Aras isgender ogly agalars and muslim magomayevs. Aras Agalarov - another of the residents of the Novorizhskoe highway

Career and finance 18.07.2019
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Araz Iskender ogly Agalarov(Azerb. Araz İsgəndər oğlu Ağalarov; genus. November 8, Baku) is an Azerbaijani entrepreneur, president and owner of the Crocus Group group of companies. In 2012, he took 61st place in the Forbes rating "The richest businessmen of Russia - 2012".


In 1977 he graduated from the Baku Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electronic computers engineer.

From 1977 to 1983 he worked at a research institute in Baku, then in the Baku city committee of the CPSU.

From 1983 to 1987 he was a student of the higher school of the trade union movement of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions named after. N. M. Shvernik in the city of Moscow.

From 1988 to 1990 he worked at the scientific center of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions as a junior researcher.

In 1989, he founded the US-Soviet joint commercial venture Crocus International (hereinafter referred to as the Crocus Group).

Entrepreneurial activity

In 2010, Agalarov took first place in the ranking of the highest Russian business leaders (nomination "Trade") according to the publication "Kommersant Dengi".

At the initiative of Agalarov, the Crocus Group group of companies acted as an investor in the construction of the Myakinino metro station in order to increase the attractiveness of its Crocus City, as well as the general contractor for the construction of Far Eastern Federal University facilities on Russky Island (Primorsky Territory) (unavailable link since 15-11-2015 (1340 days)).

Member of the Board of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs", member of the presidium of the all-Russian public organization "All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress", member of the board of the non-profit partnership "Association of Entrepreneurial Organizations of Russia" ("OPORA"), president of the non-profit organization "Union of Manufacturers and Importers".

Scientific and creative activity

Candidate economic sciences, in 1998 he defended his thesis on the topic "Formation and use of the payroll on the example of a communications enterprise" .

Social activity

In 2002 he was elected vice-president of the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress.

Founder of the non-profit organization "Muslim Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Fund".


A family


  • Agalarov A. I. My view of Russia in the era of reforms. - M.: Young Guard, 1998. - 208 p.

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An excerpt characterizing Agalarov, Araz Iskender oglu

At the male end of the table the conversation became more and more lively. The colonel said that the manifesto declaring war had already been published in Petersburg, and that the copy, which he himself had seen, had now been delivered by courier to the commander-in-chief.
- And why is it difficult for us to fight with Bonaparte? Shinshin said. - II a deja rabattu le caquet a l "Autriche. Je crains, que cette fois ce ne soit notre tour. [He has already knocked down arrogance from Austria. I'm afraid our turn would not come now.]
The colonel was a stout, tall and sanguine German, obviously a campaigner and a patriot. He was offended by Shinshin's words.
“And then, we are a fat sovereign,” he said, pronouncing e instead of e and b instead of b. “Then, that the emperor knows this. He said in his manifesto that he cannot look indifferently at the dangers threatening Russia, and that the security of the empire, its dignity and the sanctity of alliances,” he said, for some reason especially leaning on the word "unions", as if this was the whole essence of the matter.
And with his infallible, official memory, he repeated opening remarks manifesto ... "and the desire, the sole and indispensable goal of the sovereign, which is to establish peace in Europe on solid grounds - they decided to move now part of the army abroad and make new efforts to achieve" this intention ".
“Here’s why, we are a worthy sovereign,” he concluded, instructively drinking a glass of wine and looking back at the count for encouragement.
- Connaissez vous le proverbe: [You know the proverb:] “Yerema, Yerema, if you would sit at home, sharpen your spindles,” said Shinshin, wincing and smiling. – Cela nous convient a merveille. [This is by the way for us.] Why Suvorov - and he was split, a plate couture, [on the head,] and where are our Suvorovs now? Je vous demande un peu, [I ask you] - constantly jumping from Russian to French he said.
“We must fight until the day after the drop of blood,” said the colonel, banging on the table, “and die rrret for our emperor, and then everything will be fine.” And to argue as much as possible (he especially drew out his voice on the word “possible”), as little as possible,” he finished, again turning to the count. - So we judge the old hussars, that's all. And how do you judge, young man and young hussar? he added, turning to Nikolai, who, hearing that the matter was about the war, left his interlocutor and looked with all his eyes and listened with all his ears to the colonel.
“I completely agree with you,” answered Nikolai, flushing all over, turning the plate and rearranging the glasses with such a determined and desperate look, as if at the present moment he was in great danger, “I am convinced that the Russians must die or win,” he said, himself feeling as well as others, after the word had already been said, that it was too enthusiastic and pompous for the present occasion and therefore awkward.
- C "est bien beau ce que vous venez de dire, [Wonderful! what you said is wonderful]," said Julie, who was sitting next to him, sighing. Sonya trembled all over and blushed to her ears, behind her ears and to her neck and shoulders, while Nikolai spoke. Pierre listened to the colonel's speeches and nodded his head approvingly.
“That's nice,” he said.
“A real hussar, young man,” the colonel shouted, striking the table again.
- What are you talking about there? Marya Dmitrievna's bass voice was suddenly heard across the table. What are you banging on the table for? she turned to the hussar, “who are you getting excited about? right, you think that the French are in front of you?
"I'm telling the truth," said the hussar, smiling.
“It’s all about the war,” the count shouted across the table. “After all, my son is coming, Marya Dmitrievna, my son is coming.
- And I have four sons in the army, but I don’t grieve. Everything is the will of God: you will die lying on the stove, and God will have mercy in battle, ”the thick voice of Marya Dmitrievna sounded without any effort, from the other end of the table.
- This is true.
And the conversation again focused - the ladies at their end of the table, the men at theirs.
“But you won’t ask,” the little brother said to Natasha, “but you won’t ask!”
“I’ll ask,” Natasha answered.
Her face suddenly flared up, expressing a desperate and cheerful determination. She half rose, inviting Pierre, who was sitting opposite her, to listen with a glance, and turned to her mother:
- Mother! her childlike chest voice sounded all over the table.
- What do you want? the countess asked frightened, but, seeing from her daughter's face that it was a prank, she waved her hand sternly, making a threatening and negative gesture with her head.
The conversation hushed.
- Mother! what cake will it be? - Natasha's voice sounded even more resolutely, without breaking.
The Countess wanted to frown, but she couldn't. Marya Dmitrievna shook her thick finger.
“Cossack,” she said threateningly.
Most of the guests looked at the elders, unsure how to take this stunt.
- Here I am! said the Countess.
- Mother! what will the cake be? Natasha shouted already boldly and capriciously cheerfully, confident in advance that her trick would be well received.
Sonya and fat Petya were hiding from laughter.
“So I asked,” Natasha whispered to her little brother and Pierre, whom she looked at again.
“Ice cream, but they won’t give you,” said Marya Dmitrievna.
Natasha saw that there was nothing to be afraid of, and therefore she was not afraid of Marya Dmitrievna either.
— Marya Dmitrievna? what an ice cream! I don't like butter.
- Carrot.
– No, what? Marya Dmitrievna, which one? she almost screamed. - I want to know!
Marya Dmitrievna and the countess laughed, and all the guests followed. Everyone laughed not at Marya Dmitrievna's answer, but at the incomprehensible courage and dexterity of this girl, who knew how and dared to treat Marya Dmitrievna in this way.
Natasha lagged behind only when she was told that there would be pineapple. Champagne was served before ice cream. Again the music began to play, the count kissed the countess, and the guests, rising, congratulated the countess, clinked glasses across the table with the count, the children, and each other. Again the waiters ran in, the chairs rattled, and in the same order, but with redder faces, the guests returned to the drawing room and the count's study.

