FAO UN Food and Agriculture Organization. See what "FAO" is in other dictionaries

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FAO- The Food and Agriculture Organization at the UN - unites about 180 countries of the world, was established on October 16, 1945 (which is why October 16 is celebrated as World Food Day). The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was among the 46 countries participating in this conference, and its representative served as vice-chairman of the Provisional Commission on Food and Agriculture. But for political reasons, the USSR refused to join the FAO (unwillingness to provide statistical information about its agriculture), it participated only in the work of the World Food Council, established in 1974.

The main goals and objectives of FAO are:

  • improving nutrition and raising people's living standards
  • Ensuring efficiency gains in the production and distribution of food and agricultural products
  • improving the living conditions of the rural population
  • collection, study, processing and dissemination of information on the development of agriculture and food
  • providing technical and methodological assistance to countries in need

A particular priority is to promote sustainable agricultural development, improve food security along with the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

FAO's operational activities to date include the following major programmes:

  1. special food protection program. This program was developed in 1994, it provides not only the quantity of food, but also its stability, availability, helps rural communities in case of drought, floods, when dangerous pests, contributes to the growth of profits of agricultural producers. Farmers experience better ways farming practices, including new technologies, different planting plans and ways to produce a variety of products. Successful experience is generalized and distributed throughout the country
  2. technical cooperation program - it provides grants for relatively short-term (no more than 2 years), but very effective projects. Through these projects, FAO provides its member countries with its experience and knowledge through the mobilization of local resources
  3. trust fund financing programs - for long-term projects
  4. the Telefood program was launched in 1997 and is sponsored. Includes a series of concerts, sports and other events aimed at raising funds and directing them to the fight against hunger
  5. a special contingency program. This program allows you to eliminate the consequences of war and natural disasters. Moreover, FAO does not provide food, but seeds, tools of production, contributes to the restoration of irrigation systems, the production of technical devices for storing products.

FAO also sets international standards in all areas related to agriculture and food: food additives, farm animal health, rational use natural resources, various pollutants.

FAO has its own publications, publishes and distributes analytical reviews, guides and other information products. FAO's budget for 2003-2004 exceeded $650 million.

AT recent times our country has entered a phase active interaction and cooperation with countries of the world and international organizations. Belarus strives to join the system of the world economy - this is proved by its entry into the Food and Agriculture Organization at the UN (FAO), which took place on November 19, 2005. The official application for membership in FAO was submitted by the Government of the Republic of Belarus on March 25, 2004. At the 127th Session of the FAO Council (November 2004), the dates for our country's admission to FAO membership were set and the right to participate as an observer in all meetings of the Council, regional and technical conferences of FAO was given. This decision allowed Belarus to better prepare for full membership in FAO and already at this stage to participate in the FAO technical assistance program. The country's entry into the organization became possible due to the ratification of the FAO Constitution by the Belarusian Parliament. This removed the last barriers before the official entry into this international agricultural organization.

The benefits to FAO member countries are clear. In particular, the accession of Belarus to the FAO has a number of positive aspects:

