Secrets of android 7. The long-awaited button "Close all"

Design and interior 02.07.2023
Design and interior

Our article will introduce and help everyone to try out the benefits of Android 7.0 and 7.1. The official release of Android 7.0 (codenamed Nougat) took place on August 22, 2016, the new OS became available for Nexus and Pixel smartphones, and at the moment it is getting to other devices around the world.

How quickly time flies - you almost do not have time to follow the updates. And, of course, someone could easily miss the release of Android Nougat.

It is not enough to install a new OS, because it has yet to be sorted out and familiarized with new features. Here are some practical recommendations that will help you get to know many of the features of the new Android version without leaving the checkout.

Please note that everything written here applies to Android 7.0 and 7.1 on Google devices. Many smartphone manufacturers are changing the operating system in their own way, adding features and changing the interface. So on some gadgets, menu items and names may differ or be completely absent.

How to quickly switch between open apps in Android 7

Switching between apps is much easier on Android Nougat: Double-click the Recent Apps button (the square to the right of the Home button) to move between the two most recently opened apps (kind of like the Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut on a PC).

Speaking of this button, in the seventh version it received a new function: open any application, press and hold it or click on it once. Recently opened applications will be displayed, select the one you need and drag it to the top of the screen. This is how the split screen mode is activated, in which two open applications take up half the screen. To return to normal browsing, press and hold the Recent Apps button again.

How to copy text

Need to copy text from one app and paste it into another? Let's do it in multi-window mode. Select the desired text, then click on it, hold and drag it to another window. If the application itself supports this feature, the text will be inserted automatically.

A little-known fact: using the above mode, you can view two browser tabs at the same time, for example, Chrome. Open a new tab in Chrome, press and hold the button "Recent applications" and click on the icon in the form of three dots (upper right corner of the screen). We are looking for the option “Move to another window”.

And one more trick related to our now favorite button. Some of you may already be aware that you can remove apps from recently launched apps by dragging them to the left or right side of the screen. The new version of Android has an option to completely clear the list of recently closed applications (at one time, many third-party smartphone manufacturers introduced this option in their versions of Android). We wind to the very beginning of the list and find it.

The home button on Android 7.1 will show the most frequent actions

On an Android 7.1 device, press and hold the Home button. The most frequently used functions across apps will appear on the screen, such as calling your favorite contact in the Phone app or opening a new tab in Chrome. (For those who have Android 7.1, but nothing comes out, you can use the Google Start launcher.)

Quick jump to settings

Need a quick jump through system settings? Nougat has a quick navigation menu. To find it, click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines in the upper left corner.

For those who are stuck in the Applications section, you can quickly scroll through the list by moving your finger down the right edge of the screen. The fast scroll interface will appear.

How to set up and what can be seen in the Android 7 quick settings panel

The quick settings panel on Nougat has undergone several subtle but important innovations. First, if you swipe down from the top of the screen, several shortcuts will appear for quick access to various options, such as , and Airplane Mode. Also, a switch is attached to each to quickly turn on and off a particular function.

If, while on the main screen, swipe down twice or with two fingers, an expanded list of available tools will open, where clicking on any of the icons opens additional settings (if the selected function has them).

In all sections of the quick settings panel, by long pressing on any of the icons, you go to the corresponding system settings window.

The Quick Settings toolbar is fully customizable. Open the panel and click on the "Edit" button, which should be in the lower right corner or on the pencil in the upper right side of the screen. This option allows you to move, add, and remove icons from the panel.

The settings of the first six icons from the quick settings panel will be displayed if you call up a brief view of the so-called "curtain" (swipe down on the main screen once).

Mode "at work"

If you use the gadget at work, look in the quick settings panel for the At work mode item. It switches between a user's work profile, where settings and apps are set for work purposes, and a personal one, with user apps.

You can add additional tools to the quick settings panel using third-party applications. For example, using Weather Quick Settings , you can add a small weather tile, and Ringer Modes will allow you to change the gadget's sound mode with one touch.

Night mode on Android 7

Android 7.1 supports a new night mode that is only available on select models. If you're lucky, you'll find the Night Mode feature in the Quick Settings panel. It makes it easier to read the screen at night.

You can also set this feature to turn on automatically when needed. In the "Settings" menu, open the "Screen" section, look for "Night mode", click on the inscription "Turn on automatically" and select the option either "During the dark" or "Custom schedule". (It is easy to guess that this setting will only be on the device where there is a "Night mode").

Notifications in Android 7

Notifications in the seventh version of the mobile OS are divided by application, so if you receive, say, three new messages to your Gmail mail, a notification about this will be displayed in its own block on the notification panel. Clicking on a notification opens a mini-block with more detailed information, which you can expand to get quick access to options related to the notification (for example, send to archive or reply to a message).

