Blueberries grated with sugar recipe. Blueberries for the winter: blanks, recipes, the best ways to save benefits and vitamins

Technique and Internet 03.07.2023
Technique and Internet

You can prepare blueberries with sugar for the winter in various ways. But the most useful thing is not to grind blueberries, sprinkling fresh berries with sugar.

It is better to take the proportions of granulated sugar and blueberries for this blank 2: 1, that is, 1 kg of blueberries comes out for 2 kg of sugar.

Ask why so many? This is so that during storage the workpiece does not sour and retains its original properties throughout the winter - blueberries are raw.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Grind blueberries or leave whole - a matter of taste. You can make both options. So next year you will already know for sure which one suits you best.

According to this recipe, blueberries with sugar must be stored in a cool place in winter, for example, in a cellar, so take this feature into account before cooking.

However, I am sure that in every refrigerator there will always be a place for a jar of such a delicious berry treat, and this will not be a problem.

I won’t talk about the beneficial properties of blueberries, they are already well-known to everyone.

Preparation - 1 hour

Cooking time- 15 minutes

Calorie - 150 kcal per 100 grams


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking blueberries with sugar for the winter

  1. We sort through the berries, remove debris, leaves, etc. and put them in a colander.
  2. Then rinse several times with clean water. Leave until all the water has drained.
  3. After that, pour the berries on a clean towel in one layer, leave to dry.
  4. Next, pour 2-3 cm of sugar into the bottom of a glass, pre-sterilized jar.
  5. Then add the berries on top and sprinkle them with sugar again.
  6. Thus, we fill the jar alternating layers until the berry runs out. We leave it on the kitchen table for about half an hour.
  7. After that, pour the remaining sugar on top, the layer should be the thickest. We close with a capron lid.

We take the workpiece to a cool place for winter storage. You can eat dessert by mixing it with homemade yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream. In addition, use as a filling for pancakes, donuts, sweet pies, etc.

If desired, the berries can be chopped with a blender, mixer, and you can also prepare mashed potatoes from them, all kinds, include the listed dishes in the lenten menu.

Almost everyone has heard about the benefits of blueberries. It strengthens vision, supports immunity, and also contains antioxidants that can prolong youth. The season when you can enjoy fresh blueberries is not long. Those who wish to prolong the pleasure can make jam from this berry. The most useful of them is blueberries mashed with sugar. For the winter, this so-called “jam” is made by many precisely because it does not undergo heat treatment, which means that the vitamins contained in blueberries are not destroyed. However, in order for such jam to be stored without cooking for a long time, some recommendations must be followed.

Cooking technology

The principle of preparing blueberries mashed with sugar is identical to the preparation of similar blanks for the winter from other berries.

  • Remembering that blueberries will not boil, they should be washed and sorted out especially carefully. Not a single mote, unnoticed leaf or spoiled berry should not fall into the "cold jam". Otherwise, it will quickly spoil the whole thing.
  • Cleanliness requirements also apply to utensils used for the preparation and storage of berries. Spoons, pots, jars, lids, parts of a blender or other device for chopping blueberries should be clean. It is important to remember that aluminum utensils are categorically not suitable for preparing dishes from berries. Preference is given to glass, ceramics, wood and stainless steel. Jars and lids should be sterilized.
  • In this case, the safety of the berry is ensured by sugar, so you can’t save on it. Sugar should be used no less than indicated in the recipe. Additionally, you can add a little granulated sugar to each jar in addition to what is indicated in the recipe. Cover the berry with a fairly centimeter layer of sugar.
  • Keep blueberries mashed with sugar in a cool place. In a city apartment, there is only one such place - a refrigerator. Usually, jarred blueberries are placed in the main compartment of the refrigerator, but they can also be stored in the freezer. For freezer storage, there is no need to use a large amount of sugar. In this case, it is enough to take 50–75% of the sugar indicated in the recipe. You can lay out blueberries intended for storage in the freezer not only in sterilized jars, but also in clean containers, plastic bags.

Blueberries go well with almost all berries and fruits. If you grind it with other garden gifts, you get an even more delicious dish.