  • firstly, it will allow, on an equal basis with other member countries, to participate in the implementation of the above international programs in agriculture
  • secondly, Belarus will be able to count on significant financial and technical assistance from the organization. According to preliminary estimates of experts, the volume of technical assistance to the country is expected to be 2-3 times more than the annual contribution of Belarus to the FAO budget of $62,000. Aid to our country can reach 120-180 thousand dollars annually. Everything will have a positive impact not only on the development of the Belarusian agricultural sector, but will also help minimize the consequences of the Chernobyl accident
  • thirdly, Belarus will have unhindered access to reliable sources of information about the state and development of agriculture and its industries around the world and issues related to the agricultural sector, which is extremely important for Belarusian researchers, universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and the media
  • Fourthly, the accession of Belarus to the FAO will provide an opportunity to more clearly formulate its policy regarding cooperation with countries European Union will bring domestic agricultural products closer to European standards
  • Fifthly, FAO membership will speed up the process of Belarus' accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). We should also not forget about increasing the importance and competitiveness of domestic agricultural products in the world market.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAO's activities cover eight strategic areas. The tasks of the Organization include monitoring in the field of food; forecasting food security, taking into account the state of natural resources and scientific knowledge; international food regulation; national policy, institutional and legal arrangements; ensuring sustainable growth in production and increasing the availability of food; adaptation of technologies to create conditions for the intensification of production and ensuring the adequacy of the food supply; protection, rational use of natural resources. A separate task is monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the World Food Summit, carried out jointly with the UN Chief Commissioner for Human Rights. Ensuring food security, meaning the provision of targeted assistance to countries in particular need, is the most important strategic direction in functional activities FAO. FAO's long-term strategy is focused on ensuring food security, sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex, as well as improving food trade. The organization has significant budgetary and extrabudgetary funds (the total budget reaches more than a billion US dollars). FAO carries out activities in many programs in the field of agriculture and food, assisting countries in solving socio-economic, scientific, technological, organizational, legal and financial problems. To solve the problems of food security, FAO involves organizations whose activities are aimed at providing assistance. This group includes: Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programs, World Food Program (WFP), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Organization for industrial development(UNIDO). FAO interacts with the Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Advisory Group on International Agricultural Research, World Organization Health (WHO), United Nations Organization for environment(UNEP), International Labor Organization (ILO), World Trade Organization (WTO), International monetary fund(IMF), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), other institutions, contacts with the Population Fund, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), etc. 80 sectoral governmental and non-governmental international organizations are involved in the implementation of economic and technical programs of FAO. Some of them have received the status of regional. FAO integrates the activities of agricultural and other international organizations, covering the entire spectrum of socio-economic, scientific, technological, trade, economic, environmental, information and other aspects of activities aimed at ensuring food security at the national, regional and international levels. The organization has developed several systems for collecting, storing and disseminating information on the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the countries of the world (AGRIS, ARIS), approved a number of product quality standards used in international trade. In Europe, the FAO established the Cooperative System of Research Networks in Agriculture (ESCO-RENA), which includes leading institutes for soybean, corn, sunflower, etc., as well as the Space Observation Center, which receives information from American, Russian, French and Japanese satellites , processing it according to its own methodology and techniques. The Center provides FAO member countries with information on the agro-climatic conditions of production, the state of crops, soil erosion processes, etc. The FAO operates an Investment Center that has ensured the implementation of about 2.5 thousand technical projects for member countries for a total of $ 56 billion . Within the framework of technical assistance programs in Bulgaria, a large research institute has been established to study the biopotential of the earth.

Which is so necessary for us. Our main task is to decipher the FAO, a description of this organization, its activities. Speaking very clearly, the organization acts as a forum. At this event, countries can agree on decisions related to the topic of food security. Please note that representatives of developed and developing countries can participate equally in this forum.

So what is FAO? The abbreviation is deciphered as follows: Why then is it abbreviated as FAO? The thing is that the organization belongs to the UN, therefore, the language is English. In this language, it sounds like this: Food and agriculture organization, or simply FAO.


The FAO organization (the abbreviation was given earlier) has a long history of creation. We invite you to briefly get to know her in dates.

Hot Springs, Congress of Forty-Six Countries, discussion of the issue of food security.

Establishment of FAO, adoption of the constitution of the organization. Headquarters - Washington.

Office relocation to Rome.

Campaign "A World Free of Hunger".

Establishment of a Food Standards Compliance Commission.

Conclusion of agreements with 56 countries and approval of delegates.


Food Day.

Starting the database.

conference where they discussed global problems with food, drinking water and unsanitary living conditions.

A program to provide food to countries that need it.

Fisheries Code.

Forum (more than 150 countries) on the issue of food shortages.

Convention Controlling Trade in Hazardous Substances.

Development of measures to eliminate hunger in Africa.

year of rice.

Creation of an anti-crisis center.

Help the people of Pakistan.

Rome Declaration (availability, quality and safety of food for all people).

Tasks of the organization

The tasks of the organization are very difficult, but no less important for the success and healthy life each of us. The main ones are:

  • poverty alleviation;
  • elimination of hunger;
  • assistance to countries in the development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries;
  • informing citizens about poverty and hunger.

How does FAO achieve its goals? Of course, they develop agriculture, thereby improving nutrition. In principle, the problem of food security is solved in the same way. As noted earlier, the organization not only develops these areas, but also monitors the quality of the products used. All this is carried out by this association (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO decoding). Corn and other cereals are subject to classification. If we take corn for example, then all existing varieties have an FAO number between 100 and 999.


