An unusual tree grows on the island of Madagascar, which in its shape resembles a huge teapot. This plant is very famous here, and you will not surprise the locals with it. But it impresses all tourists. Scientists claim that this plant is already 1200 years old. In addition, like a kettle, it can hold a large volume of water. According to some estimates, its "capacity" is 117,000 liters!

This baobab has a very thick trunk, in which it accumulates moisture and uses it during the dry season. It is also interesting that its roots are impressive in size and spread over tens of kilometers. They can also collect moisture. During the drought period, this tree sheds all the leaves so as not to waste water on their maintenance. But buds come out instead.

These baobabs have very soft wood. When the elephant is thirsty, he breaks the trunk and eats out the inside to quench his thirst. But the unusual tree does not cease to exist on this. It is very tenacious and tries to take root again in order to continue growing.


This plant belongs to the Myrtle family. It is called Jaboticaba, or the Brazilian Ono, is fruitful and is cultivated in tropical latitudes. The plant has small leaves that are distinguished by a myrtle aroma. It can grow up to 12 meters, but on plantations it does not exceed five.

These plants differ in that their fruits do not appear at the ends of the branches, but on the trunk itself. Of course, these are not the only unusual trees (photo of the jaboticaba shown above) that bear fruit in this way, these include jackfruit, cocoa, and a few other tropical plants. With the advent of spring, the main branches and trunk are covered with a huge number of small white flowers. In one year, a tree can bring more than one harvest. Fruit ripening lasts less than a month. Ripe "grapes" have an almost black tint. All fruits are no more than 4 cm in diameter. They are very similar to grapes, their flesh is the same consistency, but inside there is a large seed. The fruits are very juicy and sweet. They make jams and juices.

bottle tree

This tree species grows in Namibia. Each plant not only has an unusual shape, but is also distinguished by its dangerous secretions. Their juice is a poison that can cause death not only to an animal, but also to a person. It looks like milk. These unusual trees (photo below) were used in the past as deadly weapon. Bushmen dipped their arrowheads in poisonous wood secretions.

This vegetation can be found in the mountainous regions of Namibia. strange shape the trunk, which resembles a bottle with a wide bottom, led to the fact that the tree was called "bottle".


it rare plant can be seen in Cambodia, but not everywhere, but only in some places. These unusual peace trees (see photo below) are also found in Southeast Asia, near the Ta Prohm temple. The amazing thing about plants is that they seem to embrace this old building with their roots. Trees can be very impressive in size, rising up. And not less impressive ficus-stranglers grow not far from the temple. They also extended their roots to the building to envelop it.

peach palm

It is believed that the first representatives of this plant appeared in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, but today they are often found in South and Central America. These are by right the most unusual trees, because they look really strange. The entire trunk, from the roots to the top, is decorated with rows of sharp spikes that resemble large hedgehog needles.

The leaves of the plant are long, oblong. Some of them grow up to three meters in length! The tree itself usually does not exceed 20 meters. The fruits of this plant are edible. Interestingly, among the Native Americans, this “dish” was the basis of the diet. Today, the fermented fruit of this plant is a popular delicacy.

crooked trees

Another curiosity are plants that have curved trunks. They grow in Poland, in the forest near the town of Gryfino. There are a little more than 400 of them. The cause of the curved trunks is not exactly known. There are suggestions that each of these trees unusual shape received as a result of human intervention, but who needed it and for what - remains a mystery.

According to some guesses, these plants were intended for the manufacture of curved wooden furniture, for agricultural implements, or for boat hulls. Because of the Second World War, the owners of these sites were forced to flee in a hurry, and now this story will remain a mystery.


Also, unusual ones grow on Earth, for example, larch, which takes off its leaves in autumn. And near the city of Alberta (Canada) there is a soft pine, which is called "Burmis". This is the only extraordinary specimen of this genus, which has its own fascinating history. The tree is notable for the fact that it died back in the 1970s, but at the same time it continued to stand, without being subjected to decay and decomposition. Experts say that by the day of its death, the plant was about 600-750 years old.

In 1998, the city collapsed strong wind, who felled this unusual tree, but caring residents picked it up and put it in its place - to stand in the same position. After a while, someone broke the branch, but people reattached it to the trunk. Today, travelers from all over the world come and take pictures near the Burmis tree.

Tree of Life

Another unusual tree is located in Bahrain. It has about 4 centuries. But it is remarkable not for this at all, but for the fact that it grows in the desert, where there is absolutely no water. There are no other trees within a radius of several kilometers. Its roots are deep in the soil, so some are sure that this is where the plant gets its moisture. But this has not been proven, and people still cannot understand how this tree manages to survive. In order to look at this amazing plant, about 50,000 tourists come to it every year.


