Open lesson about spring. Lesson summary on the topic “Spring

Helpful Hints 07.07.2019
Helpful Hints

A series of lessons on the development of speech.

Theme "Spring"


Clarify and systematize children's ideas about spring changes in nature.
1. Activate the vocabulary of children with concepts from the topic of the lesson.
2. Develop coherent speech: the ability to understand others to express their thoughts, to use grammatical structures correctly.
3. Develop dialogic and monologue (explanatory) speech, the ability to correctly build complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words: what, when, which, because.
4. Development of interest in theatrical games.
1. Cultivate a respectful attitude to the answers of peers.
2. Contribute to the formation of children's interest in nature.

Lesson number 1.

Theme: March.

Spring in sayings and proverbs appears different. She is either cheerful - she pleases with the sun, then she is sad - she cries with rain, then she gives warmth, then she throws a snowball. In sayings and proverbs, it is noted that spring can be capricious. In spring, nature comes to life, birds fly, trees bloom. Spring - awakening from sleep.
There are many proverbs and sayings about the spring months. March - happy with the sun, April - will open the door, May - walk as much as you want!
March is the first month of spring. In sayings and proverbs, March is called a drip, a thorn. This is the month of the awakening of nature, the time of the first thaws. March snowball - not lying. March has one foot in a felt boot, the other in a boot, a blizzard in his left hand, rain in his right hand, frost behind his shoulders, fog under the skirt. In sayings and proverbs, March is associated with the arrival of rooks, the singing of a lark, it is said about the spring solstice and the first, still young, streams. March troublesome - streams from the mountains.
According to folk custom, spring in Russia was met not once, but three times. Dahl writes: First spring on Evdokia(March 14, new style).

The second spring - for the forty martyrs of Sebaste or forty saints(March 22) when larks bake; here a sandpiper has already arrived from overseas, brought spring from captivity.

And finally on the Annunciation(April 7) the third meeting, spring overcame winter ... Arrival of swallows; release the birds."

But red spring, but hungry. The bins are empty, the family has to hang out, overdo it, eating up the last stocks. They say: took the spring feast with shami, that is, there is nothing but empty cabbage soup.

And for the peasant, spring is both joy and care. Daughters do not want to work, they are too lazy to spin, the spring sun beckons them. Laugh: in spring the days are long, but the thread is short. They pour out on their foreheads, on their noses, on their cheeks they have funny, funny freckles. Girls lead round dances, sing spring songs - stoneflies.

M. Sadovsky.

All winter
White snow
And in March I took
And turned black.
Turned black with annoyance
What people
The sun is happy!

-Color the drawing

- Game "Spring".

All people are smiling

Spring, spring, spring!

They go in circles.

She is everywhere, she is everywhere

Red, red, red!

Raise your arms above your head and rhythmically clap your hands.

Through the meadow, forest and clearing

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming!

They move rhythmically in place.

Get warm in the sun

Calling, calling, calling!

Wave both hands towards you.

And fervently in the forest stream

Ringing, ringing, ringing!

They snap their fingers rhythmically.

On pebbles in a wide river

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

They rub their palms.

Spreads odors everywhere

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

Make a “bud” out of your fingers.

And all living things immediately hear

Spring call!

They put their hand to their ear.

They clap their hands.

-Read and prepare to retell the story.

Spring came

Spring came. Rushing streams gurgled through the wet streets. Everything became brighter than in winter: houses, fences, people's clothes, the sky, and the sun. You screw up your eyes from the May sun, it's so bright. And in a special way it gently warms, as if stroking everyone.

Tree buds swelled in the gardens. The branches of the trees swayed in the fresh wind and whispered their spring song almost audibly.

The chocolate flakes burst like they're shooting, and green tails are shown. Both the forest and the garden smell in a special way - greenery, thawed earth, something fresh. These are the kidneys different trees resonate with different scents. You sniff a bird cherry bud - the bitter-tasting smell reminds you of the white tassels of its flowers. And birch has its own special aroma, gentle and light.

Smells fill the whole forest. In the spring forest breathe easily and freely. And a short, but such a gentle and joyful song of a robin has already begun to ring. If you listen to it, you can make out the familiar words: “Glory, glory all around!” The young, verdant forest whistles, shimmers in every way.

Joyfully, young in heaven, and on earth, and in the heart of man.

-Game "Spring Words"

All players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The one who catches the ball must name something spring (sunny) and immediately throw the ball to a friend. Whoever stumbles or makes a mistake must remain in the same position that he took when catching the ball, and can only change position when he catches the thrown ball again.


"Fairy tree (glade)"
Multi-colored butterflies, flowers, birds are attached to a common tree (clearing). The teacher negotiates with the children about the meaning of the colors or sizes of these objects. You can use the characteristic of colors by Max Luscher.To determine the mood by color, you can apply the characteristics of colors by Max Luscher: The red color of soft tones (pink, orange) is a joyful, enthusiastic mood, red is saturated and bright color- nervous, excited state, aggression; blue - sad mood, passivity, fatigue; green - activity, (but with color saturation - this is defenselessness); yellow - a pleasant, calm mood; purple - restless, anxious mood, close to disappointment; gray - isolation, chagrin; black - a dull mood, denial, protest;
brown - passivity, anxiety and uncertainty.

Lesson #2

Theme: "April".

