Biography and personal life of Maria Kulikova. Maria Kulikova - biography, personal life, husband, children, photo The second husband of Maria Kulikova

Auto 03.03.2020

Maria Kulikova became famous general public after the release of the series "Two Fates" where she played one of the main roles. Today, films with her participation can be seen on TV almost daily. The actress has many fans who closely follow her life and would like to know who he is, her new husband rank. Hoping to see his photo on the actress's Instagram page.

Maria Kulikova: biography

Maria Kulikova was born in Moscow on August 4, 1977. She is currently divorced and has a son.

Kulikova dispelled rumors about an affair with Averin

The main character of the series "Sklifosovsky" for a long time preferred not to talk about her personal life, but her views changed after numerous rumors that she and Maxim Averin, her film partner and part-time friend, are rapidly developing a stormy romance.

People came to a similar conclusion when they saw the happy faces of Maria and Maxim on the screen, watching the next episodes of the popular series that recently aired on the Russia 1 channel.

In their opinion, only lovers can look at each other like that and that “on-screen love” has grown into real feelings. To put an end to these rumors, she decided to lift the veil of secrecy regarding her personal life.

The actress dispelled the myth, about her alleged romance with Maxim, saying that this simply cannot be, they are connected by a strong long-term friendship and nothing more. Maxim and Maria met in 1994, when they were both graduates of the Shchukin School.

According to the actress, if at that time a romantic relationship could still arise between them, today this is completely excluded.

Maria Kulikova, in an interview once said that, being in more young age she calmly shared with all the details of her personal life, revealing the names of her beloved, and now she considers it indecent. What is personal is personal and outsiders are not allowed to enter there.

Happy mother Maria Kulikova

The star of the series today willingly talks about his son Ivan. She tries to devote every free minute to him. On the weekends, which Maria doesn’t get often due to her busy work schedule, they have a busy cultural entertainment program.

Going to the cinema, to the premiere of a new cartoon, an ice cream parlor and just walking. The day ends with a discussion and exchange of impressions.

Maria often takes her son to the set, and when for some reason this is not possible, the boy is looked after by his father, a housekeeper who has become a family member or a friend of the actress.

She does not disclose his name, and again everyone can only guess who this mysterious stranger is.

In the photo, his face is hidden behind a large hat, as if this is some kind of move, the purpose of which is to disguise excessive attention to his person.

A novel by Maria Kulikova in her student years

As a student at the Shchukin School, Maria did not even think of considering Maxim Averin as her future husband. She always perceived him as a friend, admiring his playing on stage and gallant manners.

And she met with a completely different man, Philip Grigoryan. Currently, he is a theater director and has achieved success in his field.

He had a positive impact on the aspiring actress and helped her get rid of shyness, which is by and large unacceptable in the acting profession.

Over time, her fear of the stage disappeared, she seemed to get used to the roles and lived them, and did not play.

The relationship between Mary and Philip after several years came to naught and each of the young people went their own way.

How did the family life of Maria Kulikova begin?

On the set of the popular series "Two Fates" Maria Kulikova first met Denis Matrosov. He looked at everyone, trying to understand who was approved for the role of Nadia.

Meanwhile, the girl stood in the shade and smoked nervously. On the set, there was a small incident, the boat in which Denis was turned over.

He then badly injured his leg, and Maria was the first who rushed to give him first aid. After that, between the young people, as if a spark ran through.

Maria and Denis almost immediately fell in love with each other and after several dates they began to live together, and three years later they finally decided to get to the registry office and formalize their relationship.

In total, they lived together for 14 years. A young couple had a son, they came to grips with the construction of a country house, dreaming of living there with the whole family. But fate decreed otherwise.

The work schedules of Denis and Maria did not coincide, and the spouses practically stopped seeing each other, which led to the breakup of the family. It happened in 2015.

Divorce did not affect the relationship between father and son. They often see each other, and, now former spouses, maintain a warm relationship and work together to raise Vanya.

After the divorce, the actress stopped talking about her personal life, wanting to leave it behind the scenes. They talked about numerous novels, but all this is nothing more than guesswork, not confirmed by facts.

