The most famous fairy tales about spring. Bedtime story about spring

Recipes 13.08.2019

Fairy tale for preschoolers "This is such magic."

Material Description: to tell children about the changes that occur in the spring with plants, birds and animals, you can tell children 5-7 years old by getting to know my fairy tale.
Targets and goals: to acquaint children with the changes taking place in the living and inanimate nature spring, develop cognitive interest.

The cold and frosty Zimushka Winter reigned for a long time on earth, but her reign once comes to an end. The last winter month, the blizzard February, has ended, and it’s time to give way to the first spring month, March, also still snowy, but already a little warm and sunny . The time has finally come for the charming beauty of Spring.

Spring looked at her possessions and thinks: "Where would I start?" And the first thing Spring decided to do was ask the warm Sun to warm it up harder. And the Sun is just happy. It straightened its warm rays and began to bake the earth harder. The winter snow immediately turned black, wrinkled and began to melt. Brooks murmured, ran to different sides. Here and there, small thawed patches began to appear, which became larger and larger.
The earth peeks out from under the snow, warms under warm sunbeams, and the bugs and spiders, which slept underground all winter, also felt warm and began to crawl out into the sun, wanted to warm themselves, and they were tired of sleeping underground all winter.
And the birds are right there. They saw bugs and spiders, they were delighted. They missed the winter for such delicious food. And then other birds, larks, rooks, starlings, began to return from warm lands. They were tired of wandering around foreign lands, they wanted to go home as soon as possible. They flew in and immediately began to make nests, lay eggs and hatch chicks.
Spring looked around. Well, how did it happen!!! Beauty!!! And the Sun bakes even stronger. Already the first flowers began to appear - snowdrops. The snowdrops opened their beautiful delicate bells and immediately everything around became elegant. The birds looked around and their songs began to twitter even more cheerfully. And after the snowdrops and on the trees, the buds began to swell and the leaves to bloom.
Vesna is satisfied with her work. But that's not all...
Spring went to wake up different animals that sleep all winter. First of all, Spring went to the lair to the clubfoot Mishka. and the raccoon woke up. All the animals got out of their minks, warmed themselves in the sun and ran to look for food, because during the winter they were very hungry, completely emaciated.
And the bunnies quickly changed their fur coats from white to gray, otherwise the fox or wolf will quickly be caught. And the squirrels, too, have changed their gray winter coats for summer red ones and are jumping, satisfied, along the branches.
Spring looks around and is overjoyed. The sun is warming. Everything around is green - both the earth and the trees. Beetles and spiders crawl on the ground, birds hatch eggs in nests on trees, animals have begun to acquire offspring. Everything around is joyful and carefree.
Here is such a magic!!!

Winter lasted so long that everyone did not even hope to wait for the heat.

- Oh oh oh! Grass sighed under the snow. - How long can you sleep? Under the snow, of course, warm, but boring. It would be more like spring. Everyone would see how tender, fresh, bright green I am!

- I want to see the sun! Snowdrop squeaked in a thin voice. - Although I am small, but strong, hardened, I am not afraid of frost. It would be time for me to break through the snow to show everyone that spring has come. People will see me and be happy. For them, I am the first herald of spring.

The Bear stirred in the lair, opened one eye - it was dark, looked out of the lair - snow.

- I have already laid all my sides! Mishka growled. I was emaciated, I ate the entire supply of fat. There is nothing more to eat. Paw tired of sucking. When will spring come?!

Hamster woke up from the bear's roar.

- What happened? Why is the Bear growling? Is it already spring? the Hamster shouted awake. And I haven't run out of supplies yet. I brought so many of them into the mink for the winter that it will last until the summer.

He looked out of the mink, and it was winter outside.

“I just woke up in vain,” the Hamster grumbled, “there is no spring like no. You can still take a nap.

Nearby, in a mink, the Marmot was fast asleep. He never wakes up until spring. No matter how much the Hamster shouted to him, he could not wake up his friend.

But then a big black Rook sat on a birch branch.

- Inhabitants of the forest! Stop sleeping! I brought you spring! he shouted to the whole forest. - She's getting really close. Meet her!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to prepare for the meeting.