April is the middle of spring. In sayings and proverbs, April is portrayed as a deceiver, a joker. And all because in April the weather is changeable: sometimes warm and sunny, sometimes cloudy and rainy, or even completely snowy and frosty. In April, snow melts abundantly. April is the month of high water, ice drift. April - month big water . This is the time of the mass arrival of birds, the awakening of insects, swollen buds, the breath of the earth.In April the earth dies .

S. Mikhalkov


April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields
Puddles on the roads.
Ants coming soon
After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks
Through the woods.
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

- Listen to the story. Complete the task in the reader's diary.

Spring story.

There lived gnomes in the forest. All winter they worked, helping the animals to find food, clearing snow from branches, helping the rays of the sun to break through the icicles on the trees. The gnomes loved winter, but at the end of February they missed the warmth, berries and mushrooms. The gnomes decided to call Spring to come faster.

They all gathered together, began to think how better spring call. One to speak - we must all go out together and shout: “Spring! Spring! ”, And then she will hear and immediately come. Another dwarf says in a different way: “We must sing a song quietly, how good it is in spring, how beautiful it is. Spring will hear that she is being praised, she will want to see if someone is singing, and she will hurry to us.

And so, and so they decided how to quickly call Spring. They could not decide anything, they left their houses to ask for help from the forest. They asked the river, which runs far, to call Spring. The river tells them:

- In order for me to call Spring, I need to break the ice that bound me. Here the ice breaks, I will immediately call Spring!

They asked the trees, which are the highest in the forest, to call Spring. Trees say:

- In order to call Spring, we need to dress up in new clothes from green leaves. Spring will see how beautiful we are, it will come right away!

The gnomes asked the birds that sing to call Spring. Birds say:

There are few of us in the forest in winter. Here come back those who flew south, you are together like a binge, Spring will immediately hear us and come!

And then the day came when the river broke its ice, the birds flew in, and the buds began to swell on the trees to turn into new green leaves. The gnomes were delighted that now the whole forest would call for spring, and she would definitely hear. They went out into the sun, basking, waiting for the hour to invite Spring. Ask the river

- River, you are now without ice, when will you call Spring?

River answers:

“I didn’t break the ice myself, a beautiful girl came and broke it!”

Ask the trees

- Trees, will you soon have new outfits when you call Spring?

Trees answer:

- A girl came to the forest, ran along our trunks, and our leaves began to prepare to come out of the kidneys!

Ask the birds:

- Birds, everyone has already arrived, when will you call Spring?

Birds answer:

“We couldn’t find the way home, a beautiful girl led us into the forest, we flew after her!”

And the wisest gnome stepped forward and said:

Why call Spring if she has already arrived? While we were going to call her, she had already melted the ice, and brought the birds, and dressed the trees in greenery. Wise Spring herself knows that we are waiting for her and comes at the right time.

And as soon as he said these words, a beautiful girl in a dress of flowers came out into the clearing and smiled at the gnomes. This was young Spring.


    What is this tale about? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………….

    Draw an illustration for your favorite episode from a fairy tale

    What has this story taught you? ………………………………………………………………………

-Spring in the image of artists ( descriptive story landscape painting).

Examination of the painting by I. Levitan “Spring. Big water.

Match the items to the signs.





-April notes.

What do people call April? (snowmobile)

How do you understand the meaning of this word?

On the board: April - the snowman will give everyone a drink.

April with water, May with grass.

Explain these proverbs.

Since ancient times, people have been observing nature and what they noticed:

Another proverb:

The April flower breaks the ice.

This proverb brought us to the next point of the plan.


What are the first flowers you know?

The snow is melting, streams are running,

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

The bear makes its way through the thick deadwood.

The birds began to sing songs

And blossomed ...... (snowdrop).

The play by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop" sounds

How do forest dwellers celebrate spring?

With the advent of spring, there is more food not only for birds, but also for animals. Therefore, it is in the spring that most animals have cubs. After all, the more food, the easier it is for animals to feed their cubs. Thus, all the animals at this time have cubs who still do not know how to get food on their own. Therefore, hunting for animals is prohibited at this time of the year.

scene.(bear, fox, squirrel and hedgehog).

Hello, long time no see. How did you spend the winter?

Hedgehog. I slept, lost weight.

Squirrel. I had plenty of supplies. Didn't starve. Now I feel so good, as if there was no cold winter.

Fox. And I was starving. Eating only mice.

Squirrel. Come on, fox. Every day you ran to the village for chickens. Once, barely alive, you left.

Hedgehog. Exactly, exactly. There is even a riddle about you: “A red-haired poultry house came to count the chickens.” And another proverb: "A fox will lead seven wolves."

Fox. Well, not true. Everyone deceives me. Last summer, my brother and I began to race with cancer. He grabbed my tail. And when I ran, he jumped off and said: "I'm already here."

Hedgehog. Misha, tell me how you almost overslept the spring.


No worries and no worries

The bear was sleeping in his lair.

Slept through the winter until spring

(And probably dreamed.

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up

Hear, caplet—)

Here's the trouble. Fumbled in the dark with his paw

And he jumped up - all around the water.

(The bear hurries out.)

Fills - not to sleep!

(He got out and sees puddles,

The snow is melting… Spring has come!)

"Music Test"
At the end of the lesson, children are invited to evaluate their mood according to a peculiar eight-point system: from "mi" to "mi" an octave higher. Children can attach notes on their musical groans or on a general class. It's good to know whether the minor or major mood prevailed in the lesson. Depending on this, the note stick looks down (minor) or up (major).