Is an app sending notifications too often? Press and hold any of its notifications (or slightly move it to the right or left and click on the gear that appears). From here, we can mute all subsequent notifications or disable them altogether.

The Android Do Not Disturb mode has received a new useful feature on Nougat: you can set the silent mode for the whole night, and in the morning, when the alarm rings, it will turn itself off. To activate this option, go to "Settings", then - "Sounds and vibration", find the item "Do not disturb", select "Automatic rules". Add a new rule, click on the line "Time" and enter any name. Set the days and times when the gadget will be in silent mode. In the "Do Not Disturb" section, either "Alarm only" or "Only important ones" should be selected, and do not forget to enable the "Next alarm overrides the current stop time" option.

Additional functions

Stop squinting! Especially for those who have vision problems, Nougat has a zoom option. Going to the "Screen", we are looking for the option "Scale of the image on the screen."

Want to make the words bigger, but keep everything else the same? To do this, in the "Screen" section there is a line "Font size".

If you need to reduce the amount of Internet traffic consumed, Nougat has a new Data Saver Mode, which limits the amount of outgoing and incoming mobile data of an individual application (both in the background and in the active mode). We go to "Settings" and go to the "Data transfer" section and click on the item "Traffic saving".

Multiple system languages ​​on Android

Are you fluent in two or three languages? On Android 7.0 and 7.1, it is possible to install several system languages ​​​​and switch between them without any problems. Going to the "Language and input" section in the system settings, click on the "Languages" item, where we can add new languages ​​to the list.

Medical card in the phone

For emergencies, a kind of medical card was added to the seventh version of Android, which, among other things, indicates contacts for communication in case of an emergency (will be displayed on the locked screen) and blood type. To enter this data, in the settings menu, click on the "Users" item and see the line "Emergency Data".

Now you can change the voice of the system in such a way that it will growl or squeak (it's funny to listen to both). Go to "Settings", then - "Special. Opportunities" and click on the option "Speech Synthesis", where we can set the pitch of the voice.

Have you ever had one earpiece inserted in your ear, but want to hear the sound of both channels? In this case, in the section "Spec. Opportunities "there is an option" Mono sound ".

Hidden features of Android 7

Those who need to go through the smartphone's memory, move or copy files, should definitely try out the improved file manager. Having opened the "settings", go to the "" section, at the very bottom we find the "Explorer" option. This is the file manager.

Want to experiment? We go to the quick settings panel, long press on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen to unlock the hidden options System UI Tuner. After that, a new line should appear in the settings menu at the very end of the list " System UI Tuner". Here, various user settings are waiting in the wings, for example, the appearance of the status bar and managing different types of notifications.

After five months of beta testing, Google has officially released the latest version of its mobile operating system, Android 7.0 Nougat. for the Nexus line, as well as devices registered in the Android Beta program.

Of course, the first wave only affects a very small number of smartphones and tablets, compared to more than a billion active Android gadgets - such is the price of platform fragmentation. Now it's up to the manufacturers to prepare the updates. Usually it takes months and no one names specific dates.

However, there is already information about certain devices that will definitely receive Android 7.0 Nougat. A number of phones and tablets update the operating system with a high degree of probability. And here is a list of gadgets that in the future - distant or close - expect Android 7.0 Nougat.

Nexus, Pixel C and Android One

The Nexus line has always been the first to update to the latest versions of Android. Nothing has changed with the advent of Nougat. The operating system should already be available for models:

  • Google Nexus 6,
  • Google Nexus 5X,
  • Google Nexus 6p,
  • Google Nexus 9,
  • Google Nexus Player,
  • Google Pixel C,
  • General Mobile 4G (Android One).

As you can see, the super popular Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 (2013) will not receive Android 7.0 Nougat - it's time to buy a new phone. However, Google engineers also did not improve the budget Android One devices, which are intended for emerging markets.


The model range of the South Korean manufacturer is very wide, so it is not surprising that many gadgets will not be updated. It should be noted that the company is known for slow updates. For example, the Galaxy S6 received Android 6.0 Marshmallow only five months after the official release. Nevertheless, we can expect the Nugus to wait:

  • samsung Galaxy S6,
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge,
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 Plus,
  • samsung Galaxy S7,
  • samsung galaxy s7 edge,
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 5,
  • Samsung Galaxy S7 Active,
  • samsung galaxy note 7,
  • Samsung Galaxy J3.

According to Samsung, one of the first updates will receive the flagship Note 7. This will happen within two to three months. At the same time, there is no reason not to update state employees of the Galaxy J3 level. However, Samsung representatives take some pause and say that they are assessing the situation and will announce their decision in the near future.