The national tree of India, which is called or banyan, is also an amazing plant. For a long time it was considered the widest. But the tree is still growing. A feature of the banyan tree is its roots, which hang from the branches. There are so many of them that it seems that this is not one tree, but a real forest. A tree can grow and occupy an area equal to a city block.

"Walking Tree"

Near Lake Baikal there are also unusual plants that are among the sights of this area. These are ordinary larches and pines, which differ in their roots. They protrude from the sandy soil. Over the years, the wind has blown away the sand, and the roots have been exposed for several meters. But a complex root system helps the tree to stay on the surface. From the outside it looks like the plants are standing on stilts. The most famous grove of "walking trees" grows in Peschanaya Bay. At this point, the roots go out more than two meters.

Other Amazing Trees

In addition to the listed 10 unusual trees, there are still a lot of mysterious plants. So, you can hear about which grow in Yemen and the Canary Islands. The plant got its name because of its resin and juice, which have a rich bloody color. The local population is sure that this liquid is a real cure for all diseases.

No less unique is the "iron tree". It can be found in Iran and Azerbaijan. stronger than iron and just as heavy, so it sinks if dipped in water. The plant is also impressive with its characteristics, planting from "iron trees" can grow into an impenetrable thicket. Over time, these plants grow together.

Also, many are impressed not only by strange structures, but also by unusual ones. So, on Earth you can meet candy, sausage, cabbage, silk trees. All of them have their own stories, characteristics and features that are interesting to learn and learn. Whatever country you go to, everywhere you can find unusual plant, about which locals ready to talk for hours.

Below we offer you an illustrated story about the ten most phenomenal trees in the world.

1. giant sequoia"General Sherman" - the most a big tree in the world

Giant sequoias growing in California are considered the largest trees in terms of volume. The most famous and largest among them is "General Sherman" in national park Sequoia. Its height reaches 83 m, the volume is about 1.486 cubic meters. m, and weight more than 6000 tons.

The tree is thought to be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old, and every year the tree gains as much wood as is contained in a 18-meter sequoia.

2. Aspen poplar: Pando is the heaviest tree in the world

Pando or Trembling Giant, located in Utah, USA. This is not a single tree, but a large colony of wasp trees spread over 100 acres. All the trees of this colony are genetically identical, because they grow from the same organism - they have a common giant root system.

Pando consists of 47,000 trunks and its collective weight is 6,600 tons, making it the heaviest organism in the world. Although average age individual trees is about 130 years old, the whole organism is already about 80,000 years old.

3. The Tule tree is the world's most unreachable tree.

The Tule tree is the most prominent tree of the Taxodium mexico species, which is located near the city of Oaxaca in Mexico. It is famous for the largest trunk girth (58 m) and trunk diameter (11.5 m).

It is believed that the tree is already about 2000 years old. In 1994, the tree began to dry out: the leaves turned painfully yellow and there were dead branches everywhere. Studies have shown that the problem is simply a lack of water. After changing the watering system, the tree came to life and feels great.

4. The tree of life is the loneliest tree in the world

The tree of life in Bahrain is the loneliest tree in the world. The mesquite tree is located on the very high point barren desert of Bahrain, hundreds of kilometers to other plants. Its roots go tens of meters deep to the aquifers, thanks to which the tree is alive. This tree grew here over 400 years ago. According to local legend, this tree stands on the site of the Garden of Eden.
5. Wollemia is the oldest tree in the world

Funny by appearance the Wollemia tree hides a very ancient history. Wollemia growing in Australia is a real living dinosaur. The oldest fossil of Wollemia dates back to 200 million years ago. In 1994, scientists unexpectedly discovered living tree Wollemia.

The exact location of these coniferous trees was hidden to save the last 100 copies from complete destruction. Since 2006, trees have been sold as seedlings, thus bringing the population of these ancient plants out of danger of extinction. Now the tree can be seen in many botanical gardens.

6. Cashew tree Piranji - the largest tree-forest

The famous Piranji tree is located near the city of Natal in Brazil. This is a 177 year old cashew tree that covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted in 1888 by a fisherman. Thanks to the genetic mutation of the tree, the branches that touch the ground take root. Which usually does not happen with trees of this species. As a result, the tree has become a tourist attraction - it looks like a real forest with an area of ​​​​8400 square meters. m. In fact, this is one tree! It produces about 80,000 fruits a year.
7. Tenere tree - once the loneliest tree in the desert

The Tenere tree is a solitary acacia that grows in the Sahara desert in Niger. The tree was over 300 years old and was the only tree within a 400 km radius. Once there was a forest, gradually eaten away by the desert and winds. The last acacia gave roots so long that they made it possible to draw water from great depths.

