Spring phenomena occurring in wildlife. spring phenomena

Helpful Hints 13.08.2019
Helpful Hints

Objects and phenomena living and inanimate nature autumn, winter, spring and summer: description.

Autumn is Golden time year, which comes immediately after a hot and sunny summer. Little children notice dramatic changes, both in the weather and in their attitude towards themselves. With the onset of autumn, the scorching rays of the sun replace rainy days, the trees begin to shed their leaves, and the grass turns yellow. Thus, nature prepares for the onset of cold weather and winter.

Autumn signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature: a list

For many schoolchildren, autumn is associated with the beginning of a new school year, at this time the children meet with their friends and classmates, and dressed in school uniform going to get new knowledge.

Here are some signs that autumn is coming:

  • Surely the kids noticed when autumn came, the sun had gone somewhere, and the sky was covered with clouds. Even in sunny weather, it's not so warm outside (you can tell from the way people start to dress). Light T-shirts and dresses are replaced by jackets and jeans, and with the onset of October-December, many wear coats and jackets.
  • Despite the fact that the summer is hot, of course, there is windy weather. But she is more pleased, because when a warm breeze blows, it refreshes. But strong gusts of wind in autumn are no longer so pleasant, because it blows cold wind with such force that it plucks leaves from trees.
  • Autumn is characterized by frequent fogs, and mothers begin to monitor weather changes, because in autumn the weather often changes, and it is very important to dress correctly at such a time, because. it's very easy to get sick. By the way, with climate change, many children begin to get sick. colds which is rare in summer.
  • The coming autumn can be seen by plants, for example, how grapes or currants turn red, chestnuts and many other trees and shrubs turn yellow. In September, it is already possible to collect fallen maple leaves. Often they make an application or various bouquets. But according to coniferous trees it is impossible to determine the onset of the autumn period, because such trees are green both in summer and in winter.
  • You can determine the change in the weather by observing the animals. For example, most birds hide from the cold by flying away to warmer climes. Of course, there are those who are not afraid of the cold - these are pigeons, crows and sparrows. But heat-loving birds, sensing the onset of rainy autumn, immediately fly away with their chicks far to the south.
  • There are animals that hibernate, such as the bear, raccoon, badger, hedgehog and many others, especially those that live in minks. Hare, fox and squirrels change their color, so it is easier for them to disguise themselves from predators. As you know, squirrels are very thrifty - therefore, they prepare a lot of nuts and acorns for the winter, which they will feed on throughout all the cold weather. And they collect food in the fall, when nuts and acorns ripen. This can also be observed.
  • Annoying flies, mosquitoes and many insects also hide with the onset of the slightest cold.
  • Why is the day getting shorter? This also characterizes autumn. If the sun sets earlier than usual, then you should expect the onset of cold days. This is a sign of autumn in inanimate nature.
  • As winter approaches, frost can be seen in the mornings. These are small particles of dew that have frozen on the leaves and surfaces in an uneven prickly layer.
  • Even ice occurs in autumn, this often happens at the end of November, when the air temperature shows minus values. By this time, people are already wearing hats, gloves and scarves. The weather promises that winter is already “on the nose”.

Autumn is a very bright and beautiful time of the year, the roads are covered with a golden “blanket”, you can watch beautiful landscapes and over how the birds fly away to warmer climes. Despite the fact that rainy weather reigns in autumn, this gives us the opportunity to observe the beauty of nature.

Objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature in autumn: description of observations

On the territory of our country, one can often observe changes in the weather and nature, which “adjusts” to the upcoming changes. Many phenomena that we observe are connected precisely with the seasons and therefore are called seasonal. One of the most beautiful times of the year is autumn.

During this period, nature is painted with golden colors, all animals and plants are preparing for the cold winter, and you can observe amazing changes and phenomena. Autumn is characterized by the following main changes:

  • fogs. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the earth heats up during the day, and at night the temperature is already below zero, so fog, dew and even frost are observed at sunrise.
  • Shower. Autumn is associated precisely with rainy weather, and it is during this period that heavy rains in other words, rain
  • Wind. It is in autumn that you can encounter, going outside, with strong gusts of wind, which are often accompanied by rain or even hail.
  • It gets dark earlier
  • Cloudy weather
  • On ponds and puddles you can observe thin ice, but it is very dangerous to become, and even more so to play on it, it is better to wait for winter
  • The onset of winter can also be characterized as an "Indian" summer. During this period, a heavy milky fog descends on the earth, which fills the air with dampness.
  • At the end of autumn, rainy weather is diluted with a slight snowfall, after which there is often ice.