Lesson #3

Theme: "May

May is handsome! May shines with colors, sounds and smells. May gives us an early thunderstorm and the first thunder, the scent of fresh flowers and the flight of buzzing beetles. May is the month of lilacs and lilies of the valley. This is often mentioned in proverbs. Month of May - sing and walk.

M. Mitlina

May.The trees turn green in May,
And everything around suddenly blossomed.
And the sun gets stronger every day
Gives us summer warmth.

- Spring riddles.

Green-eyed, cheerful,
The girl is a beauty.
Brought to us as a gift
What everyone will love:
Greens - leaves,
We are warm
- For everything to bloom.
The birds followed her
- All masters sing songs.
Guess who she is?
This girl is…

At snow-covered bumps,
Under the white snow cap
We found a small flower
Half frozen, a little alive.

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small.

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

Housewarming at the starling
He rejoices without end.
So that we have a mockingbird,
We crafted…

Here on a branch someone's house
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks live warmly there.
This house is called...

Puppet theater performance

Fairy tale "How a gingerbread man met spring."

- Children, do you all know the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"? - Yes.

- And now we will play a fairy tale about a kolobok in a spring mood. And it is called “How a gingerbread man met spring”. (Children participating in the performance put on costumes)

Fairy tale dramatization HOW THE KOLOBOK MET SPRING” by Tatyana Evtyukova

Grandmother: Oh, what is this?

Gingerbread man: Hello, grandma! Are you waiting for Spring to visit? What a great holiday! I'll swing along the path towards Spring.

Grandmother (addressing the children): Look, guys, the gingerbread man is already on the path. Rolling, rolling, and towards him the Hare.

Hare: Hello, Kolobok. I will eat you.

Gingerbread Man: Don't eat me, Hare. I'll sing you a song. (singing)

I am a cheerful Kolobok
I have a rosy side
And I roll along the path
Meet the red spring
Then we will all be together
Songs to sing and dance

Hare: You sing well, but still I will eat you. Although ... If you guess the riddle, I'll let you go, hello.

Kolobok (addressing the guys): Guys, can you help me?

Well, listen to the riddle from the hare:
A warm south wind blows
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, soft, melting,
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month? Who will know?

Children: March!

Wolf: Hello, ruddy Gingerbread Man! We met right away! I'm so hungry...

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Wolf. I'll sing you a song. (sings his song)

Wolf: Oh, you sing well! Well, guess the riddle - I'll leave it alone.

Grandmother: Listen to the riddle from the Wolf:

The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?

Children: April!

Bear: Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Mishenka. I'll sing you a song, do you want?

Sings the song again.

Bear: Eat anyway. Although okay, I'm kind today. If you guess my riddle, I'll let you go.

Grandmother: Riddle from a bear:

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings
The garden is dressed in white
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?

Children: May!

Bear (surprised): Right. Well, I'm letting you go. Say hello to spring!

Grandmother: The bear left on his important business, and the bun rolled further. Rolling, rolling, and towards him the Fox.

Lisa: How ruddy and delicious. He must have come running to me! I will eat you!

Gingerbread Man: What is it, they won't let you meet Spring! Lisa, you are so cunning and smart, you know a lot of wisdom! Let's do it this way: if I don't guess your riddle, eat me, and if I guess it, you'll let me go. Good?

Fox: Okay, try to guess.

Grandmother: Riddle from the fox:

She comes with affection
And with my own story.
magic wand
will wave,
Snowdrop in the forest
Will blossom.

Kolobok (thoughtfully):

Children, help me again!

Children: Spring!

Fox: That's right, Spring. Oh, I didn't have lunch. But I will not break my word, I will not touch you. Say hello to Spring! (The fox runs away)

- Finger gymnastics. "Wolf and Fox".


What was the communication like in class?

Here are the answer options.
- entertaining
- cognitive
– interesting
- gaming
- unusual
- boring

Used Books:

    L.A. Vvedenskaya "Our mother tongue"

    M.L. Gryzlova "Extracurricular work in the Russian language"

    E. Vartanyan "From the life of words"

    Y. Kozlovsky "A letter has small magical habits"

    B. Kazansky "In the world of words"

    M.A. Korchits "Grammar games"

    A.I. Zaretsky "Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language"

    N.V. Klevtsova "How to organize reflection in the lesson."

    L. Osipova “Reflection in classroom and extracurricular activities in primary school»

Target: based on observation and presentation, reveal and recognize signs

beginning of spring.


  • To expand and systematize children's knowledge about changes in nature with the advent of spring.
  • Strengthen the ability to answer questions with common sentences.


  • Develop the skills of coherent monologue and dialogic speech, activate the vocabulary on the topic "Spring"; work on intonational expressiveness of speech; develop emotional sphere through gaming moments;
  • Correct memory, logical thinking, visual attention.
  • Develop creative abilities through the revival of the spring picture; develop the ability to work in pairs and independently; correct auditory and visual perception when working with illustrations, when compiling a fragmentary picture.


  • Instill aesthetic feelings, teach to notice the beauty of early spring.
  • To cultivate interest and love for the native nature, careful and attentive attitude towards it.

Individual work: to activate the speech of inactive children.

