"God took me away from him." Ekaterina Safronova said she was not surprised by Kerzhakov's divorce: she knew about the problems in the footballer's family

Pregnancy and children 24.06.2020
Pregnancy and children

Many fans of athletes are interested not only in their career success, but also in their personal lives. Kerzhakov is very famous person so its also known to football fans.

Divorce from Safronov and a new marriage

Safronova Ekaterina was born on July 20, 1987, the woman's maiden name is Lobanova. The surname Safronova went to Katya from her first marriage - with a famous hockey player. From him, the woman has a little daughter. After the divorce, she married the famous football player Kerzhakov. Ekaterina Safronova met a famous football player, it is not clear when and under what circumstances. However, the media reported that Kerzhakov's affair with the wife of a famous hockey player began long before she divorced her first husband. By unverified information, Safronov even got into a fight with Kerzhakov because of

It is worth mentioning that at the time when the footballer had an affair with Safronova, Kerzhakov also had a wife and daughter. But after a short period of time, Ekaterina Safronova became Kerzhakova. Many football fans almost immediately learned about it. The yellow press discussed for a long time the news that Ekaterina Safronova was Kerzhakov's wife. But no one could have guessed how their relationship would end.

Ekaterina Safronova and Kerzhakov

According to Catherine, they met Alexander in a cafe. After that, they met a couple of times in secret from their spouses. Soon the lovers went to rest at the resort, where Safronova met Alexander's parents. By the way, they did not approve of the relationship between Sasha and Katya, but this dissatisfaction did not affect the general situation.

After relaxing at the Safronov resort, Ekaterina informed her husband that she no longer wanted to live with him. The woman did not want the case to be publicized, but you can’t hide from journalists anywhere. There is evidence that Catherine and her first husband still maintain friendly relations, which is actually a rarity in modern world. The hockey player did not even think of taking his daughter away from his ex-wife - he can see her at any time.

Crack in relationship with husband

In 2012, Ekaterina, now Kerzhakova, posted in social network photo with new husband. It was obvious that she was pregnant again. Soon, in 2013, Katya gave birth to a child. Now from the football player. The boy was named Igor. Kerzhakova was extremely happy. And at the end of 2013, she wanted to fly with her husband on a wedding tour, but the trip had to be postponed.

There has been a crisis in the relationship between Kerzhakov and Safronova. No one can name specific reasons. In 2014, Alexander filed a lawsuit against Catherine, citing the fact that the girl began to take narcotic substances. The court deprived the girl of parental rights to her son Igor. Naturally, Ekaterina Safronova filed an appeal in this case, but the court did not satisfy her. Apparently, the discord in the young couple began from the moment Sasha began to notice his wife's addiction to drugs.

Drug addiction Kerzhakova

There is an opinion that Alexander accused his wife of just because of alimony. After all, everyone knows that the salary of a football player of this level, to put it mildly, is not bad, and not everyone wants to pay alimony from it. Therefore, Sasha decided to keep the child to himself and not spend money again. However, it is worth remembering that these are just rumors.

Deprivation of parental rights

On the this moment only a few facts are known. The first and most important: the forensic examination confirmed the fact that the woman was taking drugs, but Ekaterina's lawyers said that this was all bribery. The court ignored this statement, and Safronov was deprived of parental rights to her son. The investigator in this case spoke with the nanny of the children of Safronova and Kerzhakov. She said that Catherine was a very bad mother. Allegedly, when her husband was not at home, she threw noisy parties with her friends. Naturally, at this time she was not up to the children. The nanny also stated that the girl may have taken drugs, but she could not confirm anything for sure.

During the appeal hearing, Ekaterina's lawyers provided the conclusion of a narcologist that she did not accept these funds. However, the court did not consider these documents, arguing that the certificates had to be provided during the first meeting. But Catherine decided not to give up without a fight. Together with lawyers, she decided to file

It can be stated that Safronova's hidden romance with a football player lasted much longer than the marriage itself. true and loud scandal Unfortunately, no one will ever know. Is the girl really turned her head beautiful life, and she took to drugs, or is it just a black PR stunt?

Photos of Milana Kerzhakova, her husband Alexander (Sasha, as she affectionately calls him), the first and second wives of this man, as well as photos of his children, I collected a week ago. I read and watched all kinds of interviews with them, scrolled through their instagrams and made my own conclusions, which may be biased and incorrect, the situation that has arisen in this family is too complicated and confusing. World big money, sports, careers, "washing powder", secular parties are extremely far from the world of a simple layman. Everything is different there ... But nevertheless, what do we have? On the one hand, Milan with the tender flowery surname Tyulpanova as a girl, a vulnerable, spoiled, despondent girl-princess, on the other hand, a former athlete, heart-chewing, handsome, stately man, single father of many children - Alexander Kerzhakov.

