Riddles about oak - a tree that lives for several hundred years. Riddles about oak - a tree that lives for several hundred years Riddles about oak

Helpful Hints 13.08.2019
Helpful Hints

There are so many interesting and still unknown things in the world! To find answers to some questions, sometimes you need to sit down and think hard. And what pleasure is experienced by the one who asks interesting riddle about oak or any other object to your comrades! He knows the answer - now let others break their heads. So what is it that makes our mind work and look for the right solution?

What it is?

The riddle is an interesting genre of folklore. Riddles have been written down and created for centuries. People have long begun to notice the similarity of objects and phenomena. The most ordinary things, to which everyone has become accustomed since childhood, acquire a completely different vision in a riddle, they are revealed from the most unexpected sides.

Oak is strong and strong

There are riddles about everything in the world:

  • about animals;
  • about household items;
  • about natural phenomena;
  • about different trees.

And riddles about oak stand apart, as they contain information about power and strength. This implies the invincibility of the Russian spirit. For example, here are the options:

There is a mighty hero:
His head reaches the clouds
Shoulders widened,
spread his hands,
Fingers are angled
Strength is immeasurable...

Here it is - strength and inflexibility! From the oak-father, but from the birch-mother.

Types of riddles

Tasks are characterized in relation to the way they were created and are divided into several categories;

1. The object is described by listing its main features. In the same way, riddles about oak were invented.

He doesn't spoil the kids
Dressing without fuss:
Everyone in his family
They wear skullcaps.

In this case, it was noticed that the acorns do not grow one by one, the fruit has a so-called "cap".

2. The next type of riddles is based on the principle of indicating brief description subject. As an example, the following riddles about oak can be cited.

I got out of a small barrel,
Took roots and grew
I became tall and powerful
I'm not afraid of thunder or clouds.
me and squirrel
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.

Everyone understands: they like to eat the fruits of this tree forest dwellers. So it's oak.

3. There are riddles based on negative comparisons and tasks containing metaphors.

Riddles for kids

often posed to young children. It is still difficult for them to compare anything, to look for figurative descriptions and metaphors in a guessed subject. Therefore, in the options he proposes, the answer is already obvious:

It's not even a mystery
Let's call it right away
If only someone would say:
"Acorns on it!"

Children can easily come up with a guess - oak, because the word "acorns" was used.

Babies are just beginning to learn the world, so do not immediately give them overwhelming tasks. Let on simple examples practice to develop their imagination, logic of thinking and ingenuity. This will allow them to develop an attentive attitude towards the world around them. In the future, real defenders of nature will grow out of them, who will never break a branch near a tree in vain, will not shoot at sparrows, and will always come to the aid of a weak and needy person.

So let the riddles about oak for children be simple for now, but those in which there is a deep kind subtext.

Strong, lean and strong
After all, he is the lord of the forest.
He is our living witness.
In oblivion of sunken centuries.
From it a solid log house.
Guessed? It …

Children will immediately give the correct answer, because this is required by the rhyme prompted by them in the riddle.

Over time, the guys will get acquainted with riddles, charades, metagrams and anagrams. But that's all later. Everyone knows that any training starts with the simplest. Gradually, the tasks will become more difficult. Let them learn to solve and learn secrets, starting with elementary things. In the first grade, the teacher leads the child's hand, consolidating the writing skill. And in the future, the student masters this skill and does an excellent job on his own.

Solving riddles about the oak, the child will learn about what this mighty tree has been valued for for several millennia. Until now, he is treated with respect and love. Its dimensions are impressive, because sometimes they can reach up to 50-60 meters. The powerful roots of this tree go deep into the ground, so it stands very firmly and is not afraid of even strong winds.

Riddles for children about oak

  1. And you don't even have to guess
    Here, let's call it right away
    If only someone could tell
    What acorns on it!
  2. He is mighty!
    Crown - in the clouds.
    Acorns are visible in the crown.
    And no wonder they come to him
    Boars early in the morning.
  3. Got out of the baby barrel,
    I reached for the sun. Increased.
    And now I'm strong, powerful,
    I'm not afraid of flocks of clouds.
    I feed jays and squirrels -
    Do not look that my fruit is small.
  4. Luba planted an acorn,
    To have a son...
  5. A mighty hero stands above the steep:
    Head - up to the clouds, shoulders parted,
    He spread his arms, knotted fingers,
    Forces are untouched...
  6. We plant in the ground
    Acorn - stomach
    Grows out of an acorn
  7. In the forest among birches, aspens
    a huge giant grows.
    Large curly crown
    it makes noise in the forests all day long.
    He is the king of trees in Russia!
    Anyone you ask!
    He is bypassed by a lumberjack -
    It's too hard and strong...
  8. Green fur coat made of carved leaves
    On the thick trunk of the mighty ...
  9. This tree is mighty
    And grows in the dense forest,
    The fruits are polished
    Recommended for birds.
    , crawls and jays,
    Harvest fruits steadily.
  10. Strong, lean and strong
    After all, he is the lord of the forest.
    He is our living witness.
    In the summer of lost centuries.
    From it a solid log house.
    Guessed? It …
  11. It is covered with dark bark,
    Beautiful cut sheet
    And at the ends of the branches
    A lot of acorns ripen.
  12. small kids
    Sitting on a branch
    And grow up -
    They jump to the ground.
  13. At Lukomorye he is alone -
    Green, strong giant.
    king of trees lumberjack
    Always bypasses. It - …
  14. There's a stick on the bitch
    And on it is a scoop;

    In that scoop of boxes
    It contains a live oak tree.