This is a characteristic of inanimate nature, which can be observed in autumn, but changes in wildlife include:

  • Animals such as fox, squirrel and hare change their color
  • Many animals hibernate at the end of autumn
  • Birds fly to warmer climes
  • Insects also hide from cold weather, you will no longer meet butterflies and ladybugs, the whistle of grasshoppers cannot be heard, bees do not buzz and pollinate plants, mosquitoes and flies are also becoming less common
  • Leaf fall. This is the first sign that it's coming gold autumn. Castings turn yellow, and with a strong gust of wind, trees and shrubs are freed from them. All roads are covered with a beautiful golden carpet

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year that prepares nature and people for a cold frosty winter. This time gives us a break from the hot and stuffy summer days. But the first ones who begin to respond to climate change are plants. Berries and vegetables are fully ripe, and the trees are dressed in golden foliage.

Winter signs of winter in wildlife and inanimate nature: a list

In anticipation of the New Year, many children know that the luxurious season of the year has come - winter. Gifts, a holiday and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden are not all indicators that winter has come. Of course, it comes a month earlier - on December 1st. This is a fabulous time when you can play snowballs and sculpt a Snowman, we see amazing drawings on the windows, and beautiful snowy weather outside.

In anticipation of the onset of winter, we are all waiting for a fairy tale, fulfillment of desires and magic. This is how we associate cold winter. But these are far from all the indicators by which one can determine the onset of such a wonderful period:

  • First, everyone dress warmly enough. A down jacket or a fur coat serves as outerwear, people put on warm gloves and hats, and even in "fierce" weather - huge scarves and thermal underwear. It is very important to dress as warmly as possible in such cold weather, because you can easily catch a cold and miss everything winter holiday
  • Snowfall is also the main characteristic winter period time
  • The winter sky is quite heavy and seems to hang right overhead. Moisture and frosty freshness soars in the air
  • Ice. Walking or driving in winter is very dangerous, for convenience, many people put on snowshoes, and cars “change shoes” into winter tires. After all, it is very easy to slip, and worse - to hurt your leg or arm.

  • If a strong wind blows and snow falls, then a blizzard is obtained. Watching such weather from the window is very exciting, but if you get caught in a strong wind with snow, it’s quite unpleasant
  • As children, we all loved icicles very much. And this is another sign of winter. In other words, an icicle is a cone-shaped piece of people that can most often be found on the roofs of houses or trees.
  • Animals, birds and insects, unfortunately, can be found very rarely, because birds fly to warmer climes, animals hibernate, and insects hide from the severe frosts that are typical for winter
  • Days are much shorter than nights

Despite the cold temperatures and blizzards, winter is a wonderful time, many games can only be played thanks to the snow that only falls in winter. Skiing, sledding, snowboarding, playing snowballs or sculpting various figures from the snow - these are very exciting and developing activities that are possible only in winter. Therefore, winter holidays should not be spent sitting at a computer monitor, but it is better to have a great time free time with friends or family.

Objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature in winter: description of observations

Nature is everything that surrounds and is created by human hands. Conventionally, nature can be divided into living and non-living. The first group includes plants, animals, fungi, humans, microbes. But to inanimate nature: the sun, air, stars, soil, precipitation, etc.

In winter, summer, autumn and spring, all phenomena change smoothly, and this is how we can determine the seasons of the seasons. Winter is the coldest time of the year, but also the most beautiful. In winter, the season of fun snowball fights opens, children ride slides and sleds, make a snowman, and most importantly, everyone is waiting for a fabulous New Year. Such time can be determined by the following signs:

  • Snow is more common as precipitation. Snowflakes fall to the ground both independently and in flakes. And also only in winter you can see snowfall - this is heavy snowfall
  • Blizzard and blizzard
  • Ice. Of course, all kids love to skate, but this activity is quite dangerous, so you can play on ice only when accompanied by adults.
  • Icicles can be found on the roofs of houses and tree branches. Therefore, you need to be careful, and it is better not to walk under the houses, because if the temperature gets higher, the icicle can easily melt and fall.
  • Santa Claus decorates windows with beautiful patterns
  • All rivers and lakes are covered with a thick layer of ice, which is called freezing.

