Fortune telling on wax meaning grandmother. Divination on wax

Design and interior 30.06.2023
Design and interior

The most famous and widespread prediction is wax divination. It has come to us since ancient times and is still in great demand. There is an opinion that for accuracy and truthfulness it is necessary to take exactly and not paraffin. These manipulations can be performed not only at Christmas time, but also on any other day.

What does it mean This exciting activity is interesting because it does not bring negativity. There is a classical way of prediction. It is necessary to be able to correctly interpret wax figures during divination. How to do this, read our article.

on wax?

Today, there are many different predictions in order to find out your future and destiny. One of them is divination on wax. Many magicians claim that wax with water is a strong positive combination for every person. That is why there is an opinion that it is not scary to carry out rituals with these materials, since nothing bad will happen. Fortune telling on wax allows you to look into the future without negative consequences.

Before starting fortune-telling, you need to find natural wax. Usually paraffin candles are sold in stores. You can, of course, guess at them, only, according to the magicians, the result is likely to be untrue. Wax prediction shows a person various figures that determine the future or present. They need to be able to decipher, because for each fate the meaning of the same figure can vary. For example, for one person, fish is a good sign, for another it is a bad sign.

It is important to know the interpretation of wax figures when divining. Only then can you understand what exactly the prediction promises. Not only girls, but also mature women, serious men and windy guys are fond of this exciting activity, because everyone is interested in what lies ahead for them. Next, we describe the classic method of divination on wax. A transcript of some of the figures will be provided. Everything else depends solely on your ability to fantasize.

Classic on wax

To date, there are two options for obtaining such a prediction.

1. Take a bowl and pour water into it, but not from the tap, but consecrated or melted water. Take a real wax candle, crumble it into a deep spoon so that the wick does not get there. When you're done, turn on the gas or electric burner. Hold a spoon over it until the wax melts. As soon as one liquid remains, pour it sharply and quickly into the center of the bowl. In just a few seconds, you will notice that the wax turns into a figure that you have to decipher.

2. This fortune-telling is called "Brownie". For him, you need to pour a glass of milk into a small deep bowl and put it on the threshold of the dwelling. Now melt the wax in the same way as described in the first method, only you need to pour it into a bowl of milk while saying the following: “Brownie, I invite you to the threshold to taste milk and wax.” A wax figure will appear, and you will only have to decipher it.

Fortune telling on wax is very interesting and fascinating. The transcript may shock you, because it tells the truth. Read the interpretation of the most common symbols.

Embryo wax figure

It can be of two types when divination is performed on wax - an embryo with and without an umbilical cord. These are two different predictions. The first symbol indicates that you or your close friend will soon become pregnant. But this is optional. Starting new ideas, changing jobs, finding new friends is allowed. The umbilical cord itself means that everything new will be given to you with an obstacle.

How to explain if divination on wax brought an embryo without an umbilical cord? This is also for pregnancy. However, this symbol may also mean new beginnings in the near future. The only good thing about an embryo without an umbilical cord is that you will go through any business without obstacles. And if pregnancy occurs, it will pass very easily.


There are several migratory species that appear in wax. For example, if the figure looks like a crow or a magpie, then you are waiting for the loss of a friend or his betrayal. What else will fortune-telling on wax tell? The bird can be interpreted in different ways.

Dove - receive pleasant unexpected news. Probably, it will be possible to get an answer to a very important question. This information will help you in the future, even decide your fate.

If you have a bird that is in flight, good news is on the threshold.

Did you see a small bird that looks like a sparrow, a tit or a bullfinch? This means that it is necessary to implement the plan in the near future. For example, if you have long wanted to quit your job, do not be afraid. Your luck will return. They couldn’t decide on a divorce or separation, but do you understand that your relationship has come to naught? It's time to decide!

So, what does such fortune-telling on wax promise? The bird will certainly bring happiness.


What does it mean if you had to see a waterfowl? What does such divination on wax imply? Fish will bring only good and good news. Most often they are associated with water. Even if you don’t know what we are talking about right now, you will definitely understand after a while. For example, a girl might meet an overseas prince, and an older woman might make a trip to where there is plenty of water. It can be the sea, the ocean or just a river. What else does such fortune-telling on wax carry in itself? Fish speaks of an early pregnancy and easy childbirth. Listen to your family and friends. They definitely don't wish you well.


What does divination on wax mean? A dog, as we all know, is a man's best friend. It's the same in divination. If you saw a dog in the water, it symbolizes the faithful and whom you have. This image suggests that you are ready in difficult times to help someone who really needs it.

What else is hidden in such fortune-telling on wax? Is the dog running? This means that a friend is in a hurry to help you, he really wants to be there in a difficult situation. If a comrade is a man, most likely he will be able to help you with his strength. A woman will give wise advice that can change your life for the better.

A dog is the most good-natured and wise omen. It will teach you a lot. If, for example, you have problems, and there is no one to help, most likely, fortune-telling indicates that a reliable person will soon appear in your life who will help you succeed.


It is very important to consider the meaning of symbols when predicting. What else can be divination on wax? The tree has several meanings. If you saw him with branches that are located up, success, joy and dreams come true in the near future are guaranteed. There is an opportunity to climb the career ladder. Therefore, if you have made an interesting offer, accept it, do not be afraid of anything. This is a great opportunity.

Sometimes it happens that the branches of a tree are lowered. This means longing, boredom. However, if the branch is raised on the right side, then everything is not so bad, and you have the opportunity to overcome your problems.


This symbol has several meanings. If you have spent fortune-telling on wax, the embryo means that you are close to new business and victories. It is at this moment that you can start a new business, and everything will definitely work out. You just need to try to overcome your fears, weakness and confidently move forward. Only then will the long-awaited result appear.

If fortune-telling is carried out on wax, the embryo also means that a baby will appear in your family soon. But not necessarily yours. There is a chance that a child will appear with a sister, mother or close friend. However, doctors cannot be avoided, as the fetus warns of a difficult pregnancy.


This symbol is inextricably linked with the family. The interpretation of wax figures during divination can shed light on many things. Do you feel what is going on in the family? If so, then it will be easy to understand what the image of the house promises. He is a very good symbol. It is believed that your family will finally change for the better. Perhaps you are renting an apartment, waiting for changes. If you have long wanted to move, but could not, this means that now is just the right time.

Feel free to start changing your life for the better. For this, a sign from above is given. Now is the time to fear nothing and act.


This sign speaks of love. If you saw a whole and smooth heart, a big and bright feeling that will never fade away will not keep you waiting.

If the heart is broken, this means that your love has begun to crumble, but it can still be saved. You need to be patient, and everything will certainly work out. Relationships almost always depend on the woman, so try and fight for your love.

If you saw a broken heart, this is a sign that you are in search of your love, or nothing will save your feelings. Therefore, you can part with your partner without hesitation.

Before you start fortune telling, read the recommendations of magicians who adhere to certain rules.

1. Water for divination must be clean - melted, filtered or consecrated. It carries special information and energy, so you should not take it from the tap.

2. In classical divination, a mirror helps a lot. The prediction will be more true if you put a mirror at the bottom of the bowl, and only then pour water into it.

3. It is better to use real wax. A paraffin candle is not an option for divination, it is unlikely to tell you the truth. Many magicians think so. But fortune-telling girls claim that paraffin has no less power than wax, and shows only the truth.

4. You can’t break a candle, as you can damage a loved one. It is better to carefully cut the required amount of wax with a knife.

6. If you are unable to buy wax from beekeepers, then purchase candles from the church.

7. If you cannot independently interpret wax figures during divination, then it is better to look into special literature.

All interpretations described in the article above are general. Remember that each person has their own decoding. When you learn to understand the meanings of the symbols, then it will be much more interesting to do wax divination.

If you follow all the above rules, proceed. Don't be afraid of anything. There is an opinion that this is the most harmless fortune-telling.

A burning candle is a very powerful magical image. Even now, in magical, romantic moments, people seek to replace electric lighting with living fire.

Can a candle help and find answers to questions. Not necessarily about the future, a good question could be “what is really going on”, or “what I don’t notice in the situation”.

How to prepare for divination?

First of all, you should think about everyday moments: time, place and props.

It’s better to guess at night - and it’s easier to tune in, and less likely to interfere. In addition, a candle in the dark is much stronger than the same candle burning in broad daylight.

Candles are needed. At least one, but more than one is better. Wax candles are better than paraffin ones, but in any case, they should be simple candles, cylindrical or cone-shaped, and not molded into the shape of something significant. You can take colored candles, in which case you should make sure that the color goes well with the essence of interest. It is better not to take church candles - after all, in Christianity, fortune-telling is considered a sin.

You will also need a surface that is not afraid to drip with wax, and candlesticks. The candlestick for the main candle should either lie comfortably in the hand, or allow the candle to be easily unhooked from it. You should also pay attention to what can catch fire unscheduled: curtains, furniture, decorative baskets, etc. During the ritual, the candle may tip over, and it would be better to do without a fire. And just out of respect for witchcraft, it is better to remove everything superfluous from the work surface.

The next important item is the waste wax container. Any jar or bowl will do, but it is more convenient if it is a ladle with a handle that can be put on fire or kept in a candle flame.

And the main attribute is a container with water. Traditionally, this is a bowl, but a kitchen bowl will do. Wide enough, deep enough. The wax from the working candle will have to fit there, and there will still be a place so that it can be fished out with your fingers without any problems. It is more convenient if the color of its bottom differs significantly from the color of the wax.

Water is also better to take special. Not consecrated in the church - for the same reason that it is not recommended to take church candles. You can take water from a special source, go specially for it. Sometimes they take water from three different sources. Sometimes they are content with thaw.

You will also need a source of fire - matches or a lighter, to taste.

And, of course, care should be taken to ensure that no one can disturb the fortunetellers in the process. If a group ritual is intended, it is also important that none of the participants leave the room before it ends, even if he has already received his answer. In order not to be distracted, it is better to put away watches and mobile phones.

How is the ritual of divination performed on wax?

You should mentally tune in to the ritual. If a woman is acting, it would be good to let her hair down (but then you have to make sure that they do not catch fire from a candle).

The bowl is placed steadily on the work surface, several candles are placed around it for light. The electric light is turned off, the curtains are drawn, candles are lit.

Focus on the question and light the base candle. This candle is taken in hand, and wax is dripped into the water. You need to drip for a long time, so that a lot of wax is glass. At the same time, they do not look into the water, they look at the candle flame.

When there is a feeling that it is already enough (or when the candle burns out) - they consider what happened.