It turned out to be somewhat unexpected that one of the first smartphones with pre-installed Android 7.0 will be the LG V20. The extended list of potential lucky winners looks like this:

  • LG G5,
  • LG V10,
  • LG G4,
  • LG V20.

Recently, LG has accelerated with the release of updates. For example, the LG G4 received Marshmallow three months later. Probably, there will be no big delays this time either.

Noteworthy is the marketing strategy of LG in promoting the same LG V20. The company is putting a lot of emphasis on the latest version of Android, which is sure to offend and spur other smartphone makers.


HTC confirmed the update to Nougat for three of its devices right off the bat, which does her credit in our eyes. This will affect:

If we talk about timing, then Motorola does not have stability. In the US market, updates come a couple of months, and a year after the release of the next version of Android. As the representative of the company explained, the development of updates is complex resource-intensive projects and decisions to update a particular gadget will be made on an individual basis. It is advised to follow the news on the official website.

In general, last year's models are under a big question:

  • Moto X Style Pure Edition,
  • Droid Turbo 2 (Moto X Force),
  • Droid Maxx 2 (Moto X Play),
  • Moto G (2015)
  • Moto E (2015).


According to ZTE itself, Axon 7 will receive Android 7.0 "very soon". The update can also receive phones that were released to the market 1–1.5 years ago:

  • ZTE Axon 7,
  • zte zmax pro,
  • ZTE Axon Elite,
  • ZTE Axon Pro,
  • ZTE Axon Max,
  • ZTE Axon,
  • ZTE ZMax 2,
  • ZTE Blade V7.

At the same time, there are no official announcements about the exact list of devices and the timing of the update.

One Plus

The OnePlus lineup is still quite modest, and therefore the current version of Android should come to all smartphones:

  • one plus 3,
  • One Plus X,
  • one plus 2,
  • One Plus 1.

Recall that the first generation of OnePlus runs on Cyanogen OS, and newer gadgets come with a proprietary OxygenOS shell. Therefore, regarding OnePlus One, it is worth waiting for news from the Cyanogen community. As practice shows, it will not rust behind it, albeit with a delay.

Official OxygenOS firmware is coming out very late. For example, OnePlus 2 received Marshmallow only in June of this year, while OnePlus X is only available in pre-build. Nevertheless, there should be updates, just don't expect them anytime soon.


Digital Trends received a direct answer that Nougat will appear on the models:

  • Sony Xperia Z3+,
  • Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet,
  • Sony Xperia Z5,
  • Sony Xperia Z5 Compact,
  • Sony Xperia Z5 Premium,
  • Sony Xperia X,
  • Sony Xperia XA,
  • Sony Xperia XA Ultra,
  • Sony Xperia X Performance.

According to Sony, the company has no “expiration date” for phones and is working to “bring this major update to as many devices as possible.”


Less and less has been heard about BlackBerry in recent years, but the company is doing its best to please its loyal fans. Android 7.0 is expected to arrive on both BlackBerry phones:

  • blackberry,
  • Blackberry DTEK50.

For reference, the BlackBerry Priv made friends with Marshmallow six months later, and the BlackBerry DTEK50 came with it out of the box.


Alcatel is one of those manufacturers that release new phones at an astronomical rate. Many models are simply difficult to track, much less update. Nougat is likely to reach the following smartphones:

  • Alcatel Idol 4S,
  • Alcatel Idol 4,
  • Alcatel One Touch Idol 3.

There is no real information, except that earlier one of the leaders of Alcatel mentioned the update of Idol 4S, "when the company creates a stable firmware based on Nougat."


The largest Chinese manufacturer systematically crushes the whole world. Moreover, Huawei pleases not only with hardware, but also with software. Therefore, there is a high probability of updating for models:

  • huawei Mate S,
  • Huawei Honor 5X,
  • huawei honor 5c,
  • Huawei Honor GX8 (G8),
  • Huawei Honor V8,
  • Huawei Honor 7,
  • Huawei P9,
  • Huawei P9 Lite,
  • huawei P8 Lite,
  • Huawei P8.

By direct confirmation, Android 7.0 Nougat will be precisely designed for smartphones:

  • Huawei Mate 8,
  • Nexus 6P.

Terms, like other Chinese vendors, are disappointing. Take, for example, the Honor 5X, which only received Marshmallow in June.


According to preliminary data, Nougat will please the owners of the following phones:

  • Asus ZenFone 3 Laser,
  • Asus ZenFone 3 Max,
  • asus zenfone 3,
  • Asus ZenFone 3 Deluxe,
  • Asus ZenFone 3 Ultra,
  • Asus ZenFone Zoom,
  • asus zenfone 2,
  • Asus ZenFone 2 Laser,
  • Asus ZenFone Selfie.