Did Alexander and Milana have love, and if so, where did it disappear to?

Although I have been studying the biographies of these two for a week now, I have not received a clear answer as to who is white and fluffy. New facts and details are constantly emerging. The result so far is this - there are no pussies there.

If you look at Milana Kerzhakova's Instagram, you may get the wrong impression that she is a chorus girl with languid eyes on wet place, she loved, and he used and offended her, you might think. This is how it seemed to me yesterday. Today I watched another interview with Milana, it would have been filmed even before the grandiose mess with the kidnapping of the baby began. So, Milana said that she feels more masculine character traits than women's. In this interview, she gesticulates a lot with thin hands with crooked fingers, brightly made up and talks about why wives depend on their husbands. In this video, a group of cool people gathered like her, someone has achieved everything himself, someone has rich parents or husbands. Milana Kerzhakova was not the sweetest and most gentle there, a typical big girl, confident in herself and her abilities, a difficult girl. She also told that she did not receive enough love from her father, he after long separations he just shook her hand, and she so wanted hugs and kind words. Therefore, having matured, she began to reach out to such guys who can wrap her emotionally in a cloud of love. Such instances seem to her superhuman, she falls for them immediately. So Alexander Kerzhakov looked after her beautifully and skillfully poured into her ears. What else did Milana Kerzhakova tell in this video? Divorce! He threatened her with divorce many times. For her, this word is taboo! Mother and father were married for more than thirty years, no one in the family got divorced. On the part of Alexander Kerzhakov, this was the purest blackmail, which his wife led every time. Alexander Kerzhakov supported his wife in all endeavors, she could take up the embodiment of any of her ideas, even if they were the most ridiculous. But he did not allow her to communicate with certain people. It was a strict ban, you had to obey. But she renamed contacts, Kerzhakov fired her, she renamed again. That is, she went against the wishes of her husband. Alexander Kerzhakov is a powerful man, his heart was not so overwhelmed with love for Princess Milan to forgive her her jambs forever. The wife fell into a terrible despondency after the death of her father, Kerzhakov could endure this for only a few months. Milana drank antidepressants and "non-mineral water", then switched to "washing powder", washed socks with them for two months (her words, I'm not slandering).

Further. I read a 40-page forum where the relationship between Milana and Alexander Kerzhakov was discussed, some members of the forum knew one or the other personally. What are their impressions of these media people? We draw portraits. As you know Kerzhakov founder charitable foundation"Stars for children", Milana works for him as something like a manager to extort money from sponsors, for sure, this position has more beautiful name but let's call a spade a spade. So, the members of the forum write that Milana is not always friendly, she is domineering, arrogant with employees, and Sasha, on the contrary, is affectionate and sympathetic, but she pays too much attention to the opposite sex, he loves women, and they love him. Milana takes her husband's deceptions hard, but forgives them, I don’t know what nerves it costs her, but the fact remains: football players are like that, they are extremely rarely faithful to their wives! In many comments they write that, they say, Milan does not work, she sits on her husband’s neck, and is toiling around with nonsense at home. But this is not so, she graduated from the institute and, in addition, she has a master's degree twice, she loves to work, she is very active, even being on last month pregnancy, she was traveling on business trips.

What other facts did you manage to unearth? Milana Kerzhakova, according to her friends, has already been treated for despondency and drinking "non-mineral water". She was emotionally unstable, so she could not devote enough time to her child. Then she went to the clinic for 4 months, all this time the child was with her mother, and only then little Artemy was taken to his father. Milana's mother also suffered the death of the head of the family very hard, she was carried away by the same "non-mineral water", she could not pay enough attention to her daughter. I don’t even really want to understand the cutting of money. But if in general, then Alexander Kerzhakov insists that Milan return part of his earnings to him, we are talking about several million.

Milana Kerzhakova is pretty, but she is not happy with her appearance, so she did all sorts of manipulations with her face and not only. Of all the colors in clothes, he prefers black.

On August 28, 2014, Milana Tyulpanova and Alexander Kerzhakov met. A couple of years before that, he saw her on the plane, and then, when there was discord in relations with his common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova, he began to look for Milana Tyulpanova's contacts through acquaintances. At first they met as friends, she was 20 years old, and he was 32. He calmly but confidently launched his long fishing rod into her shallow pond.

He severely merged his former wife, declaring to the whole world a sick person. But Ekaterina Safronova had a stigma in the gun, she really said in one of her interviews, they say, and who, in her youth, did not eat "washing powder"? In addition, she herself said that her acquaintances indulge detergents, but Alexander Kerzhakov insisted that she did not contact them.