Blueberries, pureed with sugar without cooking, for the winter

  • blueberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • After going through the blueberries, rinse them by putting them in a colander and lowering them into the water several times.
  • Let the water drain from the blueberries by laying them out on a paper towel.
  • Grind dry berries to a puree state. There are several ways to do this. The most time-consuming is to wipe through a sieve. A little more simple - grind with a blender, putting small portions of berries in its bowl, or puree them all at once in a bowl with an immersion-type blender. The easiest way is to crank through a meat grinder. The most tender blueberries are obtained, rubbed by hand through a sieve.
  • Pour granulated sugar into the blueberry mass, stir everything well, let stand for about an hour.
  • Divide into sterilized jars or clean containers. Seal the jars tightly with metal lids.
  • Put the sweet blank for the winter in the refrigerator or freezer.

There is a lot of pectin in blueberries, so the “cold jam” from it turns out to be thick. It is well suited for baking, it can be spread on toast instead of marmalade.

Blueberries pureed with strawberries and sugar

  • blueberries - 0.5 kg;
  • strawberries - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, rinse blueberries and strawberries, after carefully examining them to get rid of spoiled specimens.
  • Puree the berries in any way convenient for you, based on what equipment is available in your kitchen.
  • Pour in sugar, stir. Cover with a cloth and wait a couple of hours.
  • Distribute in sterile jars.
  • Sprinkle powdered sugar over the jars on top of the berry mass. You can not only buy it, but also make it yourself. To do this, grind granulated sugar in a coffee grinder.
  • Seal containers (roll up). Take away for the winter.

You can store "cold jam" from blueberries and strawberries only in a cool place, at room temperature it will quickly deteriorate.

Blueberries pureed with blackcurrant and sugar

  • blueberries - 0.7 kg;
  • blackcurrant - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the blueberries and rinse them well. Discuss.
  • Wash the currants, first sorting it out and removing the stalks. Place on paper towel to drain water.
  • Chop the berries together.
  • Mix with sugar. After 2-3 hours, mix the berry mass again and place it in prepared jars. Close them.

This "jam" is also stored in the cold. It turns out with sourness, which gives it blackcurrant. The combination of vitamin A, which is abundant in blueberries, and vitamin C, which is especially rich in blackcurrants, make the blueberry-currant treat a powerful weapon in the fight against flu and colds.

Blueberries pureed with sugar are a delicious dessert. It is also worth preparing for the winter because all the vitamins are preserved in such a “jam”, due to which it becomes an excellent tool for strengthening the body's immune system.

There are no people who would not be aware of the beneficial qualities of blueberries.

It "charges" the body with vitamins for the year ahead.

Strengthens vision, restores immunity, and the antioxidants contained in it fill the body with energy and prolong youth.

Blueberries are also useful for children, to whom it can be given as early as 7 months. Babies up to the age of three are given it in small proportions, in the consistency of mashed potatoes, and children over three years old can already be given whole berries, but not more than 1-2 glasses per day.

True, the season when you can eat blueberries is very short, but you can always find a way out. You can make a very tasty “raw” jam from the berry, which does not undergo heat treatment, and therefore it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Options for preparing blueberries with sugar for the winter will be presented in the article, as well as recommendations for housewives so that such raw jam can be stored for a long time.

Blueberries with sugar for the winter without cooking: we make sweet blanks

easy way

This simple recipe is very easy to prepare and does not require many ingredients:

  • Blueberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

The first and most important thing is to process the berries: sort, wash and dry. Then pour into a dry frying pan, sprinkle with granulated sugar, light a low fire and wait until the blueberries release their juice. This is a signal that you can already pour sugar and keep it on low heat, but not more than one minute.

The prepared jam is immediately distributed into jars and corked. Keep blueberries with sugar should be in a cool room, without light.

The second version of raw jam

Here, the berry is not processed on fire at all.

You will also need two ingredients:

  • Blueberries;
  • Sugar.

We leave ripe berries, wash and dry on a towel.

We measure the proportions with a glass: for 1 tablespoon of berries, there is one and a half glasses of granulated sugar. However, you can vary if you think that it will be too sweet and cloying.

We send the blueberries to the processor and beat until puree. In the process of beating, add granulated sugar in parts. Until the mass begins to acquire a jelly composition.

Pour the whole mass into jars and close the lid, without clogging.

This jam does not need airtight packaging. We keep jars of blueberries with sugar without cooking for the winter in the refrigerator.

Blueberries mashed with sugar for the winter: jelly recipe (with heat treatment)

To make a thick treat - real jelly, we need:

  • Sugar - 8 glasses;
  • Blueberries - 6 glasses;
  • Water - 4 glasses.

Berries should be processed as described in the recipes above.

