Wives of the richest Russian businessmen and officials (29 photos). What do the wives of the richest Russian businessmen and officials look like Alena Sarri Tulaeva who is she

Helpful Hints 31.07.2019
Helpful Hints
Divorced businessman and politician Vladimir Slutsker

TASS/ Vladimir Astapkovich

In 2009, Slutsker's divorce became the main topic of secular parties: one day, former senator Vladimir Slutsker accused his wife of infidelity, literally closed the doors of the family mansion in Serebryany Bor for her and forbade her to see her children - son Misha and daughter Anya. The man openly set the children against their mother, this became known when, during the next court session, Olga was allowed to talk on the speakerphone with her five-year-old daughter at that time. “Die, die, I hate you, bye,” the girl murmured into the phone.

In the course of numerous and lengthy proceedings, Olga Slutsker, the founder of the World Class fitness club chain, sued her husband for a collection of contemporary art worth $ 30 million, a mansion in London for 60 million pounds, several apartments, but she failed to get the main thing - children. At the moment, the son and daughter of the Slutsker couple live with their father in Israel, and Olga has since become the mother of three more babies: in 2013, with the help of a surrogate mother, the twins Katya and Masha were born, and last year the son of a businesswoman was born in the same way .

“Before, when I had a house, children, an established bourgeois life, I did not know what it was to be alone. When all this happened, it was as if my hand had been cut off. And now ... the main question modern woman: is it good to be married? I answer: it is good to be well married. Family is when you don't just have a stamp in your passport. I would like to have a colleague and a friend. Consider myself single just because I'm not married, I can't. It's a sin to complain: I come to my house, lie down in my bed, take a book. You can, of course, lament: with whom to share your fortune? But I'm busy all the time. I still have so much to do, ”Olga confessed in an interview with Tatler.


Angelica Agurbash

She divorced the president of the company "Mortadel" Nikolai Agurbash

Almost 15 years ago ex-husband enthusiastically took up the promotion of his second wife, the Belarusian singer Anzhelika Yalinskaya, and with no less excitement Agurbash began to sue his wife when it came to a divorce in 2012.

“The ex-husband greatly harmed my fate and career as a singer. But time put everything in its place, and today I am a sought-after artist, ”Agurbash told StarHit.

Both spouses willingly gave interviews about their divorce. According to Nikolai, the artist hired psychologists for her son Anastas so that he would give up the idea of ​​​​living after a divorce from his father, and also groundlessly denigrated him. “How can she speak ill of a man who devoted ten years of his life to her? I created a name for her, gave expensive gifts. Her goal became the main goal of my life. I lived for her. How can you speak ill of a person like me?” - Nikolai was indignant in an interview with Sobesednik, accusing his wife of self-interest and the desire to get more than she was supposed to under the marriage contract.

The artist, in turn, called her husband a maniac and a tyrant - including for trying to ban the singer from performing under his last name.

“The man was not quite adequate. Last years I lived in the basement of a maniac and a crazy person. It's like in films about maniacs who "love strongly" their women, but this is love for complete destruction. Watch a movie with Julia Roberts“In bed with the enemy” - that was my situation, ”admitted Agurbash to StarHit.

Elena Mordashova

Divorced the owner of the Utkonos online grocery store and a stake in the TUI tour operator Alexei Mordashov

Mordashov, who is also the chairman of the board of directors of PJSC Severstal, has been divorced from his first wife for more than 20 years, and their separation is due to loud scandal. Alexey and Elena Mordashovs got married as students because of the bride's pregnancy. In 1985, their son Ilya was born, for the maintenance of which, during a divorce in 1996, Mordashov undertook to pay about 60 thousand rubles a month. The ex-wife also got an apartment in Cherepovets and a VAZ 2109 car. But in 2002, Elena Mordashova decided that something was going wrong, and in addition to the "nine" she tried to sue her ex-husband's share in his assets. The court refused the woman, after which the firstborn of the billionaire took maiden name mother - Novitskaya.