In wildlife, you can find such changes:

  • Many animals change color, such as the hare, squirrel and fox
  • Bears and hedgehogs hibernate
  • Bullfinches and tits arrive, which replace the main part of the birds
  • People dress in warm clothes

When the snow begins to melt, and the patterns from the windows disappear, the sun begins to heat up warmer, and the days become longer - then winter begins to gradually move into another season - spring. What other signs of the spring season are described in the next paragraph.

Spring signs of spring in wildlife and inanimate nature: a list

Spring is associated with new life, because during this period the earth wakes up from hibernation, nature begins to bloom, the first still completely green petals and bunches appear. This is the most beautiful time, the sun is clearer and the sky is clear, and freshness soars in the air.

It is very easy to understand exactly when spring begins, there are a large number of phenomena and processes that characterize such a season, for example:

  • The first green flowers appear
  • Animals wake up from hibernation
  • Bunnies, squirrels and chanterelles again change the color of their coats, so they disguise themselves as the environment. Many animals begin to shed
  • Buds appear, and from them - flowers
  • Hear the singing of birds that return from warm lands
  • Spring is the time for the birth of a new generation of animals
  • The birds are starting to nest

From inanimate nature:

  • The first is snowmelt.
  • The streams begin to murmur
  • There is practically no thunderstorm in winter, but in spring you can encounter such a phenomenon.
  • Ice drift - this phenomenon occurs because the ice begins to melt and moves smoothly along the rivers

If you follow what people are doing, you can also see changes. Spring is considered the time of cleaning, because after winter it is worth cleaning your house. Also, preparations are underway for planting a garden, especially if a person lives in a rural area.

Objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature in spring: description of observations

After cold winter Everyone is looking forward to warm days. Literally from the very first days of spring, the sun's rays begin to warm up, and at the same time flowers appear, the grass turns green, trees spread bunches, birds begin to sing. In other words, the Earth comes to life again and wakes up.

  • The first sign is that the snow is melting. Icicles are melting and little by little beautiful patterns disappear from the windows.
  • The day is getting longer.
  • If in winter there are often lead clouds, and the sky is gray and dull, then in spring the sky is already becoming lighter, the clouds disperse and the sky becomes clear and clear.
  • Plants also respond to the arrival of spring and demonstrate this by the appearance of green leaves, buds, spruce and alder open young cones. Gradually, flowers bloom, bees and other insects appear.

  • Spring is also associated with fluffy willow cats, they are carried to church on Palm Sunday. Also, one of the most important holidays of spring is March 8th. This is International Women's Day, and flowers such as tulips are considered a symbol.
  • The birds fly home again, and you can hear it in the beautiful singing. Swallows begin to build nests and have offspring.
  • Animals change their warm outfit for a lighter one. At the same time, the color of the wool itself.
  • People also change their wardrobe, they hide fur coats, warm hats and boots until the next winter.

Vienna also, there are more exciting activities, for example, closer to May holidays, many go fishing, pick mushrooms, start frying kebabs and have a lot of outdoor recreation, enjoying the beautiful nature.

Summer signs of summer in animate and inanimate nature: a list

Of course, all children know when summer begins, because. After a hard school year, the long-awaited summer holidays are coming. That is why summer is the most favorite time of the year. Many go to visit their grandmothers or to a resort with their parents. The sea, the beach and a lot of fun - every child expects. But this is not the only indicator that summer has come, there are also such changes in living and inanimate nature, for example:

  • Weather. The wind is dry, the temperature is high, so even the nights in summer are quite warm. But if the day is very hot, and the sky is clear as a tear, at one moment it may rain with a thunderstorm, after which you can often see a rainbow
  • Dew can be found on leaves and grass in the morning
  • Wind can be strong with variable gusts and frequent direction changes

The hot days of summer are diluted by rainy weather, and summer rain is divided into several types:

  1. Ordinary
  2. Short-term. It is also called blind or mushroom, accompanied by sunny weather
  3. Stormy. Starts suddenly. For very a short time a large amount of water falls out. Accompanied by wind and thunder
  4. Gradient. Along with drops of water, particles of hail also fall out. They flow powerfully and quickly, which, as a result, negatively affects agriculture
  • Grass is bright green
  • Berries and fruits ripen in summer, flowers bloom
  • Already at the beginning of summer, you can pick mushrooms after rain

In summer, people dress lightly enough, wear sunglasses and hats that protect from hot weather. sun rays. In agriculture, summer is a very important period, agronomists and landowners work the soil, look after their garden, pick berries and preserve for the winter.

Objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature in summer: description of observations

According to the textbook The world» children starting from the second grade can get acquainted with various anomalies and changes environment. All these changes smoothly change with the seasons of the year, so they are often called seasonal.

The main objects and phenomena that can be found in summer are:

  • Hot weather
  • Strong gusts of warm wind
  • Rains after which you can pick mushrooms
  • Thunder is a sound phenomenon that is often accompanied by lightning.
  • After the rain comes a rainbow
  • In the morning you can see the phenomenon of dew
  • Plants are dressed in green petals, they smell like flowers, and the fruits ripen
  • Birds chirping, bees buzzing and crickets chirping
  • The day is longer than the night, and you can watch the beautiful stars through the transparent and clear sky.

Each season of the year is unique and beautiful in its own way:

  • In autumn, all nature, plants, animals and people prepare for the cold. Trees turn yellow and shed their leaves, animals stock up for the winter, change color, and some prepare for hibernation. Birds fly away to warmer climes, and insects hide. People take out warm clothes and umbrellas, collect ripened fruits and wait for frosts.
  • Winter is the time for a snow-white fairy tale, and fun games in the snow. The entire surface of the earth is covered with a thick layer of snow and ice. Children and adults with the beginning of winter are looking forward to the New Year holidays.
  • In spring, the earth wakes up from its winter sleep, everything around blooms, and a fresh aroma soars in the air. The birds return, the animals also change their coats and crawl out of their holes and continue their offspring. You can already meet insects, birds and midges. And people are slowly planting vegetable gardens and orchards and preparing for the hot summer.
  • Summer is my favorite time of the year. long-awaited holidays begin. Finally, you can enjoy warm days, soak up the sun and swim in the sea. Already at the beginning of summer, you can savor delicious berries and fruits. In summer, you can pick mushrooms, go to the forest for flowers and relax in the fresh air.

Video: Living and inanimate nature - objects and phenomena, educational for children

Nature and weather are constantly changing. snowing, then rain, then the sun bakes, then clouds find. All these are called natural phenomena or phenomena of nature. Natural phenomena are changes that occur in nature regardless of the will of man. Many natural phenomena are associated with the change of seasons (seasons), so they are called seasonal. For each season, and we have 4 of them - this is spring, summer, autumn, winter, their natural and weather conditions. Nature is usually divided into living (these are animals and plants) and non-living. Therefore, phenomena are also divided into phenomena of living nature and phenomena of inanimate nature. Of course, these phenomena intersect, but some of them are especially characteristic of a particular season.

Spring natural phenomena

In the spring, after a long winter, the sun warms up more and more, ice begins to drift on the river, thawed patches appear on the ground, buds swell, and the first green grass grows. The day is getting longer and the night is getting shorter. It is getting warmer. Migratory birds begin their journey to the regions where they will raise their chicks.

What natural phenomena occur in spring?

Snowmelt. As more heat comes from the Sun, the snow begins to melt. The air around is filled with the murmur of streams, which can provoke the onset of floods - a clear sign of spring.

thawed patches. They appear wherever the snow cover was thinner and where more sun fell on it. It is the appearance of thawed patches that indicates that winter has given up its rights, and spring has begun. The first greenery quickly breaks through the thawed patches; on them you can find the first spring flowers - snowdrops. Snow will lie in crevices and depressions for a long time, but on the hills and in the fields it melts quickly, exposing the land islands to the warm sun.

Frost. It was warm and suddenly it froze - frost appeared on the branches and wires. These are frozen crystals of moisture.

Ice drift. In spring it becomes warmer, the ice crust on rivers and lakes begins to crack, and gradually the ice melts. Moreover, there is more water in the reservoirs, it carries the ice floes downstream - this is an ice drift.

High water. Streams of melted snow flow from everywhere to the rivers, they fill the reservoirs, the water overflows the banks.

Thermal winds. The sun gradually warms the earth, and at night it begins to give off this heat, winds are formed. While they are still weak and unstable, but the warmer it gets around, the more they move air masses. Such winds are called thermal, they are typical for the spring season.