Questions and tasks

- Why did all the inhabitants of the forest want spring to come?

What was Grass mourning under the snow?

Why was the Bear grumbling angrily?

Why didn't Hamster want spring to come?

— Which of forest dwellers Hamster couldn't wake up?

- Who brought the first news of spring to the inhabitants of the forest?

- Imagine yourself as the inhabitants of the forest at the end of winter and role-play the fairy tale.

- Show how Grass and Snowdrop wintered, and then the sun warmed up, they looked out from under the snow, rejoiced at the sun, began to grow; a little cold from the morning frosts, then warmed up.

— Draw a forest in early spring.

Think of a sequel to the story. Who else has woken up from their winter hibernation? Who already had cubs in the winter? Who did not sleep all winter and waited for spring more than anyone else?

The astronomical beginning of spring is the days spring equinox March 20-21. At this time, the revival of nature is felt. It is no coincidence that the old Russian name for March is a protalnik, a solar pro-talnik. In Russian folk oral literature, many poetic lines, songs-sentences dedicated to spring have been preserved, for example:

Spring is red! What did you come on? On a bipod, on a harrow, On an oatmeal sheaf. Rye little wheel! Spring is red! What did you bring us? Red fly!

Let's start with what we wrote a long time ago: « spring fairy tale» D. N. Sadovnikova, 1880

Children, spring is in the yard! An icicle on a frozen window Reminds me of a fairy tale about a sweet spring in the morning.

In the realm of the harsh Winter There is no fuss, Only the cruel Frost Walks everywhere with a stick.

Everyone has left the Frost, Everyone to whom life is dear, Only the trees stand: They were crushed by snow ... There is nowhere for the forest to go: It has grown into the ground with its roots ... Walks around and knocks White Frost with a stick.

In the realm of Spring, young Everything lives differently: Streams run loudly, Ice rushes noisily: Where Spring passes In the brilliance of its beauty, Dress up in the green of the meadow And flowers run out.

"Honey, sing, tell me, What did you see in a dream?" -

Frisky children scream, Noisily running to Spring. Heard Frost about Spring, Thinks: “Let me take a look, I’ll look at people myself, I’ll show myself to people. Why am I not a bridegroom for Spring? (Thoughts come to him).

And if he doesn’t want to, then I’ll take him as a wife by force! I’m old, but what’s the trouble, Still, I’m the king in the district. All the creature obeys me in these places ... "

I got ready and went on the road, Leaving my girlfriend Blizzard, The one that makes a snowy winter in a cold winter.

Everyone's favorite Spring brings a messenger, A motley comrade of people - Our homely starling.

In the morning I saw Frost ... We are all in great trouble: He got angry again, He wants to return the cold. I saw it myself: it became white and white in the fields, I saw blue glass of ice on still water. He himself with a large beard, White and strict in appearance ...

We don’t let him in, but he: “I’m going to woo!” – he says.

How much, how little, he overslept in this ravine, Only woke up when - He became surprisingly small. The children ran in a crowd into the forest to pick bird cherry ... That's how the ice lies - They took Spring to show.

Children! Have you been in the forest? Didn't you get Frost? Only found an icicle! Here it is! I brought it in my pocket! Hearing these words, Everyone laughed around: Birds, flowers and streams, Lake, grove and meadow. So, the queen herself Laughed to tears ... Grandfather White Frost made her laugh a lot

This author of the second half of the 19th century is little known and published. D. Sadovnikov is the author of the poem "Because of the island on the rod", which has become a popular Russian song. In a book published in 1963 poems of this poet were selected for children, glorifying the Volga and based on folk traditions, legends, fairy tales.

And in modern literature about spring there are more poems than fairy tales. But the more valuable those that managed to collect. Russian folk tales not much about spring. winter fairy tale"Snegurochka" is one of the first, mentioned as spring. And this story was told in winter review.A. N. Ostrovsky defined the genre of his not at all children's play "The Snow Maiden" as a spring fairy tale (in four acts with a prologue).

