State competitions for grants. How to get a grant: a step-by-step scheme of actions

Career and finance 25.05.2019

If you need to write a dissertation review yourself, it is first important to understand the requirements for the thesis itself.
What characterizes a high-quality dissertation?
1. Structure and length of the work
- the appropriateness of the scope in relation to the goals and questions asked
2. Sequence of presentation of information
- consistency, concreteness, clarity, literacy, clarity
3. Conceptual context
— connectivity, importance of information (in theory, in practice)
4. Literature review
— use of key literature in the relevant field
5. Scientific, evidence-based
- soundness and veracity of arguments
6. Discussion of results, conclusion
– exhaustive disclosure of the topic, achievement of results, critical analysis and generalization
7. Own initiative of the author
- shows independence, interest, diligence
8. Decoration
– correct presentation of text, images, diagrams, compliance with standards

After studying and understanding the criteria that are key in assessing, it is necessary to take a fresh and very critical look at the thesis. Research work should be analyzed and analyzed in detail.

How to start a review?

First, complete the first component of the review:
heading centered
full name of the student
topic of the final qualification work
Full name of the reviewer, academic degree, position, place of work

Then start writing about relevance by answering the questions:
1. Why is the topic of the thesis in demand in modern world, in the area studied by the author?
2. Does the work differ in novelty, originality?
3. Are the results of the research work relevant?
4. Will this thesis be of current value?
5. How relevant and important is it now in today's life?

You need to use the following phrases:
“The author of the work substantiated the relevance of the research topic, revealed the main directions…”
“The relevance of the topic is beyond doubt, because…”
“The relevance of the study is due to…”
“Graduation work is relevant in connection with…”
“The relevance of this study lies in…”
“Reviewed work is distinguished by novelty and relevance…”
“The peer-reviewed WRC is a valuable work on a topic that is relevant in the modern world…”

Imagine yourself in the place of a specialist who will sign this important document for you. Try to understand how he would formulate this analysis. And in order to make this easier, remember about.
Describing point by point, after describing the positive aspects, do not forget to also indicate the negative ones. This is a common mistake of students - only to praise their work in the review. Point out the cons: either individual minor problems in the work, or present some of the pros in the work as cons.
When the key points of the analysis are described, do not forget to indicate the date and leave a place for the signature and seal of the reviewer.
When designing, remember that the review should not be too concise or voluminous: with Times New Roman font, 14 point size and 1.5 spacing, one or two pages will be enough.

To obtain admission to the defense, the graduate student must provide not only his final qualifying work, but also a package of additional documents, which includes a review and review.

Definition 1

A review is an expression of an independent and unbiased evaluation of a final work.

Who is the WRC reviewer

The reviewer must be:

  1. Competent in the research topic.
  2. Unbiased towards work.

Competence must be confirmed by formal signs. The simplest thing is that the reviewer has the degree of candidate or doctor of science in the specialty in which the diploma was written. Recent changes in the education system have added another step - after graduating from graduate school, you can become a "teacher-researcher" - this option is also suitable. If the final qualifying work is written as the final stage of a bachelor's or specialist's degree, the reviewer can be a specialist or master (a bachelor's degree is usually still not enough, although there is no formal prohibition on the use of such reviewers for bachelor's theses).

The reviewer may have an education in another field, but work in his specialty.

Example 1

So, if the work is written to obtain qualifications in the direction of "Accounting, analysis and audit", as a reviewer, you can involve the chief accountant or financial director from the enterprise. Therefore, the review can be taken from the place of work of the student himself or his parents.

Impartiality should be expressed in the fact that the reviewer is not listed as the supervisor of the diploma (from the university or enterprise). At the same time, they differ:

  1. Internal review. An example of this form of review is when it is written by a teacher (but not the head of the diploma) from the graduating department.
  2. External review of the final qualifying work. Written by a teacher from another university or a specialist from an enterprise.

Regardless of the chosen reviewer, it is usually the graduate who writes the review of the thesis.

Review writing plan

A review of a scientific qualification work should include certain structural elements:

Review writing rules

There are no rigid standards for writing a review - it is essentially a subjective opinion. A writing template can be taken at the graduating department: every year a lot of reviews of the same type are submitted, the teachers themselves write them for other people's graduates.

The review must be written correctly (without spelling and punctuation errors), in compliance with the scientific style.

The volume of the review is usually 1-2 pages of A4 format (Times New Roman font, size 14 pt, line spacing one and a half). The review should not characterize the personality of the graduate - even if the review is written by the graduate's boss or the teacher who taught his discipline. The reviewer should analyze only the document (diploma) submitted to him for evaluation.

Example 2

Expressions like: “This student has great creative potential, and the work was done at a mediocre level, he did not try hard enough”, as well as information about previous merits (the only exception is the mention of the implementation of the development directly covered in the diploma) are not allowed.

WRC review writing sample

The main part of the review is taken from the thesis itself: relevance - from the introduction, description of the structure of the work - from the abstract (or limited to the titles of chapters and paragraphs), for example: "

The work consists of three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis of labor productivity in an industrial enterprise. The second chapter analyzes the labor productivity management system of Luch Yasny LLC. In the third chapter, recommendations were developed to increase the labor productivity of Luch Yasny LLC.