Most of these devices are available in select regions of the world and have received Android 6 within the last few months. Asus did not respond to Digital Trends' request for comment.

In this article, we will discuss the existing update Android 7.0 Nougat from Google, as well as updates 7.1 and 7.1.2 beta.

Update A: Google's Android Nougat has been rolling out to many phones in the past five months, while more updates will follow in the near future.

There's a good chance today that your phone - whether it's the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Huawei P9 or Honor 8 - has already received a software update or it will arrive in the next few weeks.

But this is often confusing because the Android Nougat release date for some phones and tablets doesn't always reflect what you see in the software update menu.

That's why we're breaking down different phones that should get the update, and even Android 7.1.2 beta. Here's everything we know.

Nougat is Google's big update to Android, an operating system for tablets and phones - an OS that has been so thoroughly redesigned that the company has entered the middle of the alphabet with update names, letter 14 out of 26.

The developer did not stop at Android 7.0. The Android 7.1 update on Nexus was launched in October 2016, while Android 7.1.1 was released on Google phones and tablets on December 5, 2016.

Android 7.1.2 is already in beta, while the new Android O (possibly Android Oreo) is now being actively discussed on the net in the run-up to the year.

In pursuit!

  • What is this? The latest version of the mobile OS from Google;
  • When to expect? Distributing right now;
  • When will I receive the update? It is released slowly, it all depends on the phone / tablet;
  • What is the price? For free;

AndroidNougat: release date

The Android Nougat update is available right now, but when you get the update will depend on your device. The release date is in staggered order.

Good news: The update comes preloaded on the new Google Pixel and Google Pixel XL, and the update is also available for download on Google-supported devices like the Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, and Nexus Player. Their owners will not have to wait.

Unfortunately, if you're a Nexus 5 owner, you'll have to skip the Nougat update altogether. Google is skipping the phone as it has stepped over two years of Google support. But it still receives important security updates from Google.

Samsung, LG, HTC and other phone makers, meanwhile, are forced to rework their own version of the software before rolling out the update to users, which can take several months.

PhonesSamsung: UpdateAndroidNougat

The Nougat update is now available for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge, and we're not talking about the antediluvian beta that Samsung launched last November. This is the complete update that everyone has been waiting for.

As we have already said, Android 7.0 Nougat has been released for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge, and the update will be released to older phones very soon.

The manufacturer promised the update by the end of the first half of 2017 on older Samsung devices, including the Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, as well as S6 Edge Plus. Unfortunately, Samsung has no plans to upgrade the Galaxy S5 to Android 7. Your time is up.

New budget smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy A3 and Samsung Galaxy A8 will be able to download the new Android update.

Samsung tablets that will receive the new Android Nougat update include both (Wi-Fi and LTE).

All these software updates are preparing us for something that Samsung really wants to sell: and the Samsung Galaxy S8, the latest one will launch on March 29 and should bring the new Android 7 Nougat and even get rid of TouchWiz, which promises to be a very interesting solution.

PhonesLG: UpdateAndroid Nougat

LG launched the first phone with the new Android 7.0 Nougat in September, the LG V20, but it only took the title of "world's first" Nougat phone in South Korea, where it was originally released. A phone with dual camera optics appeared on the world market much later, in the USA, for example, it was released only on October 28th.

You might be considering buying the LG G6. The new flagship will go on sale in the next few weeks and offers the latest Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box. Not only that, the phone supports Google Assistant and offers an interesting 18:9 panel in a slim package.

LG G5 owners who are also yearning for a Nougat update should check out the software update menu right now. The Android 7.0 Nougat update is available for all G5s in Russia.

The manufacturer has confirmed that the LG V10 and LG G4 will receive Android 7.0 Nougat, but with a low priority since these are 2015 smartphones. We expect the update to be released in mid to late 2017.

PhonesSonyXperia UpdateAndroidNougat

Android 7.0 Nougat is already available for Sony Xperia X Performance, Xperia X Compact and Xperia XZ. But there are other phones that will receive the update soon.

The Sony Xperia X lets you try out a trial version of Android 7.1.1 right now, making it the first phone outside of Google to be able to get the update. You will have to install the Sony Concept app, which allows you to rebuild the Android operating system for Sony.

The Sony Xperia Z5, Xperia Z5 Premium, Xperia Z5 Compact and Xperia Z3 Plus received Android Nougat, as did the tablet.

But you won't find the update on the Xperia Z3. And this is a strange circumstance. We were quite surprised when Sony submitted their Xperia Z3 to the Nougat beta test, but the phone didn't follow suit with the release of the Nougat update for that phone.