On the stove, put a container of water, and wait until it boils, add blueberries. When the mass begins to boil, we fall asleep sugar. To obtain the consistency of jelly, it is enough to cook for a quarter of an hour and do not forget to remove the foam and stir the mass.

We distribute the finished jelly into jars. The highlight of the recipe is not only that the jam turns out to be very tasty and beautiful, so the berries remain intact, and the syrup turns into jelly. This is a healthy dessert for gourmets.

Find out also, It can then be used not only for feeding small children, but also for all kinds of pastries and desserts.

And recipes for making cherry jam with a bone are described.

Love compotes? Then stock up for the winter with incredibly tasty and healthy plum compotes. there are recipes with step by step photos.

Cooking in our own juice

Ingredients for blueberries with sugar in their own juice for the winter:

  • Fresh blueberries;
  • Granulated sugar.

We wash the berries, pour them into a colander and wait until the water drains.

Sterilized jars, put in a wide pan, at the bottom of which a rag should be spread.

Pour into jars, sprinkle each jar on top with a tablespoon of granulated sugar. Pour water into the pan so that it does not reach the top of the cans by a couple of centimeters.

We cover the jars with lids, previously boiled in water. We turn on the fire and bring the water to a state of gurgling, but not bubbling.

After some time, the berries in the jar will settle, it will be necessary to fill up to the top. And so add the berries until the syrup fills the jar to the brim.

We roll up each jar, put the lids to the bottom and wrap it warmly. We leave for a day.

Recipe tips and tricks:

  1. Such blueberries with sugar in their own juice retain a fresh taste and aroma;
  2. It is not worth putting a lot of granulated sugar so that the workpiece is stored longer;
  3. The berries have a lot of their own moisture - so you do not need to add water to the jars.

Mixing blanks with other berries

Below we want to present you recipes for blueberries grated with sugar and other berries for the winter. These will be the best blanks you have ever made!

Option 1 - with strawberries


  • 500 gr blueberries;
  • 500 gr strawberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.25 kg of powdered sugar.

We get rid of bad berries, and wash the rest thoroughly. We make puree from blueberries and strawberries, for example, in a blender. Pour sugar, stir, cover with a rag and wait 2-3 hours.

We take sterile jars and distribute the jam. Sprinkle the berry mass with sugar.

Every housewife can make powdered sugar at home, in a coffee grinder.

Option 2 - with blackcurrant


  • 700 gr blueberries;
  • 700 gr of black currant;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

Blueberries should be sorted out, the stalks should be removed from the currant berries and everything should be washed. Drain on a towel to dry. Pour the berries into a food processor or blender, bring to a puree consistency.

Mix with sugar, and leave for three or four hours, mix and distribute the mass in jars.

Blueberry jam, grated with sugar and blackcurrant, should be stored in a cool place. He has a wonderful taste, sweet, with sourness from blackcurrant berries.

Vitamin A in blueberry jam is mixed with vitamin C. In winter, this storehouse of vitamins will help fight colds and strengthen the immune system.

Potpourri of different berries


  • 1 kg - raspberries;
  • 1 kg - strawberries;
  • 1 kg - blueberries;
  • 4.5 kg - sugar.

We wash blueberries and strawberries, remove the tails from the second. It is undesirable to wash raspberries, they lose their taste properties. Beat three berries with a blender, then add sugar and start the blender again. Pour the mass into containers, cover with a lid and hide in the refrigerator.

Recipe tips:

  1. If you add lemon juice, the jam will acquire a sweet and sour taste;
  2. If you beat mint with a mass, then the jam will acquire a refreshing taste.

Classic recipe for blueberry delicacy with cooking

And now let's cook blueberries with sugar for the winter with cooking, that is, according to the usual method with heat treatment. For this jam recipe, the berries are boiled, but it will also come in handy for a good housewife.


  • Blueberries - 2 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 700 gr;
  • A glass of water - 0.5 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon.

To begin with, we process the berries - we sort, wash and dry. Then grind two glasses of fruit in a blender (or combine).

We mix water with granulated sugar and cook syrup. When it starts to thicken, add the mass of berries to it. After a while, the mixture will begin to boil, add the remaining blueberries to it.

Cook it with sugar on fire for 30 minutes, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice.