Example 3

The advantages of the work can be described in such general phrases: “The material in the final qualification work is presented in compliance with internal logic, a logical relationship can be traced between the sections. Ivanov I.I. showed a deep knowledge of theoretical material, the ability to analyze statistical data.

Example 4

Example negative aspects works reflected in the review: “When designing a residential building, the adjacent territory was not sufficiently developed”, “Only the economic efficiency of the proposed measures was calculated, the positive social effect of the project was not analyzed enough”, “The emphasis is on the monetarist approach, the arguments of Keynesian supporters are not covered in enough detail”.

The final wording may be as follows: "The WRC was performed at a high technical level and fully complies with the requirements of the state educational standard for graduation theses for qualifications."

Bibliographic description:

Nesterov A.K. Review and review of the thesis. Sample [Electronic resource] // Encyclopedia site

Sample review review for the thesis gives an idea of ​​the content of the review. Three sample essay review. It also provides eight examples of reviews and reviews of the thesis in various subjects.

Feedback on the thesis written by the supervisor and an external reviewer in the form of a review.

Thesis review represents brief description a supervisor's diploma and a recommended grade.

Diploma review should be written in concise language and occupy 1-2 sheets of printed text.

Feedback on diploma is written in the form of a brief assessment of the content of the thesis, with a volume of about 1.5-2 pages A4.

The main difference between the review and review of the thesis is the structure of the presentation of the material. The diploma review is more focused on describing the content, while the diploma review has an analytical focus.

The content of the thesis review

Structurally dissertation review Includes an introduction, main body and conclusion. The introductory part of the review begins with the data of the author of the thesis.

The main part, which is devoted to the analysis individual elements diploma and identifying the advantages and disadvantages of the diploma, occupies a large part diploma reviews.

The conclusion is the shortest part. The conclusion of the review contains only a conclusion on the diploma: admitted or not to the defense and assessment. Final part dissertation reviews ends with the signature of the reviewer.

Feedback on the thesis should contain in its title the full name of the author and the topic of the diploma. The title of the review should stand out from the rest of the text.

A short summary that starts review for a diploma, should contain an overall assessment of the thesis in terms of content, volume and other regulatory requirements author's specialty. Undoubtedly, the conclusion must be positive. The evaluation of the relevance of the topic includes the opinion of the author of the review on how much this topic is in demand today, as well as its role within the scope of the study. Short description The direction of research can be formulated as a description of the very essence of the phenomenon under study, category or object of study, or in the form of an assessment of the importance of the problems of the thesis.

Feedback on the thesis has as its main purpose to evaluate the content of the diploma, therefore this part should occupy the largest volume within the review. It is desirable to make an assessment in accordance with the chapters of the thesis. After that, it is necessary to complete the review on the thesis with a conclusion, clearly indicating the value of the study.

Samples of reviews for the thesis

Below are three sample of reviews for the thesis. The last review is the most detailed review with a detailed analysis of the content of the thesis. Such reviews and reviews are usually written for diplomas with the recommended grade "excellent".

After samples of reviews for the thesis, 8 examples of reviews and reviews for diplomas in various specialties are given.

The thesis of the full name is dedicated to ...

The relevance of the topic of the thesis is predetermined by the value that is due to ...

Diploma work FIO structurally consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

The introduction notes the purpose and objectives of the thesis, the subject of research, theoretical and methodological problems of the thesis.

The subject of the first chapter is the question of...

The second chapter deals with...

The conclusion about the complex nature of...

The following proposals of the author are of interest:

Theoretical and normative sources on the topic of the thesis are used to a sufficient extent. In addition to the mandatory sources, individual articles were analyzed...

Disadvantages of the thesis are...

Assessing the thesis work of the full name in general, it should be noted that it meets the basic requirements and can be admitted to the defense, deserving a positive assessment.

Reviewer: ...

Sample essay review

The full name diploma is devoted to an important topic, the relevance of which is beyond doubt, since ...

This circumstance makes it possible to recognize the structure of the thesis as appropriate.

The theoretical basis of the thesis research was...

The full name diploma structurally consists of ...

In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic, the purpose and objectives of the thesis, the provisions submitted for defense are noted.

The first chapter deals with theoretical questions on the topic ...

The second chapter includes...

As shortcomings of the thesis, it should be noted the insufficient number of the author's own conclusions. There are some grammatical errors and inaccuracies.

Assessing the full name diploma as a whole, it should be noted that it meets all the necessary requirements.

Reviewer: ...

Sample essay review

The thesis full name is written in the actual in this moment topic...

The relevance of this topic is confirmed by many reasons. The questions considered in the thesis are relevant in connection with ...

The diploma work is written on the basis of the current legislation and the works of scientists, authoritative in the field under study.

The diploma consists of two chapters, in turn divided into three paragraphs each, as well as an introduction, conclusion and list of references. The diploma is issued in accordance with accepted standards.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the study, the goals and objectives of the work, as well as the provisions submitted for defense.

The first chapter deals with...

The first paragraph includes the main definitions concerning...

Already in the second paragraph, practical examples are given ...

The third paragraph is an addition to the previous ones and contains ...

The second chapter of the thesis contains a study ...