The Boston tables were moved apart, parties were made, and the count's guests were accommodated in two living rooms, a sofa and a library.
The count, spreading his cards like a fan, could hardly resist the habit of an afternoon nap and laughed at everything. The youth, incited by the countess, gathered around the clavichord and harp. Julie was the first, at the request of everyone, to play a piece with variations on the harp and, together with other girls, began to ask Natasha and Nikolai, known for their musicality, to sing something. Natasha, who was addressed as a big one, was apparently very proud of this, but at the same time she was shy.

It seems that Crocus Group owner Aras Agalarov's fortune is largely due to state-funded construction projects. Now the company's situation is difficult: the total debt of the Crocus Group at the beginning of December 2016 was $1.7 billion, and increased by $200 million over the year. government projects will be able to support Crocus Group, but they are not and are not expected.

Quick Success

Aras Agalarov entered the business in the late 1980s. He graduated from the Baku Polytechnic Institute, and in 1982 he went to Moscow to enroll in graduate school with a degree in labor economics. Then he worked in the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU).

At the beginning of perestroika, he decided to go into business: he imported vegetables from Azerbaijan and Central Asia. In 1988, with the flourishing of the cooperative movement, he opened a small enterprise, which began to engage in exhibition activities. According to Aras Agalarov himself, he had about 12 exhibition themes that he implemented in Moscow. In 1996, Aras Agalarov became a de facto monopoly operator for international exhibitions in a variety of industries. In addition, in 1991, the businessman opened the first exclusive shoe store at the intersection of Stoleshnikov Lane and Petrovka.

And in 1995, Aras Agalarov decided to start building an elite residential building. There are only 34 apartments in it, the entrepreneur kept two of them for himself, and sold the rest. And so it went on. In 1997, the first hypermarket in Russia was built at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoye Highway, and in 2000, the famous Crocus City was built. On the territory of "Crocus" store "Your House" was opened, as well as a multi-brand mall, occupying 60 thousand square meters. We can say that Aras Agalarov has successfully integrated into the business environment. Presidents and mayors changed, but he always remained on horseback.

The success of Aras Agalarov consisted of the ability to make the necessary connections and business acumen, among other things. He denied any connection with the underworld. According to him, he belongs to the category of people for whom "giving up a ruble under pressure and giving up a life under pressure is approximately the same thing." At the same time, he was very strict in his business.

Building acumen

Aras Agalarov's fortune is believed by the media to be largely due to state-funded construction projects. And this indicates a sufficient proximity of the company to the authorities.

So, in 2009, at that moment, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the largest Russian developer - CJSC Crocus International (Crocus International) - was appointed as a contractor for the construction of Far Eastern Federal University facilities. The APEC summit was held on its base in 2012.

Crocus International is the general contractor for the construction of a new Rostov stadium for the 2018 World Cup. True, Aras Agalarov stated that he did not know how to make money on government construction projects. But this, nevertheless, is some craftiness.

Some scandals were connected with these construction sites. For example, on Russky Island, the Chinese were on strike while building a facility: they claimed that the company had not paid them money for three months. True, representatives of Crocus International quickly liquidated the conflict and stated that the workers were paid money, but the sediment remained. In addition, Crocus Group managed to meet its own interests, in particular, to receive 1.1 billion rubles of losses from the state during the construction of APEC in Vladivostok.

In the summer of 2015, it became known that the North Caucasian Department of Rostekhnadzor filed a lawsuit against the general contractor for the construction of a new Rostov stadium for the 2018 World Cup - Crocus International.

Rostekhnadzor demanded that the company be brought to administrative responsibility for failure to comply with the instructions regarding the construction of a new stadium. We are talking about the procedure for driving piles under the foundation of the object. True, this story did not continue.

In August last year, it became known about the troubles with the Myakino station of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line. It was said that Mayakino could be closed for an indefinite period, as the facility did not meet safety requirements.

However, Agalarov had his own position on this issue. According to him, the subway in our country cannot belong to a private person. “We just financed the construction, that's all... The Mosmetrostroy metro is building, the corresponding organization is also operating,” Agalarov said.

The issue with the documentation for the Myakinino metro station should be resolved within a few months. The construction investor, Crocus Group, is tasked with fixing problems that it has been unable to solve for seven years.

There was a scandal in 2008 related to the construction of a city for millionaires in the Istra district of the Moscow region. The company of Aras Agalarov was supposed to build a paradise for rich people. But the village of Voronino interfered with these plans. Residents did not want to move voluntarily. Then the “war” began against the villagers. The village was surrounded by a fence and in order for the residents to understand the seriousness of their intentions, they shot the dogs.