Rain. The first spring rain is cold, but not as cold as snow 🙂

Thunderstorm. At the end of May, the first thunderstorm can thunder. Not as strong yet, but bright. Thunderstorms are discharges of electricity in the atmosphere. Thunderstorms often occur when warm air is displaced and lifted by cold fronts.

Grad. This is a drop from a cloud of ice balls. Hail can range in size from a tiny pea to chicken egg, then it can even break through the glass of the car!

These are all examples of inanimate phenomena.

Flowering is a spring phenomenon of wildlife. The first buds on the trees appear in late April - early May. The grass has already broken through its green stems, and the trees are getting ready to put on green clothes. The leaves will bloom quickly and suddenly, and the first flowers are about to bloom, exposing their centers to awakened insects. Summer will come soon.

More about spring, spring natural phenomena and weather signs >>

Summer natural phenomena

In summer, the grass turns green, flowers bloom, leaves turn green on the trees, you can swim in the river. The sun warms well, it can be very hot. In summer, the longest day and the most short night in a year. Berries and fruits ripen, the harvest ripens.

In summer, there are natural phenomena, such as:

Rain. In the air, water vapor is supercooled, forming clouds consisting of millions of small ice crystals. Low temperature in the air, below zero degrees, leads to the growth of crystals and to the weighting of frozen drops, which melt in the lower part of the cloud and fall in the form of raindrops to the surface of the earth. In summer, the rain is usually warm, it helps to water the forests and fields. Thunderstorms often accompany summer rain. If at the same time it's raining and the sun is shining, they say it's "Mushroom Rain". Such rain happens when the cloud is small and does not cover the sun.

Heat. In summer, the rays of the Sun fall on the Earth more vertically and heat its surface more intensively. And at night, the earth's surface gives off heat to the atmosphere. Therefore, in summer it is hot during the day and sometimes even at night.

Rainbow. Occurs in the atmosphere high humidity, often after a rain or a downpour with a thunderstorm. Rainbow - optical phenomenon nature, for the observer appears as a multi-colored arc. When the sun's rays are refracted in water droplets, optical distortion occurs, which consists in the deviation of different colors, the white color is divided into a spectrum of colors in the form of a multi-colored rainbow.

Flowering begins in spring and continues all summer.

Autumn natural phenomena

In autumn, you no longer run outside in a T-shirt and shorts. It gets colder, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, migratory birds fly away, insects disappear from sight.

Autumn is characterized by such natural phenomena:

Leaf fall. As plants and trees go through their year-round cycle, they shed their leaves in the fall, exposing their bark and branches, preparing for hibernation. Why does a tree get rid of leaves? So that the fallen snow does not break the branches. Even before the leaf fall, the leaves of the trees dry, turn yellow or redden and, gradually, the wind throws the leaves to the ground, forming a leaf fall. This is an autumn phenomenon of wildlife.

fogs. The earth and water are still heated during the day, but in the evening it is already getting colder, fog appears. At high humidity air, for example, after rain or in a damp, cool season, the cooled air turns into small droplets of water hovering above the ground - this is fog.

Dew. These are droplets of water from the air that have fallen in the morning on the grass and leaves. During the night, the air cools down, the water vapor that is in the air comes into contact with the surface of the earth, grass, tree leaves and settles in the form of water droplets. On cold nights, dew drops freeze, causing it to turn into frost.

Shower. It's heavy, torrential rain.

Wind. This is the movement of air currents. In autumn and winter the wind is especially cold.

As in spring, there is frost in autumn. This means that there is a slight frost outside - frost.

Fog, dew, downpour, wind, frost, frost - autumn phenomena inanimate nature.

Winter natural phenomena

In winter it snows and it gets cold. Rivers and lakes are frozen over. In winter, the longest nights and the most short days, it gets dark early. The sun hardly heats up.

Thus, the phenomena of inanimate nature characteristic of winter are:

Snowfall is the fall of snow.

Blizzard. It's snowfall with wind. Being outdoors in a snowstorm is dangerous, it increases the risk of hypothermia. A strong blizzard can even knock you down.

Freezing is the formation of a crust of ice on the surface of the water. The ice will last all winter until spring, until the snow melts and the spring ice drifts.