Margarita Tsvitnenko

She divorced businessman Sergei Tsvitnenko. making money in real estate

Since 2010, the Rublev couple Sergei and Margarita Tsvitnenko have been sorting things out in the courts. The couple lived under the same roof for almost 20 years, but one day Sergey announced that he was leaving the family. “Before that, we had difficulties because of his spree. I endured. Firstly, because I loved, and secondly, we have two children. But then he left completely, ”said Margarita. After the divorce, the former spouses entered into a dispute over real estate, a three-story mansion on Rublyovka became the object of the conflict. The court decided to divide the house in half. The expert determined which rooms would now belong to whom. “The court ordered me to make a separate staircase for my rooms on the second level. I got the court to give me a reprieve until March 7, 2017, ”the woman added in communication with reporters, but the court’s decision to postpone her husband did not care. One morning Margarita saw builders and a bailiff in the house. It turned out that Sergei decided to concrete the passage to his part of the mansion. Margarita showed the bailiff a document on the postponement, but he only shrugged: “In his own half, your husband can do anything!” Breaking the wall is now possible only by court order.

Alena Kravets

Divorced millionaire Ruslan Kravets

Former model Alena Kravets told her story of dislike on the show "Let them talk." The ex-wife of an entrepreneur who does not voice her sources of income was the victim of a beating.

Former spouse arrived at the mansion on Rublyovka, where Alena lives with her nine-year-old daughter Daniella, and found the woman in the company of a new friend. Ruslan attacked his ex-wife with his fists. By the way, Alena got a house worth 750 million rubles after a divorce, and the businessman still pays utility bills, and also takes care of all financial issues related to the child.

After the beating, Kravets immediately filed a complaint with the police, and also made the incident public, but this did not help to avoid subsequent beatings. Moreover, as Alena said, a few weeks after the beating, the ex-husband took his daughter away without her consent and did not allow Alena to see the girl for more than two months.

Natalia Potanina

Divorced the owner of the Interros management company and the CEO Norilsk Nickel» Vladimir Potanin

TASS/ Rodionov Publishing House LLC

The ex-wife of the billionaire, whose fortune is estimated at $ 14 billion, has been married to him for more than 30 years. The couple have been together since high school graduation and raised three children. However, in 2011, Potanin had an illegitimate daughter, Varvara, and the businessman decided to marry the mother of the child, his subordinate named Ekaterina. “The divorce proposal came as a shock to me. I woke up with a complete stranger!” — admitted in an interview with GQ Natalia Potanina.

The division of property was complicated by Potanin's attempt to hide his assets. Natalya stated that after the divorce, her ex-husband illegally transferred his stake to a third party and offered to share only part of his shares, bank accounts and real estate. In addition, Potanin fired his eldest son from the American branch of his company, recalling young man work visa, refused to sign an entry permit younger son to study in the USA and stopped communicating with children.

To date, Natalia has managed to sue alimony for her youngest son Vasily (now he is 17 years old) in the amount of 8.5 million rubles a month. Potanina received three land plots, a house in the village of Vlasyevo in New Moscow and a house in the village of Ubory on Rublevka, as well as several million rubles. But the woman is not going to stop. In May, it became known that Natalya filed a lawsuit in the amount of 849 billion rubles. , We have sent a confirmation email to your email.

Every year, Forbes, the favorite magazine of big money hunters, compiles a list of the richest people Russia. Their number invariably includes Alisher Usmanov, Andrei Melnichenko, Ziyad Manasir, Vladimir Potanin and other equally famous personalities.

It is noteworthy that almost all of them are happily married. We decided to see what kind of great women are behind the most powerful and rich men in our country.

The wives of most of the participants in the ranking of the richest people in Russia by Forbes versions lead an extremely closed life. Their names appear in the press or in connection with high-profile partings, as in the case of Dasha Zhukova and Natalya Potanina, or in connection with personal success, as in the case of the president of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation, Irina Viner, or the famous psychologist Elena Feigin. Some spouses Russian oligarchs, on the contrary, do not avoid publicity, but gladly walk their haute couture outfits at every opportunity. They actively develop their social networks and, without being particularly capricious, give out interviews. You don't have to look far for an example: remember Elena Perminova and Natalya Yakimchik. Woman.ru has collected photos of 15 keepers of the most expensive hearths in our country.