Important supports

By this time, Aras Agaparov had become a relative of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. The son of Aras Agalarov, the commercial director of Crocus International, Emin Agalarov, married the daughter of Ilham Aliyev, Leyla Aliyeva. This support turned out to be extremely important for Aras Agaparov.

And then the necessary connections at the highest level became more and more. For example, Aras Agalarov is personally acquainted with the American President Donald Trump- They made a $14 million deal to host the Miss Universe beauty pageant in Moscow in 2013.

But, as it turned out, even the necessary and important acquaintances could not become effective protection for Agalarov's business.

Now the company's position is difficult: the total debt of the Crocus Group at the beginning of December 2016 was $1.7 billion, and increased by $200 million over the year.

There are several reasons for this. The crisis led to a drop in real estate rates and the release of free space. Moreover, this trend has remained unchanged over the past three years. According to Aras Agalarov, the company has actually suspended the implementation of the Crocus City project.

This was done in order not to increase the credit burden. The company does not intend to service loans at current high rates.

The construction of an office tower, which began in 2013, has also been frozen for an indefinite period.

Probably, new state projects could be supported by Crocus Group. But they are not, and grandiose construction projects are not yet expected. Whether Aras Agalarov will be able to stay afloat, time will tell. The main thing is not to lose touch with the authorities

Irina Agalarova, Mackenzie Bezos, Priscilla Chan and Susan Dell not only managed to fall in love with rich, smart and very successful men - over the years they have successfully managed to keep warm hearth. On the eve of March 8 HELLO! conducted a study - what qualities do the wives of billionaires have who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes with their husbands.

To live with a general, one must marry a lieutenant - the well-known formula for family happiness is actually not so simple. How many lieutenants never reached the rank of general! And how many generals' wives eventually acquired the prefix "ex" ...

Extraordinary men prefer special women. How do they find them? Oh, this is a very subtle point. For example, Bill Gates, having met his future wife, Melinda French, noted an important detail for him: the girl wore flat shoes, such as moccasins. The head of Microsoft shared the opinion of psychologists - the higher the intelligence of a woman, the lower she wears heels. In the future, Melinda did not disappoint him - she really turned out to be very smart. However, the mind is a necessary, but far from the only quality that should be present in a companion of a person with almost limitless possibilities. Including in the choice of companions.

Irina Agalarova

Araz and Irina Agalarov with children Sheila and Emin

wife of one of richest businessmen Russia, the owner of the Crocus Group, Araz Agalarov, managed the almost impossible: her first school love did not melt away like smoke, but turned into a big, serious feeling. With her future husband, Irina studied in the same class, they got married when they graduated from institutes: she is a teacher, he is a polytechnic. For several years the family lived in Baku, then moved to Moscow.

During the years of perestroika, Araz began to create his own business, while Irina taught English language at school, then worked as a translator in the Ministry of Public Services. After the birth of children - son Emin and daughter Sheila - Irina continued to work, began to engage in real estate, in addition to this, she has her own clothing store, beauty salons, a jewelry store, an aesthetics center, at the moment Irina Agalarova also launched her own fur brand DeNoVo.

Irina believes that the main secret of family well-being is sincerity and kindness. And also the ability to compromise, which she often has to do. From the outside it may seem, - said HELLO! Irina Agalarova - that Araz does not know how to express his feelings. But he is very attentive to my desires. For example, when my son was still small, I once said: "It would be nice to have a dacha by the sea," and Araz built it. He also helps his friends: if someone gets sick, he will raise the whole city to its feet.
Irina Agalarova with children

And to the question of how not to lose interest in each other for so many years, she answers like this: Of course, this is, first of all, a colossal work on oneself. We must constantly move forward, develop, expand the boundaries of our horizons. Irina is philosophical about wealth and knows very clearly what she is ready to spend money on and what she is not: I think that it is necessary to travel from time to time. You need new experiences, which you then share with friends. I go shopping when I have time or some kind of need. And so especially once - I work all the time. There is almost no free time left. Jewelry for me is just an attribute of an evening dress, nothing more. In general, money is the most difficult exam that we pass in life. Money can make us better or vice versa. It's kind of a strength test.

Mackenzie Bezos admits that she is incredibly lucky with her husband. Although Jeff Bezos, the founder of the online store, is a very odious figure. Some are afraid of him, others dislike him. Like a true workaholic, Bezos squeezes all the strength out of his employees and fires the unwanted without regret. All this cemented his reputation as a tyrant. Impulsive, strange in appearance, assertive extrovert who constantly laughs. It was thanks to this laugh that in 1992 he met his future wife. According to Mackenzie, she herself initiated their relationship. Our offices were nearby, all day long I could hear his amazing laugh. How could you not fall in love? Mackenzie said. Although long before the rise of his career and shortly before meeting with Mackenzie, Jeff launched a kind of "casting of women", which was supposed to help him find a life partner. He approached the issue as the head of the HR department - to search for a candidate for a key vacancy: he systematically made appointments with women whom his friends introduced him to. In an interview with Wired magazine, Jeff said: "I wanted to have an inventive person next to me." Soon such a person was found by himself.

A year after they met, Jeff and Mackenzie got married. In 1994, they moved to Seattle, rented a tiny apartment, placing an office in a garage. There was a catastrophic lack of money, even Jeff had to knock together bookshelves from ordinary boards. There, in the garage, the project was born that made Jeff one of the richest people in the world. The business was given to both of them by sweat and blood in the truest sense of the word: husband and wife washed their knees in the blood in the process of many hours of packaging books for sale. When the business began to bring in good money, Mackenzie, who had graduated from Princeton University, decided to become a writer.

In 2005, she released The Trial of Luther Albright, which was soon awarded the American literary prize, in 2013 her second book, Traps, was published. Mackenzie supports her husband in everything. When a certain Brad Stone published Jeff's biography "Everything Store", she, like a lioness, rushed to the defense of her beloved - she devoted a devastating article to the book, pointing out factual errors to the author.