Maria Kulikova posts photos on her pages, but almost all of them are of a working nature. Her new man they were not seen. But there are plenty of photos where she and her son are.

When photos of Maria Kulikova in a wedding dress appeared on the network, everyone thought that the young woman had finally found her happiness with Roman Polyansky.

But, the actress hastened to explain that these are just stills from a new film called "From Hate to Love" which will be released on February 19 this year. And Roman is just a partner, not her new man.

How is the personal life of Maria Kulikova today

Despite the fact that Maria does not want to let strangers into her personal space, she nevertheless lifted the veil of secrecy and admitted that she really has a man, but she is not going to voice the name of her chosen one yet.

How soon the wedding will take place, history is also silent. According to Maria, it is much more important for her to live in the present without wasting and not being distracted by trifles.

If earlier the actress lived a monotonous life between home and work, now she finally felt like a woman and life seemed to play with new colors.

Now, when a new man has appeared in her life, who, apparently, will become a legal spouse, it is only a matter of time, she prefers to travel the world with him.

As for the marriage, Maria Kulikova does not want magnificent celebrations. She will be quite happy with a quiet holiday with her family. As she herself says: “I don’t feel any particular enthusiasm for the ceremony.

She had enough of this on the set, where more than once she managed to try on herself Wedding Dress". She generally understands this in her own way.

Maria Kulikova is one of the most talented and famous actresses modern theater and television. Tapes with her participation are very popular with fans, as well as artists. Maria Kulikova, whose filmography includes about sixty films and serials, has surprised loved ones with her bright talent since childhood.

The childhood and youth of the actress

Maria Kulikova was born in hot August 1977. The girl's family is inextricably linked with music. Her grandmother for many years was the head of the vocal faculty of the famous Gnessin School. The father of the future actress was a singer at the State Radio and Television, and also performed in the church choir. So Mary, one might say, was destined to become an artist.

Even in early childhood, the girl was taken to music school where she studied piano. However, Maria was not particularly interested in this type of art. Much more, she liked to try on different outfits and arrange home performances for members of her family. It was here, in the home circle, that children's, the first roles of Maria Kulikova were played. Therefore, when the girl turned ten, her parents took her to a theater studio, where Masha could fully show her talent. The first work of the girl was the role of Baba Yaga. And I must say that Maria coped brilliantly.

Finding yourself and choosing a profession

When the time came to choose a profession, Maria hesitated for a long time. She eventually made the decision to study law. Then this profession was considered very prestigious and was popular with applicants. The girl abandoned the theater and, having successfully passed the entrance exams, went headlong into classes. It was only after studying for a while that I realized that I had made a mistake.

A childhood dream of becoming an actress led her to the Shchukin School, which Maria successfully graduated in 1998. Having received a diploma, Kulikova began work at the Satire Theater, where directors appreciated her talent. She immediately began to give the main roles in comedy performances. Thus was born theatrical actress Maria Kulikova. Her filmography as a film actress began almost at the same time.

Career takeoff in cinema

Maria received her first role immediately after graduating from the Shchukin School. It was work in the television series "Turn of the Key". Despite the excitement, Maria coped with the role brilliantly. Most of the scenes were shot on the first take. However, now the actress is fully laid out on the set, making every effort to make the role a success. Perhaps that is why films with the participation of Maria Kulikova look with such pleasure.

The next series where the actress played was The Hermit directed by Yegor Konchalovsky. In it, Mary was given a small role. This was followed by new proposals and interesting work. Over the next four years, the actress starred in several television series, including "Empire Under Attack", "Deadly Force-3" and others.

But real fame came to her in 2002, after the TV series "Two Fates" appeared on television. Having played one of the leading roles in it, Maria immediately found herself in the center of attention of the press, directors and fans.

Main roles. Filmography

After working in the film "Two Fates", the actress began to offer new interesting work. A business woman in the TV series "Blood Sisters", a forest princess in the film of the same name, a conductor in the "Rails of Happiness" - whom Maria Kulikova did not play. The filmography of the actress was rapidly replenished with new paintings, and the performance of the actress could only be envied. After all, in a year she managed to star in a dozen TV shows that immediately won public recognition.