Irina Viner, 69 years old

Spouse: Alisher Usmanov, 64 years old

The founder of USM Holdings, which combines assets in the mining industry and metallurgy, telecommunications, controls the Kommersant publishing house, and also owns a 30.2% stake in London's Arsenal football club

Wealth: $15.5 billion (5th in Forbes' 200 richest businessmen Russia")

Each appearance of the president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Irina Viner, who became famous for her invaluable talent for forging Olympic champions from simple and modest girls, cannot go unnoticed. It's simple: she's a queen! The wife of Alisher Usmanov looks impeccable in any outfit: in tight guipure dresses and trouser suits. Studded with emeralds and diamonds, the trendsetter in modern gymnastics is in a beautiful physical form. Her unfading bust (as devoted fans write) is generally a separate issue. Wiener is the kind of woman who will never allow herself to appear in the world without styling and perfect makeup. He, as befits a classic beauty, means bright arrows and lipstick in juicy shades.

Sandra Melnichenko, 40 years old

Spouse: Andrey Melnichenko, 45 years old.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of EuroChem, SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company) and Siberian Generating Company

Wealth: $11.4 billion (9th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

“When Andrei and I met, I had blond hair, sunken cheeks, a body - skin and bones. Today my figure is more feminine, I returned to the dark color, and I like it, ”Sandra Melnichenko said in an interview with Tatler magazine. The billionaire's wife is a former model, which is why she looks the part. Tall, stately and with a penetrating look. But the main advantage of Sandra, according to her, is the endless self-confidence, brought up from childhood. The billionaire's wife is a supporter healthy lifestyle life, which allows her to remain girlishly slender. Therefore, even in the photographs of the paparazzi, in which Sandra emerges from the sea foam, her figure looks like on the cover of a magazine.

Elena Perminova, 31 years old

Civil spouse: Alexander Lebedev, 57 years old.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Reserve Corporation, co-owner of several newspapers

Net Worth: $400 million

Behind the fragile shoulders of Elena Perminova 12 years of life with billionaire Alexander Lebedev. The priceless "capital" earned in marriage by this long-legged nymph is three charming children and the title of one of the world's leading it-girls. Lena does not like experiments with images: her sister Alexandra is responsible for her make-up, and the stylists of the Aldo Coppola salon in Zhukovka are responsible for her hair. The girl owes her freshness and beauty to sports and cosmetics. Now she cannot imagine life without Pilates and regularly posts videos on Instagram with her classes, in which, as if by chance, she demonstrates her incredible leg length.

Marina Dobrynina, 58 years old

Spouse: Viktor Vekselberg, 60 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies, President of the Skolkovo Foundation

Net Worth: $13.4 billion (10th place in the Forbes ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia)

After marriage, Marina Dobrynina immediately went into the shadows, deciding to devote all her time to raising children. That is why Viktor Vekselberg's wife does not act for glossy covers, does not give interviews and does not attend social events. For the first time, the public saw the wife of one of the richest people in Russia in the face at the opening of a children's somatic clinic in Severouralsk in 2007. The employees of the institution did not immediately realize that in front of them was the wife of a billionaire, Marina looked and kept so modestly. Now she heads the Dobry Vek charity foundation, which helps children and adults with mental disorders.

Elena Feigin, 38 years old

Spouse: Yan Yanovsky, 39 years old. Investment banker, one of the founders of Bioenergy Corporation and First Nation Societe Bancaire, member of the boards of directors of a number of Russian companies

A shock of red hair, burning eyes, a dazzling smile, plump lips (which have not seen injections), a high voice and soft features - all this is Lena Feigin. A well-known psychologist and her husband, millionaire Yan Yanovsky, lead a moderately public lifestyle. They have fun with friends regularly, but the paparazzi do not rush to the lenses. Lena pays more attention scientific activity(she is currently pursuing her doctoral thesis at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna), and not to secular outlets.

Irina Agalarova, about 62 years old (on the photo: second from the left, together with her son Emin, daughter Sheila and husband Araz)

Spouse: Araz Agalarov, 61 years old. President of Crocus Group

Wealth: 1.8 billion dollars (51st place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Irina Agalarova has been successfully managing for many years not only to keep warm hearth but also his youth. To verify this, just look at the latest photos of the billionaire's wife. She regularly appears at the concerts of her son Emin and at social events, and also leads her Instagram. Irina in numerous interviews said that the main thing in her life is her family. However, besides this, she devotes quite a lot of time to sports (the mother of two children is fond of tennis and swimming) and self-care.