Jeff is known for his stinginess - in his company it is forbidden to use a color printer, often the expenses of employees on business trips are not paid. Even coffee in the office is paid. But the wife seems to be condescending about this quality: she is not interested in boutiques or real estate and is very moderate in spending. Her biggest "spending" - $ 15 million, which she donated to research on higher nervous activity at her native Princeton University.

The phenomenon of Priscilla Chan is trying to unravel hundreds of thousands of women around the planet. Why is she? For many, the question sounds more utilitarian: Why didn't I end up next to him in that bathroom line? The almost anecdotal story of their acquaintance is known to everyone who has ever been interested in the personality of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social network Facebook. Then they were both students at Harvard University, and at one of the parties, the hand of fate simultaneously directed them to the cherished door to heaven. He looked like a nerd boy, a bit out of this world. I remember that he had a mug of beer in his hands,” says Priscilla. Those who ask themselves the question "Well, why not me?" overlook one detail. Mark's beer mug was #include . And Priscilla laughed at this joke... Could you keep up the conversation?

Due to the fact that the boyfriend was busy all the time, Chan had to introduce some rules: the founder of Facebook had to give her at least 100 minutes a week (about two hours) and take her on one date. Mark and Priscilla moved in in September 2010, and in March 2011 they started legendary dog Bista and finally updated their Facebook status to "in a relationship." The couple married nine years after they met. In December 2015, their long-awaited daughter Max was born.

We have always tried to stick to our goals, our beliefs and what we like to do in life - and we like very simple things, - said Priscilla.

The appearance of Zuckerberg's wife has long been the subject of discussion of millions of envious people on social networks.

She does not do liposuction and does not increase her bust, does not use cosmetics and often forgets to shave her legs. She does not wear any branded items, the Western press writes about Chan.

However, the fact remains - next to Priscilla, Mark is shamelessly happy. And this is an emotion of such intensity that it is impossible to portray in front of the camera. Her influence on her husband is so great that comparisons with Yoko Ono and John Lennon involuntarily arise.

Priscilla is a Chinese American. Her parents are impoverished immigrants who left their homeland on a boat of refugees. First she became the best student in school, then she graduated from Harvard, worked for a year as a middle school science teacher. And in 2009, she entered the medical school of the University of California to become a pediatrician. At dinner, Chan used to share stories with Mark about little patients dying in anticipation of the organs they needed. Thanks to her, Facebook users have the opportunity to assign themselves the status of a donor and find out the address of the nearest hospital where they can donate blood. The Zuckerberg family is engaged in philanthropic activities of an unprecedented scale. He is incredibly sensitive, he really thinks about how to help people in need and wants to make someone's day better. I see Mark like this and I would like others to see him like that, says Priscilla.

Michael and Susan Dell

Her husband Michael, the founder of the Dell computer corporation, is considered one of the richest and most influential people in the world. He started his business by organizing the office of the future company right in the dormitory of the University of Texas. His affairs went uphill sharply, but his personal life did not work out. And then Michael decided on a blind date. They met Susan in a bistro, the long-legged blonde conquered him not only with external data, but also with entrepreneurial talent. A fashion designer by education, she successfully conducted real estate transactions.

A year later, in 1989, in the same bistro, Michael proposed to Susan. Since then, they have always been together, there are four children in the family, but Mrs. Dell is not limited to the duties of a housewife. She is actively involved in sports, even took part in the triathlon world championship. In 2003, she decided to return to her main profession and founded her own Phi clothing brand, which was very positively received by critics. But in the crisis of 2009, the designer brand went bankrupt, and Susan switched to charity. Michael supported his wife at a difficult moment: they created charitable organization Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, which works on school education for the poor, as well as the fight against obesity and overweight in children and adolescents.

We all work very hard, - says Susan, - and it would probably be logical for us to have a snack on fast food or put a basket of sweets on the table to make up for the energy expenditure of children. But we never do that. All biographers of Michael agree that, being an extraordinary entrepreneur, he owes all his achievements to his own ingenuity. And only one lucky lottery ticket went to him "just like that" - this is a beautiful wife.


Born in an Azerbaijani family.

In 1977 he graduated from the Baku Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electronic computers engineer.

From 1977 to 1983 he worked at a research institute in Baku, then in the Baku city committee of the CPSU.

From 1983 to 1987 he was a student of the higher school of the trade union movement of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions named after. N. M. Shvernik in the city of Moscow.

From 1988 to 1990 he worked at the scientific center of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions as a junior researcher.

In 1989, he founded the US-Soviet joint commercial venture Crocus International (hereinafter referred to as the Crocus Group).

Since 1992, President of CJSC "Crocus" and the Krasnogorsk branch of "Crocus City", Chairman of the Board of CB "Crocus Bank", Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC "Crotex".

In 1997, he built the famous elite 34-apartment Agalarov House complex, located in one of the most fashionable districts of Moscow, at the intersection of Bolshaya Gruzinskaya and Klimashkina streets.

In 1998 he opened the first shopping center "Your House", in 2002 he built the "Crocus City Mall", in 2007 he completed the construction of three phases of the "Crocus Expo".

In 2002, he was elected vice-president of the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress.

In 2010, Agalarov took first place in the ranking of top Russian business leaders (nomination "Trade") according to the publication "Kommersant Money".

Member of the board of the all-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs", member of the presidium of the all-Russian public organization "All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress", board member of the non-profit partnership "Association of Entrepreneurial Organizations of Russia" ("OPORA"), president of the non-profit organization "Union of Manufacturers and Importers".

Candidate of Economic Sciences, in 1998 he defended his thesis on the topic "Formation and use of the wage fund on the example of a communications enterprise."

Founder of the non-profit organization "Muslim Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Fund".

Order of Honor (June 26, 2013) - for labor achievements, many years of conscientious work and active social activities.

Order of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree

Winner of the Commercial Real Estate Awards in the nomination "Developer of the Year" (2011)

Winner of The MICAM Awards

Donald Trump Diamond Excellence Award Winner

Wife - Irina Agalarova

Son - Emin Agalarov, vice president of Crocus Group, singer

Daughter ― Sheila Agalarova, student of the Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC, USA

Grandchildren - Ali and Mikail Agalarov.