Another a natural phenomenon- clouds - happens at any time of the year. Clouds are water droplets that have collected in the atmosphere. Water, evaporating on the ground, turns into steam, then, together with warm air currents, rises above the ground. So water is transported over long distances, the water cycle is ensured in nature.

More about winter and winter events nature >>

Unusual natural phenomena

There are also very rare unusual phenomena nature, such as the northern lights, fireballs, tornadoes and even fish rain. One way or another, such examples of the manifestation of inanimate natural forces cause both surprise and, at times, alarm, because many of them can harm a person.

Now you know a lot about natural phenomena and you can accurately find those characteristic of a particular season 🙂

The materials have been prepared for a lesson on the subject of the World around us in grade 2, the programs Perspective and the School of Russia (Pleshakov), but will be useful to any teacher primary school, and parents of preschoolers and younger students in home schooling.

Walk, take a look

Walk, take a look. Spring phenomena in nature

Folk weather calendar

Author Frolova Natalia Alexandrovna
Purpose: this material will be of interest to teachers, educators in preparation for classes, parents. In order to organize interesting observations of children - teachers, parents should be well aware of the sequence of occurrence of certain phenomena, the nature of the local region, the ecology of plants and animals in the immediate natural environment. Work to familiarize preschoolers and schoolchildren with spring natural phenomena, maintaining interest in it largely depends on the planning and thoughtful organization of the ecological and pedagogical process.
Target: developing an interest in noticing changes in nature.
Tasks: Develop observation skills. Cultivate interest in observations.
The life of nature, the dependence of the animal and flora from the state of the atmosphere are brightly and multifacetedly reflected in folk proverbs and sayings. Folk weather science is not only an original source of knowledge, it is an element of our cultural heritage, truly a storehouse of national folklore - one of the links connecting the past with the present.

Still the earth has a sad look
And the air is already breathing in spring
And the dead stem in the field sways.
And the oil stirs the branches.
Nature has not woken up yet.
But through thinning sleep
She heard spring
And she involuntarily smiled
... F. Tyutchev.
The snow has not yet left the ground, and spring is already asking for the soul ... The earth is cold, mud and snow squelches underfoot, but how cheerful, affectionate, friendly everything is around! The air is so clear and transparent that if you climb a dovecote or a bell tower, you seem to see the whole universe from end to end. The sun shines brightly, and its rays, playing and smiling, bathe in puddles along with sparrows.
The river swells and darkens: it has already woken up and not today - tomorrow it will roar. The trees are bare, but they already live and breathe.
Spring is fickle: the drops are replaced by frost, the clear sky is covered with gray rain clouds.
Another fragrant bliss of spring
Didn't get to us.
The ravines are also full of snow.
Still dawn the cart rumbles
On a frozen path
. A. Fet

March is the spring of light. He ends winter, spring begins.
March bought a fur coat from winter, and sold it three days later.
And indeed, a little time will pass, and the earth will throw off its white dress: streams will flow, weaving bizarre patterns, the bright sun will caress nature, and “no matter how winter frightens spring, it still melts.”
Tired of heavy winter clothes, from low winter skies and long nights, we look impatiently at the calendar: when is March 1st?
However, meteorologists say that the first March calendar sheet does not yet mean the arrival of the long-awaited spring.
Only at the moment when the indicator of the average daily temperature freezes at a positive level, having overcome the OC line, rejoice, spring has come to you! According to long-term observations, she gets to MOSCOW in the first five days of April.
Spring is only timidly coming into its own, and people want to know what it will be like, what will tell them about the summer that follows.
If in spring icicles form on the roofs when snow melts, it means a long spring.
If the edges of the melting snow around the tree are steep - to a cold spring, flat - to a long spring.
If it is warm in mid-March - by the melting summer.
Warm March wind - to a warm rainy summer.
Cold spring - to hail summer.
If soon it melts and the water runs together - to a rainy summer.
If it starts to melt north side anthill - to warm and long flight, from the south - to the cold.
I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
Early spring costs nothing.
If spring is wild from the first days, not shy - it will deceive, there is nothing to believe.
Don't be afraid of winter in April, be afraid of retribution.
Seagulls have arrived - summer will go, and the crane will bring warmth,
How many thawed patches, so many larks.
In March, even a chicken from a puddle will get drunk.
In the spring, ice is like a youth's mind, and a spring day is like an affectionate word .. March keeps bread in the ground, and August in the bins.
There would be April water, and greenery would be born, and green grass - an increase in milk.
Water in April in a meadow - consider hay in a haystack.