Olga Karput, 34 years old

Spouse: Pavel Te, 54 years old.

Co-owner of Capital Group Net worth: $0.1 billion

Olga Karput is not at all like a typical oligarch's girlfriend - she is restrained, has a subtle sense of style, but some London fashion underground stars will envy her eccentricity in matters of fashion and style. The owner of the Kuznetsky Most 20 concept store perfectly combines her love for an active lifestyle with the upbringing of three children. Olga's main beauty secrets are algae wraps, acupuncture and healthy sleep. Judging by the blooming appearance of Karput, written - to believe.

Margarita Lieva, 33 years old

Spouse: Eduard Taran, 49 years old. Owner of RATM Holding, which includes the Ekran plant and the Gidromash enterprise, president of the Russian Business Club

Net Worth: $800 million

For the first time, the public learned the name of Margarita Lieva after a charity reception at Cote d'Azur in August 2012. Since then, the model with a "cat" look has become "their own" in the most fashionable Moscow circles. Looking at the chiseled figure of the founder of the "Live" charity foundation, it's hard to imagine that she already has three children. There is no doubt that Lieva knows everything about self-care and beauty chips. Margarita is the founder of the BeautyHack portal, which talks about the latest in cosmetology and beauty.

Lyudmila Lisina, 61 years old

Spouse: Vladimir Lisin, 61 years old. Owner of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the transport and logistics holding Universal Cargo Logistics Holding

Wealth: 1.6 billion dollars (3rd place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Vladimir and Lyudmila Lisin together with school bench. The billionaire admitted in an interview that his reliable rear is "a family built on love and trust." About Lyudmila it is only known that she has owned the private gallery "Seasons" for more than 10 years and is raising three children. Spouses prefer a secluded lifestyle and do not appear at social events.

Ekaterina Potanina, 42 years old

Spouse: Vladimir Potanin, 56 years old.

Co-owner of Norilsk Nickel, the largest producer of nickel and palladium in the world

Wealth: 1.4 billion dollars (8th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Not having time to finish the high-profile divorce proceedings with ex-wife, Vladimir Potanin 3 years ago tied the knot again. The chosen one of the billionaire was his subordinate named Ekaterina. The oligarch carefully protects his beloved from the attention of the press, only occasionally appearing with her at events. For some reason, the petite blonde with brown eyes reminds many of Natalya Potanina, but so far we have only seen a couple of her pictures, which are difficult to judge, so we will wait for other publications.

Natalya Davydova (about 34 years old, hides the exact age)

Spouse: Ivan Streshinsky, 48 years old. Partner of Alisher Usmanov, CEO of USM Advisors and one of the richest top managers in Russia according to Forbes magazine

Condition: dollar millionaire (salary - $15 million a year)

Blogger Tetya Motya, in the world Natalya Davydova, is called the inventor of a new genre - humorous notes that accompany every fashionable look. The girl has half a million fans on Instagram. People look forward to every new post of hers. Natasha's followers ask her for advice not only on what shoes to choose for the autumn season, but also are interested in her beauty secrets. “I don’t take any special measures: for me, beauty and health are year-round concepts,” the blogger replies. Judging by the face without a single wrinkle, the body of a fitness model and luxurious long hair, Davydova is tirelessly working on herself.

Elena Timchenko (exact age unknown)

Spouse: Gennady Timchenko, 64 years old. Member of the Board of Directors of OAO Novatek

Wealth: 1.6 billion dollars (5th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia") Wealth: 14.2 billion dollars (10th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

There is very little information on the Internet about Elena Timchenko, the wife of the most non-public person among those who are considered businessmen from the president's entourage. It is only known that she, as it should be the wife of a billionaire, owns her own charitable foundation and enjoys art. Elena does not give interviews and does not microblog. It's a pity! We would like to know what miraculous methods she manages to maintain such a blooming appearance.

Elena Likhach (Skoch) (about 40, exact age unknown)

Spouse: Andrey Skoch, 51 years old. Co-owner of CJSC Gazmetall, co-owner of Metalloinvest, deputy of the State Duma

The former soloist of the famous Moiseev ensemble, and now the owner of the Vikiland family club, Victoria Manasir breaks the stereotypes of the majority about what the wife of an oligarch should look like. No pumped lips, huge breasts and perhydrol hair. Beautiful, well-groomed, who knows how to present herself, Manasir declares that she owes her radiant appearance to her favorite beautician and beauty novelties, with which she kindly introduces eldest daughter wife Helen. Passionate about ballet since childhood, Victoria still retains her inner fire and grace - and this despite four children!

