Scoop gamma measures fight. Scoop gamma (autographa gamma l.)

Career and finance 16.06.2019
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Pest type: Polyphagous pest

Row: Lepidoptera - Lepidoptera

A family: scoops - Noctuidae

Widespread throughout Russia. Of the field crops, it damages flax, hemp, beets, sunflowers, potatoes, legumes and legumes, corn, etc.

Butterfly size 40 - 48 mm; forewings from gray to violet-brown, with a silvery spot in the form of the Greek letter "gamma".

Egg 0.6 mm, with 36-38 radial ribs, watery white with a greenish tinge. The caterpillar of the last stage is up to 40 mm, the color is greenish-yellow or green, also brownish-green with dark brown small spots and with dark sides, on the upper side along the entire body there are eight longitudinal light narrow stripes.

Pupa 15 - 20 mm, dark brown, strongly elongated body has a large forked hook at the end with four smaller hooks. The pupa is inside a translucent web cocoon. The pupa hibernates in the soil. In the beet-growing zone of Russia, the years of the first generation of butterflies begin in mid-May.

Unlike other cutworms, gamma cutworm butterflies fly during the day. Butterflies need to feed on the nectar of flowers. Their fertility is quite variable. On average, the female lays 500 eggs, with a maximum of up to 1400 eggs. Summer drought causes infertility of second-generation butterflies. The gamma scoop lays from 1 to 6 eggs in one clutch on the underside of the leaves of weeds, as well as on the leaves of beets, flax, clover, sunflower, vetch, lupine, peas, potatoes and vegetable cabbage crops.

Embryonic development at relative humidity air at least 80% and a temperature of 20 - 30 ° C is completed in 3 - 7 days.

Caterpillars of the first and second stages are inactive, but are able to release a silky thread and move down. When moving, the caterpillar of the gamma scoop bends in a loop-like manner. The development of caterpillars lasts 16 - 24 days, during which time they molt four times. Caterpillars of the last stage pupate on leaves or between shoots on plants, where they complete their feeding and development. The pupal stage lasts 7-13 days, depending on meteorological conditions. The development cycle of one caterpillar in the summer is 26-44 days. In the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Russia, the gamma scoop develops in two generations per year.

summary data

Favorable t (about C) +20 – +25
Min. t development (about C) +17
Optimal air humidity, % 80-10
Fertility (pcs) 500-1500
Generations per year 1-4
Egg (mm) 0,5 - 0,6
Larva (mm) 24-40
Chrysalis (mm) 17-20
Wingspan (mm) 40-48



mating period. Females lay 1-2, less often 3-6, mainly on the lower surface of the leaves of weeds, including wild radish, thistle, quinoa, sow thistle, pikulnik. Of the cultivated species, they are found on beets, sunflowers, vetch, lupins, peas, clover, potatoes, turnips, turnips, cabbage. The fertility of the female is from 500 to 1500.

Having destroyed the plants in one area, the caterpillars massively migrate to other fields, damaging trees and shrubs along the way. 390 plant species from more than 60 families can be fed.

Optimum temperature for caterpillars of older ages - + 22-30 ° C. Caterpillars II-III instars autumn-winter period withstand temperature drops down to -12°C.

Development features. The duration of development of one generation is 25-45 days. One generation develops in the north, three, sometimes incomplete four, in the south. Winter caterpillars, butterflies. Steady snow cover in combination with mild winter favorably influence the growth of the population.

Morphologically related species

By morphology ( appearance) is close to the described species Autographa nigrisigna. It differs in color: on the front, the additional spot is divided into a V- or U-shaped spot and a small spot in the form of a drop outside of it, the outer band runs at right angles to inner edge or slightly curved inwards.

Geographic distribution

The scoop-gamma is distributed throughout the European part of Russia, to Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar and Perm, as well as in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, Western Siberia, on the Far East. pest covers Western Europe, Asia Minor, Afghanistan, Hindustan, China, Japan, North Africa, North America.


Scoop-gamma is one of the most dangerous pests cultivated plants. Caterpillars hurt. Damage was registered to 100 species of various plants from 23 families. Outbreaks of mass outbreaks are repeatedly noted, after which the number decreases sharply. Periodically harms hemp, flax, legumes, sugar beets, vegetables, essential oil crops, mustard, tobacco, peanuts, corn, sunflowers and many ornamental plant species.

