Why Volochkova carefully hides a new boyfriend. Volochkova's "mysterious man" turned out to be a married Chechen working as a security guard. "Do you like my courage?"

Interesting 03.03.2020

Anastasia Volochkova is one of the most popular figures among the stars today Russian show business. The constant close attention from the press, the vigilant vigilance of the paparazzi, the public eagerly catching everything, down to the smallest details from the life of a star - this testifies both to the stunning success and competent black PR.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the Russian ballet was born in Leningrad on January 20, 1976. Father Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov - master of sports international class, champion Soviet Union on table tennis. Mom Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova held the position of an engineer at the design institute of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Tamara Vladimirovna was fond of the history of her native city and, after graduating from state courses for guides, led exciting walking tours around St. Petersburg.

In the same year, The Black Swan was released - another film with her participation, which won the main prize at the New York Independent Film Festival. Anastasia also played herself in the popular domestic telenovela "".

In 2009, the Nerve show premiered and was a huge success in London, as well as at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In the same year, Volochkova's autobiography "The History of the Russian Ballerina" was published.

Anastasia Volochkova - "Ballerina"

After the release of the book on the shelves, a “fotozhaba” appeared on the Web with an image of the cover, on which there was a different name - “Me and the ball”. Despite black PR, the ballerina's literary work was a success with readers who noted the author's light style and interesting choice of topics.

And in December 2009, Anastasia takes part in the New Year's show, where, unexpectedly for fans, she makes her debut as a singer, performing the composition “Ballerina” specially written for her, authored by the composer.

Social activity

In 2003, Anastasia Volochkova decides to join the party " United Russia". The artist's field of activity includes numerous charitable and social programs for children, which she continues to engage in after her departure from the party in 2011.

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Suleiman Kerimov and Anastasia Volochkova

In the early 2000s, the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov became her companion. Anastasia was captivated by the broad romantic gestures and strong charisma of this man. However, in 2003, the couple broke up after 2 years of relationship.

The ballerina had the most sincere feelings for her chosen one, so she happily accepted the news of her pregnancy. But Anastasia was in no hurry to admit this to her lover: in one conversation, Suleiman warned her that in the event of a breakup, he would take the child from her and give him to be raised by his relatives. Worried about what she heard, Volochkova experienced a miscarriage at one of the rehearsals in the theater. After the incident, she left Kerimov. According to the prima, Suleiman did not forgive his former lover for such humiliation: he ensured that Anastasia was fired from the Bolshoi Theater.

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Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin

According to the ballerina, in her youth she had a 5-year affair with Jim Carrey. The Hollywood actor was fascinated by the talent of a young dancer from Russia and even flew to Moscow to communicate with Anastasia. At first, the relationship was platonic in nature, but later feelings overwhelmed the couple. According to Volochkova, they decided to end the affair because everyone was busy: the ballerina did not want to move from Russia to Hollywood, even for the sake of her beloved.

In 2007, a luxurious wedding ceremony took place between Anastasia Volochkova and a businessman. This event was widely publicized in the media as one of the most memorable social events. Later, the ballerina herself said that the ceremony was fictitious, she and Igor Vdovin were never officially scheduled. Despite the fact that the couple could not get along together and broke up, Volochkova and her ex-civil husband retain warm relationship based on friendship and mutual respect.

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Anastasia Volochkova with her daughter

In 2005, the couple had a daughter, Ariadne. Perhaps not wanting her daughter to repeat the sad experience of working in theaters, Anastasia speaks out against the girl taking ballet.

In the spring of 2013, Anastasia began a relationship with the head of an oil transportation company, Bakhtiyar Salimov. They met during a dancer's tour concert in Vladivostok on Valentine's Day. Relations developed the best way, and the show business star willingly shared her joy through her profile in social network.

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Anastasia Volochkova and Nikolai Baskov

In the same 2013, there were rumors that the ballerina had an affair with singer Nikolai Baskov. The lovers rested together in the Maldives, posted joint intimate photos on Instagram. Many expressed the opinion that this was nothing more than a PR stunt on the part of both artists.

In the spring of 2015, the ballerina moved into a three-story mansion at the 5th kilometer Novorizhskoe highway. As Volochkova later reported, the cost of the house was $ 750 thousand and 54 million rubles.

Anastasia maintains an official personalized account in " Instagram". Volochkova is not shy about posting photos at home, without fashionable hair and makeup, recording videos from workouts and showing fans her natural self. Often, the dancer posts pictures in twine, surprising fans with her abilities. She also likes to show off her figure in open swimsuits or tight-fitting dresses with deep necklines.