First, they look at the surface of the water, and then you can get the casting and examine it from all sides. In the resulting wax ingot, you can see various figures, and they give the answer.

It also happens that instead of meaningful figures, small pieces of wax float in the water. This indicates either that there was not enough wax, or that the person who poured the wax had problems. There may be problems, and they are not related to the question, it's just that the person is not in order.

When the answer is received, the wax casting is deposited in a ladle. If the answer is very good and very important, it can be saved; if it is neutral or bad, it is better to melt such wax.

It is advisable not to reuse wax for divination. If there are several questions or several applicants, then everyone should pour new wax into the water. It would also be good to change the water, and it should definitely be changed after something bad happened.

The meaning of figures when divining on wax

In the casting, specific figures should be recognized. Then they are interpreted either by personal associations or by well-known meanings. Pay attention also to the interaction of figures. In any case, the final criterion is the inner feeling that the signs are understood correctly.

Some common symbols:

  • car, plane - road;
  • angel - the universe will help you;
  • arch - a new stage;
  • bow - you need to focus more attention on loved ones;
  • pancake - be vigilant in the sphere of love. There is a possibility that your partner has no serious intentions;
  • the letter is to lead, the direction of the news depends on the clarity of the drawing, with a clear figure there will be positive news, with an unclear figure, wait for negative news;
  • fan - loss;
  • wreath - for marriage;
  • mushroom - improvement in health, long life, unexpected event;
  • guitar - a romantic adventure;
  • dove - news, restoration of relations is possible.
  • caterpillar, worm - it is important to give attention to loved ones, to abandon frivolity;
  • eye - evil people, you can be deceived;
  • head - prospects in work, spiritual growth, you will see the true face of others
  • wood - the resilience needed to overcome difficulties. According to another source, the interpretation depends on the location of the branches, if they are directed downward, this indicates despondency. If the branches look up - happiness. according to the third source - new proposals, it is important to consider and accept them.
  • dragon - in order to achieve the goal, willpower is important;
  • home - a strong family, moving, good changes, acquiring a home;
  • the snake is a rival, a woman who planned evil;
  • star - help from above, the realization of the desired, good luck;
  • hare - listen to your intuition, be careful.
  • hedgehog - remove your thorns, be flexible and soft
  • ring - marriage;
  • ship - a long road, uncertainty, change;
  • clover - positive, good luck;
  • the key is a good symbol, fate is favorable to you, good luck.
  • crown - power, responsibility;
  • cat - betrayal;
  • cross - news of illness, death, problems;
  • circle - obsession with something, sometimes means stability, many circles - financial success;
  • book - new opportunities, ideas and knowledge;
  • chicken is a good family life;
  • whale - reliable friends, everything is going as it should;
  • ladder - a successful career;
  • lion - confidence;
  • leaf - envy;
  • baby - the birth of ideas, children;
  • a man is a new friend;
  • car - trip;
  • ball - see circle;
  • bridge - it is important to seek a compromise;
  • scissors - you should let go of the past;
  • knife - break, quarrels;
  • glasses - look at the situation differently;
  • clouds - doubts; dreams;
  • wedding ring - love success;
  • fire - temperament;
  • hourglass - make a decision;
  • lanes - road;
  • spider - cunning;
  • a magnificent celebration dress;
  • bird - news,
  • a bird in flight - good luck, realization of intention;
  • horseshoe - happiness, luck;
  • rose - love, romance.
  • child - the appearance of children, a new beginning;
  • hand - different interpretations, an open palm speaks of friends, support, a clenched fist speaks of hostility;
  • fish - comfort, good news related to water, acquaintance with a silent person;
  • elephant - wisdom, fortitude;
  • dog - true friends;
  • owl - ailment, difficulties;
  • heart - speaks of love, and you should pay attention to the contours of the symbol, with blurry contours, cracks - a broken heart, a clear picture - a happy relationship;
  • arrow - the symbol answers your question like this: if it is directed upwards - yes, if downwards - no;
  • trace - be careful;
  • dots - banknote, well-being;
  • duck - good luck;
  • numbers and letters - it is worth interpreting the question. Sometimes they point to a clear allusion;
  • flower - materialization of dreams, good changes;
  • a person is a new acquaintance;
  • cup - harmony;
  • embryo - undertaking, new friendship, new ideas;
  • egg - new ideas, changes.

From time immemorial, girls and women have tried to "look" into the future, using simple and affordable household items for this. So, fortune-telling on wax and water was extremely popular in Rus', especially at Christmas and Christmas time - just the perfect time for magical rites. Today we will learn how to correctly guess on wax, as well as what attributes will be needed for the ritual. What do the wax figures that solidify on the surface of the water mean? We bring to your attention the most accurate interpretation of wax pictures - in our list you will find the most common options. Guided by our list, you can easily decipher the meaning of many figures, and you can slightly open the mysterious curtain of fate.

Fortune telling on wax and water - the correct interpretation of the figures, with a photo

Christmas divination on wax and water makes it easy to get the most accurate results, while the girl does not have to turn to a healer. The main thing is to stock up on a large candle of a certain color, depending on the nature of your divination. So, a red candle is best suited for love affairs, a gold candle will reveal the financial secrets of the future, and a green one will answer questions about health. In addition, we need a piece of real beeswax, as well as a vessel to melt it - a tablespoon or a coffee cezve. The fourth attribute of the magical rite is a white plate or bowl for obtaining a wax casting in the form of figures of various shapes. And, finally, the main component is water, without which fortune-telling on wax is simply impossible. Many "experienced" fortune tellers advise using baptismal water, but ordinary tap water is also suitable. The candle can be wax or paraffin - at will and possibilities. So, about a day before the start of the ritual, you need to clearly formulate the question that interests you and mentally scroll through it throughout the day.

For fortune-telling on wax, it is best to choose a moonlit night, and carry out the ceremony alone or in the company of a person you trust. How to guess the future with wax? We wait for the sunset and light a candle - if the fire burns evenly and easily, the predictions will definitely please you. To begin with, a piece of wax needs to be warmed in your hands and rolled into a small lump. Then we place the heated warm wax ball in a vessel for melting and heat it with a lit candle - all this time we think about the question, the answer to which you would like to receive from fate. When the wax melts, pour it into a plate of water and wait until it hardens - now you can carefully remove the resulting figure and proceed with the interpretation. It is important to remember that the meaning of the figure can be interpreted in different ways, depending on which side to look at the wax picture. We tried to compile a list of interpretations of the most common symbols (with a photo), the form of which can be taken by molten wax in the process of divination.

  • A mouse - a figurine of this small animal, obtained from wax, is considered an unpleasant sign. So, fate predicts a fortuneteller of losses of a material nature, which will arise due to his promiscuity in business acquaintances. If during divination a wax figure resembling a bat appeared on the water, expect greetings from an old friend or admirer.
  • Snake - in addition to strength and wisdom, the figure can mean the deceit of enemies and enemies, threatening your relationship with your loved one.
  • Hamster - the appearance of this symbol from wax warns that, thanks to his forethought and thriftiness, the fortuneteller will be able to adequately survive possible difficult times.
  • Dolphin is an extremely positive sign, predicting the successful resolution of all problems and overcoming obstacles.
  • Ring - to recognize a wedding ring in a wax figurine promises pleasant changes on the love front. This may be a marriage proposal from a regular admirer or a new promising acquaintance.
  • Bear - this symbol portends the appearance in life of a strong and powerful patron or caring friend. For a young girl, the appearance of a wax bear is considered a favorable sign - fate will give a new acquaintance with a man-future husband.
  • Scorpio - a wax casting in the form of such a poisonous insect means a warning that restraint should be exercised in relationships. If you have a desire to throw out the accumulated negativity against a certain person, the scorpion figurine, when divining on wax, warns you against such a rash step. Otherwise, such intemperance will entail regret and repentance.
  • Turtle - fate tells you that at the moment you need to be calm and careful, avoid unnecessary haste and strong emotions. Go about your daily activities or just take a break from the hustle and bustle, indulging in rest - it’s even useful to be a little lazy.

The most accurate fortune-telling on wax for the future - the meaning of figures and symbols

To conduct the most accurate divination on wax, it is important to choose the right time to get the most accurate results. So, in Rus', they traditionally guessed at Christmas and Christmas time - it was believed that all predictions would come true throughout the year. If you want to know your future next year, when fortune-telling, melted wax should be poured into water in a circle of a container, and not at one point. As a result, a wax chain of several figures appears - we decipher their meaning sequentially, getting a complete picture of events in the coming year. In order for the wax casting to be as accurate and clear as possible, a small mirror should be placed on the bottom of the plate. When pouring water, we direct the stream directly at the mirror - in this case, the information will be concentrated in one place, which will significantly increase the efficiency of divination. When the wax hardens, we begin to interpret the symbolic figures, many of which you will find in the list below.

List of values ​​\u200b\u200bof figures and symbols - for correct divination on wax:

  • Heart - if the wax has frozen in the form of this symbol, great mutual love will "come down" into your life. A wax heart with clear contours indicates that new feelings will bring happiness and joy. But the presence of veins, cracks, as well as an uneven shape portend trouble - perhaps the fortuneteller will be disappointed in the relationship.
  • Lips - this symbol means that your chosen one is extremely sensual and passionate nature. Of course, all his passionate feelings are directed at you.
  • A woman - the fair sex to see such a wax figure promises possible quarrels, scandals and a showdown. For a man, this sign is interpreted as a harbinger of bad intentions on the part of business partners or a loved one.
  • Man - prophesies for the future the need to make an important decision, defend his position or help (protect) another person. For example, you have to pass a regular exam or a driver's license, a speech with a lawyer in court.
  • Bird - a figure on wax predicts imminent news. So, a flying bird promises good news and good luck, as well as the implementation of important work projects and the approval of others.
  • Dog - the appearance of a four-legged friend of a person during divination from wax is considered a good sign, symbolizing the support of a loved one. A dog as a symbol means that the fortuneteller values ​​the bonds of friendship and is ready to help people himself.
  • Swan - a sign predicts a happy family life, loyalty and reliability of a partner. If a girl is guessing for love and the wax has taken the form of a swan, then this means a reliable and calm chosen one. The swan couple frozen in wax symbolizes the long union of two loving hearts.