Also - at the junction of winter and spring - the heroes of a famous fairy tale live "Fox, Hare and Rooster"

and lesser known "How Spring Overcame Winter".Among the Ural tales there is a fairy tale "Vesenushka", which starts like this:

“Why do you think spring is so good? Why is the sun warm and gentle? Why do flowers start to bloom? Why do people look more cheerfully at this time?

You say, I suppose nature changes its appearance! I will not argue, according to science it turns out. The sun will rise above the earth, pour its grace over it - so the red spring has come. And in previous years (a long time ago!) This is what they said about this time.

Most of what is written about spring, in terms of genre, is a fairy tale-story. And then the beginning went from the classics: L. N. Tolstoy "Spring has come", excerpt "Anna Karenina" part two, chapter XII, A.P. Chekhov “In the Spring”, “Meeting of Spring: (Discourse)”, Alexander Kuprin “Starlings”.

Konstantin Paustovsky "Steel ring"

Skrebitsky G.A.: “The Tale of Spring”, “Happy Bug, “Spring is an Artist”. An excerpt from the story of Skrebitsky G.A. “The Rooks Have Arrived”: “ The rooks are the first to arrive. There is still snow all around, and they are already importantly walking along the roads - black, white-nosed. The rooks will choose a park or a grove and begin to arrange nests. All day long they make noise, breaking branches for nests. Old nests are repaired, new nests are built. And in the evening they will sit at their nests and sleep until morning. Back to work in the morning! Rooks hurry! It's time to hatch the chicks. Rooks are the earliest chicks. The leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees, and the kids are already screaming, asking for food.Georgy Skrebitsky. Pathfinder Tales. There are 6 stories in the book: Spring song, The most stubborn, Cunning bird, Happy bug, Mysterious find, Invisible creaker. The book is recommended for independent reading. primary school. The content of the stories is interesting and accessible.

The classics include part "Spring" in Mowgli- Second Jungle Book R.D. Kipling.

Many spring fairy tales were written by authors who wrote (and are writing) about nature, about the inhabitants of forests and fields. The most famous of them: Ivan Sokolov-Mikitov: Sat. "Spring in the Forest" (stories: Through the dense thickets, Early morning, At the edge of the forest, In the ravine, Bear family, Lynx's lair, By the old pine, At the edge, In early spring, Above the swamp, Evening in the forest).

"Spring is red", "How spring came to the North". His stories on Sat. "Blue Days": "Spring in Chun", "In the homeland of birds: heralds of spring, the onset of spring", "Spring in the tundra".

Vitaly Bianchi: « I have always tried to write my fairy tales and stories in such a way that they are accessible to adults as well. And now I realized that all my life I have been writing for adults who have kept a child in their souls. Works about spring by Vitaliy Bianchi: "Hare, Kosach, Bear and Spring". In the book "Forest were and fables": "Sinichkin calendar (spring months)",

Bird talk: "Spring Birds Talk". Small stories under the general heading: "Spring". A small book for reading by syllables: "Hare, Kosach, Bear and Spring".

Nikolai Sladkov- a well-known naturalist writer, friend and associate of Vitaly Bianchi. In his collection « forest hiding places. Stories and fairy tales» There are texts for each month:

March: Winter debts, Hare dance, Spring streams, Polite jackdaw, First winged songs, Black grouse notes, Warm trickle, Oatmeal advice, Bear and sun, Stunning shower, What did the magpie sing about? Desperate Traveler, Glass Rain, Arithmetic Titmouse, Thawed Incidents.

April Two on the same log, Footprints and the sun, Spring bath, Early bird, Forest werewolves, Inhuman steps, Singer, Vacuum cleaner, Uninvited guests, Swans, A lifetime, Thrush and owl, Dancers, Philip and Fedya, Cheerful old women, Flags in the swamp, Woodpecker's ring, Drummer, Willow feast, Five black grouse, Whispering footprints, Everyone wants to sing, Forest scallop.

May: invited guest, Birds brought spring, Confused copses, Lover of flowers, Hot time, Nest, Husky cuckoo, Chizhik, Woodpecker, New voice, Sparrow's spring, Trees, Nightingale sings, Happy birthday, An extra nail, Why does the fox a long tail? Angry Kettles, Night Cuckoo.