Equipment: presentation, children's drawings and illustrations on the theme of "Spring", poster "Image of Spring", audio recording "Sounds of Spring", envelopes with tasks, cards with printed sentences, fragmented pictures, a picture, images of the sun, sky, stream, birds, bouquet willows, colorful ribbons.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

1) Introductory moment.

We will start the lesson with a warm-up,
We straighten our backs.
Stretched on toes
Turned left and right
And smiled at each other
One, two, three, four, five -
It's time for us to start the lesson.
- Guys, you noticed that our lesson today is not quite normal. We have guests. Let's look at our guests, say hello to them ...
- And we will start working together and fruitfully. Ready? Then we quietly take our places.

What is today's date?

What day of the week?

Which lesson? What lesson is counting? (children's answers)

2) Exercise for the development of visual attention, memory.

Consider the picture.

Remember what is on it. (The picture is removed.)

Who is in the picture?

Where was the bird? How many birds were there?

What was drawn next to the hedgehog?

What was painted on the snowman's head?

Is the snowman happy or sad? Etc.

II. Introduction to the topic.

What time of year do you think the picture you were looking at belongs to? Why? Who thinks differently?

What seasons do you know?

What season is it now?

What season was before spring?

What season comes after spring?

List all the seasons in order, starting with spring.

Which month starts spring?

What month ends?

name spring months.

What are the most noticeable signs of the onset of spring (children's answers).

Who guessed what we will talk about today in the lesson?

That's right, today we will talk about spring, a wonderful and wonderful time of the year, when all nature wakes up and comes to life after a winter sleep.

III. The topic of the lesson.
1. The theme of our lesson: "Spring is coming"
(Audio recording "Sounds of Spring" starts.)

Spring comes with kindness
And with my own story.
Waving a magic wand -
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.
Beauty walks.
Lightly touches the ground.
Goes to the field, to the river
And on the snow, and on the flower.
- What sounds of spring did you hear? (voices of birds, the sound of a stream)

(The poster "The image of spring" is hung out.)
- Look how beautiful she is!
- Spring has not come to us empty-handed, it has prepared many different surprises and interesting tasks for you. Ready for Spring Challenges? Well, then go ahead - for surprises and new knowledge!

2. Speech warm-up.

Ra-ra-ra - it's time for us to meet spring.
Na-na-na - spring is coming to visit us.
No-no-no - we are very happy about spring.

3. Observation of intonation.

Guys, are you excited about spring? Show how excited you are for spring. Tell me this news joyfully!

Spring is coming

How will a couch potato who has just woken up from a long winter sleep and does not believe that spring has come pronounce this sentence?
What sign would you put at the end of a sentence?

How will the flowers pronounce this phrase, which miss the bright warm sun?
What sign will we put up?

And how will a person who is indifferent to the arrival of spring pronounce it?
What sign will we put up?
- So, at the end of the same sentence, you can put different signs, depending on the intonation with which we pronounce it.
- And what sign do you guys want me to leave? Why?
- Don't you confuse spring with winter? Let's check.
4. Game.
Winter is gone, spring...
Winter is cold, spring ...
In winter, snowdrifts are high, in spring ...
In winter the sun freezes, in spring ...
In winter, the snow is clear, in spring ...

IV. Learning new material.
1. Introductory conversation.
- Spring has come. Spring has three debts, three covenants. The first is to overcome the darkness of winter, March copes with this. The second is to drive the snow away, wake up the earth and warm it, for this April it is soldered from streams with warm water. The third debt warm earth put away in greenery - May gets it, which decorates the forest, summer is waiting for a visit.
2. Introduction to spring months.
- March- the first month of spring. Although there is snow all around, the sun shines brighter and warmer. The sun stays longer every day. The sky is blue. It drips from the roofs, slowly nature begins to wake up from its winter sleep.
- April- the second month of spring, the month of the last snow. They say about April that it is time for high water. Puddles and the first young grass appear all around.
- May - the third month of spring, the month of greenery. Everything in nature turns green, blooms and has fun. The last birds arrive, build nests and hatch chicks.

3. Spring physical education (to the music).

4. Work in pairs.

We talked about spring signs.

And now let's try to highlight the main signs of spring and arrange them in the right order.

Take cards. Read and cross out those natural phenomena that are not related to spring.

(Children work on cards in pairs)

Card number 1.

It got colder. It's getting warmer

The thaws formed. The ground was covered with snow.

The day is getting shorter. The day is added.

The river freezes. The ice on the river is melting.

The leaves are unfolding. The leaves turn yellow.

Birds fly south. Birds come from the south.

Snow and ice melt.

Examination. Name in order, which signs were crossed out in column 1? And at 2?

Let's try to highlight the most important feature. (The day is getting longer and warmer)

How is warming related to precipitation? (Rain instead of snow)

How is warming related to snow conditions? (On the slopes of hills, ravines on the south side - thawed patches; the snow turns gray, at night and in the morning a hard dense crust forms on the snow - crust; snow begins to melt - flood: the river overflows with water, overflows its banks - a flood that brings many troubles)

Tell me how the arrival of spring affects wildlife: birds, plants, etc. (the first birds arrive, buds swell on the trees).

Which birds arrive first? Guess.

In the spring, it rushes to us from the south

Black as a raven bird.

Jump back and forth across the field,

And the bird is called …………… (ROOK).