AT recent times Maria is also actively removed. Her filmography is replenished with new roles. Many of the heroines are the characters of the first plan. Over the past two years, the following main roles of Maria Kulikova can be listed. This is work in the TV series "When the Dawn Comes", the paintings "The visiting fellow", "Husband for an hour" and "Where does love go".

Bright, versatile, charismatic and very talented - this is how Maria Kulikova manifests herself in the work. Her filmography includes about sixty feature films and serials. Moreover, she succeeds with the same success in completely different heroines - this is another weighty proof of the actress's talent.

It is worth noting the participation in theatrical works, as well as the television performances "Secretaries" and "Eight Loving Women".

Family and personal life

If the work of your favorite actress is always in full view of the fans, then the personal life of Maria Kulikova is not advertised. It is known that in her student years she had many admirers, but, despite the romance of her first loves, serious relationship Did not work out.

With her chosen one Denis Matrosov, Maria met on the set of the television series "Two Fates". From the first meeting, the couple was inseparable, and soon the lovers got married. Denis, also a popular actor, did not demand that Maria leave her career. Therefore, the girl successfully combined family and creativity.

In the summer of 2011, a happy event took place in the family of actors - the birth of their son Ivan. Everything seemed to be perfect. In general, that's how it was. But a few years later, reports appeared in the press about the imminent divorce of the spouses. Maria and Denis did not comment on the situation in any way, however, in the winter of 2015, the family broke up.

Today, the actress is raising her beloved son. The boy inherited his mother's talent and already in such early age arranges home performances.

Maria Kulikova starred in dozens of serials during her career. Films with the participation of the actress invariably become popular. However, fans are interested not only in creativity, but also in the hobbies and habits of their favorite artist. Here are some interesting details from her life:

  • The actress loves to go to the cinema and can attend several sessions in one day.
  • Maria dreams of giving her son Ivan a sister.
  • On the set of the series "Two Fates", the actress did not know how to drive a car, but in the frame she was driving with might and main. However, today Maria feels great behind the wheel.

A talented artist, a loving mother, just a beautiful and fragile woman - this is how Maria Kulikova appears before us. Personal life, divorce and the fate of the actress remain the subject of close attention of the press. But still, the best thing about the artist is his work. And Maria does not get tired of confirming this, constantly delighting fans with new bright roles.

Maria Kulikova - actress with radiant blue eyes and blond strands of hair. No one could even imagine that her seemingly perfect marriage would come apart at the seams.

Denis Matrosov is an actor, the first husband of an actress, a man who won the hearts of many girls. Their marriage seemed perfect but everything fell apart like a house of cards...

Why did it all happen? Who is to blame? Perhaps everything is to blame for the rumors that ill-wishers tried to dissolve around the beloved couple every now and then. It can be said unequivocally that both are always to blame for a divorce.

Biography of Mary

The first role for a young girl was the role of Baba Yaga. At that time, Mary was barely 10 years old. It is still not clear why such a sweet girl got such a role. With this role, Maria's stellar career begins.

Maria probably had no other choice but to look for herself in the cinema, because almost all of her relatives are creative personalities. Many of Maria's relatives devoted their lives to music, and the girl decided to look for herself in the cinema. Maria had a desire to enter the Faculty of Law, but the profession of an actress seemed to her much easier and more interesting.

young actress

The girl played in the films: “Turn of the Key”, “Deadly Force - 3”, “The Recluse”, “Two Fates”. The girl not only starred in TV shows and films, but also played in the movies.

Maria and Denis one child, this is their favorite son Vanya. After the couple's marriage broke up, the boy lives with his mother, but sees his father regularly and maintains a good relationship.

A couple of Masha and Denis were considered ideal, no one could even imagine them separately, because they were like one whole. The couple lived together for over 14 years.

Masha admitted that she was the first to pay attention to her future husband during the audition of the series. She was very upset that in the series she would not have common scenes with Denis. The guy noticed the loving look of the young actress on himself and could not help but reciprocate.