The division of the second chapter into paragraphs on individual research issues adopted by the author is not the best solution, which is a drawback of the thesis. However, the author coped well with the structure of the thesis proposed by him.

The second chapter of the diploma contains a large number of practical materials and their analysis.

The practical significance of this work lies in ...

In general, the full name disclosed the topic of the thesis in sufficient detail and fully, which contributed to a positive review.

The disadvantages of the thesis work include a small number of fundamental works of scientists used as the basis of the work.

Reviewer: ...

Thesis review

students Ivanova Marina Aleksandrovna

Improving the system of remuneration in the organization

The relevance of the study is determined by its focus on the process of improving the remuneration system in the organization, because salary is one of the main factors of personnel motivation.

The advantages of the thesis include the very fact of the analysis of the fund wages, as well as the ratio of labor productivity growth and wages.

The problems of personnel turnover were objectively considered, shortcomings in the system of remuneration of employees were identified, which became the basis for the development of measures to improve the system of remuneration of personnel.

The proposed methods are aimed at increasing labor productivity in the organization, reducing staff turnover, which is very important in the field of construction.

When writing a graduation research Ivanova M.A. various research methods were used, the necessary calculations were made and the necessary conclusions were drawn.

Ivanova M.A. demonstrated good analytical skills, the ability to analyze and systematize the collected information, as well as to draw independent conclusions, suggestions and generalizations.

The work of Ivanova M.A. is an up-to-date study, the results of which can be used to improve the payment system at SU DSK LLC.

The selected issues are fully and comprehensively disclosed, the developed recommendations and proposals are of great practical importance, their implementation will help increase labor productivity and reduce staff turnover in the organization.

Diploma work of Ivanova M.A. complies with the requirements of GOST for graduation theses, and can be recommended for defense with an "excellent" rating.

Thesis reviewer:

Thesis review

students Vostorgova Albina Alekseevna

Powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

The presented diploma work of 67 pages consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references and 7 appendices.

The thesis work was done on a very hot topic. Since this study consists in the fact that in the new social conditions, a specific area that regulates relations that develop in the process of constitutional proceedings, the application of the constitution, as well as guarantees of compliance with fundamental principles and rights in the field of constitutional law, are of particular importance. In the context of rapidly changing modern legislation, when the relevance of similar works (based mainly on current legislation) is rapidly declining, the historical and theoretical approach of the author to the coverage of the topic of the work seems to be very reasonable.

The author has done a large amount of work on the study of legislation Russian Federation regulating attitudes in the field of constitutional proceedings. The powers and competence of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are considered. A comparative description of the new Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and the inactive legislation on the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is carried out. The problem of the application of its powers by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the implementation of constitutional proceedings has been studied. A complete and comprehensive study of the problem of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, violations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Law "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" was carried out. In addition, the problem of the influence of state bodies, in particular the President of the Russian Federation, on the activities and powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is partially touched upon. This allowed the author to identify the causes of violations of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, ways to eliminate them, and to note the trends in the positive development of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as to analyze how the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation have improved at the present time.

The most interesting, from my point of view, is chapter 3, paragraph 3.1, devoted to limiting the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. It clearly describes what powers the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has lost at the moment and what prerequisites contributed to this.

Some of the shortcomings of the work include some expressions that are not always legal terms. However, this does not reduce the overall extremely favorable impression of the thesis. She meets the qualification requirements, can be admitted to the defense and deserves a high positive assessment.

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Thesis review

student Alekseev Oleg Semenovich

Currency regulation and currency control in the Russian Federation

The severity of the problem of the illegal export of Russian capital prompted the President and the Government of the Russian Federation to take measures aimed at strengthening control over the flow of export foreign exchange earnings into the country and its export abroad. To this end, the law of the Russian Federation "On currency regulation and currency control" was recently amended and supplemented accordingly.

Therefore, I believe that the study undertaken by the author is very relevant. The final qualifying work is A complex approach to the study of scientific and practical materials on the legal regulation of the foreign exchange market and foreign exchange transactions in Russia.

Structure of the work: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references.

The content of the work. First of all, the author focused on the concepts of the foreign exchange market and its objects - currency and currency values, rightly noting the imperfection of the legal definition of foreign exchange transactions, as well as the lack of such a classification as current transactions and transactions related to the movement of capital. The subjects of the foreign exchange market - the concepts of a resident and a non-resident are considered, the features of their status are determined. The author emphasizes currency transactions with such objects as securities.

In the second chapter of the work, transactions with foreign currency are studied, the procedure for organizing settlements with foreign currency and the legal regulation of current foreign exchange transactions are considered.

The third chapter is devoted to the issues of legal liability for violation of modern currency legislation. Separately, administrative and criminal liability, as well as civil and legal consequences of illegal transactions with foreign currency are considered.

Advantages of the work: the work submitted for review shows independence in approaches to the study of the material, good level theoretical training, knowledge of literature, etc. The author was able to structure the extensive theoretical material and isolate the main points from it.

The final qualifying work is written at a good scientific level and is distinguished by the logic of construction. The results obtained in this work allow us to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the legal regulation of foreign exchange transactions in the Russian Federation.

Based on the foregoing, I believe that the final qualifying work of student Alekseev Oleg Semenovich fully complies with the requirements for such tasks and deserves an "excellent" rating, and if it is successfully defended, the author can be recommended the qualification "Lawyer" in the specialty "Jurisprudence".