We are still waiting for news on the Xperia XA and Xperia XA Ultra update, there is no specific timeline yet, but stay tuned.

PhonesHTC: UpdateAndroidNougat

If you bought an HTC phone released last year or two years ago, you can expect an update soon enough.

Updates are already available for HTC 10, HTC One A9 and HTC One M9 in Russia, although the update for our country was slightly delayed, it is already available on most phones.

HTC has already confirmed a Google OS update for the HTC 10, One A9, and One M9 for late 2016, although the update came later in some regions. Here and now an update is available and that's all that matters.

Too bad: Android 7.0 Nougat is not available for HTC One M8 and never will be. HTC has announced that the M8 will not receive the latest updates. You will need a new smartphone to use Nougat.

PhonesMotorola UpdateAndroidNougat

Motorola has clarified which phones will be updated to Android 7, and the list of phones is quite long.

Android 7.0 Nougat is available now on the Moto Z and the exclusive Moto Z Force, and the update has just been released on the Moto Z Play.

The Moto X series of phones - like the Moto X Style, Moto X Play, and Moto X Force - are promised to receive update support after May 2017.

Things are much better for Motorola's mid-range G-series phones, with the Moto G4 and Moto G4 Plus already receiving Nougat, and the Droid Maxx 2 update is expected soon.

Ironically, when Motorola confirmed that the Moto G4 Plus smartphones were getting Android 7.0, the company also admitted that they would be updated to Android O as well.

This Google software hasn't been announced yet, and there's no guarantee that Android 8 will be named O. Still, a good sign.

PhonesHuawei: UpdateAndroid Nougat

So far, only the Huawei Mate 9 has received the Android 7.0 Nougat update, while the recently launched Huawei P10 comes with Android 7.0 Nougat on board.

Huawei has announced that it will release the Nougat update for Huawei Mate 8 and Huawei P9 at the end of March 2017.

But you might not even have to wait that long, as Android Soul reports that Nougat is already out on the P9 and Mate 8 in China. Of course, this won't help most of us get the update, but it does indicate that the update's rollout to the world is expected very soon.

The Chinese manufacturer is also likely to update the Huawei P9 Plus, P9 Lite, Huawei Nova and Huawei Nova Plus later in 2017.

There is no word yet on whether the Huawei P8 or Mate S phones should expect an EMUI update to 5.0 (the interface comes based on Android 7). It looks like the ba of the smartphone is left behind this update cycle, despite the fact that they came out quite recently.

PhonesHonor: UpdateAndroid Nougat

The Honor 8 becomes the company's first phone to receive the Android 7.0 Nougat update.

This is really good news, because we really liked this phone model, and now it's a safe bet that allows you to buy a flagship phone and get a better operating system.

It also comes with the new and improved Emotion UI 5.0 that we could see on the Huawei Mate 9.

There are other phones getting the update soon: the recently launched Honor 6X runs Android Marshmallow, but Honor has already started beta testing the new OS for the phone. We will keep you updated on further developments.

UpdateAndroid 7.0nougat forOne Plus 3

The new Android 7.0 Nougat update is coming to the OnePlus 3. After a few months of beta testing, the company is releasing the official version of the software, also known as OxygenOS 4.0.

The new OnePlus 3T launched with Android Marshmallow and now the phone is getting the Nougat update too. Similar to OnePlus 3, the update has begun, but it may take a while before you get it on your device.

We also expect Android Nougat to be released on the OnePlus 2, however, it makes sense for OnePlus to limit itself to 3 models in the series in order to prioritize the company's new phones.

Just don't expect a software update for the old OnePlus One and OnePlus X. The OnePlus One is over two years old at the moment and has probably overstepped the company's set upgrade boundaries. The OnePlus X uses the old Snapdragon 801, which again thins its chances of being upgraded.

UpdateAndroid 7.0nougat forZTEAxon 7

We really liked the ZTE Axon 7, which looks and performs like a high-end phone with a mid-range price tag. Now it's time for the real test: how quickly will he get an Android update?

Well, Android Nougat is finally out for a Chinese phone after the obvious teasers and a bit of a delay. Best of all, Android 7.0 on the ZTE Axon 7 allows owners to experience mobile virtual reality thanks to Daydream VR compatibility.

The Axon 7 was the first Android Nougat phone to be Daydream Ready, and while phones like the Google Pixel and Moto Z were the first to run the VR software, ZTE kept that promise.

UpdateAndroid 7.0: Other phones

Even the obscure Nextbit Robin has officially confirmed the upcoming Android 7.0 Nougat update, even though the company was bought by Razer. And if you're wondering why you should care about the Android Nougat update, read on for the system's most basic specs.