What do the figures mean when divining on frozen wax - the correct interpretation of the signs

Fortune telling on wax from a candle is considered one of the most popular methods to find out your future. Thanks to water as a powerful information and energy accumulator, you can get the most accurate predictions. Before a magical ritual, you need to properly prepare, then the result will be as truthful as possible. So, guessing is best on wax candles or stock up on a separate piece of wax. In addition, the ceremony must be performed at midnight, all alone - only a domestic cat can be left in the "helpers". According to the rules, a fortuneteller is not allowed to have a belt, bracelets, rings, hair ties, and a pectoral cross. So, what do the figures mean when divining on wax? The correct interpretation of the signs is crucial, so when deciphering the symbols, it is important to focus and discard bad thoughts. We have tried to collect interpretations of the most common picture signs, which are often obtained from hardened wax. The figures obtained as a result of fortune-telling are not allowed to be thrown away - “positive” symbols are stored as a talisman, and “negative” ones must be buried in the ground.

  • Angel - the appearance of this wax figure is considered a happy omen. The fortuneteller expects positive changes in life, as well as the help of higher powers in solving an important task. For a girl, a wax angel means pure and sincere love.
  • Coral - indicates a serene future and a calm life.
  • Boot - a sign portends a quick trip or a long and difficult trip. The wax symbol in the form of a boot or other footwear has the same meaning.
  • Pig - a wax casting in the shape of a pig is considered a good sign, as fate prophesies that you will achieve impressive heights in life and positive changes. Do not succumb to star disease, otherwise there is a risk of losing the favor of higher powers.
  • The fetus of a child is a sign that portends any novelty in life. It can be a new thought or action that will become a catalyst for future changes. Listen to your intuition - it is possible that now you do not even know what exactly awaits you in the future.
  • Fish - when you see such a figure on wax, be prepared for good news related to water. It is likely that an interesting acquaintance with a foreigner lies ahead. The appearance of a fish also portends a meeting with a mysterious, wise and laconic mentor.
  • Worms - if the wax has taken the form of a worm, then fate warns the fortuneteller about possible problems in relationships with others.
  • Droplets - a sign symbolizes financial injections in the form of a repaid debt or other unexpected income. The amount depends on the size of the wax drop - the larger the figure, the more significant will be the "gift" of fate.

The meaning of pictures when divining on wax - the most accurate interpretation of symbols, photo

Figurines made of solidified wax must be carefully removed from the water, especially if the castings are thin and fragile. When starting to interpret the pictures, it is important to tune in correctly - to concentrate and discard unnecessary thoughts. Otherwise, the predictions are unlikely to be deciphered, and fortune-telling will lose its objectivity. How to prepare for the interpretation of symbols? The finished figure needs to be twisted in different directions, carefully examining each one - you may need a mirror. In addition, you can conditionally divide the wax casting into several parts, each of which will tell about the future at a certain time. So, according to the upper part of the figure, you can determine the near future, the right side will tell about upcoming events over the next three years. The shape and picture of the lower part will indicate the events of the present time. And according to the central section of the wax casting, one can judge what is in the soul of the fortuneteller, about his hidden desires and motives. Here is the most accurate interpretation of wax symbols and figures (with photo) - turn on the fantasy and proceed to the mystery of divination!

  • Straight line - the appearance of this symbol indicates that you will soon have to take on a new project.
  • Circle - fate indicates your excessive obsession with a particular issue or problem. Alternatively, wax solidification in the form of a circle can be interpreted as stability in business. If the wax figure resembles an oval, then the fortuneteller can easily realize his desires and dreams.
  • Points - is considered a monetary sign, predicting the receipt of material profit.
  • Spiral - symbolizes the fulfillment of an old dream or the achievement of any goals that were previously considered unattainable.
  • Numbers and letters - the meaning and interpretation of these characters depends on the question asked. For example, this may be the first letter of the name of a loved one or the date that fate reveals to you during fortune-telling.
  • Number 8 - Providence gives a sign of the cyclical nature of positive and negative events in your life, since the "eight" is considered a symbol of infinity.
  • Number 9 - if the wax from the candle froze in the form of a "nine", then this figure has already taken place in your life. Perhaps this is the date of your wedding, the birth of a child, or the conclusion of an important contract - it is likely that new important events will occur in the future related to this figure.

So, fortune-telling on wax and water allows you to find out the future by correctly interpreting the figures and symbols received. What do wax pictures mean in divination? On our pages you will find a list of signs with photos and their most accurate interpretation - good luck to you and may fate please you with happy forecasts and predictions!

Both simple peasant women and wealthy young ladies sought to know the future with the help of various rituals. Usually this was done on Christmas Eve. Fortune telling on wax and water was popular with young girls back in Rus'. The girls knew how to guess on wax in different ways ... But all the questions came down to one thing: what would the future be like. Often, in order to tell fortunes on wax, girls turned to fortune-tellers. Interestingly, they predicted a prosperous future for the young ladies with suitors and all sorts of benefits. But the simpler girls got not the best predictions. Many centuries have passed since then, but this type of prediction does not lose its relevance, and modern girls are quite willing to try to find out the future using this not quite traditional method.

Fortune-telling on wax is distinguished by its ease of conduct, the fast speed of obtaining the result and the “visibility” of the prediction received.

Fortune telling on wax and water is one of the most truthful options for predicting the future. An accurate result is ensured due to the fact that two very strong elements are involved in such fortune-telling - water and wax. They easily pass any information through themselves. In the modern world, there is even a science that studies this type of divination. She bears the name "keroscopy". The very process of obtaining a “casting” will certainly not cause you any difficulties, but the interpretation of the figures resulting from such fortune-telling is a whole science. Therefore, it is important to take the process as seriously as possible, and you should start from the very beginning, with preparation for fortune telling.

Fortune telling on wax and water online

As you can already understand, the process itself is a simple matter. But the interpretation of the resulting figures can cause serious difficulties, especially for those who are not familiar with magic and divination. Sometimes it’s impossible to get by with interpretations on the network; a deeper look at deciphering wax figures is required. For this purpose, the use of special books is required, which ordinary people simply do not have at hand. In addition, the interpretation of figurines after divination sometimes requires an extremely individual approach. It is important to consider everything: age, social status, temperament, and profession. Therefore, sometimes it is better to seek the help of professional predictors. But what if there are no people in your environment who professionally guess on wax.

Preparing for live divination

The list of necessary things for divination on wax and water is not very long.

To begin with, understand the general principle: you melt a small amount of wax in a small container on a candle and pour it into water. The result will be an irregularly shaped wax cake, in professional jargon "casting".

Before making a casting, you need to carefully prepare for this process. What you need for divination on wax: let's understand in more detail.

So you will need:

  • A large candle (if you are interested in love affairs, then buy a red candle, if material well-being - gold, health concerns - green);
  • Wax (preferably real beeswax);
  • Container for melting wax: a small coffee cezve, a large spoon, heat-resistant glassware, etc. will do;
  • A vessel for obtaining a casting - it is best to give preference to a small white bowl or plate. Any other light-colored dishes will also work;
  • Water;


  1. Water. What water to use? If possible, then you can take baptismal water, then fortune-telling will turn out to be the most truthful. If you do not have such water, then you can dial a simple tap.
  2. Wax. Wax from a NOT used and never burned church candle is quite suitable.
  3. Candle. Wishes on the color of the candle, nothing more than just wishes. An ordinary paraffin candle will do just fine.

A day before the start of fortune-telling, formulate in your head a question that is especially relevant to you. Remember that the more clearly you ask it, the more likely you are to get an accurate answer.

Keep this question in your mind at all times, scrolling through it throughout the day so that it is constantly at the top of your thoughts. This will allow you to best prepare for divination. It is better to guess on wax on a moonlit night, then the predictions are the most accurate. You can conduct fortune-telling, both one by one and in a company.

It is important that your company that is going to guess does not have a person with a negative or skeptical form of thinking. Especially if the person is jealous of you... in this case, getting information in the process is difficult.

How to guess correctly?

Remember, the whole process should be as accurate as possible. It is recommended to choose the time for divination on wax after sunset. Turn off the light in the room, you can light a candle that will burn in the process of divination. Pay attention to how easily they ignite and burn. If it quickly caught fire and burns brightly enough, then only good news awaits you.

A clicking and hissing candle is a sign that important news awaits you soon. If the candle burns weakly and ignites poorly, then the future promises to be not the most rosy.

Step-by-step instructions for conducting fortune-telling

Below you can find the three main stages that you will need to go through.

Stage 1: "Cooking wax"

Prepare all the necessary attributes of the ritual: a candle, water, a container for melting wax. Warm it in your hands and roll the wax into a small ball to melt it. If you use a church candle, in no case do not break it and do not cut it with a knife! Wrinkle with your hands, slowly and slowly. Put the resulting lump in a container in which you will melt. Everyone chooses the volume of wax necessary for divination for himself, however, keep in mind that a significant part of it will settle on the walls.

We prepare all the attributes for divination: a candle, wax, water.

Stage 2: "We melt"

Light a candle on which you will melt the wax. Take a container of wax and start heating it on a candle flame. Always keep the question in your head the answer to which you want to know. Never be impatient about the melting time, do not pick the mass with anything, and do not try to speed up the melting time in any other way!

We melt the wax. For clarity, we use glass containers, you can use any others.

Stage 3: "Make a casting"

After the wax has completely melted, remove the container from the flame and, turning the vessel over, slowly pour the wax into the water. Do not try to form some kind of figure yourself! Everything should go as naturally as possible.

From the first moments after getting into the water, the wax will begin to solidify quickly, taking the form of any figures. Concentrate as much as possible on the process. After all, hardened wax is the answer to your question that worries you the most. After that, you can proceed to the interpretation of the resulting figure.

We make castings. Make one or more castings depending on the amount of wax and the number of fortunetellers.

Advice! By the way, in a similar way, you can find out if damage lies on you. To do this, do the same as above, only take milk instead of water. If the wax figure turned out to be hard and clear, then there is no damage. If it is fragile and literally crumbles, then damage lies on you.

What to do with wax after divination?

Often, fortunetellers are interested in the question of where to put the wax after the end of fortune telling. Experts advise to keep the figurines, the decoding of which turned out to be positive, for the next year. If the results were not the most favorable, then the wax figure should be thrown away, or even better buried.

Features of divination on wax for Christmas, Christmas time and New Year

A simplified way of divination at Christmas time, Christmas and New Year

When bringing any rituals, the time of its implementation matters. It is believed that in this case the most accurate forecast is obtained with a convenient period for the execution of the interpretation. For example, Slavic girls most often used to tell fortunes and did fortune-telling on wax at Christmas or Christmas time. In modern conditions, a third date has appeared - the New Year.