There is a wonderful book: Nikolai Sladkov "Spring joys". Artist: Kapustina Tatyana. Publisher: Amfora, 2010 Series: Artists for children.

Later he writes wonderful tales Sergey Kozlov- and there are also several fairy tales on the theme of spring: Pure birds, Forest thaw, Spring fairy tale, How the Hedgehog went to meet the dawn, Unusual spring. Some of these tales are in the collection Sergei Kozlov: "Tales".

Vladimir Suteev: "Spring". Collection of stories about Masha and Vanya Knopochkin: How the winter ended.

Tove Jansson- Finnish writer, illustrator, artist, who gained worldwide fame thanks to her books about Moomin, wrote a fairy tale in this cycle "Spring Song".

Elena Ermolova Illustrator: Inna Koltushina "Spring Tale". A book in the Reading by Syllables series. Good fairy tale about animals.

Yulia Kasparova "Spring Stories". A book from the series "Reading with Vanechka and Sonechka". The book is intended for joint activities of an adult with a baby: mother reads one page, and the child reads the next one. Funny stories about the ventures and adventures of Vanya and Sonya, game tasks with letters, syllables, words and simple sentences, as well as good illustrations.

A. Goncharova “Enya and Elya. Spring stories». Spring stories about raccoons from the Magic Forest help to have fun and usefully spend time, introduce the laws of friendship, talk about magic power words and teach to notice the beauty in every season. The stories are adorned with gorgeous illustrations and complemented by a fun quiz.

Interesting collection “Spring is red, what did you come for?” was published in 2012 - Encyclopedia of children's folklore. Calendar songs, fairy tales and tunes to them, included in the book, were collected by musicologist-folklorist, member of the Union of Composers of Russia Georgy Markovich Naumenko for thirty years in folklore expeditions in Ivanovo, Kostroma, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Smolensk, Kursk, Bryansk, Ryazan and other regions . There are a lot of fairy tales and songs about spring.

And another amazing collection. Spring Herald. Collection for children» compiled on the basis of materials from the pre-revolutionary magazines Firefly, Guiding Light, Sincere Word and many others, published under the editorship of the wonderful children's writer Alexandra Fedorova-Davydova. The book also includes works by poets and writers of the 19th-20th centuries: Alexander Ishimov, Nikolai Leskov, Nikolai Pozdnyakov, Leonid Velsky and others; poems, stories and essays by various authors about animals.

Bruno Bear's Spring by Gunilla Ingves Bear Bruno and his dog Lolla are the heroes of 4 picture books created by contemporary Swedish artist Gunilla Ingves. Each book is dedicated to one of the seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn - and it describes one day in the life of the characters, filled with activities and entertainment "in season". In the book “Spring of Bruno Bears”, a bear and a dog go for a walk in the morning to see what has changed in nature with the onset of spring. They watch how birds build nests and hatch chicks, how young grass breaks through last year's foliage, how insects wake up. They learn to distinguish by the voices of songbirds - a lark, a woodpecker, an owl, plant seedlings and do spring cleaning in the house.

Jill Barklem "Spring Story". The author - one of the most popular children's authors and illustrators in England - invites you to Blackberry Glade! Here, on the other side of the stream, behind the field, among the roots and in the old tree trunks, cheerful mice live, with which different stories happen. Published in Russia for the first time.

Sophie Cusharrier "The Green Book of Spring". A book in the seasons series. In this one there are signs of spring: hatched leaves, melted snow, hidden fur coats. The child will learn and understand why nature changes with spring. The book scientifically, but "childishly" explains how the Earth moves around the Sun, how it tilts its axis, and how the amount of light and heat that hits the Earth changes. In the book, you and your child will find a lot of useful information: how a butterfly appears, when trees grow fastest, what seasonal vegetables and fruits are waiting for us in the spring, why the clock is changed, and much more.