Snow from the field - the plow will be free, and late steam - the barn is empty.
To raise steam - so do not doze off the stove.
Unreliable May heat.
May has come - just have time and don't yawn.
The oak gets dressed - the cattle eats up.
The earth feeds, and she asks for food.
You carry thick manure - it will not be empty in the barn.
If you miss the spring hour, you won’t catch up with the year.

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At certain intervals of time, called the seasons of the year. Each such period is characterized by its meteorological anomalies.

Natural phenomena in spring

For 3 months of this time of the year, the climate and living conditions of all fauna and flora change beyond recognition.

With the onset of March, nature is just beginning to come to life and wake up from the winter period of "hibernation". By this time, the heat of the sun's rays is still insufficient for the complete melting of snow, but the air is already noticeably warming up. In March, the first spring natural phenomena make themselves felt (examples: ice drift, thawed patches, south wind). At this time, the clouds rise noticeably and acquire a cumulus character.

From the first days of April, the time comes for the most "gray" meteorological anomalies. The names of natural phenomena of this time are known to everyone: fogs, drizzling rains, less often thunderstorms. By the middle of the month, the snow has completely disappeared, but the rivers can still be dangerous with heavy ice drift. Fortunately, the air temperature is warming up every day, so the consequences winter frosts will soon cease to make themselves known. Also in April, dangerous spring floods, heavy winds caused by the connection of the south stream with the north one are not ruled out.

As for the fauna, it begins to fully come to life by the first days of May.

Spring Phenomena: Rain

With warming comes precipitation in liquid form. Such natural phenomena (see pictures below) are called rains or showers. It is a continuous stream of water directed vertically from the sky to the earth. Clouds gradually accumulate moisture, and when pressure and gravity begin to prevail over them, precipitation falls. Since the air temperature is above 0 degrees, it means that water molecules do not crystallize into snowflakes. On the other hand, in rare cases, hail is possible closer to May.

Rain is one of the 5 natural phenomena of spring that are likely to pose a threat to the economy and Agriculture. Prolonged precipitation can flood not only streets and private houses, but also fields with seedlings and sprouts, which will subsequently rot, therefore, yields will drop significantly.

On the this moment It is customary to distinguish the following types of rain:

  • ordinary (precipitation without such pronounced features as thickness, duration);
  • torrential rain (short-term rain, characterized by suddenness and force of precipitation);
  • protracted (characterized by a long duration, up to several days, and a decrease in air temperature);
  • short-term (characterized by the transience and abrupt end of precipitation);
  • snowy (characterized by a decrease in air temperature and partial crystallization of water molecules);
  • mushroom (during such rain, the sun's rays continue to reach the earth);
  • hail-shaped (short-term and dangerous downpour, falling partially in the form of ice floes).

Spring Phenomena: Thunderstorm

This meteorological anomaly is separate view rain that is not included in the traditional classification. A thunderstorm is a precipitation that occurs simultaneously with thunder and lightning.

For several days, clouds accumulate moisture particles picked up by strong winds. Gradually, dark cumulus clouds form from them. During precipitation with high power and heavy winds, an electrical tension arises between the earth's surface and clouds, during which lightning is formed. This effect is always accompanied by a strong thunder. Such natural phenomena (you can see the pictures below) most often occur at the end of spring.

For a thunderstorm to occur, the following conditions are necessary: ​​uneven heating of the lowest layers of air, atmospheric convection, or a sharp intensity of cloud formation in mountainous areas.

Spring phenomena: wind

The climatic phenomenon is a stream of air that is directed along a horizontal axis. Such spring natural phenomena as wind and storm (in rare cases) are characterized by high speed, impact force, propagation area and noise level.

From the point of view of meteorology, this climatic anomaly consists of indicators of direction, power and duration. The strongest air currents with medium gusts are called squalls. With regard to duration, the winds are as follows: hurricane, storm, breeze, typhoon, etc.

In some parts of the Earth, monsoons occur due to frequent temperature changes. Such global winds are characterized by a long duration (up to 3 months). If such air flows are caused by a difference in temperature relative to latitudes, then they are called trade winds. Their duration can be up to a year. The border between the monsoons and the trade winds is called Spring and autumn, it is especially noticeable in countries with a temperate climate. In the tropical regions of the planet, it is due to the wind that the weather and air temperature change so often.