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Thesis review

The thesis on the topic "Analysis of the financial activity of an enterprise (on the example of Inavtoservice LLC)" was completed by the student in full and in accordance with the requirements.

Ensuring the effective functioning of the enterprise requires economically competent management of its activities, which is largely determined by the ability to analyze it. Analysis of financial economic activity is an indispensable element of both financial management at the enterprise and economic relations with its partners, with the financial and credit system, with tax authorities, etc.

Currently, the market economy in the Russian Federation is gaining momentum. Along with it, competition is gaining strength as the main mechanism for regulating the economic process, increasing the independence of enterprises, their economic and legal responsibility. The importance of the financial stability of business entities is sharply increasing. All this significantly increases the role of analyzing their financial condition: the availability, placement and use of funds.

basis information support analysis of the financial condition is financial statements, which should contain the data necessary for: making informed management decisions in the field of investment policy; assessment of the dynamics of changes in the profit of the enterprise; evaluation of the use of available resources of the enterprise.

The above circumstances fully affect a specific section of economic analysis in enterprises - analysis and assessment of the solvency and financial stability of an enterprise, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic of the thesis.

In the thesis work of the student Regarov I.L. reflects the analysis and assessment of the solvency and financial stability of the enterprise. The development of recommendations for improving the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is noted.

The work under review includes: an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and appendices that present the company's financial statements.

The first chapter discusses in detail the theoretical foundations of the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. According to sources of information, the main ones being financial statements organizations, the methodology for analyzing the financial condition of the enterprise is considered. Description theoretical aspects on this topic is presented competently, using literary and electronic sources.

In the second chapter Regarov I.L. pays attention to the issue of preliminary characteristics of the financial condition of INAVTOSERVICE LLC: analyzes the composition and structure of the enterprise's funds and sources of their formation, analysis of the composition and structure of current assets by risk, analysis of receivables.

The third chapter is devoted to an internal in-depth analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise, where the author presents an analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet and solvency of the enterprise, an analysis of the turnover of the assets of the enterprise and a general analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise. In the paper, the author considers measures to improve the financial position of INAVTOSERVICE LLC.

In conclusion, general conclusions are given on the qualification work and proposals that can be adopted by the management of the enterprise.

The diploma work indicates that the student is well versed in the normative and teaching materials, is able to analyze statistical data and apply the information received for practical purposes.

The work is written in an economically literate language using factual data, graphic material and specialized literature, correctly formatted, the topic is fully disclosed, the calculation procedure, final figures and the results of comparing the data obtained with standard values ​​are available.

Along with the positive aspects outlined in the thesis, it should be noted that it would be more effective to clearly formulate the concept of performance efficiency and conclusions for each of the chapters. However, these shortcomings do not detract from the creative approach.

Degree work Regarova I.L. is an independent study, has theoretical and practical value, meets the requirements for the thesis. The student deserves the appropriate qualification "economist" and an excellent mark, subject to a successful defense.

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Feedback on the thesis

student Regarov Ivan Leonidovich

Analysis of the financial activity of the enterprise

The thesis on the topic "Analysis of the financial activity of an enterprise (on the example of LLC "Inavtoservis")" in content and volume meets the requirements for graduation theses in the specialty "Finance and Credit".

The topic of this thesis is very relevant, because in the conditions of market relations, one of the tasks of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is analysis and evaluation. Since the assessment of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is characterized by a set of indicators that reflect the process of formation and use of its financial resources, then in a market economy it reflects the final results of the enterprise. The analysis of financial and economic activity is an indispensable element of both financial management at an enterprise and economic relations with its partners, with the financial and credit system, and with tax authorities.

A comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activities is the scientific basis for making managerial decisions in business. To substantiate them, it is necessary to identify and predict existing and potential problems, production and financial risks, to determine the impact of decisions made on the level of risks and income of a business entity. Therefore, the possession of a methodology for a comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activities by managers of all levels is integral part their professional training.

Financial analysis is the calculation, interpretation and evaluation of a set of financial indicators that characterize various parties firm's activities.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the financial activities of LLC "Inavtoservis".

In this thesis, an analysis of the financial activities of LLC "Inavtoservis" was carried out, measures were developed that would improve the financial condition of the enterprise. Thus, the purpose of this work is fulfilled.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters of the main content, which successfully complement each other, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

In the first chapter of this thesis, the concept of "analysis" is introduced, its role in managing the activities of an enterprise is described, its content, types, purpose, tasks, principles are considered, its main methods, techniques are highlighted, and indicators characterizing financial and economic activities are studied.

The second chapter gives a preliminary description of the financial condition of the enterprise under study according to the balance sheet.

The third chapter provides an internal in-depth analysis of the liquidity, solvency and financial stability of Inavtoservice LLC.

Based on the results of the analysis, it was revealed that there are reserves for increasing profits at Inavtoservice LLC by increasing sales.

Head Antonov V.D.

Feedback on the graduation project

student Vitanov Arkady Sergeevich

Analysis of activities and increase in the profitability of a trading enterprise

The graduation project was completed in accordance with the guidelines in full. The theme of the project corresponds to the profile of the specialty and is quite relevant. The diploma student solves the following issues: development and comprehensive justification of measures to bring a grocery store out of the crisis, justification of methods for maintaining a competitive market economy.