Voskresenskaya Valentina Pavlovna, teacher of GBOU School No. 121, d / o 28A, Moscow
Purpose: This author's fairy tale will be useful for educators working with children aged 5-7, for teachers of grades 1-3, for parents. The fairy tale can be used as a model for compiling stories and fairy tales in spring themes, about friendship, about obedience, and can also be used for dramatization.
Description: With the advent of spring, everything changes in the forest: the fur coats of a bunny and squirrels change, hedgehogs and bears wake up after a long winter hibernation (they were awakened by a cheerful stream), primroses appear that cannot be torn, but you can only admire them, because they are listed in the Red Book. We learn about all this while traveling through the forest with friends Antoshka the bunny and Vera the squirrel.
A fairy tale should teach children to love nature, to see its beauty, to notice changes, and also to be obedient.
Target: Acquaintance with the phenomena in nature with the advent of spring through the eyes of two friends.
1. Systematize knowledge about spring changes in nature.
2. Develop dialogic speech, activate vocabulary.
3. Be able to consistently convey the events of a fairy tale.
4. To cultivate the ability to be friends, to be obedient.
5. Cultivate feelings of love for native nature, the ability to appreciate and protect its beauty.

On the edge of the forest, next door, lived a family of hares and squirrels. They lived together and visited each other.

Spring has come. Mommy hare and mommy squirrel started a big cleaning in their houses. Older hares and squirrels began to help their mothers with pleasure. But in these families there were also kids, and such fidgets: the mother of the hare had the hare Antoshka, and the mother of the squirrels had the squirrel Verochka: they not only helped, but hindered.

And the mothers, without saying a word, sent the kids for a walk, ordering them not to go far from home. They were very happy to meet Antoshka with Verochka, because they were great friends, as they say, not to spill with water. The squirrel Verochka looked at her friend and did not recognize him.
“Where is your white coat?” she asked.
- I'm in the spring white coat I don’t wear it, now I have a gray little coat, which I will wear until next winter, - Antoshka answered, - do you also have a different fur coat?
Yes, I'm going to be a redhead now.
Friends began to play catch-up, leapfrog, hide and seek, swing on a swing.

But suddenly it became boring for them to play together, and, forgetting about mother's orders, friends, do not go far from home, singing a song of their own composition:
Let's go to the forest, we'll go, we'll go,
and we will find friends for ourselves, we will find, we will find, -
Bunny Antoshka and squirrel Verochka, holding tightly by the paws, hopping merrily, ran into the forest.
And it was already spring in the forest.

The first thing they saw was a cheerful sonorous stream. He murmured, rang like a bell, ran up to every bush, tree and ran on.
“Why are you running up to the trees?” asked friends.
-The roots of bushes, trees will drink my water, wake up, open their "green eyes" - buds, and leaves will bloom, and then flowers.
“Play with us,” the friends asked.
- No, sorry, I have no time, I still have a lot of work, - the brook answered and, ringing merrily, ran on.
Antoshka and Verochka continued their journey in search of friends.
Nearby someone sniffed, puffed. The kids looked closely and saw a hedgehog, which was also awakened by a fast-flowing stream.
- Won't you play with us, Yozhinka? - Friends asked.
- Well, just a little, because it's still very damp here, a lot of water - the snow is melting - my paws are cold.
We found a dry clearing, and Yozhinka and the squirrel Verochka began to dance.

Thanking Yozhinka, the little animals - "children" continued their journey and saw the bear cub Mishutka with her mother bear. They were also awakened by our familiar stream.

-Wet, it became damp in the den, it's time to leave it - spring, spring, - said mother bear.
They refused to play, suggesting that the squirrel and the bunny come later, in the summer, when it will be dry, warm and green and then you can play hide and seek.

And then the bunny Antoshka and the squirrel Verochka saw a clearing with the first spring flowers - snowdrops and crocuses. They wanted to pick bouquets of flowers, but remembered that this was not allowed. These flowers are listed in the Red Book: older sisters and brothers read about it to them.

A lot of time has passed, and friends remembered that it was time for them to go home, but they no longer remembered the way back. They got upset, they cried. But then the beautiful Spring herself approached them.

She offered to walk them home. From her warm feet, with which she stepped on the ground, there was a dry path without snow. Antoshka and Verochka ran after Spring and very soon found themselves near their houses. Moms finished cleaning, cooked delicious lunches and already began to worry: there were no kids near the houses. And here they are with Spring.
Bunny Antoshka and squirrel Verochka reassured their mothers, they promised not to run far away without permission.