FAO (the transcript has already been given several times) develops programs that not only warn countries of possible food crises, but also provide the necessary assistance. These programs and projects raise about two billion dollars every year. Please note that these are all voluntary donations for the development of agriculture.

Once every two years, a Conference is convened, where the Council (forty-nine members of the organization) is elected, which is the governing body. Highly significant event occurred at a similar Conference in 1979, after which for the first time people were able to celebrate World Food Day.

Organization structure

FAO (decoding - food and agriculture has the following structure:


This unit also consists of several: the UN coordination department, the office, the department legal issues, budget management and estimates.

Department of Agriculture

Animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, nuclear methods, nutrition department, consumer protection, plant growing, plant protection, agro-industry.

Development Department

Economics of agriculture, departments of statistics, trade, markets, employment in rural areas.

Department of Fisheries

Politics, economics, fisheries management.

Department of Forestry

Politics, economics, forest management.

Information and communication

IT department, communication department.

environmental protection

Climate, bioenergy, land and water departments.

Department of Technical Cooperation

Departments: emergencies, policy development.

Department of Resources (human, financial and physical)

Departments: financial, administrative services, human resources management.

Priority areas

The main activity is forestry, water and agriculture. FAO, whose transcript has already been given, has chosen the following main areas of action:

  • the fight against hunger;
  • improving the sustainability of agriculture;
  • elimination of poverty;
  • disaster warning and assistance.

Resource safety

Another type of activity is animals and plants that people use for their own purposes. Organization FAO (decoding - food and agriculture believes that this is the most biological diversity - this is the first condition for food production.

What is FAO: decoding, explanation The question of the early maturity of a hybrid is paramount, indices help to understand it international organization Food and Agriculture at the United Nations. In other words, it is a notional FAO indicator. The organization took 9 known hybrids and varieties that differed in biological development or precocity. They are listed as a standard in one of five groups. biological development. So, the early ripe group according to the classifier of the International Organization is indexes up to FAO 199, mid-early hybrids are numbered from FAO 200 to FAO 299. Mid-season varieties are assigned numbers from FAO 300 to FAO 399. Mid-late - FAO 400-499 and the late-ripening group includes from FAO 500 and above. The standard hybrid belonging to the first group, having 20% ​​moisture at the time of harvest, is given the FAO number 160. The hybrid of the second group with a moisture content of 25% received the FAO number 240. Therefore, when breeding new seed with a moisture content of 22%, the corn variety should be assigned the FAO value is 190. This is achieved by the following calculations: In the calculation, not only the percentage of grain moisture is taken as a basis - an important indicator of its quality, but also: the moisture content of the whole plant;
dates of wax ripeness, etc.
Therefore, the lower the number in the FAO decoding index scale, the earlier the hybrid is. Where and why is FAO used? The FAO index serves to assess early maturity and compare cereal hybrids by groups of a given biological indicator. The entire world assortment of crops is distributed according to FAO numbers in the range of 100-999. Units correspond to average temperatures. The main field of its application is agronomy, plant breeding. The classification of maize hybrids according to the FAO The classification of the International Food and Agriculture Organization is as follows: FAO ripeness group Vegetation period, full ripeness (days) Sum of temperatures
average daily effective
Early maturing varieties 100-200 90-100 2200 800-900
Medium early varieties 201-300 100-115 2400 1100
Mid-season varieties 301-400 115-120 2600 1170
Mid-late varieties 401-500 120-130 2800 1210
Late-ripening varieties 501-600 130-140 3000 1250-1300
The most popular in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are: FAO 280 - medium-early hybrid with dentate type of grain, highly resistant to lodging, tolerant to major diseases. At the beginning of its development, the seed formed a large cob with a thin stem, quickly gave up moisture, which was reflected in high yields; plant density by the time of harvest reaches 80 thousand / ha;
FAO 330 is a mid-season variety with high adaptability to various growing technologies and agro-climatic conditions, high tolerance to drought and heat, has demonstrated a high yield potential, good moisture yield, and a strong root system. It is adapted to early sowing and highly responsive to a good agricultural background. 65 thousand/ha - the density of standing corn for harvesting.

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