Sadly, in 1973, a Tenere tree was hit by a drunk truck driver. Later, a metal monument was built on this site in honor of the Lonely Tree of Tenere.

8. Banyan: Mahabodhi Tree - Buddha Tree

The banyan tree is named after the Hindu merchants who sold their goods while sitting under the tree. The tree is remarkable aerial roots that descend from the branches to the ground.

One of the most famous types of banyan (another name is sacred ficus or Bo tree) is the Mahabodhi tree in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. The tree is said to have been grown from a cutting of the tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment in the 6th century BC. Planted in 288 BC, it is the oldest human-planted tree in the world with an accurate planting date.

9 The Baobab Is The World's Largest Living Water Reservoir

The baobab is native to Madagascar, but it also grows in Africa and Australia. Baobab trees are the most ancient forms of life on the African mainland. Many of them have been growing since Roman times.

The amazing baobab or "monkey breadfruit tree" can grow up to 30m high and 11m wide. Most of the year they remain without leaves. The baobab has a characteristic pot-bellied trunk that serves as a reservoir of water.

The baobab tree can hold up to 120,000 liters of water, which helps it survive severe droughts. Some trunks are so big that people live inside the tree.

10. The Dragon Tree is the most multi-stemmed tree in the world.

The Dragon Tree is located in Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife (Canary Islands). He is about 1500 years old. Instead of a single trunk, a tree has many separate trunks, closely interwoven and providing strength to the entire structure - there are no other similar trees in the world.

It got its name thanks to the resin, the inhabitants believe that it is the dried blood of a dragon and have been using it since ancient times to treat various ailments.

Most tall trees!

  • "Eucalyptus"
    Green "skyscrapers" that reach 100 meters in height with a trunk over 30 meters thick - these are eucalyptus, evergreen trees. An interesting feature eucalyptus is that they do not shed their leaves, but the bark, after which their trunk acquires a light yellow or blue color and becomes smooth and shiny. This huge tree is native to Australia.

    Eucalyptus from Greek translates as "I cover well", which is not true, since the trees of this species do not shade the area near them at all. This is due to the fact that eucalyptus has a specific arrangement of leaves, they are turned to the sun not by the surface, as we are used to seeing, but by the edge, therefore Sun rays freely pass through the leaves of eucalyptus and the shadow is not formed.

    Eucalyptus trees grow very quickly, in the first year of their life they reach 3 meters in height. For 20 years, one hectare of eucalyptus forest yields 800 cubic meters. m. wood. No other tree can produce so much material even in 140 years. Thanks to this feature, eucalyptus trees are very useful trees In addition, their wood is very strong and durable. Therefore, it is used for the construction of ships, dams, furniture, houses. In addition, eucalyptus wood almost never rots. Another positive property of this tree is that it is almost impossible to light it, at the same time, the charcoal extracted from it burns very well. Most species of eucalyptus (and there are more than 300 in total) have tannins for leather processing.

    Valuable is widely used in medicine essential oil extracted from the eucalyptus tree. By the way, eucalyptus leaves contain a lot of it. It is also used to make ointments, varnishes, soaps and perfumes.

    Eucalyptus grows in moist soil near lakes, rivers, and seashores. The inhabitants of Australia say: "If you see tall trees with blue trunks, then there must be a river bed near them." Eucalyptus is sometimes referred to as the pump tree because of its ability to drain the soil. The root system of this plant absorbs a lot of moisture from the soil, which then evaporates through the leaves. By drying up swamps, eucalyptus destroys malarial mosquitoes, which brings extraordinary benefits to people. It is thanks to this property that eucalyptus trees are now planted in different countries peace. Land freed from swamps, people use to grow crops.

  • Sequoia
    Coniferous trees North America- sequoias, as well as eucalyptus reach from above 100 meters in height, but at the same time their trunks are thicker - 45 meters. These trees have been growing on Earth since the pre-glacial period. On average, their age is 3-4 thousand years. All large sequoia specimens are protected by law, they are even given names, such as "General Sherman" and "Abraham Lincoln".

    The history of the name of the sequoia tree is quite interesting. This large tree was first called the California pine or mammoth tree, as the ends of the branches bent up, resembled the fangs of mammoths. In 1859, the Swedish botanist Linnaeus decided to name this huge tree in honor of the English commander Wellington. The new name "Wellingtonia Huge" did not exist for long. The Americans decided that such a significant plant should bear the name of their national hero - George Washington. After that, the tree was called "huge Washington".