The Crocus Group is implementing the following projects:

- "Crocus Expo" - an international exhibition center, consisting of 3 pavilions and 49 conference halls (total area 549,000 m²);

- "Crocus City Hall" - a concert venue for 6,200 seats (total area 4,500 m²);

Vegas - shopping and entertainment complex;

- "Your house" - shopping complex(total area 114,000 m²);

Shore House - restaurant and yacht club with a beach and two outdoor pools;

- "Aquarium" - a business hotel with 225 rooms (total area 13,000 m²);

Holiday Inn is one of the largest hotels in Europe with 1,000 rooms, scheduled to open in 2014 (total area 81,080 m²);

Residential and business complex, the opening of which is scheduled for 2014 (total area 237,000 m²);

- "Myakinino" - a metro station with a daily passenger flow of 25,000 people;

Restaurants (Shore House, Zafferano, Nobu, Edoko);

Crocus Bank;

Residential real estate objects (Agalarov Estate, Agalarov House, Sea Breeze).

The exhibition Comtek`2000 turned out to be rich in events not directly related to the computer market. On the day of its opening, on Monday, the exhibition was sold to a new owner, and on Wednesday all participants were urgently evacuated at the height of the working day.

Larry Hepner, commenting on the sale of his Russian business to Kommersant, said that in 11 years Comtek had become a stable and profitable enterprise: "ITE, expanding and monopolizing the exhibition business, could not miss such a chance." True, a stable and profitable enterprise is not being sold, but after 11 years, Hepner, apparently, was tired, and the ITE offer (a total of $ 17.5 million, of which $ 12.32 has already been paid) seemed to him worthy compensation for all spent in Russia efforts. Over the past five years, Comtek has not been able to return to its peak performance in 1995. Since then, the occupied space and attendance of the exhibition have been declining. So the management of Comtek International has been thinking about selling the Russian business for a long time. In the whole story with the sale, only the role of the second organizer of Comtek, Crocus International, remains incomprehensible. All rights to trademarks, databases and other intellectual property belong to the Hepner firm. And what did Crocus get from the deal? According to the company's office, Crocus President Aras Agalarov has been in the US since Monday and is not available for communication. Meanwhile, it was on Monday that Comtek opened, and, according to rumors, it was organized mainly by Crocus.

Additional attention was drawn to Comtek on Wednesday, when all participants and visitors of the exhibition were urgently evacuated due to an anonymous call about a bomb placed on the territory of the Expocentre. The working day was disrupted, and the stands were left unattended. Meanwhile, participants often suffer from thieves of computer equipment during normal work.

"Kommersant" No. 70, 04/21/2000

In November 2005, Aras Agalarov interested journalists in connection with the fact that, being one of the owners of the Moscow Cherkizovsky market, he became the owner of the new Grand shopping complex in Khimki. In this regard, journalists drew attention to a rather sharp manifestation of nationalism on the part of Agalarov in personnel matters. It was noted, in particular, that all the old technical workers of Grand, who were not Azerbaijanis, had problems in connection with the appearance of new workers, Azerbaijanis. In addition, it was reported that 1,500 Russian employees were fired from Crocus City, which was also owned by Aras Agalarov, and Azerbaijanis working at the Cherkizovsky market were hired instead. The media also wrote that the tenants of the Grand, who sold furniture, also had problems: they feared that Agalarov's people would also take their places. This assumption was based on the fact that the former chairman of the State Customs Committee, Mikhail Vanin, is a close friend of Aras Agalarov. It was thanks to his acquaintance with Vanin when he was his “head of customs” that the Azerbaijani businessman greatly expanded and strengthened his empire.

On the opening day of the "Grand" on Cherkizovsky, they feasted especially widely. There is nothing surprising in this. Aras Agalarov, one of the owners of the Cherkizovsky market and the leader of the Azerbaijani community in Moscow, became the new owner of the Grand shopping complex, who himself ordered that several cars with meat and cognac be specially driven to the market that day.

In the Grand itself, the beginning of a new era was marked by a conflict that almost ended in a stabbing. After a forced downtime, employees of the technical services of the shopping complex went to work and found that loading and unloading goods, cleaning the premises and technical operation of the complex is carried out by Azerbaijani workers already hired by the new owner, especially for whom part of the technical and auxiliary premises of the shopping complex was turned into a hostel for 300 beds. The old employees of the shopping complex were not informed about the dismissal, moreover, no one prevented them from going to work. The new Azerbaijani foremen explained that for now everything remains the same, it's just that the staff of technical personnel will increase. Attempts to meet with the new management of the shopping complex in order to find out whether labor contracts will be extended, and how the increase in staff will affect the salary of technical staff, did not lead to anything. Meanwhile, employees who went to work began to discover that during their absence change houses were ruined, personal belongings and tools disappeared, etc. The clarification of relations with the working Azerbaijanis led to the fact that one of the Azerbaijani brigadiers announced to the Russians the new order, that from now on the owner of the "Grand" is an Azerbaijani, and therefore the Azerbaijanis will establish the order.

So far no one has been fired. Meanwhile, among the Russian employees of the technical staff of the complex there is a persistent rumor that they will soon be fired all at once: they simply will not be allowed to work, where security has already been changed and strengthened. Fuel was added to the fire by the information that passed somewhere that 1,500 Russian employees were similarly fired from Crocus City, which is also owned by Aras Agalarov, instead of which Azerbaijanis who worked at the Cherkizovsky market were hired.

Compromising. en, 11/15/2005

At the end of December, at New Year's VIP parties in Moscow, one of the gossip discussed was the news that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev intended to intermarry with the president of the Moscow company Crocus International, Aras Agalarov.

And soon such rumors began to come from Baku. On the eve of Eid al-Adha eldest daughter Aliyeva Leyla got engaged to 25-year-old Emin Agalarov, the son of Aras Agalarov.