The graduation project considered state of the art market economy. An analysis of the development of the microdistrict and the competitors available in it was carried out. The consequences of the economic crisis of August 1998 were also studied, directions for accounting and neutralizing its consequences were developed.

A feasibility study was carried out for the lease of part of the retail space. An original marketing strategy has been developed. Calculation of expected revenues, financial results. Technical and organizational measures have been developed to implement the developed solutions, taking into account the conditions of life safety and ensuring proper environmental friendliness.

In general, the content and volume of the project fully correspond to the task and the profile of the specialty, characterize the sufficient theoretical preparation of the performer, and meet the requirements. The competitive struggle method developed in the project has practical value. The graphic part is made qualitatively and fully reflects the content of the explanatory note. The diploma project deserves high marks, and Vitanov Arkady Sergeevich is awarded the qualification "Manager".

Head Tulaykin V.N.

Feedback on the thesis

students Cherkina Anna Anatolyevna

Directions of investment cooperation in the development of foreign economic activity Russian firms

"Directions of investment cooperation in the development of foreign economic activity of Russian companies" was carried out in accordance with the Program of the State Educational Standard within the framework of the specialty " World economy". In terms of structure, content and design, this thesis meets the requirements. The thesis is made on a topical topic.

The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and appendices. The introduction shows the relevance of this topic. In the first chapter, the author, using various literary sources, examines the essence and significance of foreign investment for the world economy, as well as the direction of investment cooperation. In the second chapter, the author conducts an economic analysis of the economic activities of a particular enterprise. In the third chapter, the author calculates an investment project for the enterprise under study and analyzes the significance of foreign investment for the real sector of the economy. In the final part of the work, the author sums up the study of the topic, formulates conclusions and suggestions. The work is illustrated with graphic material, comparative characteristics, tables, graphs and diagrams.

Student Cherkina A.A. conscientiously reacted to the implementation of the thesis, showed the ability to independently analyze economic and statistical indicators, draw reasoned conclusions and suggestions.

The diploma work meets the requirements and can be admitted to the defense.

Head Senchenkova O.B.

Feedback on the thesis

students Argonianova Oksana Andreevna

Assessment of the creditworthiness of individuals

The problem of increasing the creditworthiness of individuals in the difficult conditions of the financial crisis is becoming very importance as the risk of non-return increases. This leads to the need for banks to improve the system for assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers. Therefore, the relevance of the chosen topic of the thesis is beyond doubt.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three interrelated chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and applications.

The author's recommendations for improving the methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of individual borrowers are quite specific and follow from the study. special attention deserve such proposals of the author as automating the process of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers and reconciling the passport data provided by the borrower, information on income and real estate with data pension fund, Bureau of Technical Inventory, Passport and Visa Service, Credit Bureaus and the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

The work is framed in accordance with the established requirements, contains analytical tables and figures that increase the clarity of the text material.

The theme of the final qualifying work is disclosed quite deeply and fully. The purpose and tasks of the work have been achieved. The work has the character of a completed study, which allows us to evaluate it as "excellent".

Head Stepanov S.A.

The full name diploma is devoted to an important topic, the relevance of which is beyond doubt, since ...

This circumstance makes it possible to recognize the structure of the thesis as appropriate.

The theoretical basis of the thesis research was...

The full name diploma structurally consists of ...

In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic, the purpose and objectives of the thesis, the provisions submitted for defense are noted.

The first chapter deals with theoretical questions on the topic ...

The second chapter includes...

As shortcomings of the thesis, it should be noted the insufficient number of the author's own conclusions. There are some grammatical errors and inaccuracies.

Assessing the full name diploma as a whole, it should be noted that it meets all the necessary requirements.

Reviewer: ...

Sample essay review

The thesis of the full name is written on a topic that is currently relevant ...

The relevance of this topic is confirmed by many reasons. The questions considered in the thesis are relevant in connection with ...

The diploma work is written on the basis of the current legislation and the works of scientists, authoritative in the field under study.

The diploma consists of two chapters, in turn divided into three paragraphs each, as well as an introduction, conclusion and list of references. The diploma is issued in accordance with accepted standards.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the study, the goals and objectives of the work, as well as the provisions submitted for defense.

The first chapter deals with...

The first paragraph includes the main definitions concerning...

Already in the second paragraph, practical examples are given ...

The third paragraph is an addition to the previous ones and contains ...

The second chapter of the thesis contains a study ...

The division of the second chapter into paragraphs on individual research issues adopted by the author is not the best solution, which is a drawback of the thesis. However, the author coped well with the structure of the thesis proposed by him.

The second chapter of the diploma contains a large number of practical materials and their analysis.

The practical significance of this work lies in ...

In general, the full name disclosed the topic of the thesis in sufficient detail and fully, which contributed to a positive review.

The disadvantages of the thesis work include a small number of fundamental works of scientists used as the basis of the work.

Reviewer: ...

Thesis review

students Ivanova Marina Aleksandrovna

Improving the system of remuneration in the organization

The relevance of the study is determined by its focus on the process of improving the remuneration system in the organization, because salary is one of the main factors of personnel motivation.