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Anastasia Volochkova on the twine

In September 2017, Volochkova's name again sounded scandalous. TV presenter Dana Borisova returned from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand and on the air of the TV program "" said that one ballerina and socialite, as the viewers understood - Anastasia was meant, also suffers from drug addiction and alcoholism and needs help that Dana is ready to provide. In response, Volochkova accused the TV presenter of slander and an attempt to promote herself.

In November 2017, Anastasia again fell into the epicenter of the scandal. The ballerina's account was hacked, according to rumors, the hackers demanded 20 thousand rubles from Anastasia. for non-disclosure of information. Volochkova refused, and photos of the naked ballerina and intimate correspondence were made public.

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Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit

The Network also got home photos of a pornographic nature, where Volochkova is clearly recognizable. The video was stolen from the account of the ballerina's ex-boyfriend, businessman Chermen Dzotov, on the VKontakte social network. Self-made erotica instantly attracted the attention of both the ballerina's fans and ill-wishers, who hastened to accuse Volochkova of immoral behavior.

2019 was clearly not a good year for Anastasia Volochkova. Rumors circulate that only daughter Ariadne moved away from her and lives with her father Igor Vdovin. And he, in turn, stopped transferring impressive amounts monthly to the ballerina's account.


Moreover, the former driver Alexander Skirtach became more active. He gave a sensational interview in which he said that Anastasia Volochkova prefers to have sex without a condom. Allegedly, she herself asked him to buy her pills. And also, according to a former employee, the ballerina shared with him a dream to make love with two strong men. Skirtach managed to calculate that during the year Anastasia Volochkova changes about 70-80 suitors. As a result, the ballerina sitting in the next room, watching the performance of the former driver on the monitor, could not stand it and ran into the studio and started a dirty fight.

Now the artist has received a new, unexpected blow. Ukrainian Instagram blogger Mishan Lermontov cruelly ridiculed Anastasia Volochkova by publishing a parody of her. He used the ballerina's monologue found on YouTube and recorded a video in which he hinted at the artist's addiction to alcohol, demonstrated her love for false hair, large jewelry, and even managed to sit in the position she prefers.

On the audio recording she said: “Believe that everything will work out! And there is no need to delay, so let’s go according to the plan. I am a very specific person, my beloved vehicle- it's a tank! Because the barrel is me. Everything will be simply unrealistic, and you will be with us on such a positive note, as I am. You know, when I was fired from the Bolshoi Theater, I didn’t have anyone at all ... My niche in show business is so unoccupied by anyone that everything will be very cool, you know? You have no idea what we can do together."

A couple of months ago, Volochkova announced that she had found a new lover. Again. Then she started kind of joking, "I'm a Chechen now, haha." Then she began to take pictures in a Muslim wedding dress in all corners of his house and in every possible way hint at a quick wedding. (The painting "Volochkova and the Tsar" is a separate topic).

By the way, Anastasia immediately explained that her new chosen one- "businessman, European", his name begins with "M" and in translation means exactly "king". Knowledgeable people said: this is how the Chechen name Malik is translated. Plastic slates in the snow and invariably striped socks, however, somewhat did not correspond to his imperial majesty.

The Chechen version was also supported by the fact that Vdovin, a former roommate of Volochkova, immediately moved their common teenage daughter to live with him. Frightened for the child, you see. A whole house of Caucasians, a drunken mother and one unprotected girl among this den - it's scary. The ballerina herself complained on television that her daughter had not found mutual language with her beloved. And not smart.

It is unlikely that a teenage girl was interested in watching the bacchanalia.

The ballerina does not hide her charms either from neighbors, or from servants, or from subscribers.

But the conditional Malik shows parts. Keeps intrigue. First he uploads pictures: look, look carefully! And then he sits on the stairs for hours and scolds subscribers for watching. "Why are you interfering in my life!" - the ballerina pathetically declares, wringing her hands, and uploads more and more new photos of her life.

Limbs are a priority.

Very quickly, some woman showed up, who began to reproach Volochkova - from her house, they say, a crowd of Chechens regularly broadcasts live and all the "brothers" are laughing at the tipsy ballerina. A certain common-law wife of Malik also showed up. StarHit quotes her:

After that, it was not difficult for journalists to figure out the mysterious king-guard:

In the stories of other people, they also began to catch a glimpse of signs of Anastasia's communication with the king. Here she is in Krasnodar contacting him via video.

Here are shots from a nightclub - Anastasia's companion, whom she grabs by the hand, has the same belt with which she once lit up the king.