Rooks are migratory birds. The rooks are the first to return to their native places, as soon as the snow begins to melt. With loud and joyful cries of "gra-gra-gra" they examine the old nests, repair them and build new ones, several on one tree. Rooks are the most friendly and sociable birds.

What are the benefits of rooks?

These birds are very useful to humans, as they destroy plant pests in fields and gardens, forests and gardens. Rooks eat beetles, larvae, exterminate field mice.

But what happens to the trees?

The trees wake up from their winter sleep, warmed by the sun, filled with juices. The buds on the trees swell, become bigger, thicker. The first sticky green leaves appear.

(Observations on birch branches ).

V. Consolidation of the studied material.
1. Work on the restoration of the deformed text.
- And now another spring surprise. You have envelopes on your desks. These envelopes are for you. Open them.
- A warm spring wind blew and scattered all the words in the sentences, confused the pictures.
Your task is to collect them in their original form.
Grade 2 Make a "spring" fragmentation picture.
4th grade. Restore deformed sentences.

The bright sun shines. They run across the sky blue clouds. The trees are budding. Birds come from warm countries.

A tall flower grew in a clearing,

(connect the wrists, spread the palms to the sides, slightly round the fingers)

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

(spread fingers)

All petals beauty and nourishment

(rhythmically move fingers together-separately)

Together they give underground roots.

(palms down, back side press against each other, fingers apart)

3. Work in notebooks.
4th grade. Write a story about spring.
Grade 2 Painting revival work.

Lexical exercise "Choosing the right words"
Spring really liked that you know so much about her. Now spring is sure that you can help her bring the picture to life. Wake her up after hibernation.

See what you see in the picture? (Trees, bushes, birdhouse).
(The teacher exposes a picture. In the course of the lesson, after the children's answers, images of the sun, sky, stream, birds appear in the picture).
- What, guys, is missing in our picture? (Heaven. Children's answers in full sentences).

What is the sky? (Clear, blue, clear, high)

What else is missing in our picture? (Sun)

What is the sun? (Selection of epithets by children: bright, affectionate, warm, radiant, golden, pleasant, yellow, orange, kind, spring)
- That's how many good words you picked up for the word "sun".
What does the sun do in spring? (Shines and warms).
- The sun shone, bestowed warmth on our land. And what happened to the snow? What was the snow like? Let's pick up definition words for the word snow (Dirty, gray, loose, sticky, cold).
- It's hard to be in the snow under the warm rays of the sun.
- What does the snow do? (It melts and turns ...) What has the snow turned into?
- And the spring stream ran.
- And what can you say about the brook, what is it like? (Quick, murmuring, blue, talkative, cold, seething, sonorous, transparent, deep.)
- What does the brook do? (He runs, rejoices and says: “Spring has come!”)
- Guys, it seems to me that our spring picture is missing someone. And who - I can not understand! Can you advise? (Birds)

What birds? (Caring, cheerful, singing, joyful)

What are the birds doing? (They return, rejoice, sing, fly, build nests)

What is the name of these bushes? (Verba)
Willow- one of the most ancient symbols of the spring revival of nature, life force, health and rapid growth. Willow is considered a talisman against natural disasters, from hail, whirlwind, thunder, storm. In Slavic folklore, willow is very much appreciated, a musical instrument, a pipe, was made from it, according to which it could cheer up the saddest person, make him dance.
VI. Reflection. Summarizing.
- Today, we had a real holiday.
What season were they talking about?
- Name the spring months.
- Look how beautiful we have a vase with willow branches. Let's decorate our willow with ribbons, if you liked everything, you succeeded, decorate the branch red ribbon. And if not, you think that you still need to work, you had some difficulties during the answers, then stop green ribbon. (Children complete the task) - I see that the branches have become very elegant.
- You are all great! They worked actively at the lesson, were not lazy, answered all the questions, coped with all the spring assignments.
Spring is happy for you today!
Thank you all for your hard work!
And sunny, warm days

You will certainly be blessed.

Summary of the lesson on the world around on the topic: “Spring has come”, Grade 1


contribute to the formation of students' knowledge about the signs of spring in inanimate and living nature, about the connections and relationships of these signs, create conditions for the formation of UUD

1) personal: motivation for learning, moral and ethical assessment (assessment of digestible content based on social and personal values);

2) cognitive: the formulation of a cognitive goal, the search and selection of information, analysis in order to highlight features, synthesis, as a compilation of the whole from parts, the choice of grounds for comparison, classification of objects, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

3) communicative: proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information, evaluation of the partner's actions;

4) regulatory: goal setting, planning, control, correction, evaluation, ability to mobilize forces and energy; fostering interest and love for nature, careful attitude To her.

Equipment: projector, screen, pictures on the topic “Birds”, sheets for notes, additional text, scheme.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Check it out buddy

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Everything is in place

Is it all right:

Books, pens and notebooks?

Let's read the epigraph to our lesson:

Understand the living language of nature

And you will say: "Wonderful world!"

Man and nature are inseparable. Man's life would be boring without the singing of birds, without the rustle of leaves, without the murmur of streams, without animals. But nature is not always the same. It changes with the seasons.

What seasons do you know?

II. Statement of the educational task. Determining the objectives of the lesson.

Teacher:- Ah, that's what time of year we're going to talk about today, guess for yourself.

Who passed so quietly-quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And of course the hippo

I couldn't get through this quietly.

And none of you heard

Like a leaf came out of a bud

And you couldn't hear

Like green blades of grass

Taking off my green shoes

Quietly came out of the ground.