Scoop-gamma - Autographa gamma L.

Systematic position: Order Lepidoptera, family Noctuidae.
Scoop-gamma is common in all regions, except for the North and East Siberian.

Able to feed on 95 plant species. It causes the greatest harm to flax, hemp and sugar beets, to a lesser extent it affects legumes and vegetables, potatoes and sunflowers; from weeds it develops on wild radish, thistle, thistle and pikulnik.

Butterfly with a wingspan of 40-48 mm; forewings earthy-gray, brown or greenish-brown in the middle with a silver-white spot in the form of the Greek letter gamma; rear - grayish-yellow with a brownish trailing edge. The egg is watery white with a greenish yellow tint; in diameter 0.5-0.6 mm; with 32-36 radial ribs. Caterpillar up to 40 mm long, green or greenish-yellow, has only 3 pairs of ventral prolegs. Pupa 17-20 mm long, dark brown.

Caterpillars of different ages and pupae can winter in the upper soil layer and under plant remains, sometimes adult insects. In the zone with one generation, the flight of butterflies is observed from mid-June to early July, in the zone with two generations - at the end of May - early June, and the flight of the second generation - from the second half of July to mid-August.

For the normal development of the ovaries, butterflies need extra food nectar. Butterflies are active throughout the day, but at temperatures above 25 ° C - mainly at dusk. Eggs are laid singly or in groups (up to 6 pcs.) On the underside of the leaves of mainly weeds, as well as on the leaves of legumes and vegetables, sunflowers and potatoes. Females usually do not lay eggs on flax, caterpillars pass to it from weeds. The average fecundity is 500 eggs, the maximum is up to 1500. Cases of complete infertility are not uncommon, especially in second-generation butterflies. Embryonic development lasts 3-7 days. Optimal conditions for egg development: humidity 80-100% and temperature 20-30 °C. Caterpillars of the first age are also moisture-loving (optimum 90%), and at low humidity their mass death is observed. Caterpillars feed openly on plants. Their development lasts from 16 to 25 days. In summer, caterpillars pupate on plants in a cobweb cocoon (on flax, nearby stems are pulled together with cobwebs), and wintering ones - in the soil. The pupa develops in 7-13 days. The most cold-resistant pupae (tolerate temperatures down to -18 ° C), caterpillars are less resistant to cold (I and II instars - up to -12 C, and IV and V - up to -4 ° C); butterflies die at a temperature of -8 °C. One to three generations develop per year. Diapause is not expressed.

Caterpillars damage leaves by eating holes in them or gnawing them from the edges, sometimes they eat them whole, leaving only large veins; on flax, flowers, ovaries, green fruits and young stems can be eaten. As a result of damage in flax, the seed yield is significantly reduced, the quality of the fiber is deteriorating; in sugar beets, the mass of the root crop and its sugar content decrease.
The dynamics of the number of gamma cutworms is significantly affected by wintering conditions, especially when it hibernates in insufficiently cold-resistant stages of its development; during the period of embryonic development and nutrition of caterpillars of the first age, the humidity level is of decisive importance. Years with high levels of relative humidity and temperature during the breeding season are favorable, which leads to a sharp increase in the number of the pest.
The number of gamma cutworms is significantly limited by braconids, true ichneumons and a number of species of tachin flies, as well as predatory ground beetles and bugs; during mass reproduction - pathogens of viral and fungal diseases.

Protection measures. Destruction of weeds on crops of beet, hemp, flax and other crops, along roadsides on which females lay eggs and feed on caterpillars. In autumn, immediately after harvesting, deep autumn plowing of fields inhabited by wintering caterpillars. Inter-row tillage on crops of beet, sunflower and other tilled crops during the breeding season of the scoop-gamma, which leads to the death of eggs and larvae of the first age. Sowing flax at the optimum early date.
If there are more than 2-3 caterpillars per 1 m2 on flax crops 10-40 cm high, spray with karbofos or fufanon, EC (0.4-0.8 l/ha).