Well, yesterday blogger Anton Dudkov showed the "new man Volochkova" - Anton met his wife New Year in a tavern, where Volochkova also performed. The king was on the hook. (There are more videos in the story, I show the main one).

In general, advice and love. Anastasia says that her boyfriend's beauty "can make you blind." She does not hide that she would like to give birth to a child from him and believes that if this happens, "it will be the most beautiful person in the world." One thing is not clear: why is Anastasia hiding her beloved this time, if usually everything is turned inside out, showing every man of the month? Mystery.

Not so long ago, Anastasia Volochkova made frank confession that she is in love and has been in a relationship for three months.

According to Volochkova, her new chosen one is a wealthy person who showers her with gifts and lives not far from her house.

Anastasia constantly hides the face of her new lover, explaining that “happiness loves silence.”

But she probably does it for another reason, because she has something to hide.

A certain young woman managed to identify Volochkova's new lover as her civil husband. She recognized some of his personal belongings in the pictures posted by the ballerina, and she had no doubt that it was him.

A post shared by (@volochkova_art) on Dec 3, 2018 at 12:02pm PST

And the name of this mysterious boyfriend of the ballerina is Malik, he is a native of Chechnya and not a “businessman” at all, he works as the head of security in the spa, where the ballerina often rests.

His ex-common-law wife said that they had been together for 10 years and just had a fight.

She is going to show Volochkova their love correspondence.

“My man sleeps with Volochkova. I saw that he had an Instagram and from this page I went. He was signed to Volochkova, where I saw all of him: socks, a belt. She hides him, does not show her face. But I know my man. She goes to the Novakhov Spa, and he lives there all the time, so we met. He's the head of security there. She signs "M" in the photo. His name is Malik, he is a Chechen. I want to take revenge on him. We were together for 10 years. Later I will send her our correspondence, where he writes that he is bored. We did not see him, we had a quarrel, ”the woman said.

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She was born on January 20, 1976.
Honored Artist Russian Federation (2002).
Anastasia studied at Russian Academy Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova, with the famous Russian ballerina and wonderful teacher Natalia Dudinskaya.
A year before graduating from the Academy, Anastasia was accepted into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater as a trainee. And already in April 1994 she made her debut in the role of Odette-Odile ("Swan Lake").
In 1996, she took first place and received a gold medal at the Second International Competition Ballet in Kyiv.
From 1994 to 1998 she danced in the ballet troupe of the Mariinsky Theatre, where she was accepted immediately after graduation. She was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.
In the Hermitage Theater Volochkova danced both the main parts of classical ballets and modern numbers. In 2001, it was at the Hermitage Theater that Anastasia first performed her dance numbers"Duet for one" (choreography by V. Anzhelov, music by Piazzola), as well as the dance "Angel". These performances later became the hallmark of the ballerina, her best numbers.
In April 2004, A. Volochkova signed a cooperation contract with the Yuri Grigorovich Ballet Theater in Krasnodar. The term of the contract is not limited. It is introduced into almost all performances of the Krasnodar troupe: "Don Quixote", "Swan Lake", "Golden Age", "La Bayadère" and concerts.
In 2002, the office of Anastasia Volochkova was opened in Moscow, where Cultural Foundation her name and the new Agency "SMM - Art Production".

prizes and awards

In 1996, she took first place and received a gold medal at the Second International Ballet Competition. Serge Lifar in Kyiv.
In September 2001, in St. Petersburg, Anastasia Volochkova was awarded the Petropol Prize - "for her tireless search in art and the revival of the traditions of a ballet concert."
In April 2002, Anastasia Volochkova became the winner of the "Benois de la Danse" Prize - "Ballet Benois", which is awarded by an authoritative international jury for best job artists and ballet figures in the past season. Such a role was for Anastasia Volochkova the part of Odette-Odile in the performance of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia "Swan Lake".
In 2002 she became the owner of the Golden Lion prize - "The most talented ballerina in Europe".
She was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor of Peter the Great - "For outstanding merits and achievements in the field of ballet, contributing to the greatness and glory of Russia" (St. Petersburg, 2003), the medal "In honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" - "For charitable activities "(St. Petersburg, 2003).
Laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize "For fruitful service to the art of ballet and brilliant embodiment of the ideal of eternal femininity and beauty on the ballet stage" (St. Petersburg, 2003).
Laureate International Prize"Golden Aquarius" - "For outstanding achievements in the field of culture and art" (Moscow, 2004).
Laureate of the "Lady Luxery" award (Moscow, 2005).

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