    Disputes over how best to name this tree did not subside. After some time, it nevertheless got its name - Sequoia, in honor of the leader of one of the Indian tribes - Sequoia, it was he who led the liberation struggle against foreign invaders for many years. Some people still call this tree "mammoth".

The world of trees is truly rich and diverse. Looking at some landscape, sometimes it seems that this is just an invention of the artist, drawn as if for a science fiction film or book. Undoubtedly, each species is unique in its own way, but among over 100,000 varieties there are truly unusual representatives, which cannot be passed by without admiring. In this article, you will learn a lot about these wonderful trees, which differ from their neighbors in size, unusual shapes, flowers or fruits.

Few people know that a tree grows in the jungles of India, forming a real forest! From the main thick banyan trunk, located in the center, several large branches depart, from which thin shoots stretch down. Then, having reached the ground, they take root and begin to grow in width. Having become the size of the main trunk, these shoots start up their branches. The oldest banyan has been living for more than three thousand years and consists of about 3 thousand thin and 3 thousand wide trunks that reach a height 60 meters.

Walking through the shrouds equatorial Africa, you can come across tall trees with fruits that look like liverwurst. However, despite their delicious appearance, you can't eat them. Local residents use these useful trees, which are called kigeliya, in different ways, but not for food. Fuel is obtained from dried fruits, and after boiling them, a red dye is obtained, the seeds are used in medicine. "Sausages" serve as material for dishes and decorations. Also, a special African soft drink is prepared from the fruits. Aboriginal people soak them in water, adding honey from wild bees, and leave them to ferment.

This unusual tree got its name due to the amazing resemblance to a glass bottle. And this is due primarily to the fact that the plant accumulates water inside itself, adapting to the very dry climate of Australia. You can meet the Australian baobab in the mountains of Namibia. Ancient hunters smeared their arrows with its poisonous juice. If you're lucky, you might see the bottle tree in bloom. During this period, unusual red-pink flowers grow on bizarre branches.

Tree of Life

It has been growing in the Bahrain desert for over 400 years and is the only living plant for miles around. Surprisingly, the mesquite tree does not have direct access to water. Scientists are still puzzling over how it could survive. It is believed that its roots go so deep underground that they reach an unknown underground river, which has not yet been found. According to another version, the Tree of Life receives moisture from unknown to science bacteria that extract it from the soil. This lone acacia continues to grow despite all the conditions of the desert and has already become one of the popular attractions for tourists.

Also known as cinnabar red dracaena, it grows on the island of Socotra. Together with the other 40 species of her genus, they are the oldest relic trees on the planet. In appearance, the plant resembles a huge unfolded green umbrella. The dragon tree got its name from the blood-red sap of the tree, which is highly prized by the locals. It blooms in early spring, fragrant panicles of white or light green color appear on hooked needle-shaped branches.

The American artist managed to grow more than 40 different types of stone fruits on one tree. Undoubtedly, such a miracle will delight any fruit lover! In the spring, you can see the incredible: the whole tree blooms with pink, lilac, white, raspberry and purple flowers of different shades, and in the summer it already bears fruit. All phase changes resemble a kaleidoscope. So far, the trees are small, but they are already bred in personal collections and museums.

rainbow eucalyptus

These unusually tall trees will not leave anyone indifferent. Often, rainbow eucalyptus trees are grown for decoration. The point is multi-colored vertical stripes covering the trunk. They do not appear immediately: a young tree cannot show off with a pale green outfit. Only after growing up the trunk begins to darken, and then more wonderful stripes appear. It is also interesting that they are updated every year, changing their colors to blue, purple, green, orange and dark red.

One of the most beloved trees in the botanical gardens South America. The name of the plant comes from unusual fruits, similar in appearance to cannonballs. The tree is very prolific: every year the plant produces more than two hundred kernels with a diameter of about 20 centimeters. There are so many of them that they stick around almost the entire trunk.

It is strongly not recommended to come close to a tree, let alone stand under it: the danger of getting a strong blow to the head is too great heavy fruit. When it falls, it shatters, making a deafening roar. A white liquid with seeds flows out of the fruit, which turns blue in the sun and begins to emit a very unpleasant odor. Such an aroma can cause an allergic reaction, and the kernel itself is poisonous. From its shell, the locals make their own dishes.

Throughout the globe growing innumerable trees. We are accustomed only to those that grow next to us, and those that do not look like them seem a curiosity. Looking at them, none of us can help but be surprised, remain indifferent and pass by. Without any doubt, each tree is a special masterpiece of nature, which a person should admire.

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