Maria and Denis were waiting for their first child for a very long time, and now, 10 years later, Vanechka was born. But even to him failed to save the marriage your parents.

The girl always believed that the family for a woman should be in the foreground, and a career is secondary.

Several years have passed since the divorce, and Denis married a second time, he had another child. The actor admits that he often thinks about his ex-wife.

Married couple for a long time divided the acquired property, the marital house went to her husband, and Maria received a brand new mansion, purchased at the expense of her ex-husband.

Maria and Denis assure that their divorce will not affect the upbringing of the child, he still supports warm relationship with Denis.

Mary's life after separation

The people around were sure that the couple of Maria and Denis was exemplary, but as it turned out, even in an ideal marriage there can be pitfalls. Maria's fans still cannot believe in the actors' divorce.

Mary confesses that to form a divorce was purely her idea, and she shocked Denis a little with such news. The girl does not hide the fact that in their family, as in every other, everything is not as smooth as it seems at first glance. Mary admits that relationships have outlived their usefulness and there is no point in continuing to live with a person to whom you have nothing more than affection.

We do not know anything about Mary's personal life today. We can say with certainty only one thing, the main man in the life of the actress was, remains and will be Vanya. Maria devotes a lot of time to her child.

The couple waited a long time for their first child, and Maria is incredibly grateful to her ex-husband for her son. The girl believes that she will meet her love again.

It is very important for Maria that her companion has a sense of humor, is generous and treats her child with trepidation. The girl does not tolerate rude guys.

We can only speculate why the union of actors broke up.

To date, we nothing is known about family life young artist, he and not in a hurry to share it with reporters. Photos of Mary with actors constantly appear in the press, but there are no exact facts about the star's novels.

Who will be her next chosen one: a stage colleague or a longtime best friend? Maybe they will become Maxim Averin? We can only guess. It seems to me that they have every chance to build a strong marriage and a happy family, because each of them deserves it.

Maria is a real workaholic. Per Last year there were about five series with her participation, and each is doomed to success, Maria is an amazing actress. Among the latest series, the audience really liked the picture “Perfumer”.

girl playing so natural that there is no feeling of pretense and lies. We really hope that we will see her again in a new image on the screen soon. We look forward to news about the personal life of the actress.

Maria Kulikova and her husband met during a difficult period in their biography - both went through a difficult parting with their lovers, and, it seems, collapsed into a new relationship, like into a whirlpool. They met on the set of the TV series "Two Fates", when Denis Matrosov - the husband of Maria Kulikova - was going through a difficult, ugly break with his common-law wife, actress Lyudmila Tatarova, who was trying to excommunicate him from his children. Maria tried to recover after the end of her relationship with director Philip Grigoryan. Against the backdrop of heavy losses in their personal lives, their romance caught fire in an instant and developed more rapidly than the plot of the series itself. But who knows, there would be chances for this love to reach a joint life and a stamp in the passport, if one day Maria herself did not offer to formalize the relationship.

Husband of Maria Kulikova photo

Maria Kulikova and her new husband immediately thought about children, but the work decided otherwise, and because of the busy schedule of both actors, dreams remained dreams for another ten years. In parallel, a happy couple was building a house in which they wanted to start new life, and at first glance, this wish came true - just a year after the move, the first photos of Maria Kulikova with her husband and son appeared. Happiness looked cloudless, but he was not destined to last long.

There are as many happy photos of those times left on the Internet - a happy couple in a dressing room against the backdrop of a green screen, a family with a child, beautiful staged photos in which they just look very happy. After the move, this idyll lasted three years before Maria filed for divorce.

What happened

In fact, if you believe the rumors and accidental reservations of Mary herself, when we are talking about ex-husband The relationship between them has never been easy. Actors, passionaries, crazy enthusiastic people - they both were like that, but for Kulikova's husband new house became a fixed idea. He disappeared on the set for days to save up for him, while Maria herself would be happy in an ordinary apartment, just to be together.