The pest belongs to the Lepidoptera order, the Scoop family.


It damages 95 plant species, most severely - flax, sugar beets, less - legumes and vegetables, potatoes, sunflowers, etc.


Everywhere, except for the Northern and East Siberian regions. Most harmful in the Central, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka, Volga and Ural regions.

Description of the pest.

The wingspan of the butterfly is 40-48 mm, the front wings are earthy gray, brown or greenish-brown in the middle with a silver-white spot in the form of the Greek letter gamma, the hind wings are grayish-yellow with a brownish trailing edge. The egg is watery-white with a greenish-yellow tint, 0.5–0.6 mm in diameter, radially ribbed. Caterpillar up to 40 mm long, green or greenish-yellow, has only 3 pairs of ventral prolegs. Pupa 17–20 mm long, dark brown.

Nature of damage.

Caterpillars damage leaves by eating holes in them or gnawing them from the edges, sometimes they eat them whole, leaving only large veins, on flax they can eat flowers, ovaries, green fruits and young stems. As a result, in flax, the seed yield is greatly reduced, the quality of the fiber is deteriorating, and in sugar beet - the mass of root crops and their sugar content.

pest biology.

Caterpillars of different ages and pupae overwinter in the upper soil layer and under plant debris, sometimes adult insects. In the zone with one generation, moths fly from mid-June to early July, in the zone with two generations - from late May to early June, and the flight of the second generation - from the second half of July to mid-August. The butterfly feeds on nectar and, during this period, its ovaries are fully developed. Eggs are laid one at a time (up to 1500 eggs per female) or in groups of up to 6 pieces on the underside of the leaves of mainly weeds, as well as some cultivated ones. Females usually do not lay eggs on flax, caterpillars pass to it from weeds. Butterflies of the second generation often have complete infertility. After 3 ... 7 days, caterpillars emerge from the eggs, which at first are moisture-loving and die at low humidity. Caterpillars feed openly on plants for 16–25 days. In summer, they pupate on plants in a cobweb cocoon (on flax, adjacent plants are pulled together with cobwebs), and wintering ones - in the soil. The pupa develops for 7…13 days and the most cold-resistant ones endure temperatures down to -18 o C. 1…2 generations develop per year. EPV on flax crops 10...40 cm high - more than 2...3 caterpillars per 1 m2.

Conditions affecting the development of the pest.

Years with high levels of relative humidity and temperature during the breeding season are favorable.

Agrotechnical control measures.

Inter-row cultivation of tilled larvae during the period of mass pupation, autumn plowing, destruction of weeds in the fields and mowing them in the marginal areas, sowing flax at the optimal early date.

scoop gamma (Autograph gamma)

Butterfly of the scoop family, a dangerous polyphagous pest. Wingspan 36-48 mm; front - earthy-gray, brown or reddish-brown, with dark dashes, sinuous stripes and blurry spots, in the middle with a silvery-white or yellowish spot in the form of the Greek letter gamma; rear - grayish-yellow, with a brownish posterior margin. Distributed in Europe and Asia. Damages flax, hemp, many legumes, sugar beets and other plants, causing in years mass reproduction huge damage to agriculture. Caterpillars eat leaves, gnaw out buds, flowers, ovaries, unripe fruits. In the north, this year gives one generation, and in the south - four. Years of butterflies of the 1st generation from the 2nd half of June to the beginning of July. The female fecundity is about 500 eggs. Caterpillars hatch on the 3-7th day. First, they feed on the leaves of weeds, then move on to cultivated plants. In summer, the caterpillars, having finished feeding, pupate in loose cocoons on plants (less often - in the surface layers of the soil), in autumn - in the soil. Butterflies and caterpillars are capable of migration over long distances. Outbreaks of mass reproduction this year occur every 4-10 years. Control measures: weeding; inter-row cultivation and deep autumn plowing, in which a significant number of caterpillars and pest pupae are destroyed; destruction of caterpillars with insecticides.

Lit.: Pospelov S. M., Scoops - pests of agricultural crops, 2nd ed., L., 1969; Osmolovsky G. E., Bondarenko N. V., Entomology, L., 1973.

Big soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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