The ceremony took place in a narrow family circle. The mother of the groom - Irina Agalarova with youngest daughter now lives in New York, where the girl (also future princess with a dowry) finishes school. A private jet was sent for them. And, having picked up the groom with his father in Moscow, the board went to Azerbaijan.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda", 01/14/2006

While the most famous of the Azerbaijani developers, Aras Agalarov, publicly praises the unprofitable Crocus City and plans the even more dubious Agalarov Estate, mountain Jews God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev continue to quietly seize more and more areas of land near Moscow. It is possible that the competition between these diasporas, which maintain the appearance of good-neighborly relations, will soon intensify on the soil near Moscow. As it turned out, Nisanov and Iliev own shares not only of the Cherkizovsky market, the Moscow car dealership, the Ukraine hotel and many other objects, but also the Grand furniture salon, the conflicts around which did not stop even after 2005, when the Grand ” Aras Agalarov came. Now, with the appearance of Mountain Jews in the furniture store, the situation has improved. The victory of the “highlanders” in the struggle for the “Grand” is only a small illustration of the events unfolding in the Moscow region real estate market.

The plans of the Mountain Jews diaspora regarding the further redistribution of real estate in the Moscow region are not yet completely clear. It is only known that now there is an active purchase of land adjacent to the Moscow Ring Road in order to develop them as retail and warehouse space. With their hundreds of hectares of land, the Mountain Jews are going to press the empire of the Azerbaijanis near Moscow, which, apparently, Agalarov will not be able to complete.

Compromising. en, 05.12.2006

The most important "fruit" of the diaspora is the billionaire Aras Agalarov. In Moscow since the early 80s. His business empire includes the Crocus City multifunctional complex, the Tvoi Dom hypermarket chain, residential complexes, restaurants and boutiques. His family includes daughter-in-law Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of the current president of Azerbaijan and granddaughter of the past. His staff includes fellow countrymen from Baku, where Agalarov himself comes from. He has annual contributions to the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress to his credit. Agalarov is the main sponsor of the diaspora both in Moscow and in Russia., 08/02/2012

It was thanks to his family ties with the President of Azerbaijan that Agalarov at the end of 2007 was able to start implementing a new project in Azerbaijan. The businessman decided to build a resort area worth about $1 billion on an area of ​​200 hectares in Nardaran, a suburb of Baku. Aras Agalarov told the Azerbaijani news agency about the creation of the Crocus Azerbaijan company, which will build a resort area on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The businessman specified that the total area of ​​all buildings of the new resort on the shore of the Absheron Peninsula will be 500-600 thousand square meters. m. The press expressed doubts about the legality of the conditions under which he received a plot of 200 hectares, located on a two-kilometer coastline.

Kommersant No. 204 (3780), November 7, 2007

"Residents of the village of Voronino in the Istra district of the Moscow region sent us a letter asking for help.

“There is an extremely tense situation around our village,” complained the village head Alexander Morozov. - CJSC "Crocus International" bought around the land with a total area of ​​more than 300 hectares, where an elite cottage village worth up to $ 30 million will be built. The company says the village will be demolished and replaced by Europe's largest golf course.

Crocus International employees exert moral pressure on local residents, many of whom have already been forced to sell their homes. The rest were promised to create unfavorable living conditions and are already doing so. People are simply “squeezed out” from their homes, and no one cares about the four-hundred-year history of the village, about the pensioners, veterans, disabled people, defenders of the rear living on its territory.

Help stop this “war for land” and get officials to pay attention to our problems.”

We were threatened a year ago that if we didn’t sell the house, there could be a fire,” said Anatoly Nikitin. - And so it happened: in the morning of January 10, the bathhouse burned down.

“This is our land, our fathers and grandfathers were born here. We have every right to this land, both moral and legal. Why do the inhabitants of our village have to defend their legal rights by force?”

FLB. en, February 27, 2008

The seizure of land from peasants and the poor has become a widespread phenomenon. Many raider companies have been prosecuted.

But there are also untouchables. These include a certain Mr. Aras Agalarov, who became a relative of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. The son of Aras Agalarov, the commercial director of Crocus International, Emin Agalarov, married the daughter of Ilham Aliyev, Leyla Aliyeva. And from that moment on, it became much easier for the head of Crocus, Aras Agalarov, to oppress the peasants near Moscow.

It is curious that timid publications about what Agalarov is doing in the Istra district have just been published in the capital's press, and television was seriously forbidden to touch on this topic - big man Agalarov, a relative of Aliyev HIMSELF. The power of the Aliyevs unequivocally extends to the Gromov Moscow region ...

Mr. Agalarov, in order to block the view of the huts of local residents, planted large-sized spruce along the perimeter of his possessions. But he did not leave any attempts to develop the local lands. Fortunately, the figure of a powerful relative from Azerbaijan protects him on Russian soil as well.

« Stringer", March 14, 2008

Several dozens of representatives of a team of thousands of builders who work at the facilities of the APEC-2012 summit tried to enter the administrative building of the general contractor of the construction site, Crocus International. Outraged guest workers demanded to pay wages, which the Moscow firm owed them for several months. The unfortunate migrants dared to riot when they learned that a high-ranking representative of Crocus International had arrived on Russky Island from Moscow, who was holding a meeting in the administrative building. Agitated people tried to storm the Crocus office, which was repulsed by the company's security. Only the police officers and prosecutors from Vladivostok and Primorsky Territory who arrived at the scene managed to find out what the visitors from the CIS countries are dissatisfied with. They are forced to work without contracts, without their own passports, without wages, live in unfavorable conditions for health, and “on whistle” get out under lock and key - they are hidden from high officials who come to check.

In June this year, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, during a trip to Vladivostok, noted that when creating FEFU facilities, about 15 thousand additional jobs will be created, where “mainly residents of the Primorsky Territory and other neighboring regions will work.” Today, according to Crocus, 891 people are already working at this construction site, while it is not specified how many of them are residents of Primorsky Krai. As of September 1, the declared need for local workers is only 29 people, all of them are highly qualified specialists with a salary of 30-40 thousand rubles. As the director of one of the subcontracting companies working on the construction of the summit facilities told RIA Data, “it is most likely that Crocus will attract only foreign workers from neighboring countries, China and Vietnam, because their labor is valued much cheaper. There is no need to talk about any "social responsibility" of business here - we are talking about simple profit. Primorye residents can only watch how a Moscow company with foreign participation hires foreign guest workers to build a project with the money of Russian taxpayers.”