Construction exhausted her, exhausted her nerves, interfered with her work. The work itself also left its mark - the spouses were furiously jealous of each other, and cursed after each frank scene in which one of them was filmed, although both understood that this was a script, they were actors, and now they simply violate the ethics of their own profession. In addition, rumors reached Maria Kulikova that her anger was not so groundless, and her husband spends too much time with Irina Kalinina, a colleague on the set of the TV project My Love.

Denis Matrosov was shocked when he found out that Maria had filed for divorce. Parting Kulikova with her husband was not easy and long, the matter was complicated by the firm understanding that their son Vanechka should not suffer from their break. The actress moved to a new house, literally two kilometers from what they built together, so that the child could see both parents at any time.

After the break, Denis maintained a warm and respectful attitude towards Mary, and always supported her when there were falls and failures in her life. At the funeral of Kulikova's mother, he took over the entire organizational routine, so long as it did not have to be dealt with by a traumatized loss loved one Mary. Son Vanya loves both of them equally, and they manage to continue to raise him together despite the divorce.

Now Maria Kulikova carefully guards her personal life, not revealing the name of the new chosen one. There are many rumors circulating on the net about who it is - maybe Andrey Chernyshov? Or a colleague at Sklifosovsky Maxim Averin? Journalists can only guess. While Maria herself happily raises her son, works hard, posts photos of her son on Instagram, working moments and beautiful pictures from Greece, and looks happy after all these difficult years.

Maria Kulikova

Maria Kulikova is a popular film and television actress, a charming woman with a unique expressiveness of her eyes. And more than 60 roles speak of her talent, not only in films, serials and television performances.


Maria Kulikova was born in Moscow on August 4, 1977. In the family of Mary, everyone was entirely intellectuals. Grandmother of the star - served as dean of the vocal faculty in
Gnessin School. Maria's father is a professional singer, worked for many years at the State Radio and Television, and then sang in the church choir.

The only person who had nothing to do with music in the family of Maria Kulikova was her mother, who worked as an engineer. And it was her daughter, apparently, who also went - despite the fact that the spirit of music literally reigned in the house, Maria did not master the game on any musical instrument. Although later she regretted more than once that she had not learned to play the piano.

When Mary was 10 years old, her parents took her to a theater studio. There she first met the stage and got her first experience of performing in front of the audience.

The first role of the actress was the role of Baba Yaga


Despite her passion for the stage, after school, Maria Kulikova decides to enter the Faculty of Law. But already at the preparatory courses, she realizes that she is not interested in this specialty, and begins her journey towards the dream of becoming an actress.

Without informing her parents, she takes exams at the Higher Theater School. Schukin. She manages to enter, and she gets on the course of Yevgeny Knyazev.


Just a year after graduating from the Shchukin School, Maria receives an invitation to play in the TV series Turn of the Key, and despite the fact that the role itself is purely episodic, Kulikova agrees to act with great joy.

But just before the shooting, Maria was terrified - she was told that the film was being shot in one take, and you can’t make a mistake. The girl was very much afraid to let her colleagues and the director down on her first shoot.

But she was afraid in vain - everything went without a hitch. The first was followed by other episodic roles in "Deadly Force" and "Empire Under Attack." But all these roles could not bring fame to the aspiring actress, not to mention popularity.

And then Maria Kulikova received a real gift of fate - a role in the serial series "Two Fates". A chance helped the future star to get the role. She came to the casting of a completely different series, but the wrong door. Shortly after the start of the audition, the actress realized that she was in the wrong place, and returned to the casting of the first series. However, the role in it went to another applicant, and a few days later Maria was offered to star in the melodrama "Two Fates". This series became fatal for Maria Kulikova herself.

The film "Two Fates" made famous not only Maria Kulikova herself, but also the apartment in which she grew up.

The fact is that Vladimir Krasnopolsky (film director) needed a classic Soviet apartment of the 70s. The filming dates were approaching, and there was no time left for the creation of the scenery.

Maria Kulikova, who played one of the main roles in the film "Two Fates", suggested using her parents' apartment for filming. After all, the furniture and design of the seventies have been preserved in this apartment. Artists immediately seized on this proposal.