The advantages of the thesis include the very fact of the analysis of the wage fund, as well as the ratio of growth in labor productivity and wages.

The problems of personnel turnover were objectively considered, shortcomings in the system of remuneration of employees were identified, which became the basis for the development of measures to improve the system of remuneration of personnel.

The proposed methods are aimed at increasing labor productivity in the organization, reducing staff turnover, which is very important in the field of construction.

When writing a graduation research Ivanova M.A. various research methods were used, the necessary calculations were made and the necessary conclusions were drawn.

Ivanova M.A. demonstrated good analytical skills, the ability to analyze and systematize the collected information, as well as to draw independent conclusions, suggestions and generalizations.

The work of Ivanova M.A. is an up-to-date study, the results of which can be used to improve the payment system at SU DSK LLC.

The selected issues are fully and comprehensively disclosed, the developed recommendations and proposals are of great practical importance, their implementation will help increase labor productivity and reduce staff turnover in the organization.

Diploma work of Ivanova M.A. complies with the requirements of GOST for graduation theses, and can be recommended for defense with an "excellent" rating.

Thesis reviewer:

Thesis review

students Vostorgova Albina Alekseevna

Powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

The presented diploma work of 67 pages consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references and 7 appendices.

The thesis is done on a very topical topic. Since this study consists in the fact that in the new social conditions, a specific area that regulates relations that develop in the process of constitutional proceedings, the application of the constitution, as well as guarantees of compliance with fundamental principles and rights in the field of constitutional law, are of particular importance. In the context of rapidly changing modern legislation, when the relevance of similar works (based mainly on current legislation) is rapidly declining, the historical and theoretical approach of the author to the coverage of the topic of the work seems to be very reasonable.

The author has done a large amount of work on the study of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates relations in the field of constitutional legal proceedings. The powers and competence of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are considered. A comparative description of the new Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and the inactive legislation on the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is carried out. The problem of the application of its powers by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the implementation of constitutional proceedings has been studied. A complete and comprehensive study of the problem of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, violations of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Law "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" was carried out. In addition, the problem of the influence of state bodies, in particular the President of the Russian Federation, on the activities and powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is partially touched upon. This allowed the author to identify the causes of violations of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, ways to eliminate them, and to note the trends in the positive development of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as to analyze how the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation have improved at the present time.

The most interesting, from my point of view, is chapter 3, paragraph 3.1, devoted to limiting the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. It clearly describes what powers the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has lost at the moment and what prerequisites contributed to this.

Some of the shortcomings of the work include some expressions that are not always legal terms. However, this does not reduce the overall extremely favorable impression of the thesis. She meets the qualification requirements, can be admitted to the defense and deserves a high positive assessment.

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Thesis review

student Alekseev Oleg Semenovich

Currency regulation and currency control in the Russian Federation

The severity of the problem of the illegal export of Russian capital prompted the President and the Government of the Russian Federation to take measures aimed at strengthening control over the flow of export foreign exchange earnings into the country and its export abroad. To this end, the law of the Russian Federation "On currency regulation and currency control" was recently amended and supplemented accordingly.

Therefore, I believe that the study undertaken by the author is very relevant. Graduation thesis is a comprehensive approach to the study of scientific and practical materials on the legal regulation of the foreign exchange market and foreign exchange transactions in Russia.

Structure of the work: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references.

The content of the work. First of all, the author focused on the concepts of the foreign exchange market and its objects - currency and currency values, rightly noting the imperfection of the legal definition of foreign exchange transactions, as well as the lack of such a classification as current transactions and transactions related to the movement of capital. The subjects of the foreign exchange market - the concepts of a resident and a non-resident are considered, the features of their status are determined. The author emphasizes currency transactions with such objects as securities.

In the second chapter of the work, transactions with foreign currency are studied, the procedure for organizing settlements with foreign currency and the legal regulation of current foreign exchange transactions are considered.

The third chapter is devoted to the issues of legal liability for violation of modern currency legislation. Separately, administrative and criminal liability, as well as civil and legal consequences of illegal transactions with foreign currency are considered.

Advantages of the work: the work submitted for review shows independence in approaches to the study of the material, a good level of theoretical preparation, knowledge of the literature, etc. The author was able to structure the extensive theoretical material and isolate the main points from it.

The final qualifying work is written at a good scientific level and is distinguished by the logic of construction. The results obtained in this work allow us to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the legal regulation of foreign exchange transactions in the Russian Federation.

Based on the foregoing, I believe that the final qualifying work of student Alekseev Oleg Semenovich fully complies with the requirements for such tasks and deserves an "excellent" rating, and if it is successfully defended, the author can be recommended the qualification "Lawyer" in the specialty "Jurisprudence".

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Thesis review

The thesis on the topic "Analysis of the financial activity of an enterprise (on the example of Inavtoservice LLC)" was completed by the student in full and in accordance with the requirements.

Ensuring the effective functioning of the enterprise requires economically competent management of its activities, which is largely determined by the ability to analyze it. The analysis of financial and economic activity is an indispensable element of both financial management at an enterprise and economic relations with its partners, with the financial and credit system, with tax authorities, etc.