Natalya Yakimchik, 32 years old

Spouse: Valery Shevchuk, 50 years old. Former Head of the Moscow Heritage Committee and former Vice President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Deputy General Director of ETK-Invest LLC

Net worth: dollar millionaire (exact amount unknown)

Long-legged native of Belarus Natalya Yakimchik is a frequent heroine of gossip columns. The owner of the Natayakim swimwear brand does not miss a single fashion event - be it the 5th anniversary of the Rasario brand or the wedding of her friend Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. In a marriage with a banker Valery, the beauty had two children, which did not affect her ideal forms. nature endowed Yakimchik model appearance: lean physique, proud posture, wasp waist - the girl's figure seems to be created in order to demonstrate the most provocative outfits.

Every year, Forbes magazine ranks the richest people in Russia, and what is most remarkable, almost all of the participants in the rating are married. We invite you to look at the wives of the richest people in our country, who are behind the most powerful men in our country.

Irina Viner, 69 years old
Spouse: Alisher Usmanov, 64 Founder of USM Holdings, which combines assets in the mining industry and metallurgy, telecommunications, controls the Kommersant publishing house, and also owns a 30.2% stake in London's Arsenal football club
Wealth: $15.5 billion (5th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Sandra Melnichenko, 40 years old
Spouse: Andrey Melnichenko, 45 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of EuroChem, SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company) and Siberian Generating Company
Wealth: $11.4 billion (9th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Elena Perminova, 31 years old
Civil spouse: Alexander Lebedev, 57 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Reserve Corporation, co-owner of several newspapers
Net Worth: $400 million

Marina Dobrynina, 58 years old
Spouse: Viktor Vekselberg, 60 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies, President of the Skolkovo Foundation
Net Worth: $13.4 billion (10th place in the Forbes ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia)

Elena Feigin, 38 years old
Spouse: Yan Yanovsky, 39 years old. Investment banker, one of the founders of Bioenergy Corporation and First Nation Societe Bancaire, member of the boards of directors of a number of Russian companies

Irina Agalarova, about 62 years old (on the photo: second from the left, together with her son Emin, daughter Sheila and husband Araz)
Spouse: Araz Agalarov, 61 years old. President of Crocus Group
Wealth: 1.8 billion dollars (51st place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Olga Karput, 34 years old
Spouse: Pavel Te, 54 years old. Co-owner of Capital Group
Wealth: $0.1 billion

Margarita Lieva, 33 years old
Spouse: Eduard Taran, 49 years old. Owner of RATM Holding, which includes the Ekran plant and the Gidromash enterprise, president of the Russian Business Club
Net Worth: $800 million

Lyudmila Lisina, 61 years old
Spouse: Vladimir Lisin, 61 years old. Owner of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the transport and logistics holding Universal Cargo Logistics Holding
Wealth: 1.6 billion dollars (3rd place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Ekaterina Potanina, 42 years old
Spouse: Vladimir Potanin, 56 years old. Co-owner of Norilsk Nickel, the largest producer of nickel and palladium in the world
Wealth: 1.4 billion dollars (8th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Natalya Davydova (about 34 years old, hides the exact age)
Spouse: Ivan Streshinsky, 48 years old. Partner of Alisher Usmanov, CEO of USM Advisors and one of the richest top managers in Russia according to Forbes magazine
Condition: dollar millionaire (salary - $15 million a year)

Elena Timchenko (exact age unknown)
Spouse: Gennady Timchenko, 64 years old. Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novatek Net worth: $1.6 billion (5th place in the Forbes ranking of Russia's 200 richest businessmen)
Net Worth: $14.2 billion (10th place in the Forbes ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia)