And the snowdrop quietly left.

And there is silence everywhere.

It means, it means:

Quieter than all came ... (Spring).

So, the topic of our lesson .... (on the blackboard) "Spring has come."

What do you think the purpose of our lesson will be?

The purpose of the lesson: find out what changes have occurred with the arrival of spring in inanimate nature and how they affected wildlife.

III. Planning.

Let's plan our lesson (the lesson plan is written on the board in random order, students choose and make a lesson plan.)

Lesson plan.

1. Changes in inanimate nature.

2. Changes in wildlife.

3. The relationship between inanimate nature and living.

4. The result of the lesson.

IV. Learning new material.

Teacher: How has nature changed with the advent of spring? Let's look at the drawings on pages 46-47 of the textbook. (In search of an answer to the question of how nature has changed with the advent of spring, the children examine the drawings of the left and right lanes (on the left - "Winter" Fig. 1, on the right - "Spring" Fig. 2). Valery Perov (the artist of these paintings) depicted one and the same area in winter and spring. Thanks to the beautiful illustration, children will find changes in the behavior of birds, in the color of a hare, pay attention to the changes that have occurred with trees, with a pond, with snow. The teacher completes the children's stories.)

What happens to the snow when spring arrives? (Snow settles in spring, becomes heavy, dirty)

Why does snow get dirty in spring? (All winter, pieces of branches, small pieces of bark and other small debris fall on the snow cover. new snow covers the debris, and everything around becomes snow-white again. And in the spring thaws begin. Snow melts and settles. Water from melting snow seeps down, and debris seems to creep up from the settling snow.)


Our rest is physical education.

Take your seats!

Step in place of the left, right,

One and two, one and two. (Walking in place.)

Hands raised and shook

These are the trees in the forest. (Raise hands up and shake left and right, lower down.)

waved their hands,

The brushes are shaken

The wind knocks down the dew. (Circle with hands, shaking with brushes.)

Smoothly hands, children, wave,

The birds are flying towards us

(Hands smoothly to the sides, hands gently lower down.)

How they sit down, we will also show (Sit at the desk.)

Fold the wings back. (Hands behind the back, bring the shoulder blades together.)

V. Consolidation of the studied material.

Guys, now you will work in tandem with a desk mate. Make up a story, come up with a name and draw your own conclusion: what happens in nature in spring. (In the spring, rooks fly to us. (And who else?) Swallows build nests from clay, fluff, straws, twigs. (Why?) Someone rustles under a pile of old leaves. (Oh! Who is this?)

Group work.

Now I will distribute envelopes with drawings of birds to each group. Your task is to divide them into 2 groups.

(The 1st group is those birds that fly to us in the spring - rook, starling, swallow, lark, crane; 2nd group - these are the birds that fly to us in winter - crossbills, bullfinches, titmouse.

And now we continue to work and play the game “Choose the correct answer”. Attention to the screen.

1. After what season does spring come?


2. How do people call spring?

Day of the year.

Morning of the year.

Night of the year.

3. Who only cries in spring?



4. What happens to the ice on the river in spring?

Ice Jumper.

Ice drift.

5. Which birds arrive first in spring?



6. What appears in the fields when the snow melts?

thawed patches.



Answer why there were such changes in wildlife, what influenced it? (Children's answers, establishing relationships in the diagram using arrows) The sun is higher than in winter The days have become longer: warming - the sky is blue, high; - swelling of the kidneys; - clouds are white, light; - the appearance of leaves; - melting snow, ice; - flowering plants; - ice drift; - the appearance of insects; - high water; - return of migratory - precipitation: snow and rain of birds; - thawing of the soil - changes in the life of animals

VI. Reflection of students.

What new did you learn at the lesson today?

There were difficulties during the execution of tasks, why?

What do you think, have we learned everything about spring?

Yes, guys, we haven't learned everything yet. We still have a lot to learn and a lot to learn.

(at the lesson I worked actively or not

I am satisfied with my work at the lesson or not

the lesson for me seemed short or long

my mood got better or worse).

Here is the end of the lesson.

He went, I hope, for the future.

Used Books:

1. Fedotova, O. N. The world around: a methodological guide, grade 1 / O. N. Fedotova, G. V. Trafimova, S. A. Trafimov.-M: Academic book / Textbook, 2011.-99 p.

2. Fedotova, O. N. World around: textbook grade 1 / O. N. Fedotova, G. V. Trafimova, S. A. Trafimov.-M: Academic book / Textbook, 2011.-79 p.

3. Fedotova, O. N. The world around: a notebook for independent work Grade 1 / O. N. Fedotova, G. V. Trafimova, S. A. Trafimov.-M: Academic book / Textbook, 2011.-47 p.

4. Matveeva E.I., Patrikeeva I.E. An activity approach to learning in elementary school: a lesson literary reading(from work experience)//Series "New educational standards". - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2011.

Lesson summary on the subject the world

The theme of the lesson is "Spring is the awakening of nature"


1. Introduce children to the main changes in nature with the onset of spring.

Educational tasks:

1. Expand, consolidate and clarify children's ideas about the features of each period of the season.

Development tasks:

1. Develop interest in nature.

2. To develop artistic perception in children - the ability
feel the beauty of nature.

Lesson type: combined (studying a new one, consolidating, testing knowledge), integrated (connecting a subject with a lesson in drawing, music)

Previous work:

Observations on a walk for a change in nature; reading poems and stories about nature in different periods season.