  15. Which tree has babies in hats?
  16. It's not even a mystery
    Let's call it right away
    If only someone would say
    Acorns on it!
  17. Giant autumn happy
    put on your brown outfit.
    From the branches, as if for fun,
    throws acorns.
  18. Crown - curly
    Boughs - clumsy,
    And the fruit is polished,
    Like forged copper.
  19. He is tall and powerful.
    The acorn is its fruit, coarse.
    Rustles among the clouds
    Leaves in the wind
  20. He doesn't spoil the kids
    Dressing without fuss:
    Everyone in his family
    They wear skullcaps.
  21. I am the most serious
    So just don't give up on the felling.
    Spreading crown, my branches are strong.
    And people call me...
  22. Riddles about the stomach

    1. In a long box
      Hidden young oak.
    2. From a wonderful egg
      It's not a bird that hatches -
      Not a starling, not a dove,
      And the little oak tree!
    3. Ripens on green branches
      Bald children in berets.
      Without fear jump off the branches -
      Feel without berets.
      At their curly dad
      No beret, no hat.
    4. We hang on thin branches
      And we have berets on our heads.
      As soon as the time is right -
      The boar will find us right away.
    5. In a golden ball
      The ball is hidden.
    6. Into this sleek box
      Bronze color
      Hidden little oak tree
      Next summer.
    7. Dropped all its fruits
      Oak near old stumps
      At the food boar
      There will be many days.
    8. A mother has a thousand sons
      She gave each a bowl,
      And I didn't take it.
    9. bald kids
      Wearing hats.
      curly dad
      Walks without a hat.
    10. All the kids on the branches
      From birth in berets.
      Fall from the trees -
      Berets will not be found.
    11. There are bellies, there are hats -
      Cheerful boys!
      And they live on oak branches!
      There is not much to think about!
      The pig loves them very much.
      And I admire them.
      Color dark yellow
    12. On oak branches
      kids swing,
      small, mischievous,
      They have carved hats.

Lots of fingers and hands
And it grew on one leg! (Wood)

Fashionista in a white dress
long earrings,
thin mill,
First clothes
Yellow dress in autumn. (Birch)

Spring has come - put on a green outfit,
Summer has come - sunbathing,
And on an autumn day she put on red beads ... (Rowan)

Flexible, thin rods - her branches,
Good ones are baskets, chairs,
Armchairs and bags.
Look at the twigs lowered to the ground,
Weeping willow)

Everyone knows that the pine
Instead of leaves - needles.
And there is also a girlfriend with leaves
She looks like ... (Herringbone)

There are many orange berries on the branch,
small leaves,
We collect and cook ... (Sea buckthorn)

Its fruits are both yellow and red,
And the blacks hang in pairs,
Just yummy!
And jam, and compote,
We will eat whole year! (Sweet cherry)

Delicious, soft, juicy,
It looks like a light bulb.
Ripens in summer
All in the rays warmed. (Pear)

Here comes the hour:
You can eat orange ... (Apricot)

Carved leaves, he is noble
Lovely... (Maple)

May is ending
Leaves grow quickly on trees.
Poplar flew ... (Pooh)

Shelter from the heat
Cool drink.
one grace
Stand under it. (Under the tree)

Spring has come,
The Rooks Have Arrived.
Made on them
Your own nests from branches.
On what? (On the trees)

prickly hedgehogs
Hanging on branches!
And inside: brown
The nucleoli are lying! (Chestnuts)

Any time of the year in one color. (Christmas tree)

thick stem,
On it are barrels, golden in color. (Acorns)

bald guys
Dressed in hats.
And curly dad
Stands without a hat. (Acorns and oak)

In the yellow body
Bone heart! (Cherry)

In a green caftan in summer,
And in the winter - undressed. (Trees)

Many white-barreled girlfriends gathered,
Everyone is wearing earrings
They make noise in the wind.
Get up and feel cool!
It's good to walk along the birch ... (Grove)

Whatever the weather
Walking in a white dress!
And when it gets warmer
Wear long earrings. (Birch)

Leaves look like hearts
How does it bloom
Aroma fills the whole space! (Linden)

Under the window it grows
From golden flowers
Bees collect honey.
Treats both colds and flu
Wonderful doctor - ... (Lipa)

From my flowers honey is the best,
And they gather my flowers for tea ... (Linden)

Without it, there is no holiday for the new year,
Around the children lead a cheerful round dance!
The branches smell of resin,
Instead of leaves - needles,
Decorated with beads
Butterflies love to grow under it!
What tree guys? (Herringbone)