The very story of the acquaintance of Alexander and Ekaterina Safronova is very revealing, he was married, she was married, but they met in a nightclub. Kerzhakov says that he was in the process of a divorce, but Katya does not hide that things were not bad with her husband, he just worked under a contract in another city, a Decembrist hockey player, for whom his wife did not go into exile. Well, Katya didn’t like to sit at home alone - her husband was at the training camp, she had a party, she fused the child from her first marriage to her grandmother. Ekaterina Safronova said in her interviews, they say, yes, I'm not a noble girl, Kerzhakov knew who he had his eye on, but he was fine with it for a long time, and then you see, he became uncomfortable with her.

Another pebble in Catherine's garden, when her baby, born from Kerzhakov, was very small - she went to the clinic to change her beauty, you see, they ached, her husband tore a certain muscle during a showdown. Well what can I say? The priorities of this lady are clear. Fun, resinousness and something stronger than mineral water. But still, it is wrong not to allow a mother to see her child. The last time she hugged him was when he was one year old! At the time of this writing, Igor turned 5 years old! During this time, Catherine managed to give birth to herself another child from another man, with whom she seems to have also parted at this moment. A muddy woman, a former athlete, has lived alone since adolescence, here is the result. Okay ... I'm tired of this story, I barely squeezed it out of myself. It was interesting to read about all this on the Internet, I wanted to understand whether Alexander Kerzhakov is really such a monster who takes children away from their mothers? Blue Beard? It seems to me that he is not an easy guy, but since Yana Rudkovskaya fought for her children, and the wife of Alexei Panin, no one fought. I don’t want to say that Ekaterina Safronova is not trying to return her son, she is trying, but perhaps she could not bring all this to such an absurd situation. How? If she had remained faithful to her first husband, everything would have been fine with her.

Well, the photos themselves, there are a lot of them!

In this photo, the wedding of grandparents Milana Kerzhakova. Grandma claims that grandpa looked like Kerzhakov in his youth!

In the photo of Milan Kerzhakov with Igor, the son of Katya Safronova.

Milana with her brother.

Words about his wife Milan in Kerzhakov's book!

In this photo, the parents of Milana Kerzhakova.

Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov loved his wife Natalya very much! Shortly before his death, he rattled her a carpet from some eastern country, but the wife was extremely unhappy with his choice. There was a scandal, Natasha slammed the door and did not want to communicate with her husband anymore. Albertovich sincerely experienced this situation.

In the photo, Alexander Kerzhakov holds his son, born Milana, in his arms.

Childhood photo of Alexander Kerzhakov.

Son of Milan and Alexander Kerzhakov.

Milana with her brother Vladik.

In the photo, Ekaterina Safronova and her daughter.

Childhood photo of Milana with her parents.

Katya Safronova blooms brightly and smells delicious!

In the photo Artemy Aleksandrovich Kerzhakov.

In this photo, Alexander Kerzhakov with Milan, eldest daughter Daria and son Igor.

Kerzhakov's ex-wife Ekaterina Safronova detained with "white powder", video

In the photo, Ekaterina Safronova some time after the arrest during a conversation with journalists

On New Year's Eve, the former common-law wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov, Ekaterina Safronova, was detained law enforcement on suspicion of illegal possession of weapons. Three banknotes with "white powder" were found with her, according to the Life portal. According to other sources, she was detained at the time of acquiring the substance, and Ekaterina confirmed that it was a drug for personal use, the video is presented below. To establish the composition of this powder, an appropriate examination will be carried out. Now Ekaterina Safronova denies all the above charges.

Alexander Kerzhakov, previously a Zenit footballer, and Ekaterina Safironova were in a long legal battle for custody of their son Igor. Officially, the marriage of Kerzhakov and Safronova was not registered. As a result, the court limited Safronov's parental rights due to the fact that she suffers from drug addiction, which is confirmed by official medical documents. The child lives with Kerzhakov and his wife Milana Tyulpanova (Kerzhakova).

For Alexander Kerzhakov, this news about Ekaterina Safronova did not come as a surprise. The athlete hopes that the public will stop associating his name with his ex-civil wife. Ekaterina practically does not participate in the life of her young son. She has an older daughter, Sonya, from Kirill Safronov, and a younger daughter, Stephanie, who was born after the break with Kerzhakov. Father's personality youngest daughter Ekaterina does not reveal, but the girl bears the name Safronova. Eldest daughter mostly lives with his father.
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"Information Exchange" has a new archive of hacked correspondence. The site itself positions itself as an exchange where the content of mailboxes is put up for auction. AT different time well-known domestic politicians and businessmen became victims of such auctions, but quite a lot of time has passed since the last "postal" scandal. The archive published today belongs to a person who is far from power and state administration. The owner of the mailbox is allegedly Alexander Kerzhakov, a famous Russian football player and sportsman.