Android 7.0Nougat: Virtual Reality

We've covered the existing features of Android Nougat below, but there's a more exciting tool that's not part of the regular Android 7.0 update: Google Daydream.

Multiple window support

Full multitasking support finally arrives as expected. This feature promises to be the highlight of the Android Nougat show. You can run two apps side by side on your Nexus smartphone or tablet at once.

This is a popular feature on Samsung and LG smartphones and tablets and is included in manufacturers' user interfaces, which is why Google includes this functionality in its own software in a timely manner.

Working with two applications at the same time, as well as the ability to resize the window on the fly, also offers the ability to view video in picture-in-picture mode. YouTube is not a waste of time if I'm working, right?

Multi-window support may increase commercial business interest in Android tablets in particular. That's exactly what Apple was aiming for when they introduced a similar split-screen feature and picture-in-picture support to iOS 9.

Direct responses via notifications(Direct Reply Notifications)

You don't have to move out of the current window just to reply to an incoming message. You can simply reply to it in the notification that will appear at the top of the screen.

Google is offering Direct Reply Notifications outside of its Hangouts, which could mean popular apps like WhatsApp could take advantage of this handy online messaging feature.

New quick settings menus

Google is adding a new quick settings menu for notifications that you drag from top to bottom from the screen border. This is very similar to what Samsung and LG are doing, like other Android manufacturers.

Of course, Google's original Android also offered toggles for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Airplane Mode and more, but that required pulling the notification bar down a second time to open the quick settings menu.

Now you have all the necessary settings after the first downward movement. The best news is that all of these buttons are quite small. Thus, they leave enough space for notifications.

Longtime Nexus users will also be happy to hear that quick settings and related toggles can be customized and sorted to the user's taste, just like on some Android smartphones.

For example, I use MiFi much more than Airplane Mode, so the Mobile Hotspot icon might get promoted to take the place of one of the five icons at the top of the Nexus 6P's initial quick settings.

The small airplane icon remains in quick settings, but it carries over to the second settings menu. Sorting, finally, allows you to provide for everything that Android did not provide.

Other notifications

With the new Android Nougat, Google is changing its approach to notifications. The developer also revealed that notification cards will be grouped together if they are from the same app.

All messages from a particular messaging app, for example, will be grouped with other notifications from that app. Grouped notifications can be expanded into separate ones using a two-finger gesture or by clicking on the "Advanced" button.

DozeMode 2.0

One of Android 6.0 Marshmallow's big hits is Doze Mode, Google's sly way to conserve battery power when the owner isn't using the device. This is a kind of deep standby mode.

The Android Nougat update is going to activate the power-saving software by extending the sleep mode so that it completely limits background tasks whenever the screen is turned off.

This solution will allow you to throw your smartphone in your pocket or tablet in your backpack, and then take it out the next day or next week and continue using it without recharging. Your "Your mother!" the next morning when you take out your Nexus unplugged will be a thing of the past.

Android 7.0Nougat Performance

Google says Android Nougat promises the biggest leap forward in the (graphics) performance department with the introduction of Vulkan, a technology that gives game developers much-needed control over the GPU.

This solution, in turn, promises better and smoother graphics and improved performance.

If you're downloading apps from sources other than the Google Play Store, you'll be able to determine where the app came from by going to Settings, App Info section.

The new update brings improvements to the Android development environment, including an optimization of the JIT compiler, which performs tasks 30-600% faster than the previous version.

The update also features much more seamless integration, including security updates, automatic downloads, and the latest updates to your device. Nougat has also gotten rid of the annoying “Android is Upgrading” pop-up while downloading an update.

Android 7.0Nougat: Other Features

The smart assistant Google Assistant came out with Android 7 on the Pixel and Pixel XL. This is a new voice control assistant that will replace Google Now.

Previously, you couldn't enter information into Google Assistant without talking to your phone, but the new assistant lets you simply write a task to the assistant directly.

This means you can use all the useful features of Google Assistant without having to talk to your phone, which can be embarrassing.

Google has confirmed that the new "Launcher Shortcuts" feature, a shortcut key that debuted in the second Android Nougat beta, is ready to support pressure-sensitive screens.

This will make it faster and easier to integrate technology like 3D Touch on the iPhone into the Android ecosystem, since everything you need to work will be built directly into the system.

There are also additional security features, along with file encryption and direct download, which help the device boot faster and run apps securely.

Last but not least, the new Android Nougat brings support for Unicode 9, which, among other things, paves the way for 72 new emojis.

About the release of the Android 7.0 Nougat operating system. In the coming days, devices from the Nexus family, and later other models of smartphones and tablets, will receive the corresponding firmware. In this article, we have collected all the innovations implemented in Android 7.0 Nougat - let's see what to expect from the new version of the most popular mobile OS.