In all three cases, the maximum period for the execution of an interpretation is 1 year. Basically, the main questions on which it is customary to guess on these dates are marriage and everything connected with it: the number of children, relations with the mother-in-law and future husband, his profession, etc.

By and large, Christmas fortune-telling on wax is no different, the only thing is that in this case a simplified method of fortune-telling is allowed:

  • Simplified way. Wax can be dripped into water directly from a burning candle: this is the simplest and most affordable technique, but it has several disadvantages. The main one is that in this case there is very little melted wax, and the casting is small and not expressive. To gain mass "cakes" you have to repeat the process several times, which is highly not recommended.

When fortune-telling at Christmas time for the next year, wax is allowed to be poured in a circle:

  • circular way. As in ordinary fortune-telling, wax is melted on a candle in some kind of vessel (large spoon, small ladle, etc.) and then poured into water, but not at one point, but in a circle of a container with water. In this case, not one but many figures are formed. In the future, they are interpreted one at a time in the sequence in which they were formed and symbolize the development of affairs throughout the year.

Interpretation of the values ​​​​of the received figures

take your time when interpreting the received figures

Interpretation of wax figures: very much depends on the question and the personality of the fortuneteller. Before proceeding to the direct interpretation of the figures obtained on wax, it is necessary to abandon external fuss, concentrating as much as possible on the question of interest or the problem that has arisen - then the answer will be accurate without distortion and juggling. However, it is difficult only for the first time, in the future the necessary figures will come to your mind on their own and you will only marvel at how amazingly they fit the current situation.

  • The resulting figures must be carefully removed from the water, trying not to break or damage. If there was little wax, the probability of this is quite large.
  • Interpretation does not have to be done immediately after receiving the casting. The main thing here is the mood, if you feel inner emptiness and do not find the strength in yourself, postpone the interpretation for another day.
  • It is one of the interpretation methods that, after turning off the light in the room, bring the figures to a candle or lamp, and then, turning slightly, examine the shadows that they form on the wall. This method is good because it gives some dynamics and you can imagine the development in time of the situation you are guessing at.
  • If you are doing fortune-telling on wax for money, then keep in mind: if you see, in addition to several large figures, many small round droplets, this is an unambiguous sign “for money”, i.e. profit, completion of a transaction, completion of a contract, etc. The more drops, the better. But if, apart from drops, there is no big figure, this is a bad sign: there will be money, but you won’t be able to use it and turn it to your advantage.
  • Of primary importance are your personal associations, which should arise arbitrarily: just let your intuition and imagination run wild!
  • While the wax is still pouring, pay attention and try to remember the figures that you see at the very beginning. Also try to memorize the shapes into which the initial characters are converted. They will give you important clues in interpreting the main figure, in addition, this way you can find out about the sequence of events in the life of the one who is being guessed.
  • The final interpretation should be given only after pouring all the wax!

Identification of received figures

In the process of divination on wax, the decoding of figures can be different. It all depends on the circumstances, the personality of the person doing fortune-telling and the question that was asked initially. Some figures, of course, are of general importance. However, most of the available symbols in such divination should be considered only individually. This is especially important when a company of people takes part in fortune-telling, and all of them have differences in age, social status, character, and temperament.

It is interesting that the meanings of the figurines can turn out to be two-syllable and even three-syllable. It depends on how you look at a particular figure. In one position, it may look like this, and upside down - differently. In the process of decoding, twist the figure, turn it in different directions, carefully examining each of them. You can even use a mirror for this purpose. All these methods will help you most successfully decipher the results of divination.

Meaning of the most common figures (alphabetical index)

It's time to start deciphering the results of wax casting. Fortune telling on wax, the meaning of the figures can be different, arm yourself with patience. Below are detailed interpretations of the most common symbols and pictures that are obtained during divination on wax.

People and body parts

  • Woman: this symbol can mean for women imminent problems with others, scandals, squabbles. Formed as a result of divination on wax, this figurine portends a person's participation in gossip and a showdown. Perhaps he will be woven into some intrigue, an intricate story.
    For men, the sign of a woman denotes hypocrisy and inconstancy. Therefore, you should be more attentive to the environment. It would be nice to look at partners, close people. It may turn out that someone is plotting evil.
  • Man: This image indicates that you will have to protect someone. Such fortune-telling on wax predicts a "fight", the solution of some problem through clear, directed, even aggressive, actions.
    The sign of a man calls for readiness to defend his (or another person's) position. Therefore, you should be fully armed. For example, if this is an exam, then it is good to prepare for it. If there is a misunderstanding and there will be claims from relatives, you need to stock up on weighty arguments.
  • Girl: such an image portends the disclosure of potential opportunities. In this case, fortune-telling shows you that the problem situation will soon be resolved. Moreover, this will happen calmly, of course, without negative consequences. And in place of the problem, an opportunity for further progress is formed.
    Perhaps the emergence of new ideas, simple and easily implemented plans. Everything will seem understandable, clear, transparent, since a girl means innocence and purity.
  • Child: if the figure shown by fortune-telling on wax is a child, then most likely you will have a new undertaking or a new project. The latter is relevant for those whose profession is related to creativity. This business will be crowned with success. In addition, in some cases, a baby can become a sign of an imminent replenishment in the family.
  • Baby: symbolizes the happy birth of a child if a woman is in a position or wishes to become a mother. It can also symbolize good changes in life. They may come in the form of a new project, career advancement. The baby may appear in the drawing as an embryo or as an adult baby, he may stand or lie down, this will not change its meaning during interpretation.
  • Heart: if the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a heart - in the very near future your mind and heart will be occupied by great feelings. At the same time, you will not be disturbed by any problems, you will completely give yourself to the relationship. It is even possible to say that this love will be very mutual. You may not think that you will suffer from unrequited feelings. The shape of the heart itself says a lot. If the figure has clear boundaries, then happy love will certainly await you. If the figure has streaks, cracks, the shape is uneven, then this is not a good sign. Danger awaits you, and disappointment in relationships.
  • Head: in the event that the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is the head, very soon you will see the true face of one of your friends or you will find yourself at a new level of knowledge of the world, thanks to which you will encounter new amazing discoveries. The head can also mean that at work you will soon receive some new and promising position.
  • Eye: if the figure that you saw on the wax of the eyes is a sign of that, then it would not hurt you to be more careful with your surroundings. Someone clearly set a goal: to deceive, trick, humiliate, survive, or otherwise harm you. Take a closer look, maybe the enemy is very close.
  • Pregnant woman: this is something important to you. When fortune-telling on wax, a pregnant woman shows that your child, whom you have been carrying for a long time, will soon be born. It is interpreted both literally and figuratively. There may also be business cases, construction is nearing completion. Long-awaited purchase, wedding and housewarming.
  • A girl in a dress: a harbinger of gossip, idle talk, not too pleasant chatter. A wax girl in a dress is a harbinger of the fact that you are somewhat popular, you are being discussed and praised. Be prepared for showdowns and scandals, pay attention to individuals who show excessive attention to you.
  • Human's figure: when divining on wax, a human figure can appear in three forms: without a head, without legs or without arms. In the first case, fortune-telling says that you are acting unreasonably with your life, or you are madly in love and have lost your head, which you urgently need to return. If the figure turned out to be without legs, then you should stop and think about your actions. If the figure is without arms, you should stop abusing something: your official position, your beauty, alcohol or drugs.
  • Profile: a person who appeared in the water, facing up, symbolizes good luck. You urgently need to play the lottery, hold important negotiations, get married, plan something grandiose. Profile visible from the back of the head - symbolizes "turned away good luck", although it can rarely appear.
  • germ: this sign portends the emergence of something new in life. Such a symbol shows the beginning of a thought, action, deed, which will subsequently lead to change. During this period, you need to carefully consider the emergence of various ideas, plans; listen to the words of other people. In this case, wax shows information that a person does not even know about and has no idea about its development. The figure of an embryo during divination on wax predicts something new that has not yet been in a person’s life. It is not built on his actions in the past or in the present and will come completely on his own.
  • Embryo. A fairly common symbol that shows divination on wax is an embryo - it can symbolize that you have some kind of undertaking in your plans and very soon you will begin to develop it. Much less often, an embryo can become a symbol of an imminent pregnancy and it’s not a fact that all this is about you. The fetus can symbolize new friendships, new relationships, new beginnings.