Currently, the market economy in the Russian Federation is gaining momentum. Along with it, competition is gaining strength as the main mechanism for regulating the economic process, increasing the independence of enterprises, their economic and legal responsibility. The importance of the financial stability of business entities is sharply increasing. All this significantly increases the role of analyzing their financial condition: the availability, placement and use of funds.

The basis of information support for the analysis of the financial condition is the financial statements, which should contain the data necessary for: making informed management decisions in the field of investment policy; assessment of the dynamics of changes in the profit of the enterprise; evaluation of the use of available resources of the enterprise.

The above circumstances fully affect a specific section of economic analysis in enterprises - analysis and assessment of the solvency and financial stability of an enterprise, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic of the thesis.

In the thesis work of the student Regarov I.L. reflects the analysis and assessment of the solvency and financial stability of the enterprise. The development of recommendations for improving the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is noted.

The work under review includes: an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and appendices that present the company's financial statements.

The first chapter discusses in detail the theoretical foundations of the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise. According to these sources of information, the main of which is the financial statements of the organization, the methodology for analyzing the financial condition of the enterprise is considered. The description of the theoretical aspects on this topic is presented correctly, using literary and electronic sources.

In the second chapter Regarov I.L. pays attention to the issue of preliminary characteristics of the financial condition of INAVTOSERVICE LLC: analyzes the composition and structure of the enterprise's funds and sources of their formation, analysis of the composition and structure of current assets by risk, analysis of receivables.

The third chapter is devoted to an internal in-depth analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise, where the author presents an analysis of the liquidity of the balance sheet and solvency of the enterprise, an analysis of the turnover of the assets of the enterprise and a general analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise. In the paper, the author considers measures to improve the financial position of INAVTOSERVICE LLC.

In conclusion, general conclusions are given on the qualification work and proposals that can be adopted by the management of the enterprise.

The diploma work indicates that the student is well versed in normative and methodological materials, is able to analyze statistical data and apply the information received for practical purposes.

The work is written in an economically literate language using factual data, graphic material and specialized literature, correctly formatted, the topic is fully disclosed, the calculation procedure, final figures and the results of comparing the data obtained with standard values ​​are available.

Along with the positive aspects outlined in the thesis, it should be noted that it would be more effective to clearly formulate the concept of performance efficiency and conclusions for each of the chapters. However, these shortcomings do not detract from the creative approach.

Degree work Regarova I.L. is an independent study, has theoretical and practical value, meets the requirements for the thesis. The student deserves the appropriate qualification "economist" and an excellent mark, subject to a successful defense.

Thesis reviewer:

Date: "____" _______________201

Feedback on the thesis

student Regarov Ivan Leonidovich

Analysis of the financial activity of the enterprise

The thesis on the topic "Analysis of the financial activity of an enterprise (on the example of LLC "Inavtoservis")" in content and volume meets the requirements for graduation theses in the specialty "Finance and Credit".

The topic of this thesis is very relevant, because in the conditions of market relations, one of the tasks of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is analysis and evaluation. Since the assessment of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is characterized by a set of indicators that reflect the process of formation and use of its financial resources, then in a market economy it reflects the final results of the enterprise. The analysis of financial and economic activity is an indispensable element of both financial management at an enterprise and economic relations with its partners, with the financial and credit system, and with tax authorities.

A comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activities is the scientific basis for making managerial decisions in business. To substantiate them, it is necessary to identify and predict existing and potential problems, production and financial risks, to determine the impact of decisions made on the level of risks and income of a business entity. Therefore, the possession of a methodology for a comprehensive analysis of financial and economic activities by managers of all levels is an integral part of their professional training.

Financial analysis is the calculation, interpretation and evaluation of a set of financial indicators that characterize various aspects of the company's activities.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the financial activities of LLC "Inavtoservis".

In this thesis, an analysis of the financial activities of LLC "Inavtoservis" was carried out, measures were developed that would improve the financial condition of the enterprise. Thus, the purpose of this work is fulfilled.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters of the main content, which successfully complement each other, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

In the first chapter of this thesis, the concept of "analysis" is introduced, its role in managing the activities of an enterprise is described, its content, types, purpose, tasks, principles are considered, its main methods, techniques are highlighted, and indicators characterizing financial and economic activities are studied.

The second chapter gives a preliminary description of the financial condition of the enterprise under study according to the balance sheet.

The third chapter provides an internal in-depth analysis of the liquidity, solvency and financial stability of Inavtoservice LLC.

Based on the results of the analysis, it was revealed that there are reserves for increasing profits at Inavtoservice LLC by increasing sales.

Head Antonov V.D.

Feedback on the graduation project

student Vitanov Arkady Sergeevich

Analysis of activities and increase in the profitability of a trading enterprise

The graduation project was completed in accordance with the guidelines in full. The theme of the project corresponds to the profile of the specialty and is quite relevant. The diploma student solves the following issues: development and comprehensive justification of measures to bring a grocery store out of the crisis, justification of methods for maintaining a competitive market economy.

In the graduation project, the current state of the market economy is considered. An analysis of the development of the microdistrict and the competitors available in it was carried out. The consequences of the economic crisis of August 1998 were also studied, directions for accounting and neutralizing its consequences were developed.