Ability to change the density of interface elements. In Android 7.0 Nougat, users can change the density of OS interface elements. Some of them can become smaller or larger, in addition, this option allows you to select the number of icons in the menu bar. The main purpose of this innovation is to facilitate the use of mobile devices by visually impaired people.

Disable notifications for certain applications. Applications can now be prevented from displaying notifications. You can also turn off the sound for notifications of specific programs. This is relevant, for example, when there is a conversation in Skype chat that does not concern you personally. Messages are pouring in one after another, which frankly interferes and even annoys. With this option, you can turn off the sound for Skype, while messages from Facebook or VKontakte will go with sound.

Improved update system. Android 7.0 Nougat introduced the ability to automatically download and install updates from Chrome OS devices. The smartphone or tablet automatically downloads the update in the background and installs it on the next reboot, without bothering the user with messages that it's time to install a software update.

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Advanced Doze Technology. The developers have improved the Doze energy saving technology, familiar from the Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system. In Android version 7.0 Nougat, she learned to recognize whether the smartphone lies on any surface for an extended period of time or, for example, is in the pocket of a walking person. In the first case, more stringent restrictions on data transfer and background processes are introduced, since it is assumed that a person is sleeping and is unlikely to use a smartphone in the near future.

Unicode 9 support and new emoticons. Android 7.0 Nougat is the first operating system to support Unicode 9, which will, among other things, support 72 new emoticons.

"Clear" button in the list of running applications. The list of recently launched applications received a "Clear" button, which allows you to erase all cards with one touch. (There is such a button in many branded launchers for Android - for example, in Samsung's TouchWiz.) Those applications that the user has not accessed for a long time disappear from the list automatically.

Support for non-installable applications (Instant Apps). When you get to a particular site (for example, an online store), the smartphone browser opens not the mobile version of this site itself, but its application, which is much more convenient. The application is not installed in memory. After the user completes all their business related to the site, the application closes.

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Virtual reality platform. Daydream includes a special version of the Google Play Store catalog with VR content (including versions of View, YouTube, Play Movies and Google Photos), as well as a corresponding mode on smartphones. Google will certify the latter for compatibility with Daydream, since a fairly powerful hardware platform is required to work properly with VR content. The first Daydream compatible smartphone is Samsung, HTC, Huawei, Xiaomi, LG, ZTE, Asus and Alcatel.

Multi-window and picture-in-picture mode. In multi-window mode, two applications can be displayed on the screen of a mobile device. If you hold the smartphone horizontally, then they will be next to each other, if vertically, then above each other. As for the picture-in-picture mode, it is mainly intended for TVs running Android TV and players like . In it, the user can, for example, surf the Internet through a browser, while the movie will be shown in a small window in the corner of the screen.

Grouping notifications. In Android 7.0 Nougat, notifications can be grouped by a specific application, that is, notifications from mail will go in the curtain first, then, for example, from WhatsApp, then from VKontakte, etc. This allows you to organize notifications and provide a faster user familiarization with the topic. that they managed to send him.

Ability to quickly respond to notifications from the curtain. Android 7.0 Nougat added the ability to quickly respond to notifications from the curtain, that is, without opening the application. This is really convenient, especially on inexpensive devices that take a couple of seconds to launch an application.

Fast switching between active applications. Between them in Android 7.0 Nougat, you can switch without touching the screen - by double-clicking on the button of running applications.

More switches in the curtain. There are now more switches in the curtain, and they can be interchanged and new ones added, which allows you to more flexibly customize the device for yourself.

Night mode. It paints the interface elements of Android 7.0 Nougat in shades that are less irritating to the eyes, which is important when working with a smartphone in the dark.

Improved File Manager. Many are not at all aware that the latest versions of Android have a file manager, and it is there. In Android 7.0 Nougat, it has been improved again - in particular, it now offers a wider range of options for working with files.

Screen calibration option. A calibration option has appeared in the display settings, which allows you to adjust the image in accordance with the ideas of a particular user about beauty. Many Android smartphones have had such options for a long time, it's just that in Android 7.0 Nougat this feature has become standard and, as a result, it will now be found in smartphones much more often.

Option to save traffic. The Data Saver function is designed to save traffic by applications - both running in the background and deployed. Savings are achieved, for example, by reducing the quality of images in the browser, reducing the resolution of the video being watched, etc.

Ability to add data about the user's body. The user can enter their blood type, allergy details, phone numbers of relatives - and all this can be displayed on the lock screen. So that in case of emergency, emergency services get access to this information as quickly as possible.