  1. Blueberries for jam need to be bought fresh, without damage. If the berries are bought on the market, they should be soaked for half an hour, and then dried well;
  2. Banks prepare in advance. They must be sterilized and dry. And on the berries, and on the banks there should not be a single drop of water, otherwise the jam will not “live” until the winter;
  3. Sugar is considered a preservative, so it should be taken half as much as berries. For example, for five hundred grams of berries there is one kilogram of granulated sugar;
  4. You need to keep raw jam only in a cold place, at room temperature it will deteriorate. If the jam is not hermetically sealed, it is best to keep the jars in the refrigerator;
  5. To make berry puree, you can take not only a blender, but also any kitchen utensils that you have available in the kitchen.

Blueberries with sugar for the winter without boiling or with boiling will always be a pleasant addition to tea with any pastries. Delight your loved ones with delicious and varied blueberry jam desserts!

July brings handfuls full, baskets and baskets of small blue-black berries - delicious and very healthy! Guessed? Well, of course, it's blueberries. Sometimes it is confused with blueberries, but if you look closely, you will notice that, firstly, blueberries are a little smaller and rounder, and blueberries are larger and oblong. Secondly, blueberries are lighter - the color of the berries is blue-blue with a white coating, the flesh is greenish, and the juice is colorless. Blueberries have a brighter taste and shade: the berries are dark blue, almost black (hence the name), with a bluish bloom, and the pulp and juice are a rich purple color. Eat a handful of blueberries - the tongue and teeth will turn lilac, which is especially pleasing to the kids! That's great: eating more fresh blueberries in season is good for both children and adults.

Modest berries are just right to be given the honorary name of “forest sapphires” - there are so many valuable substances in them! Blueberries contain vitamins A, B and C; trace elements (potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, phosphorus); organic acids and essential oils; pectin and fiber. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of blueberries help to cope with colds and have a beneficial effect on digestion.

And blueberries are rich in anthocyanins - pigments responsible for the intense color of berries. They are antioxidants, which improve metabolism and memory, strengthen the immune system, heart and blood vessels, maintain the flexibility of the mind and vigilance of the eyes.

Probably everyone has heard about the benefits of blueberries for vision - indeed, anthocyanins, accumulating in the retina, improve its supply of useful substances, strengthen capillaries - as a result, the sensitivity of the retina and visual acuity increase. If you read or write a lot, work at a computer, your work is associated with visual and mental stress, be sure to eat blueberries! But not buckets, of course - everything is good in moderation. In addition, the effect becomes noticeable not immediately, but after some time of regular use. Ideally, you should eat 3 tablespoons of blueberries every day for 1-2 months.

Therefore, it is worth stocking up on healthy berries while the blueberry season lasts. And now you will learn how to prepare mashed blueberries with sugar for the winter, or “raw” jam - a supply without heat treatment, which allows you to save the maximum useful properties of fresh blueberries.

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes
  • Servings: 2.3 - 2.4 liters

Ingredients for blueberries pureed with sugar:

  • 1 kg of fresh blueberries;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar.

Preparation of blueberries pureed with sugar:

The proportion of berries and sugar 1:2 is indicated for cold-prepared jam - without cooking. Sugar is a natural preservative, so blueberries, like blackcurrants, mashed with a lot of sugar, can be stored without sterilization and even under plastic lids.

If you still want to boil and roll blueberries, then you can take berries and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.

We wash the berries in a bowl of water or in a colander under the tap. Then we dry it a little - in the same colander so that the water is glassed, or on a towel. Just remember that blueberry juice dyes a beautiful lilac color very well! Therefore, you need to take an old or dark towel. I do not advise paper - it can get wet and stick to the berries.

There are many ways to prepare blueberries with sugar: rub with a spoon, mash with a potato masher, or chop in a food processor. But metal utensils should not be used to avoid oxidation. Therefore, use enameled bowls, a wooden spoon, a plastic masher or a plastic nozzle.

Pour the berries into a bowl, add half the sugar and start rubbing with a spoon. If you pour out all the sugar at once, it will not be very convenient to grind, and also, with gradual addition, it dissolves better.

During careful rubbing, the berries are allowed to juice, in which sugar dissolves. It is acceptable that a few berries remain intact.

Pour the rest of the sugar into the grated blueberries and mix. We do not pack the resulting mixture in jars right there, but leave it at room temperature for several hours, since the sugar will not melt immediately, but will dissolve for some time. If you immediately spread the jam into jars, it may turn out that it will increase in volume and run away. If you are in a hurry, then fill the jars not to the top, but with a margin, about 4/5 of the height.

Having spread the blueberries rubbed with sugar in sterile glass jars, we close them with sterile lids - plastic or threaded.

Store blueberries mashed with sugar should be in a cool place: in the basement or refrigerator.

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