They thanked the beautiful Vesna for her help. Spring continued on its way, leaving behind thawed patches, on which the first spring flowers appeared, and friends vying with each other began to talk about their adventures in the spring forest.

If in December we rejoice in winter, then in February we want warmth and bright sun more and more. It turns out that this phenomenon is explained not by the inconstancy of people, but by the laws of nature. Probably, many have noticed that, starting from mid-February, winter weakens its forces as if it is preparing to leave. Why this happens, as well as the need for an alternate change of seasons, this fairy tale about spring will tell you.
Somehow, Winter decided not to cede her powers to spring, but to establish an eternal kingdom of ice and snow.
- I'm the smartest and most powerful! Why should I give up my seat to some Spring? No, I won't go anywhere, I won't let anyone in! Everyone will know who Winter is. she said, starting a new blizzard.

Within a few days, all the lakes were shackled with ice, the fields were covered with snow, and the frost was so strong that the forest animals did not even try to get out of their minks. Birds suffered the most. They waited for the frost to pass, but that day did not come. Suspecting something was wrong, several brave birds went to the halls of Winter to find out what was the matter. They returned very frightened and upset.

A fairy tale about Spring, which is always in a hurry to help

Poor hungry birds sat in the garden and wept. They learned about the insidious plan of Winter and understood that they could not survive the eternal cold and hard frost.
- My poor chicks, they dreamed of seeing butterflies so much. one of them lamented.
- So our end has come, we will all die without feeling the spring warmth. another continued.
The smallest bird was the bravest. She decided that it was useless to cry and grieve.
“Are you going to sit idly by, waiting for new frosts?” Let's call Spring, she will definitely be able to defeat the evil Winter.
- I'm already here! You don't have to look for anyone. – suddenly I heard a thin pleasant voice. Turning around, the birds saw a real miracle: in the middle of winter and frost, flowers bloomed in the garden. beautiful lilies of the valley, trees blossomed, and an inexplicable aroma soared in the air. Spring was before them.
What happened, my dear birds? Why are you crying so loudly? I heard you and hurried to help. Spring explained her appearance. Hearing about the dishonest ideas of Winter, she was very upset and confidently headed for the icy halls.

The Tale of Spring: the miraculous power of sincerity and kindness

Where the young beauty stepped, the snow immediately melted and young grass made its way. The aroma of fresh herbs and flowers reached Winter. She was surprised and went out to see who dared to disturb her. Seeing Spring, Winter was very angry.
– What are you doing here? Nobody called you, it's still early! she said in an angry voice.
“I came when I heard a bird cry and a call for help. What are you thinking, huh? Spring was not afraid.
- Already reported? Yes, it is true, now I will reign forever on earth. And you can get away. Having said this, Winter smiled menacingly and pointed her staff towards Spring to freeze her. But as soon as he touched the girl, he immediately came to life. Green branches covered with flowers began to bloom. Zima did not like this very much, she was already shaking with anger.
“Darling, you don’t understand at all. After all, the change of seasons is not someone's whim, but a necessity. Only such a cycle can provide life for nature, trees, plants, animals and people. Spring tried to calm her down, but this angered Winter even more.
- Expensive? Do you still dare to laugh at me? Well, I'll arrange for you now! she shouted, opening her snowsack.
Realizing that Winter wants to start a strong blizzard, Spring hurried to take away the bag and at that moment flowers fell from it instead of snow. Seeing everything that was happening, Winter was very frightened. She understood that Spring would destroy her with just one touch of her hand, so she decided to retreat.
- Okay, you got it. I got it and won't do it again. You can go home, because I still have a legal two weeks. I'll start packing up and not increase the frost. Winter promised.
Hearing these words, the happy birds began to sing joyfully and glorify the miraculous power of sincerity and kindness. They sensed that the spring revival of nature was already near and no one could interfere with it.

This story happened many years ago, but in memory of it, the Aptitude is celebrated every year. And even if it is still cold and snowing on that day, the birds remember a wonderful fairy tale about spring in the garden, which gives confidence in the inevitable approach of spring warmth. After all, sincere kindness and beauty always win.

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