We can't live without them in the world!
We can't breathe and we can't walk.
There will be no shade, no food, no home.
All animals will die without reliable shelter.
They need to be protected, respected and protected.
And people should understand this! (Trees)

Like a pine tree and a Christmas tree
And in winter - without needles. (Larch)

All trembling and afraid of everyone
Like a red girl (Aspen)

Slim, thin and ringing
As if it were a girl. (Aspen)

Wears green in spring
Sunbathing a lot in summer
Autumn gives her earrings
Bright red fasteners. (Rowan)

On the edge of the forest
There are slender girlfriends.
Cheerful, white, curly.
High and majestic. (birches)

Autumn has come to our garden
The red torch was lit.
Here thrushes, starlings scurry
And, noisily, they peck at him. (Rowan)

There are many different trees in the forest.
But every time under New Year
All children dance
Under the fact that the holiday gives everyone. (Christmas tree)

In the summer, all the animals will be fed:
Protein, bears and hedgehogs.
Give a bump and allow
Build a warm house in it. (Spruce)

Forever sad girl.
Doesn't sing, doesn't have fun.
He bows his head sadly.
The braids will float on the water.
Not noticing anyone
Quietly dozing in silence. (Willow)

Even if the nuts are small.
Still, acorns are delicious.
Lots of small fruits
He is ready to give to everyone. (Oak)

Clusters of bright red berries
They hang on the branches in the forest.
There are many benefits in them for the heart,
But they want to prick the thorns. (Hawthorn)

There were white flowers.
The fruits are red.
A couple of sweet berries
Everyone is happy to eat. (Sweet cherry)

Powerful, wide. Spread the branches
Block out the sun for the flowers.
The time will come - I will be children,
And a delicious feast for the boars. (Oak)

Thrushes are winter birds.
But the berry is not averse to treat yourself.
She always has for them
Delicious food in the cold. (Rowan)

The fruits are so delicious!
Juicy and blush!
Eat them all year round
We are all very happy! (Apple tree)

Clusters of small flowers
Branches tilt.
The scent of spring all around
Air fills. (Lilac)

needles on the tree,
Even though it's not a tree. (Spruce)

Even though summer is around the corner.
All trees are in silver.
Fluff flies all over the area
Covers all roads. (Poplar)

Loved by adults and children
Eat delicious nuts
But get to me
The shell will not allow. (Nut)

There are many babies in the trees.
All are dressed in pins and needles.
Round ball like a hedgehog
It can prick your finger. (Chestnut)

Tender and slim
The girl is beautiful.
Shedding tears in summer
People collect them all. (Birch)

Its leaf is put into the broth.
He is much better with him. (Laurel)

Tall, green, slender, powerful!
The trunk is very powerful, prickly with branches. (Spruce)

Riddles about different trees for children 3, 4, 5 years old

This girl in green
Although he walks all in prickly needles,
And he doesn't know how to sew. (Christmas tree).

Unleashed her curls
Worth the sad
Sometimes cry,
Why no one knows. (weeping willow).

Sweet slim girl.
Rising among the sisters.
green sweater,
And the trousers are white. (Birch).

Our slender girls
Snow-white camp.
Spread your brushes
And on them are bracelets with pendants. (Birches).

sticky buds,
Leaves emerge from them.
With white - black bark,
Hiding behind a mountain. (Birch).

Hot, sunny summer
We saw Anton dressed
And at the end of the purple autumn,
They took off all his clothes. (Wood).

He hangs at the ends of the branches,
Several acorns in a row.
Who will tell us
What is this tree? (Oak).

In a hard box
Fitted oak sprout,
It will grow next year.
Did you guys guess? This is ... (Acorn).

My flower gives pollen
Useful transparent honey.
And I'm being ripped off
The skin is torn off. (Linden).

The distant relatives have Christmas trees
soft needles,
But, when compared with a Christmas tree,
Those needles fall off. (Larch).

It grows luxuriantly
blooms quickly,
And how summer comes
We eat sweets with him,
The grain is stored in the shell -
Protect your teeth guys! (Walnut).

Everything is quiet, the breeze is not blowing.
They have little
The leaves are still fluttering! (Aspen).

He was once a tree
And now he's like a chair
And honey mushrooms sat on it. (Stump).

grimaced slightly,
Blooms first,
Then turns green
And how autumn knocks
That sheets,
And then the berries turn brown. (Rowan)

Everyone understands perfectly well what they ate
Needles, not leaves.
And just like her
With needles ... (Pine).

warm summer
The snow fluttered
But we don't like it
We sneeze from him. (Poplar).

It is not clear where this miracle came from.
Either from the roofs of houses, or from the clouds -
Or cotton balls, or feathers.
Or, probably, fluffs - snowflakes of snow,
formed summer day!
Who joked that
And loosen the pillow? (Poplar).

The height is almost a hundred meters.
It's hard to get in!
Well, it dries up swampy places. (Eucalyptus).

He has a lot of hands
But, legs, only one! (Wood).

Every year that passes

Marked with a ring on the inside. (Wood).

What a wonderful plant
As soon as it gets warmer
He puts on a fur coat, but how cold,

Cold, then she takes off her clothes? (Wood).

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