Symbols, figures, objects

  • Bus- does a successful road accompany you, which allows you to open the world? As an option, the fate associated with the journey, but if the figure has an unsightly appearance, then it is worth considering whether it will be happy or bring failure;
  • Drum- important and fast news, both positive and negative;
  • Wreath- a symbol of the fulfillment of a dream - marriage / marriage is just around the corner;
  • Volcano- you are too quick-tempered, it's time to take control of the emotional side, otherwise it threatens with trouble;
  • Mountain- a sign of imminent career growth, but be careful, there may be a lot of resistance around, keep hitting;
  • Pear soon you will begin a new relationship that will open up unprecedented horizons for you;
  • Umbrella if the umbrella is open, expect minor difficulties; if closed, be prepared to run into problems.
  • Dagger the movements of the soul and feelings of your beloved are so powerful that they can be dangerous, and it depends only on the strength of your feelings whether you will succeed (mutual efforts may be required here) to direct this energy in a peaceful direction;
  • Helmet- you fenced yourself off from the whole world, you think that everything will work out, but the problem is in yourself;
  • Basket- if full means a gift or good luck, if empty, you are likely to lose something, sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child;
  • Crown- success and achievements, can mean a promotion or a better job, sometimes it means that a person is constantly in the spotlight of the public.
  • Bones- you are able to withstand all difficulties, although you may not give the impression of a fighter;
  • Cross- a serious illness or a lot of trouble; If the cross appeared in one of the “current” and not final figures, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life troubles will prevail, but not too serious;
  • Ladder- the circumstances of your life are changing for the better, perhaps promotion, career;
  • Bed- you need rest, if it was an intermediate figure and at the end you see a heart or a star, a happy relationship awaits you;
  • Boat- can mean either a short trip, or symbolize that you were rescued from trouble in time;
  • Glasses- you need to reconsider your attitude to the situation, then it can be corrected. A symbol of myopia in the literal and figurative sense: you either do not see something, or do not want to see it. Soon you will look at something very differently;
  • Bag- a full bag predicts that your income will increase significantly. Accordingly, empty can be regarded as a harbinger of losses;
  • strings- the situation now resembles a stretched string and is ready to break, get ready for trouble. The situation can be corrected if you understand and forgive relatives or colleagues.
  • Scissors- do not quarrel with loved ones. Serious misunderstanding. Time to part with something old and start new achievements. If you are faced with a choice, then it's time to make it. Scissors can predict discord or deceit on the part of a loved one.
  • Flag- now your soul is filled with triumph and pride: a serious project has been successfully completed. It may mean that in the near future you will meet old friends whom you have not seen for a long time. In some cases, there is a risk of injury and injury, so you should be extra careful - be on the lookout;
  • Telephone- important message; sometimes the figure says that you are not yet ready to say what you think;
  • Axe- poor relations with colleagues, harshness in relationships is not always appropriate. Soon you will cut the Gordian knot of accumulated problems in one fell swoop. If the ax does not have a handle, you have an impossible task before you.
  • Cup- you feel bad, and you are easily offended; if there are a lot of glasses, we are talking about a celebration;
  • Wall- a wall of misunderstanding has arisen between you and loved ones or colleagues at work;
  • Bridge you will have a choice that only you must make, this will determine your entire destiny, approach it with all seriousness, in what you get in the end, there will be only your merit.
  • Wheel this figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins;
  • Wedding ring. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a good sign for those who are concerned about love affairs. You are either on the threshold of some new relationship, or your existing relationship will reach a new level. There are great chances of marriage in the near future. Please note that you can not confuse the ring and the circle!
  • Dress: A rare symbol that you don't see often. However, the dress is a great sign that a magnificent celebration awaits you. It can be a wedding, both yours and someone from your environment. Maybe a banquet or "corporate".
  • Track. If the symbol that fortune-telling showed on wax is a trace, remember that this is a warning that you need to be more careful. Someone spotted you for the fulfillment of not the best intentions. A trace can also mean that you are interested in a person of the opposite sex.
  • Rider: the formation of this sign shows the internal readiness to fight with anyone. Here the figure of the Rider on a horse while divining on wax warns of possible danger. It can be a physical danger (most likely) or a moral one, such as competition at work. Whatever the reason, the rider says that soon for some time you will be “on the alert”, fully armed, ready to rush “to battle” at any moment. This portends constant tension, fatigue, nervous breakdowns and aggressiveness.
  • Jug of water (or empty). This sign portends order and meaningfulness in business and life. If you saw a tall jug of water, then wax fortune telling speaks of transparency in relationships, work, paperwork, and investigation. For those people who have problems with the judiciary, the jug predicts complete innocence and acquittal. The court will stand up for such a person. All your actions in the near future will be transparent and clean. Perhaps you will entrust your secret to someone, tell about your plans. During this period, you should be very attentive to the environment. This state of "omnipotence" can later turn against you.
  • The Dragon: this figurine speaks of a quick resolution of the problem for the better. In this case, fortune telling on wax shows you through the figure of the Dragon that the situation will be resolved peacefully, without disagreement. Higher powers help in eliminating the existing problem. In addition, this sign means the settlement of conflicts, disputes and strife of a judicial nature. His appearance is evidence of the beginning of something new. That is, the old was settled peacefully, there was no negative left, there was a place for the development of a new situation (along the chain, on the basis of the old one). And this situation will be built on wise decisions.
  • Cloud: This image speaks of a serene state of a person in the future. Here fortune-telling on wax through the figure of the Cloud predicts you feelings of peace and happiness. Spirituality and abstraction from the outside world can be an indicator of creative development, falling in love, inner concentration. You may decide to meditate during this period. If you get a cloud with specks or drops, this means that soon your actions will bring results. They may not live up to your expectations, but they will come very quickly.
  • Umbilical cord: this sign indicates relationships with relatives. Such fortune-telling on wax says that in the near future your actions and thoughts will be directed to family ties. This applies not only to actions in the present tense, but also to the past and future. Perhaps some relative will appear or you will find out some details of the life of your loved ones. The sign of a long umbilical cord can mean concern for the future situation of children, parents and other relatives. Or maybe you haven't been to the cemetery for a long time. In any case, your life will be filled with kindred concerns.
  • Angel: to see the image of an angel means receiving help from above in solving the problem that you are guessing at. This is a harbinger of happy change. In divination for love, these are the harbingers of pure and true love.
  • Skeleton: This sign predicts the acceleration of time. Perhaps you are afraid of not having time (to do something, solve some problem), and the Skeleton in wax divination draws your attention to this. Time will seem too fleeting to you, and you will try to use every second. However, nothing will come of it. In this case, the skeleton warns of the possibility of such a situation so that you can control it at the right time. A little "slow down", wait, do not rush things. The casting already shows your willingness to speed up the process. Inwardly, you are waiting for this. When this happens, be ready to confront it.
  • Star: this image portends an ambulance of the Higher powers. At the same time, the star figure shows that problems will be solved by themselves, without your intervention. You should step back and only observe the Actions of the Higher Mind. The star obtained as a result of casting indicates that the resolution of the situation is beyond your control. So don't waste your energy on fixing it.
  • Boot: if during fortune-telling you saw the symbol of a boot, know that this means a change of residence, a move or a road. For a woman, a meeting with a businesslike and not very pleasant man.
  • Snowflakes. Good news, if you saw a Snowflake while fortune-telling on wax, they are considered an encouraging sign that carries rays of light and has a positive effect on health. Often, snowflakes represent the cold that leaves you, leaving behind only memories. Giving warmth and home comfort. A favorable sign for parting and completing business. It doesn’t matter what it is: building, buying, breaking up with a guy, terminating long-term partnerships.
  • Moon: the interpretation of this symbol depends on the appearance of the night star. Full moon - to love, strong feelings, new fans and romance. A small month (approximately the first quarter) will help with undertakings and financial condition. If the moon is in the last quarter, then everything will decline, in such cases it is better to postpone all important matters for a while. A weak, barely visible moon, around which dots or lines are located, speaks in an unhappy marriage or relationship.
  • Egg: quite an interesting and auspicious sign. Egg - most often means the emergence of new ideas, thoughts, plans for the future. This means that in the near future you will receive a solution to your problems and urgent ideas. For example, the idea was born to open a business, such a sign portends a solution to this problem. Perhaps even your most secret dreams will come true.
  • Apple: has very different interpretations, depending on the question, the symbol of an apple in divination on wax - means a surge of strength and vigor, good health and career growth. Perhaps the material wealth that you needed earlier. However, if the apple is bitten or shriveled, it can mean voluptuousness or temptation. Do not succumb to provocations, be even stricter about drinking. Assess your weaknesses and give up on them for a while. The apple fruit represents wisdom and health. Hold off on the temptations around you for a while.
  • Ship: means that you must make a happy and very interesting journey. In addition, the ship symbolizes global change. These are changes in life that will cover the financial, personal and spiritual spheres. The candle will give out this symbol when you, without even realizing it, have activated your internal reserves. If you are in despair or cannot find a way out, the ship indicates that you will find the right way out and the situation will resolve itself.
  • Horseshoe: if you, during divination, formed a pattern of two arcs, then, as a rule, the horseshoe has a dual character. She is a harbinger of successful investigations. If a horseshoe hangs on a wall or on a carnation, then you will find that soon all planned plans will come true.
  • A drop: the symbol of a drop that appeared in the water symbolizes large cash receipts. Maybe these will turn out to be long-awaited payments, or maybe the money will seem to come from nowhere, maybe someone will return the debt to you. The amount will be insignificant, but it will be enough for you to enjoy spending it. The bigger the drop, the bigger the amount, so watch carefully.
  • Note: Do you like music or do you want to play the violin? Then you definitely need to do this if you have done fortune-telling on wax. The note that you have as a result appeared in the water symbolizes faith and determination, and if a musical instrument has appeared nearby, then you should definitely visit a music school. And this does not apply only to music, this symbol can be used everywhere.
  • Waves: changes and quick decisions, unexpected guests and a bolt from the blue, what does it mean if you saw waves on your casting. Whatever you think, try to stay afloat with all your might! Do not forget about your goals and achieve everything yourself.
  • Snowman: Don't be cold, melt your ice. If you performed fortune-telling on wax, a snowman will appear in the water, only for cold and callous people. He says that it is worth changing, looking more positively into the future, having a better attitude towards life and others.


  • Rose. If you saw a rose during divination on wax - do not hesitate! It symbolizes love, it is a classic symbol that has no other meanings. . Moreover, a high feeling can already live in your heart - so passionate and romantic. Perhaps the wax rose symbolizes its beginning - in this case, open your heart, casting aside all doubts!
  • Flower. A flower seen during divination on wax portends imminent joy and considerable success. All your dreams will come true, and ambitions (even exorbitant!) are realized. Flowers are an extremely auspicious sign. It doesn't matter what types of flowers you saw on wax, they always mean that you easily share joy and kindness with others and predict a wonderful future for you. If more than one flower poured out for you, but several, it means that there are many good friends around you. If you are not married and a rose fell out to you, then this means that big and bright love meets you ahead.
  • Bouquet of flowers: most likely it is a symbol of a better life. A figure in the form of a bouquet of flowers is always a good sign! Therefore, wait only for good news, great friends surround you, and your beloved will soon appear (if not already).
  • Mushroom. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a mushroom, a very unexpected event awaits you. Its meaning can be interpreted by what symbols are nearby. For example, if you observe in front of you not only a mushroom, but also a heart figure nearby, then a new love awaits you, and you will see for yourself what it will be.
  • tree or bush: this is a very interesting symbol that divination on wax can show you: a tree - be sure to pay attention to how its branches are located. If they look down, then sadness and despondency await you. Branches looking up promise a cheerful and happy life. A tree can also mean that very soon you will have everything that you so desire. Some sources say that the bush can symbolize the upcoming new proposals, which must be accepted.