Elena Likhach (Skoch) (about 40, exact age unknown)
Spouse: Andrey Skoch, 51 years old. Co-owner of CJSC Gazmetall, co-owner of Metalloinvest, deputy of the State Duma
Wealth: 7.9 billion dollars (17th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Victoria Manasir, 35 years old
Spouse: Ziyad Manasir, 51 years old. Founder of the Manaseer Group, which is engaged in construction, oil production and refining and other types of business
Wealth: 600 million dollars (140th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Natalya Yakimchik, 32 years old
Spouse: Valery Shevchuk, 50 years old. Former Head of the Moscow Heritage Committee and former Vice President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Deputy General Director of ETK-Invest LLC
Net worth: dollar millionaire (exact amount unknown)

Who is Alena Sarri, biography

Alena Sarri is the wife of Vladimir Tulaev - bright and successful businessman. Tulaev - co-founder legal entities Industrial Transport LLC EIS LLC. Also is CEO Vitalink LLC.

As you can see, Alena Sarri is married to a man who is often in the spotlight and arouses interest. In her place, many women would strive for the same attention, trying to become famous in the same way. But Alena feels quite comfortable in a calm environment, but at the same time he does not forget to lead secular life.

Despite the certain secrecy of this interesting person, we were able to learn a few interesting facts from her biography.

By the way, the couple has a little son Vladimir. And apparently, this is the most cheerful child in the world!

Alena Sarri, although she lives a secular and vibrant life, is still a secretive and laconic figure. She is does not give interviews and almost does not cover his personal life. Nevertheless, the girl is quite active in maintaining accounts in in social networks.

For example, on Instagram she has more 25.8 thousand subscribers. This is a bright, popular and lively account: perhaps, it is at the level of social networks that Alena is ready to share the joys that are happening to her. And of course Alena has fans.

The comments are full of compliments, and this is not surprising. Alina - in fact beautiful woman who knows how to appreciate the family, herself and her relatives, and of course her way of life. And it attracts and disposes.

Not much is known about Alena's childhood and youth. The girl was born on March 12 in St. Petersburg, graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics(St. Petersburg State University of Economics, formerly FINEK). According to the assurances of those who studied with her, she did well. After graduating from university, Alena moved to Moscow.

The girl used her spectacular appearance one hundred percent. Alina worked as a fashion model for famous brands. This forced the already spectacular girl to take care of herself and hone her appearance to perfection. It is not surprising that Vladimir Tuleev drew attention to such a beauty!

Moreover, Alina's career was progressing successfully, and by the time she met her future husband, she already had the opportunity not only to provide for herself, but also to allow herself a lot. With these qualities, any woman can please anyone, and Alena was no exception for Vladimir!

Still would! Alena quickly won his favor and after a while the couple began to flicker on all secular ones. Of course, everyone noticed this and even managed to spread gossip, but, as we remember, Alina did not like to advertise herself beyond measure and did not pursue fame.

Later Vladimir and Alina played a wedding. According to rumors, it was a very bright and expensive holiday for many people, which the couple managed to spend almost in complete secrecy. Only the closest friends and relatives were invited to the celebration.

Now Alena Sarri spends a lot of time among the St. Petersburg elite party, including the singer and showman Sergei Shnurov, owner of the famous restaurant "CoCoCo" Matilda, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, designer Yulia Matvienko, her husband Sergey and many others.

One can only wonder how, with such a secular charge of life, everyone still does not know about it. AT this moment the girl does not live in two cities: St. Petersburg and Moscow. In Moscow, she has a husband, in St. Petersburg - friends and relatives.

Alena is still practicing as a model. This makes the girl travel often and a lot. Her social media accounts are full of photos from the journey of a happy family. Especially Alena loves Italy and Provence, but other parts of the world do not go unnoticed by girls with such taste.

In addition to photo reports from bright trips, Alena just loves to share photos with her husband and son. This is a really happy family: the sincerity of their smiles speaks for itself.

Finally, it is impossible not to say the most important thing: Alena Sarri has impeccable taste. All her images are able to capture the attention of the viewer..

For the red carpet, for the exit to the city, in Everyday life, on a walk with the family - all these images surprisingly combine outrageousness and simplicity. In any situation, Alena is elegant, while she feels the softness of a sensitive mother and wife.

Despite the fact that the girl strives not to demonstrate her personal life beyond measure, around her sometimes there is gossip. Although we believe that they are completely unfounded, and they appear only from envy or idleness. There is not a drop of arrogance in the image of Alena; this girl sincerely shares her beauty and happiness with subscribers.

