Katie Holmes is Suri's daughter. Tom Cruise meets his daughter Suri for the first time in three years

Career and finance 24.06.2019
Career and finance



Perhaps everyone knows about the tantrums of Suri Cruise: even ordinary residents of Manhattan have seen the “princess” knocking their legs, for which their mother for some reason did not want to buy the tenth chocolate muffin of the day. A child fed not with milk, but with a mixture of barley water with the addition of corn syrup, never heard the parent's "no". Doesn't want to eat or sleep? No problem - no violence!
She pointed a finger at a street puppy - he immediately became her property, and the question of who will walk with him is inappropriate here.
Would you like to have a tree house (American children often play in such)? Papa Tom just bought a ready-made one for $100,000. It has electricity, running water, and a security camera. And the housekeeper and nanny are on duty around the clock!
Did you go shopping with your parents? Came out with a toy piano, a bicycle, several Barbies, a set of exclusive bed linen, a bunch of clothes, accessories and a set of board games. "If Suri wants spaceship they will buy it too!” - claimed those close to the star couple.
For Christmas, a girl could get a dollhouse with a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, plumbing, electricity and a garage, a children's version of a Mercedes for $ 9,700, and a couple of other nice little things - an iPad mini and a Chloe fur coat.
They dressed her exclusively in designer outfits: Armani, Versace, Burberry ... On legs - Christian Louboutin. Moreover, the only thing for the parents was to fill the wardrobe, the cost of which was estimated at $ 3 million. From the age of one and a half, Suri coped with the selection of clothes on her own, and even pointed out to her mother what should and should not be worn.
- The daughter herself decides what to combine with what, and even gives me advice, - Katie Holmes was touched. - Suri Cruise is my fashion critic. She saw me in suede brown trousers and said, "I don't like them." And sometimes, on the contrary, he says: “Mom, you are so beautiful today.” Looks like she has taste!
And nothing that the child periodically pulled a skirt over his trousers or went for a walk in a ball gown, on heels, with painted (at the age of three!) Lips: Suri knows better what is right.


And suddenly - a divorce. The world of the girl, next to whom the personal nanny, governess, cook and driver were spinning for 24 hours, seemed to collapse.
And the point is not only that she now sees her adored dad not so often. Almost everything suddenly changed in her life: instead of a luxurious mansion in California - an apartment in Manhattan, instead of designer clothes - "ordinary" clothes. And it turned out that there are other children in the world. Instead of a closed Scientology school, where Tom Cruise wanted to send her daughter, Katie chose an ordinary Catholic school for her, and there the “princess” has to be “like everyone else” and communicate with her peers. Agree, stress for a child who for the previous seven years was actually a loner in the world of adults - Cruz tried in every possible way to limit Suri's contacts with outside world.
And recently, my mother did something weird: she bought an airbus ticket and took her daughter to the airport by taxi. For a girl who previously traveled exclusively by personal car, plane and helicopter, it was a shock!
And it’s not for nothing that we remembered the chocolate cupcake tantrum: now Katie sometimes dares to say “no” to her daughter. For which he pays - Suri is not used to this word yet.


However, the tale of the proud princess who suddenly took it and changed, it seems, is not entirely about this girl. After all, dad Tom from her life has not completely disappeared, which means that on those rare days when her daughter gets to him, Disneyland, limousines, haute couture dresses and expensive gifts reappear. For example, recently the baby came out of the Tiffany & Co store, cheerfully waving a branded blue bag - now she is also given jewelry. Yes, and with the title of "the most stylish child in Hollywood" Suri, obviously, will not leave soon. Recently, she again caused a wave of gossip when she showed up to school in a bright pink fur hat.
And Miss Cruise was also offered... to run a fashion blog. And this idea has been developed: the girl has already signed a contract for $ 2.3 million and is launching her own fashion line. If her first collection is successful, several stores with clothes from the star child will open in the United States.
So "to be more modest" for the baby in the near future is unlikely to succeed.


Suri hardly ever felt like a child. She seems to have always been an adult.
At the age of 7, the child regularly does manicures and pedicures, and recently the "princess" was caught on a ... date: in one of the restaurants in New York, she had dinner with an unfamiliar boy - and her parents were not around. What will happen next?
“Perhaps the daughter will make a great actress,” says Katie Holmes. - But she also loves singing, dancing and sports.
Sports Suri Cruz really got carried away in earnest. Last summer I visited the London Olympics and was so impressed that I immediately said: “I want a gold medal.” And mom ... assured her that the wish would certainly come true.
Now the girl actively attends gymnastics classes and has no doubt that she will soon become an Olympic champion. After all, mom promised - which means it will be so!

Suri Cruise, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, turns 11 today. From birth, the girl has been under the scrutiny of secular media and has been repeatedly recognized as the most influential celebrity offspring. ELLE chose some facts from Suri's life.

Suri means "princess" in Hebrew. This is the name of Tom Cruise's daughter.

Immediately after breaking up with Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes got into a very dense informational pressure: her every step instantly hit the pages of the media, the press issued new portions of assumptions, rumors and forecasts almost daily. Among other things, the tabloids reported that Katie was going to give her daughter her last name, and at the same time change her name. Like, Suri - it was the initiative of Tom Cruise, and Holmes herself wanted to name her daughter Scout.