Animals and insects

  • Scorpion: the appearance of the image of Scorpio on the casting indicates imminent repentance as a result of some negative actions. In this situation, wax fortune telling warns of the need to be more restrained in a relationship.
    You may want to tell people all your thoughts about them, hurt them a lot, and then regret it. Before telling the truth in the face, you need to think about whether it is necessary to do it and who will feel better from it. Scorpio talks about the accumulated negativity that you want to throw out. Be careful what you say so you don't regret it later. A rather rare figure, a scorpion can symbolize quite different events, since this symbol itself is very many-sided. Revenge, betrayal, enmity, etc. may lie in wait for you. In short, you should be on the alert, otherwise you may find yourself in an insidious trap. There is also a theory that if, during divination on wax, a scorpion appeared to a person born under the same zodiac sign, this symbolizes the struggle with oneself. But about who exactly will win in such a struggle, the wax is insidiously silent.
  • Squirrel: if you saw a squirrel in the water, then, as a rule, this has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it symbolizes rest, tranquility, vacation, but on the other hand, it has a completely opposite meaning. In another case, you can forget about the vacation, as a large number of small, but impossible assignments from the authorities will await you. Perhaps you will even be set up and you will have to cite your innocence again and again. The interpretation depends on what you were thinking: if you asked about work, then the second interpretation is more suitable for you, if about vacation, then the first.
  • Horse's head: sometimes during the ritual you can see unusual drawings, and the horse's head is one of them. Now be sure - favorable news awaits you. The horse is a very noble and friendly sign. She testifies to good news, true friends. If you were thinking of something in the field of a career, then the horse in this case will become a harbinger of career growth, but these changes will not be very easy for you.
  • Swan: also one of the classic symbols that drop out during divination on wax, the Swan clearly symbolizes a calm family life in harmony with your chosen one. If you asked a question about a specific man, then this is his image of a calm and reliable. If swans are a couple, and you were guessing for love, know that you and your chosen one are the perfect couple.
  • Fish. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a fish - expect good news, most likely, they will be tied with the water element. Fish can also mean a quick acquaintance with a foreigner. The silence of this figure symbolizes that in the near future you will meet a man of few words who can become your mentor and guru. Be sure to listen to his advice.
  • Bird. If the figure shown by fortune-telling on wax is a clear sign that news awaits you soon. If the bird is in a state of flight, then good luck and good news await you. If you are concerned about some vital question, then very soon you will receive an answer to it. For those who work on any projects, the wax bird promises that they will all be realized and will be well received by others.
  • Dog. The symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is a dog - next to you is a very faithful and devoted friend. However, you yourself know how to be a good friend and value your friendship. You strive to help people, come to the aid of loved ones at any time. You can count on the support of friends in any difficult time for you. A wax dog may hint that it is time to assemble the whole team. Together you can get a lot. If the dog stood on its hind legs, then one of your friends needs help from you.
  • Elephant. If the symbol that divination on wax showed you is an Elephant, keep in mind this figure is ambiguous. Firstly, an elephant can mean that you are a very strong person with a large supply of inner strength and energy. However, if you are firmly on the beaten path, then it is time to notice those around you along the way. If this is not the case, then luck will hasten to turn away from you. An elephant can also mean that you have many well-wishers, and, if necessary, they are always ready to take a piece of your problems onto their shoulders. Secondly, the Elephant can warn that it is important to exercise with caution. Otherwise, your health, which is now excellent, may be shaken. In general, the elephant is a symbol of strength,
  • Pegasus. If the symbol shown by fortune-telling on wax is Pegasus, then this means that a circle is gradually forming around you of those who think the same way as you. With such people, you can build a strong team and get through any difficulties.
  • Whale. An excellent symbol that fortune-telling on wax can show: Whale - it will most likely be so no matter what plans you make for the future, you don’t have to worry: your rear is always covered by your reliable friends and partners.
  • Ram: The figure of a ram may appear in case of uncertainty or stubbornness. It is worth looking at your chosen one: maybe the reason for your problems lies in his failures, excessive stubbornness and unwillingness to change something? Sometimes such a drawing on wax means that someone nearby thinks: in order to reach your desired goal, all methods are good. Think carefully about whether you need to become the wife of a man who adheres to such principles.
  • Eagle: this figure will appear only in purposeful and insanely talented people. Whatever you think, it will certainly come true. The bird symbolizes purity of thoughts and clarity of mind, strength and sharp eyes. In the general case, this may portend a business trip or a move, and, most likely, it will happen very soon. In some cases, the eagle may announce that you will be out of debt for a long time, maybe forever.
  • Turtle: this figure portends the feeling of time slowing down. Here fortune-telling gives information that it is not worth rushing the development of events. There will be an opportunity to think and plan everything.
    No matter how much you want to resolve the situation, the turtle advises you to “lay low”, go about your daily business, get distracted. These should be ordinary, routine things, without any special emotional outbursts. You can even be lazy and do nothing at all. The main thing is that during this period you need to be calm, careful and attentive. It will be good if you distract from your problems and turn love and care to the immediate environment.
  • Rooster: This figure calls for the start of some action. Fortune-telling on wax, which gives the image of the Rooster, says: “That's it! It's time! It's time to get started!" It is possible that a person has been planning something for a long time, but did not dare to start.
    The image of a rooster indicates that the time has come, there are strengths, a person is internally ready to “move mountains”. You need to heed the sign and at the first opportunity to go "turn" these mountains. In addition, the figure advises to be as ambitious as possible, be firm and not give up.
  • Snake. This figure means duality in everything, in this case, the Snake in fortune-telling on wax can speak of both good in the future and bad. If the snake is coiled into a ball, it means that the person is in thought, but at the same time strictly follows what is happening.
    An active animal (for example, a cobra with a hood) wriggling indicates both aggression towards someone and an active search for a solution to the situation. In the future, when a controversial moment arises, it is better to “lie low” and look at the development of events from the outside. And only then, after carefully considering everything, proceed to action.
  • Toad or Frog: as a result of fortune-telling, a toad or a frog will appear if your heart is very difficult. It's time to find peace, looking into the most secret corners of the heart. Take it into service: sincere conversation can help you with this. A toad does not always mean something ugly or bad, if you made a question about love, it can symbolize a person whom you do not notice because of a nondescript appearance. As for business, she indicates that you need to be more generous.
  • bear cub: such a sign portends a caring period. the main thing is not to confuse him with a big bear! The interpretation of this sign, see above. The appearance of a small bear cub on a wax casting predicts a readiness to give warmth and love to loved ones. And it can be not only people. Perhaps you will shelter some homeless animal or find owners for it. Or maybe you want to do charity work and help children, the elderly, the disabled morally or financially. In any case, the bear "sees" in you this desire and the strength to fulfill it.
  • Deer: when divining on wax, it means that soon you can hit the road and find stable well-being, which is resistant to external circumstances.
  • Sheep. A wax sheep (or a piece of curly sheepskin) obtained during fortune-telling predicts that your plan, which you have long cherished, will soon come true. Even the most daring, unrealistic ideas can come true, or there will be a real chance of good dividends from the invention, innovation. The main thing for you now is not to miss such a chance to make decisive moves.
  • Mouse: it portends a meaningless turmoil, you have chaotic movement and nervous restlessness ahead of you. All actions will be useless, but you will continue to "flounder" trying to save the situation.
    If the mouse sits on its hind legs, this means that you will feel danger and worry, but you will not find the source of this. As a result, you will do the first thing that comes to mind, but aggravate the situation even more. The problem is that you will unconsciously repeat these actions repeatedly until everything resolves itself. In general cases, portends irritability, fussiness, fear and confusion in the future.
  • Horse (silhouette): if you get such a sign, then you should take a closer look at the position of the animal's head. If fortune-telling on wax gives an image of a lowered, Horse's head, then this indicates a huge amount of work in the future. It will definitely need to be done.
    If there is an association with a raised head with a loose mane, then in the near future there will be entertainment, sexual desires, a fun and meaningless pastime. There is a danger of doing a lot of stupid things. These moments will fly by quickly, imperceptibly (as if in a state of intoxication), but will lead to trouble.
  • Crocodile: symbolizes the deceit that awaits you from friends or relatives. Seeing this picture, you should be careful to avoid unnecessary frank conversations in communication with family and friends. A crocodile can turn out to be someone greedy, hypocritical and mean, a person who is in your environment. But, if you wonder if you will buy shoes, be sure that they will be from the most expensive leather.
  • Bear: this figure portends the appearance in life of a strong person, helper and well-wisher. If fortune-telling with wax shows such a symbol, we can say that the Higher Powers will soon send support in the form of a friend, a caring person (maybe a complete stranger) to help.
    The figure of a bear during divination on wax also means profit and fertility. So, thanks to someone's guardianship and care, you will get what you want. For young girls, this is a sign of the imminent appearance of a man in their life. A strong, brave and kind defender. When such a person appears, it is worth taking a closer look at him: he can be considered as a future husband.
  • Caterpillar: This is not a good sign. If fortune-telling on wax showed such an image, then things will soon decline. Complete collapse, collapse of something (ideas, work, apartments, relationships), decline in everything.
    Since the caterpillar warns of possible failures, you need to mentally prepare for them. It should be remembered that nothing happens without a cause and without an effect. And perhaps this decay is needed in order for something new, more significant for us, to form in its place.
  • Hare: if you are guessing for a man: a hare seen during fortune-telling on wax warns of danger; Apparently, the events taking place do not inspire confidence in you. For a woman, this means, on the contrary, a pleasant gift, going to a restaurant, etc.
  • Butterfly. If, while fortune-telling on wax, you saw a butterfly, this is a good sign that promises you to get rid of very annoying problems. Soon something new and happy will burst into your life like an airy, bright butterfly, and you will feel young, carefree and renewed.
  • Snail. The snail symbol seen indicates your excessive slowness, although your mere desire to change something will be enough to achieve significant progress. On the other hand, the wax snail advises you not to rush things too much, but to go towards the goal progressively and systematically. Sometimes, the snail symbol also has an additional meaning: a meeting with an individual who has nothing more on his mind than sex.
  • Spider: beware of cunning and deceit on the part of others. If the subject of fortune-telling is business, keep in mind that it is not very good and will not bring you anything good personally;
  • Monkey. If during fortune-telling you see a symbol of a monkey (or some monkey-like creature), this higher power warns you about a deceit, an ambiguous situation, a betrayal of a friend or the person you are doing fortune-telling.
  • Pig: predicts that all your ideas about the current situation are correct and will soon be confirmed. In the case of fortune-telling for money - deferred, but sure profit.
  • Cancer: means that you have love problems, but they are needed as a test sent by fate. Soon everything will be resolved for the better for you.
  • Cat. An unfavorable sign in fortune-telling on wax Cat or Cat - is interpreted as trouble in relationships and even loneliness. It is possible that your loved ones betrayed you. This symbol warns you against possible danger. Pay attention to the little things and the behavior of those around you. But don't dwell on it. For a while, it is worth giving up drinking and keeping your mind in sober clarity.
  • Elk: a rather strong hint of condescension. The symbol of the Elk in divination on wax indicates that you should be softer and simpler with other people. Don't be too arrogant. These are strong people, most often deprived of attention in childhood. These are people who are used to achieving everything on their own, have a tough character and a strong will.
  • Hedgehog: the main element of this sign is not the personification of an animal, but a needle! In fortune-telling on wax, the Hedgehog is interpreted as something prickly in your life, a heat in a relationship with some person is possible. Attitude in a team or at work. Become softer and more loyal to those around you. Evaluate the events that have occurred, on reflection, you yourself can find the answer to the received sign.
  • Puppy: An excellent and easy to read sign of friendship and devotion. In fortune-telling on candle wax, a Puppy (or a small dog) promises true friends or comrades. This sign is extremely rare, it portends that you yourself are a good friend and know how to value relationships with close friends. The figure, as it were, offers to organize a team or find like-minded people. It's easier to succeed together. If the puppy is standing on its hind legs, then someone is in dire need of help.
  • Rabbit: a harbinger of the onset of an event. The symbol of the Rabbit in wax divination is usually found in very shy and soft-bodied individuals. Making it clear that you need to be tougher and more persistent. Such people often feel uncomfortable and even suffer from their gentleness in dealing with people, afraid to prove their case.
  • Sea Horse: means good news. In fortune-telling on wax, Seahorse - portends success in business and personal life. It speaks of the strength of your capabilities and hidden potential that you need to use.
  • Owl: This figure is considered the most malicious and sinister. In fortune-telling on wax and water, an owl carries a bunch of illnesses, failures, obstacles, disappointments. An undesirable sign that is quite rare, but cannot be ignored. Do not lose heart and give up, do not run away from fate. After all, something always happens in our life that cannot always be controlled, we need to draw the right conclusions and sensibly assess what is happening in order to be ready for new difficulties in the future.