The state allocates 284 billion rubles for the APEC-2012 summit. A very tasty morsel for those who know how to build "economically", competently "distribute budgets" and at the same time, apparently, not offend themselves. It is no coincidence that many observers say that the company "Crocus" is distinguished by a tough, typically "Moscow" style of doing business, it has patrons in power structures. In addition, Aras Agalarov has a very influential matchmaker - his son is married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

Electronic newspaper "VEK", December 25, 2009

It is noteworthy that on the website of the Crocus International company, Vladivostok was not among other projects. Perhaps the federal university for 100,000 students seems to be a less important object for Baku-Moscow entrepreneurs than, for example, shopping center"Kashirka Mall" on 380,000 sq. m. in Moscow.

Data.Ru, September 14, 2009

Novorizhskoye highway is the home of the nouveau riche who buy houses in cottage settlements for $10 million. Near one of these "reserves of millionaires" is the farm "Rus-invest", heir to the glorious past of Soviet collective farms, where, despite the crisis, wages are paid steadily, cattle are raised, and the region is supplied with milk. In general, the “collective farm-millionaire”, fortunately, his cows produce 5 million kilograms of whole milk per year.

For fifty years, these cows did not interfere with anyone, until the multimillion-dollar mansions of the inhabitants of the village of Agalarov Estate grew right next to the farmlands. Part of the houses, violating all conceivable building standards, ended up in literally behind the fence of cowsheds, but who in today's Russia, when designing such an important thing as mansions and golf courses, pays attention to some kind of collective farms and following building standards? Trivia!

It is not a trifle that the farm occupies a solid allotment of land, which by today's standards has become golden - even in a crisis in Agalarov Estate, weaving costs under 150 thousand dollars. And here almost 20 hectares - that's 300 million undeveloped greenery disappears behind the fence!

Collective farmers do not intend to sit back and put up with the arbitrariness of the officials of the Moscow region, which has exceeded all reasonable limits. They sent an open letter addressed to Vladimir Putin. But "the tsar is far away", and there are no guarantees that soon a dozen more luxurious palaces of Aras Agalarov's "reserve of millionaires" will soon appear in the fields where cows used to walk.

igolkin, 21.04.2010

The divorce of the singer Emin Agalarov and the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva became one of the most notable events in May this year. Not only publications specializing in the life of stars, but also federal television channels spoke about the separation of the spouses. The couple made a short and official statement, which they did not comment on.

starhit. en, 08/10/2015

Crocus Group owner Aras Agalarov purchased the Palazzo Del Sol condominium on Fisher Island in Miami-Dade County, Florida. This is reported by the local edition of The Real Deal, citing records in the archives of the district.

According to the archive, Agalarov-controlled Saffron Property Management purchased "object 7064" on the first line near the sea. According to the publication, the condominium has four bedrooms, four bathrooms, and the total area of ​​​​the object is 4956 square feet (460.42 square meters). Thus, Palazzo Del Sol cost Agalarov $2,159 per square foot ($23,239 per sq.m). The total amount of the deal is approaching $11 million.

Haqqin. az, 04/14/2016

A few years ago, information was leaked that direct informal contact with the then governor of the Moscow region Boris Gromov allowed Agalarov to quickly promote the construction of new facilities for the Tvoi Dom hypermarket chain, as well as actively expand Crocus City.

They also wrote that the mayor of Novosibirsk, Vladimir Gorodetsky, for some reason, allocated a plot of 43 hectares to the company in the very center of the city on the Ob River embankment. At the same time, they wrote that the businessman did not develop relations with the Moscow mayor's office.

Either disputes about the amount of tax deductions to the capital's budget arose, or the authorities of the capital did not allow the entrepreneur to build a convenient interchange for entering and exiting Crocus at his own expense by reconstructing nearby streets. Aras Agalarov expressed open irritation in this regard.

The Moscow Post, 17.08.2016

The relationship between government and business in Russia has always wished for the best. Naturally, if this is not the business of the government itself or its friends. An eloquent example of such an attitude can be the situation around Myakinino, the first and so far the only private station of the Moscow Metro. On August 16, the management of the metropolitan subway unexpectedly announced via Twitter that the said station will be closed from August 22 due to non-compliance with transport security conditions.

True, in addition to the official one (dangerous for passengers), experts immediately voiced another version. They say that the situation has nothing to do with security, but is the usual pressure on the owner of Crocus Group, Aras Agalarov, who built the said station, in order to force the businessman to share profits more generously with the state. Moreover, Crocus-Group demonstrates simply excellent performance in terms of development dynamics.

What the city authorities will require from Mr. Agalarov in this case is still unknown. Most likely, given the upcoming elections, it will be about financing "good deeds", designed to show voters that the authorities care about ordinary citizens.

RUSPRES, 17.08.2016

In April 2010, the Moscow government initiated a lawsuit against Aras Agalarov's Crocus International, demanding that the construction of a congress to the Crocus Expo exhibition complex on the inside of the Moscow Ring Road be recognized as unauthorized.

The road costing about 100 million rubles. had been open about two years earlier and had no key permits. The administration demanded "to recognize the building as unauthorized and recognize the ownership of it." The court agreed with this.

The Moscow Post, 17.08.2016

A well-known businessman, after the threat of an explosion in his Crocus Expo, informed the special services and investigators about the threats received against him.

Aras Agalarov said that prior to the discovery of the bomb at the exhibition center, he regularly received calls demanding the repayment of a $2 million debt. As the investigation found out, extortionists threatened the businessman with problems.