The archive includes approximately one thousand letters between 2010 and 2015. The fact that the box really belongs to Kerzhakov becomes clear through a large number of circumstantial evidence, such as scans of documents, invoices, personal letters and photographs belonging to Alexander. For example, Kerzhakov receives letters from the lawyer of his ex-wife Mary, whom he divorced in 2010. Maria left a daughter from Alexander, the maintenance of which, according to Maria, costs her a rather impressive amount.

A few years later, Kerzhakov receives a letter from Maria's lawyer demanding to pay alimony. For almost three and a half years, the former Zenit footballer owed a little more than six million rubles.

Plant for 300 million

The amount of maintenance debt is more than acceptable for Alexander. From the analysis of his letters, one can isolate a curious episode where Kerzhakov participates in the construction of an oil refinery, investing more than 300 million rubles in the business. Then the partners had disagreements, and Kerzhakov went to the police with a statement about fraud. A criminal case was initiated, in which Kerzhakov had to give an explanation.

Subsequently, the defense of Ekaterina Safronova, Kerzhakov's former common-law wife, will declare that Kerzhakov is persecuting her precisely because she "knows too much" about the loss of 300 million.

wife and drugs

There are letters in the correspondence that concern Safronova personally. Kerzhakov met Catherine in 2010, but they never married. Despite this, in 2013 they had a son, but then the relationship deteriorated and subsequently Kerzhakov sued the child in his favor.

The trial was preceded by a rather active information campaign to denigrate Catherine. In a letter dated August 12, 2014, Kerzhakov's press secretary Elena Bolotova sends him for approval the text of an article stating that his ex-common-law wife was actively using cocaine. The time in the letter is 23:36.

Kerzhakov's side actively involved the media to create the image of a drug addict around Ekaterina Safronova. The next letter shows the participation of the "Man and Law" program, which released the corresponding story.

Materials were also published in print media. On January 23, Bolotova sends Kerzhakov a preprint of the issue of the same "KP" with a devastating article. It is noteworthy that the newspaper itself was published only the following week, on January 28.

As a result, the court awarded the child in favor of Alexander, considering Ekaterina insufficiently suitable for the role of mother.

Ukrainian escort

In the mail there are a large number of letters related to the order of "escort" services. Basically, this is done by girls from Ukraine, finalists of various beauty contests and employees of modeling agencies.

The rhetoric of Kerzhakov's communication with the "mother" of these girls is quite clear and, perhaps, does not require decoding.

However, even without the help of agencies, the worthy father of Kerzhakov has enough female attention. Some girls are not shy about sending quite candid shots to the football player's mail.

Departure to the States

Finally, despite all the declared patriotism and even Poltavchenko's participation in the election campaign as confidant, Kerzhakov, before moving from Zenit to the Swiss Zurich, he actively looked for employment options overseas (we were talking about American and Canadian MLS clubs), as well as in Qatar and the UAE.

Thus, Alexander Kerzhakov became another victim of email hacking. Previously, officials, politicians and businessmen were mainly subjected to such attacks, but if you just drive the ball around the field, this does not mean that no one is interested in you.

All documents and screenshots of letters were obtained on the basis of materials published in the public domain by the "Information Exchange".

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Milana Kerzhakova made a public statement: she filed for divorce and wants her son to stay with her. For support, she first turned to her husband's ex-wife Ekaterina Safronova.

So far, the legal wife of the athlete Milan returned to social networks maiden name- Tulip. The black streak in her life began with the death of her father, Vadim Tyulpanov, on April 4, 2017. Milana began to experience depression and problems with her husband. Everyone knows the rest: the girl wrote in the microblog that she had not been with Kerzhakov for a long time and “he, alas, is a fallen man.” Then Milana stated that Kerzhakov had taken her son away from her and was hiding from her. An even more unexpected confession followed: about drug addiction and the fact that she slandered her husband. After completing a rehabilitation course, Milana filed for divorce. Ekaterina Safronova told News.ru that at the same time as this statement, Milana's family invited her to meet.

“We talked with Milana, her mother and brother,” says Ekaterina Safronova. - Milana apologized to me, explained that everything bad that she said about me was dictated to her by her husband. As a woman, I understand. She was blind in her love - I was the same! When you love, it's okay. After all, she turned away from her family at some point, and they are the only ones who eventually supported her. Of course, my bitter experience will serve as an example in this matter. Milana signed a contract with a lawyer (Alexander Dobrovinsky - approx. News.ru) and I think she will not back down. I don't think she has the opportunity."

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