Presentation for the lesson, workbooks, pencils.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello kids!

Girls and boys

smart, pretty,

Cheerful, good!

- Today I will teach the lesson of the world around. My name is Tatyana Vasilievna.

Today we have a lot of guests at the lesson. Let's take a look at them. Let's welcome them.

Children, today, when I went to work in the morning, I saw a sparrow. He tweeted so cheerfully on a branch.

There is no more frost, chirp-chirp!” the sparrow rejoiced.

Sparrow told me that some changes began to occur in nature, he does not recognize her at all, and does not understand what is happening to her.

    What happens to the snow on the streets? Why does the sun shine brighter? Where did rooks come from? Why are the nights shorter and the days longer? The sparrow does not understand all this.

    Today, children of sparrows flew to you to ask for help to figure out why nature has changed so much?

Let's help, children sparrow? (Yes).

Sparrow, you make yourself comfortable, we will explain everything to you now.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Children are coming to our lesson, I invited another guest. The song that we will now listen to will help you guess the guest of our lesson. Listen carefully. (Listening to verse 1 of the song " spring drops».)

What season is the song about?

About spring!

How do you know it's spring?

That's right, well done.

Have you guessed who will come to our lesson?

Spring is red.

And how do you imagine spring, how would you draw it?

Young, beautiful girl in a wreath of flowers.

That's right, here she is our beauty.

So today in the lesson we will talk about spring, about how nature awakens.

Spring has come to us with its tasks and riddles. If we guys guess the riddles of spring, she will invite us to visit spring forest.

To the spring forest that we will create together with you.

You have been in the forest. How do you imagine it.

What is a forest without trees.

Now we will play the game "Guess the tree by the branch, leaf." Let's look at the screen and guess the trees that will grow in our forest.

Spruce, pine, birch, oak, mountain ash.

What is a forest without animals. Let's invite them to our forest. Who will live in the forest with us?

(Fox, hare, squirrel, bear, hedgehog.)

We recognize the animal with you,

According to two such signs,

Osh in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

The oblique does not have a den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save from enemies

And from hunger - bark. (Hare.)

cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty.

Who is this? (Fox.)

Needles on the back

Long and spiky

And he curls up into a ball

There is no head or legs. (Hedgehog.)

The owner of the forest

Waking up in the spring

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear.)

And what a forest without bird songs. What birds will be friends with the forest. (Guess by voice).

Owl, woodpecker, titmouse, rook, starling.

What else is missing in the spring forest?

Spring flowers.

What spring flowers do you know?

Snowdrop, lungwort, coltsfoot.

This is what a fabulous spring forest we guys got. (at the presentation). Would you like to visit such a forest.

Now sit properly, close your eyes and put your head on the desk.

Instrumental music. (Children with closed eyes represent the forest)

And now everyone got to their feet and remember what you saw in the forest.


Have you seen trees in the forest? What did the trees do? (sway)

What were the animals doing? Fox, hare. (Walk on tiptoe, bounce)

What were the birds doing? They flew. (Wave your hands)

What did the flowers do? Dissolved.

What was the mood of plants, birds and animals in the spring forest.

Cheerful, joyful, spring, sunny.

In spring, nature seems to come to life, everyone around from the warm rays of the sun wants to sing. That's why the little sparrow was chirping so cheerfully today. He, too, felt the arrival of spring.

Everyone likes spring, it is a very beautiful time of the year. The time of the year when all nature awakens. It is with this that changes in nature are connected, which were incomprehensible to the sparrow.

It's time for the sparrow to fly away and he says goodbye to you. But if he has questions, he will fly to you again.

Shall we help the sparrow?

Well, the spring guest does not say goodbye to us, she will stay with us for a long three months, and will delight us with her warmth, light and bright colors.

And now she wants to offer you the next task.

Task: Color the picture.

Try to color the picture so that winter turns into spring on it. (Assessment of student work)

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Well, at the end of the lesson, I guys want to know if you liked our trip to the spring forest. We will do it in the following way. You have paper men on your desks. You will need to draw their mouths. I want to know with what mood you met spring and leave the lesson.

If everything was clear to you in the lesson, you remembered and learned a lot, then draw a smiling mouth.

If your mood worsened, you didn’t understand anything, you didn’t remember much, depict a mouth with lowered corners of the lips.

I have the same little man on my slide. I also want to draw his mouth now. My man is smiling. This suggests that I really liked you, I am very pleased with you, your work. You are all great fellows. Thank you very much for the lesson.

The lesson is over, you can leave.

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

Lesson type: combined.


  • To give an idea of ​​the signs of spring, to learn to distinguish between changes in nature that occur in spring.
  • Develop skills and ability to correctly identify signs and character traits spring.
  • Correction of general speech skills, visual-figurative thinking, memory, perception. Enrich and refine active and passive vocabulary.
  • Cultivate the ability to understand and appreciate beauty native nature, love for their small homeland, diligence.

Teacher equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, textbook "Introduction to the outside world" by E.D. Khudenko, cards for practical work, creative task.


1. Class organization

2. Mental attitude

Need to unfreeze the earth
For the grass to grow
Make it so that they live together
All living beings.
On a thin green leg
Strengthen the flower bud
Go around the meadows with a comb,
Return the birds from afar.
Shores, fields, hills
Sprinkle with dew in the morning.
Sweeten the flowers for the bee
Water the gardens on time
Be hardworking too
What a beautiful spring.