Maria's parents were not against it either. But they could not even imagine how shooting a film would turn their settled life and way of life upside down. After all, shooting is a process similar to a hurricane - crowds of people in one place, filming equipment, scenery, and so on and so forth.

In order not to live in a constant mess that remained after the shooting day, Maria Kulikova and her parents had to move in with relatives.

One day, a cameraman caught the cord of a video camera with his foot and broke a family heirloom - a gift from his grandmother. Seeing this, the enraged father of the family attacked the operator with his fists. The neighbors, tired of the constant noise, could not restrain themselves - they called the police. The policemen who arrived at the scene were amazed at what they saw. Director Krasnopolsky had to give explanations.

But all these hardships and inconveniences were worth it. After all, after the release of “Two Fates”, Maria Kulikova gained popularity, and her parents made repairs to the fee received for renting an apartment.

The picture "Two Fates" so sunk into the souls of viewers that three more parts were released.

On the very same Maria Kulikova rained down offers of roles. In 2003, she starred in the film "The Goat in Milk", a year later she played leading role in "Forest Princess", and next year in two films at once - "New Russian Romance" and "Sunday in the Women's Bath", as well as in two parts "Two Fates".

2006 brought the actress an episodic role in the super popular My Fair Nanny, as well as roles in the films The Main Gauge, Blood Sisters and Rails of Happiness.

In 2007, the piggy bank of Mary's roles was replenished with the films "Swindlers", "It was in Gavrilovka", "Squirrel in the Wheel". In the latter, Kulikova played in tandem with her husband Denis Matrosov.

2008 - and again several roles: "Let me kiss you", "Wow", "Your own truth", "Flight of fantasy" and the fourth part of the television series "Two Fates".

In 2009, four films with the participation of Maria Kulikova appeared on the screen: "Proposed Circumstances", "First Attempt", "Winter Woman" and "Landing".

Another significant event in the life of Mary is the role in the TV series "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka", which is also becoming very popular. This role is followed by her work in "I'm Happy", "Lawyers", "Tolerable Victims" and "Greetings, Cosanostra".

In 2011, the continuation of the TV melodrama "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka" was released.

in 2013, Maria appears in the series "Sklifosovsky" for the second season, and remains in it for another three seasons. It is the role in this series that is called the most successful work of Maria Kulikova.

In addition, Maria Kulikova managed to star in the following films: “Necklace”, “His Love”, “Leave to Return”, “Husband for an Hour”, “Perfumer”, “Late Flowers”, “When Love Leaves”, “Improbable Theory ”, “Two plus two”, “Three roads”, “Looking for a man” and “Pearls”.

The actress combines a successful television career with theatrical roles at the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. Among the productions with her participation are "Khanuma", "Secretaries" and "Eight Loving Women".

Personal life

The painting "Two Fates" became crucial not only for the career growth of Maria Kulikova, but also for her personal life. On the set, she met her future husband Denis Matrosov.

It is worth saying that Matrosov at that time was simply crushed by scandals inflated by the media about his departure from his previous wife, Lyudmila Taranova, and two children. Maria managed to distract Denis, and soon they began to live together.

At first, the acting couple was in no hurry to legitimize their relationship, and lived civil marriage for three whole years, until Maria jokingly invited Denis to marry her. The actor could not refuse his beloved woman.

In 2011, the son Ivan was born in the family of Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov.

Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov - video

For a long time, this couple was considered the standard of marital fidelity and strong family. But in 2015, like a bolt from the blue, the news about the divorce of Kulikova and Matrosov broke out. The reasons for the breakup are not covered by the actors, but the media attributed the blame to Matrosov, who had an affair with Irina Kalinina.

Maria Kulikova in the program "My Hero"

Maria Kulikova was repeatedly credited with an affair with Maxim Averin, a partner in the TV series Sklifosovsky. However, the actors themselves dismissed these rumors.

Maria Kulikova is now combining her career with raising her son, and, as she says, she is not thinking about a new relationship yet. However, as we know, personal life is a mystery shrouded in darkness.

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