We could not fail to note that Alena no sense of humor and self-irony, which only adds charm to her personality. That is why we can confidently state that neither she nor her husband and little son are afraid of any evil tongues.

In the photo: Alena Sarri and Vladimir Tulaev

Who is Alena Sarri, biography

Alena Sarri is the wife of Vladimir Tulaev - bright and successful businessman. Tulaev is a co-founder of legal entities Industrial Transport LLC, EIS LLC. He is also the General Director of Vitalink LLC.

As you can see, Alena Sarri is married to a man who is often in the spotlight and arouses interest. In her place, many women would strive for the same attention, trying to become famous in the same way. But Alena feels quite comfortable in a calm environment, but at the same time he does not forget to lead secular life.

Despite a certain secrecy of this interesting person, we were able to learn some interesting facts from her biography.

By the way, the couple has a little son Vladimir. And apparently, this is the most cheerful child in the world!

Alena Sarri, although she lives a secular and vibrant life, is still a secretive and laconic figure. She is does not give interviews and almost does not cover his personal life. However, the girl is quite active in social media accounts.

For example, on Instagram she has more 25.8 thousand subscribers. This is a bright, popular and lively account: perhaps, it is at the level of social networks that Alena is ready to share the joys that are happening to her. And of course Alena has fans.

The comments are full of compliments, and this is not surprising. Alina is actually a beautiful woman who knows how to appreciate her family, herself and her relatives, and of course her lifestyle. And it attracts and disposes.

Not much is known about Alena's childhood and youth. The girl was born on March 12 in St. Petersburg, graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics(St. Petersburg State University of Economics, formerly FINEK). According to the assurances of those who studied with her, she did well. After graduating from university, Alena moved to Moscow.

The girl used her spectacular appearance one hundred percent. Alina worked as a fashion model for famous brands. This forced the already spectacular girl to take care of herself and hone her appearance to perfection. It is not surprising that Vladimir Tuleev drew attention to such a beauty!

Moreover, Alina's career was progressing successfully, and by the time she met her future husband, she already had the opportunity not only to provide for herself, but also to allow herself a lot. With these qualities, any woman can please anyone, and Alena was no exception for Vladimir!

Still would! Alena quickly won his favor and after a while the couple began to flicker on all secular ones. Of course, everyone noticed this and even managed to spread gossip, but, as we remember, Alina did not like to advertise herself beyond measure and did not pursue fame.

Later Vladimir and Alina played a wedding. According to rumors, it was a very bright and expensive holiday for many people, which the couple managed to spend almost in complete secrecy. Only the closest friends and relatives were invited to the celebration.

Now Alena Sarri spends a lot of time among the St. Petersburg elite party, including the singer and showman Sergei Shnurov, owner of the famous restaurant "CoCoCo" Matilda, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, designer Yulia Matvienko, her husband Sergey and many others.

One can only wonder how, with such a secular charge of life, everyone still does not know about it. At the moment, the girl does not live in two cities: St. Petersburg and Moscow. In Moscow, she has a husband, in St. Petersburg - friends and relatives.

Alena is still practicing as a model. This makes the girl travel often and a lot. Her social media accounts are full of photos from the journey of a happy family. Especially Alena loves Italy and Provence, but other parts of the world do not go unnoticed by girls with such taste.

In addition to photo reports from bright trips, Alena just loves to share photos with her husband and son. This is a really happy family: the sincerity of their smiles speaks for itself.

Finally, it is impossible not to say the most important thing: Alena Sarri has impeccable taste. All her images are able to capture the attention of the viewer..

For the red carpet, for going out into the city, in everyday life, on a walk with the family - all these images surprisingly combine outrageousness and simplicity. In any situation, Alena is elegant, while she feels the softness of a sensitive mother and wife.

Despite the fact that the girl strives not to demonstrate her personal life beyond measure, around her sometimes there is gossip. Although we believe that they are completely unfounded, and they appear only from envy or idleness. There is not a drop of arrogance in the image of Alena; this girl sincerely shares her beauty and happiness with subscribers.

We could not fail to note that Alena no sense of humor and self-irony, which only adds charm to her personality. That is why we can confidently state that neither she nor her husband and little son are afraid of any evil tongues.

In the photo: Alena Sarri and Vladimir Tulaev

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