- How many cases of spring have you heard in a poem? (Unfreeze the earth, return the birds from warm countries, strengthen the flower bud, sprinkle nature with dew in the morning.)

3. Checking homework

- And for whom should spring sweeten flowers? (For the bee)

- A bee is an insect. What insects do you know?
- Which homework did you prepare?
- Riddles and drawings. (Children's answers, grades)
At what time of the year do all these insects appear?

4. Main body(message topic and purpose).

1. Today we will talk about a wonderful time for the awakening of nature - spring. Who can tell me the spring months?

Kidneys burst together
Flowers bloom. March
Dew trembles on the grass
An elk runs after a rainbow.

The forest froze in a transparent haze.
Ice is melting on the trees. April
Drops fall from the branches
And the tit trill is heard.

The snow has come down. It smelled of prejudice.
Thunder rolled in the sky. May
Ants under an old spruce
The whole family is building a house.

What do you think, what will we talk about today at the lesson? (About what spring changes occur in animate and inanimate nature)

- And who will tell me what belongs to wildlife? To inanimate nature?

2. Changes in animate and inanimate nature.

With each spring day, the sun rises higher and higher, shines brighter, and there are more sunbeams. They bring a lot of light and heat and, like magicians, work wonders in nature.

a) A sunbeam touches the snow.

What happens to snow when exposed to heat? (The snow begins to melt, turning into water.)

b) A sunbeam touched a tree and woke it up.

- I suggest that the students consider the branches from the tree:
- What color is the branch?
- What does her bark feel like? (Gives you to touch the twigs.)
- What is on the branch? (Kidneys.)
Where do leaves come from? (From the kidneys.)
- What happens to the kidneys? (The buds swell and become leaves.)
- You can observe such a transformation if you put a branch in a jar of warm water.

An experience.

What conclusion did our observations lead us to?

Conclusion:Warmth and water help to bloom leaves in spring.


He was the first to get out of the earth on a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop)

Who knows why they named it that? (They are the first to emerge from under the snow)

- Explain the meaning of the word thawed patch .

Fizminutka. Exercise "Snowdrop".

- Read the syllables on the same geometric shapes and learn the names of other early flowering plants. (coltsfoot, lungwort)

Slides 9,10

Coltsfoot. The secret is that coltsfoot blossoms under the snow. This plant gets its name from its leaves. Their upper side is cold - the stepmother, and the lower side is warm - the mother.
Lungwort - this flower is interesting because on one stem there are flowers of different colors: pink, purple.

Where do the first spring flowers appear? (In open places where there is a lot of sun, light, moisture)
- They need a little heat, so they bloom in early spring, when there is still snow in some places in the lowlands.
Why are these plants called primroses?

Conclusion: In spring, the first flowers bloom - primroses.
Remember that primroses are very fragile and delicate. Insects fly to some because they have nectar in them. Do not collect bouquets of these flowers.

c) The sunbeam touched the ice on the river.

– What is happening to him? (The ice is getting thinner, cracking, floating down the river.)
This phenomenon is called ice drift.
- In the spring, you can’t go out on the ice of the river. Even if there is no ice drift yet, the ice has still become thin and brittle. You won't notice when you're underwater.
- Arrange the pieces of ice from large to small and read popular belief: I saw a starling - it means spring at the porch.

slide 12

How do you understand this statement?
Look at the birds and their nests.

- Which birds winter with us, and which ones arrive in the spring?
Why did the birds return? (It became warm, insects appeared.)
- Which birds built their own nests, and which ones did the man help?

Conclusion: Birds come from the south and build nests.

5. Fixing

a) Practical work

Slides 14, 15

1. What spring phenomena occur in inanimate nature?

Delete the excess.

Melting snow, warming, snowstorm, rain, ice drift.

2. About what spring phenomenon is it being talked about? Submit an offer.

Large and small ice floes float on the river - this is ___________________.

3. What plants are early flowering?

Circle the letters of the correct answers.

a) coltsfoot
b) poplar
c) lungwort

4. Choose a sign that is not related to spring.

a) the air is getting warmer day by day;
b) the sun rises higher and higher;
c) primroses appear;
d) animals go into hibernation;
e) insects appear;

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Integration(living world - Russian language).

- Read the words on the board. (Spring, freckles, stonefly.)
- What are these words called? (Single-root, related.)
- What words do you know? (Spring, freckles.)
- Finish my sentences:

March 1 came... (Spring). Sunbeam touched the faces of the guys. On the nose and on the cheeks appeared ... (freckles).

What word is left? (Vesnyanka)

stonefly is a folk song asking for the coming of spring. Village children climbed onto the roofs of huts, sheds and called for spring:

Come, squirrels to us!
Bring us from across the sea a clear spring, a red spring.
We are tired of winter, it froze our arms and legs.

“The spring has come to us. But with what she came to us, you tell me now.

Creative task. Complete the proverbs with appropriate words:

March from _______________, April from _____________, May from ____________.
Plant - land _________________.

Reference words: flowers, water, grass, decoration.

6. Homework

Prepare short story about an early flowering plant.

7. Summary of the lesson

What time of year did they talk about in class?
How does nature wake up in spring?

We recommend reading