Daughter star couple Hollywood of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes became a fashion designer at the age of seven: the girl is going to release her own line fashion clothes. The amount of the deal with the young charmer, regularly included in the list of the most stylish children, amounted to 1.5 million pounds.

Suri is actively involved in ballet. Before that, she, as they say, was looking for herself: she tried, among other things, to play the guitar. However, in the process of learning, the girl did not have a relationship with the teacher, and she fired her. Herself. “I used to play the guitar, but my music teacher and I parted ways. She is a very good person, but we didn’t work together,” Suri directly commented on that situation in a conversation with one of the Broadway actors backstage at the musical School of Rock, which she came to watch with her mother. The conversation immediately hit the tabloids, and the quote became almost a meme.

From the early age Suri, according to her parents, showed interest in outfits and quickly developed her own principles. For example, love for dresses and skirts and, accordingly, dislike for any trouser things.

“Recently, Katie managed to get Suri jeans on. As soon as we left her alone in the room, she immediately got rid of her jeans and got into a dress, ”said Tom Cruise at the time.

In shoes with heels - in other words, in shoes that do not differ in style from adults - Suri got into when she was three years old. And immediately fell in love. And her mother had to disentangle this passion, whom the press accused of indulging the oddities of a little girl.

In 2013, Suri's Burn Book went on sale in the States. Its author, fashion blogger Ellie Hagan, shared her opinions about what style and fashion in general are, and also commented on various trends and individual things. It would seem, what does Suri Cruise have to do with it. And despite the fact that the book was written as if from her face.

Do not think that Suri grows up exclusively surrounded by designer clothes and ballet. Katie Holmes loves basketball, tries - when she is in Los Angeles - to attend all the games of her favorite team (L.A. Lakers) and always takes her daughter with her. For the first time, Suri attended a basketball game in two years old and now regularly there. True, how she herself relates to this game is unknown.

Tom Cruise, although he does not communicate with his daughter (according to the tabloids), but at least compensates for this with gifts. It is clear that nothing can replace live communication, but, apparently, Tom has a different opinion on this matter. A couple of years ago, he gave his daughter a helicopter. Own. And now Suri can move around New York and its environs without the help of limousines, armored jeeps and traffic jams. However, when their family was still complete, Tom also spoiled Suri. For example, he gave a house for his birthday. On the tree. And paid $100,000 for it.

Tom Cruise pays $33,000 a month to support his daughter. For a star who earns more than 50 million per film (the total income as an actor and producer for the projects of the Mission Impossible franchise), not so much money.

In 2012, when Suri was six, she topped the list of the most influential celebrity children. The top was not compiled anyhow, but based on the results of monitoring the secular media - it was Suri who was mentioned most often. The second place was then taken by Harper Beckham (who at that time was not even six months old), the third was Shiloh, the daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Suri Cruise

Public figure Date of birth April 18 (Aries) 2006 (13) Place of birth Santa Monica Instagram @ohmysuricruise

It is unlikely that there is another child on the planet who would literally be spoiled from the cradle like little Suri, the daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Translated from Hebrew, this name means "princess", and it is fully consistent with the lifestyle star girl who is not used to the word "no". However, the parents' divorce big influence on her, and in the usual luxurious life there have been significant changes.

Biography of Suri Cruise

The long-awaited child in the acting family was born on April 18, 2006 at St. John's Medical Center in Santa Monica. At first everything was perfect: happy parents could not help but rejoice at their daughter, whom the press immediately dubbed "the most beautiful girl."

And the baby, indeed, grew up very pretty. However, the all-encompassing love of Tom and Katie for their daughter soon acquired frightening proportions. From infancy, the girl was spoiled in such a way that it did not fit into any framework. Her every whim was fulfilled instantly, whether it was a hundred thousand dollar tree house, equipped with running water and a security system, or a street puppy that was safely forgotten the very next day.

It was in the order of things to see a three-year-old girl dressed in a smart dress, in high-heeled shoes, with shaggy hair and painted lips - well, Suri herself knows how to look good! Does the child not want to sleep or eat at the right time? No problem! The main thing is no violence in relation to the precious child. She always had all the best: toys, gadgets, designer outfits, trips exclusively on personal cars and planes of a successful parent, Tom Cruise.

How strong was the stress for the little princess when her parents divorced in 2012 and the familiar world with all the benefits collapsed overnight. The reason for the divorce of Tom and Kathy was Cruise's fanatical devotion to the Church of Scientology. The actor wanted to send his daughter to a closed Scientology school, where she would communicate exclusively with her own kind, but Katie flatly refused.

Realizing that one of their most important adherents was about to go out of influence, the representatives of the church set Cruz a strict condition - to refuse any contact with his daughter, because she was possessed by ... a demon. Surprisingly, but so loving father took it on faith, and for several years he never met Suri, missing all the important events in the life of every child: birthdays, the first school line, Christmas holidays.

Katie, as best she could, tried to distract her daughter from unpleasant thoughts, but it is very difficult to explain to a child why her beloved dad refuses any communication.

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