Geometric shapes: lines, circles, dots, etc.

If in the process of divination you see abstract figures in front of you, do not be discouraged. After all, correctly interpreted, they can also be seen as a prediction for the future.

  • Straight line: this is a sign that a new project awaits you soon, which you will do on your own. This may be due to both working moments and your hobbies. A straight line will not give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether this project will be a success or not, since in this case everything will depend solely on your personality. However, to get an answer to this question, try using a different method of divination. You can, for example, tell fortunes on the cards.
  • Circle: this is a sign that you are overly obsessed with one and the same issue. However, this figure can also mean that everything in your affairs is going very steadily. The elongated circle symbolizes new beginnings and dreams that are difficult but very easy to translate into reality.
  • Lots of circles: whatever begins, has a logical conclusion. Do not get upset or look for an excuse why not start life from a new page, start something of your own, change your place of work or even change your place of residence.
  • points: this is a sign of material well-being in the near future. The smaller they are, the more money you get. In love fortune-telling, it means a lot of pleasant, but non-binding meetings.
  • Spiral: The spiral symbol symbolizes that you can finally understand and find the meaning of what was previously incomprehensible and inaccessible to you. And not necessarily in a philosophical sense. You can, for example, find your favorite job.

Numbers and letters

  • Numbers and letters: in general, any letters and numbers should be interpreted based on what question you asked in the process of divination. As a rule, they give the most accurate answer, hinting at the name of a loved one or the date of the event you have guessed.
  • Number 9: This figure will only appear if she has already met in your life. You could become a mother on the 9th, or buy a house, get married or enter into an important contract. If you are again faced with this figure, then this means that something like this will happen again. If the events associated with this number were favorable, this is a good sign.
  • Number 8. This figure will mean that your life repeats the cycle of pleasant or unpleasant events. Remember the figure eight is the sign of infinity! Just think about what event you associate this figure with and draw a conclusion.
  • Letter M. If you carried out fortune-telling on a guy, husband, or betrothed, then the letter M will appear when the name of your future loved one begins with the letter M. If you didn’t ask about your spouse, but were thinking about a career, then this letter can symbolize achievement set financial goals.

Video: "Fortune telling with wax and water step by step instructions"

Instead of a conclusion

And a final recommendation: at the end of fortune-telling, the materials used: candle cinders and wax are buried in the ground or burned in a furnace. The exception is figurines with a successful interpretation - they should be kept for a year.

In addition, if the interpretation was successful or simply useful, you should thank the Higher Forces for the information provided and put any coin at the crossroads “for good luck”.

Hello dear readers. After reading the article, you will be able to comprehend the secrets of ancient predictions. One of the most popular and accurate methods is wax divination, which will be discussed below.

With its help, you can not only see the future, talk about its connection with past and present events, but also get answers to specific questions related to certain areas of life.

There are quite a few ways of divination through wax. However, there is a classic version that serves as the basis for all types of divination with wax.

General rules for all types of divination


Absolutely for all types of divination should be applied exclusively natural wax. Paraffin or other wax analogues will not work. In this case, the predictions will be inaccurate. After all, natural raw materials have the ability to pass information through themselves, tuning in to the energy wave of a person. And artificial materials, alas, do not possess these properties.

If you use a natural wax candle, it must not be previously used. The color of the wax is usually traditional. But for some types of divination, a certain color is needed. The amount of wax can be any.

It is permissible to use both a large piece (thick candle) and a very small piece (thin candle). But keep in mind that the wax will partially settle on the walls of the container. And even if you get a casting that is too miniature, it will be difficult to see the images and symbols.

At the end of the divination the wax cake must be disposed of by burning or burying it in the ground in a deserted place. But there is a small caveat here: if the interpretations of the images are positive, the wax cake can be saved “for good luck”. Place it in a safe place and store it, for example, for 3 years - this is the maximum period for the relevance of predictions when divining on wax. You can destroy the casting even earlier.


As for divination water, baptismal water would be ideal. If there is none, you can use consecrated, spring or distilled water. In extreme cases, cooled boiled or plain cold tap water will do.

time and place

The ideal time is from sunset to sunrise. At the specified time, you can get the most accurate predictions. If many types of fortune-telling during the process itself involve being alone, then you can guess on wax while in company. This will not affect the result in any way.

Classic divination method

This method involves the use of wax and water. He will tell about the past, present, near and far future in general terms, reveal secrets regarding life aspects that need to be paid special attention. You will also find out if there are insidious personalities in your environment who are planning "dirty deeds" against you.

So, prepare the following items:

  • a small piece of beeswax to melt. You can use the church. The approximate amount of wax is 15-25 g;
  • cold clean (about half a liter);
  • a bucket with a handle (it is permissible to replace it with a Turk or a tablespoon);
  • container for water (you can use a deep plate, bowl or small saucepan)
  • church candle (any size).

Getting Started

Put out the electric lights, light a candle by placing it on the table. Place the wax next to it, which you will later melt, a ladle and a container of water.

By the flame of a candle, in general terms, one can judge the near future. So, if the flame burns evenly, joyful events await a person. If the candle crackles and its flame trembles, it means that important news awaits the questioner, on which his future success in life will depend. If the flame does not want to flare up for a long time, and after flaring up, it gives a weak glow, in the future, disappointment and tears await a person.

Stage #1 Set up

Before you start fortune telling on wax, sit for 5-10 minutes in silence. Try to put your thoughts in order. Let the candle, wax and water tune in to your energy, absorb your thoughts, understand your desires and aspirations, and find answers to your innermost questions. During the mood, you should think about what you want to know.

To enhance the effect, use a method such as visualization. In other words, you need to force your imagination to work to the maximum. Imagine as clearly as possible:

  • your future;
  • people about whom you want to know something;
  • circumstances that concern you;
  • upcoming events that you are worried about;
  • difficult situations from which you can not find a way out.

Stage number 2 Preparation and melting of wax

Take a piece of prepared wax in your hands and, continuing to mentally formulate your questions, knead it with your hands and roll it into a ball. Thus, the wax will receive information from you and through direct contact with your palms. If a church candle is used for melting, in no case should it be cut with a knife or broken before kneading. Only mince!

Place the wax lump in the container in which you will melt it, and bring it to a lit candle so that the bottom of the container touches the highest point of the flame. As you melt, mentally scroll through the questions you want answered. Do not try to speed up the melting process, do not crush the wax, helping it quickly turn into a viscous mass.

Stage number 3 Wax outflow

When the wax is completely melted, carefully move the ladle away from the flame and turn it over with a sharp movement over a container of water. The entire wax mass should pour into the water, forming an intricate cake, called a casting. Wait for the wax to dry completely (approximately 2-4 minutes). During this, you should not touch the casting with your hands or objects, deform it or try to form the figure you need.

Then remove the casting from the water and place it on dry paper or a towel, you can use a regular napkin. After a couple of minutes, when the wax dries, you can study and interpret the resulting figures and images. To do this, use the tables below.

Remember that the interpretation of the figures is purely individual. It all depends on the personality of the questioner, the situation on which he is guessing, the specific circumstances of his life. Of course, there are common values, which will be indicated below.

When divining on wax using the classical method, you can interpret the images in accordance with the time, conditionally dividing the casting into several parts. So, the upper part of the cake means the near future, the right side - the distant future (within 3 years), the images located in the lower part will tell about the present. Past events are judged on the left side, and the symbols present in the very center will tell about what is happening in a person’s soul, what he is silent about and what he is trying to hide from others.