Thus, the special services completely ruled out the version of the attack. The explosive planted in the Crocus Expo toilet was a signal to Agalarov about the seriousness of the criminals' intentions. Meanwhile, Agalarov himself refused to speculate about who might be behind the incident.

life. en, November 10, 2016

The last time Donald Trump appeared in Moscow was in the fall of 2013. Then he brought his Miss Universe contest to the Russian capital and, according to the Washington Post, persistently tried to meet with Vladimir Putin. Then the future US President sent a personal letter to the Russian leader, and, according to the oligarch Aras Agalarov, who acted as an intermediary in these negotiations, the meeting was to take place the day before the start of the competition. Vladimir Putin canceled this meeting at the last moment, but, according to the same Agalarov, he sent Trump a Palekh painted box and a personal note as a souvenir.

However, the American billionaire still did not remain in the loser: he received most of the $ 14 million paid by the owner of Crocus City Hall Aras Agalarov and other investors for the right to hold the Miss Universe contest in Moscow. At the same time, Agalarov announced that he had signed a contract with the American billionaire for the construction of two twin skyscrapers in the center of Moscow. The son of a Russian developer, musician Emin Agalarov, said that his family met Trump after they hired several Miss Universe contestants to shoot in music video. The future President of the United States himself also took part in the recording, not for the first time playing himself.

Truth, a joint project with Agalarov was never implemented. This attempt to erect a building named after himself in the Russian capital was already the fifth for Donald Trump.

Publishing house "Sovershenno sekretno", 05.12.2016

In 2016, the public learned that Iliev and Nisanov have patrons (or partners?) Not only in power circles, but also in criminal ones. In particular, the common business interests of Iliev and Nisanov turned out to be connected with thieves in law Vagif Suleymanov, nicknamed Vagif, and Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodyy).

Aras Agalbstvennarov, Crocus City co-player and father of singer Emin (Agalarov), also goes to the acquaintances of the "kings of real estate". The latter was once the husband of the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. The politician himself did not leave the attention of Moscow businessmen either. For example, last year, Aliyev awarded Nisanov with the Order "For Service to the Fatherland" of the 3rd degree.

Agalarov, by the way, was once the closest associate of the murdered Aslan Usoyan, better known as Ded Khasan.

Aras Iskender oglu Agalarov (November 8, 1955, Baku, Azerbaijan) is a Russian entrepreneur, owner of the Crocus Group.

History of success

Many call Agalarov the founder of diversified shopping complexes located in the nearest suburbs. Aras Iskenderovich himself claims that the success of his projects is based on a systematic approach. So, in his opinion, the development of one area of ​​business contributes to an increase in the efficiency of an adjacent area.

For example, the construction of one object automatically increases interest in neighboring ones. At the same time, Agalarov notes that he is not a builder, not a retailer and not an exhibition organizer, but a conductor who controls that everything works smoothly enough and turns out beautifully. Thus, for Agalarov, business is not only making money, but also a way of self-realization. Consider his success story.

In 1977 - graduated from the Baku Polytechnic Institute with a degree in "engineer of electronic computers". Aras Agalarov is a candidate of economic sciences.

1977-1983 - Worked at the Baku Research Institute, and was also a member of the local committee of the CPSU.

1983-1987 - was a student of the higher school of the trade union movement of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

1988-1990 - was a junior employee scientific center AUCCTU. In 1990 he held the first computer exhibition in Russia.

1989 - founded the American-Soviet enterprise Crocus International (later Crocus Group). At the initiative of Agalarov, Crocus Group became an investor in the construction of the Myakinino metro station and the general contractor for the construction of the Far Eastern Federal University (Primorsky Territory).

1992 - headed CJSC Crocus and the Krasnogorsk branch of Crocus City. He also became the head of the board of directors of Crotex.

1998 - opened the Tvoy Dom shopping center, which combined a grocery store, a furniture complex, a hypermarket of household goods and a greenhouse.

2002 - built "Crocus City Mall", which became the best retail project of the named year.

2007 - completed the construction of 3 stages of Crocus Expo.

2009 - completed the construction of the Vegas shopping and entertainment center and the Myakinino metro station.

2013 - Aras Agalarov's fortune is $ 1.8 billion. The basis of his fortune, of course, is the Crocus Group, which implements such projects as:

  • "Crocus Expo" (huge exhibition center);
  • Crocus City Hall (a venue for concerts that can accommodate 6,200 people);
  • Vegas (shopping and entertainment complex);
  • "Your House" (shopping complex);
  • Shore House (yacht club and restaurant);
  • "Aquarium" (business hotel);
  • Holiday Inn (a 1,000-room hotel due to open in 2014);
  • Myakinino (metro with a passenger flow of 25 thousand people daily);
  • Restaurants "Shore House", "Edoko", "Zafferano", "Nobu";
  • Crocus Bank;
  • Agalarov House, Agalarov Estate, Sea Breeze (residential property).

Agalarov's principles

Starting to engage in construction, I immediately realized that I needed to delve into all the details. Otherwise, you will not build anything sensible. If you do not understand the various details and nuances, then it is easy to become a victim of deception.

The main thing in business is intuition.

There are no problems only for those who do not interact and do not work. If difficulties arise, then the process has begun.

For me, money is a tool for implementing ideas. No matter how much money I have, I will still invest it in new projects.

I want no one to believe in my success, and despite this, I always achieve my goals.

It is always difficult for a person accustomed to a tense rhythm to rest.

“Working with someone else, I have to constantly reckon with his opinion. So I will be limited and will not be able to create at my own discretion. Therefore, I will not agree to such conditions even if there are the most optimistic financial prospects, ”the businessman admits. Indeed, Agalarov always tried to build his own business on his own, without the help of partners. Thus, he wants to eliminate the possibility of dependence and avoid problematic situations that arise during cooperation. For the same reason, he entrusted the management of all affairs to his son Emin.

The best way to simplify relationships is openness.

I'm not looking for ideas, I dream about them at night.

When you realize that you did something yourself, you understand that for the sake of such sensations it is worth continuing to live.

Agalarov established the M. Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Fund. In addition, Crocus Group provides assistance in the implementation of various social projects held in the Moscow region.

The area of ​​the largest exhibition center Crocus Expo is 20 times larger than Red Square.

Agalarov loves to wear Patek Philippe watches and also has a weakness for stylish business suits.

Aras Agalarov is married and has two children: son Emin (vice president of the Crocus Group) and daughter Sheila (student of the Fashion Institute of Technology).

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