Spring phenomena: clouds

Closer to mid-March, the sky gradually begins to thin out. Now the clouds have clear boundaries. By themselves, they are a product of the condensation of water vapor particles in the upper atmosphere.

Clouds form over the earth's surface. The main condition for their formation is warm wet air. It begins to rise to the top where, with a noticeable decrease in temperature, it stops at a certain height. Essentially, clouds are made up of water vapor and ice crystals. Their large accumulation at high concentration forms cumulus clouds.

All spring natural phenomena have their own forms of uniqueness, which are called meteorological identifiers in science. At high temperature clouds are filled with drop elements, and at low - crystalline. Regarding this criterion, there is a separate classification of the phenomenon. So, clouds are divided into rain, thunderstorm, cirrus, stratus, cumulus, mother-of-pearl, etc.

Spring events: melting snow

With an increase in the temperature of the air, frozen water crystals begin to gradually turn into water. This process is called snowmelt. All frozen ones are subject to such dissolution if the air temperature rises to 0 degrees. These seasonal phenomena in nature occur only in spring. The exact time up to a month is set depending on the current climate.

The process of snow melting is markedly accelerated by rainfall. After that, small temporary reservoirs are formed. Snow melts fastest on flat terrain, where there are no barriers to the wind or a canopy from precipitation. In the forest, this process can take up to a month. In this case, the probability of raising the level of groundwater is high.

Often the snow begins to evaporate in frosty weather. This natural phenomenon is called sublimation. Under the influence sunlight water particles change from a solid state to a gaseous state.

Spring phenomena: ice drift

This anomaly is considered the most dangerous of natural phenomena at this time of the year. This phenomenon is the movement of half-melted ice floes on lakes and rivers under the influence of strong wind or currents. The greatest movement is observed in the middle of the reservoir. Such spring natural phenomena are typical for March, when they are able to sufficiently warm the temperature of the air and soil.

On the rivers, ice drift is often accompanied by traffic jams. In large reservoirs, this phenomenon is determined by the drift of fragments under the action of the wind. The intensity of ice movement, as well as its nature, directly depends on the current climatic conditions, opening time, structure of the riverbed and hydraulic properties of the water flow.

The duration of this process in the spring varies within 3-4 weeks. Landscape and climate play an important role here.

Spring phenomena: thaw

Usually this process begins in early March, but depending on climatic conditions, the dates may move to mid-April. A thawed patch is a place where there was snow in frosty weather, and with warming, a kind of funnel appeared on it. Such spring natural phenomena are very interesting to study.

First of all, thawed patches form around tree trunks, as heat comes from the root system of plants, supported by solar synthesis. Further, the process affects fields and swamps. The thawed spots can be of different colors, depending on how the surface looks (earth, grass, leaves). The situation is similar with their form. In the fields, the thawed patches are elongated, like beds, in the gardens they are rounded (projection of tree trunks).

This process begins to take effect at an average daily temperature of -5 degrees and above.

Spring phenomena: the awakening of the flora

The appearance of thawed patches around the trees indicates that the plants have begun active sap flow. These seasonal phenomena in nature mean only one thing - the awakening of the flora after a long winter passive life.

You can check this very easily. To do this, it is enough to pierce the bark of a tree with a needle or a thin knife. If a transparent sweet liquid of a pale reddish color appears at this place, then the sap flow is in full swing. This indicates that nature is preparing for gardening.

Soon buds will appear on the branches and bloom. In the second half of spring, thanks to the wind and insects, the flora will receive pollination. Therefore, a harvest can be expected in the near future.

Spring phenomena in wildlife

As you know, this time of year is marked by the return of birds to warm countries. First of all, this applies to rooks. They are considered the first heralds of spring. Mass migration of birds occurs towards the end of March, when the night air temperature rises to +10 degrees.

Also, one of the indicative processes in wildlife that characterize the onset of spring are the molting of animals and the awakening from hibernation of wild animals. The change of coat occurs in March, although in some representatives of the fauna it may also be in autumn.

It is very important to know all these spring natural phenomena. It is not for nothing that natural science is included in the main curriculum of school subjects. Knowing the fundamental processes of climate and nature is the duty of every person on the planet.

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