Interpretation tables


lies Malaise
Is sitting Boredom
Costs you are determined
Down on my knees Prostration
Stretches his hands forward Do you need help
Spread your legs wide Strong life position
Pray (standing or sitting) You are "on the edge", so you need to take decisive steps
Lies in a coffin Peace of mind
Child 1. One - the beginning of a new project 2. Several children - pleasant chores
Missing one or more limbs You don't live by your own rules
In a headdress Magic Defense
Nude (visual organs are visible) An open and kind person
With your hands up Do you have a defender
humpbacked You are "marked" by the Higher Powers
leaning down Weak person
Headless secret patron
dancing You are surrounded by frivolous people
Face You are being watched
Separate hand/hands Frustration, they try to lead you
Separate leg/legs Take a trip

Several people

Animals, birds, insects, fish

Elephant Huge inner strength, inexhaustible energy resources
Hippopotamus old grudge
Rhinoceros Anger, anger
Giraffe foresight
Monkey Pretense, deceit, fraud
Dog Loyal friend, soul mate
Cat Trouble, loneliness, secret enemy
Kitty A traitor hiding under the face of a true friend
Cow good luck in the near future
Bull Mighty Enemy
Frog good news
Chicken unexpected help
Rooster News from the second half
Mouse conspiracy against you
Rat meanness
Hare shy person
Bird Announcement, getting an answer to a question of interest
Horse Many like-minded people
Goat Selfless work. Stop, otherwise you will undermine your health
Snake Evil, deceit, sneak attack
Pig financial fraud
Fox Cunning, dodgy, unreliable person
The Dragon Aggressive man
Bear Aggressive and quarrelsome person
Owl Failures, problems, illnesses, debts
Pigeon Honest man
Swan Unexpected receipt of funds
Goose Proud and wayward person
Crane Longevity, activity, endurance
Spider Surprise
Fly Present
Wasp, bee Undeserved insult
Fish 1. Shark - danger is near

2. Keith is a devoted friend

3. Plain - good news from afar

Dolphin Old and unrequited love
Butterfly carnal pleasures
Jellyfish Sign of psychics
Ant Hard work ahead
Deer Someone wants to speak frankly
Buffalo barrier, danger
Unicorn Mysterious incident
Tiger Minor problems due to excessive emotionality
a lion Power, a high position with new responsible powers
Kangaroo You are too careless
Wolf ill-wisher, envious
Squirrel Achieving success will depend on the degree of effort you put in.
Eagle Good luck in a new business, victory over enemies
Caterpillar Reach your goal soon
Bug There are a lot of gossips around you
Hedgehog Danger
Lizard Have a nice vacation with friends
Dinosaur Others will become aware of the details about your past that you are trying to hide.
Crocodile Several dangers following each other
Zebra You find it difficult to get along with people, develop sociability
Snail Do not be frank with strangers

Numbers and letters

By poured out letters, you can judge the name, patronymic, surname, nickname of a person who plays or will play an important role in your life. As for numbers, they indicate the number of days, weeks, months or years that have passed since a certain event or remained before the occurrence of future events.

General meaning of geometric shapes

Circle - idle pastime, idleness or action that does not lead to results.

Square - stability, solid financial position, profit.

Triangle - perseverance, determination, strength, diligence, brilliant prospects.

Oval - it will be possible to achieve harmony in relations with the second half.

Rhombus - good health, spiritual wealth, creativity, energy boost.

Rectangle - breadth of views, flexibility, loyalty, high intelligence.

Plants, mushrooms

Tree 1. The branches are lowered down - sadness, sorrow 2. The branches are striving up - a happy life in abundance
Bush Do not take on several tasks at the same time
Flower 1. One - a secret desire will come true

2. Two is sad news

3. Three is a secret admirer

4. A lot - the sign "darling of fate"

Mushroom An unexpected event (depending on the figures located nearby, you can understand whether a positive or negative event will occur)
climbing plant Love by design
Stump Conservative views
Maple Leaf Highlights
Acorn Life experience


Umbrella Get ready for change
seals love date
Shoes Long trip ahead
Doors, gates Open - excellent prospects Closed - obstacles
Window Open - news Closed - vain expectation
Table Successful outcome of the case
Chair You need a breather
Beads, necklace Get help from people you didn't expect support from
Bottle It is recommended to undergo a general examination of the body
A spear You need energy protection
Scissors Luck in gambling
Jar Find associates who will support all your ideas
Sofa Deterioration of health
Tambourine A vicious love affair
Lamp you are safe
Painting A man with a developed imagination
Watch Make your wishes come true
Closet You will be trusted with a secret
Scales Justice, the controversial situation is resolved peacefully and safely
Guitar Merry feast
House Changes, possibly moving to a new place of residence or changes in the family
Fence Stubbornness bothers you
Rake Get what you deserve
Book Wisdom
Harp Family idyll
Basket Interference in love
Kettle Unexpected visit of guests
Spoon Foolish man
Fork Don't be afraid to move forward
Jug Good health sign
Knife Loss (loss of property, weakening of health, breakup of relationships)
Plate Opportunity to start life from scratch
Drum Giftedness sign. If glory has not yet come to you, then everything is ahead
Hat You are being misled
Suitcase There is a chance for the realization of an old dream
Paint brush) Wait for the guests
Flag You are not trusted
Broom Reassessment of life values
Bike You are on the right track. Able to achieve your goals
Swing Breaking up relationships that weigh
Nail Use your talent to convince people more often
Automobile Change for the better
Ship Hopes come true
Train The rapid development of events
Airplane Dream will come true


Signs, symbols

Wrist Disappointment
Eye Negative magical effect
lines 1. Horizontal - many possibilities

2. Dotted lines - difficulties with money

3. Wavy - adventurous adventures

4. Vertical - you act against your will

5. Chaotically placed - minor setbacks

Star 1. One - a happy fate 2. Several - joyful events ahead
Angel Success, successful completion of affairs
Lattice Hypocrisy from friends
Embryo Renewal in a broad sense (maybe a new friend or partner will appear, a pregnancy will come, or a new business idea will be born)
Dagger blood feud
Balloon 1. One - a romantic trip 2. Two or more - a change of residence, possibly moving to another city / country
Mountains Gaining power
Ladder moving forward
Candle Dreams. The probability of their execution depends on nearby symbols
Keyhole Someone deliberately creates obstacles for you
Rope 1. Collapsed - financial difficulties

2. Expanded - deterioration of well-being

3. Tied to something - they try to "keep you on a leash"

A drop 1. One - a gift 2. Two or more - easy money
Arch Gift, receiving a large sum of money
Wings Meeting with an Idea Man
Waterfall Carefully analyze the steps taken
Fist Showdown with scandal and assault
Nest Destined to have many children
Ear Your secrets have become public
Mermaid A goal that is not commensurate with the effort expended
Rider Influencer support
Bell A sign of an upcoming important event
Cross Significant events (signs)
Wreath Great success with the opposite sex
Anchor Serious obstacle
air kite Increasing vitality, new ideas, inspiration
Paddle You give others more than you receive in return.
Garland Wedding (yours or someone else's)
Mirror You can fix the situation
Hair 1. Long - keep your secret secret 2. Short hair - bosses are interested in your promotion
Crescent fatal love
Volcano Unexpected turn
Fire mental turmoil
Feather Lack of stability, it is recommended to wait with an important decision
Sun happy events
Lake Get rid of bad habits
Crown Glory, universal recognition
globe News from abroad
clover leaf Great luck, luck in everything
Tubercles, mounds You create problems for yourself
Tower Crime, breaking the law
Well (large recess in the casting) Corruption
heart 1. One - soon fall deeply in love 2. Several - love adventures
Mill Achieve success through hard work and great dedication
Two interconnected rings 1. For singles - acquaintance with a life partner 2. For lovers - a new stage in relationships
arrow flirt
Mask Beware of hypocrisy
Cards 1. Worms - Luck in love

2. Cross - state affairs, chores

3. Spades - a long-awaited success

4. Diamonds - an unexpected win

Comet Meeting with a strong spirit a person who will carry you along
Question mark Great internal doubts, impossibility of making a final decision
Exclamation mark Pay attention to your immediate surroundings


The designations of the figures in the above tables are suitable for all types of divination on wax. However, below, for each type of prediction, a separate mini-table will be presented, which contains interpretations-clarifications according to the concept of one or another type of fortune-telling.

Divination for health

In order to clarify questions regarding the state of health, the outcome of treatment or prognosis for a complex surgical intervention, white candles are ideal. But you can use blue or blue candles. As a last resort, choose yellow or orange candles that represent vitality and high energy potential.

The days of the week in which it is best to guess for health are Wednesday and Sunday. Lunar days favorable for predictions are the 1st, 9th, 11th, 22nd, 29th. To make an accurate prediction, prepare:

  • candles and wax of the specified color;
  • consecrated water (2 cups);
  • a container for melting wax;
  • deep container for water;
  • white handkerchief (new);
  • your photograph (colored so that the eyes are clearly visible).

Light a candle, set it in the center of the table, place all the necessary things nearby. Wash your face with water, wipe your face with a handkerchief, then sprinkle your photo with the same water and also blot with a handkerchief. Concentrate on your inner world, try to feel every cell of your body. Mentally address the Higher Forces with a question of interest.

Now take the wax prepared for melting, knead it thoroughly in your hands, lower it into a container and bring it to the candle flame. When the wax melts, cross yourself and pour it into a container filled with water. Cool and dry the casting, proceed to the interpretation of the symbols.

Click on the picture to enlarge:

Table with decoding clarifying love symbols

door open Meeting the love of a lifetime ahead
door closed barriers in love
Lock Promising partner
Key/keys You will be able to improve relations with those with whom you broke up
The lines are straight Calm and stable relationship
The lines are broken Parting
The lines are wavy The danger posed by the opponent
Lines crossed by dashes Love pains ahead
Number "1" Soon someone will fall in love with you
Number "4" empty hopes
Number "8" A long and happy union with your loved one awaits you
Letter "O" High chance of a love spell against you
Letter "U" Quarreling
Letter "L" Mutual love
Young woman A new acquaintance with a contender for a hand and a heart
Man Parting with a loved one
Lips Love based on carnal attraction, not deep feelings

Fortune telling on finances

In this case, the ideal days of the week for divination on wax will be Tuesday and Saturday. The lunar day for the most accurate prediction is the 5th, 7th, 14th, 20th. The color of wax and candles should be exclusively green (salad, malachite, grassy, ​​emerald). Fortune telling will help you get answers to any financial questions. You will need the following items:

  • wax and a candle of the indicated color;
  • any banknote that is not a pity to crumple;
  • container (for melting wax);
  • water container.

Light a candle, lay out all the attributes nearby. For 5 minutes, sit with your eyes closed, morally attuning to fortune-telling. Then take the wax (candle) for melting and start kneading it in your hands. Next, wrap the wax ball in a banknote and put it on the table. Light it with a candle, mentally asking about what you want to know.

Then unroll the wad of wax, place it in a ladle and melt it over a candle flame. Pour the melted wax liquid into a container of water. Wait for the casting to harden, dry it and proceed to decipher the characters.

3. We interpret green wax


After divination, you can use the banknote for its intended purpose.

Table with the interpretation of monetary images

Camel Emergence of new sources of income
Fly financial success
oblique lines Difficulties with money
Number "3" Great luck financially
Letter "E" You will work hard but earn little
Letter "M" Fate gives a chance, everything will depend on your enterprise
Hand Influential patron
Bear Generous Sponsor
Pigeon A business partner will help out in difficult times
Cat Deterioration of the financial situation
Ant Fuss, material loss
Tree Prosperity
Spider Damage to property due to natural disaster
Elephant Wealth and honors
Key Theft of property

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Fortune telling on wax allows you to join the great mystery, open the door to the mysterious world, in which there is all the information about the intricacies of the fate of every earthly creature! Goodbye, dear readers, until we meet again.

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