It is worth emphasizing that all of the above options may not be present in every smartphone or tablet with Android 7.0 Nougat. Knowing the love of individual manufacturers (HTC, LG, Samsung, not to mention Meizu and Xiaomi) for their own branded launchers, it can be assumed that when creating firmware based on Nougat, certain basic options of this OS version can simply be cut out.

And further. Google is already working on the first update for Android 7.0 Nougat - perhaps it will be called 7.0.1, or maybe something else. It is expected that this update will appear without a button to call the application menu, a service and new icons for virtual keys.

This is what the new virtual buttons supposedly will look like

New launcher with a modified search bar and no application menu key

The release of the update is supposedly scheduled for October 2016. Then, perhaps, two new Nexus smartphones developed by HTC - and Sailfish will be revealed to the world.

The Android OS regularly improves not only the functionality, but also the appearance, which we see in the new version of Android Oreo. The color scheme of the interface, the design and layout of the buttons affect the usability, as well as the ease of access to the necessary information and the settings menu. How Android 8.0 Oreo has succeeded in this, we will find out by comparing it with the previous version - 7 Nougat.

In this article, we will pay attention to the visual differences between Android 8 and 7, without touching on the deep architectural changes in the new version of the operating system.


Visually, the home screen remains the same. The changes affected application shortcuts. For example, if by mail, to a social network, etc. When a message arrives, a notification sticker will appear on the icon. Long pressing the icon will bring up a window for the answer. It also provides for the addition of widgets that expand the number of actions. Activation of stickers and widgets is done separately for each application in the settings. It is also worth noting that notifications are still displayed in the status bar.

Android 8.0 introduced the Responsive Icons feature, which allows you to choose the overall design of icons in a single harmonious style: round, square, oval, etc. At the same time, icons of several styles are required to be added by application developers. And given that some programs have not been updated for 2-3 years, universal standardization will stretch for several years.


The Google Assistant window also remained without visual changes. True, requests are now accepted not only by voice, but also typed on the keyboard. The Google lens function is also built in, which will allow you to use the camera. For the captured text, an automatic offer to make a translation will appear, and a picture with a poster of a music artist will allow you to find and buy a ticket. In addition, communication with the assistant is implemented, but so far in English.

Picture in Picture

Android 8.0 Oreo brings full Picture-in-Picture support similar to Android TV. A similar implementation is also available in the YouTube client, where the video is minimized into a compact window, which allows you to search and not stop watching.

In Android 8.0, application developers will also receive the integration of a similar function. With setting the preferred aspect ratio of the window and controls. Later, the change will affect not only the video player, but also programs similar to Google Allo.

Quick Access Toolbar

Compared to Android 7.0 Nougat, the Quick Access Toolbar has undergone significant changes. In addition to switching to a black and white color scheme, the structure and position of the buttons has changed. Compact mode now displays quick access/activation buttons for the most important interface elements, and below the notification chain.

In expanded mode, the brightness slider is displayed first. Next are the shortcut buttons. If there are more than nine labels, then another page appears. A panel with icons for system settings and editing shortcut buttons, date and user avatar are displayed at the bottom of the panel.

Also, the UI Tuner utility that edits shortcuts in Android 8 allows you to adjust the position of the navigation bar buttons at the bottom of the screen. Among the available actions: change the distance, move closer to the left or right side, add additional buttons.


Android Oreo has two features for handling incoming messages. "Delayed viewing of notifications" will allow you not to close the incoming message when there is no time to view it, but to postpone it for review after 15 minutes, half an hour or an hour.

Alert channels will group each app's notifications into categories. In Android 8.0, you can control the priority and visibility of each type of notification sent by a specific application. The days, time and priority of alerts are set. This will allow you not to be distracted at work or driving a car.

Application menu

In the application menu, the visual differences between Android 7 and 8 are almost invisible. If you do not take into account the background color, then this section has remained unchanged. Is that the design of some icons has changed.


Installation from unknown sources

In addition to the standard methods of allowing you to install an app from a third-party source, Android 8.0 Oreo will add app install permission. For this purpose, you need to mark the appropriate application through which you plan to download and install the program, for example, Gmail or Google Drive. Otherwise, the utility will not install.


In the "drive" section, a graph has appeared that displays in% the amount of occupied memory. Also a button to free up space.


The differences between Android 7 and 8 are noticeable in the "Battery" section, which has changed a lot. There was information about the time since the last battery charge and the general activity of the screen. There are also parameters for adjusting adaptive brightness and the time for automatically turning off the screen. The statistics of battery consumption has also expanded. Now more detailed information is provided on what energy was spent on: scanning the cellular network, screen activity, etc.

Thanks to the new task scheduler, background tasks are severely restricted, which improves energy saving efficiency and reduces standby consumption. At the same time, advanced users are allowed to disable the restrictions of some applications.

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