A feasibility study was carried out for the lease of part of the retail space. An original marketing strategy has been developed. Calculation of expected revenues, financial results. Technical and organizational measures have been developed to implement the developed solutions, taking into account the conditions of life safety and ensuring proper environmental friendliness.

In general, the content and volume of the project fully correspond to the task and the profile of the specialty, characterize the sufficient theoretical preparation of the performer, and meet the requirements. The method of competition developed in the project is of practical importance. The graphic part is made qualitatively and fully reflects the content of the explanatory note. The diploma project deserves high marks, and Vitanov Arkady Sergeevich is awarded the qualification "Manager".

Head Tulaykin V.N.

Feedback on the thesis

students Cherkina Anna Anatolyevna

Directions of investment cooperation in the development of foreign economic activity of Russian companies

The thesis on the theme: "Directions of investment cooperation in the development of foreign economic activity of Russian firms" was completed in accordance with the Program of the State Educational Standard within the framework of the specialty "World Economy". In terms of structure, content and design, this thesis meets the requirements. The diploma work is done on a topical topic.

The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and appendices. The introduction shows the relevance of this topic. In the first chapter, the author, using various literary sources, examines the essence and significance of foreign investment for the world economy, as well as the direction of investment cooperation. In the second chapter, the author conducts an economic analysis of the economic activities of a particular enterprise. In the third chapter, the author calculates an investment project for the enterprise under study and analyzes the significance of foreign investment for the real sector of the economy. In the final part of the work, the author sums up the study of the topic, formulates conclusions and suggestions. The work is illustrated with graphic material, comparative characteristics, tables, graphs and diagrams.

Student Cherkina A.A. conscientiously reacted to the implementation of the thesis, showed the ability to independently analyze economic and statistical indicators, draw reasoned conclusions and suggestions.

The diploma work meets the requirements and can be admitted to the defense.

Head Senchenkova O.B.

Feedback on the thesis

students Argonianova Oksana Andreevna

Assessment of the creditworthiness of individuals

The problem of increasing the creditworthiness of individuals in the difficult conditions of the financial crisis becomes very important, as the risk of default increases. This leads to the need for banks to improve the system for assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers. Therefore, the relevance of the chosen topic of the thesis is beyond doubt.

The thesis consists of an introduction, three interrelated chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and applications.

The author's recommendations for improving the methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of individual borrowers are quite specific and follow from the study. Particularly noteworthy are such proposals of the author as automating the process of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers and reconciling the passport data provided by the borrower, information on income and real estate with the data of the Pension Fund, the Bureau of Technical Inventory, the Passport and Visa Service, Credit Bureaus and the State Road Safety Inspectorate.

The work is framed in accordance with the established requirements, contains analytical tables and figures that increase the clarity of the text material.

The theme of the final qualifying work is disclosed quite deeply and fully. The purpose and tasks of the work have been achieved. The work has the character of a completed study, which allows us to evaluate it as "excellent".

Head Stepanov S.A.

for graduate work

Topic:"Quality management in the system of higher education in economic specialties (on the example of the Faculty of Economics of the Sibay Institute (branch) of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State University")".

Relevance of the topic: the priority of improving the quality of educational services in universities within the framework of the national project "Education" and the need to integrate domestic higher education into the Bologna process, as well as the backwardness of economic education from world standards determine the relevance of the chosen topic.

Level of elaboration of the topic: the subject matter is covered.

Evaluation of used literary sources: considered a sufficient amount of literary sources, presented as monographs and manuals, as well as periodicals of recent years; analyzed the legal framework governing the subject area under study.

Analysis of the content of the work: the goal and objectives of the study have been achieved. The work has an internal unity, the logic of the study is observed. The problems identified by the author of the formation of the education quality system on the example of the Faculty of Economics of the Sibay Institute (branch) of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State University" and the ways to solve them are sufficiently substantiated, which is ensured by a constructive generalization of theoretical approaches on the research topic, the integrated use of general and private scientific research methods, and can be recognized as reliable due to the involvement of an extensive empirical base characterizing the current state of the object of study.

Practical significance and applicability of the conclusions and proposals of the author: the results of the final qualifying work are of high practical importance and are applicable in the process of developing measures to improve the quality of education at the Faculty of Economics of the Sibay Institute (branch) of the Bashkir State University.

Notes: missing.

Conclusion on compliance with the requirements, recommended assessment and the possibility of assigning the appropriate qualification: the work fully complies with the requirements, the author deserves a high positive assessment and the qualification of a manager in the specialty "Organization Management".

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signature F.I.O.

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job title

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and place of work


Approximate topics of the WRC in the specialty 080507 "Management of the organization" Innovation management

    Analysis and improvement of innovative activity in an organization (on the example of a specific organization (enterprise) or institution).

    Formation of conditions for the implementation of research and development (on the example of a specific organization (enterprise) or institution).

    Development of a venture company management system (on the example of a specific organization (enterprise) or institution).

    Design new products(on the example of a specific organization (enterprise) or institution).

    Justification of the program for introducing a new product to the market (on the example of a specific organization (enterprise) or institution).

    Implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of enterprises.

    Formation of innovative regional infrastructure and its impact on the development of innovative business in the region.

    Experience of state support of innovative small business in developed countries and in Russia.

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